UNIV 391 - Navigating Tourism in the COVID-19 Era

UNIV 391 - Navigating Tourism in the COVID-19 Era

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Good afternoon. Everybody, and welcome, to week, four. Of, our covid19. The mason, impact, course, we are glad you are here and glad so many of y'all. Um, are are paying attention, and listening to this and hopefully. You're seeing the themes, that we're seeing as we um as we've been talking about this that the kova 19, pandemic, has affected. Multiple, areas so every, every aspect, of life around the world. And that we see that mason, scholars. Are studying, this and it is, it is it is changing, as we go and that's why you've got scholars, who study, and react, and, and create policy. And work with industry. And do research, on this so, um, so i'm, i'm hoping you're seeing those themes going through. Um as we're talking. Um a few, um, technical, updates about the class, just a reminder that we're on week four that you need to make sure that you have, at least two. Um. Of the satisfactory. Grades, for each of the weeks coming up to now and if. You're missing one make sure that you are paying attention, this week and you've contacted, the the. Tas, for the class to make sure that you can make up one this week out of our out of our speakers. Um we have some fantastic, speakers, this week, next week's a short week next week we only have monday, and tuesday. You're officially. Only required, to do one the final week but again you can do both of them. That week and i would really encourage, you, the both of the last week speakers are really interesting one is on the modeling, including the modeling, we did, of how students interact, on campus, and the last one, um is in fact our our campus physician. And our emergency. Um, response, team, who are going to be talking to you and answering your questions, about the return to campus plan, and many of you. Probably all of you have now gotten information, both about if you're coming to campus what that looks like if you're not coming to campus what that looks like, and the the return the safe return to campus, training. So that last, um presentation. Will be. Um one that sort of helps bridge, what you've learned in class to your own personal responsibility. As the semester. Gets started.

Um, So uh just a reminder about that another reminder, y'all are doing fabulously. Already you. We finally got it you the chat. Is specifically. For questions, that have to do with the mechanics, of the course, and you can talk to the tas in the chat. Um the q a. Um is specifically. For, the speaker, so questions, you want us to compile, and remember to be voting, up, um, the other thing i was going to remind you of is as the speaker, is talking we want to make sure that, we sort of are quieter, in the chat so you're able to pay attention, to the speaker. But that you can actively, be involved in the q a there, and i'm keeping track of the questions, that you're asking in the q a, um and i'm hoping you're each keeping track of them so that you're voting up questions, you definitely, want answered. Um the other thing i wanted to say today. Is that, is that we're getting to the last week of class and if you're a new student, actually pretty much for every one of you you all met me. At some point during, um orientation. Either this year's new students coming in as orientation. Or in your earlier orientations. If you've been here for a while. And one of the things i remind you to do is talk to your faculty. The point of this class has been to connect you with faculty, directly. But i'm also a faculty, member. And so, after. Dr adu, is finished talking and we've we've gone through the questions, i'll stick around for another, 15 minutes or so. And just be here to be able to, ask, to answer, any questions. You have, just in general, about i mean if you're if you have questions about campus i may not be able to answer all of them but i'm happy to listen and to give you. Um. Information, and be able to just if you've got questions about what it's going to be like or, you know anything about how to find, research, opportunities. I'm happy to be able to do that so i'll stick around a little bit extra. Um after class i do want to point out that during that time that's not specific, i don't want to answer questions, that they're the kind of things that you, are asking in the chat about, sort of the number of points on on, responsiveness. Bigger questions. So, um with that i would, i, am really excited, to be able to introduce, you to our guest speaker today. Um, dr abhina. Adu, is, um is a faculty, member, um in the school of sport recreation, and tourism, management. Um which is a division, in our college of education human development which you have on the slide right here, um, she is an associate professor, who teaches courses, in tourism. And events management, some of the classes that i think are fascinating. And i wish i could go back and be a student to be able to see. Um what she does. Um and be able to take classes, with her, um and i know her research when she's been talking to me about the work that she's done on her research, um in in tourism, in africa, but she's, a professor, and an expert in tourism, in general. Um and so i'm really excited to have her talk to us today, about. Tourism. And, um and the the covet 19, effects, on tourism. So with that dr adu i'll turn it over to you. Sure, thank you so much. Dr asher. Um. Before we start anything. Um, it is really interesting. I know you are out there. But i can't see you. So if you would indulge, me for just a minute. I have just a minute. For this. Um. If you would type hello. So i can know you're out there just hello, hi. So i can see what's going on. How's everyone, doing. I hope you're keeping, well i hope you're keeping, safe. Hello. Everyone. So good, to see. You here thank you for coming out.

