UK Couple Discover Borneo's Most Northern Point [S10-E3]

UK Couple Discover Borneo's Most Northern Point  [S10-E3]

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It's just this backdrop is idyllic! Oh nobody seems to know where this place is. South China Sea this side, Sulu Sea this side. Travelling to the other side of the world to  start an overlanding adventure is never quite   as simple as it sounds, and our first  day on the road had some ups and downs. After collecting our vehicle, we were  just about to leave Kota Kinabalu to   start our trip when this happened. Now we  have got to pay a ticket before we leave   town! Apparently it was okay to park  there overnight but not in the day. Oh well I guess you only  know what you know, right?! But heading into the mountains we  not only saw some unique plant life,   but we met loads of wonderful people.

But our day ended up with us sat an A&E at  the local hospital after Marianne walked into   the corner of an air con unit! These things  happen, it's just all part of the adventure!! Remember that happiness is a way of travel,   not a destination - Roy M Goodman Good morning, welcome back to Malaysia to the town of Ranau here in Sabah in Borneo. It's not the best start to the day, poor  Marianne bonked her head yesterday, but she's going to take her bandage off  because she doesn't want to go out for   breakfast looking like.... what did you  describe yourself as this morning? Papa Smurf!! The bandage has moved in the night, it's a little bit Smurf like! Yeah, but it's absolutely fine I have no concussion, I don't have any dizziness, I didn't feel like I needed to vomit,   I was a community first responder in the  UK for years and I know what I'm doing,   so don't worry about me, I'm absolutely  fine, just a bit of glue and antibiotics.

It was just a bit of a chunk out of her head,  but we had a good night's sleep, so we're going to go out get some coffee, maybe a quick bite to eat,   we'll get the car packed up and  tell you the plans for the day. Oh it's never still raining? I was hoping  it was going to be a little bit brighter,   right watch where you're walking! That's one  of the things when I was in Turkey I actually   was walking and talking to the camera, i fell  down a hole and really badly twisted my ankle,   and very often you look in one direction and  another hazards get you, because the ground is a   bit uneven. You know when you travel sometimes  so you got to watch where you're walking. This is the town of Ranau, oh look we should be  able to get some breakfast over there I think,   that looks like a breakfast  place, watch your step Marianne.

Right oh they got roti canai yeah! Okay so  we've ordered two roti canai and a coffee,   and I think roti boomb the lady said it  was sweet? so I think it's with honey?   Roti boomb what is it? I'm curious, I've  never seen it before, thank you very much. boomb bread is a sweet taste that  is rich and has egg yolk.  Oh egg yolk and sweet, okay thank you,  Yeah it's sweet with it's probably with honey or  sugar, yeah that makes sense, if you saw the last   video we actually got a parking ticket in Kota  Kinabalu but we've just had notification from   our friend Eito in KK and he's paid it, it's  done! we have a receipt! You're a rock star,   thank you very much, wow there you go, as I  say Breakfast of Champions! it's roti time!! Before we left Marianne wanted to buy a bandana  to keep her cut covered, just so you can keep   your head nice and dry, yes to keep my head  dry and look fashionable at the same time !  I can't wash my hair and I still got blood  in it, so I don't want to tempt fate but   the sun is actually trying to come out  and just like that it stopped raining! What do you reckon? I reckon we might get  lucky today, we need a much better day,   yesterday we got a parking ticket and I cut my  head so today we've had the parking tickets being   paid, my head is feeling better, and I have a  blue bandana and the sun's coming, so here's   the culprit of where Marianne damaged her head,  she walked into the corner of that - whoopsie! There's Kitt ready for the next  trip, okay before we hit the road, we're going to get the map out, show you the plan for today, and where we are. Okay so yesterday we left Kinabalu and  this morning we've woken up in Ranau,   here just under Mount Kinabalu. So the plan today  is we're going to be driving around Mount Kinabalu   hopefully get a nice sighting, it's starting  to clear up, then we're going to head up all   the way this way to the northern Tip of Borneo  and hopefully we're going to sleep somewhere   on the beach here, so we better hit the road  because that's quite a lot to do in a day.

