Van Life in Spain: Costa del Sol

Van Life in Spain: Costa del Sol

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[Music] today the road takes us to Costa Del Sol literally the coast of the sun with our freshly repaired camper van I'm ringing ring riding in my RV my RV wherever I want want to be guys I'm fre in myv we're staying at this beach guadal Mar I think it is called kind of in between Malaga and T Molinos and there's a parking lot here but first let's see what else there is very nice look at all these RVs parked here and we've got all these cheating gitos by the beach this was recommended by Rafa by the way from Indie campers yeah we're going to par great [Music] here which by the way this parking lot is $5 for passenger vehicles $10 for RVs and you can spend the night we're probably not going to stay overnight we're going to try to go a little closer to Malaga but let's just take a walk around we're we're we're famished we haven't had anything to eat in the whole day and it's 400 p.m. so many options where shall we eat and such a beautiful day too right this one they are cooking the fish right here but it is super busy huge waves on the Atlantic today check it out first truck camper I see in Europe This is actually the Mediterranean I don't know why I keep getting them confused I guess having been straddling both bodies of water over the past couple of days let's find something to eat maybe this place as I said so many options I guess all these can be considered chingos some a little more high-end some more casual [Music] I think we're going to eat him they're supposed to be the best Croquettes in the world Cabo nice because sometimes you got a Splurge it is called a with oxtail this is one of the most delicious things I've ever had we even have a live DJ [Music] well that dish we had the f I don't know it's like it's like a paa but made with noodles and this one had oxtail and it was delicious one of the best things I've ever had maybe not but it was delicious we want to walk around the beach a little more and then I don't know we may stay where we are but we do have to make a grocery run at some point which we're not really cooking in the van but it would be nice to have some Iberian ham and other local Delicacies to snack on H nice condo here by the way and that's a big fairy out there going to Malia the Spanish Enclave in Northern Africa this is very nice I like it but for now we're going to get back to clunker do a van tour video and then that grocery run there's a little Supermarket 3 kilm away I didn't realize I was going the wrong way luckily it is not very busy and I don't think I fit under that [Music] canopy Yeah we actually fit almost anywhere they don't have them change [Music] here while we're at it we're going to explore another area where we could possibly overnight we are not at the most attractive parking lot right now I mean it'll work but I want to explore other options this one says prohibido a I don't know if it is enforced but I'd rather not risk it so that settles it let's see what it looks like but I think we're going to go back to our parking lot the one that we already paid €1 for check it out the class A the first one we've seen in Spain I don't know if I would like to maneuver that thing in this tight spaces it is really busy out here so even though we might be able to find a spot I'm still kind of deterred by that camping prohibited sign so we're going to go back to where we were which by the way if you want to look it up on Google it is called aparo 5 for passenger cars 10 for [Music] RVs it's kind of dirty in this parking lot but anyway the gentleman who told us we could overnight here it's no longer here but I'm going to risk it yeah we're tired tomorrow we'll actually right now we're going to come up with a brand new plan because this coming to Malaga early really threw off all of all of our plans see you tomorrow well good morning it's a brand new day I have no idea what day it is it's Tuesday I think or is it Monday Monday Monday it's Monday anyway slight change of plans we wanted to do this hike called Caminito Del re which is like what the the little road of the king or whatever it's called and um this is the thing it's you have to reserve it in advance and they're sold out for the next two weeks so no coming into the R so we're just going to play by here you know take the coastal route want to do kind of like a loop uh I want to see the ritzy town called Mara and um and the mountain town called Ronda and then we're going to loop around back to to Malaga and we'll see there we might uh finally be able to use their equivalent of harvest hosts so enjoy the ride [Music] this part of the beach is technically Torinos the next city and there is a lot of construction going on here here's looking towards the med and we're going to try and stay on this Coastal Road as much as possible although at 30 km/ hour we're not getting anywhere anytime soon on this side here on the on the beach side it's full of chingos which are like this you know restaurants right on the sand you know like beach [Music] clubs very cool I didn't see anybody in the water so the water is probably cold but other than that the farthest west or Southwest rather that we go the more developed it seems to be and this being a trip of Discovery we're not going to spend a whole lot of time here but I see ourselves coming back and actually enjoying the beach a little bit and the food [Music] we're going to take a more Inland [Music] route all these towns become increasingly mountainous as you get further away from the coast and some areas are very densely populated it looks like they may be testing one of those low emission zones like they have in Madrid if it looks like we're driving aimlessly we kind of are I mean this is still Torinos more like the downtown area and I put a destination on the navigation but I'm just going the way that