we are about to leave Manila and head to shagal but I'm very very late for my flight but let's go to shagal apparently the best island in the Philippines apparently better than Valley apparently Paradise there's only one way to find out and I'm going to give you the no [ __ ] the honest guid to Shaga let's head there hi uh the pass weaking here uh at the main entrance I foret that everyone in Philippines speaks English so I don't even need and friends you're coming thank you sal sal kuon nice to meet you Ron Ron and who like Ron Weasley and I'm like Harry Harry like Harry Potter Ron Weasley and Harry Potter really what's your name kuya Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo raldo raldo yes sir Harry yes sir okay let's go Ronaldo okay he's traveling in style in the Philippines you he me yeah it's on yeah yeah it's locked this is what you got to do if you're late for your flight you book the uh the motor taxi hello comea I'm good I'm do how about you thank you brother how about you I'm good I'm good my booty okang as you guys know the traffic in Manila absolutely sucks ass so this is really the only way I'm going to get there on time but this positives and negatives so we get a nice view we might not get there in one piece but shal hopefully here we come vanilla is just an absolutely humongous crazy City look at this it's a metropolis I'm not sure if I like it I love it and I hate it at the same time it's uh it's truly unique and just the traffic is just terrible but we're getting out of the city today and we're going to the islands The Province side this is what philippines's most famous for of course we got to go to the islands it's my first time going to shal so I'm super excited I remember the first time I ever came to Manila I was looking at all of this oh my God it's so scary no no like fourth time fourth time I'm basically Filipino now oh right you're going to travel now in the province sha Oh sha I am from Sho you're from Sho yeah uh that near mind now yeah exact maybe uh 1 hour from the city proper Ino City oh no way wow so I'm going to meet your family my father and my mother is in suo I am just here in Manila I'm here in Manila just do you miss it do you miss the province uh yearly I will uh I go I go home every year nice nice okay we there 130 only sir okay okay 13 you keep change keep it hopefully one you you can go to visit your family soon oh really yeah yeah yeah thank you so much okay nice to meet you brother thank you very much for the see you soon all righty we are here Manila airport usually domestic terminal in Manila airport is terrible but sebu Pacific have moved to Terminal 2 and look at this this is nice we like this I'm very happy for that and look at this CHR Christmas decorations in the boiling hot weather this is not something I can ever get used to we're going to sebu Pacific terminal let's see if we're going to be on time usually domestic flights are very relaxed with um getting on and stuff so I think it'll be okay we got to print off the boarding pass Shaga we are2 73 Bound for Sho gate number seven your boarding time 150 thank you and thank you so much we made it that was actually very quick so five out of five stars for Terminal 2 if it was domestic terminal I would be screwed but we made it out and although this is look how busy this is guys I guess everyone's going on their holidays I don't blame them um next challenge we have is finding food cuz it's nearly 1: p.m. and I have not eaten today so we're going to look for somewhere to eat and then we're going to get on this flight it's a couple of hours so um just a chill one I feel bad for these Filipino workers they're getting absolutely violated by these Russian tourists in front of me so like the number one thing that annoys me I don't get annoyed very easily but the number one thing that annoys me is when people are rude to people like that who are working like it's such a minor thing to just be nice they're like it's not their fault like maybe their English isn't perfect maybe they're not on the high like a super high wage so they're not super motivated to do the job and uh then people are just rude because they don't understand the instructions or I don't know they just have very weird requests so I feel very bad for people who do that but I'm not bad at all hello how are you thank you watch your head sir on your left side 14 C thank you you see guys I have arrived in my humble the boat this is my ABNB pretty reasonable it's like $30 I'm in the middle of nowhere it is a little bit outside the town but I kind of like that I get a piece of mine piece of quiet I'm going to chill and go to sleep there's two things I love in life that that is nature and Filipino people so today is the perfect video because we've got both of those coming up and this guys is my local Beach literally a minute away from my Airbnb this is a little bit of rubbish but this is kind of like a little teaser of what's to come this is probably like the worst beach in shagal so you guys are going to see the best beach in shagal a little bit later let's get on the bike and get out of here so guys this is General Luna this is basically the touristy area this street is actually called tourism road you can see they were they were really itching to go tourists here so they called it tourism road