Universal Studios Hollywood BEST Attractions & BEST Food FULL TOUR

Universal Studios Hollywood BEST Attractions & BEST Food FULL TOUR

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hello everybody I'm Chris Provost and today  I'm going to be taking you to Universal Studios   Hollywood let's do this let's have fun yeah  I'm right by disneyland I'm going to travel   up there to Universe Studios let's do this I want  to have some fun I'll show you what it's like to   be at Universe Studios Hollywood and now I know  what you're probably thinking like well how am   I getting up to Universal from Disney I am on  a Carmel shuttle it's actually a bus I'm on a   bus and uh you I'll put the link down below you  could do like you could do like down to like a   little car or like a family thing or bus whatever  and they take me right they pick picked us up and   they're driving us straight up to Universal  Studios super convenient you guys we just got   here to Universe Studios the Carmel shuttle was  great got us right here dropped us right off up   here we're to go into Universe Studios and we're  going to get walk the iconic red carpet we're   going to go down the first place I'm going to take  you is to Mario Kart let's go to Super Mario World   because it's so amazing and I going to try to show  you all the fun things I love Universal Studios so   let's do this all right guys here we are on the  red carpet this is Super Nintendo World it is   celebrating the oneyear anniversary it's been  open for one year Universal Studios Hollywood   let's go in guys let's just you and I have a  good day today I'm just going to go I'm going   to go to Super Nintendo World I'm also going  to get some food I want to do the tram I just   want to spend a little bit of time with you guys  here at University Hollywood cuz it's so magical   they just talked about how the only place you can  see this is here and alaka Japan the universal uh   Super Nintendo World uh by the way been to the  one in Osaka it's amazing but they're going to   be opening one up soon in Florida I think at  the Epic at the Epic World so very excited I   really love Universal I love it people always  say Chris you're so fresh are you like fresh baked he's very fresh just got in the park  today guys walking in very excited now for   those of you who maybe are not quite as familiar  with Universal Studios Hollywood the park is kind   of divided into upper and lower lots and it's  divided when I say lower lot you have to go   down tons of stairs or escalators they do have  El elevators um so we're going to go down to the   lower lot at first because that's where Super  Nintendo World is and I want to do that with   you guys and um so we're going to head down the  lower lot the upper lot though has like is where   the um tram is a simp ride and so there's lots of  things it's really fun people ask like was it fun   for little kids yes little kids enjoy this cuz  they have like lots of little attractions like   the secret life of pets a Kung Fu Panda really  really fun stuff this is brand new the PowerUp   Cafe just opened up guys and uh they got the fire  flour pretzel and the one not mushroom czone and   the super mushroom czone I do love calzones I  got I got ask a question do you know what you   call a cop in bed woo late for work no undercover  cop hey like that steal that one don't mind no   I don't mind what got tell what do they have to  do they have to do like subcribe like share and   subscribe right here there's more videos right  here right here here here you know come on tune   in every week huh all right guys let's go down to  Super Nintendo World hey before we I just want to   say thank you for joining me today I appreciate  it I think you're awesome uh and I like the fact   that I can share this time with you let's go down  to Super Nintendo World and check it out and have   some fun you guys enjoy your epic day good morning  well good morning donkey I just want to know all I   want to know is can we swap some manly stories  and then have some some waffles in the morning   yes that's all but we did we had some this morning  but my you know my best friend came over help and   walk with my babies y they did yeah Shrek comes  over every morning with the kids oh man yeah so   they can see it before we have to leave and go to  work yeah we got babysitter so yeah you know give   my wife a break too good you're good husband  yeah I'm trying all right all right bye dony   good thank you man enjoy your day thank you  bye bye see all right guys we are now walking   through uh Simpsons land that's going to take  us down to the lower lot but I have to show you   one of my favorite things this is the duff beer  garden and they have the seven stages of drinking   are you ready to see the seven stages of Duff  drinking you got edgy that leads to remorseful dizzy Tipsy Surly queasy and then of course this  one here sleazy hey how you doing how you   doing think's going good for you yeah  yeah oh got to get it Dave just pushed   the button and now guys there's an accident  we're going to have some smoke up there I   might have to reset here we're at the  Springfield nuclear power