Vijayapura 04 Jamiya Masjid Jumma Masjid Jama Mosque ಜಾಮಿಯಾ ಮಸ್ಜಿದ್ Bijapur Karnataka tourism

Vijayapura 04 Jamiya Masjid Jumma Masjid Jama Mosque ಜಾಮಿಯಾ ಮಸ್ಜಿದ್ Bijapur Karnataka tourism

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now we are in front of Jamiya masjid with us is guide Ramesh chauhan with him come let us see this is the actual entrance which used to be open now due to corona it has been closed hence we will be going from here this place was for the people to sit Me: why would they sit here? when they do Namaz or Aazan, Allah Hu Akbar at that time for the gathering is this place Me: they have made this as the shoe stand now in 1686 Seign of Bijapur by Aurangzeb this dwara was buit by him that is known as the Pathiya gate or victory gate Me; why victory? on whom was the victory? guide:Aurangzeb won Bijapura city in 1686 when they won everything was there, fort was there armoury was there they built the mosque but for some memory they have to build something for that they built just the gate this gate was built in 1686 1686 Pathiya gate the arch next to it is the Musafir kahana Musafirkahana means guest house the travellers were provided accommodation here in Urdu it is Musafirkhana Me: is it open now? guide: in between yes at 1 pm after the namaz beings and when they do Aazan this is where they do the Wazu(islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body)- the place where they clean their hands before prayer here people wash their hands and legs after they say Allah hu Akbar between namaz and this there is 15 minutes difference within that 15 minutes difference they will come here they clean their hand and legs and maintain cleanliness Me: will the water always be here? guide: yes it is river water ME: ok it is river water guide: the water from Begaumpur lake also used to come here but now lake has dried up it has been designed such that the Begaumpur lake water also used to come here Wazu Khana Wazu Khana is the place where they wash there hands here is the board Tarakh khana Tarakh khana means toilet Hammam Khana means bathroom these all are persian words Wazu Khana Tarakha khana, Hammam Khana in those days this was there for doing the Aazan from this spot Aazan was called they say Allah Hu Akbar, that is how Aazan is done this has been done new, inside the ancient stone is still there Me; ok olden is still there inside do they still call the Aazan from here guide: now they do it from inside, in those days there were no speakers back then when done from inside the sound would not be heard anywhere from here if they do it would be heard to the whole village in all directions this is the open place then there were no light, so speaker if they were to sit inside then only there the sound would be heard if they call from here i would be heard to all the nearby homes around here then they would come in for namaz notice the stone chain over there in between this arch in the centre of all arches are this design of fire torch that is Adil shah' dynasty Emblem symbol of adil shah dynasty notice the two flowers on this side it is round like a flower below you can see the trunk of the elephant elephant trunk is held up in welcome this is Indo islamic style Me: all these are made of stones is it? guide: brackets these all are brackets, this is a single bracket Me: this is like a elephant trunk guide: the load of the roof comes on it that is made of stone and fixed into the wall here they have used the canti level system Me: ok this is the canti level beam similarly in equal intervals they have been placed the roof which has been made leaning out side in between there is no beam column the trunk which is visible that acts like the column there that is the beam that connects to the pillar below on the elephants trunk the roof is supported ME: since the roof is so much to the outer side, they have done this support system Guide: yes see the trend, one stone is long the one below it, its length is a little lesser the one below it is smaller than that and so on this way the weight is equally distributed since it is in descending order part of the stone is inside the wall there after the stone above is long the one below it is little smaller in the third line it is smaller in the forth column it is places way inside the wall this is place in the order of trunk to wall, wall to trunk trunk to wall, wall to trunk, wall takes the final weight that weight comes on to the pillar and to the ground right under the big trunk support is the pillar so the weight from that pillar will come on this pillar indo islamic indo sarsanic there are two types of structures all across Bijapura, that is indo islamic or indo sarsanic Me: was this painting done back in those days? Guide: no this was done by the department originally it was not so i will show you how it looked originally this is Jamiya Masjid this mosque was built by Ali Adil Shah 1st this was built in 1540-1565 it took 25 years to construction length of this place 450 feet width is 225 feet totally here are 54 arches these kind of small domes are inside, they are 59 in total middle height is 110 the significance of this dome is it is built differently as if half sliced how they have built it is, if you cut a lemon or apple into half that kind of a half or semi circle design it is perfect arch now a days for houses we used iron grills for windows notice the stone grills here 33 windows are there with 33 different designs of stone grills Me: all are different guide: yes 33 are there and all 33 are different now tiles are used at home they used to use tiles back then these tiles are from Iran now a days tiles are used in kitchen and bathroom that is Italian style in ancient times, for one individual there was one sheet per person Me: it was done then itself? guide: yes these are of ancient times in those days inside the whole mosque 2250 people could pray since they were tall and wide now in the same space 5 to 6 thousand people can pray because people has become lesser in height now and they have become thin as well this is south Indias largest Mosque previously in one line 72 people now in one line 210 people Me; on now it has changed so much guide: i will show you an example come here you come in the front in those days this is how one had to stand to do the Namaz our shoulders should touch in those days they were so broad now when i bow down my head will come to this point their heads used to come to this point that means their height was that much more when Namaz is to be prayed this is how they are to supposed to stand compulsory ones shoulders has to touch the other person this way they have to stand for namaz notice how much space is left here in todays times, in one sheet two people can stand those days one is equal to this days two Quran is one it has 30 parts one part has 11 pages Qurans first part the main important points in it is depicted using the carvings here all is made of stone they have carved it out of stone on it they have coated