if I come up with any names of roads in Philippines I'm going to call them cute girl Road cute Filipino wife Road there's like typical Western Restaurants like 5 to $10 for a meal bike costs $10 a day Airbnb costs $30 a night $30 to $100 is like the range as you can get a lot cheaper General Luna is famous for surfing it's very good for surfing it's very good for beginner Surfers our gal is predominantly Christian I believe as you can see this little church here a lot of the workers here are actually from D so they get the workers from D or mindal which is the Big Island near because this is very actually very remote and one thing I have noticed already is the infrastructure is not great it's not like typical Western it's Island it's an island Vibe like what can you expect guys there's electricity blackouts the plumbing isn't great don't drink the water but I'm a Ed to this this is normal would you get this be corrupt which is surprising I've never heard of any cases of the Filipinos asking for bribes got really local you've got Spas you got hotels but notice how there's no big chains of hotels this is the only big chain coming soon B shagal Resort but no big restaurant chains no McDonald's no Jollibee which we like to see we want to see the bread with the coconut shells can I buy one how much you for one five Salam kuya wow look how many um shells he's got he's got pretty much Unlimited Supply it's a great way of reusing cuz everyone all the westerners buy the coconuts and then he just picks up the pieces that nobody wants and then uh creates this incredible oven completely electric free so nearly very very very cost effective uses the tand Box he's got an unlimited bread factory very ingenious this is this is what you made earlier oh got a little Quant Factory over here very nice very hot what's inside chocolate no that's a a purple coconut oh my God this might be one of the the nicest treats I've had how many minutes 15 15 minutes 13 how many do you make in one day 500 no be 800 800 yeah guys you do the maths 800 Time 5 that's how much he makes we figured out the secret business idea anyway guys I don't want to steal his business idea okay salya that is one hell of a business idea free unlimited rad Factory you're probably wondering how I'm getting around how I'm finding these places how I'm finding the best things to do in sha and that is because of hly I'm using hly because there are available in over 200 destinations around the world and they are so quick and easy to set up when I sometimes arrive in the country the last thing I want to do is go and get the physical Sim it takes time and sometimes they overcharge you so as soon as I landed I had data I could get a taxi from the airport or I could get to my accommodation very quick and easily Hall ofly also has 24/7 customer support and they have a very good rating on trip advisor the number one feature for me is the unlimited data just not having to worry about ever running out of data in a situation like if I'm stuck on the bike I don't know how to get home I've got Google Maps I've got WhatsApp so I can contact people what is unique and one of my favorite features about Holly is that you can actually personal hotspot your friends and also with some of the SS you actually get a physical phone number I've been in Lao I've been in Thailand I've been in Korea and Philippines I have the regional eim so I have all of these covered in one eim it's so easy it's so flexible it's so convenient so you guys if you want to use a hotly eim look at the link in the description below or the pin comment use the code Harry jagard and you get 5% off I really appreciate anyone who supports me and uses the eim it really really really means a lot thank you guys holy [ __ ] this is insane oh my God it's just rain so everything's glistening Philippines I [ __ ] love you I [ __ ] love you guys I don't believe it I've spotted bloody Messi in shal Messi what are you doing over here be careful it's not aggressive what the hell are you doing here bloody messy and there we go guys this is why you got to come to sh out this is pretty this is pretty much as beautiful as it gets palm trees I feel like this is out of Jurassic Park this is what Ireland life is all about getting one of these bad boys and going in One Direction and getting lost and getting into the Village Life the provincial Life The Province life is very different to the city life and I very much prefer it here in Philippines look at this this is absolutely insane one piece of advice from the mere 27 years I've been on this planet and that is that there is usually an answer to all of your problems and that answer is nature family problems get into nature relationship problems get into nature work problems just get into nature the answer lies in nature everything is is noise all the problems everything is noise you think your life is terrible and you got all these problems just do one thing get into nature I reckon it's time to get a coconut hello can I get one one coconut here's the boss W go ahead go ahead you want him which is the best [Music] one okay Sal thank you how much is it uh 50 sir 50 yeah love you what's your name brother uh dun June Jun June oh nice nice to meet you sir my name is July July July July this is such a terrible joke like honestly guys just ignore