We've managed to get the the Google maps  onto the screen on here it's Bluetooth on,   which is great, so now we've got all  the directions right in front of us,   it also means we can play our  Spotify playlist and stuff as well,   it does, and it was so simple literally turn my  Bluetooth on it was like do you want to connect! I love it! Right let's hit the road, go and  find some, I think we need some fuel? We got about just over half a tank, but you never really know when the next fuel station is going to be,   so I think every time we get to  half it's just safer to fill up. Yeah it's been a nice little town to stay  in, it's a good base, if you're coming up, we came the scenic way through the  mountains to get here up towards Kinabalu,   there is actually a quicker way left Marianne,  my side. You may be wondering why I say my side? Well Marianne often gets her left and right  mixed up, anyone else have that problem? Diesel 5, oh I think you have to pay first?  he went to pay first? yeah I can't remember in Malaysia whether you pay first or not? But we'll figure it out,   so diesel euro5 at the end there,  yeah I think it's at the back of me,   but let's just see how far it goes, we haven't  filled the Kitt up yet, so I'm not actually sure.

There look, yeah it's here on my side,  yeah the fuel thing's just there.   He's a beast isn't he, Kitt's  diesel, diesel,   So you fill up and then pay,  that's making a proper gurgle sound! Okay all filled up, and it was 60 ringgit, the  fuel is subsidised heavily in Malaysia so having   a Malaysian car is great. Right so we're going to head down hopefully we'll get a Viewpoint of Mount Kinabalu, like I said, there's a Viewpoint or good place to see in about 45 minutes to an hours drive down the road, so sit back relax and enjoy the drive through the mountains here in Sabah. Look at these views, this is fantastic, the  the colours are popping aren't they? Yeah   and the mist is just starting to clear  on the Hills. So you never know guys,   we might be like super lucky after raining all  day today, maybe we are going to get a view of the mountain today? That would be nice to have a bit of non-rainy weather, I know, and fog, it makes the driving and everything so much better. Yesterday was such a rainforest rainy day wasn't it, but today even though it's forecast  to rain, I think it might just open out for us! Just driving along and looking looking into  the distance is we've come up into the clouds a little bit, but you just know that we're high up, the views would be spectacular on a clear day, so I'm sure this route can deliver a lot more on a sunny day.

Wow wow, look at that, wow that is  Mount Kinabalu is here somewhere you can see how high that goes, wow, I don't know anyone crazy enough to climb that! Just driving through the village of Kundasang and it's actually dairy cows here, they got dairy farms, beautiful views, look at this but that's why there's a cow in the middle of the the road, it is like being back home! it's looks like a friesian cow, but the the mountain is starting to clear up you know. We're actually still climbing up up and up, we're getting higher and higher! In fact we're at 1500m now and still climbing. We're going into the clouds as well, which is really special, it's an absolutely beautiful drive. I've just seen my first monkey of the trip! It just ran across the road and up a tree ! So they're here, the macaques are hiding in the bushes! So the the moral of the story is, if you have a water bottle and then you climb up a mountain and open it, you get a wet lap!! so yeah it's the change in pressure as you climb, it expands, and yeah I just fancied a drink and then suddenly got a wet lap! So we've arrived in the town of Nabalu and there's a little market here, we're going and have a little look around, and also there's a good viewpoint but Kitt's doing good, the Beast of the truck, is doing good, how you doing, how's your head love? I'm doing fine, it's lovely and cool up here, so for the menopausal women of the world, this is the place to be! Should we have a look around the market first or you want to go and find the view first? Oh I can't stop walking towards this view!! Walk towards the light..... wow look at that! Look you can just see up towards the summit of Mount Kinabalu up there, look just peeking through for us. That's not necessarily the summit, but it's very actually it is you could just see the spike at the top there, oh yeah and as we said you must be crazy to do that right? Standing at 4,095 M Mount Kinabalu is the tallest peak between the Himalayas and New Guinea, to put it into perspective that's four times the height of Mount Snowden in Wales , or nearly twice as high as Canada's Whistler Mountain, it's considered a very sacred mountain, and is a very important Place both spiritually and symbolically for many of Sabah's indigenous people, especially the Dusun, Kadazan and Murut tribes it's believed that once you pass into the Afterlife, your soul must journey to Mount Kinabalu to live peacefully for eternity.

