Van Life Adventure In Venice - Can It Really Be Done?

Van Life Adventure In Venice - Can It Really Be Done?

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[Music] good morning it is early and it is chilly and we  camped at a Not So Glamorous campsite but this is   another one that is all about the location and  a safe place that we will be able to leave our   van for the day because today we're taking you  to the city of Venice now we're across the way   and our morning will start with a boat taxi ride  from about two football field that way where our   campsite is now there are no Cars once you cross  that bridge and Venice is right over there under   the Sun but I got to tell y'all this been a  lifelong well maybe not lifelong but I know   for sure this is a city I've wanted to visit since  high school times so it seems like a lifetime but   uh let's [Music] go so we'll take a boat taxi  instead of taking a train or a bus because the   campsite we're at is just about the only campsite  there is for Van lifee type people to be close to   Venice and it's super close to this boat taxi so  this will be a roundtrip ticket we've bought for   the day they run every hour cost us € 10 a piece  so €20 to get us from the campsite to the city of   Venice oh I don't think I could tell y'all how  excited I am all right it was a little bouncy   ride in the cab we were kind of down in the  cab of the boat so we really didn't have any   visibility to film probably about a 10-minute  little boat ride and we have arrived out here   on the island and from what I am understanding  is there are multiple Islands out here I just   kind of thought you came out to Venice and it  was one so we're going to kind of figure this   out as we go see you guys later it's nice  to meet you right right here yes our first   little turn off off of the boat dock there is  down a little narrow road the structures here   all seem to be made of brick and from what  I understand is this entire city is built on   wood pilings and so we are kind of on one huge  boat boat dock so to speak but we have several   adventures in mind today snow does a much much  much better job of kind of investigating the   things to do and where to go I kind of wing  it and so anyway we'll leave it up to her to   tell us where we're going to go today guys all  right and we have popped out to our first sort   of canal amongst the islands you can see the  bridges and all the boats along the canal here this is kind of what I pictured look at this no we came down that first  little uh walkway and there was nobody there it   was narrow and it looked like the houses were all  abandoned not what I had pictured but as you get   towards the canals and you can see the water  just splashes right up to the doors and almost   into the doors of some of these houses houses  and as we walk down the streets after you walk   for a while like a city block or whatever we  come to our second canal and they have these   Bridges and stairs and it looks like today is  cleaning day in the city and so whenever the   trash collectors or the delivery people or  even if you're bringing suitcases out here   to stay for the weekend you've got to cross  all these Bridges and these stairs but it's   pretty fascinating with all the canals and we  have arrived on the more proper street instead   of like a Nar narrow walking Alle Alleyway and  look at all the delicious pastries and pizzas here looks pretty tasty but this looks like a district where  they do lots of shopping here one thing   we've decided to do today is byy a one-day  pass for the boat taxis now you can walk   all over this island but we want to see as  much as we can in the one day that we have   here so we're almost to the boat taxi stand  where we hope we can uh buy a ticket we don't know all right two tickets to paradise so this  is what's called the Grand Canal and it kind of   splits Venice like an S comes right through and  you can see it's a fairly wide and definitely a   very active canal and there are all sorts of boats  not just gondolas but all sorts of boats carrying   packages uh supplies for the restaurants all that  type of stuff I think I saw one that looked like   it was a postal delivery van or boat but in any  event all kinds of boat traffic on this Grand   Canal all right we made it on the first water taxi  and we really got to crack the Cod to the little   taxi map here we haven't gotten it figured out but  as busy as this canal is the gondolas are cruising   across oh I think these are the little gondolas  where you can take a couple bucks and just just   they go right across there but the gondolas are  rocking and rolling in all this boat traffic but   in this particular instance we're only going  one stop so a little short stop but this is   actually a pretty big island so it'll take us a  while to see a lot of it so the journey is just   beginning one thing you're going to see all over  Venice at the tourist shops and then there's some   real where they make handcrafted one-of aind ones  but you're going to see these masks and of course   that comes from Carnival but there is also other  stories to The Masks here uh back during shadier   times if you were going out to do something some  illicit activity that you shouldn't do you would   wear a mask and that would be uh maybe for the  prostitutes or drugs or going to a bar if you're   married or whatever and then also when the Black  Plague would come