me please I like your machete how many coconuts you sell in one day uh sometimes sir they have 100 plus 100 wowz this is probably like the most popular spot for pictures I have a organic St oh this place in in our municipality here is the plastic STW is not allowed oh nice saving the environment Jun Jun yeah thank you Jun Jun welcome sir you ask me sir if you want to get inside you have inside oh okay perfect I'm going to go and enjoy the view thank you there we go look at this coconut with a view it's getting very busy here this must be like the most popular place for pictures I wonder how many coconut trees there are my guess would be 5,000 we got people taking the photos here this is some crazy this crazy photography skills this guy is a trained professional I love it I absolutely love it Filipinos are just they're just one of a kind so so funny this is [ __ ] insane oh my God I'm so happy you cannot beat this feeling this feeling is insane this is natural high hello wow B what is it oyster come you eat it like this oh really that looks interesting oh they got lots of CLS oh wow is it from the river no from the ocean and Belo I'm okay for now just looking thank you very much oh wow they got loads of different types of clams and stuff Hello boss come on St is there uh what's down here here friend it's nice yes I believe you let's see what this is about hello car good afternoon how are you I'm good Mia Mia nice to meet you Mia for the entr and you can swim there oh nice where is that is that just here yeah just here okay we can jump off yeah jump but no diving and back lifting okay I said to myself I'm trying to get away from the tourists and I've just come exactly to where the tourists are so I'm going to keep driving I play they're they're really monetizing this nature here in Shaga but I don't blame them who can blame them you know they're just trying to make a bit of an income this area is obviously as you can see by the coconut trees you can guess I wonder what the main way of making a living here is it's getting coconuts um we're trying to find someone here he is hello um let's try and find someone who's actually cutting some coconuts these shots are bloody hard to get so because I'm putting this effort in you better budy get hly eim what's your name Ry from here yes oh nice what are you doing you're um fixing the road yes nice it's hard work nice to meet you brother bye nice to meet YouTu bye-bye they're they're like chilling in the middle of the [ __ ] construction site like smoking smoking do we got four people on a bike come the car four four kids on a bike welcome to Philipp bees wow this is sick we' got to a village where the houses are on the Rocks hello is a village where they are living on the swamp you see this is a this must have been destroyed in the typhoon but look at this one here it's uh completely made on stilts hello come the car my boy come the car sir he looks he's worried about me I like your house look at this house it looks like it's about to fall in at any moment nice to meet you pangang yeah Pedro no just Tagalog okay hello come us the car pangang so as you can see I don't know why but it must be all swamp land around here because they have basically built their houses and unfortunately I can imagine in the typhoon these bad boys are not surviving how are you hello what's your name my name is t TI this the the Lake of the Mong oh can theide the you ride it you drive it yeah yeah yeah how much how [Music] much oh no just just a quick five 5 10 minutes very quick 10 minutes P 10 minutes 200 pesos for you deal yeah yeah okay which is you living here this is your village which is which is your house can I can I have a look yes okay thank you brother your name is titing yeah and you Harry Harry like Harry Potter from where are you where you think I'm from oh yeah he's like yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't know yet was a country this is titin's house this is your wife titing oh yeah this is our white myy this is your chicken yeah yeah yes what's his name an wow that's a bloody good-looking chicken if I ever saw one all right Ting's taking me on his boat I got the Tes price but you know I decided you know what tting deserves it he spotted his opportunity and he took it are you are you a fisherman teting yes we're going through the M Groves of shagal are there any crocodiles teating no no no crocodil in small P small fish yes what about piranha okay health and safety guidelines minimal oh and turn and oh other side okay this is precarious to say the least this is like yeah yeah yeah very good very good I didn't realize you needed so much balance for this here we go titing and Harry's Adventure through what's the name of this Village uh thei to all right definitely said that wrong but so here we go look at this imagine just imagine for one minute living on a mangrove that it just would present itself with so many complexities is just not a simple life at all we going under oh this is sick wow I hope no one poops please don't have a [ __ ] right now guys you're a fisherman yes yes oh nice wow this is sick this is the best 200 PES I've ever spent but unfortunately as you can see the sewage is not the priority so I really don't want to be falling in see it's funny is like 10 minutes down the road is like the most