Un pélo en Asie - Vietnam (part 1)

Un pélo en Asie - Vietnam (part 1)

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Ok, let's go Let's go, let's go Little snacks with the brother who bought everything Little snack with the bros It's a quite beautiful place Go, go, go Well guys, I'm in Vietnam Finally, we're here for a month and a half We arrived in Hanoi two days ago A lot of things happened A big struggle at the arrival But right now, we're going to go on a motorcycle tour in Hà Giang Which will last three days It's going to be amazing We leave in an hour I really decided that earlier to leave because it really looks incredible This thing In fact, how did I have the idea? There was people in my room who told me about it Everything is included The bus to go to Hà Giang also Yesterday too, it was really good I met Vietnamese freeskaters It was really incredible I had planned to meet them Basically, what happened? I arrived at the airport And I wanted to withdraw money Like a normal person I want to tell you So I put my card And like a fool I don't know, I'm wrong about the code I don't often do my pin code I inverted the code Yes, I was stupid It's that I was wrong three times I said to myself It's a problem with the distributor No So it's blocked I say to myself It does not matter We will call the bank They can do something No I call the bank They tell me Oh yes, your card is blocked It's very simple You have to put it in a distributor And make the code I tell him I'm not in France You can't unlock it remotely ? He says No bro Where are you bro? I say to him I'm in Vietnam He says Oh really? Well rip You're screwed He says that I'm fucked I had no way No way to have money I was at the airport I had nothing at all Almost nothing Because there I look at my wallet and MAGIC I have 10 euros And then I say to myself Wow What a banger I will be able to survive with 10 euros So I tell myself Either I bought a SIM card Or the taxi to go to the hotel That's where the fucked up part starts I get out of the airport To take a taxi Always with only 10 euros in my pocket And there is a bunch of taxis Who come to see me They tell me Come in my taxi Come in my taxi So I take the first one He tells me Brother it will be about 30 euros I had 10 euros I tell him He tells me Don't worry Company Company So he takes me somewhere a bit of a dark place He tells me There you can pay There is a system Don't worry It will do I do it and it doesn't work I explain the problem We discuss via Google Translation He ends up understanding I clearly say That I'm a bit in the sauce I only have 10 euros And I can't do otherwise Finally he says to me Why do you come to Vietnam If you don't have any money?? Bro I have money But right now I'm a struggle I can't have any money I tell him Bring me to the airport That's where he was nice He offered me To take me to the hostel If I was waiting For other people To come in his taxi I was able to go to the hostel Like that I was stressed Because imagine After two planes taken 17 hours flight You arrive at the airport You're already tired You realize That your card is blocked And that you're fucked you're completely fucked Really I couldn't take it anymore It made me so annoyed I was not feeling good It was very complicated I arrived at the hotel With 0 euros I said to myself At any time I sleep outside Because they will refuse me Since I have no way to pay Fortunately that's what they didn't do They just took my passport And he says You will pay later Don't worry The stress was not over Because I wake up And I still have 0 euros For me the only solution Was to ask people And make them a transfer of money People don't want I ask French people, they can't And fortunately There is a guy Who could I made a transfer with PayPal He gave me cash It relieved me a little bit Of the stress So I don't have any more cards In fact It was simply swallowed So I use Revolut Finally I have a virtual card Arrived in Vietnam A little chaotic It's going to be great This experience in a motorcycle I think So Let's fucking go So let's see The rice menu With that With stuff But damn But why is there meat I thought there was none On the picture There were none Fortunately But well It's boring I ate like a big bag (yes lmao) One thing I didn't specify It's that I'm going to do 3 days of motorcycle Without having done it before It's good for you ? I just hope Not to die It could be Not bad I'm not going to be stupid I made a friend Let's go for a 6-hour trip Good cider That we like we arrived at the youth hostel After this bus trip Where we almost died It was pretty funny Yeah A little stress That goes up there A little bit But it should be fine We're going to go at 40 It's just to change the gears Hope it will be alright Ok It went well A little stressed For the beginning But it's okay It's going well He put the chicken in the bag It's nonsense it's to produce eggs not to eat them (normally) little recap One hour One hour of moto For the first time I've been on the wrong road Twice It was a little ridiculous But also there are a lot of holes On the road I figured out how to change gears (yey) It's going to be more complicated after We'll see In any case The paths are magnificent we make donation to a village someone just crashed he wasn't hurt fortunately I didn't fall myself yet (what a surprise) it's been 4 hours since we started I begin to be more confident while driving And yes, we went on a small village, we gave food to families, and really, it was an incredible moment where we could share whatever we want A little fest there. Ah yeah, I admit, from below, it's crazy anyway. Let's go, we're going to do some jumping. There is a beautiful spot to jump. It's cool, the gang is doing it. We arrived, with the guys, on the mountains.