So Again i'm just doing 30 seconds. But. I'm seeing all the hellos, i can actually see the chat now, yes, excellent, okay. So, one more and then i'll say bye. Thank you. Thank you so much thank you everyone for coming out oh you know. I should probably say tuning, in. Today. Um. I hope that. This uh, lecture. Helps you understand. Another. Um. Aspect. Of how covet, has impacted. Economies. And. Countries. So as, dr asha said, i am an associate, professor, my name is dr abner, edu. And i am an associate, professor. In the tourism. And events, management, program. Which is housed, in the school of sport, recreation. And tourism, management. Which is then, housed, in the college, of education. And human development. And as a, university. Teacher. The majority. Of my work. Is in teaching so i teach. Four classes, each semester. But in addition. Being that research, is really important, and informs, what i teach. Um, i do, do some research, but it is not a core part of my. Assignment. At george mason. And then i also serve on several committees. Within the school, the college, the university. And also. In the community. Um in terms of my educational. Background. My i got my bachelor's, a bachelor of arts degree. With a double major, in economics, and psychology. From the university. Of ghana. I got my master, of human resource, development. Degree. From clemson. University. And i got my doctorate. In urban affairs, and public, policy. From the university. Of delaware. And within that. I focused, on tourism, development. And as i look back on my educational. Um. Background. It's. Been really, neat to see how. Each of these different, areas i focused, in at the different levels. Now inform what i do. Tourism, is, economics, is a huge part of. Tourism, as we will see. Going forward. We are trying to understand, the behavior, of people. And that. Is what psychology. Is about. Training, and development, is a key part, of tourism. And therefore, i am able to draw from my human resource development, degree. And then in terms of just policy. Policy, making. Is also very important. When it comes to. Tourism. And so. All these, come together and i think that is the beauty, of. College, a university, education. All knowledge, is important. All knowledge, makes sense. You can bring all knowledge. To your career. Because it helps you to be versatile. No matter your interests. Okay. So. Navigated. Some reason i'm frozen. That is not good. Can you use your. Arrow keys on your keyboard, to move over, that often works. I am trying to do that, let's see. It just froze. That's not good. Oh here we go, excellent. So we are going to navigate, tourism. Or attempt to do it in this covet, 19. Era. And i just want to put out a big disclaimer. I have attempted, to put together. A whole lot of information, about tourism, tourism. Is wide and it's varied. Um but i have attempted, to do that. Um. So. There's a lot of information, coming i guess is what i'm trying to say in addition. In terms of the impacts, of covet 19. And what some of the strategies. Are. I am. Touching, just, the top. Of it, it is ever changing. It is, ever moving. I'm sure you're all aware, every day we're learning something new about this pandemic. And so. Tourism's. Response. To it. Is also. You know growing from the things we learn each day, and so, again. I do not dare, to suggest, i am bringing you. All the information. But i'm going to give you some of the highlights. With regards to things. That have been done. We will try to explain tourism, and the characteristics. Of a tourist. We will discuss, the importance, of tourism. Identify. The impacts of the covet, 19. On the tourism, sector. And try to articulate. Some of the things that the unwtu. And this is actually, should say objectives. And the usda. Have done or us are trying to do and describe some of the impacts. Of covert 19. On my teaching. And my scholarship. So. What is tourism. One of the things, if you. Happen, to study, tourism, is it. Crosses. Many disciplines. And therefore, depending, on who you're speaking, with or which. Angle you're trying to look there will be a, definition. Um. There will be some kind of a. A difference, in the definition. But there are seven, core parts of it, and i think this particular, definition. Um. Speaks to those so. I always tell my students, i don't, expect, you to memorize, this definition. But i expect you to be able to explain. What we are talking about. So that we're saying it may be defined. Um, by these. Processes. And activities. That arise, from these, relationships. And that include. All these different stakeholders. And the goal here is to attract. Transport. Host. And manage. Tourists. And other visitors. Um and here is an image, that shows you just how. Much. Back and forth, is going on between the different stakeholders.