popular spot it is a lot cleaner but oh we got a bit of traffic uhoh but I think they was trying to charge me 600 P sauce for a little ROP oh [ __ ] K you trying to kill me we're so close to falling in and this is literally the dirtiest water I've ever seen in my life but I just saved 400 PES off so K the car mangang Gabby first time in yeah first time wel to oh thank you Sal KU Sal K oh we have trouble ahead we have the Filipino Navy mangang Gabby comea car K began k ah myti so um they don't speak Tagalog as the main language here so some of them will definitely be there would be it would be strange anyway but the fact that a foreigner is speaking it is extra strange and speaking it with such confidence and eloquence that I do myself I wonder how the owning rights of the land are split up do the people actually own the land cuz you technically you're on water can you own water can you own a part of water where does where does the boundaries start and finish can someone in the comments tell me how does that work I would guess that they probably don't own the land and so essentially they're squatting which is probably quite common in the Philippines for essentially I guess it's a slum but but it's nice I mean there are worst places to have a slum although naturally beautiful I don't think it's the most practical place to live especially as Shaga is very tornado and Rain um prone did you get typhoon here um typhoon typhoon in in shago in SHO how many like one time a year yes is it scary yeah yeah I can only imagine being in a typhoon when your whole house is on stilts that would uh that would be an interesting Vlog if you guys want to see that but unfortunately I don't think I can time it perfectly to be here I don't think I'd want to wish anyone to have a typhoon so little little trick for you guys this is pretty much a trick for anywhere in the world is like usually if there's a big tourist spot we basically called a tourist trap then especially if it's just a bloody River or a swing the great things about rivers is that they flow a long way down so you can just go to a different part of the river and still get all of the benefits without the the tourists if that fot your boat pardon the pun God so now we're into the more naturally beautiful water so we can actually see the floor it's actually very clear water so there's no pollution here unlike the village but uh I could only imagine there being a big bloody big crocodile crocky mate I think I see a crocodile you know the way yeah don't get don't get lost CU it's just me and you we've been driving for good 10 minutes 20 minutes so I do not know the way home I hope he does I feel like I'm in the bloody AMS and rainforest not Philippines on our Island this is absolutely insane I think I think Bloody we might be going to a different island or and we're back L Hoy that was some great driving from our man and we've arrived back on solid round land who salya thank you brother that was very good can I just have a look in your house yeah you keep keep this for you for you no change no CH yeah thank you thank you thank you no thank you than can I have a look yeah yeah yeah this is my house this one yeah yeah is my house it it survives the uh yes yes the typhoon it's okay in the typhoon the chicken is for [ __ ] [ __ ] fighting or for eating [ __ ] [ __ ] fighting [ __ ] fighting oh nice it's a winner it looks like a winner no no no fight oh really just practice next month next month oh I hope you win yeah so this is the uh oh this is actually very nice they got decorations did you did you build this yes it is you built it oh nice wow how many people staying here four people there three three people nice this is like a little kitchen he's even got like a washing machine you got electricity got the kitchen um only is no Noir kchen oh yeah electricity yeah yeah yeah oh wow it's literally on the water you got water tank here toilet over here and the kitchen wow did you live here your whole life no since you were born here yeah yeah wow the high tide here M the high tide the wood the oh it comes up here yeah no way oh my God the whole house is submerged in high tide that's insane is this your land yeah yeah yeah your land you own it nice okay nice to meet you thank you Sal have a good day brother sir hello come the car hello driver license yes sir your driver's license please where are you from I'm from England from England yeah do you have a driver there's a helmet in your your yeah yeah I do I do can you please you wear that yeah of course of course okay sir always wear your helmet sir to you okay sure Salam that is a violation not wearing helmet driving okay always wear helmet thank you for keeping me safe okay okay okay wow they must to be the friendliest police officers ever this the first time out of like four or five times in every country I've been to where I've not been asked for a bribe every country I go to come the car I've been stopped probably four or five times in my life mostly in Asia in Africa also and every single time they've asked for money this is the first time ever that they have not asked for money and that is in the Philippines so you should be proud the Philippines has no corruption in the islands at least for these Provincial Police I'm not sure about the city police but the provincial police are