USA Van Life Travelers Return - VAN LIFE BRAZIL

USA Van Life Travelers Return - VAN LIFE BRAZIL

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in our last video we brought you right up to the  Border of Argentina and Brazil and in this video   that's right where we pick up we are officially  checked out of Argentina gotta get the van checked   out and then we enter Brazil officially  so come on guys let's go to Brazil [Music] all right it looks like the Customs guy  from Brazil is checking out the garage area   Kurt came out with paperwork so I think  an inspection is all we've got left [Music]   all right so this was kind of a weird Border in  that normally we sign out of migration get our   passport stamped and then we give our temporary  import pass from the van back and then we cross   the border we go to migration get our passport  stamp and then get our temporary import pass   for the new country standard process for all the  countries however here before we leave Argentina   I guess based on Logistics we had to get the van  the temporary import pass for the van first which   is usually the longest most difficult part it done  yeah now all we got to do is get our ourselves on   yeah well we gotta get off the gate for Argentina  get ourselves stamped in and we're off and running   and then the next stop is a bank because we need  no money we need new money I think we have SIM   cards from before but we'll have to see if we can  make them work we're in a new country [Applause]   it was a little bit hectic finding where we were  supposed to park and go in and get our passport   stamped but it's done the van is officially in  Brazil snow and Kurt are officially in Brazil   nobody wanted to check any papers on the  kitty cats so they are officially in Brazil   we made it about an hour outside of the Border  City we're in Brazil we're all settled we're   wore out border crossings always wear us out this  is home for the night lots of little birds coming   to visit Vanna and G at the door even though  it's a gas station it's pretty comfortable we'll see you guys in the morning nothing  special going on this this evening I want to tell you guys the first one is we  have driven far enough North which remember   we were in the southern hemisphere so as we're  driving north it gets warmer we have on shorts   and flip-flops because it is going to get up to  80 degrees today and that is exciting because   we've been in the cold weather for a long time  the next thing is we just got stopped on this   little road for a donkey Jam there was several  of the Brazilian Cowboys stopped us so that they   could cross maybe what 30 or 40 donkeys that's  the first donkey yeah last thing we've ever   encountered we didn't film it real good because  it happened so fast but then it was really cool   to see the Brazilian Cowboys with their cool  hats and everything too so our day is off to   a good start we are eastbound we have quite  a long drive to get to our next destination was about 4 ounce what we're doing we're driving east  well we're going to show you anything cool   we see along the way like donkey Crossings  all right we have stops to fill up with fuel   getting our windows cleaned and I think  we're gonna check out this restaurant   see if they got some grilled chicken [Music]  lunch is served steak rice salad french fries   topped with an egg Kurt got my egg because I  don't like them no menu this is all there is oh   and beans which is good on the rice it's good  it's really good yeah that was a yummy lunch   super quick super good how much did it cost uh I  don't even know whoops but I have a feeling it was   an expensive it was a nice little gas station stop  we put our sticker on the window back on the road   so day number two back in Brazil and we  happened on this little Farm camping site   and it was cool because as we drove down  through the pasture well let me just first   say it's closed kind of right now it's really  during the summer time the owner was telling   me and actually showed me a lot of pictures  where they'll fill this place up there'll be   people all out here in the pool diving off the  dock they've got a a big thing back here for   barbecues and and tables and all that and they'll  get cars parked all around here people camping   but so it was closed and he was going to let us  stay up there by the house and I talked him into   letting us drive town here through these pastures  because of the catchers couple big dogs up there   and so we drove through the horses the cows the  Sheep of course the kitties always loved seeing   the different animals and we're all down here all  by herself on this little pond and the cows have   just come up here to get some water and joined us  some ducks have landed and the lap Wings have been   all around but anyway second time second second  day in Brazil we're gonna spend the night here   but this is one of the incredible things  I love about Brazil you're out here in   the farm and it's easy to find a place  in the nature just to get away and yes   I already did get G out and he got a nice  walk and so that was pretty awesome anyway   here we are we crossed the border into Brazil  just barely north of Uruguay and we kind of   been bouncing along the north side of Brazil and  the reason why we skipped Uruguay is we're kind   of in a hurry I think I've told you in a couple  episodes before we have some work we need to get   done on the van well we did that volcano Slot  Canyon hike and I met Gabriel back in Argentina   and he was from Brazil and they had the combi  and anyway he recommended this place in pelotas   to get the work done on the van and introduced  us and so on and so forth so we are going to   pelotas Brazil we're beelining there we actually  have an appointment with him tomorrow morning at   8 A.M to see if he can do some more work on the  van there's a couple things we need to get done   we'll tell you about that we really have not been  able to get done here in all so we're