When We think about. Tourism. So to tease, out. The call, parts of the definition. It is that there is a sum, it, involves the sum of the processes, activities, and outcomes. There are relationships. And interactions. Between, tourists. Very important. Tourism, suppliers. Host governments. Host communities. As well as, the surrounding, environment. Which is typically. The origin, government, so. Where people, are. Traveling, from the government, in these places. Tertiary. Educational. Institutions. Like george mason. And also, ngos. Non-governmental. Organizations. So. There is a process. There's a relationship. And there are all these different. Stakeholders. A key thing to remember about tourism. Is that. It is a voluntary. Activity. That people. Are engaging, in it not because they have to. But because, they want to. And that becomes, important, because. If people don't have to. Then you. Speaking. From the destination. Have to make them. Want to. And to come to you so. Please put that at the back of your mind. Another, aspect, of tourism, is the fact that, it is, widespread. And it is complex. Widespread. Because, it is a global. Industry. It transcends. The globe. And it is complex. Because, there are so, many, moving, parts. When you think about tourism, and we will look at some of them. In this presentation. Another. Thing about tourism, is that it is vulnerable. And subject, to uncertainty. And if ever there was a time that this characteristic. Has been tested. It is in this cloven 19. Era. And because, of its nature. It requires. Sophisticated. Management. In order, to be able to, accomplish, this, sophisticated. Management. It helps to think about tourism. As a system. And a system, is. This. Phenomenon. That is made up of component. Parts. And it itself. Is a part, of a larger system so when you think about the tourism. System, it is a part of the larger, economic, system. In countries, for instance. Another, aspect, another characteristic, of a, system. Would be the fact that. There are interactions. And we have already seen that in our definition. That, occurs. Between, and among, different. Components. Of the system. And the third which i think is really, important, as we think about. This era. Is. Interdependence. That one. What happens, in one part of the system. Has. Implications. And repetitions. For. The other parts. So. Thinking. Especially. About tourism, as this global. Industry. We cannot. Ignore, what happens, in other parts of the world so you cannot say, i'm in the u.s.

I Don't care what's going on in any other country. Because, by its very, nature. What is going on there. Can have, impact. On the us. So we're going to look at these elements. Of the system. And i have some of these. Google. Images. You know, to show us. But, the first element, says there has to be at least one tourist. And there are three, criteria. That must be met. In order for one person, to be considered, a tourist. So again think about it we said first it is a voluntary. Activity. So therefore not all travel, qualifies. As tourism, related, travel. But the other level, is to say that not everyone, who travels. Would be necessarily. A tourist. In order for them to be considered, a tourist, there are three criteria, that have to be met. Spatial. Temporal. And the travel, purpose. When we talk about spatial, we are literally, talking about movement. Now this gets, interesting. As we again, contend, in the covet, 19. Uh. Era. Because, what has always, been, the criteria, is to say tourism, involves. Movement, from point, a. To point b. And now we have a situation, where movement. Is being impeded. In terms of the spatial, component. There are two ways to think about tourists. You have domestic, tourists. Who are the individuals. Who are moving, from point a to point b, but in the same, country. So if, a, person. Like me. In virginia. Were to travel. To california. That, and to engage in tourism, related. Activity. That would make me a domestic, tourist. On the other hand. If a person. Moves from their place, of residence. To, another. Country. They are then deemed as international. Tourists. Or as an international, tourist. Now within international. Tourism. You have outbound. Which is going from your home. To another destination. And you have inbound. Which is people coming from other, countries. Into. Your country. All right so again, if we're thinking about someone coming from england. To the us. That is counted, as inbound. Um. Tourism. When we think about domestic, and international. Domestic. Tourists. Make up about, 10 times. The number. Compared, to. International, tourists. However you find that a lot of conversation. Tends to be around international. Tourism. For and one of the basic, reasons, is because with international, tourism. That's where you are getting. An influx, of new, money. If i went, to california. Yes i'm taking my virginia, money to california. But at the end of the year if the u.s, were to calculate, how much money had been made. There would be no new money, into the us. Whereas, if they were counting, all the different people that came from outside the u.s.

