Ultimate MALAYSIA Hidden STREET FOOD Market in Kuala Lumpur

Ultimate MALAYSIA Hidden STREET FOOD Market in Kuala Lumpur

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is this real? hello hello we are here in Kuala Lumpur it's another day it is another Vlog you guys and are we excited because we've been in this mall behind us SoGo Mall right here just chilling out for a little bit we didn't want to bore you by showing you all of that but we got some buskers outside here we've got some lovely locals who are enjoying their afternoon and right now we're going to go and cross over this road because we want some food but also look at how cute these little Boulders are they're so cool they're all decorated so colorful as well gives it a lot of character to this area it does it does indeed but we're going to head right now over the road we're going to wait for the Green Man and head towards Harisons because it's time for some food you guys we're in Kuala Lumpur so there is good food on every single corner so that's our plan right now oh wait wait still red man some people started walking so we thought maybe the Red Man's going to turn into a green man but it didn't happen anyway Malaysia and food is a match made in heaven if you guys know us you know we love food as well Green Man green man let's go let's go look for some nice places where we can find some food which I think is here somewhere because we were speaking to a few locals and they said there is a food Market if you want to call it that not far from here which I believe is this one okay I see some stalls along here already so I think this might be the right place there you go yeah this is the most exciting bit here in Kuala Lumpur so this means mostly a lot of the food is all going to be Halal so for us this is perfect what's this? Takkoyakki yeah kind of looks like it that's chicken but it smells really good down here we've got some more food going on there I think this is a fried chicken going on over here look it's got it all in the oil over here and then a big flattened out there that looks very good but I think we're going to go check out see what there is here check the place out oh look at this so much colour that is so cool that's actually really good as well carries on too I love this place already wow so we actually came to this area is kind of nearish to Chinatown but we are loving this place so far these yellow tents remind me of Connaught night Market yeah they were yellow as well they were indeed where there's a lot of good food there too but we got some clothing along here I absolutely love this this is so cool this looks cool we have some drinks here some avacados Queen of the avocados and some lemon Asam Boi this is like lemon with Tamarind some lychee and maybe grapes maybe bluberries this looks like a whole barrell of different concoctions in there right they are actually huge look at that compared to my hand it's huge but I think we're not going to get a drink first we're going to go and head out see what the food is like I see we have some corn here this is looking good right now but I think we're going to see if we can find some food are you hungry yes yes I'm absolutely famished I'm starving that's a silly question you're always hungry I was going to say that's not even a question the wall art by the way is still continuing it is yeah it's still going on Behind These stalls here we've got some this looks like some chicken some fish as well hello ah okay jack fruit I always get confused but this is fried jackfruit there we go and he's frying them over in this big pot over here let go oh you can see the Merdeka Building from here as well oh yeah you can all the way in the distance over there there you go that gives you an idea on the location I guess but wow it's getting busier down here as well but I think that this place is open all day so we're here about 5:00 p.m. around 5:30 p.m. actually we got a lot of toys down here too lots of different bits and pieces going on lots of clothes as well but clothes right now is not on the list it's not on the agenda just right now we're going to see what food there is to eat, eat some probably well I hope some good local Malaysian food we got some mango juice some lime some definitely never here there's juices and juices there is oh look at this we got some Pita kebab some Chicken & Beef Roti John do you remember that Roti John? should we start with a Roti John? if you fancy it why not okay so yeah and small and big so what is this one this one beef and chicken so that's beef that's chicken can I ask chicken please you want Pita or bun we'll have a bun let's do a bun there we go so this is what we're going for we're going for a chicken Pita but it's not in a pita it's in a bun yes so we're going to just is that Roti John? no Roti John okay what's the difference between this? so you can go for a mix okay got it got it they've got some fresh one going on over there right now yeah it's cooking right now it looks like it's getting going they're getting ready for a busy evening maybe but ours right now is already