plant right   next to the mo Tavern and school I love this  all right see let's try it again too soon too soon all right remember how I said there's  an upper and lower lot so now we're going   to go down to lower lot lots of stairs  they do have elevators and there's also   escalators so uh it is we're way up here  though so now this is the first set of escalators all right we're getting off the  first set of escalators this overlooks on   this right over there just so you guys know  right over there that's Warner Brothers you see do you that's Warner Brothers right over  there there's a golf course here and we are   going to go down and keep going down the next  set of escalators there we go guys there is   Super Nintendo World very cool that building  right there that is the mummy attraction that   building right there that is the Transformers  attraction and there is Super Nintendo World now   looks really cool but when you were inside it  you were completely immersed just it's all you   can be all you can see is Super Nintendo  World and then of course that's the boat   for Jurassic world all right and we're moving  along and going to go down to the next set of escalators I know what you're probably thinking  you're probably thinking well this is going to be   the last set of escalators one more we're going to  come down to the lower level here and this is like   I remember I told you it's divided into the upper  and lower Lots it was this was originally uh movie   studio 100% making movies here and then they ended  kind of add of the theme park elements around that   afterwards so it's why you do have the lower upper  and lower levels but there is the final area and   right over there is Jurassic world all right so  I'm going to be going to uh Super Nintendo World   now there's one of the things you can buy this is  an in addition to this is a power band it makes   the experience in Super Nintendo World even more  enjoyable but it is optional you don't you don't   have to have it um but the reason you do want it  is it allows you to do to Bowser Junior's Castle   you can only do Bowser Junior's castle if you  have a power band they are an additional cost   you can purchase it I think it's $4 or so to  purchase a band now if you purchase a band you   can have other family members use the same band  that's perfectly fine um but you can you sync it   to your app and you get a whole bunch of points  so I have the Luigi band there's Optimus Prime   bubblebee love it that's for the Transformers R  but we are not going there we're going to come   here take a left which takes you right into  one of the most immersive lands you go into   it's Super Nintendo World if you have little ones  who like Mario or Luigi this is it this is great   this is their Heaven they love it it's so great  it's so fun it's so immersive let's go check it out we're walking through the  warp tunnel guys taking right in   see and everyone so you hear that  little sound takes you right on in and here we are entering in little Sunshine's Princess Peach lookie what I got  and here we go again for if you have children   or even adults people who loves Mario or Luigi  or Bowser this is it it's perfectly immersed you   are inside oh there's Princess Peach right  and you guys it is so fun it's amazing it's   it's interactive they have attractions here  they have a they have a restaurant here and   look at all this wherever you look you can't  see outside of it you can only see inside so   you can't see outside into Universe Studios it  just is very immersive love it this is one of   my son's favorite places to be he loves it  here absolutely loves it there's a piranha plant all right so remember how I talked about  having this magic band whatever this is called   here the Mario band let me show you what you  can do you go do little activities like hit   the little po buttons with that with that Mario  band if you get three keys see where a key up   there there's Keys around here you see a key right  over there way in there there's like another key   right over there there are four Keys If you  collect three of the Four Keys on your band   then you go on Bowser Junior castle and have a  game in there with with Bowser junr super fun   so that's why you want the band is for to do  that so you can go into Bowser Junior Castle   all right so here we are I have a brand new Luigi  band and what I'm going to do is I'm going to do   a giveaway in this video I will mail it to you  all right I will mail it to you stay tuned cuz   at the end of the video I'll tell you how  you have chance to win this and that way   if you ever come here you can use it here you  attach to your app and you're good to go it is   awesome you'll use it all the way around here  at uh Super Nintendo World you can also use it   for any of those who maybe go to uh Japan or  when Florida is open so we use it in Florida   so at the end of the video I'll tell you how you  can win it look right up there guys there comes Yoshi you just love it there's  a swamp right over there swamp   drops down wow Bow's Castle all  right let's go here to the oneup   factory and check out the merchandise  they have some