That's New money. And that's kind of what people are hoping, to get. However. You cannot, ignore domestic, tourism, because it comes in really, handy. If we think back to 9 11, 2001. When travel. International. Travel was really impacted, because of the terrorist, act. Domestic, tourism. Helped to boost. Um the industry. And actually. In this covet 19, era. We see the same thing happening, we'll look at that a little bit later. You have long haul, and you have short haul. Now the unwto. Which stands for the united, nations, world tourism, organization. Has, five. Uh, regions. The americas, europe, asia, and the pacific. Africa and the middle east. The way they count. Long haul versus a short haul is any, travel. From one, region. To another. Is considered, long haul, regardless, of distance. While. Any travel, within, the same region. Is considered, short haul. Now airlines, and destinations. However. Do use what we would think of, the distance. In their definition. Of long goal and short haul. The temporal, component. Uh breaks, tourists, into stalemates. And, excursionists. And again you will have different. Definitions. Of this. I always like to go with the simplest. And the simplest, is to think of. Anyone. Who's, who travels, to a destination. And stays, for more than 24, hours. Is counted, as a stay over. While anyone, that spends, less than 24, hours. Is an excursionist. So that's one. Differentiation. The other, has to do with. If you were to engage, in international. Tourism. If you stay at the destination. For six, months, or for 12 months or less. You can be counted, as a tourist. After 12 months you cease to be a tourist. For domestic. Tourism. The time limit, is six, months. We have three main categories, of travel purpose, you have leisure, and recreation. We all familiar, with this going to the beach, chilling, out. You have visiting, friends and relatives. Where, for those of you, who may have, relatives, in other. Countries. Or if we, think in domestic, tourism in other states, say for the u.s. If you are visiting. But also meeting the criteria. Of spatial, component. And uh temporal, component. Then. Um you you are engaging, in visiting, friends and relatives. You have the business. Category. And a key component, of that is mice. Or the acronym, is mice, it talks about meetings. It talks about incentive, travel. Conventions. And exhibitions. There's a key. Difference, between a business, tourist, and a business, traveler. A business, tourist. Is counted. When. The. Payment, the funds. Come from the place of origin. So. Me in the u.s. If i were to travel to another, country. But i went. With money from. Mason. That makes me a tourist, because i am taking new money into this destination.

However, If my travel, was paid for. By an entity, in that destination. Then i would be counted, as a business, traveler. There are other categories. Of travel, purpose, you have sport. So think olympics. And all the different, sporting, activities, we have, you have spirituality. Think about going, to. Um. The vatican. Or you know going. On a hash. All those are counted, under spirituality. You have health, medical, tourism. Which is really, growing. As a category. Of um tourism. And then you have study. Always. Remembering. The time limits. Etc. Multi-purpose. Has to do with, an individual, that's engaged, in tourism, related, travel, but is. Going, for. Two or more, purposes. A challenge, with that. Has always, been. How do we count it, because, usually. Even if you are filling out a form. You only have room for one. And there's a feeling that that is why the three that we call the main. Categories. Continue, to be the main categories. Because usually, that's what you're going to put, i'm going to a conference, so that counts as business. It does not count the fact that after i leave the conference. I'm going to engage in. Some, spiritual. Related, travel. Or health related, travel. And so that is a challenge, when it comes to counting. The number. Um. So, our next. Part of the system, has to do with the. Taurus. Generating. Region, which is the origin, region. And you want to understand, what's going on with the community. When people, in that community. Leave. To go. To engage in tourism, related, travel. There are consequences. For the community. Businesses, don't have as many people coming to them, and there are consequences, so as you're thinking about managing, tourism. You want to think about that, the government. We know there are countries, where. They have, regulations. On where their, residents. Can go. And so. That is something, that, if you are interested, in tourism, and its management, you want to think about. And also push factors. And some of these push factors, include, discretionary. Income. Tourism, is voluntary. Active, as a voluntary, activity. Well. Typically. You're going to be spending, money that has no obligation. So hopefully, you're not spending, the money that should go to your rent or your mortgage. Or to your tuition. This is going to be money that after you have paid all your obligations. Remains, and you can use it, similarly. Discretionary. Time. Again hopefully, you're not. Taking, time off. I mean. So you have vacation, but i'm talking about, blowing, off