Van Life Keeps Getting Worse in Chile

Van Life Keeps Getting Worse in Chile

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is there another way I mean you want to pull right here and ask him I'm gonna pull over there and ask him I mean we're trying to get to what tomb is if you got the minute in accordance [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] not only is time winding down here in Chile time to move on to another country but this is likely the last time this is our farewell to the Pacific Ocean and we're down here as far out as we can get and we're the military base the naval base is right there too to the coast side of us and there's this beautiful Bay in here with all these shrimp trawlers and we're able to park with a nice Bay View so we have that going on it's also an active kind of Shipyard not just for fishing but also for Commerce as well so there's some bigger boats for that it looks like down here at the end those are shrimp trawls so that's likely a big shrimp processing Place facility right there they also have a big boat loading barge loading what have Ukraine there that's probably for picking containers and other big stuff off of the boats so maybe you can see the Hills the house is going up the hills there the van down at the bottom just behind the sailboats and then there is this nice little walkway out here this pier if you will and it kind of goes out here so we can all take a closer look and out there on this giant buoy we have some sea lions so that's pretty awesome I see a couple other ones bouncing around fishing in the bay but uh Bittersweet moment if you will saying goodbye to the Pacific Ocean till we meet in Asia in concerns I just see Inca turns here guys we have not seen those since Peru they are the gray Birds they have like an orange eyeliner and one just Dove down there and hit the bottom so you can see the darker colored birds the white ones are seagulls but those are Inca turns the only time we've ever seen those is in Peru but I'm sure they follow this humbled current just like oh he just picked up something right there he's got something the seagulls trying to chase it down but yeah they follow the humble current like a lot of the sea life does here those are cool so this is really cool so I've been talking about these boats with the long hoses and the divers that go down and get mostly clams and mussels there's a boat out there you can see the yellow hose the bubbles are here are just off the marina so essentially they are right down there probably in about 20 or 30 30 foot of water down there working picking up something off the sea bottom the boat captain is pulling him back right now you see him Towing on the yellow yellow line right there the airline he's been calling for him but obviously he's under the water so you can't hear him but he's pulling and pulling and pulling see what he has here oh the boat's gonna turn on us all right this bag he pulls over the side is gonna be the catch right here it looks like he's got some seaweed on it all right let's see what he's gonna bring up here a lot of kelp he may have been kelping oh there's the prize right there so his line was wrapped all up in the kelp so they've got to get that off and in this bag let's see it is crabs I believe I believe that is a giant bag of crabs wow and he's got a couple buckets full over there see if you can see it's crazy kiss okay this is actually a bit behind a fenced-in area here at this little port with the sea lions they found Refuge up on the floating docks three of them up there just oh four of them I think they have sleep apnea they're all sleeping all of a sudden they just start waking up snorting [Music] laughs [Applause] oh oh they're back foreign laughs oh they have a nice little workout center here maybe I'll get me some push-ups in some bench presses squats I need to do some squats I don't know what these little Contraptions are here maybe you guys do I don't know they have axles I don't know if that's probably just to bring the display here maybe I'm guessing and I can actually share this one's even got a couple trampolines on it oh these are things you ride on to look they'll strap you on there and there and spin you around upside down and all around their little Adventure rides ah so here you got a trampoline and these are probably the safety ropes so when you bounce on the trampoline there you go problem solved above me is another sword up here a high level Pier maybe you can see it up there so you can walk out on that but right under here there's a little concrete slab another sea lines just laying up there in the waves and last but not least down here on this end is the little commercial fishing Fisherman's Market and again they have more boats here with all the yellow lines that go down about 100 feet they have compressors on them and they pull these clams and so if you can see up here they're Gathering them up and soaring through them and then they bag them up and carry them up here to the market to be sold look at that all right a couple things we got here we got some fish here these look like to be I think maybe king mackerel right here and a couple of them still have the bait left in their mouths and up over here is the market and it looks like they have different stalls but here's the crabs the snow had some of those Pinchers if you can remember actually I did too and so it looks like we got some sort of barnacles or conchs down here urchins mussels clams I don't really recognize them hola Moscato that looks like snook there guys or a trout can't really tell and there's some kind of redfish at the chaos foreign and that looks like some kind of grouper they've got a couple different kinds of fish but a lot of clams and oysters and mussels and other things from the sea