Ultimate THAILAND Motorbike Tour BEST DAY of the TRIP so far

Ultimate THAILAND Motorbike Tour  BEST DAY of the TRIP so far

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hello and welcome back to  the province of mae hong song   in northern thailand i'm still based in  the town of pai the well-known backpacking   haunt however today because the weather's so  beautiful i've come up for an afternoon drive   on dreamy over there and we're just trying  to make a little bit of a redemption because   yesterday and in the previous video i paid quite  a bit of money to go on a jungle trekking tour   and i wanted to stay overnight in a tribe and  i wanted to get like a real authentic northern   thailand experience in fact i didn't feel that  welcome and i had to sort of take myself out of   that situation and i bailed and spent the night  in pi a very normal and touristy town so we're   going to go back out but instead of paying a lot  of money basically we're gonna just do it free or   on our own we've got dreamy we've got a day bag we  might stay overnight we might not i don't really   know what's going on it's late afternoon already  i just thought look at it it's glorious let's go   for a drive let's see if we can find a viewpoint  a coffee shop a restaurant maybe somewhere to stay   the weather turns bad we'll come back to pie  and this will be a forgotten about day maybe   but if you're watching this i think it meant that  something cool happened so come and join us as me   and dreamy go on the hunt for a real northern  thailand experience where hopefully they're   happy to see us and hopefully we can have a good  time and um we don't break down okay let's go you know people will tell you motorcyclists and  other travelers that the road from chiang mai   to pai is one of the greatest roads and must-dos  when you travel to thailand and so a lot of people   will rent a motorcycle or a scooter  and drive from chiang mai to pai   however it's not the road that's not the  road you want to do from pai mae hong song   this is the road guys i've driven this road  dozens of times this is the one with endless views   incredible hairpins epic views of the mountains  and some incredible hairpin turns just like this   one don't get me wrong the road from chiang mai  to pai is nice but it's nothing in comparison to   this stretch of the road and so we're going  to be driving this for about half an hour   and then where i turned left with my guide  yesterday to go trek towards his uh lahu and lisu mountain villages we're actually gonna do a right  and head up towards the burmese border because   according to google maps there are some cafes some  viewpoints and even some guest houses up there   i don't know what the state of play is after  nine long hard months of restrictions and just   endless covered stuff maybe these little coffee  shops and things have gone out of business and   the whole place is derelict even if it is we'll  have a fantastic afternoon look at the weather look at these turns just around this bend is my favorite hairpin  turn in the whole of the mae hong song loop   arguably top five roads top five turns oh it's  not this one okay it's a little bit further   just around this corner is one of  my top five turns in all of thailand you'll know you'll get towards it when you see  the red tarmac they actually paint the tarmac red   so people are alert to the danger  of this turn it's very sharp   and the view well the view's a  little bit distracting isn't it holy moly i don't know if more accidents happen  here because people are admiring the view or   because the turn's quite sharp you know what we'll  do because um you know we'll we're free like this   on a little honda dream is um oops i'm in  neutral there's not much traffic around so why don't we just chuck dreamy  over here in the shade off the road and leaner up against this this wall she looks like a drunken  chick on a saturday night down the tune and have a look at this shall we i've driven this turn and so many times and never  actually stopped it take it in but look at that if you can see dead ahead there's two  little humps and they look like they've   got little nipples on them they look  like little boobies with nipples on them   that is the area we're going to be driving  to so prepared get prepared for nipples look at the angle and the turn and the  gradient there it's very aggressive wow proper nice okay dreamy none of your drunken  antics were going to the nipples i look out across the water i  smell the sun i feel the breeze tennessee is watertown okay welcome to the first village we took a  ride off the main road the 1095 which is the   mae hong song loop and this  is the first coffee shop   that i had on google maps and look at it it's  splendidly closed which is a devastation i hope   that doesn't become a thing the whole time is this  one shot this one's sharp they're all shut guys all of these buildings on the right  here are sharing an incredible view   however everything is shut let's see what we can find  up here dreamy let's do it these people live the most amazing life with  the most amazing views but alas nothing is open i mean look at it look at these limestone cliffs  here i think this must be one of the nipples absolutely devastated that  this coffee shop was closed   not only for the views but my tummy is  so rumbling i'm so hungry oh no oh dear   what's happened here the road has gone  through absolute rubbish good luck paddy not scary wow the kids are playing in  the street and everything's   happy days but i don't have  anywhere to have coffee i don't even want a coffee i  just want to have a good time it's all shut is she just open oh no it's all closed up wow this coffee shop this noodle shop oh  my god look we've got amazing noodles   oh my god and then we would have been  able to have coffee here and get noodles and then this is the uh there's  the homestay i saw which was   one of my op accommodation options  that's shut and just look at this the smell of that guy welding  is amazing such a beautiful view   into that valley below and look you can see  these lines of restaurants and things are   all shut at