going to   palate the short stories we're going to polotus  Brazil that's where we're headed to right now   we have about two hours more drive and we'll be  there to meet with them tomorrow morning [Music] shop continue in the morning we'll meet with him  and if all that goes well and he's got the parts   and stuff that we need and he wants to work on it  now we just rode through the little neighborhood   that has lots of airbnbs because if he can do what  we need to do on the van we will move out of this   thing for a week and we'll go to work on the van  and get all the stuff we possibly can done here   but we won't know that until we meet with him  tomorrow and see how that goes all right so I   already told you this is a referral that we're  going to this morning to get the van remodeled   fixed up but the problem is and it's a really  good referral so I'm excited I touch base with him   last night everything seems like it's on but the  problem is he speaks Portuguese I speak English   and I don't know if there's going to be a middle  ground other than Google translate so we have some   big work to be done so this is going to be pretty  interesting here anyway let's go meet my con all   right we made it to the Spy and it looks like we  are in the right place there are three vans here [Music] all right good news guys everything worked  out well over at the van shop we really like   those guys they have a nice shop other than the  language barrier which we're working through with   trans Duke door a translator Google other  than that everything's good we are moving   into an Airbnb things move fast in our world so  here we go so this is our Airbnb for five days   we're having a very hectic morning because we  are going to move everything out of the van   so this little apartment won't look this cute  much longer because there's gonna be a bunch of   junk in here but we're going to use this time  to do some spring cleaning and reorganizing of   the van which really desperately needs to be  done this is our home for five days [Music]   it's not long to move everything in but it's  what we got to do the kitties have a nice balcony   view of a park down there it's  definitely a new area of town but it's nice it'll be comfortable  and the kitties will enjoy a break   from being on the Rolling Wheels all the  time now I gotta get back to work try to   get this stuff put away as Kurt brings  it up nice cute little apartment though so we're about 75 moved in Kurt has made a  million trips we're literally bringing the   dishes the pots and pans all the electronics all  the charging gear everything so we can do a legit   spring cleaning of the van but we are about  settled in we can see the light at the end of   the tunnel one of the first things we did was  get bird TV going on YouTube for the kitties   they love that especially  when we're in an apartment   I really like this one because I could just leave  that door open and not worry about them on the   balcony at all it's a super safe balcony for  them so this is going to work out great for the   kitties great for the van but I gotta tell you  it's going to be a lot of work for me and Kurt   but we've been planning to get this done  for a long time and it's gonna be awesome   I walked downstairs because there's a little  grocery store down there and Kurt has left   to take the van over to the motorhome rebuilding  place which is exciting so I walked down to find   me something to eat for lunch I just came  back up and we got one kitty under there and another kitty under here silly kitties  all right guys I slugged a lot of stuff up   to the apartment to clean out the vent for  all this maintenance but some of this stuff   just wouldn't fit in the apartment but I have  to say these guys are treating me like family   it's absolutely amazing they brought out the  coffee we've got the bed out back here you   can see all the electronics over here we've got  some electronic shop troubleshooting to do and   some other projects on the board these guys are  amazing we're digging in after we have some coffee foreign foreign s we've had is that our charger for our battery  system is 110 or 120 it's what we use in the U.S   what you plug into in your house however  this particular charger that we're going   to install will do either 110 or 220 and that's  important because most of the rest of the world   is 220. now we will encounter some countries I  believe in Europe that are 110 so essentially   we need the ability to run both and that's what  we're going to do we're going to change out our   charger which is unfortunate because it's a pretty  expensive charger we're going to put the new one   in that's going to give us the flexibility to do  that and then we're also going to have the ability   to flip a switch and then if we want to run power  solely off of the grid where we're plugging into   then we can do that as well and so this is a much  needed Improvement to the van honestly I did not   anticipate the different voltages in different  countries when I built this so this is going   to be big for us guys this is going to give us an  additional charge Source pretty excited about that   the every two-month chore of trying to figure  out how to get a haircut when you don't speak   the language is done those ladies were very nice  I was starting to learn enough Spanish that it   wasn't so scary to go in and get a haircut but  I don't speak but like five words of Portuguese   so that was back to being scary again but I  think it all turned out okay now back to our   apartment to do some more spring cleaning on all  of our junk all right the problem I have is this   right here see how loose that is guys so Marcel  here is going to hook me up with some new ones all right it's coffee time again I've been  getting treated pretty amazing by these guys   look at this I've really been treated like  family I've got everybody here helping out   coffee everything thank you guys I really  appreciate it really really