Unforgettable Venice Life in Japan EP 292

Unforgettable Venice   Life in Japan EP 292

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We are in the car again and we're going to Venice! I think Paris and then here is going to be my favorite. This is so unique. Oh my goodness! Venice Italy The Floating City So we had a park our car outside of Venice city limits. Now we catch a bus Today we are starting the last leg of our journey celebrating the girls' 15th birthday. We are going to Venice, a city I've always wanted to go to and it's going to be an epic grand finale.

This is so fun! I think Paris and then here is going to be my favorite. Yea. This is the place I really wanted you guys to see. This is so unique.

Wow! This is so unique. All their streets are just water. So we cross into it now with the bridge? Right. So beyond that part there's like no cars. Venice is a city that is in so many movies, but as we're crossing this bridge into this amazing city, it's like we're stepping into a movie.

It was amazing. Oh look- you can get a taxi right there. All transportation from this point on is either by foot or by boat you get to pick.

It's slippery. It's glass, you can see through. You're on glass. You're on glass. Look how blue the water is! It's almost green! Green! We're all slippery. It's so slippery.

Oh, look the gondola! That's the trash truck. It's got a dog and that's how you get your trash picked up by boat. That's the airport. Old buildings. When they have high water, they put these walk-boards. Oh, for high water.

Are masks a big deal here? Yea, what's up with all the masks? Venice carnival. Did you ever hear about it? It's very famous. It's like the masked ball. Yeah. Look at the food options. Oh my goodness! The calzones... The pasta! It all looks good. Look at all the pasta.

Oh that has a lot of options! Oh that does have a lot of options! Do you want to go in there? Yea, let's go in there? Have you girls ever gone to a glass factory where they blow glass? I've seen it on movies. They put it into like super hot lava. There's a factory here that does it. Ave Santa Lucia Oh, Santa Lucia dwells in there! [Singing} Santa Lucia... That was on an [episode of] Andy Griffith [Show].

Her story is a wonderful story. The buildings are so unique. Here goes to the Hebrew Quarter... Let's go to the hotel before and get some food? This is the Hebrew Quarter, We'll go there later.

Let's see how expensive the houses are here! We saw already in Monaco. The size of that boat- whoa! 960,000! That's expensive! Oh it's open ocean over there! Venice just goes to ocean, right? Yep. Which sea? Aegean.

Aegean Sea. Look! That's ocean! I need to go to the restroom. Looking at all the water makes me want to go more. And here's our hotel. It looks newer than other buildings.

OK here's our room. Oh my goodness! We can hang our coats up. Are you sure this is ours? It opened... You come in this door. Yes! Turn on the light! We have water... Wait! I'm sleeping in this room! Oh my goodness! This roo- this is huge! This is massive! There's two TV's! This is my room.

Holy moly! Look at my view! Oh my goodness! Look at this chair, ok? Wait, but one of us could sleep here. Let's figure out how to turn on a light in here. I wonder if I have to leave my key somewhere? One more walkthrough with the lights on. Amazingly, this hotel was not that expensive, Even though it looked super luxurious.

This is a bath! Oh my goodness! Can I take a bath for the first time in forever?! I want to take a bath so bad! I'm going to take a bath tonight. One kid's bed, one kid's bed. This is crazy! I'm getting kind of inspiration for what to build in Minecraft. Oh. I just want to draw. All of these fun details are so fun to draw.

I know, so many windows. Do you think they swim in the river in summer? Not in this river. Well it is kind of like you're swimming in the street.

Yea! You can't think of it as river, you think of it as a street. I can't! That's a river! As we were trying to find lunch, we went through an area they called the Hebrew quarter. It led us to some interesting places inside of Venice. It smells so good.

I know, we're hungry. On the floor here they have the names of people who died during Holocaust. Star of David up there, more names of people who died in the holocaust. Oh is that a school?! Oh, there's a scooter— a school! They all come to school by scooter. This is a huge courtyard. There was a food bank here where you could come and get food during the war.

We've seen a mail truck, A mail man, A trac- tractor boat. A tractor boat. And that's pretty much it. If we buy stuff, we can put it in his backpack. Isn't that so nice of him? Smart of Vovô.

Look at that! How cool is that?! You hang your laundry! Hope your laundry doesn't fall! Oh see, that's the mail man. Amazon delivers in Venice! Do you think it's expensive to deliver? Oo, there's a bird! Did he just get a fish?! He got something... Can I see? That must be a bookstore.

I love these little places to eat. Now we're in the alleyways of Venice. Oh look! You can go in there! See like how they put the steel things across, Oh, that holds... That holds everything together. Look at that alleyway.

Yea, I don't think I want to fall in this, it would be cold! I would cry if I fell into here because everything I have... Where's my phone? Where is it?! No?! Don't have it?! Oh it's right here. Don't scare us like that! That scared me so bad. It was in the front pocket. I never put it in the front pocket. Oh we sit on the sides?! This is scary. This is our gondola ride.

This is fun. This is so fun! And scary. No it's not. Don't drop your phone. Seriously.

This is the Grand Canal, guys. I feel like we're going to fall back any second! Oh! Are you sure this won't fall? Absolutely. You know how to swim if it does fall.