ready we've got the chicken over here we've got some maybe some mayonnaise and now going in here that smells really nice it does it smells absolutely delicious wow is that mayonnaise? yeah you want a little bit? yes, that looks very inviting it looks really good yum we're getting started with the heavy stuff I mean hopefully not too heavy how much? 6 ringitt okay what is it? how much yeah I think so how do you say how much in Malaysian? thank you now you have four okay here we go it's nice and oh this looks good look at this this is hot oh my God it's almost just as messy as like a oh you're going to drop it it's almost as messy as a Ramly burger oh my gosh this is so super full that it's literally going everywhere I was going to say I feel it less talking more eating before it does all fall on the floor Six Ringgit as well not bad how is it? it looks Saucy wow this is so so juicy this is really good it's loaded with so much mayonnaise so much sauce the chicken is nice and fresh the bun wow this is really really good wow wow wow okay so I don't know what this is called it's just a normal chicken bun yeah I don't I think it's just like a kebab but I mean I don't know what's the Malaysian name for this I think it's just a normal chicken kebab like a chicken Kebab so I was asking him I thought it was Roti John it's not it's a chicken kebab our brother was trying to explain to us the difference I'm not exactly sure what the difference is I'm not sure he was saying something about like one of them I think is a mix and one of them is not the ones that they were cooking I think this is for the Roti John it's so big look at that crazy wow but for now let's finish this let's finish this it's so good okay we've got off to a great start let's see what else we can find here let's go oh look at this we got some sambals going on here that is one thing that I think I absolutely love about Malaysia is a sambal it's so good some chicken feet some sausage cheese skewers we've got some football Tops on this side are you in need of a football shirt? they have some good collections going on here though oh they can customize it for you on the spot as well the guys doing the name at the back oh that's cool yeah and they're doing something down here too they've got the little machines yeah where they can do your own personal bit like this one that is cool actually I quite like that should we get one and write Sun Kissed Bucket List and Taz & Libby that would be great we'll be representing everywhere we go you know there you go see why not oh we got some pomegranate juice over there that looks good we love a good pomegranate juice there but would you like to try it? should we? hello hello I was just going to say it's in a bottle can we get one small bottle brother let's do it it's fresh fresh fresh perfect there we go no water no sugar yeah that's what we like okay yes let's go yeah cool let's do it so he's going to actually do it right now for us that is nice and fresh look at that we cut the top off we love pomegranate it's so good look at this okay it goes in now it goes down and we've got the jug down there to catch it all oh this is good wow oh I'm excited for this now I was thinking could I drink it right now or should we wait a minute but then when you said a little bit yeah yeah I agree oh Dodge the cars that are just coming right behind me there we are right literally on the side of the road but what more could you want this is perfect look at that the Jug is getting full up here now we're going to go in for a second how many pomegranates do you have to cut for one cup? yeah how many? two pieces two pieces okay got you two pomegranates for one small bottle and three for a big one big big three okay there we go see I'm excited for this finished yay now we're going to just strain it through there make sure we get any of like the little pulp out into our own fresh bottle just like that easy thank you my brother here we are thank you thank you so much let's try it byebye oh look what I see behind us before I try some oh wow yeah look Petronas towers is there there you go and the Merdeka is there wow perfect brother very good very good thank you thank you byebye oh this got to be a nine out of 10 if it had a little bit of ice if it was a bit colder then perfect but I can't complain because it was fresh right so I mean he literally just got it right the actual fruit he did indeed so can't get any fresher than that okay this food market seems to be going on forever it's the perfect place to come and spend the evening or the late afternoon and you guys we won't complain about it but it is very hot and humid in Kuala Lumpur so I definitely recommend if you're coming here it's a good idea to come and do some of your activities in the evening like late afternoon early evening is perfect but look at this everybody else is out and about they're enjoying it just as much as we are the size of them watermelons oh my goodness wow is that real? it's so huge this is huge so big wow oh my goodness maybe we'll come back and get some watermelon juice later from those