vanlife daily routines + week in the life

vanlife daily routines + week in the life

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today is a chore day so i made a little snack  for the drive i cut up some of this Chao cheese   it's pretty expensive but it's a good  brand and then i have cucumbers and   hummus and i'm just gonna put  the three together and eat it i just went to the grocery store and got a  bunch of different produce and groceries it   ended up being eighty dollars i want to say but  i also got like sunscreen and uh trash bags and   other like non-food items that i kind of needed  and i also splurged on kombucha so i wanted to   answer this question that i've been getting a lot  recently because i've been traveling with people   and that is how to find community on the road  and i think when i started traveling solo i   honestly had this perception that i would  be traveling the majority of time alone and   that this was going to be a solo journey and i  didn't envision myself having a lot of friends   on the road for some reason i just didn't really  see it happening but now i honestly have started   to develop all of these friends who are also  nomadic and also living you know in their vans   or their school buses or whatever it is and i  think it's honestly just improved my quality of   life because i was traveling for six months alone  like totally solo and didn't really know anybody   and it did get lonely after a while and i think  there's a lot of pros and benefits to traveling   solo but everything needs balance and so it's  nice to have a community to fall back on so i   would say the most obvious way to find community  is van festivals this is something i only recently   started kind of understanding and i just went  to my first one which was van fest this month   but there's also RTR there's descend on bend um  there's schoolypalooza and i'm sure there's more   that i haven't heard of and so that's a great way  to meet different van lifers or people that are   living nomadically also you can just meet  people by doing things that interest you and   getting into that community so for me i've  met people rock climbing i've met people   rock hounding for crystals i've met people  doing animal rights activism and doing some   of these things it can be intimidating at first  to like go to a rock climbing gym totally alone   in a new place or go dig for crystals alone or  to go to an animal rights events alone like i i   distinctly remember having some like fear and  anxiety going my first animal rights event totally   alone but i came out of that experience with  new friends that are still my friends today so   i think that's a really great great way to meet  people and then another way is hot springs and   i kind of the last year to have really gotten into  hot spring culture in a way it's crazy people just   go hot spring hopping and they just travel and go  to hot springs and it's just this like a amazing   opportunity to meet people really because people  go there to socialize and it's all a lot of times   it's travelers or i don't know i just love hot  springs and i've recently really i've met a lot of   good people through hot springs so i think that's  a great way and they have hot springs everywhere   i mean honestly you just have to do a bit of  research and you can definitely find some cool   hot springs where you can meet people and then  um this is a way that i honestly haven't really   gotten into community but i'm traveling with my  friend abby and she's really good at this and   i really look up to her in this way because she  really meets people online so she like follows van   lifers that she looks up to or that she has seen  their videos or she's seen like what they're doing   and she like reaches out to them and she actually  reached out to me because she watched my videos   and was just like hey we should be friends and  now we're traveling together and we are friends   and so i think that's a really good way that i  haven't gotten into honestly because even though   i do live in a van i honestly don't consume too  much van life content i would say i don't really   watch like van life videos so i just haven't  really had the opportunity to reach out to people   i also get a little scared and so i feel  like that all plays a role in in why i like   haven't but i think that's great and honestly  like something i kind of want to get out of   my comfort zone and maybe start doing a little  bit more is like reaching out to people that i   follow online and that same grain of train of  thought is um dating apps and this i actually   did do when i was in san francisco i just turned  on the friend tick or you could do the dating tick   and i just looked for people who like had a rock  climbing picture or something outdoorsy or lived   in a van and i met a couple people who live  in vans through bumble and stuff like that i   think the reason why those last two ways don't  appeal to me as much as because i do generally   like meeting people organically but with that  being said i've met really amazing people like   online and so i think that is also a great way to  meet people so yeah that's kind of the rundown of   how you can meet people and how i've met people  i'm sure there's so many more ways and if you   have any advice on how you've met people feel free  to comment that down below so we can all share our   tips but yeah i honestly think that before you  live nomadically and before you start to travel   or whatever like all of these things feel scary  like what about safety what about meeting people   am i going to be lonely but once you get yeah i  don't know once you get into it it all just kind   of works out and at least that was my experience  and i think manifesting was also a very big part   of my journey and every single day i would kind  of just write like i'm surrounded by people who   love and support me i attract people that are  like-minded and i like really got into detail with   what i wrote about my ideal people that i wanted  to be surrounded with and i think i feel really   happy because looking around at the group i'm  traveling with currently i just feel like they   really are my ideal people and the conversations  we've been having at night have been so   refreshing and beautiful