I know but then all my stuff will be wet! It won't fall. If I just sit in the middle? No. I don't like this. That's the only thing we try to protect. Just to cross the road! Oh really? That's all we're going?! Yea. I would have given you girls $1,000 if you would have walked across on the water.

Ha ha ha. I could! By faith. By faith! Oh! We found the market! What an interesting market. All the seasonings you need. This is very interesting.

It's all your seasonings. So this — someone would walk up there and they'd stand there and they'd give the news for the day. So-and-so died, so-and-so is visiting. On the pillar... The Reutters are visiting Venice today, let's make them welcome. Life in Japan. Subscribe.

Let me take a picture of you girls by the chocolate gondolas. Chocolate gondolas! We're shivering. Get in just a little bit more... Wow! Chocolate factory.

Look at me. Good. Got it. We made it to heaven! We're in the clouds. This is San Marco Church.

The body of San Marco is in there. It's a beautiful church. Is this John Mark? Look, you can't even see the top of the spire there.

Look, there's a spire there but it's in the clouds. It's in the clouds! Look at this church. Not worthy of the phone. So much detail. Whoa! The lights turned on in front of my eyes! Wow! Look! It's like a whole corridor! The Christmas tree! Yea let's go by the Christmas tree. Rocking' around the Christmas Tree, have a happy holiday! You guys want to go in? If you guys want, we'll pay for you to go in if you'll go. Wow! That's so different. It's very different.

Look at the size of the columns! All the gold... And all of the paintings, see up on top? Hey girls- see all those paintings way up there?! Look at that. It's really high. Can you see the mosaic? Yea. It's so pretty. It is incredible, isn't it? Look at those columns! It's so beautiful.

Here's a confessional. What is this? It's a confessional. The priest would sit there, and you sit there and tell him all your sins. It's like one from the movies.

Yea, we've only seen it in movies, never in real life. They don't actually see you. The priests doesn't see you. He doesn't see who's talking. Whose horrible sins he's listening to. What are these spots? I have no clue who sits there. Important people probably. Oh, there's Jesus. Way up there.

Sitting on the throne. Look at all the gold. [Look at] this one. Look at that gold wall. Look, they say this one is the most important in the Byzantine time in the whole world. Wow.

So much gold. Christmas time! Venice Italy The Floating City Okay, so this hotel has had lots of movies filmed in it. It's called something. *Hotel Danieli I'm not sure what it's called, but we're going to have tea here. Let's make a quick little movie scene here. The story's going to be called the Big Christmas Tree.

Once upon a time in Venice, There was a girl named Rebecca, and she loves — whoops— She loves the big ball... Don't touch. Big ball — especially that one. The shiny one. So you can take a little picture. Perfect. That's the end of the story. Hope you like it. This is where the fancy people have tea, A spot of tea! We are having tea.

[Trying to film an emotional scene] Having tea at Hotel Danieli was amazing and not near as dramatic as Becca and Anna made it seem, That part is still to come. OK, it's still overcast. How fun would it be to drive a boat for a job?! That would be so fun! Well, I guess it's normal. It's like a car for them. It's a car for them.

Do they even know how to drive cars?! I don't know if they know how to drive cars. Tractor boat! Oh, there's the tractor boat. Oh look! Tourists! Ha ha.

Oh look! Look how they put things on the boat! Look at the garbage pickup! That's a garbage boat! Look! It looks like Japan. Oh look at those! It looks like Brazil. Wow. Look at the size of those! What is that?! The weather is super humid. See my hair.

But once you cross this bridge, there's no cars. So right here is where everyone comes in by bus or by train or private cars so you can see there's cars over there. But then from here on for the bridge... no cars. I love you. Just boats. Everyone goes by boats. I didn't see a school boat.

There wasn't a school boat. Everyone just rode a regular boat. Milan Italy Last Night before Departure This is the famous Doumo. The famous one. Look at how huge it is! This is the front of the Duomo. Look at that church! Big open area.

It's so rainy. Look at that huge— it's a real Christmas tree. OK, we're going to go up in this building. Look at our view from up here! Wow! This is beautiful. So beautiful! I wish I brought my phone! You can see a lot from up here. Look at how beautiful the streets are.

Wherever I'm at in Milan it's beautiful. The time for us to go home has arrived, so we are at the Milan airport. We are all checked in, We have a couple of hours for our flight because we came with my parents and they had an earlier flight. So here we wait. So we're at the lounge and they have doughnuts. Oh look at this... this is so healthy! And croissants.

For your soul, not for yourself. Let's go! Time to head home. Santa's coming to the airport in Hong Kong. OK, it's our last flight home. We're in Hong Kong. There's mountains everywhere.

Europe was fun, but... home. That tired child over there is just worn out. Guys, what are we doing?! We're going to pick up Mommy and Becca and Anna. Yea, finally! They've been gone for 2 weeks! Alright, we're just waiting for them. They're supposed to come out here any moment now.

Any moment! They're over here! There they are! Big hugs! Hi Dude! Hi Sarah Bear! Oh my goodness! Welcome back! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, look at those presents! Those are awesome, guys!

2025-01-13 05:13

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