Ukraine Tourism Awards 2020 / Церемония награждения победителей

Ukraine Tourism Awards 2020 / Церемония награждения победителей

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Kyiv Tourism Association Visit Ukraine Present Ukraine Tourism Awards 5 years in a row The main tourist award of Ukraine We praise the best Tour operators Accommodation establishments Food establishments Guides Government agencies Airlines Museums 5 years ago in this place In one of the best five-star hotels in Ukraine — Hilton Kyiv An event took place that set a good tradition The tradition of praising the best of the best in tourism First it was Kyiv and it was the Kyiv Tourism Awards In recent years, our organization has grown Kyiv Tourist Association has joined the Union of Professionals Visit Ukraine The award also has been transformed The fifth anniversary award has become all-Ukrainian So meet the Ukraine Tourism Awards Nomination Ambassador #TravelUkraine Nomination Discovery of the year in the hotel industry Nomination GovHelp Nomination The best “country” complex Nomination The best tourist attraction of Kyiv and Kyiv region Nomination The best guide during quarantine Nomination The best restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine Nomination Best Tour Operator Nomination Regional Breakthrough of the Year Nomination Quarantine Hero Nomination Best photo #TravelUkraine Nomination On the wings of hope Unfortunately, this year we can’t gather all of you in one place And celebrate this day Quarantine restrictions make their adjustments But we will try to convey emotions and warm wishes right now Therefore, I declare Ukraine Tourism Awards 2020 Quarantine Edition open Nomination Ambassador #TravelUkraine I am glad to welcome you at the main tourism award of the year Ukraine Tourism Awards This pandemic year has made its adjustments to our usual reality, That will probably never be the way it was It taught us to respond quickly to the challenges we face Change formats, unite with competitors And confidently move towards the development of Ukrainian tourism at the world level I can confidently say that Ukrainian tourism has coped with the crisis no worse, Than other countries of the world, and, perhaps, even better And that's why we really want to reward all those people today, Who worked every day to ensure that Ukrainian tourism do exist Found new, creative, interesting solutions In order to show the world that we find great solutions in Ukraine And we are moving forward to the development of our industry Today I am also very pleased to present a special award for me It is the ambassador of #TravelUkraine This project allowed us to unite public authorities, Creative industries, travelers, stars, media In order to tell Ukrainians what a wonderful country we have What new corners we have not even discovered in previous years I consider this project very successful, precisely because there are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians joined it sharing their photos and traveling around Ukraine The audience decided with their votes who will be worthy of this award today I will now present the main winner The one you voted for This person really did a lot To show all Ukrainians, make travel fashionable With creative, cool photos from the shooting Which she shared on Instagram and other social networks And she showed that traveling in Ukraine is not only fashionable, stylish, but also fun And the winner is Lesya Nikitiuk Nomination Discovery of the year in the hotel industry 2020 will definitely go down in history as the year of the Ukrainian Hotels & Resorts Association founding It have brought together the largest hotel players in the market We will work to make our voices heard To be seen, understood And together with all market players we have really created the best hotel industry in Ukraine This year together with Visit Ukraine We have become involved in special nominations in the hotel industry As the President of the Ukrainian Hotels & Resorts Association, I am glad to announce the winner today In the nomination Discovery of the Year To participate in this nomination, we invited hotels 3 *, 4 *, 5 * That have been reconstructed or rebuilt Among the nominees are those who have begun to develop new directions in Ukraine There are those who, after many years of working as a Soviet hotel, decided to renovate There are those who understand that it is in the period of change that new construction formats need to be introduced There are those who want to emphasize the importance of small towns in the hotel industry of Ukraine I am glad to name the winner Among the hotels nominated for the Discovery of the Year, I am pleased to sincerely congratulate the Premier Hotel Odesa Nomination GovHelp This year the organizers of the Ukraine Tourism Awards nominated 8 government agencies in the GovHelp nomination These are the government agencies that helped the tourism business during the corona crisis These include Boryspil Airport, the Public Health Center, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and Ukrzaliznytsia As well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and the State Border Guard Service All these organizations really deserve to win in this nomination After all, they all actually extended a helping hand to the tourism business The year was really difficult Without these organizations, it would be even more complex And I am very pleased to announce the winner in this nomination who won by a majority of votes This is the State Border Guard Service This organization is the first to meet tourists in Ukraine It is the first to say Welcome to Ukraine Congratulations to the State Border Guard Service on winning this very respectable nomination Nomination The best “country” complex I am glad to join the Ukraine Tourism Awards And to announce the winner in the nomination The best “country” complex Platium Spa&Resort Kyiv Nomination The best tourist attraction of Kyiv and Kyiv region To me, as the President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Music Events And one of the initiators of the #TravelUkraine It is a great pleasure to announce the winner in the nomination Best attraction of Kyiv and Kyiv region In the annual Ukraine Tourism Awards Having seen the nominees, I realized that one way or another I joined some events that took place in these locations Somewhere I organized them myself And it is very valuable for me to realize that the organization that have won, in fact, in this nomination Is an example for me, including how government organizations can become effective And unite in themselves also huge tourist potential, doing huge events, joining them Combining scientific achievements, educational, social responsibility, They