Viaggio in Tartaria - Touring Tartaria UAP - SOTTOTITOLI IN ITALIANO

Viaggio in Tartaria - Touring Tartaria  UAP - SOTTOTITOLI IN ITALIANO

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The methodology. With which. I, am pursuing, these. History mysteries. Just briefly and. What i'm doing is i'm looking at. The actual, photographs, versus the. Narrative. Which we've all learned which is a combination, of photographs, and drawings, okay. As. Far as visual evidence goes. Um. As far as depictions. Go, and, so. What i take of particular, interests, is. The. Aberrations, between the drawings and the photographs, for. Example. In the case of civil war battles you look at the, drawings. And they often depict. Active, battles with. With uh crowds, of men at close quarters. Fighting. Uh voraciously. Okay and, in the actual photographs, you find staged. Um. Small groups of men. Usually it seems like a backdrop. Uh. Posing. In a calm and serene. Spartan, environment. Where, the boredom, in their eyes speaks volumes. Um. So. In this case of the notre dame. Uh, well before i get to that. What i look for then, of particular, interest is, then, i'm. Suspicious, of the things that are found only in the drawings and not in the photographs. And i'm less suspicious, of the things that are in that both, the official narrative, and, the photographs, especially. Photographs, that aren't coming, from. Above. The authorities, from textbooks, from. Wikipedia. And so forth, i like to. Examine, photographs. That. Turn up at. Auction appraisals, and things like that where. The. The man, as it were didn't have a chance. And didn't have a crack at it to see if it. Went against, their official. Narratives, and oftentimes, those. Can complete. The. The tail or the mystery, whatever. Um. We're trying to figure out. Um, or at least. Put more steps or on the, ladder towards the truth. So, we are, actually those would be rungs on the ladder towards truth. But we are taking steps towards figuring out what went on, at notre dame now. In my previous video, i did have a. Uh. Animation. Which. Is. Impressive. But it's of the. Cologne, cathedral. And the timber in the cologne cathedral. Um, doesn't exactly represent, the notre dame, cathedral. Because apparently notre dame has two sets of. Timber. And, the pictures. Are shown here. You can see.

These Beams are very large the trees. Very old. So, um. I think it's of particular interest to pay attention to the. The um. Actual photographic, evidence of what, the temper is so that. We can understand. Better what happened. I'm not saying that the amount of fire that we saw. Is equal to. The amount of fuel. Present here. However. Um. You know it it better represents. What it really is, than my animation, so. Just wanted to take care of that little piece of business, also i did have some. Input, from, people who know about these things a little bit more, they said the old timber can burn very very, hot and fast. So that's worth noting as well, now the lack of response. And the predictive. Nature, of the. Event. Plus all of the other church burnings that are. Happening, all, all over the earth. Are still of, major concern. As are the. Things in the sky, at the time of the. Event, which. Is of, interest, as well um. Could just be a glitch in the camera, but there was a. Black. Shape that appeared in the sky right when the fire started. For a few minutes and just, appears and then disappears, who knows what it is i don't know. Could be a bird that just happened to fly in the same exact spot every time the camera. Took a picture for the. You know one picture per minute, framing, or whatever it was. Um. Also there were, pictures from other angles that show the same thing. That people took you know taking a picture of the cathedral, and then in that moment that black thing is up in the sky whatever it is. It seems like something that was cloaked that had to uncloak. Just when the fire started and then it re-clipped. That's what it seems like i know it sounds i know how it sounds i know but that's what it looked like. And evidence is before your eyes now. Um. So okay, so i wanted to talk also, then about these. Books i've been reading. There are um. There's one. Uh, i've been reading which is about, ohio. And it's one of the first. Histories, of ohio. It's um. Something i've you know i've just. Read, maybe. A quarter of it historical, collections of ohio by henry howe. And. There's a lot of interesting stuff. But the highlights. Are what i will share with you. And. It goes in alphabetical, order by, county. And so. I'm just going to. Show you what i gleaned off of a few. Counties, just a minimum, of information. Oh but before i do one more thing about notre, dame, is. There's a. Thing about this, news having come out on google, ahead, of the fires. But i think that's just a glitch i don't think. Um, those stories were. Actually put out uh before i think their. Uh pages they get updated. So you know if they have a story a day before, and then. On that page they update it with the newer news story but they don't. Uh create a new page. That's. That's how that little glitch can happen. Like in this. Um. Uh the times of israel. It said fi i took this screenshot. Friday april 19th. And it said five days ago. Which would have been, april, the 13th. So. Even if you say well the time difference in the day. Well that's still, a whole day ahead of the actual fire was. Monday april the 15th. Which google shows. So prominently, when you type in notre dame fire this. Big, huge. Box. Banner, comes up that says, that the fire began on monday april 15th. So that in itself is suspicious, however the. The one thing i found, times, of israel. Catastrophic, fire engulfs notre dame cathedral and paris brief inspire collapse. London stands in star with paris. Um. So it looks bad but when you click on it. And i didn't take a screenshot, of that. But it looks like it's, on, april the 13th but that's just the page that's just the story when you actually click on it, you can see that there was a story. About something else on april 13th. And then there's an update at the bottom. It's a different story. About the fire on the 15th, so. It's not like the times of israel was reporting, the. Fire before it happened that's not at all what, what the evidence, shows. Okay. Um. So that's, that. Um. Oh well okay so here's a screenshot.