amazing fun merchandise let's check it out there we go look at all this cool  stuff I love it this is my son just   he identifies with his favorite is Luigi he  loves Luigi and uh like he just loves Luigi   I don't know why it's his favorite he has  a Luigi poster in his room look at all this merchandise they even kind of have little ears Mario Kart hat that's sweet I love it hang that up your room Mario Kart since 92 try to go slow so I show you everything for the Bowser fans so fun I love this one over here look at this yeah if you're a fan of  Bowser you're they got you covered look at that more stuff look at them they're doing the the  Mario I love it little mannequins those   are are these the different race courses  like the crown the flower star mushroom track turtle shell all right I'm going  to go on Bowser's uh Mario Kart Bowser   challenge now um the thing is is they don't  allow you to film on the rides and I'm a rule   follower I'm not a rule breaker I'm not going  to break that rule I'll show you the que line   I'll show you all the stuff getting into the  attraction now this one here and if you come   down here any can ride this attraction  the lines are very long very long for   this super fun ATT r actional one of the  best ones kids are going to love it it's   like being on a video game and a like like  ride at the same time so fun here we go go inside so delightful just look at look up look back there see like little tree see  Yoshi just appeared he ran away wherever you   look there's little oh there's Yosi right there  there's little hidden things while you're waiting   in line the line can get quite long so just  take your time prepare your little ones it's   going to be a little bit of a weight but it's  worth it it's a worth it for sure okay after   that we'll section line now we're coming outside  and going into Bowser's Castle made out of steel metal love it Bowser himself I love the little the little Aesthetics Mario Kart's a fun game I  think I think we love it so much is   because you could play it with your kids  or adults or even like I mean it's great   uh oh hey Mario I challenge you to uh  race come to my castle and don't chicken out Bowser oh there is Bowser being all  contemplative now we're like in Bowser's   laboratory I guess but like you have to look  everywhere there's like little fire there's   oh there's boo just got scared like look  everywhere you can see oh oh there's boo oh there's looks like Boo's up there messing around Teamwork Makes Bowser's DreamWork key out now when you come  to this little area you see a bunch   of BS and then look at the screens they  all have little like fun things see them building oh there bullet bills I love bullet bills walking in guys coming down here the  staging area where you get ready to race all   right and now we're going to get um you're going  to get a helmet to put on and if you have glasses   it's easy it goes right over your glasses not  a problem at all like zero problem so this is   a little hat they give you and you put it on it  just pulls out wear it like a hat and then on the   front here is where the magnets are and the visor  clicks to that so like literally if you have you   have a glasses I'll show you there's the little  hat right there easy and the visor goes right   there there little adjuster in the back you can  make it looser tighter all right take your see all right so here are some tips you want the hat  to be as low as it can uh that's better so you   don't want it you don't want to be like that it  might look more fashionable but you want it down   they're going to put a visor on right here the  visor is virtual reality wherever you look is   where you're going to look at now I'm going to  be boarding the ride so I can I can show people   getting on but I can't I can show people getting  on the ride but I can't film why I'm on the ride you guys are six all right here we are all  right so they put a little visor here wherever you   look that's where you see you're going to shoot  what you're looking at so you see the bad guys   you push the little button on the steering wheel  that's going to shoot your shells so you want to   look around all around the entire time you're  riding a ride that makes all the difference   see they have she's putting that visor on right  there Boom the visor up they're good to go they're   waving there you go good see that visor is on  that's it all right I got 151 coins the object   you're trying to get is you're trying to be over  100 coins in order to be Bowser so that was my   score 151 when you guys try post your scores let  me know what you get I think that's a very good   score 151 feel very good about that of course it  drops you off into the gift shop which is super   fun and guys this is just the beginning of the day  let's go where we go next I guess they have the   toad Cafe but they also have like um uh the tra to  I want to do that may do water world or Simpsons   Ride just want to spend some time with you guys  okay okay you guys David what score did you get I   got one 151 got so did I that's my same score and  the thing about it is I got off the ride I'm like   I got the best score