bottom snow would not like this place it definitely smells of the sea oh freshly steamed all right fresh hot and cooked see that guys that is right out of the steamer right there hey KS malusa that's marlusa wow all right I believe snow got These Guys these military guys oh it's Armada so it's Armada it's the Navy she thinks they were in some kind of seal trading she videoed it I did not see it but in any event they're carrying the wrap back to the barracks or back to wherever it goes either shoulder I think they got a ways to go too they're marching at about 11 30 or 12 o'clock we woke up to somebody knocking in our window now if you missed the last episode we woke up the night before last to somebody trying to smash in our front window to break into the van and so last night made two rights two nights in a row we were woke up from a dead sleep we were exhausted from the day before it was a homeless drunk person gave him some money for him to go away 20 minutes later he was tapping on her window we went 10 minutes down the road to the gas station and lo and behold he showed up there as well and so we just drove around until we found another safe truck stop to stay the night but in order for us to leave this town we need to get the cat paperwork to cross the border so today was the day we planned on doing some editing getting some work done and just relaxing a little bit so this morning we decided we needed to drive out where we could get a good look of the Pacific Ocean I know Kurt's probably talked to you about this a lot already but uh the Pacific Ocean has been pretty important to our journey in a van we started up in Northwest on the Northwest Pacific up in Washington went out to the San Juan Islands came down through Oregon and California crossed into Mexico uh kept coming down the coast through Central America we've seen the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of the Americas from almost every country and as we leave this area today in about 10 minutes actually it'll be a long long time before we see this beautiful Pacific Ocean again ears probably whenever we do get the van to Japan which is not our next destination that's not a spoiler alert that's down the road aways but the cool air that comes off the Pacific the sound of the ocean the sound of the Waves the seagulls all the seabirds all the different fishing cultures the Haystacks The Cliffs the desert from Peru we'll see other oceans and seas and all that stuff but this one's special and it's a little bit sentimental saying goodbye to it but we can't stay here forever so there it is one last look guys it's time to get in the van head to a campsite for the night while we're in this conception area we're staying in 24-hour truck stop areas because of what happened in the last video getting our window smashed while we're in the van the break-in attempt it's just too much so until we get away from the city area we will be looking for 24-hour truck stops so that's where it's time to go a big contrast from this beautiful spot behind us good morning we're still in conception our gas station truck stop campsite last night did the trick nobody banging on any Windows nobody bothering us we got a good early start this morning it is gloomy and rainy and windy it's like 25 mile an hour winds but we are headed to the SAG office sag which is the agriculture Minister office here in Chile pick up our pet papers which means what's that mean Kurt that means we're going to another country and yes it does so cross your fingers the papers are ready we're going to be there at nine o'clock that's when they said they'd be ready let's go great day Snow's working your magic inside the SAG office right now we got a late night text message saying that they needed an address in Argentina which snow kinda went back and forth with the vat and she thought we needed a dress from Chile so anyway all that happened after hours last night so we're a little nervous that we're gonna get the paperwork today today is a Friday based on what happened here in Concepcion the two nights in a row the attempted break-in as well as the homeless person tap tap tap in two nights up and about at midnight driving around looking for a parking spot we are done with Concepcion and ready to get out of here and move on to the next spot time winding down here in Chile bad news guys the papers are not ready it's raining and gross outside I'll tell you more when we get into the van all right here she comes she does not look happy she does not have the folder for paperwork what is it they're not ready um the guy that was working on them last night did not answer she will update us when she knows something so WhatsApp us so what's up us and um feels like we'll get them today when I said do you feel pretty good that it'll be today she's like yeah she said that yesterday so we don't know guys soon we gotta go find a place to park we're double parked we have have found a place to park here in the city we're back at the mall parking lot which in our last video when someone tried to smash our window this is where we were but this time we're parked inside the secure area right underneath the security guard so we feel pretty safe where we're parked and the good news is we just heard from the lady at the agriculture office they will be able to get our papers done today which I am so happy about because it's Friday and if they weren't going to be able to get them done today we would have been in this city until Monday oh but she said at four o'clock I can come pick them up the office normally closes at 2:00 but she said ring the bell she'll come down and let me in and get us our papers so it's going to be an edit day and it is windy and rainy outside so it's probably a good day to do some editing so I just messaged with the lady