Van Life Journey [Going to the Highest Point in Panama]

Van Life Journey [Going to the Highest Point in Panama]

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all right first thing in the  morning really really early guys   we are going on a cool adventure that will take us  to the top of a very tall mountain so it will be   cold and you know we store our winter clothes  in the attic so kurt is having to fetch them   we need our jackets and i think i want a  ski hat so here we go let's watch kurt get stuff out of the attic it is 351 and we're going on an adventure  to the top of a really really tall volcano   so it's going to another volcano yup so  we're going to finish packing up our bags   we'll see when we get in the other car because  we're not going in our van she's hooked the gang is all here can you see him it's dark  it's early guys but we're going on an adventure   we're going at the top of a volcano and i know  what are you thinking snow's going to the volcano   somebody's driving us to the top we're  cheating a little bit but it's going to   be fun all right this is what'll get us to the  top guys supposed to be a bumpy ride let's go all right guys we're in the 4x4 headed up the road  we just got on here i know it's dark and you can't   see much but neither can we because we're trying  to catch the sunrise this morning oh in the bed   and he said let there be light and there was  our awesome guide for the day what is your name   rolando all right here we go rolando oh my  gosh definitely would not make it up this   holy cow i don't know if you guys could see that  but basically we were going through a bunch of   overhauls and we were bottoming out bouncing  around bobbling around looking for the right spots don't hush me now cause i just wanna don't make me make me dance i don't see a shortcoming is   all right guys we're about 15 minutes in and  danny thinks the van can make it up here i'm   telling you no way this road is gnarly i mean  gnarly this little uh toyota is eating it up   chewing it up all right guys we're still going up  but we are going down this is our first kind of   steep spot where we're going down  and it's a whole different feel   and kind of gives us a look ahead to  what it's going to be like to go back wow oh this is straight up oh man roll wow look at this sky's starting to light  up and we're above the clouds oh nose thank you oh look at this hey oh all right guys it's really windy up here so sorry  about the wind noise but we are on vulcan bahru   the tallest point in panama over there is  the sunrise coming up over the caribbean some clouds were definitely way  above those what an adventure ride   to get up here that was so cool and the  sunset or sunrise is absolutely amazing and danny and emily and kurt they're  walking up that last little bit over there   and they'll go up to that top peak   when they get up there i think they'll be  at about 11 400 feet give or take a few feet   of course i can't make that trek but  i don't care because i made it up here   and this is beautiful before this was a  national park here in panama the government   used it for all their towers something about  the continental divide and this is the best   place for service but even the towers can't  take away from how beautiful it is up here amazing so this is one of those unsuspecting  surprises i really didn't research this place   snow said let's go danny and emily said  let's go i thought it was just going to be   like a ride up a road to the top of volcano  and it was an adventure four by four ride   and now just to be able to see the pacific coast  and now climbing up this to see the sunrise   and the clouds being above those it's super  cool and it is cool up here we got a little   rock climb but it's probably about 35 to 40  degrees fahrenheit and i got a little scramble   up here i don't know if you guys can see it  but i am pumped it's about 5 30 in the morning   you can see the orange the orange from over there  we're going up and there's a cross up here and so i think we can get up to it oh my gosh it's  pretty jaggedy and a bit further than i thought look at this do do do so do all right it's time to go  back and hang out with snow do all right so this is the vehicle that brought  us up here snow's chilly she's gonna hide in the   in this vehicle for a bit  they got a winch on the front a little breakfast action hot chocolate coffee  looks like some paninis it's pretty cold up here   but it's pretty epic pretty awesome i like being  above the clouds and not being in an airplane meters high overlooking the continental  divide pacific coast caribbean coast   what a beautiful vista what a fun morning  right snow yeah now look at that ride down   you gonna go front seat on the way down no the big  guy goes in the front that's you all right guys   the way back down it's gonna be fun look at this giant rock oh my gosh so danny just asked the question dude has anybody  ever flipped over here and the answer was yes   frequently this is epic dude i am loving this it  really surprised me i definitely want to do more   4x4 adventure rides i mean and then the epic view  up top wow perfect and our guide's pretty good too   a pretty pretty darn good driver i would say  that's for sure all right guys we made it back and   i think snow is ready to take a little nappy nap  nap time for me and maybe geo get a little walk   or something we'll see we'll probably get into  something else today but we'll let you guys know   all right guys we're getting a little walk-in for  the kitty cats this morning yesterday morning we   did that crazy 4x4 adventure to the top of  the volcano the tallest point here in panama   we came back and we all just kind of sacked out  nothing exciting happened we never even pulled   the cameras out but we are up bright and early  this morning getting both vans ready to move   and we are headed downtown and we're gonna go  try some fancy coffee all right kurt dropped me   off at the coffee shop that we have picked out  here in boquete there's the vandersons they've   got that advantage of being three feet shorter  than us it's a little easier for them to park   curt had to go find a place to park and  there they are time for some fancy coffee   and in a minute we'll tell  y'all what we're celebrating what'd you get kirk i haven't ordered yet  we've got to decide i think we should get   two different kinds to compare okay i  understand why the gaia is so expensive cup i will pour okay love from a cloud above  so bright i can see the lights taking you   up and above the blue sky tastes good to be  drinking all of the honey sweet brewer vows   up up in a painted cup right in the  sky like a firefly like a firefly i believe to believe is to  feel the fire grow within   i believe to believe is to see  how the present comes from dreams   very interesting my first thought is i was  trying to compare and contrast this with   another kind of coffee that we got in guatemala  and trying to justify the high price point it definitely tastes different but to  me not better all right there you go my turn what do you think i don't like it either i mean it's okay i'll  drink it but it's too busy i mean i'm not a   coffee expert guys don't even pretend to be but  it's like five different flavors going on in there   so you might like it i think i just like plain  coffee yeah so we splurged on the expensive coffee   nobody was crazy about it i think emily  liked it the best it was still a pretty   cool experience yeah and kurt you want to tell  them what we're what we are kind of celebrating   uh we're celebrating the fact that danny and emily  and the vandersons on youtube got monetized yay   so for all of our subscribers that have popped  over to watch their videos thank you we love these   guys you gave them a good boost and now their  youtube videos will help put some gas in the tank   i'm very excited all right guys we had our yummy  coffee in this fun little mountain town boquete   in uh the panama mountains it's famous for coffee  lots of american expats live here it's a beautiful   little town i'm gonna give you a look at it as we  drive through on our way out and uh pretty excited   about our next destination you guys have probably  learned we love hot springs but we've got a bit of   a drive so with that we're gonna wind this episode  down and we will see you guys in a few days cheers if you like this video be sure  to subscribe to our channel   and hit that notification bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2021-08-18 21:57

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