ginormous watermelons but what do we have here? this is fried banana with cheese wow hello this looks good we've got some potatoes over here as well this Market I had no idea existed firstly and there seems to be more Malaysian food down here it goes a really long way as far as the eye goes just all these yellow little tents all the way right to the very top wow okay what's going on here? that looks really nice got some skewers going on we got Lamb we got beef we got a chicken can I have a beef please one yes would you like chicken too yes where you from? England he's like what's going on he's like not me not me I love it no of course this looks good though you can hear the sizzle from it that's what caught my attention because I was walking past yeah and I smelt really nice meat somewhere so I had to look and I saw these skewers here and they've got like this whole stack here like lamb beef chicken choose whichever one you want to go for we're having a beef we're going for a beef one yeah so we're going to give that a try nice there we go no problem there we go thank you look at those Sizzling really good the heat from this Grill though I don't know how they do it all day long it's so hot wow but look these are the ones that have they've already been prepped up there they're ready for a busy evening tonight thank you thank you so much bye-bye that is so sweet I absolutely love the locals here honestly they couldn't be friendlier woo okay guys I'm going to finish up the last tiny tiny bit of my pomegranite juice and then we're going to give the skewers a little try so let's do it baby crispy crabs there you go see there we are baby crab which is crispy loving it look at that beautiful how do you eat this do you just eat this whole? or do I have to pick it? can I just eat it? eat everything oh okay you eat everything yeah it's a crispy crab you want to try or no can do I think we tried this in Kota Kinabalu did we? yes you eat the whole thing very good yeah shall we try? let's go let's do it let's try what do you have? okay so you got what you got a few flavors you got baby crab original crab spicy garlic and tempura butter tempura butter and you got spicy okay which one's the best one? best I came to butter butter but okay okay and I eat the whole thing huh? yeah okay let's try it I mean I think we tried it once in Kota Kinabalu we had it yeah we had it in Kota Kinabalu can we try one please satu porsi no problem let's try it I'm down let's give it a go who knows this might even be my next favorite thing you never know right so it's seven ringgit which is what just slightly over a pound so not bad let's do this seven ringgit okay how do you say seven? I forgot my numbers no how do you say seven in Malaysian I can only remember Lima (5) okay there we go thank you so much byebye okay are you excited to try the crabs out? yeah I am now we have more I'm excited to try this than the skewers yeah we have the crabs and this shall we just find somewhere to stand little Kid came over shouting something hi what has he got he's got some fruits some rojak all right what are you going for first? you're going for the crabs the crab all right so the thing is the guy said you can eat the whole thing you don't need to pick anything out I'm scared no don't be it's actually really doable I remember having this in Sabah yeah yeah okay so you're going to go first you're going to let us know how it is you don't need to pick anything it's just bite size pieces and go for it it's the actual crab I'm scared God okay one two god it does tastes crispy like crunchy of course there's a little like a fishy flavor it's good good yeah so it does tastes like Crispy Crunchy we picked the butter flavor does it taste buttery yeah but I picked you out the biggest one all right it's my turn go for it let's let's try it guys I'm literally combing through okay let's do it I'll be nice look there's a bit of the body and a bit of the legs go ready it's actually really easy to eat right it's really fried so you don't really feel like you got the shell and the clams or anything as such it's really nice it's like something that I can eat when I'm watching a film yeah it's kind of tastes a little bit like a popcorn snack like it's not like crunchy it's just crispy because if you'd eat like a fried chicken the skin on that it's just a bit crispy so there we go I might even go in for like a leg or something let me go for this one this one looks like a chunky one okay guys that actually was not anywhere near as bad as what I thought it was I actually really like crab meat usually it actually taste really good right what are you getting now? oh that's the wow look at the size of this here I think we lost a bit in the bag in the bottom well aren't you glad they gave us a bag yeah for sure all right careful with that don't take your eye out with this let's go bit by bit oh my God that is so flavorful you are going to absolutely love this yeah the sauce so juicy like black pepper oh and the meat really nice really tender so good what is that tomato carrot carrot wow I like that okay right