and David gets off was like  oh that's bad score well I've been getting better   at it I come I come more often than you do is your  high score 160 I know now listen uh I asked Peter   at ordinary like he's like 200 something oh yeah  it's ridiculous there are tricks there are tricks   there are tricks all I know is I tied David and  I thought I did awesome and he thought he did   bad well I wanted to win of course of course of  course all right I'm going up to the upper locks   I want to do the tram tour with you guys but this  is going to be the brand new um Fast and Furious   ride they're working on it right now it's going  to be like a fast fous drifting ride all right   all right so let's talk about we're going to go  do the tram tour if you like movies if you're a   movie buff or you all enjoy movie trivia then this  is like so fun now what do little kids think about   it little kids probably have to be some maybe  they prob if they're four or five they might not   as enjoy it as much they because they they want  to they want to go down and do Mario but if you   like movies and your kids like movies when they  come teenagers they'll probably love this you get   to be feel like you're part of movies or like  earthquakes and there's all kind of things and   the other reason I want to go do this attraction  is it's I've been given a permission I can film   while on this attraction so I like that I like  that I can show you guys all right I'm walking   that's Harry Potter part Castle right there  but I'm walking here to the studio tour it's   a tram tour it takes about 45 minutes so when  you get to come do this Tram Tour they do have   bathrooms like right the right as the entrance  right by so if you have little ones or if you   feel like you need to go bathroom definitely go  to the bathroom cuz when you're on the tram toil   there's no bathroom s all right guys we're going  to the world studio tour right here very exciting   all right so you get in the tram if you want  to see jaws you want to be on the right hand   side if you want to see the earthquake you be  on the left- hand side if you want to see the   flood left hand side King Kong doesn't really  matter e side is really good so depends on what   you want now there are four cars tram Cars 1 2  3 four three is the best they're all good but   three is really the best all right so this is the  backstage here this is some sound PES and through here so coming up here is Alfred Hitchcock's  office and you see his little profile right   there now this is going to be fun for you  folks look to the right bling yourselves   of a long GL you look great got blown  up these are some different sets of movies they look nice giant theyy to make it  like apartment it's not real brick it's kind   of fake this right a show down here called  Lopez versus Lopez that's ANC right they   just pieces of fly a little bit of bagging  there then the street running parallel to us   on the right all right we're about to  enter into King Kong you have that 3D   glasses I'll try to film it with the glasses  over the camera so you can see what's going on un oh oh was shooting water all  over my face love to look   at the buildings that they use for the for the movies pcture Cars from American Graffiti which  I love that show remember that line it mag and   Back to the Future One cars around if you  do remember they foot powered there right   and there's a flying car Back to Future to Harry  Potter set that I'm going to fly that home tonight   thank you wonderful what this Flintstones grass  G this is a fun one let me see if my this is the   flash flood here in Mexico guys in the booth  good morning and show them what you've been   working out for the big J Sho you got here next  Meek that do you see that thunder and lightning have hey fellas that looks sounds  great can you make it rain that' be   marvelous oh look at that now it's F  Al Believe It or Not folks the water   you see fall here this water it's  fake it's not real it's computer generated put the be claw  on the but don't do it left CLW he said that parts of nachos was filmed here  Hollywood withad directed byar please folks the   right side please don't drop give me a second  hey Chuck where are you dude Chuck there's a   shark uhoh there you are hey Chuck get in the  boat dude there's your shark you see him he's   right there Chuck get in the boat okay Chuck is  getting red suit and all I bet you he got G good   without rber he's going to make that shark really  sick and the shark is going to up truck in a few minutes set he down all the time that's shark  the shark was frustrating it didn't really work   all time shks M CSI New York CSI Miami Bost this  is set for Wars of the world pie here and set it   all up now normally we would drive right through  there but they're doing some construction way   back in and they're also getting ready to set up  for a big movie that's going to be working back   in there as well so those uh sets will be off the  tour now for probably almost two months if you've   seen Jupiter's the movie nope former child star  Ricky J Park this is the part that they show in   the movie NOP over there look into the