Many believe that this is the reason the name of the mountain is Kinabalu, which is derived from the Dusun word resting place of the Dead. Every year thousands of people come to Sabah to attempt to reach the summit, and although it's considered a safe mountain to climb, climbing it is not for the faint-hearted! We know that firsthand because back in 2012 we climbed it! In fact it was the first ever time I picked up a video camera! In those days the filming quality wasn't great, it was the most amazing hike, but I'm not going to lie it was really tough. But we did eventually make it to the summit, and we're greeted with amazing views, and a tremendous sense of achievement. Even if it did nearly kill us! so we're heading actually to the Northerly most point of Sabah which I don't know whether you can see right in the distance there, you can see the sea and the land just  goes behind the mountain there, that's where we're heading after we leave here, we'll go and have a little look around some of these little stalls and then stretch our legs, jump in kitt, and continue our adventure! Oh wow gongs! dinner time! we got the ratan baskets, oh I love these, these are the game I don't know whether you've seen it? They play like kick volleyball, is the best way to describe it. Peanuts, and maybe we grab another bottle of water. yeah ... seven, yeah I got it. I'm learning it, I can count up to seven, is about as exciting as it gets!

thank you very much, how do you say eight? Okay that's the word for today! Thank you very much. They've got lots of fruit and oh wow Ginger galangal. Are you going to get some pineapple? I think we should get some pineapple... They give you a little stick to eat it with that's great, oh there's a lot of juice, This is going to get messy eat it outside the van, well outside the car I should say. It's a lovely little market lots of little snacks and fruits.

pretty! It has started raining so we've come undercover, Marianne's not using the stick and has gone straight in there! I bet that's sweet as hell .... feral, I am feral! and that is delicious! That's the sweetest sweetest  pineapple ever! That is lovely! Oh that's so good.... it's wet well! I'm pleased to be British where I'm used to the rain! It's warm rain, the good thing is I think we did get a little glimpse of the mountain. It showed itself to us! And we're refuelled, we're going to do a little bit more bit more of a drive north and see what we find. Okay we had to stop, there's another Viewpoint look at this! Oh my goodness, it's absolutely wild isn't it?! And seeing this rainforest is just insane, now you realise why there's so much rain and the tip of Borneo is still there. Yeah I see it.

I love the flowers here are absolutely amazing look at these, amazing and then this I love look at that plant, is that not just the best? So now the drive to the tip of Borneo from here is about 3 to three and a half hours, so we'll just see what we see, we'll stop somewhere for lunch, enjoy the ride, enjoy the scenery. Oh he has broken down, they put branches  to warn people, the whole trailers just left on the road..... wow it came off! yeah the front  part of the truck was on the other side of the road, it must have detached. One thing being in Kitt is we haven't got our toilet and those luxuries of Trudy we've got other luxuries, it's a lot more comfortable, a lot more leg space, a lot more air con, and the brakes are very responsive as well! they really really are, especially on these Mountain Roads. We are turning right now, and the road goes north now towards Kota Belud, Wow it's still beautiful, it's just all beautiful, I mean the roads around here have been pretty good so far, absolutely, I don't want to Temp fate but ..... My glasses have steamed up again, we just  stopped because we just saw a lovely river, that looked very cool, nice ! You see, that's flowing well isn't it? Oh yeah that bridge is amazing, look at this! The little village on the other side, we should go out to the middle of the bridge Marianne what you reckon? Oh you got a new friend! Hello ..... that is one thing that's quite hard traveling, you see so many stray dogs and some of them in very remote places that you would normally just pick them up,