your turn wow I'm not just saying this the beef is such a good cut it's not even chewy because that's the main thing about beef if it's not chewy and done properly it's melt in your mouth wow solid start to this food market I am loving this place all right as time goes on this place is getting busier and busier there's so many more people that have come out as opposed to When we arrive here the turn out looks amazing look at that what is this special filling? original looks like a little taco you got filling in that okay is that something that you want to try maybe something later I want something more filling because that looks like it's a really good appetizer but the portion looked like it was not going to fill me up too much look at this huge pot here I think this is laksa yeah is that true laksa oh wow we had laksa in Sarawak didn't we yeah and in Penang as well oh so good I mean to be very honest there's so much going on at this market right we've stopped already probably like 3 four five times in what 100m? if that what is that? you know I see here cendol oh there's more Cendol I would like cendol it has been too long since you had some cendol wow for a long while yes okay hello can we have 1 cendol thank you oh cendol is one of my favorite favorite drinks or dessert whatever you want to call it it is so good so refreshing and look at the size of these barrells whatever you want to call them they've got so much juice and things in there hello how much is this? four? there we go okay there we go we've got this looks like some chocolate milk this looks like some lemon and Asam Boi oh that's the lemon with the Tamarind yes Tamarind okay here we go it's only four ringgit not bad everything's so fairly priced down here too like really really good thank you okay there we go you guys so we have picked up our cendol it's been so long give it to me here give it to me here no time wasting I've been looking for this for so long wow should we move out of this just busy Crossing we've got here guys come to a crossroad it's actually getting very busy now at the start I was like oh it's not very busy down here but now it's 100% picking up we've got all straight down here to the left as well and also right behind Taz oh wow this is busy and it's way bigger than I thought it would be that is so good really good so nice and refreshing super cold the little cendol bits the green bits and the sugar the brown syrup sugar what are you rating? it's a plain cendol right cendol 8 out of 10 this one 8 out of 10 definitely nice cold refreshing just what the doctor ordered on a hot day like this the cendol is basically them little green noodle bits for people watching that don't know what cendol is it comes in this drink the reason the drinks Brown is because of palm sugar or the brown sugar syrup yes they mix it up with some milk I think and the green bits that you see at the bottom that's cendol so it can come with a variety of things as well the first time we ever tried cendol was with Durian in Kampung baru I remember that right we tried doing that when we went to Kampung Baru but we couldn't find our main man over there Mr Hidayat so if you're watching we came you weren't there sorry maybe we come back again who knows but anyway it's good let's go are we going straight though we going here or are we going left? no we came from left so let's go straight or down this way let's go wow look at these oh my gosh these are little mini donuts with mini cupcakes wow they look very good wow that looks amazing guys there's so many desserts over here so many sweet treats on offer we're going to literally roll home later wow look at this one Nasi Badjat here we go some chicken some I don't know what oh all of it's chicken I think this looks good wow but I can't eat anything right now I need to walk a little more we're just having our cendol at the moment we've got some fruits coming up oh some lasagna there we go see we're also cooking some other Foods too we're not just showing the Malaysian Cuisine we are enjoying some other bits too oh I think this might be a lot more clothes up here than anything else but food back there this looks like some meat and some potatoes I know that's rice is it in this one which looks like it's some more the untrained eye but it's actually rice wrapped up in Banana Leaf correct me if I'm wrong that's what I think it is okay there we go and over here as well this look like 10 ringgit for some t-shirt this is not bad at all very affordable some more this side too oh these are fancy see I like this one very nice it seems like a very nice local market it does it really does reasonable prices as well they are so true we've got a lot of jewelry over to the side wow oh look some churros look at that they're making them that is so cool look at that that's great isn't it he's got scissors here and he's winding it around and it's pumping out the dough down here ready to go in to this huge pot of oil that is so cool we ain't got no time to waste it's literally coming out as my guy's rolling it yeah he's on it with the scissors as well oh