through here the doctors had a   very specific mask that they wore and it was the  one I'll describe it we're also going to show it   of course that had the creepy looking face and the  long bird looking nose and what that did is that   protected them from the plague and it also kept  them a little bit of distance away from getting   too close to a patient their masks nose would bump  into them now I don't remember the exact year but   so many people started wearing masks around the  city uh to do these illicit activities that count   ccil of 10 that governed the area at the time made  it illegal to wear masks in Venice except during   Carnival but we'll see these throughout the day  I'm sure so I wanted to make sure I told you the   story so we are headed to the Rialto market now we  came here first because the past few cities we've   waited too late and missed the market because it  closed hopefully that doesn't happen today what   is incredibly special about about this Market  is that for hundreds of years it was one of the   most important markets in all of Europe and Asia  it was a main part of the Silk Road trade route   and it connected Asia to Europe through here now  that made Venice be one of the most powerful and   Wealthy cities in the world at the time and it  used to be a city under Venetian rule it was its   own kingdom or whatever you want to call it for  more than a thousand years until the 1800s when   Napoleon finally conquered it one of my favorite  things to do whenever we get into a country or a   city or a region is to go straight to the markets  I feel like they just tell you so much about the   area of the region and of course you're always  looking for some kind of unique Foods or fruits   or vegetables or meats and there are several  here but they have man so many colorful fruits   and vegetables and I can tell you in the morning  it's very active at least right now and you can   tell the locals here coming down to pick up all  their groceries I don't know if this one's open   every day but they do have a variety of fresh  greens potatoes fruits and vegetables and berries   and I don't know what these purple things are  almost like some kind of rub Barb eggplant I   don't know C they have purple cauliflower so as  I said colorful different vegetables I've seen   that here's kind of a strange looking cabbage  it's shaped like a cone head instead of a round onea so I found the seafood section and uh  Kurt loves fish I like shrimp Krab Lobster   not a big fish fan but another reason we  don't cook fish and seafood in the van is   the smell it will hello it will take over a  small space like that but I have a feeling   there's a good chance Kurt might eat him some  seafood [Music] today he's here he found it   and of course we're out on an island out in the  sea and so you'd expect start to be seafood and   fresh seafood and there is definitely some of  that here now a lot of this is already filleted   and clean and so I don't know all these I  haven't seen all these different kinds of fish but they also have some shrimps  looks like kind of some [Music] trout   all kinds of stuff and look at the  scallops and Squid oh look at over here look at that little clams big octopus  Little Octopus kind of Inky squid ah these   are some kind of conch or something like  that I believe little dried shrimps all   sorts of muscles and clams so the Fe Seafood  section here definitely does not disappoint   and of course they have a section with fresh cut  flowers oh and there's definitely more Seafood   over here so there's about three tables or four  tables with seafood so it's definitely not look   at the seagull coming in the seagulls are coming  in trying to feast and they're even fighting for   it so again some muscle some cherry clams some  white fish that red fish there is likely a tuna   and here is probably another tuna or Swordfish  the pink stuff there is salmon H some kind of   I don't know big shrimp scallop shrimp other like  kind of chubby fish more octopus calamari shrimp   or Cameroon and look at these little I call  them smelt maybe they're anchovies not sure   exactly what the name of them is but three  boo with really fresh nice looking Seafood   plenty of abundance I don't know what those  kind of fish are real white almost like a mud fish I'm hungry look at these big crabs in eels what a fun little market it wasn't huge but  it was fun and now it is chilly out here guys it   was 37° when we left this morning which for those  of you who want to know Celsius that's about 2° C   and so it's chilly and also we're on the water  so it's windy and cold as well so we're going   to try to sneak off find the coffee and maybe a  little sweet treat and warm up a little bit it's   just really a stunning Place really absolutely  captivating and as you come you just see things   and you know in my mind I'm like what is this  and it's looks like it's made with some form of   granite but again it's just worn with a lid and I  would think that's some sort of well or something   like that um where they could just drop a bucket  in there with a little pulley I don't know what   it is maybe we'll Google search it maybe you guys  can tell us just a couple blocks from the market   the city's opened up a little bit there are so  many narrow streets it seems kind of it seems   kind of unusual when all of a sudden you pop  open into a bigger open area but up in front   of us I can see some big bigger towers