Of Another one where i just took a screenshot. Of something. And. It was. The story. But, the. The top part of it where it says sarah dean, cnn, updated. Saturday april 13th, that's for a story that's above, that's off the frame. Okay, so you have to be careful about that kind of stuff as well because. By all appearances, it looks like oh my gosh cnn, reported, happening now. That the cathedral. You know. Burning. Happened but. That's not, that's not really the case. So just bears some investigation, now if somebody has evidence. Better evidence, of um. This. Reporting, ahead of the time. I'd like to see it and the reason is when the fire first happened i did a search myself, and i didn't find anything. Except how they were removing the statues. I did find that you know. Um. Okay so. In this story about uh. The, ohio. Uh i just went through i'll just present a couple of counties here i went through more than that but. Um it's pretty much kind of the same thing there's just a lot of evidence. Um. Interesting things that i find. So this guy, traveled all through ohio. Um. First, in. The mid-1800s. And then again, in the late. Is no 1800s. From, before. The exact year he wrote it. Um i'll put up on the screen i'll find out later but it's later in the 1800s. And, so, uh he took a lot of time to write the book you know before he published it. So uh anyway. Anything, about. These years. Of like 1820. You know the early early times there's no written history about it, uh this is the oldest history i could find of the, ohio, region, ohio valley they call it. So. They have censuses, taken. And there's data, about the populations. And so. I find it interesting. Um. There are so many mentions, of 1812. It's incredible, and as far as i know. Um, you know the war of 1812, did reach. Into lake erie and different areas so there was some. Action as far as all that goes which is. Kind of boggles the mind you know england fighting. The colonies. And it can be determined by just a couple people with boats on lake erie, and that kind of stuff is just amazing. But um. The early histories. Uh. They talk about. Um. The first, the first, uh european. People born. Are. In like 1820. So this is uh. Indicative, of the fact that, it seems like nobody was really around in 1812. I mean. Every, everybody, there are a lot of people. In the mentions of 1812, it's usually. With death, and. Moving, like, families were either dying or moving, in 1812.. Almost no matter where you look. But. So they have these official, histories which are from the narratives. They come from like the the town, fathers, or the founding. The founders, you know the people who found the town and they. All have like similar stories about it, but they don't add up. So in the case of um. It looks like lima but i it's lima, ohio. Um. They're talking the. Guy who inherited, the position, of controlling. You know lima ohio. President, of the board of trade, the enterprise, and dash of our people is inherited. It came to us from our fathers who are dead and gone we are reaping the benefits, of their labors and sacrifices, we have a magnificent.