I like actually looking for another coastal route all these cities are kind of hard to navigate let alone park with the camper van I mean there are parking garages so if we had a smaller vehicle I'm pretty sure we would be able to find something and explore on foot here's an underground garage it doesn't say the vertical clearance but I am sure it's going to be more than 275 I still don't regret the van experience even if we had some problems I mean not having to live out of a suitcase having your hotel room with you at all times definitely has its benefits we are now entering another city called benalmadena perhaps a little less known than its neighbors to Molinos and Fen hirola but it seems to be very nice as well there's a cable car that we want to take and some other attractions we won't be able to see here we are on the coastal route once again this is called Antonio Machado Avenue it is a beautiful Coastal Trail unfortunately we're not going to be able to stop or park anywhere nearby [Music] let's turn around and try and find parking maybe on a side road perhaps at higher elevation what we're doing today by the way for the most part not part of the original plan we've been doing research on the Go I mean last night we did some I knew where we wanted to go but not the specifics and now with our premature arrival in the Mal area we're improvising a brand new plan that kind of gives us more chance to discover things serendipitously kind of making up for all the things I wanted to do that require reservations way in advance [Music] [Music] this is as high as we can go let's park and have lunch well this is how we do it RV live at its best we're having sandwiches on the side of the road and this one has um mortadela with olives and salich Chong which is like a salami Chito and um sheep sheep uh cheese cheers all right let's go find that cable [Music] car ooh nice condos here on top of this [Music] hill Oh what have you what have you cross the Mediterranean and from here we can also see the cable [Music] car yeah whoever lives up here gets great views a little far away from the beach but hey you can't have [Music] everything down and down we go not all the way down though there seems to be parking [Music] here I think we found the RV section well found this public parking here and I see a bunch of other RVs so I'm assuming it's a okay to park here there's a lot of dog poop and you know empty cans of beer you know it's uh it's not the cleanest place but I just hope it is safe by the way we're right next to T world one of those vintage theme parks that succumbed to the co pandemic well we're at a town called Ben alad which is a mouthful um the cable car is not open yet so we're going to you know wait a few that like 15 minutes we have to wait let's walk around town a little [Music] bit first thing I notied many people on the street are speaking a language other than Spanish which leads me to believe there may be a large expat Community here or maybe they're just tourists this neighborhood is called Aro de Honey Creek it seems to be a nice part of town we have a tapas bar this seems to be the back of the church as we keep walking around the block kind of killing sometime before we can get on the cable car now using the correct frame rate if the video looks a little choppy sometimes you know to in order to film in the car I've been going down to 25 frames per second so the camera doesn't overheat and then I forget to put it back to 50 I I am using the European Standard of 50 and 25 so we don't get the flickering on the lights that we got the first day in Madrid so um it's going to be interesting when I edit this videos very good vibe this town here's the Church of the Immaculate Conception let's see what a modern Church looks like in Spain I didn't want to film too much in here because it is not a touristy place it is an actual house of worship where people come to pray so I'd rather give him some privacy [Music] let's get on the cable car and it is now open oh yes ticket office CU you buy it over there yeah let me show you this little BW bus it's a frozen yogurt thingy let's got our tickets over here oh it was 4180 for both of us might be a little steep But it includes the the birds of prey and exhibition [Music] here we are bye everybody stay there accelerated I mean it's it feels very old but I'm sure it's been running for many many years so I'm sure we're safe [Music] there it is down there the abandoned theme park as we start gaining elevation the car feels very dated not the clearest view out of these very worn out tinted [Music] windows it looks like an old Wild West Town down there kind of sad to see a place like this falling into this repair the park was built bu back in 1972 by a Danish businessman and it remained very popular until the 1990s the beginning of the slow decline the 2020 pandemic being the last nail in its coffin cable cars like this one can be a very good way to see the city from up [Music] above well these people have no privacy whatsoever [Music] [Music] you [Music] I discovered the sunroof a little bit too late [Music] yeah what a great view it's going to be and a couple of degrees cooler [Music] too I'd say that's uh commanding View and a little cooler up here [Music] there are several Trails up here so let's walk around a little [Music] bit first we're going to do Mirador the South viewpoint [Music] point I wouldn't call it strous but it is more than we've done since we arrived in [Music] Spain by the way I did not bring my hiking shoes they didn't fit in the carry-on so we'll be extra careful what a great view looking Southwest towards fuen hirola this whole Coast by the way Costa Del Sol literally the coast of the sun and it goes pretty much from Gibraltar to a town called nerha which we'll visit later in our trip bet you I bet you in a clear day you can see Africa over there which is a pretty clear day but not clear