good wow look at this let's go and explore we've made it to a little local Beach oh my God look at this beach this is not a beach on Google Maps I just stopped this is going to be like one of the most beautiful beaches Pang my name is Charlie Charlie nice to meet you my name is Harry where's huh where's your I'm in general Luna yeah yeah yeah this is what's the name of this beach this is look beit look this is so beautiful yeah it's insane is that's not your high tide it's going high oh this is most beautiful beach I think I've ever seen in my life yeah this is so good you all done surfing um not today maybe another day tomorrow morning morning oh really you're the you're surer yeah you're a guide yeah oh wow nice come back here tomorrow morning I will guide to suring maybe I think about it I think about it thank you brother nice to meet you thank you nice to meet you I think it would be rude not to to jump in this is [ __ ] insane absolutely insane how beautiful it is oh oh my god oh we got surfers surfers incoming wavy I stopped on the side of the road asking if he can show me how to make a coconut how to get a coconut where is he gone he's probably already up there boss man oh he's he's climbing up the tree already wait for me wow this is crazy oh my God I don't believe it he's literally climbing up a vertical tree oh they're out so they do put like foot um indentations so he can climb up but yeah if one of those fell on you that would really hurt and there's actually already some down here but he's gone to the trouble of getting me one this is absolutely insane and he's just like using one hand to twist just one pure ripe coconut from there that's got to be probably 10 m up in the air and he just does it with absolute skill sliding up and down and he's got three coconuts salamat Kya Pang R actually only have 200 so we're going to give him 200 still any change I have here you go Ry for you no change Sal thank you you can have any I have but not not much oh it's okay for okay yeah it's okay can I hear you singing you want sing no no you you sing you sing you're very good you're me no oh you were so good before though okay I if I sing you sing I you want sing what sing do you like I'll sing this one hello everyone from Shaga Island thanks for coming to my performance tonight oh this is easy bit of ABA this is too easy You Can Dance you cany having the time of your life see that girl Dan go for it she she's very good she's very good oh wow look out for a to go I don't think there's any country that likes car more than Filipinos very good that guy oh my God you dancing queen we got a practice fight they don't have the ah nothing so just practice sparing sparring okay okay good luck oh my God [ __ ] hell let Scar the sh me wow this might get demonetized but they don't have they don't have an KN on so I feel like that should be fine I found another place this every every village there's one hello do you have a chicken chicken is it is it ready yet yes how much is it50 250 for one 270 270 okay I'll try one and Pang Tata Tata nice to meet you Harry Chef Tata has made the chicken you see he's this is one he made well he's just started these ones and then these are actually quite big this is like specialty in the Filipino Villages every single Village has lechon and this is manok lechon there's pork lechon I prefer manok lechon it's a little bit healthier pork lechon is just fat he cuts it up oh nice salamat kuya Sal where are you from I'm uh from General Luna no I'm from UK UK yeah yeah thank you where you from from here do you play for Philippines basketball team yes you're professional no oh my God Tata crazy okay thank you thank you have a good day bye-bye Theon secures the day can be finished with the Leon Feast let's just go find somewhere to uh actually eat it oh my God Philippines stop it stop it right now you're being naughty this is too much this is too much dopamine for one man to contemplate look at this I'm done Philippines you are the dream chicken die with a view I'm done this is dream this is a dream come true you angry my Angry what's your name bowi bowi come the car bowi my booty you might follow me I might die if you bury we follow me I'll follow you yeah do you have a YouTube yeah no it's Tik Tok Tik Tok I'm just speechless to be honest I spent the whole drive here an hour just just smiling because of how lucky I am that I get to come to a beach like this and this beach is free didn't pay anything for this beach because guess what guys the best things in life are free and free is also the most important thing because the most important thing in life is freom not money although money does cause freedom but the best thing in life is having Freedom time Freedom location Freedom relationship Freedom just being able to do what you want when you want that is the number one thing that money cannot buy so guys don't be looking for for the nice watch don't be looking for the nice car the big house you get used to them trust me trust me on that one but some things you'll never ever get used to is a bloody view like that thank you very much for watching thank you very much for just supporting the channel I don't ask for much all I ask for is that you watch the video sign up to the sponsor and Bob's your uncle Fanny's your aunt I'm a happy boy
2025-01-29 11:17