your job. I need to go to the beach. Um. That may not work very well, but you may have time that is built up, as we refer to it, as. In this country, we say we have vacation, time. We count our hours very diligently. And we can use that time that is not obligated. For work for school. For any other obligation. And we can use it, and so it's important. If you're thinking about managing, tourism. That you are aware. Of what's going on in the origin, region. You, as a destination. Manager. May not have any control. But at least you should have some understanding. Of what's going on, the transit, region. We know that there are parts of the world that. For instance, if we're trying to go from, the east coast, to asia. That we have to make certain stops. You want to understand, what's going on there. If the transit, region, if this doorway, through which you need to go. Is not functioning, properly. It can impact tourist. Tourism, so if i'm a destination. I know people are coming to me. But. The, midway, point the transit, region. Is not you know. It's not working well. That is something, i want to be aware of, there's also the challenge, that sometimes, these transit, regions.

Become. Competitors. Right, that if they can, create an atmosphere, where someone's like ah instead of going all the way to point. C. Which took me which is going to take me two days. I can just stay here, and have, a good time, also, so, as a destination. I want to be aware of that. Um, then we have the destination. Region, right at least one tourist. Destination. And there again you want to think about the community, the residents. Because. If they are not. For tourism. They can. Cause, problems. You have situations, where people have gone places, and the residents, have treated them poorly. One thing you never want to have in tourism. Is any kind of bad, press, bad, image. And therefore. It is in everyone's, best interests. That the community. Is made a part of the decision-making. And has a buy-in. In, when it comes to tourism, development. The destination. Government. Can put in place. Uh. Rules and regulations. That would either. Open it up to tourists. Or not. We know in the us. Um recently, we've had a lot of travel bans, with. Different. Countries. People from different countries, have not been allowed to come into the us. If, that is a place where we are looking to draw tourists. That is an issue. That needs to be considered. Within the destination. Region you want to think about the pool factors. The attractions. The services. How affordable. Is your destination. You have the industry, which is, the sum of the industrial. Activities. That produce. Goods and services. Wholly, of many. Mainly for tourist. Consumption. Um so. Here are some examples. I have put forth the economic, accommodation. Transportation. Together, with attractions. Tourists, the tourism. Industry, and attractions. Make up the tourism. Product. Okay, here's some key agencies. And i'll be referring, to them, the world tourism, organization, i mentioned already. The us, travel association. And the virginia, tourism. Corporation. Why, is. Tourism. Important. So here are some numbers. In 2018. Which is where we have, a full picture. We had 1.4. Billion. Um. Tourists. And that was a five percent, increase from the previous, year. The amount of money the tourists, spent. Came up to and. The, um. Dollar here is the us dollar. 1.7. Trillion. And 2018. Showed the ninth. Consecutive. Year of sustained. Growth. So here are some images, to show you. What things have looked at like. What things look like, starting, from about. Um. 2008.. We can see there has been. Um. A bit of a growth, we've had some stumbles. Um but tourism. Still, has been hanging on. Um. Until now. So in terms of the five regions. Europe, always, takes the lead. Um, has, 710. Million. Tourist arrivals. And then you can see the other regions. Our top destinations. Uh. France. Seems to have always been. In the top three, i would say but you see the us, is there in some other countries, in terms of tourist arrivals. But also. In terms of, tourist, uh, receipts, which is, the amount of money that these tourists. Are spending. So, part of the, what has contributed, or what contributed, to the. Numbers for 2018. Strong global, economy. As well as these others. Technological. Advances. New business models. And, visa, facilitation. Different, ways. To make it easier, for people to travel. From place to place. 2019. Had a bit of a challenge, because, you had the issue for instance, of brexit. That has changed, the landscape. A little bit. And so. There was, some, challenges. To it but you can still see, that overall. Tourism. Continues. All continued, to do well. In virginia. Bringing it close to home. Tourism, generated. 26. Billion. Domestic, travel, spending. Um. Here we have figures, for the work opportunity. Etc. Uh, personal, income. Taxes, taxes. Are a big, big part, when we think about the economics. So here are some numbers, that show how, domestic. Specifically, domestic, tourism. Has been doing in virginia. Some benefits. Economically. You have, uh, revenue. Which is the direct, what is spent by tourists. But then that generates, other revenue, as it goes through the economy.