from the agriculture office and she said everything should be good to go at four o'clock so we packed up our computers and we are headed that way y'all cross your fingers because it's Friday at four if that thing doesn't come through it'll be bad but that is not going to happen because it's been a good day what did we both get done today well we got a video added in each so two videos we'll see that's what she said anyway town and desperately looking for a place to take a shower hey Vanna guess what we got your papers that means you get to go across the border not your papers to eat you little goat all right they were ready waiting on me they stayed late normally they two they were incredibly kind and helpful so thank you to those nice ladies and now we are getting out of conception we got an hour and 40 minutes to where we think there is a place we can camp and take a shower it is four o'clock it's a day we told y'all this morning that it was a rainy day throughout the day while we were editing in the mall parking lot winds got up to 30 miles an hour sustained not gusts trees bending over hitting the ground and the streets are flooded but now thankfully it looks like the wind has died down a little bit and the rain has slowed down which is good because it's time to drive thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and we started noticing more areas where there was forest fires now this is the second time passing through an area chili had some massive forest fires earlier this year and as we're filming it we just turned the dash cam on came through a jackknife pickup truck but still this area appears to be pretty vast and uh yeah scorched Earth okay verdict guys we're desperately needing a shower and this place is supposed to have one what do you think what you based on my posture what do you think there's no showers there's showers oh my God we're gonna have to wear slippers just because people walk in and out here floors are wet and stuff but they're nice and know they get warm I don't know how hot and uh yeah private shower it's good how much free good morning everyone this was our home last night the Shell station with a McDonald's with a McDonald's and they have a little water Filling Station a dump station a little Casa rodente Supply Center if you will so this is where our home was last night our showers they were good showers right yeah the only problem with them they were free showers the only problem with them is I like every minute you had to push the thing but they had really good pressure and they were really hot and they were good so but we gotta get some fuel we gotta get some water and we gotta get on the road so really it is a fairly short drive from the coast over to these Andes Mountains we kind of been headed north and working our way slowly across the country but as we get closer to the mountains we definitely are seeing more fall colors it's really beautiful and it's been raining for a couple days and so that always has an impact it's cloudy and overcast today and it's a bit cool but we're kind of south of wine country can't decide whether we're gonna hit it or not but this is a little indigenous Community right here with a campground with warm pools so that's where we're going right now we'll see if it's open unfortunately as we pulled into the place the gate was closed it was padlocked and I like a lot of stuff that we've been coming across down here in Chile this time of year just closed we don't know if maybe well we had a review there from last month so we don't know but anyway it foiled our plans the problem is there's not anything nearby we need to pause and regroup but we are getting increasingly closer to the border and when stuff doesn't really kind of break our way at this time when it's kind of time to transition from one country to another a lot of times we make big decisions so we're gonna go have some lunch and think on this we'll get back to you guys it's easy or glamorous it has been raining for like four days huh Kurt's gonna be freezing when he gets back in the van here's the aftermath this morning when we left the Shell station where we spent the night the water actually wasn't working so we thought we would just get water at the campsite and then the campsite was closed and we were almost out of water so desperate times call for desperate measures we've got the heater cranking we're getting him dry we're getting him warm starting to feel more and more like Chile is telling us to go back to Argentina isn't it Kurt it's a rainy day that's for sure it doesn't always go smooth out here on the road all right guys we're still trying to figure out what our next move is and honestly it's not easy with all this rain the roads are literally being flooded as the day progresses on and uh yeah we're struggling a little bit this always happens when I driving [Laughter] that is not a reflection on my driving so it just keeps raining harder and harder the roads are getting more and more flooded every campsite We Pass is closed or just not even there anymore we've got a wild camping spot 20 minutes up the road according to google we don't know if we'll be able to get to it but how wet everything is after that there's only one more campsite before we get up into the mountains but you can't do in this weather so the weather is kind of messing things up and it's a nasty day and we've seen a lot of vehicles split off the road we're going really slow [Music] but uh man life is not always easy that is 100 true [Music] if you like this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys know when we put out new videos and don't forget you can always follow us over on Instagram to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-07-15 04:52

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