I'm just very grateful that our friend Chesca from Overlanding Sophia is not here, because she would be collecting them all and taking them home! Oh I found the the cool plants again , oh did you? Did you see these before? I showed these last time we're in Malaysia if you touch them all they close... How cool is that ? how is it Marianne? Great it's bouncy! very bouncy! Our friend's coming with us... Oh I'm going to stand on the joints because I'm probably a bit heavier than the local people! Oh my goodness it's like super bouncy! I think the intelligent one is the dog  he's just left the bridge, he's leaving the bridge! The dog is thinking I'm not going out there! Wow that water is nuts! Oh my goodness. it's really hard to keep your balance isn't it? What a beautiful spot! it's just this backdrop is idyllic! You got the side of Mount Kinabalu there, and this lovely lovely River. it's lovely driving through all these little villages, seeing the chickens by the side of the road, the kids have just come out of school, there's lots of different styles of housing which I love the style of housing, from the old wooden ones, and it seems that every house has got a dog there's at least one dog outside each house yeah, true it's like Community dogs, they know they're going to be fed So it is coming into the outskirts of Kota Belud, and it's still very wet, the rain is still coming down, Our dream of a sunny day is not today, maybe tomorrow! We are stuck in a bit of traffic maybe there's Road works up ahead, or flooding? We've turned off, we never never found out why there was heavy traffic, but we turned off got a little bit of shortcut and it seems to have cleared, so thank you to the navigation, it's working very well ! We have stopped off for a little bit of lunch it's 1:00 already, Where did the time go Marianne? I don't know, I don't know! Watch the puddles, I'm going to be super cautious now! What have we got today? Veggies, lots of veggies, okay this one chicken? Okay this one is spicy? no spicy, this one is sweet. This one? This one is spicy sambal, spicy? can I have spicy sambal? and then this one what's this one? spicy spicy and have you got one that this is not spicy? not spicy this one, yeah this one, this one spicy, okay spicy, I think I'm going to have is that beef? moo or baaah? is it goat? It that moo .....? cow,

I love it! Okay so we got a couple of hundred plus, yes and some rice this is chicken sambal, which is like a really spicy, it might be mad because if you order spicy over here it is hot! No that's good, that's like a madras heat back home, that's really nice, and then we got some different like beans and how's your beef, I think, it looks like in it's probably in that slightly sweet sauce? that's a sweet soy.... oh there is spice! is it spicy?  oh it is so spicy.... as Anna in Korea said, I have a baby mouth! We're not actually sure what veg these are, it might be like a squash or something like that? That is delicious.... oh good Bon appetit ! What a fun place, we had so much fun, we used Marianne's famous Cow and Chicken impression to work  out what lunch was, and the weather forecast has some weather warnings today, we've just seen, so we're going to jump in, after that delicious lunch and try and head north because it's coming, there's a bit of rain coming! bye bye our first glimpse behind  the trees there of Paddy fields All the way down the side of the road here,  they've got these little stands selling Plants and things, and it's lovely, they've got numbers on each stand, so it's good planning to find if they say oh I work at number 38, but on the other side of the road have you seen this? yeah there is flooding, the rain has come down so much, there is quite a lot of flood in it this is  all palm oil here and you can see that the Palm oil plantations are just completely flooded, and it's coming out onto the side of the road. just going around the roundabout  there was it was flooded and, because it's flooded you couldn't see that there was a pothole underneath, so yeah for those of you back in the UK, as we say we've just had a Vicar of Dibley moment! There's a lot of rain, yeah a lot of water, yeah and I am very happy I'm in this car yeah, to be honest these potholes and this amount of water, as we've gone through some really deep puddles and water,   they would annihilate Trudy, our van yeah yeah so I'm very grateful to be in a truck that is kitted out.