look we've got these skewers again this is your favorite hello brother should we get a chicken you want another one? have you got chicken? have you got chicken? one chicken please we had beef already now it's time for some chicken literally we saw one back there I was thinking I'm going to have chicken there but you know what we carried on walking and now we've got chicken here hey and you can hear it's sizzling away here oh my going to be so hot if you go near there wow I don't blame him for standing back a bit because that is fiery wow that looks good yum and this is... how much? there we go brother thank you so much right I think we're loading up on skewers down here we are so much Temptation everywhere you go there's food on food really good food as well thank you brother thank you thank you bye-bye oh honestly the people are too friendly here it's so good I love it take a seat on the side was literally thinking we're going to walk it off a little bit because we've eaten a few things already oh look at that you know the way it looks all glazed look at that juicy and shiny it's because they just glazed it up with a lot of sauce can I do that of course you can I think it's black pepper you know but it's so nice oh you're going to absolutely love it it's falling apart off the stick okay share with me I haven't even waited till you finish your mouthful though oh my God the chicken's even better than the beef yummy very succulent this is a 10 out of 10 for me I'm sold I'm so sold that is so good okay okay we're going to eat up that is delicious it's not going to be long before this skewer is done so let go we're down to the last piece oh oh oh guys look at this I just saw somebody walking past or something oh wait my turn wait my turn and these look like little jelly balls hello hello this is jelly jelly ah it's good good I'm already having a cendol drink might as well have something sweet on top of that you know what actually guys Taz literally just said to me I could do with something Savory and I've come along and I've seen no I want this this looks really good okay should we get one yeah can I have One please a little okay here we go how much 4 ringgit four okay there we go even I didn't know good job there we go see we try a little little little so we have a jelly ball I have haven't seen these before and they literally guys just come on a skewer here so we thought let's give one a try my friend said they're very good so guys successful purchase number five six maybe I've lost count of how much whatever looks good absolutely we're going to have some good food here tonight I can tell already let's stand over to the side a little it's busy busy busy busy ready oh wait oh I lost oh I lost I lost it bottom so slippery they're all sliding off they've gone in the bottom here never mind is it literally just jelly? all right that that's so cool they're so Fruity I think they're all different fruity flavors so that one tasted like I don't know a bit like strawberry maybe but that's good actually quite nice nice little idea as well so lovely perfect what more could you want? and I think we've probably just now made it halfway down this Food Market hello brother what have you got you got some mangosteen more fruits right now no fruits please I need some meat because I love meat if you guys know me you would know I absolutely love skewers hello everyone's in High Spirits down here that's the main thing because you know what it is if there's good food around it makes everyone happy all right Apam Balik do you want to try this? where are you? hello brother what is this like a taco? crispy pancake crispy pancake okay what's inside? inside sugar okay put honey with that's peanuts oat honey oat and honey okay can we try one oh okay let's have it yes okay let's do it can we get one are you ready? yeah I am excited let's do this you have to try five we have to try five if it's good I'll try 10 I'm going to try it if it's good I might try 10 thank you how much for one? one ringgit okay it's got afilling have you got oat and you've got sugar crispy pancake oh okay is it sweet? it looks like got some yellow Jam in there as well corn ah sweet corn okay on the top the flakey one is oats yes there we go sweet one okay that makes sense I like that that is a good little sugar inside as well yummy and super crispy when I bite into it I can hear it crunch look at this this is the small one that one is big one that one big one ah over there ok the big one not crispy is fluffy texture this one crispy ah which one is best do you think? which one do you like? I like this one you like this I can try that one too got different flavor ah and the one that's down here banana chocolate peanut okay maybe we go and have a look thank you so it keeps disintegrating oh no you want to try it yeah why not have it before it all vanishes hello this looks like Martabak this is huge is this martabak? pancake okay what's the local name Apam Balik okay same this is the big okay so this one's much bigger okay and it looks like it's going to be a sponge cake kind of thing the texture