Unexplored Beauty Awaits: Our Epic Bike Trip to Laram Top | Inspired by @WildlensbyAbrar

Unexplored Beauty Awaits: Our Epic Bike Trip to Laram Top | Inspired by @WildlensbyAbrar

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This news comes on the way, this is what I saw, this is a place of dangerous climbing, or this is your memory, and you see this and its surrounding areas, this jungle, PTC is cooking our traditional Ladmata, your roti and Assalamu alaikum Rahmatullah ve Barakathu to sir ji e gaye hai with us now and we are leaving his name was because of Mishra it got its name madam alarm so at your time here the best of Pakistan airports was built and At present, in the entire KPK of functional level, after Charsadda, which is the biggest control tower of airports, it operates from here, ships from China, etc., inter-arrive from Afghanistan, so they contact this one. Here I have some glasses for you, you have also got it, then it will be a bit difficult on the way and this and definitely society etc. There is only some society for eating and drinking and pistol has been kept for safety and other things are special otherwise Let's start and further stay with us, our Rangili has gone, she is ready for the journey, I think it will be comfortable that her way is not that much and you road is also not that much, she tolerated it comfortably and we two people If it is enough, it is also comfortable and that's why we have selected it, it is 22 models and thank you, we are charging, Kindly will reach above them, the next village that comes, that is the area, after that then Lad's Jo. It is a mountain series, it starts, this news comes not on the way, it is an iconic place, people come here to see how the route is made, so this is an important thing, if it ever comes to the fore Put inside that you are going to the right price, we have just crossed, so let 's see that this is the most dangerous climb or say the mode, it comes, it is called this mode because it is special, is n't it? It is the first time, so it is going very well because it is 5K, the impression of the puzzle is lying, it will be very good for you too, it is very famous for many reasons, first of all its height is very high, it almost means when it is on height and when Means if there is a snake then it can be seen through binoculars and also from naked eye means one thing and another is that its weather is very good and in June and July there the temperature is not more than 10-11 then second thing This and the third one is there, you will see all this from the side of the wall etc. It is a very beautiful place, I highly recommend it to those who want to come here, because it is difficult to interchange the taste, if you sit in the car, you will reach madam top in two hours. You will pay if you walk very comfortably,

then this is also a lot of country and beautiful from this reference . Best is then after that the road becomes a bit rough and you road but 12 overs is not that much difficult also noted one thing like this we are not height but ho are you already when we were coming from city then you Saw the temperature, see this, even after this, you started the road, but it is also running low, now the recent government's Pakistan Teri Insaaf, those people have paid the budget and have also started the work. 12 has not happened yet, but this The embroidery etc which is priest you can see now see it is bad till the head it is not that bad we can easily even from bike yes there is little concrete etc but all this is not a big issue i think because in tour you will see everywhere But come black carpet roads and this thing does not get a little bit of adventure thrill and a little bit of power because he is said to be beautiful and he keeps on telling you that he is doing everything indifferently from the channel of Widelines brother Abrar because He is on YouTube and he has a lot of fan following and recently he has toured India yesterday, so he has his shop because I do Rahat but I never tell videos etc. If you have made another video then Inshallah next time when he has a gopro etc camera for himself, it is also said that the water that is coming here is a series of spectacles, this water comes from Tajikistan because Tajikistan is part of our Pakistan. It is above and what is different from us, our time is on it or Pakistan and Pakistan also meet, then this is the thing, it is unlikely that this is a meeting, but it is said that this is a series of water. It comes from there, now you will climb up and see that this is a series It is a bit difficult for the bike to drive it at such a place but because I am a train, so now you are watching me , the train has started and now you will see that it is Takshashila, or there it is like a vibration, it is found The road that was bad is burning , it is fine, you are seeing it, the sugarcane is still here, people have not harvested it, it has its own beauty, it is lying here, you are seeing this taste in the motor, you are seeing it. Maybe