and some  stairs we're headed to one of the major landmarks   right in front of us is one of the four bridges  that crosses the Grand Canal this is the Rialto   Bridge the most famous so we're working our way  there so this is our first Bridge Crossing Over   across the Grand Canal and you can see all  the little gondolas there now I think you   can I think for $2 you can actually just cross  in one of those gondolas or you can rent them   and they'll take you for a ride around through  the little canals I think it's about 80 for 30   minutes on one of those but you can see all  the buildings along the Grand Canal and it is   starting to get active we were here early and  it wasn't so busy but it's definitely picking   up now you can see people pouring off the taxis  and people starting to hop on these gondolas and   uh yeah what a beautiful place now the Rialto  Bridge is definitely a landmark and you see a   lot of Tours and a lot more people here but uh the  story the history behind it is that back hundreds   and hundreds and hundreds of years ago I'm sorry  I can't remember all the dates but during the   trade boom maybe the 13th 14th century all of the  gold and jewelry dealers set up on this bridge   and still today they run shops here and a lot of  them are jewelry stores so kind of keeping with   tradition so it's crowded but it's something you  have to come see when you're in Venice look guys   the city is sinking you can see the water is just  coming up over the sidewalks so Venice is sinking   City I think Kurt's already told you a lot of it  was built on they drove special Timber down in   the ground a special Timber that reacts well with  water and lasts forever but it's sinking and when   it was built over a thousand years ago it was  because people that lived on the mainland were   running from uh the Mongols and the German people  who ever lived in the Germany area at the time   were attacking so they moved on into the Wetland  Marsh areas and built this land but I think if I   remember right from what I read it's sinking like  2 mm a year for the past however long they've been   monitoring it we were grabbing our table to have  our coffee and croissant and we had to scoot in   a little bit because the water's splashing up all  right snow got her standard coffee K coffee with   the milk I got a coffee with Pana which is cream  and they put a lot more cream on there and a lot   less coffee that I anticipated it also came with  a couple biscuits I think these are lemon I'm not   sure what that is and then we got a croissant I  believe this has got cream and chocolate so we   got a lot sugary breakfast sugary creamy breakfast  so we're about to hop on the Water Taxi again this   time we're getting on taxi number two we're at the  Rialto station but we're going to take it all the   way to the other end and that's going to be an  economical way to see the entire Grand [Music] Canal caught behind Venetian blinds had to  reach for the city Lins this Ain Where I   Belong hey look at me on what I [Music] become  I've been running Le looking for Sunset digging   deep since [Music] 99 what I thought was  gone sitting in my pocket in play s all along I think it's time for me to  go burn all bridges all I know I got   lost along the way fell between the  four Ines time to let go so come one man so we just had an amazing Ride On The Water  TX see down the Grand Canal and here in front of   one of the M main plazas or patas here in Venice  you can see yet more ed evidence of the sinking   Island as the water is just standing here on the  sidewalk but look at this gorgeous Basilica here   so this is the Basilico San Marco and it is a  famous destination a beautiful Church without   a doubt but but you have to reserve your spots  to go inside and pay a hefty fee we went back   and forth on whether or not we were going to  do it and we have decided to just appreciate   this beautiful Basilica from outside it's got  some of the prettiest artwork painted on the   domes the half domes on the outside doesn't it  Kurt it really does it is stunning and some of   the sculptures and the intricate detail around  the tops and around just the whole en ire church   and you can see it's clearly different kinds of  marble and different kinds of stone that we've   really seen throughout it Italy I mean clearly  they know how to do stone work here but this   entire Plaza is amazing and I keep sounding like  a stuck record but the fact that this is all built   up artificially over water it just stuns me yeah  now the castle next door or the palace next door   to this Basilica is famous for being made with its  pink marble Curt oh really see the pink Checkers   I do see the pink Checkers so one thing I read  about little hidden spots is one I really don't   want to walk over to so we're going to show it to  you from here but between those two pillars right   there on the corner of the castle the government  building is where they used to announce death   sentences and the executions took place here all  right right behind me is a clock tower and this   is not just any Clock Tower this one is one of the  most famous in the world because of how intricate   it is the first thing that is really cool about  it is that it actually tells time three different   ways we have the traditional clock and then you  have the Roman numerals underneath now they go   in increments of five so that changes every 5  minutes and it also has an