Ultimate London Food Diary // A Week Of Dreamy Eats

Ultimate London Food Diary // A Week Of Dreamy Eats

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he [Music] good morning from London we've actually been here  for several days but the first few days we were   jetl and working now we are on the back end of  our trip and we're going to do some exploring   so i' take you with me and I was going to catch  you out on what we've been out to for the first   three days of our trip we arrived on we left on  Wednesday night we got here on Thursday morning   well Thursday afternoon we got here about 12: a  little a little congested and we stayed at the   shangla hotel Central London just beautiful has  amazing views um and we had dinner at the very top   of the building you could see Tower Bridge you can  see the Tims you could see St Paul's Cathedral it   was beautiful we had a nice time and we acted like  teenagers and stayed up till like too late and   that was a huge mistake but we had a lot of fun  and then we journeyed to Cen Cen is technically   London but not the London you think about when  you think about London it is about an hour's Drive   outside of the of Central London and there's  pretty much nothing there it's just a little   a little town and that's where the event was so  we went there dropped off our bags and then came   back into Central London because we had dinner  reservations uh with some friends but we needed to   drop off our luggage so we didn't tote that around  all over the place so we had dinner at do you   remember what that restaurant was called which one  with Zoe and Isabella Hawks hawksmore hawksmore   hawksmore um and they we had really nice steak and  we also had what else did we order beef kpacho I   think yeah and we had nice conversation and had  a really nice time and then it took us an hour   back to cin then we slept got up early and went to  the event and Ken Ken spoke that day and Gary tabs   spoke and uh Dr chaffy spoke and maybe somebody  else too but after there was a panel so then we   went and kind of stood in the hall and talked to  everybody took pictures and all that stuff and   then that night there was a VIP dinner with all  the speakers and the people who bought VIP tickets   and the dinner was really really good so we had  smoked duck and I think I took pictures of this   stuff so I'm going to I'm hoping I documented well  and the smoke duck because we got the carnivore   menu so they had a keto menu and a carnivore menu  so the people who got a keto menu got smoked duck   but with a salad and if you got a carnivore menu  then your whole plate was smoked duck which is   was great because that duck was amazing and super  fatty and then we had a beef Tinder loin for main   course and it was really nice too and then we  went back to our room then we went to sleep   um along the last few days I've keep waking up at  like the weirdest times thinking that it's time to   wake up and it's not time to wake up but anyways I  slept till 12 that day so we ended up just coming   back to Central London and checking into our next  hotel and that was last night and we kind of just   walked about we didn't have anything planned  we just kind of were relaxing we went to hi   Park which is right behind the hotel we're staying  in so we're staying in the Mandarin Oriental at   Hyde Park and it is right next like the backyard  is hide Park and hide Park is one of the nicest   I think it's a Royal Garden haven't done my  research and um has this huge pond with swans   and geese and ducks and it was Sunday when we  got here and so everybody had their kids out and   made me really miss Bonnie and back and like they  would have had a lot of fun at the park right so   we walked around and just kind of just relaxed  and it was nice to get to walk cuz we've been   sitting it seems like the whole time that we've  been here sitting listening to lectur sitting on   the plane you know sitting in cars so it's nice  to walk around and stretch our legs and then we   went to a pub on Sloan Street which SLO street  is like the bougie place where all the designer   shops are it was Sunday so everything was closed  so the pub was open though so we walked in there   and we had some pub food it was really good I  had a meat uh what Ste and L pie oh my gosh so   good people who say British food is not good  I don't know you're just not eating the right   things I think I really love steak and L pie it's  my favorite thing that's on the menu at the pubs   so I had that and I had a some sort of beer I  can't remember what it was called it was actually   really good kind of tasted like citrus didn't  huh Faith huh it was called faith faith yep oh   so had a pint of faith and it was really really  good and also had some sort of squid something   that was on the menu just to try something  different and then we came back to the hotel   washed up and set at the hotel bar and we ate  again because we we didn't get full the at the   pub apparently and then we had I had a fillet and  Ken had a ribeye