become the flagship and set an example that state institutions Can also be effective It is valuable for me also as for the People's Deputy As you have already understood, the winner in this nomination is VDNH And I wish them not to slow down the pace they have taken over the years Strictly speaking, this award is probably a recognition that they are moving in the right direction And I wish VDNH not to stop and move only forward Nomination The best guide during quarantine I am glad to join the nomination The Best Guide during Quarantine The nomination includs the best 14 people from all over Ukraine The audience singled out the best - a guide form Odesa Alyona Kaletinska Nomination The best restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine We have received a large number of applications from all over Ukraine, from various restaurants And today I am pleased to announce the winner of this nomination - Restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine From the city of Rivne, called BarMaki I wish you to remain successful and cool in this rather difficult time And, of course, I wish the winner of this award to always have a huge number of guests And constantly develop our Ukrainian cuisine that I really sincerely consider one of the best and most delicious in the world Nomination Best Tour Operator I am very happy to join the annual Ukraine Tourism Awards 2020 And to announce the nomination - The best tour operator of Ukraine This nomination includes 9 best tour operators representing all of Ukraine They were able to show the most picturesque places of Ukraine to thousands of Ukrainians and foreigners Therefore, I am very pleased to announce the winner in the nomination Best Tour Operator in Ukraine in 2020 And the winner is a company from the city of Lviv - "Vidvodai" I wish the company "Vidvodai" to attract even more tourists in 2021 And to promote the brand of Ukraine on the international arena Nomination Regional Breakthrough of the Year Congratulations to all representatives of tourism and hospitality And, taking this opportunity, I would like to say Undoubtedly, this year was unique This is a year of trials, when everything was difficult And for you are almost the first to feel it But it has also been a year of opportunities that I am glad many of you have taken advantage of it In addition, however, the state paid attention to this area Not only in terms of promotion, but also in terms of assistance UKF (Ukrainian Cultural Foundation) grants have been launched Many of you have managed to get grants, and still have time to get them I would also like to remind you that a new Law on Tourism has been registered And yesterday the Law on 7% VAT, including for tourism and hospitality, started working Take advantage of these opportunities and we will support you, we will work together I also had the privilege of presenting the Ukraine Tourism Awards This year in the nomination Regional Breakthrough of the Year I myself have traveled a lot and I know these areas that were presented This includes the famous Road of Wine and Taste in the Odesa region, this is Sumy region This is Rivne region, where there is a lot of active work in the field of tourism But, probably, a very fair choice is Kherson region I went for the holiday there myself, but that's not why this award is given But the Kherson region has really done a lot to ensure that in addition to famous places Ukrainians discovered the region of the Dnieper, the region of various islands And opportunities for us to find out how charming Kherson region is after all That is why the project Kherson Region – the Regional Breakthrough of the Year -TripMustGoOn wins Nomination Quarantine Hero In life as in chess, there are certain people who do more at a certain time I am honored to present the next nomination - this is the Quarantine Hero We received almost 50 applications from all over Ukraine These people and companies that were included in the shortlist are already heroes Some in their town, some in their city, some are heroes of all Ukraine But the winner, as we know, must be only one And I am very pleased to present this nomination to a person who has dedicated his entire life to promotion and popularization One of the main, in my opinion, magnets of Ukraine A person that came to the aid of this magnet this year Created more than 30 new routes in this location A person who founded the profile institution, almost a university Teaching profile guides Also, this person took an active part in making the Chornobyl zone a UNESCO heritage site This year's winner in the Quarantine Hero nomination is Yaroslav Emelianenko Nomination Best photo #TravelUkraine In 2020, the pandemic hindered many Ukrainian travelers At the same time, it opened new opportunities and horizons for traveling in Ukraine Our people began to travel around Ukraine much more And since the beginning of the #TravelUkraine project, the number of Instagram posts With this hashtag increased from 4,000 to 97,000 And this is only for six months Thank everyone for participating and sending their photos to the contest Undoubtedly, they are all wonderful and every photo deserves attention I also want to thank the organizers for promoting the tourism industry in this way We are pleased to announce the winner of this year's Ukraine Tourism Awards In the nomination The best photo #TravelUkraine And the winner is Kysil Julia Andriivna from Lviv, Who published a picturesque photo of the Rock City Fortress in Tustan Congratulations Nomination On the wings of hope Today I have the opportunity to announce the winner in the nomination On the Wings of Hope To which Ukrainian airlines are invited I am especially pleased that Ukrainian airlines were invited to the nomination. These airlines continued their flight program and opened new flights, especially in Ukraine. I am pleased that this difficult 2020, Ukrainian airlines and Boryspil Airport have passed through together So, I announce the winner And the winner is airline WINDROSE The airline that in 2020 launched a unique program that unites 9 Ukrainian cities We wish WINDROSE and other Ukrainian companies prosperity and development Ukraine Tourism Awards 2020 is over I hope we will be able to meet you live next year And, of course, congratulate each other Tomorrow these gifts will be sent directly to the winners in each nomination We wish you a good mood, happy holidays, a cool New Year Lots of tourists and nice smiles See you! Thank you Hilton Kyiv ANTA Beauty Import Foods Company With support of State Agency for Tourism Development in Ukraine Ukrainian Hotel & Resort Association The Award organizers Kyiv Tourism Association Visit Ukraine

2021-01-05 03:47

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