it with gold Me: was this done then itself? guide: this was done then it self , this carving was done during the time of Ali Adil shah the gold coating was done by the second Sultan Mohammed ali Adil shah the one who built the gol gumbaz he got the gold painting done first only the carvings were got done painting was not done, painting was got done by Sultan Mohammed ali Adil shah the word written on this side is Allah on that side is Mohammed Allaha and Mohammed previously people were permitted to go near it, they used to touch it and hence it has become black now from here we have to see the outer part of the arch if you notice in those rounds gods one name in each round or circle in islam for god there are 99 names those 99 names they have written here in one round one name of the god this is the timetable for doing Namaz this one Fajr ki Namaz at 6 am Dhuhr ki namaz at 3:45pm Asr Ki namaz 4:45pm Maghrib ki namaz at 5:58 Isha'a ki Namaz 8pm special first friday namaz opposite to it 643 12:18 5:53 5;15 5:54 at these times namaz should not be done on one side is the time for doing the namaz on the other side is the time when namaz is not to be done sunset, sunrise middle day, sunset under neath it is 21-4-1442 the arab calendar Rabi al-awwal islamic dates under neat is todays date next namaz is Zuhr at 1:45 Monday timetable they have displayed, Zuhr 1:45 below they have written 1:30, that is for Aazan of Calling Allah hu Akbar so for people to come they have 15 minutes time at 1:45 they start and till 2 pm Namaz will go on one namaz lasts for 15 minutes the person who built this building is Malik Yakub Me; who was he? guide: engineer this building was built by him Gumbaz was built by Malik Sandal, the one who built this is Malik Yakub Me: the artists were from here or from another place? Guide:Malik Yakub gave the order and got this done Me: which country do they belong to ? Adil shah was from Iran in between Iran and Iraq there is a small city by name Qustuntunia they are originally from Qustuntunia they got the engineer from their country of origin the labour was from the local place of Bijapur but engineer was theirs Me: there after did he stay here? guide: yes he stayed here, his tomb is also present here even the last person standing for namaz should be visible to the religious leader standing here that is how this has been built which ever corner we go to from the centre it should be visible i will show you and example that is how they have built it none of the pillars will block the view all people are made to stand on the sheet like this once this line is filled then the second line then the third line has to fill here people cannot come and stand as and how they want to one has to stand next to the other, and then the next person next to him after one line fills, then the next, then the third this way it continues and that is the end at that corner it ends or if they start from that side then this side will be the end that corner or this corner the religious leader will clearly be able to see the last person as well out of the 54 arches none of it will block his view this the speciality of this place come and stand here and see clearly we can see from here too see till there we can see nothing blocks our view that side too is visible from this angle guide: both sides the pillars do not block the view if less people come then till here if lesser people come then till here if lesser than that people come then till here if few people come then till here in a straight line this end has to be visible next to you some one will come no chances of leaving gaps till the end it should be visible you are standing here when you are standing here, i cannot come and stand here we cannot stand as and how we wish to we have to stand one next to the other, one person next to me, then the boys next to him and so on this way a line will be filled here even if the King comes and stands if i come in next then i need to come and stand next to him so here is no discrimination here King is a King inside the Palace in the mosque he is a common man the person at the end should always be visible here it is written Allah and Mohammed these words were written in the 15th century these all are paintings of those days they have given gaps in the painting since the wording painted there are original painting of ancient years here they have written Allaha and there they have written Mohammed those are herbal natural paints Me: was this the actual entrance? guide: it is here,, this is the door, due to corona it has been locked generally when they build a dome generally they use bricks those bricks over there it is kept in the sun so that its shape will be retained the weight will decrease in most places they use bricks for building domes it will be light weight as well as the shape will come out properly these are small bricks one more is the Mangalore tiles it will be longer and less thicker from here Mosque is visible from two angles clearly it is visible from here Me: the light post blocks the view the upper portion of the mosque is in its originally colour, the lower portion was later painted by the department in the original design on both the sides there were only two arches thereafter the later King extended it with 5 more arches, notice the colour difference so they extended it later only two arches where there, later these 1,2,3,4,5 and on the other side also the grandson of Adil shah got it extended total 10 arches were there later 5 each was added to it they added it later, this is the gate built in 1686 this is the Aurangzeb gate this is not built with bricks but with stones yes these are built with stones this gate was built for the win over Bijapura royalty by Aurangzeb then in memory of his victory this gate was built the name of this gate is Pathiya gate or victory gate this was built in 1686 it has been carved on the stone this is the Musafir khana it is the guest house it is locked now but generally people come and reside here yes people come and stay here, now since no one is there it is locked yes for islamic tourists Me: we came from here isnt it? these here are the pilgrims they will make this there residence for few days they will stay here for a few days and then proceed ahead in pilgrimage in all mosques there will be such guest houses Me: they keep going from place to place is it? Guide:they keep travelling they may have come here to see the place or for any other purpose, here they have a place to stay they are the musafir or pilgrim or tourist in other mosques also there are such guest houses in the other mosque also there is a guest house every where they will be a guest house they are the pilgrims Me: are they for people from our country or also for other country guide: in those days royal members from other countries also used to come, now only Indians come Salaam walikum where have you come from Bangalore they have come from Banglaore

2021-02-14 11:35

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