You Have the fact that as tourism, does well because of its relationship. With other. Um. Sectors. These sectors, also do well, if you think for instance. More people come, more food is consumed. Which means. People in the agricultural. Sector. Also, see an increase. Employment. You have the direct, employment, of people working in the industry. But also, these indirect. Employ, the indirect, employment. For instance. Where the farmer, now, needs to hire more people, to work on his farm. Okay from. Regional, development. Where tourism. Becomes, the startup. So to speak. To help an economy, that may have floundered. We have in the u.s. A lot of small towns that used to be industrial. Hubs. Where the, manufacturing. Has moved away. Tourism, becomes, the way to restart. The economy. Social, culturally. You're thinking about. Promotion, of, understanding. That as you travel, to different places, you get to see people. And, you get to, get you you get rid of some of the stereotypes. Or prejudices. That you may have, grown up with because you didn't know these people suddenly, you go there and you're like oh we like the same things. Or we. Don't like the same things. Um preserving, the culture. And providing, social, well-being. For the, um. Residents. Um environmentally. You are. Tourism, helps to. Enhance, and preserve. Environmental. Assets. In terms of cost, the negative, impacts. You have. Just the fact that, to do anything, you have to pay for it, and that money has to come from, somewhere, and, that becomes a cost. Fluctuations. And tourist arrivals. Can impact, a destination. And again. If ever there was a time. It is in this coveted, era time. In this covet era. Competition, from other sectors. And there is sadly, while tourism. Is lauded for its employment. There is the reality. That. Um, some of the types of jobs, tend not to be the. Highest, paying, or higher skilled, jobs. And that can be problematic. In the long run. Social, culturally. Almost, the. Commodification. Of culture, where you're trying to. Curate, your culture, to meet the needs of our um. Your tourists. To the detriment. Of the, fabric. Of the destination. As well as demonstration. Effect, where. You know the youth, in your. Destination. May be looking at these tourists and trying to emulate, them, and sometimes, it does not have the best. Results. Crime, is an issue. And how residents. Feel. Can be, a problem. Environmentally. You have to build a hotel. Well that means tearing down vegetation. And that can have repetitions. Um on the environment. Which then leads the environment, to respond. And then also there are some human responses. That may not be. Um favorable. And then of course you to go from point a to, point b you have to use some mode of transportation. And we know conversations. About. Carbon, footprints. And. The issues, with the climate. All right. Impact. Of. Covet 19. On tourism. On the global, scale. We have some really. Troubling, numbers, so between, january. And april, of 2020. Within the scope of three months. There was a 44. Decline. In international, tourist arrivals, that is, 180. Million. Fewer tourists. There was a 55. Decline, in march, and a 97. Percent decline. In april. In terms of tourist, receipts. And this, all this data is coming from the. Unwtu. There was a. 195. Billion. Dollar, decline. In international, tourist, receipts. Um so here's an image, that shows you how it's shaped up for the different. Um, tourist, regions. Not surprising. Asia in this. Pacific. Got hit, the hardest. Losing. Or. Seeing a decline. Of, 51. Percent. Next was europe. And you can see that seems to follow the trajectory. Of. The virus. And, people being sick and therefore having to shut down. Um. With regards, to travel. After europe, was, the middle east, and then the americas. And africa. So the potential. Overall. Impact. Is about. That by the end of 2020. We're looking at about 1.1. Billion fewer, international, tourist arrivals. And about. Between. 910. Billion. Dollars. And 1.2.