is not crunchy the other one the smaller one that's crunchy so something Savoury as well you want noodles? hello oh okay guys there is honestly a really good variety of foods down here as well we have so many different bits and pieces and there's also some bits that we've never tried while we've been in Malaysia as well so it's been nice to give something new a try we've been enjoying it so far we have honestly we've eaten lots of good food but we're still of course on the hunt for some more that's chicken with something sweet? chicken skewers everywhere susu is milk? wow what is it? oh my gosh is this real? this has to be fake is this real? this is jackfruit yeah this is honey jackfruit look at the size of this WOW hello my hand for reference this is ginormous you for reference huge so big wow look at this one this is even bigger and it even produces like the bits inside the jackfruit is also huge wow that's probably the biggest jack fruit I've ever seen anywhere on the planet wow do they grow on the tree? Yes actually it does don't come after me if it doesn't because I think it does wow wow that's amazing I wonder how much one of those would weigh for the whole thing? yeah probably about like 10-15 kilos easy do you think? yes how do they even hang on a tree? I mean that's a great question as well because that is heavy what's this madness? what we got here? some big pots of some bits going on hello some bits over here as well I'm not too sure what these ones are actually but everything smells amazing we've got some clothes in the corner still like I said before you guys if you love shopping this will be your perfect place there is just so much we've got some more food down here this looks like some tofu maybe some skewers and skewers everywhere right there's so many do you find see another skewer or you going to try something else see how it goes I mean I could do with some noodles right now maybe I don't know I wonder how long this Market's open, until what time? yeah not sure I think maybe later you know because I like I was saying earlier it's super super hot so I think that this starts later on I think it starts about 3 or 4 and I think it goes on into the evening as the sun goes down the temperatures cool a little and more people come out so like you saw from our previous footage guys it was busier when we were further up there so and with time has only gotten busier exactly yeah I think that's going to be the trend the later it gets the busier it will get probably people come out for dinner more people coming out after work as well yes very true absolutely okay what is this and this is a Saturday market by the way I don't know I think it's only open on a Saturday it might be a weekend thing but I know for sure 100% Saturday I don't think it's during the week so there you go that's new I had no idea well you learn something new every day I thought this was an everyday thing like it's a food market open everyday so it can cater to the local people down here but apparently it's only a Saturday thing so if you guys are down here in Kuala Lumpur make sure if it's over the weekend come down here you you can thank us later it's really good we got drinks on drinks everywhere got drinks here too some perfumes and Aftershave if you need that King Korea Gula Melaka that's something sweet there's a lot of emphasis on sweet stuff we found noodles okay noodles let's go what do you want? okay hello hello okay you got seafood Maggi Noodles I was going to say that's nasi it's not nasi okay so that's Maggie and we got some gravy going here oh yeah this one this one this one what do you want? I think I'll go for this one here brother what is this? Noodles okay can we get one let's do it guys I put my finger out there and when he was mixing it all round it was splattering out it was very hot if the size of the wok is anything to go by I would think it will be hot it is oh Jesus that's a big portion that's huge I hope you're hungry that was a nervous laugh that's a big portion I thought it was going to be a little bit but no very generous there we go here we go that is looking good how much? 6 ringgit which is £1 no yeah a pound I'm bringing it there we go that is such a generous portion for one it is yeah guys we just got this huge box thank you brother thank you byebye wow the people are so friendly down here in Malaysia that's always been the trademark more clothing you guys I was not lying when I told you how many clothes there are down here too can I just show you the size of this portion that is huge that's a whole portion in a container for only six ringgit that's £1 and it's Seafood as well oh yes so usually Seafood demands a premium down here very very affordable more pomegranate more pomegranate just in case you haven't had enough hey yeah I think I might go for another drink after this I mean I definitely will go for another drink after because it is so hot I agree definitely can we stand somewhere and eat of course we can here I think we stood here before but do you know what this looks like a good place yeah and do you know what