and has just made me feel  like it was all worth it like all the manifesting   and all of the fear and the risks i took in in  my personal life with relationships really paid   off because now i'm starting to attract people  that i really really relate to and value and love   how are you guys feeling so good happy that  that we actually are doing something to   change the world oh i love you you're so cute  maria that was so sweet wow you're so sweet yeah how do you think we can change the world  i think we all can do a little bit you know   like just small efforts i mean like i feel like  eating more plants and just cutting out more meat   is the easiest way that you can have an impact  on the world like it's so easy i love having   friends that they don't they're not vegan but then  i love cooking for them and then be like oh my god   this is delicious i totally could do these yeah  and like incorporating in their life and like   learning about like how messed up things are like  my mom used to be the biggest like you know meat   and potatoes person which was kind of my dad's  input but she called me the other day and she   was like hey abby like you'll be happy here i'm  like eating more plant-based i think i'm gonna   go vegan and i was like what because i've been  like vegan vegetarian i just said plant-based for   like three years now and she was not interested at  all until like now so yeah same with my dad my dad   has always eat meat and like i think in my culture  like in venezuela it's like you eat meat or pork   or whatever all the time and it's like normal and  then we got here and my dad like opened his mind   and understood like what's the cause and what  he's doing and what he's putting his body and   the animals are suffering because of our  decisions and that there's something that we   can do to stop that so he has been vegetarian  for like two years now which like it's insane   because like i never saw my family like making  that decision you know here like now especially   transitioning into veganism i feel like it's so  much easier than like even three years ago when   i went vegan there was like no vegan options now  you have like vegan chicken nuggets you have vegan   sausages like field roast yeah there's nuts excuse  like chocolate and even like if i wasn't vegan   there are things that are vegan that i prefer  over yeah yeah yeah because i feel like it's   just feels cleaner to eat too you don't have  like all the fat and grease and all that too   cook a vegan dinner tonight on our name for us  do it for us yes and let us know in the comments   i'm grateful for for people who question  and to ask for further things to   maybe have uncomfortable conversations with others  for the sake of making the world a better place   not just for us but for all the little creatures  to dance around because without the uncomfortable   conversations we might not ever find it in  ourselves to ask the questions and do our   own research to see what might actually  be better oh that's so blessed last year   what are we doing guys we're signing  kion's birthday card he doesn't know   there's a surprise cake  surprise cake it's the best happy birthday to you what are you doing i'm writing  a letter for kian's work you have been working so hard you made us dinner   that you only deserve to be brought breakfast  to your van oh and coffee's not ready maria just gave me some oatmeal and i'm going to  take these dates that i made and they're just like   little dessert dates and i'm going to cut some  of them up and put them in the oatmeal so it has   dates almond butter and like a homemade fudge i  made and it i just put in the freezer so i'm going   to cut it up and sprinkle it and i'm just gonna  put like maybe two dates in there with the fudge i hope it's not too sweet i hope it's not  too bitter i'm sure it'll be delicious   yeah the transfer that was not  smooth but it works it works for anyone who's still hungry there's  like still granola and milk left over   there there's kind of no oatmeal left  but you could like do granola and milk do something with my hair it looks so  cute i know i like what you're doing i feel like i look like the star wars girl  yeah that's cute too actually it's very pretty   are you ready for going on a hike mm-hmm what  are we doing what hike are we doing do you know   no i didn't remember it's like it's  supposed to lead to a waterfall   wait really oh my gosh i'm so excited it's  a mile you're for it we got a few little you go to trader joe's their dried pineapple  is not the best okay but if you find the dried   pineapple that's starting to brown it is  better than any dried pineapple you'll   get anywhere else but you've got to find the  darker pineapple interesting the light stuff we have some tempeh we have some cucumbers avocado  kale spring mix carrots green onions radish   avocado tomato quinoa and i think that's  all yeah bread yeah what do you put in your   bread we need this recipe yeah it's  literally flour salt baking powder   olive oil in the pan water in the pan which type  of pan do you have um i don't know what it is   where did you go my friend cause  i haven't seen you in a while and then you take this guy off and then   clean that out and then this pulls off and  that's what everything gets pushed through   and then this grinds it all and then that's it  you just wash those four parts and that's it very randomly fits a lot of stuff even though  it's like so much smaller than yours and this seat   turns around like yours just a little sleepy so  like there's that there's kind of some grossness   in there the sink i haven't been using lately  but it's honestly like kind of more convenient to   to just like pour my own water rather than fill  up the water tank and like use the sink and stuff it's a a beverage that has no flavor no sugar  and it just sparkling water next got it oh it's   got flavor um what we're all doing right  now we're all meeting everyone a week ago um type of candy that's really um  yeah at the movie theaters yep got it um what we do when there's a disco ball right  above us yes and we want to work it got it   okay carving it out what is he doing  fire oh my god i can't fight around madonna oh the beast

2021-07-27 04:14

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