enough and here we have a shelter so we can admire the views there's the Ben alad Buddhist stupa the tallest one of its kind in Europe and there's the very developed Coastline all the way to calabur light well even though we didn't get to do Gibralter or we're not going to get to do El Caminito Del re I think this is a good consolation price right here yeah sometimes it's better to do the less known attractions like this one yes yeah I'm going to try to go all the way to the top but I don't know if I'm going to do it yet we are parked somewhere down there in that wooded section behind the ferris wheel but I could be wrong [Music] it is actually kind of fun trying to locate the places we've been to from this higher perspective for example I think that's where we parked earlier today for [Music] lunch ooh nice and I imagine that's Malaga proper in the distance we're going to keep on going to the other Viewpoint all right we're going to do the Mador nor North panoramic site and then we go back down this one is a little more strenous when it comes to Elevation gain it is significantly [Music] steeper by the way a little bit of a strenous part back there some stairs but I mean we only like like 3400 ft above sea level so I mean that's the the the med the Mediterranean right there I realized what I said couldn't possibly be right so this is the actual elevation 23 59 ft so what is that in meters [Music] we've made it to the [Music] summit oh yeah this is the view to the north that's where we were before and that's seems to be a query as we look [Music] North similar views all around from a slightly different [Music] perspective I think we've earned our tto Deano today now we have nowhere to go but down a little bit slippery on the way down did I mention I didn't bring my hiking shoes on this trip by the way going down as usual it is a lot more cynic more dramatic [Music] those are some nice houses up this [Music] hill yeah we have a sunroof [Music] do you think they will ever reopen T World well if you're watching this in the future let me know if they did it would be cool to come back and do a [Music] video and the food truck is now open [Music] there it is lauro the clunker is here well I really enjoyed that a cable car uh tram ride tesero now a lot of you have recommended this town called Mias so we're going to Mias Miha this is such a beautiful area mountains palm trees great beaches good looking cities [Music] n [Music] going up into the [Music] mountains here we are [Music] Mias I think they forgot to paint the center line [Music] lovely super cute Town parking might be a challenge though especially with a camper van [Music] here public parking on the left let's see [Music] it is a garage naturally and it looks very tight yeah clearance 206 there's no way let's try and turn around this is stressing me out let's get out of here Mayas not very RV friendly as far as I can tell but I would love to return one of these days with a passenger vehicle let's go down to Fen hirola [Music] all right let's park and take a break and there happened to be no flight restrictions here and I did happen to get a new drone for this trip that's the soel castle dating back to the 10th Century although there is evidence something made may have been there as far back as the Roman even the Phoenicians were right by the mouth of the fen hirola River and what a beautiful area I mean all these beach towns cities really by the Mediterranean actually one long uninterrupted City along this entire Costa Del Soul [Music] it took a break here found this parking lot we don't quite fit but flew the Drone for the first time in Spain and now we're going to pass by a town called Mara which is like a very redy town and then England towards Ronda and Ronda has a a a parking for RVs [Music] once again I'm getting all kinds of PCH Vibes here [Music] this whole area is known as Mara's Golden Mile which is actually 6.4 km with the most luxurious Villas at hotels with ocean and Mountain views luxury shops but we can't really appreciate it from this main road so I'm going to have to owe you that one I've been here before and if you take my word for it it is quite lavish here we have a fine example of one of those Ritu Waterfront condos but I don't really feel like driving on the back streets with a fan coming up here we have some designer stores as you do at places like this Chanel for example also the swanki mara Club hotel anyway there's not a whole lot else we can see here today so I'm going to continue to work is a place where we can actually Park the camper van and explore it is getting late oh wait here's Puerto de vanus vanus Port where you may be able to find one or two Mega yachs I'm going to make one last ditch effort to find parking there's supposed to be a large parking lot at the end of this street where people have allegedly boom doed but spoiler alert it ain't going to [Music] happen oh I told you dead end I give up I'm getting stressed out [Music] this is it's all the way down here there's one up there no oh that way we go [Music] I think we're getting lost on the hills of Mara it's like Hotel California it seems we can't get out of [Music] here all right let's take a break nice houses a nice view yeah I was able to stop for a moment on the side of the road before leing Mara for good as we've seen most of Costa Del Sol is perhaps too developed too densely populated to be properly enjoyed with a camper van I mean we got to see some things but I would have loved to be able to park and explore some of these cities some of these beaches more thoroughly the more you know right more research and planning shall go into [Music] this on the next one Ronda de bodas and then back to Costa Del Sol as we visit nerha until then thank you so much for watching and see you on the road [Music] I'm riding riding in my RV

2024-10-13 21:53

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