the better thing is is that there's some AC from over here so we'll just stand to the side and enjoy this spot okay what's it got in here is this chicken tofu and seafood? I don't know that's tofu yeah looks like it I think fish tofu is quite common here oh I've just tasted the tofu and the sauces so good so this is bihun no this is mee fried noodles yeah because the difference between it you guys is something to do with the like the type no so it's like mee is the normal size and then mihun or bihun is the tiny tiny one and what did you say is the other noodle I don't know you guys tell us if we're wrong sorry not sure noodles really good that's all how yummy? is it spicy? no it's actually really good it's got a lot of Flavors there's a whole burst in your mouth and it's good okay it's got Seafood in this as well I mean I can't believe the fact that this is so reasonably priced so good it is very affordable that noodle portion I mean we could both share that and very comfortable after all the food that we've eaten right now you're going to easily share it really not bad yeah open up so good that is good ready take two open up waiting waiting I was thinking if I would go 7.5 or eight but I'm going eight so affordable really yummy prawn's in there as well delicious right I think I need somebody to come carry me back to the hotel because I am so full literally till here wow we've eaten so much that last bit them noodles really really done the trick they've really filled me up so much Temptation so much amazing food so true I was actually eyeing up the churos as we just walked past them I would not mind a dessert and a drink to finish it off that would be a good shout I think all right so where's the churro man oh they were back there you want churros or you want something else? we could do something else I don't mind I'll have anything I say let's go down here we're almost back to the Crossroad so I say let's go to the right and see if there's anything good down there okay so here's the crossroads coming up let's turn right see what's happening there because we've seen this whole strip started from back there and we went all the way to the very top as far as you can see this is a really big night market hello I've seen pizzas coming up pizza delicious pizza definitely not eating that no not right now oh yeah look very nice I might be tempted to at least get one slice then oh my goodness that's what I mean in Malaysia you got to really keep an eye open for how much you're eating as well because by the time you leave the country you're going to be so round look at this Martabak look at that!! that looks so yum fancy Martabak then I'm so full I can't I would absolutely love to we love Martabak but we've eaten so much yes I think I can only manage a dessert and a drink okay what do we have Cendol, that's something chocolate that looks like Blue Hawaii vanilla blue ice cream milk ah okay want that? good this one yeah let's do it then shall we? can we have one thank you what is this? uh vanilla milk ice cream milk yes yeah okay cool that one was what I understood so vanilla blue ice cream we've got Milo chocolate we've got Cendol again but we've already had that let's do this it's the color that caught my attention so blue thank you delicious very good okay got it there we Go how much? perfect that's Libby practicing her Malay here my very limited Malay you're doing a good job though you know the numbers there you go there we go thank you look at this lovely jubly perfect Taz is the boss man he's going to get the money out but look so blue yes there we go we came from China we just came from China thank you very much there we go excited because of the color and because it says it's ice cream as well so there we go thank you give me it go for it tell me what you think taste test thank you very much this is actually... this is really

good thank you honestly guys Malaysians are so freaking friendly everywhere we've been so far everybody is so very nice and look churro's hello should we finish the night with churos yeah it's a sign let's do it okay Mr churros the most addictive churros in town okay see we saved the best for last then we are here at the most addictive churos place so let's get one look at this going I love that, got the churros here they're good yeah? okay so we can get some what do you want milk chocolate dark chocolate caramel what's the best one eight pieces one dip what dip you want to go for? I don't mind what do you prefer I will have milk chocolate milk chocolate milk chocolate that looks so good I can't tell you the heat though from here is on fire wow and this is like the same as the other one we saw so they put the dough here and then they turn it and fire it out from that little side bit and it makes the churros yeah like this there you go see they like it I tell you what though if you're coming out with Taz hello they love it but if you're coming out of Taz you need to have a sweet tooth because he loves anything sweet we bought business over they were empty when we got here now we're at the back of the queue there's