Trillion. Loss. In revenue, so. Needless, to say. And. Uh, tourism, has been hit, very, ha, hard, by this pandemic. Um, and. That's problematic. Because if we, look at, what we said, what were the reasons, for why it's important, the contributions. That tourism, makes in terms of. Revenue, in terms of jobs in terms of. Tax. You know revenue. And then to see how much, is being lost, you can. See why there's a lot of concern. Um. Around. What's going on. On a national, scale, the u.s, travel. Association, has put out a report, and. For domestic. Leisure travel. The first, quarter saw an eight percent decline. But then that jumped, to 53, percent, in the second quarter. And the projected, overall decline, is about 28. Percent. For business, travel. And. From, the u.s travel association. They put, business, travel. Behind. Leisure travel. Um you have a 15. Decline, in the first quarter. Um a 59. Percent decline, in the second quarter. And that's not surprising, a lot of jobs, cancelled, all, travel. All, um business related, travel conferences. Were cancelled. Um where trips were cancelled. And so you see the number and the projected, overall. Is 35. Um in terms of, inbound. Which is people coming to the u.s. The projected, overall, decline, for 2020. Is about 63. And again. This makes sense when we think about. The travel, bans that have been put in place. Since. Um, i believe it was march, no maybe. February, i think it was. Um, travel spanning. Here's our decline, 82, percent. In april and, uh may, and then, we're looking at an overall, decline. Of 45. In. 2020. And with that here are some of the. Numbers. 505. Billion, dollars. Is what that translates. To. And 81. Billion, dollars. In terms of federal. State and local taxes, and one of the, big contributions. That tourism, has. Made. Is to help. Lower. Things like property, taxes, because it brings in so much tax, revenue. That that helps, to lower property, taxes, and so. This is really. Um. A problem. And, recovery. Is not expected. Until, 2024. Which we see here. The way it's looking, we have it, there was, the dip we can see in 2020. And we're hoping, that, things get better and we are able to make some up, make some of the. Uh, make some improvements. For 2021. But that we will not see. An actual, sustained. Recovery. Until about 2024.. In virginia. Just a few things. That have been put out. By. June. 30th. Travel spending. Had. Declined. By, 56. Percent, which translates. To. A loss of 320. Million. Dollars. So strategies. Now the unwto. Has been. Very, strong. In saying. That tourism, will have to be a part. Of the recovery. So. But. Has also been very cognizant, of the fact that. We, cannot, do anything, without, thinking about. The health and safety. So i think that's really important, so one of the slogans, they've been working with. Is, stay, home today. So we can travel tomorrow. So. Trying, to. Walk. In step, with the. Public health concerns. In terms of. Some, some things that have been proposed. You know managing, the crisis. Providing, stimulus. And preparing, for tomorrow. It uh some of the um. Proposals, that have been put forth by the unwpu. It has three, scenarios. That. It's, you know. It. Talks about the unwto. That you know if, we, are able. And we are already in july. So. You know we are still struggling, with this. But the gradual, opening, of borders, and lifting of travel, sanctions, if we were to go with july. This is how the recovery, would look like. If it's really happening, in september. We see that. It's, there's a recovery, but it's not as steep. And then if we have to push it, um all the way to december, then here, uh. Here's what recovery, is going to look like and we can see that that's, you know as it says scenario, 1 means, 58. Percent decline. Scenario, two seventy. Scenario, three. Seventy, eight. So some areas, to think about. Border management. The private, sector, air travel, hospitality. And all these others the attractions. Very important, and destination. Management. And some tools, thinking about hygiene, hygiene hygiene. How are we keeping these spaces. Clean, and safe. There needs to be. A lot of coordination. Among stakeholders. Health, professionals.