Winking  and have your picture taken just like the kids   in that old 9s kid sh that's what this whole  place is Loosely based on remember that one   no why a little further down you can see the  brand new star lasso experience HS to Showcase   an unbelievable new live show looking something  anyway behind this Hol F Rush froner eyes a sin secet smack in the center UF hotot we're about to F I'm not going film it because the lights just came on and uh we're  not going to be looks like it broke down fous   is having some temp difficulties okay so the  earthquake was in uh they head that Clos today   the war the worlds they getting ready film for  the next two months that's going to be closed   the psych is closed because you have to go to war  the from Psych World War the world set so that   was close so we didn't get to see those things  still really fun tour though I still love I mean   I'd really recommend doing that uh when you come  here to Universal Studios Hollywood it's kind of   like their signature thing that they have here  um you want definitely want you definitely want   to do it and don't worry I didn't forget at the  end of this video I'm going to show you how you   have a chance to win this uh amazing band and it  works at any of the Universal Parks that has Super   Mario World so yeah I'll show you how to do that  but continue on the day all right I want to take   a quick moment and I want to talk to you and yes  I am talking to you I want you to know that you   matter you're special and you're unique you make  the world better and you might be going through   a little bit of a difficult time in your life  maybe it's your job maybe it's a relationship   maybe it's school maybe it's depression maybe  there's some maybe you just got some terrible   news in your family I don't know what it is but I  want you to know that things always get better so   if you're watching this and you feel like it's  never going to get better I've felt that way   before myself I want you to know that it does get  better and you make the world better I mean that   so all right let's get to new one all right guys  I just got off the tram tour I am now in like uh   the Harry Potter portion of Universal Studios  Hollywood and this place is fun uh if you're a   Harry Potter fan you're going to love it it's  really great the castle looks awesome and I'm   going to go I'm going to kind of show you around  and then I'm going go to the three bro sticks   and we get the feast such good food so let me  show you around all right so this here is look   at this this Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and  Wizardry it's also an attraction it is the uh   Forbidden Journey I will say that if you are  prone to motion sickness this ride might get   you a little sick it's all inside you walk inside  it's really cool and then on the right hand side   over here you have the Flight of the hiph it's  like a roller coaster and it's but it's good for   like little kids it's a good introduction roller  coaster and then I'm going to say if you come to   Universal Studios just be prepared they are  going to get you with their merch their merch   has they have the best merch I'm going go in  here and show you the um filters Emporium look   at if you like Harry Potter let's go to filters  Emporium this is just like all the Harry Potter stuff and you just can't help but  want it all even if you're not the   Harry Potter fan you start looking at  it and you feel like you're like I want   it I want it they have the Loyalty of  the schools there's Slytherin there's Gryffindor I mean they have  like all these cool things here look at this this is like a  Slytherin scarf it's like warm I   don't even want a scarf but I want this  scarf like a little flag this made another scarf Gryffindor little flag to hang in your room here's Ravenclaw I love Raven clim wisdom learning a wit this is my favorite  if I could have been in any house I wish I would   have got sorted into a Hufflepuff I feel like I'm  a Hufflepuff everybody who meets me says you're a   Hufflepuff but look at this look at all this stuff  but when I did the Poore test a long time ago it   SED me just slithering uh some people says I've  changed it I should retest again to see though   I went to Warner Brothers the Warner Brother  studio and they had a Sorting Hat there and   they had me do the experience the Sorting Hat  experience and when I did it did sort me into   huffle PFF and of course if you're just a fan  of just Hogwarts you don't you don't you know   right it's like look at that it's cool I think  that's cool it's got all the school colors cool sweatshirt lots of good stuff here oh like they  even have I mean the thing here's the thing is   it doesn't end well have show you more it seems  like they're always changing them and getting   new stuff there's a new huffle Puff look at that  Ravenclaw that looks good I like that Ravenclaw   little the stocking hats there's the slyther  Jersey there a little slyther jersey for kids   Gryffindor and then Gryffindor oh guys I have to  show you something that's kind of creepy check   this out oh my gosh look at that we got a little  spider here