and then I also had tuna tartar   and then we came back upstairs and we went to bed  and now it's today and now you've caught up all   right that wasn't that hard I did a pretty good  job before we get into today's Vlog little shout   out to today's video sponsor element electrolytes  I drink element at home all the time but I also   travel with them and I put them I had a whole  bag but now they're they're in this drawer as   you can see I have fully stocked our little coffee  bar area with the watermelon electrolytes so if   you've never heard of element they are amazing  electrolytes they are sweetened with stevia not   sugar and they have tons of salt I'm a very salty  person so I need lots of salt they also have let   me flip it around 200 Mig of potassium and 60  milligrams of magnesium if you're traveling you   need to take electrolytes with you electrolytes  will really help you stay hydrated on the flight   for some reason anytime I travel on an airplane I  just feel super dry and I always get a little bit   of a headache too and drinking electrolytes really  helps with that so I always take a element on my   carry-on and then I pack a bunch in the suitcase  too so if you haven't tried element you can go   to the link on the screen or in the description  it's just drink element.com Nisha and you can get   a free sample pack with any drink mix purchase  thanks so much to element for sponsoring today's   video so today we are going to go for a shop  and we're going to go to this street I can't   remember the name of it that it's all bookstores  and we're going to spend a lot of of time they're   un sure just looking at all the they have weird  books like old books books about really random   things like strange books which is right up like  I go to the British museum I think and then do we   have any plans after that I think that's it books  and mus yeah yeah and food well yeah and food he   it's just a free day to roll around and do  whatever we want so I'll see you then [Music] [Music] Mommy Daddy B you ducks [Music] [Music]   we are at Harvey Nichols Campa [Music] encho beans bacon  lots and cheese l [Music] [Music] [Music]   we are headed to Herod Herod  to get some snacks and do some   shopping I'm starving currently are  you hungry yes let's go to AR [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music]   it's raining it's currently raining I think we  may be safe but I don't know it's been Sunny this   whole time in the day we have an outdoor booking  it's going to rain it's good good it's rain yeah   that's so it's amazing glass of British Rosé  sparkling Ros all right so we are having steak   tartar yolks pork SK all right looks good yeah  yeah it's raining my camera won't focus [Music] [Music]   B [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so today is our last full day in London and last  night we went and had dinner with some friends and   we had peeking duck we had pork belly I tried to  get some pictures but also I was trying to just   like enjoy enjoy dinner I did get a picture of the  chef coming to the table and cutting up the duck   and wow that was so good we had that the last time  I think it was the last time we London but that   was forever ago and I've just forgotten how good  that is if you ever have a chance to have peeking   duck I think is what it's called I don't know if  I'm pronouncing that right uh have it it's so good   and delicious and just so fatty so fatty so that's  what we did last night we came home we talked to   the kids and then we went to bed and today we're  going to have brunch with our friend Isabella at   at a restaurant that I think is inside Hyde  Park I'm not 100% sure it is raining it is   London weather but that's not going to rain on  our parade and later we're going to go back to   haris and get some souvenirs for the kids and  friends back home and I guess tonight I'll start packing our plane leaves to tomorrow at 4:00  p.m. and we get back to Tennessee at 7:00 p.m. time changed on flights this the weirdest  thing in the whole world so I'm going to finish   getting ready and then we're going to go walk  through the rain to breakfast our last meal   we're having in the hotel room oh you can see me  in the reflection Hello whoa oh that was almost   really bad this is my prawn salad and then we  also have shrimp tacos somewhere and steak wait   this is not everything it's in the hot box it's  in the hot box yeah underneath oh oh my my wow   you want to get this it's underneath the carage  and then some electrolytes yes fancy element   electrolytes you happy to be going home tomorrow  yeah I'm ready to see the babies yeah me too [Laughter] and Dr Barry is having a ribe ey  oh there's the tacos I guess your ribe is   underneath this is the appetizers oh gotcha  gotcha okay well these are kind of all mine honestly they having ribey is that all I think that's all the extra  butter for the king of butter mhm [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

2024-05-30 00:37

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