astronomical clock   that includes the phases of the moon so it's  pretty phenomenal that all of this was built   back in the 1490s by a fatherson clock Duo and uh  it's specifically lined up with the opening here   to the port where all of the silk trade ships used  to come in and out which is behind us here because   they could come in they'd know what time it was  they'd know the moon phases it was designed to   tell time for the city people and for the ships  pretty cool also the men on top they're made   out of bronze they're hinged at the waist and  when the bell rings they actually Spin and have   hammers that hit the Bell that's the timer of the  clock it's also set to go off 2 minutes before the   actual hour so it does not interfere and run over  the church bell which is sitting right next to as   well pretty cool clock so we are leaving the San  Marco Square area headed to our next destination   and look what we spotted now it may not be the  legendary light blue and white of Argentina but   it sure enough says messy number 10 doesn't it  Kirk yeah it's cool a little bu bu Argentina bubl messy so one of the things you're supposed  to do in Venice Kurt is eat July it's too   cold it's too cold I even change hats  and put my gloves on it's too cold the   angel of St George you wanted to take a  picture the exhibition wasn't over no it   was much wrong a fixture I never wanted  it to end I never want it to [Music] end we saw the city from the water at the  dying of the day when you learned you   were a daughter and you didn't have to  pay I never want to end I never wanted to end I see the love [Music] return to your R  in the city that rides upon the [Music] Water I had a vision of St Mark with the tourists  in a l the benediction that he spoke may   you live in interesting times I never  wanted to end I never wanted to [Music] end when we lost ourselves in Badness I  think you found yourself so don't you ever   let me catch you putting yourself back on the  Shelf I never wanted to end I never wanted to [Music] end we have made it to a very unique  bookstore so not only are there books everywhere   somewhere throughout here cats live throughout  the bookstore so we'll be looking for them but   one little trick when you come to Venice if  you decide not to pay $100 to take a ride in   a gondola which to be honest we're starting  to think that's what we're going to do just   seems a little overpriced but you can come to  this bookstore look for the kitty cats and step   out onto the back porch and get a picture  in a real Gondola have you spotted a kitty   cat yet I haven't either but they have a  lot of places to hide we might not spot one a staircase made out of  books it's a little Weeble wobbly so the bookstore used to be known as a  hidden spot to go here in uh Venice but the secret   is obviously out that place was crowded all right  we had to sit down and do a little logistical   planning we got off of our water taxi we've got a  99-minute walk to an air area where we've heard we   can have a budget friendly meal of the Venetian  style of Tapas try many different kinds of uh   local treats so we'll see if we can find it I  can't remember what they call it they're not   called toas here I will find out when we get there  but let's go see what we can find all right they   have sort of a menu Delo and they I'm getting the  menu dep PESA yeah so I get a four course dinner   and I get to choose from several things so I'm  getting spaghetti with seafood or I can get the   cuddlefish ink spaghetti but it's a little scary  for me I'm getting roasted octopus we saw that   in the market and then I think of baked potatoes  and Tiramisu all right snow what'd you go with so   my first course I went with the vegetarian  menu which means I only had three choices   but I started with a salad with parach choke and  avocado and it's going to be so good and look at   the seafood spaghetti so Snow's is a three course  meal mine's a four course meal seafood pasta looks   like there's some squids some shrimp and uh some  muscles they told me in clam so we'll see when we   get into this thing let's go so our second course  is here I ordered a four cheese pocker the waiter   had to tell me that's how you say it with zucchini  and it looks delicious and I'm sorry about the bad   lighting but we wanted to sit by the window cuz  it's so warm with the sunshine coming in and you   guys look at Kurt's roasted octopus and roasted  potatoes wow you excited I am excited look that   tender m this will be uh my first dip into some  Venetian food let's [Music] see so creamy and cheesy and it's like lasagna noodles that  have been rolled into a little ball and uh   they're good they're a little chewy but I think  that's by Design almost like d yeah almost like   a dumpling in fact smack this tastes like Italian  chicken and dumpling with the creamy oh it's so good we have finished lunch and now it  is time to take a water taxi back over   to where we will catch the fairy back to the  van it's time to go this has been a stunning   Place really fascinating unique different  than any of the Cities we've ever been to   one of my new faves but time to go if you like  this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel   and hit that notification Bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on Instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-02-17 00:37

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