this is Orlando Orlando you're huffle   puff yeah of course I love that I love huffle  Puffs yeah oh my goodness yeah I'm like I know   it's just thing but I don't even want to touch  him but yeah like I yeah you can p him if you   want he's very friendly makes me nervous I love  all magical creatures that's this guy yeah does   he have a name uh yeah uh he's his name is Jay  Jay yeah okay love it bye bye okay I'm walking   out oh there goes the little Flight of the hip  was the Hipp grip I almost said fly the huffle   puff yeah you got to be careful here because  even if you're not a Harry Potter fan you want   to spend all your money on it like all of it like  take my money just take it give me something in   return that's what I want and it's really good  stuff continue on I'm going to be going to do   three broomsticks to show you the food because  they've got some really good food there they   also have butterbeer which is delicious and now  we're entering into hogsmead this is a little   town that's right by Hogs wart I'm going to go in  here and just see if there's anything different in here oh these are the robes these  are all yeah these are cool yeah   they've got good stuff I love that  that's so cool kind of reminds me   Charlie Brown he's still a little bit  but if I had to rank it that's number one I think that's no I think that's  number two it's number three I think   Gryffindor is the most boring of these  ones not always but this one this time it is those who like to play quid each  you got the codor keeper and and the   slyther keeper and Hufflepuff and  Ravenclaw that quiddit shorts and   a quiddit shirt that's cool a little  more Ravenclaw I mean huffle puff some Ravenclaw little more Slytherin and then of course you got Gryffindor I could be wrong about this  I think when Harry Potter first came out   everybody wanted to be Gryffindor that's  everybody wanted to be that's all they   want to be now that time has passed I think  people prefer to be in the different schools   and they're like RoR is okay but it's not  as popular as it once was am I right on   that look at those three broomsticks  are just kind of hovering there so cool these are pajamas just represent  Hogwart H you say yeah there's a little yeah those things are never good oh sorry hey  that's what I have on so do you know you guys   mind if I ask you a question about your owl yeah  all right come right over here it moves Jose got   a question for you do you know why the your owl  joined Tinder no cuz he didn't want to be Al by himself I don't think this is the time for that  type of humor check this out though but look there   Jose is oh there he goes does he have does this  have a name yeah what's your H lavender lavender   yeah oh my gosh hi lavender all right thank  you yeah all right guys we're going to go in   the three broomsticks Elite eating establishment  all right the great feast bangers and mash this   is like a sausage thing you got the herb now  what's interesting when I lived in England they   pronounced it herb they do not drop the H we only  do that in America not joking fish and chips spare   ribs and platter Rose chicken salad shepherd's  pie asparagus vegetable platter then you get   some desserts that sticky toffee pudding is so  good it so is the butterbeer potted cream I would   that's not so great that's okay I mean it's good  but these two are amazing these are okay go with   these two then you get your drinks butterbeer  Frozen butter beer hot butter beer non-dairy   butterbeer they also have like a I think on the  back the show they have a they have beverages the   hot the pumpkin juice is very good too thank you  yes this is the feast so what' you get corn in the   C you got potatoes spare ribs chicken vegetable  medy and more corn and c and uh it's for four   people depending on how many how much of people  eat give be more or less guys we did some serious damage now we're going to get dessert right  so this is the hot sticky toffee that's what   it's supposed to look like but I got mine  I got so excited I don't like ice cream I   knocked my ice cream off but if you look  very careful you can see the butterscotch chips hey okay so wow I just got done eating  I have I think corn in my teeth but now I'm   going to go do the secret life to the pet ride  this another really fun attraction if you have   little ones it's the premise is is you're  a pet and you're about to be adopted by a   family can't doesn't get much cuter than that  okay I'm in the life of Secret Life of pets   it's a adop well I'm drop something there it's  adoption day and when you get in the ride you   are going to be a pet and you're going to get  adopted by a wonderful family about the cutest   R you have if you have motion sickness there's  no problem this is like the slowest cutest little   ride you can go on if you keep a really close  eye about halfway through the ride they have   about 60 to 70 cats they all climb on top of  each other they make a meow tin get it there   they are wow it's like a never ending stream  of puppies here we are walking through the apartment good enough I just saw this may me  laugh look at this book Beats by Dr