really thank you   so I've had a busy morning while Kurt [Music] is  over working on the van at the motorhome place   I've done a lot of laundry  did a little bit of editing   sorted all the spices which had gotten crazy in  our van ah started going through old documents and   stuff trying to downsize how much file space we  need for hard copies for like original documents   and old tax papers and stuff like that just  cleaning house trying to make a little bit   more room in the van but I am going to take  a little walk because I need some exercise   over to the little neighborhood coffee  shop all right I think I ordered a quiche latte we shall see what  shows up and thank goodness   for the Google translator we  are using it like crazy here   I forgot what it was like to not know any words  it's weird about the end of our first day at work   and we've added several components we've got a  lot of wiring to go through and check and clean   up and tighten up but we made good progress today  and we've got some really important components   added to the system so I'm excited about that the  day is winding down the mosquitoes are coming in   but by the time this is done I think we're going  to have some nice improvements that really make   the van more livable and more comfortable  and actually some of them are going to be   Necessities as we move on down the road so  a good day here in the van it is Thursday   of our week here in pelotus polotus this is the  first day Kurt has been hanging out around the   apartment with us because he's been working his  butt off doing all kinds of cool stuff to the van   now what we have decided is things are  working out so well we're staying another   week to go ahead and hopefully bang out some  more maintenance and more remodeling of the van   but today was a no-go for working on the van  because it is a holiday of some sort something   to do with candy some sort of Festival a lot of  things are closed so to celebrate the holiday we   walked to the coffee shop and got little desserts  I had a little blueberry cheesecake what was yours   Kurt uh it was some little like cake or muffin  but it was filled with leycheg which is the   sweet cream that they have here it's almost like  a caramel but it's really tasty and then it had   this huge puddle of chocolate sauce on top of  it which was thick and absolutely delicious it   was so good but so much sugar I am racing now I  need to run around this track about three times   so that's kind of an update of what's going  on and we do need to go upstairs get into the   computers because we need to order some stuff  for the remodeling Kurt has planned next week   but uh sorry there's no super exciting Adventures  going on but everyone asks us what would you   change in the van after living in it for four  years well that's what we're doing we're doing our   wish list right yeah it's not what would we it's  what we are what we're doing but for now we're   headed back up to our apartment we'll see y'all a  little bit later on we've been working on the van   for a week we got here on Monday it really took  about a day to kind of get everything figured out   you guys probably know by now I have very complex  system and so to explain all the work we wanted   to do and kind of understand what we have going  on in the van it took pretty much several hours   the first day we dove into the work on Tuesday  Thursday was a holiday today is Friday and we're   completing the phase one work that we want  to do on the van all right I am checking in   from Airbnb number one Kurt is over at the shop  working on the van I'm sure you guys probably   know that by now I'm not sure if we told you  that we extended our stay by another week   but that means we have to move from one apartment  to the other my job today is to pack us up   get us moved to the other apartment so  it's all done by the time Kurt gets home   and I gotta tell y'all one of the bad downsides  to living full time in a van is if you've got to   do any work on your house any maintenance on your  house you basically have to move everything out   so that's what's going on y'all already know  that but just to think about that if you had   to do a full move out of your normal brick  and mortar house every time you had a project   think what a pain in the butt that would be well  that's what's Happening Here all right let's get   the first load carried up or down we're on  floor 11. we're moving to floor number five   all right some of you may be surprised some  of you will not but we have sold our electric   bikes it will make more space in the garage we  just didn't use them enough to justify the tight   quarters we have in the van and also we needed  some money to pay for our repairs at the reveal that will be our home for the next eight nights   similar layout very different style I like it  we're a little lower to the ground the kitty is   all like that maybe we'll see some birds we were  too high all right let's get this done [Music] all right say goodbye to the bikes we are at  the location where we are going to make the sale   this transaction's almost over my kind brought me  all the way out here as a long drive thank you my   kind this is his friend he's gonna buy the bikes  say goodbye guys we had our first night in our   new Airbnb I didn't film any of it because  we were exhausted but I cooked Kurt a yummy   spaghetti dinner he got in late he's been working  super hard on the man I know he's been telling   you all about it we will be here for another week  but this is where we're gonna wind this video down   halfway through our van remodel and  we'll see you guys in a few days cheers if you like this video be sure to subscribe  to our Channel and hit that notification Bell   so you guys know when we put out new  videos and don't forget you can always   follow us over on Instagram to see what's  going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-08-01 18:03

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