some of the crew sleep there Hello! and I am sleeping there Abajo! Abajo! little karaokeeee Ready to leave, the beginning of the second day. We're going to die. We're going to die. Apparently, it's really hard today. Daniel, he crashed there.

We're dead, my friend, we're dead. It's going to be that, the roads, even though we had good roads until now. I love the little ridges there.

It's so beautiful, it's so clean too. The mountains are huge, but look at the size! We took a little break. We went to a cave with the help of these little raft along the canal there. It was incredible. And also, I jumped from here A little nap before leaving. We're leaving.

Look! The panorama! We arrived at the youth hostel. A small dormitory of ten people, separated boys and girls. There is the main square.

Okay, it's the end of the second day, friends. So I'm going to make a little update. I think I'm going to talk a lot, so skip if you're not interested. I didn't film much from the moment I was riding the bike, because I simply use my two hands to ride the bike, if you didn't understand. We have a group of friends. We are a group of 27 people.

7 who ride themselves, including me. 20 who do it with someone driving them. And now I understand better why they do it.

Because it's quite dangerous. Especially this second day. There, I realized that, ah yeah, it's really another level. This trip to Vietnam. So the first day, we did about 80 km. This second day, we did 120 km.

I'll tell you at the end, I was a little tired. Tomorrow, the third day, we will do 150 km. So about 350 km in total. Still, for someone who has never ridden a motorcycle. The landcapes are incredible.

I think it doesn't take five minutes without me saying, wow, it's so beautiful. The videos I took, it's just the videos where we stopped. Every time we rode, I couldn't film it. It's super beautiful.

Full of diversified places. We thought we were in Avatar at one point. Yesterday's evening, it was incredible. We were eating quietly.

And there, the guys, they bring little shots. They called it the happy water. No, it went wrong.

if you finish a shot, they serve you again. It was a pretty big feast. And then, it went into improvised karaoke. everyone was screaming. It was a crazy thing. In fact, it's so, so good.

Crazy evening. Crazy because we were also sleeping in tents. quite practical.

And then, the second day starts. I was a little panicked because already, there was 120 km to do. Also because I had almost not slept at night.

I don't know why. I tried so hard. I closed my eyes. Rompiche, rompiche. I didn't snore, actually. Because I couldn't sleep.

It was too boring. I must have slept maybe half an hour or less than an hour. I had almost no sleep.

We're going to do 120 km. And there, to add a layer, of course, the guide. He sends us a message telling us to be careful today because it's going to be really difficult roads. Follow me because if you lose me, I won't be able to do anything for you. is that ok for you??? A little bit of pressure.

I'm not going to lie to you. The departure, it's going pretty well. I tell to myself what this guy is saying This guy is smoking hashish or what. And in fact, very quickly, I understood. Because it was roads, my friend.

You've never seen that. When it was just roads, completely smashed with stones everywhere, It was not a big deal. What scared me was when you were on the road, but on the edge of cliffs. There was no barrier. From there, you were driving and really, one meter from you, there was the void.