The, Agricultural. Country, find railroad, facilities. But if you go back and you look, um. They have. They talk about spending, hundreds of thousands of dollars. And writing checks to skilled laborers. Who build all this stuff but the actual population. At the time these things were built. Is very low. Um you know, maybe a few thousand people in the, area. Maybe as many as 10 000 people. That's about as high as anything. That you see here. And. We'll continue, on here. So, what did these people build well. Yeah, you look back. They have an opera house. And. Okay. They're talking about. Uh. Two hundred thousand dollars to build this. Three hundred thousand dollars to build that. Um. Pipeline. Investment, of two million dollars. Uh, you know. All for what, all for what. You know to have these people here and they build these buildings. And what's the revenue they get we go on the we go the handsomest, little opera house in the west, for a nickel we can ride two miles on a splendidly, equipped electrical, street railroad. For light we can use electricity. Or gas. The very perfection of their kind for thirst and cleanliness, a system of waterworks. Which has been provided. Although it broke our hearts and exhausted, our purses to build them more, and compensate, for all they cost. Well. Okay, so what did the at the people who actually live in that time what did they experience. Well they they had to spend. Every penny that they had to have clean water. Now does it make sense that, before. They had the clean water. They had, built, opera houses, and electrical, street. Cars, and lines. I mean look at the business plan of that you're going to build. You're going to. Create an entirely, separate railroad, which is electrical. It's a street and a railroad. You build all that up. And you're charging, people, a nickel, to ride two miles. How does that, work out financially. Doesn't make sense to me. Uh in other places they say. Um, they use quinine. To, because it was a swamp, and there were mosquitoes. And even the dogs, suffered. Intensely. From fever, and. Uh. So, they have these stories, and the stories, seem. Comical, after a while about the the early early settlers, the pioneers, they built the first log cabin. And, they, they have these. Hardships, that are just. Unreal. And. They live in these log cabins.

And Then. They, are scraping, by, selling. Beaver skins, for pennies, they're selling. They shave bark off trees and they cure it. And sell it to people who burn the bark. You know, they they, they meet people. Twice a year on the river to sell. The the bundles, of the shaven, cured, bark. You know i've been reading all this other stuff. And so these people. Okay. They're an inhospitable. Forest. With, zillions of mosquitoes. And everyone's, sick even the dogs are sick. They built, a huge and ungainly, structure. Uh. In, like what the 1820s. Which they then tore down. To build in 1880. A church at an expense of over a hundred thousand dollars. In its place. It just doesn't really, make sense, a lot of the people. You know they worked on the canals. You know. The erie canals, which. They talk about digging them out, but the thing is they were just, backfilled, in they they were already there they just had to clear them out. And they used them for a while then they abandoned them they were abandoned. Why wouldn't they keep using them it would make sense to keep using them. Because when you build a canal you also have to build a zillion bridges. And it's just doesn't make sense to do all that and then just abandon, it. Um. The mentions of the indians, are. Sometimes. Believable, and sometimes less believable. But the. No the year of 1812. Just comes up again and again. Um and they talk about. Different. Battles sometimes, different stories. Uh recounting, the same battle or same incidents. Uh, vary quite a bit. So the information, is all, quite sketchy, already, in, the late 1800s, when you're talking about the early 1800s. Which is what we found elsewhere. Now i thought it was interesting here that they had the. Long ago. They had additional reason for conflicting, testimony, vis-a-vis, the rarity of the perfect accuracy, of observation, and strength of memory combined with the faculty of clearness, and statement. There was a fragment. Or chip, of a tree this is interesting too. At one time in the possession of the ashtabula. Historical, society which was a curiosity, the tree of which that was a chip, was chopped down and butted off for a saw log. About three feet from the ground some 30 rods, southeast, of, fort hill and kanye. In 1829, by silos, davis. Blah blah blah. Some marks were found upon it near the heart of the tree. And. The judge. With a magnifying, glass counted 350. Annual, rings. In that part of the stump outside, of the marks. Deducting. 350, years prior to. 1829. Leaves the year 1479. Where the marks, when the marks were made. And the marks. Or the cuts that were made, were clearly, made with. A tool, a metal tool of some sort. So this was 13 years before the quote discovery, of america by columbus.

