Vienna Rain Walk in 4K HDR

Vienna Rain Walk in 4K HDR

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hello from rainy Vienna :) Date: November 2023 Air Quality Index (AQI): 25 (Good) Air temperature: 8° C / 46° F Humidity: 85 % It's been a while since I recorded a rain video in Vienna. Autumn is here, it's getting colder and wetter. But it's also slowly becoming more festive. Here and there you can already see the first Christmas lights installed and people are already working hard to set up the Christmas markets. I hope this video can convey the autumn impressions from Vienna to your home. For more information in the video, keep the subtitles on. :)

If you like the video, please give a thumbs up. Thanks! You now also have the opportunity to say thank you with Super Thanks! Drop your comments, questions and feedback in the comment section. We are currently in Wollzeile. The Wollzeile is one of the oldest and most traditional shopping streets.

There are many traditional smaller retailers here and not just the big chains. Wollzeile is named after the wool weavers and wool traders who settled there (mentioned at the time in 1158) As a passionate tea drinker, I often buy my tea at Wollzeile. The tea shop, which dates back to 1870, offers a wide selection of international teas. Lugeck The Lugeck is a small & beautiful square. The line of sight to the Hoher Markt is provided by the Lichtensteg.

Rotenturmstraße Rotenturmstraße was redesigned in 2019. As a meeting area with new trees and many benches, it offers pedestrians more space. The connection between Stephansplatz and Schwedenplatz/Morzinplatz is one of the most popular shopping streets in downtown Vienna. On peak days there are over 60,000 people here. Rabensteig Seitenstettengasse The City Temple, the main synagogue of Vienna, is located in Seitenstettengasse. Judengasse On the evening of November 2nd, 2020, Vienna's city center was the target of a terrorist attack. Four people died and 17 were injured, some seriously. The perpetrator with ties to the Islamic State, fired indiscriminately at passers-by with an assault rifle.

He was shot by the police. Hoher Markt (Anker Uhr) The anchor clock was built between 1911 and 1914. Over the course of twelve hours, twelve characters or pairs of characters from Vienna's history walk across the bridge. Rotenturmstraße Stephansplatz, St. Stephan Cathedral

Stephansplatz is both the urban and geographical center of the Austrian capital. Within the first district and at the same time the historic city center, the square is located off-center to the north and east. St. Stephen's Cathedral on Stephansplatz in Vienna has been a cathedral church since 1365. The Roman Catholic cathedral is considered Vienna's landmark and is sometimes referred to as the Austrian national shrine. Graben The Graben is one of the most famous squares in the center of Vienna's city center, the 1st district. Der Graben (The ditch) was actually a ditch in the time of Vindobona. The city wall to the Roman camp ran along the right side and Naglergasse. Kohlmarkt Kohlmarkt is a shopping street in Vienna's 1st district. It stretches from Michaelerplatz to Graben and is considered Vienna's luxury mile due to its high density of jewelers and branches of international fashion labels.

Michaelerplatz Michaelerplatz in Vienna is a baroque star square in the center of the city that was designed around 1725 but was only realized at the end of the 19th century. Habsburgergasse Stallburgergase Dorotheergasse Kärntner Straße Along with Graben, Kärntner Straße is one of the most famous streets in Vienna's city center. It begins at Karlsplatz and leads past the Vienna State Opera straight to the center of Vienna. The Kärntnerstraße Vienna has existed since Roman times. It was first mentioned in a document in 1257 as “Strata Carinthianorum” and connected the city center with the Carinthian Gate of the city wall (near today's opera house) Its extension was an important connection to port cities such as Venice and Trieste at the time. My final destination on the walk is Karlsplatz, or Resselpark, and the beautiful Karlskirche Created by the regulation and plating of the Vienna River between 1894 and 1900, it was named after Emperor Karl VI. in 1899.

During the plague epidemic of 1713/14, he made a vow to have a church built, the Karlskirche, which was built between 1716 and 1737. The Karlskirche is one of the most important sacred buildings in Central Europe and a Viennese landmark.

2023-11-14 07:29

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