If the roads were sanded, at any time, you could slide. But that again, it was nothing compared to the gigantic hole there was on the road. Hello you.

My friend, the holes there were, it was the size of a baobab. The worst was treacherous. It was at the end of a turn. There was a big hole like that in the middle of the road.

If you don't pay enough attention. You stuck to the bend. You fell into it with your bike. The moment I think it scared me the most.

I'm not the only one. At the top of a mountain, on the edge of a cliff. And there's a giga hole. But I swear, it's half the road. I don't know why they didn't put signs or what. Really, giga dangerous.

Really, at the exit of a turn. In addition, you don't see it. On the edge of a cliff, with a big hole in the middle.

It's true that if you went in, it was ciao Just the guy who was in front of me. He was a solo rider like me. He was so scared when he saw this hole that he gave a hard turn to his bike to the left And he almost broke his face. Really, he was really close Really, he panicked. Oh yes, and then something happened. It was in the city There almost was an accident.

But fortunately, it didn't happen. It was a truck that was parked on the side of the road. It was clearly half the road. And right after, there was a turn. I was in the middle of the group of seven.

And there are three passing. I say to myself, it's good. I can pass too. It's my turn to pass. And there, between the bend and the parked truck, I see a bus coming.

And there, I say to myself, oh fuck. I see a bus coming towards me. I brake suddenly. Really, I drift with my bike. I stop at the last moment behind the truck.

Really, it was a bit hot at that moment. I didn't even break my face. Really, it's crazy.

For now, no crash. There was a small accident. Not a big one. we were stopping Things I didn't know.

For example, starting gear ONE is a BAD idea. Because it's so sensitive. It's better to start second or third. And I wasn't on the bike.

I was next to it. Don't do that at home. I wanted to do that just to move the bike. Because it was badly placed.

I'm next to the bike And I press a little bit. But I tell you. I hit the accelerator very softly But it's enough to make my bike go in the other bikes.

And because of me, two fell. And a girl was also behind. There was nothing broken or injured. But I felt like an idiot big idiot But after that, I didn't make that mistake again, clearly. Small mistake. Video.