Um. So who could have made. The marks with a saw or an axe of metal. They thought maybe it was done by the, the race of indians, that. That preceded, the native americans. Uh. Of the time. Of which the native americans. Only knew, little bits about, they called them the mound, builders. They said maybe they had use of copper that could have been hardened, so that it could cut like steel. Well i've never seen copper cut like steel personally. So in the spring of 1815, a mound on harbor street and kanye was cut through for a road. One morning succeeding. A heavy rain mr walker who was up very early picked up the jawbone. Together. With an artificial, tooth which lay near. He fitted. The tooth in a cavity. From which it had evidently, fallen. The tooth was metallic, probably silver. Little was thought about the circumstance. Well, it shows they were pretty advanced, people to have artificial, teeth right. Then, um, mr solomon, swetland, of connect. Cross lake oh wait that's different story. Um. It's an interesting story but. Uh the guy. Guy got caught up in lake erie with winds and he had to, he had to. Go in a tiny canoe through big waves all the way to canada, on the other side and work his way back, and he came back, during his own funeral, came back into town. Oh well. Um. So, there were mounds. Situated in the eastern part of the village of kanye an extensive bearing ground. Which appeared to have no connection with the varying places of the indians. Among the human bones found in the mounts were some belonging to men of gigantic. Structure. Some of the skulls were of sufficient. Capacity, to, admit the head of an ordinary, man. And jaw bones that might have been fitted over the face with equal, facility. The other bones were proportionally. Large, the burying ground referred to contained about four acres, with the exception of a slight angle and conformity. With the natural contour of the ground it was in the form of an oblong square. It appeared to have been accurately, surveyed, into lots running from north to south, and exhibited, all the ordering, prop. All the order and propriety. Of arrangement, deemed necessary to constitute, christian, burial. So i found that interesting, and as a side note i find it interesting that christian burial. Calls for certain. Norms. And. Christians, have been around for 2000 years but the, but the burial sites and the gravestones. Don't go back 2000, years not even close. But, that's. That's another story, which i've covered it before and i have found some. Gravestones, that. Get really close to 1812. And that have, dates. Earlier than 1812. But, they seem to also. Oftentimes. Have. Gravestones, that are of exactly, the same stone. Cut. And placement. Of much later. Dates, as well. So. Um. It looks like, like somebody was commemorating. An earlier, ancestor, or something like that. So. Anyway. Yeah there's a lot of interesting stuff here. Um. The guy who traveled around he saw. The, courthouses. Uh, that. Looked the same as he had sketched long ago from his earlier journey see the courthouses, were already there.

But I found it interesting he said the only difference now. Trees had grown in the courthouse, yard, and a porch had been built on the front of the tavern. So the building was, built. There was a tavern. And the doorway, to the tavern was probably elevated. And they probably had like rudimentary, steps going up to the doorway. And then they built a porch and, there were no trees. Around it it seems to me like if you're in a forest, and you're building. A courthouse, you're just going to leave some existing, trees, in place. It's not like they were had heavy equipment, you know that needed to. Maneuver. Probably the area was laid waste, is, what i'm. Guessing. Um. He does mention the cemetery, and what he says is very interesting the village cemetery, is. In a forest half a mile from the center in a beautiful spot. Rustic, bridges. Across, a ravine there. And, it's again, as a side note it's very interesting how many times he says how something looks old. And this is like. You know half. You know, four or five decades, from when the area is settled, that he's talking about. I penciled some of the fancifully, trimmed. Evergreens. Such a handsome tasteful cemetery, as this little village possesses a hundred years ago would have been world, famous. Now, such are scattered, all over our land. Even the first graveyard, on the globe. Laid out, in family lots dates only to, 1796. That in new haven connecticut. And by james hill house, the man. Who planted the elms. The monument, to wade is granted about 12 feet high, that, beginnings, is taller is more ornate. And. One side is occupied by a fine bronze portrait, and. Fastest relief. The inscriptions, are. Benjamin, f wade october, 27, 1800, march, 2nd, 1878.. So here he's talking about one of the oldest, cemeteries. Um. He believes the cemetery. Had this, i mean that the village had this cemetery. Um. You know one of the. One of the early cemeteries, you know he said if it were 100 years ago it would have been the most. Beautiful, in the world. Which i just find that, very very interesting. Um, that the oldest in the world dates to only 1796. And that it's in new haven connecticut, and not in like old. England or something like that. Um, just and then it's. Somebody born in 1800, but. It's uh. 1878. You know that's not that old. That's what i find you. Know. Very interesting. In 1872, this district about the river, and harbor contained less than 200 inhabitants. Two or three struggling, stores. One or two old decaying, warehouses, relics of former. Industry. Okay so this is the same town he's talking about it has these big metal bridges. Built with. 2400. Tons of iron, ore, you know or that's what they unloaded. Um. Yeah this village. Uh. Had, buildings, built. That. Surpass, anything we can build today. So here we have um. This map i found it as. Tartaria. And um. Interesting, um. So this is this book, um. Guys travel there. And they talk to the tutorials, and they say. Um. They talk about. Enemies that they fought. That were. Very unusual. Um. Well, they, went, they, their predecessors, couldn't defeat the enemy and then when they went out to face the enemy the enemy gave up because of their own reputation. But they, their reputation, preceded, them but it wasn't backed up with. Much fact perhaps, anyway. Their predecessors, fought against people they said what can you do against, sea monsters, they live in water like fish when you least expect them they appear on the surface and hurl their fire bombs at you.