the moment built on these stilts on  this aggressive cliff edge down into the valley well there is another village seven clicks in  the north direction towards the border of myanmar   and maybe that will be open and you just  see something that just blows your mind look at that look at that incredible  just next to the base of that   mountain there you can see the roofs  of the village we were just that we've   just been driving along this ridge  it's been like cliffs on each side i've driven some roads well we've driven  some roads i should say dreamy and i   but whatever the number of this road is  it's here below on the screen right now   this road leading from somewhere along the mate  hong kong loop north towards somewhere up there   google map links below this  road just follows the ridge   of this mountain range and you know it's  a drop to the left or drop to the right   and as you go over you know i'm looking to the  left i'm looking to the right and i'm just seeing   incredible views on both directions it is to  die for it's distracting because i just want to   stop and scream but also just driving it is  just a privilege and a pleasure and look at the   weather it is incredible and there's like people  on motorbikes and the odd car driving past as well   we are having the time of our life this  is this is one of the highlight roads   top three of the trips so far and we've still  got seven kilometers to get to this village picked a day for it as well even if we don't find  coffee or tea or noodles or anything if we just   get to this village we've had the well i've had  and dreamweaver i hope you've enjoyed it we would   have had one of the best afternoon drives of this  day of this trip there's something about driving   on a little motorbike in thailand on the mountain  roads with these views just the best thing ever it's actually raining now but who cares  hello little cows hello vivid rainbow   should we go say hello holy moly oh the smell of the pine trees oh  especially in this in this rain i once did a   whiskey tasting and we smelled the whiskey and we  were like it smells good and then he said add a   drop of water into it and then we smelt it and wow  what a difference the the moisture that the water   elevated the smell and the aroma of the  whiskey tenfold and that's exactly what happens   to bark and wood and forests you go in a beautiful  forest on a hot dry day and take a smell you can   smell leaves you can smell the nature but just  add a little bit of moisture oh my god the views   add a little bit of moisture and boom you can  smell the pine the bark the mud the worms the   bird poop the ants the epicness the rain  the rainbow's actually going down into the   into the valley i wonder if there'll be a pot  of gold or a pot of gold for paddy patio doyle   paddy doyle in his pot of gold in  thailand and his soccer potatoes oh i hope the camera's not got too wet  let me just give it a cheeky little wipe   oh look at this nice little hill i'm  sorry this has turned into a moto vlog   but i don't care because i hope you're enjoying  this road just as much as i am up we go where's that pot of gold give me a little wipe  oh my god the view on the left i mean you have   to be careful because the views are so good up  here you can you can have an accident you know oh i just wish there was a little spot where i  could show you what i'm looking at on the left oh oh oh yes i can park you here we can climb  up there and boom oh man there's lightning   and stuff in the distance oh god i can  see the rain going into into the valley okay here we go   ah the smell this is if you could bottle this  smell i would pay you a million dollars just to   have it in the house and we'd call it wet  wet thailand look at that sorry i shouted look at that and they're so spiky those hills they're not  like rolling hills they're like pointy hills and   and the sun is cascading beautifully and  the rain is just falling you can't see on   the gopro but you can see the rain droplets just  floating down into the valley and that's where the   rainbow was so where's the bloody potter gold  where is it did this tree get hit by lightning   is that why it's all black or was it just a  fire maybe but anyway who cares look at this   i think this is my favorite day of the trip  guys then you see the you can see the ridge   right you see where those trees are and  the sun's just coming over that ridge   that's the road that's the like the road we've  been driving on up there and look at this listen that's the rain   and oh man sorry there's like a storm up ahead i  didn't bring my wet gear or anything like an idiot   so let me think if we push up north we're  gonna hit that rain and we're gonna get soaked   what do we do what do we do if we  go back we can get back before dark all the way back to pi if we keep going  north yeah we're gonna hit that storm   can you hear it it's it's um it's not  sounding good and this late in the day   doesn't look like it would pass before sunset i  think our best bet guys is to abandon the north turn back once the way we came and just enjoy the road back to pie  i'm sorry we didn't sort of find   an epic camping spot or accommodation but  the weather the weather is stopping play and um i'll tell you what i'll do  because i'm a nice guy like that   i'll make a montage with the small  battery i have left on my gopro   of all the epic views on the way home and i'll  play you off i'll play you our favorite little   song on this channel which you guys always ask me  what it is it's called pandemonium by hannah stone so just enjoy the views on the way home and take  my apologies for the lack of food and lack of a   culture just road the day was  just about roads look at this hill oh baby i love your madness  it's so incredibly beautiful you shine like gold so selfless  too old and while i can't anymore always hungry for more that's just  how i was born take me somewhere   i don't know give me your freedom yeah i is um give me your freedom is um life is so easy you love me too pieces yeah i  need it i want your pandemonium

2021-10-13 22:30

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