Really, video. after that quite intense night lets go for the third day 150km, lets gooo He was the only use. the dark lord is here here there is an orcrux that you need to destroy Harry I just arrived in Hanoi, we were in a luxury bus with seats my friend, it does massages in addition we had a crazy upgrade, last day went pretty well, 150 km on roads pretty easy, but the last 50 km, I couldn't take it anymore, it was completely crazy incredible people, crazy parties, see the population of authentic villages to be able to talk to them, give them food, really it was incredible we go back to the hotel and then we will improvise, I want to tell you, we will keep in touch with a lot of people something happened but I'm shocked, there was really a bracelet seller, I look really 3 seconds and I swear she didn't let me down 50,000 the 3, 50,000 the 3 20,000, 20,000, 20,000, take me, take me I really left, but she followed me, I swear she followed me in the line for 5 minutes like that she followed me, after after a while I said, I'm going to take one, it's less than 1 euro but the pushy lady, I was shocked by the pushy persons here and here is the bracelet ah yes the Vietnamese are bit pushy, I was just sitting at the table and like everyone was taking shots but all the Vietnamese forced me to drink, they said go ahead, take one, take one I said no, but no, I don't want to, they said but yes yes yes, take the shot you want to I didn't give up because I really didn't want to, I think it's just funny in fact really if you don't tell them no no but in fact I'm allergic to alcohol if I drink it I die they won't understand a little similar anyway no? oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck Lee Thai Tro, great emperor of Vietnam, everyone knows that not at all, I just looked on Wikipedia no but that's excellent Deja vu I've just been to this place before higher on the street and I know it's my time to go going to tell me a hair cutter more street than this just in the street like that he grabbed the chicken lot of dogs surrounded me lol what is this shit so much trafic lets go to cat ba It's asian new year that's why It's like a party in the village It's a big thing There's a goat crossing the road Bro you're lost Look at him What is he doing? Look at the goat bro Look at her I just rented my own scooter It's so good I'm going to explore the city It's so cheap It's only 10€ to rent for 3 days The gas is less than 1€ per liter It's so cheap to rent We're going to go out to skate Oh my god I missed it It is so nice We are here or what? We are on the motorbike I had to climb a 200m ladder to get here lol Well good morning friends, here we are on a beautiful boat Where we are going to spend a day around the island of Cat ba With transa to get real than you knowww With the little goat there, she is there We are going to do kayaking too Look at her, look at her She's doing it Wow she did it It's just like this up here Well done Lisa is going down That sounds wrong Very brave woman A little sunset with a quality view We climbed up here Oh yeah Look at this, it's incredible Not bad, in the domain of ​​not bad things It's not bad Come on, we're going to climb this little cliff Let's go, it's going on again Easy, easy, easy Easy, easy I wanted to adopt them all We are in Ninh Binh, my friends they like the lights here, I think I'm not sure, but I think they do Vietnam Beautiful It's awesome I'm doing some free skate And there is literally everyone who turns around There is a guy who is still fixing me for 5 minutes Hello I'm from France Hello friends I'm renting a scooter The places are quite far away Even with my free skates Yesterday, what an evening I visited the city at night in solo And it was incredible A few days ago, it was the Chinese New Year So in a touristy place In Ninh Binh, there were a lot of tourists But Vietnamese And what was funny because I told you, there were a lot Who were saying hello But a lot, a lot At one point, there was even a father with his son They came to me, they held my hand And they said Happy New Year I filmed a little bit But there were children who came to me That I filmed, really, it's just the beginning It's where they were still a little shy They didn't want to bother me too much Then I tell you, it's was chaos They fought to be able to try the free skates It was nonsense they were 5 on the same freeskate to try absolutely at some point I took out the Joker When I did the handstand, I swear They all started to scream It was too funny Like what, we can spend very good evenings Even solo But my scooter is very tired There are no brakes There are as many Vietnamese tourists There are a billion people What's up bros Oh my god Oh my god I think there are people Tell me in the comments If you think there are people I think it's okay The fame continues There is a group of girls who just stopped me to ask me questions like, Where are you from? What is your name? Do you have a girlfriend? You are handsome (they were too young tho haha) I never thought there would be so many people here Small breakdance session In a pretty isolated place That's what we like Training of 1h40 Then I'll see what I want to do Maybe climb a mountain We'll see It's super simple to rent a scooter You just have to pay 3 or 4 euros And you have it for the day And you just have to give your ID card Because it's like the deposit There is a guy next to me 2 euros, the scooter is full And I can do 100 km Frankly, renting a scooter or a motorcycle It's one of the best things in my travel It allows you to enjoy so much Yesterday I did maybe more than 100 km It was incredible through Ninh Binh Too good damn I think we are there I spotted this mountain yesterday And I think we're going to climb it The level seems interesting to me Because I'm quite a beginner It's not too dangerous It's a good challenge We will enjoy the view from above I'm not dying I hope We'll see And with the new year, there were a lot of people They just make you pay for the natural sites And that makes me feel a little annoyed I prefer to do my stuff I have friends who are there, but frankly, I'm not interested in doing the ultra-touristic stuff It's the beginning of the climb And there are Vietnamese, of course, who stopped to film me There is already a good view This is where serious things start We progress quietly I think now it's the hard part We arrived at the top It's beautiful I did not think it would be as beautiful It's incredible Well, we're going to start the descent, I want to tell you Okay, see you down there So now I'm doing breakdance And there is this Vietnamese guy that came talk to me Who is touching me He says, you have nice muscles and all (I didnt realize it was weird at this moment) I'm Matthieu hbu ? I'm at a restaurant, it's amazing There is a pool and all And it's beautiful

2024-07-06 03:22

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