Dre yeah   d r e i brain just tricked youy brain just  tricked me find you a home we're going to   need the greatest plan ever created luckily  for you every new plan I come up with is the   new greatest plan ever created there's an  adoption event happening right now at the   pet store just a few blocks away I'm going to  lead all you stays through the city but we got   to hurry cuz adoption day is going to be over  soon plus Molly's going to be home in like an   hour We're supposed to have a tea party I know  what you thinking but there ain't nothing wrong   with a grown bunny having a tea party it's a  great way to unwind after a hard day battle   in the forces of be okay check it out this  is the map of the city it's all there that's   me that's there is the little carts that you  get in and each box is like each car is like   a little cardboard box each car is cardboard  box that was dog biscuits this is uh what is that Jackal loupe on a box we got a pizza box all right so here we go the whole point is  that we're going to be adopting we're talking   a full body w l all right now we're going  to see what kind of puppy we are here we are I think I'm a pug you do don't be scared  That's so exciting TR to die everyone don't wor danger my buddy s in with watch that window my yeah fly I love that window sing evil kitty I wonder if you're a cat lover if you   don't like this rides cuz they  make cats seem like they're bad guys everybody knows the best place  to hide is in a fireworks Factory because you know why not looks really good out I should now they have to groom  us so we look pretty so we get adopted this is going to be  great you're going to be all   clean and fluffy and you're going to get did in no time you guys are not getop looking like Journey temporar will resume motion it's a little hamstering like let's get second up the top you're next uhoh oh here comes our family to adopt us here I am there's our family I love so much what you  think let's do it my car is going to explode we got adopted now we have a big party celebrated there they all are there they are you're welcome people okay guys I think we're  here at the end of the video had a really good   time here at University Studios uh univ f is  awesome if you want to get tickets to it it's   really simple to do you call 1855 getaway  1855 getaway they can help you make a hotel   reservations around here get your tickets or you  click down the link down below and that will also   help you uh get you your tickets here so it  is awesome now we need to talk about this all   right you're going to have to do three things  if you do all three things you'll be entering   in a chance to win this amazing luiji band it's  like $42 I'll mail it and ship it to you wherever   you are so let's do this okay there are three  things you have to do in order to be eligible   for this giveaway but first I need to talk about  this sometimes there's some freaking yahoos out   there provos park pass is verified on YouTube  you'll notice we have a little check mark by our   name so provos park pass little check mark so if  anybody messages you or says congratulations you   won and you look at it and it says Pros park pass  and or some weird thing like I saw someone says   like telemarketing PR perk pass whatever and  there's no check mark by it that's not us do   not do not respond to that I will not ask you  for money I will not ask you for uh anything   like that so if anybody ever does that that's a  scam just have to always say that cuz sometimes   people do this on for giveaways okay here we go  number one these are three things you have to   do number one you have to like this video number  two you have to be subscribed to provos park and   number three you need to put a comment and the  comment is Luigi rocks Luigi rocks if you do all   three of those things I have a little program  it'll you'll be El for the drawing don't put   Luigi rocks and not be subscribed to the channel  cuz then you won't be eligible for the drawing   so make sure you subscribe make sure you like  this video and you type in Luigi rocks I will   do this selection on March 3rd 2024 March 3rd  2024 so if you're watching this after that date   the drawing is already done if you're watching  this before that date then make sure you hit   the like button the Subscribe button and the  right Luigi walk rocks Luigi rocks give be all   one word or uh two words of a space either way  uh and then I'll select you I'll let us if you   win I will reach out to you to let you know  that you won we'll get your you'll get your   uh mailing address and I'll mail this out to  you you guys are the best I hope you've enjoyed   this video it's been a lot of fun you guys are  the absolute best good luck I hope you have a   chance to win this uh hope you do win it and I'll  talk to you later again click link down below to   get the best tickets here to come to Universe  Studios it is fun Universal Studios Hollywood   is so fun if you like Mario your little head's G  to go whoa I can't handle all this amazingness of Mario good luck on the giveaway I hope you win

2024-03-03 22:59

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