people have seen it and now the effect of this fight has started, what a beautiful solution it is looking at, isn't it, it is looking like Hollywood, it is definitely a hill chain, its duty is with it, you are on 11th June, isn't it 11G? Yes sister-in-law , you can also see it is ready but harvesting is not done, I think it has just fallen, I think it will be 18 degree centigrade, please , it has started for you too. Texture de na ji udhar DK udhar aapko aapse aayega ki woh trick ki hollywood ki wo trick aap ko hollywood ki aaye hai ki game clone ki game change hai yeh ko puncture ho hua hai poor bhai ka kiyariyat se masala nahi tha tha aap bhi aur bhi hai It is very beautiful, that too you can see, this sugarcane crop is standing ready under this type and he did not tell me that he has these glasses till the side, I did not know, well he told me, okay, look from the right side There is inclination, there is word, there is motor, there is taste, all that is sight , will it not come by itself, never hit 10 speed by which I am going because I am so dry and not that but I come more, I do not even know the mode hai and road shops are enough like Rampal they are going in one mode by yu u like movie The shop comes here, it is normal here , now we have reached and now you will see everything is visible from here, from here again, you will see the way of Rabat Arrow, now you will see that this is the top, it is a matter of a little hello, in what time did you reach here, check here sir What is the time and now we have to go to the hotel etc. which list will probably take us 10-15 minutes or 10 minutes, we have one hour or 1 hour 5 minutes, we can come to your rest house even after that. The difference is that it is difficult to go further on this path, then there are small thickets buried here, I had also made a video, maybe on some snake etc.,

people stay here, chairs etc. are there and then again from here. People come back and come down then we will go this is very beautiful now the beauty starts from this which is the pain of Sanobar and this so you stay with us and keep watching ji and you can see the surrounding areas you can go sir when We have won a lot, don't we ship Panda and where the fragrance is here, where is the steepness of the road, because of this, the bike also has to be put in the first gear only, when even in the second ball by mistake, we give pulses, then Bye stops, then yes, these are the top three towers, which do not transmit single on each side together, then one tower is this one, which is the tower etc., from the bottom, this is the operator etc. Here we have reached our host, we call him mother, in whom ghosts live, there are no humans here, well, after a little stay at the guest house, we have left for the place where the army is lying. And where the army is lying in madam top, let's see what happens next, is that army lying next to it and Pakistan army and those people are giving security here and that thing is also there The one who moves like this, the detector which detects the ship, now you will also see that thing is here, so during the Pakistan war of Russia, 16 ships had crossed from here, from this border to Pakistan and this tower. Had also made it a detector

and now all the airports of Pakistan are operated from here and even less in a correct way so this is just another lake here you can see small water here when I have also come ahead of it again this is the area of ​​mantra of search starts army don't leave beyond this and this is again down from north west side rubber hall and this is river Panchkula which you are seeing below and this is visible on this side and then again on this side in the top of Ladam you must be seeing booster etc. They are visible on my right side but below that then it is visible for you people now the village is visible the height is so big it gets blocked then neither there is any vehicle power nor any bike There is power, this ji is cooking our traditional Ladmata roti and it can be seen Mashallah, it will take a little time, come on, come on , the roti is very beautiful, very tremendous, and what is called, it is in a circle shape, so it is called a diameter, it will be a diameter . So the song is ready and first try it Bismillah Rahman Rahim I have eaten traditional food at many places in Pakistan and this is the front view which you have seen now sitting in front of it will have more fun than we channel Subscribe and remember me in your prayers Well, I forgot to tell one thing, many people will say that what was the scene of the song price ka to its ji humne pe kiya with tea and cold drink with ₹ 2000 g to ₹ 2000 humne p Which is more chip and compared to other areas of Pakistan, at such a height and at such a place, and you are getting such food and at such a price, then I think what can be better than this . Again remember me in your prayers like subscribe and what do you say share with friends

2023-06-24 21:00

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