tall buildings everywhere look at that that's Merdeka there one tall building here and then I think Petronas Towers is over there somewhere I love this place hello you're going? bye-bye why so shy I don't know they had the giggles and then they ran away brother can we have one portion um yes one portion and milk chocolate okay thank you yes please we're going for the milk chocolate because you can choose one out of the three dips and it's eight pieces one dip only seven ringgit I have been surprised with the prices down here as well like everything is so reasonably priced here he's going to make it nice and fresh right now look at that look at that that's so cool he's going to turn it... it comes out and he's got the scissors on the ready look at that we have look milk chocolate dips here dark chocolate dip yummy and the churros is almost finished but my guy here is doing some more he's going for it there's a lot in there wow it's probably a very busy production they go over and over and over because it's a busy night look the box is all empty people came in they wanted some good churros so there we go yes we do is in there yeah I think so yes guys look we got some donuts over this side as well oh my hello... there we go we have some donuts over here this looks lovely wow it's like a chocolate overload and here with some marshmallows as well oh oh my goodness guys we're going to get fat from this night market because there's too much good food on offer there's too much to see we've got chicken over this side as well some chicken buckets in here oh some more drinks that's actually where we just came from over here but wow guys honestly I am having the best time ever okay guys look I think we have some satay chicken here I see on this sign but this is literally the last stall there look we've got all the sticks lining up over here this looks very very good there we go lovely wow guys I think we're probably pretty much done we've got our churros now there's a lovely Breeze coming through it's very nice but it's getting darker look at this Sun is setting in Kuala Lumpur the Day's coming to an end you know what at least it's not raining that's the main thing because it is rainy season here yes it is rainy season so it's been a little rainy but honestly it's actually not too bad it rains for like 1 hour if that and then it stops, it's a passing shower that's been good super nice, sit here? please grab a seat try the churros see what's happening let's do it oh so nice to sit down yeah we've been walking for a while tough life we've been walking around eating some amazing delicious Malaysian food what more could you want? on a lovely day like today as well it did not rain whatsoever and it's perfect I had no idea this place is only open on Saturdays perfect and how good has the food been look at that smile on your face guys honestly my life is ruled by food by good food but these churros they're so hot we're going to have to wait a minute but the food here tonight has been so very good it's been delicious very affordable, good variety so tasty the people have been even friendlier we've had the best time haven't we I mean absolutely Loved it that's the thing I can't get over the fact of how affordable and how reasonably priced everything is it's like for the local people I'd say it's not really got the tourist prices going on here like if you go around Petaling Street the prices are a bit High over there because obviously that place is well known by the tourists, down here it's been really really good I would say there's lots more um like local Cheap Eats as well like not just cheap sorry but like really good really affordable like the local food as well like there's noodles there's lots of chicken there's more local food oh okay you're helping yourself I'm going to go for it ain't got no time to waste no ready go go go go oh this is a pretty good place to sit as well like you sit here people watching, watch the world go past don't burn your mouth please and just behind you over there is the lovely Merdeka building that's the second tallest building in the world now how are the churros by the way? really yummy they are so good they're so like crispy on the outside but on the inside they are perfectly fluffy soft oh my God it's been a long time since you've had churros it's been an even longer time since you've had really good churros so and these are really good they're so yummy so that brings me to our next question... rating please out of 10? 10/10 wow no time wasting here you were literally straight a 10 love it Churros 10 out of 10 alright I think would we ending the Vlog now we're super happy super content on a happy content note I think we will be going now guys love you and leave you, until our next episode so if you guys are still here, you know what you are... you're Legends that's what you are if you haven't subscribed yet what are you guys doing? hit that subscribe hit that like share with all your friends and your family see you in the next one subscribe!!!

2024-07-12 05:21

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