With Private, sector, with the government. Coming, together, to ensure. That. We are making it safe. For all tourists. Um communication. Is key. Training. Is important. Marketing. Is important. Um. Technology. So technology. Is definitely. Filling the gap. And then of course, sustainable. Practices. Uh important. Um for the u.s, travel, association. They have put forth three recovery, initiatives. One is to suggest, or not to suggest but to propose. An industry-wide. National, marketing. Campaign. That will seek to motivate. Travel, in the us. You know people are still a little. Wary about, it, so. It is important, for. Um. People within the industry. To come up with a way to. Ensure. And, you know, encourage. People to travel, but make sure, it is safe to travel. Federal, grants, for destination, marketing, organizations. Because. Many of these organizations. Have been. Decimated. In terms of their budgets. And then maybe provide, a tax. Incentive. You know again i said companies. Have. Cut down on. Business, travel, a, for the health concerns, but b because, many of them have lost a lot of revenue. And so. Providing, these incentives. And the belief, is if, these three things are done. Then here's the hope of what's, what could, happen in terms of recovery. There could be a more than 71, billion. Increase in travel spending. Uh, 162. Million, in economic. Output, and an 11 billion, increase. In, taxes. Um. With, the majority, of it happening, obviously. In 2021. So. Covert, 19. And my teaching. Research, and service. I will say. I always, would tell students, how tourism, was this vulnerable. Big. Widespread. Complex. Entity. And while i. Knew that and understood, that. What has happened in clovit, in this era, has. Actually. Just shaken. My. Grasp, of it and so. It has led to really focusing. More on, what we mean when we say tourism, is this vulnerable. Phenomenon. To see the decline. That has happened, how, hardly. How very. Strongly, hit. The, industry, has been. You know so now i'm. Incorporating. That in my teaching. When we're doing discussions. We are going, to be, thinking about. How, pandemics. Like over 19. But you know. Other. Uncertainty. Can, impact, tourism. And therefore. Crisis, management. Becomes, vitally. Important. Whether, a destination. Is going to make it through, it's really going to depend, on. What they are able to do in this time of crisis, so to speak. And then the realization. And this is. Larger than just, me but even in our program, and the one thing that excites, me about. Our program, in tourism and events management, but also in our school. We are always. Making sure. That we are aware, of the environment. In which our students are going to operate, and therefore, making sure that we are preparing, them. For the new. Era so to speak. And therefore. Um. That is going to feature in my uh. Teaching. In terms of research. Definitely. I am, interested, in, thinking, more deeply. About. Um the impacts, of covet 19, when it comes to tourism. Um. As dr asha, mentioned. My area of focus, for my dissertation. Was. Was, um. My area of. Focus, was in west africa, so i am definitely, curious to see how things are shaping up. Um. One of the classes i teach is women and tourism. Because, i think when it comes to tourism. Women have a very. Interesting. And unique. Um, opportunity. And i i, am really curious to see how. Um. This covet. 19, era. Is going to impact, women's. Involvement, in the tourism, industry. And then i am. Interested, in, you know comparing. Different destinations. What they did. And therefore, how it has, impacted, their, recovery. Particularly. In tourism. In terms of service. You know, on campus, efforts. Happy to serve and you know think, more broadly, about how, mason. Um. We do what we do right and, um, i am excited to be a part of conversations. As we find our way back from, what has been an interesting, year. And i, happen to serve on the board. Of the pop authority, and we have been having, lots and lots of, conversations. About how. This. Pandemic. Has impacted, our activities. And different things that are being done so. I'm excited, to. Engage, more broadly, with the community. As we. Again discuss, how do we come back from what has been. A pretty major hit. In the industry. So. Here are some of the references. That i used. For this. Presentation. And i would like to say thank you, and i'm not even going to lie. I don't know any of these languages, but it looks like a good. Um, image. So i'm sure, hopefully, some of you can identify, some of the words, i do know, uh, mercy, which is french. But that's about it. But thank you so much, i hope that. This gave you some information. About what's going on with tourism. And now. Questions. You.

2020-07-30 18:08

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