And When when you boat bend your boat to shoot them they dive down like frogs. So that that was interesting. Uh. Then they talk about the tatarians. You know they have. Terrible event which occasions. Uh. Of the past the younger men never, heard of the blood. Uh. The well the. Bloody, events, that. Or the destruction, of their. Forefathers, that put them into the captivity, of the, chinese. So. They, say a day will come in the blood of their fathers. They were so shamelessly, assassin will be, at length avenged. Is a holy man to lead us to vengeance, he will appear rise. And follow him. March in the face. Of their oppressors, one day, and. Account, of the tartar blood which they shed in the silence and dark secrecy, of their houses. Mongols, celebrate each year this festival most of them sing it merely, as an indifferent, ceremony. But. Um. The there are few among them the older ones that they have memory of the treachery, to which their fathers felt, victims. And they hoped for, just, vengeance. So. That's like really old history because this guy met some old men that told him that and they also told him. About. When they were at their height when they're at their peak. Um. They. Made, movements. That could make the earth bend. And they had, something, with that. Mere look froze with fear of ten thousand people. So. There were mentions of these. Devices. Or these, enchantments. Or whatever it is, that turned people to stone, and their faces, would. Uh, freeze, in the expression, that they had. Of fear. So, that was something, you know that left them, that was an ability that they had that, went away. So. Um. That was in their. Legend their history. And then they talk about the old cities that they covered, that they walked across and saw. Of the tartars, and. The enclosures. Were not the ruins of any sort that you. Might, expect to see but the outlines. Of large and fine towns absorbed, below by gradual accumulations, of wind-borne, soil. So that the arrangements, of the streets and position of the principal edifices, were indicated by the inequalities, of the ground and the only things to found be found there. Were. Shepherds. Smoking their pipes and flocks of goats. And if you inquire. Through the shepherd. As to the. Former civilization. Or when the city was built by whom it was built, when it was abandoned, and why you may as well have been asking his goat. Because he knew, no more about the place that they called, the old town. And such remains of ancient cities, are, frequent. In mongolia. And everywhere. And the currents. Connected with their origin history is buried in darkness. The ruins of greece superb, remains of egypt. All these of this true tell of death all belong, to the past yet, when you gaze upon them, you think you know what they are, you can retrace. In the collective memory you think so, the revolutions, which have occasion the ruins and decay of, of this or that country, around them. If you descend, into the tomb, wherein buried alive, the city of herculaneum. You find there, it is true. A gigantic, skeleton. That you have within you historical, associations. Wherewith, to galvanize, it, but of these old abandoned cities of tartary. Not, a tradition remains, they are tombs without an epitaph, amid solitude, and silence, uninterrupted. Except. When the wandering, tartars halt, for a while within, the ruined enclosures, because there the pastures. Are richer, and more. Abundant. And he speculates, that they could date no earlier than back to the 13th century. But i don't agree. Then there's this nice story about. They've got to be like the good samaritans, somebody was sick they asked him, can you pray for this sick person with your christian, religion, and they did and the woman got better. So that's all from travels, in tartary, tibet and china during. The years 1844. Through 1846.. So that's all for now hope you. Enjoyed. You.

2020-10-11 21:38

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