So if you're just watching us for the first time today, Trudy is our van back home, which we drove around the world and as we said she's getting some love it back home at the moment,   but she doesn't and wouldn't like all these  rainy flooded roads, I don't think today! Okay the heavens have opened  it's actually quite heavy now, They've got mini rivers running down the road, look at this, it's proper typhoon rain. Yeah there was a warning on Accuweather that there were two storms coming through We've only got a few kilometers until we get  to where we've actually booked a stay tonight.   we did book a place on the seafront hoping  that we would be able to go and have a little   paddle, the beach looks lovely, but not  today, maybe tomorrow morning before we head  up to the tip? But yeah we're starting to get off the beaten path here nice! I've tried finding the place that we're staying  on Google Maps, and it didn't come up but I know roughly where it is, so I know which beach is on so we should be able to find it.

Far Beach House, so should I just turn left down this road? no just just follow it down here, it should be on this beach, we should see it, there's the sea, we got a nice cafe Toco, a nice view of the sea, there, that's the first glimpse. Oh I hope tomorrow morning it's dried up a bit because it would be nice to see it wouldn't it? That would be really nice, oh look people are camping on the beach there's a few tents on the beach they're Brave in this weather. Sidi... where is it? What's that one? We're not staying in that one! Look at that, these old huts here, ah no, well  in the summer when it's not raining that would be quite fun. I would have thought that would be great fun 20 years ago, but now I would like a bed a pillow, that's why I love Trudy! I mean the beach is stunning! look at this, that is beautiful, look at that beach! oh it's beautiful white sand, that is ...I'm liking the look of that! oh goodness me,

can you imagine if it was the the huts that we booked into? It didn't look like the huts on bookings it look like a lovely little chalets, this has got barbed wire, that's like an army base is it ? We driven the whole length of the beach and at the moment, we haven't managed to find it, so we're going to go down and see if we can ask somebody. We are going to get very wet while we're doing it Oh my what happened, we're trying to  find what is it called? Sidi Beach front? it's on this road somewhere, Sidi no don't know, maybe straight down? Okay thank you, Let's try again, Sidi beach front bungalow? maybe there here, oh you don't know, okay thank you. Oh nobody seems to know where this place is, it's not looking hopeful, we might have to try and Skype call them? Okay let's try and give them a call....

there's no answer on Skype, so I think we'll just have to drive down, we just have to keep going down, and keep stopping, at least it stopped raining now, but there's only this beach, and we've driven down it, no... but there's people over here, they might know? We'll try asking, we could try here, Okay, this is the only road that we haven't been down, let's go down there... but there's no signs, there's no sign, there are chalets, home stay, welcome to Tomogo...... see these huts look very similar to the  pictures! my God where are we? I am not really sure... it's not going to be down here? Well we don't know, at least we're in a vehicle that can get  us down here.... go on chicken! I have no idea where we're going! Nope! but I suppose ...... No, absolutely no idea, but I suppose this is part of the adventure of having a 4x4 !

This is what we were talking about in Africa, you know there were places we couldn't go because we felt terrified that we might get stuck forever! Where this Beast Kitt the kit car! I mean we are .... OH that's the automatic breaking, Bernard told this might happen, because if there's grass on either side it might think you're going to hit something, and it might help you avoid a collision, but  I think we're all right, I think it's realised that I'm a professional driver! We carried on driving with our eyes peeled but we couldn't spot it anywhere, see look there's some little Huts by the beach right here, the kids are waving, maybe they know where it is? yeah look there's loads of beach Huts down here, we just need to find an adult to ask, I don't want to be checking in with kids, it's the end of the road! It's the end of the road .... so it's not  here! Uh what's.... oh look there's a man! there's a man! the sign for Sidi does not say Sidi! it says Tombavuan or something, which is the one we saw right at the beginning when we turned down this road! Oh my goodness, so Sidi beach front is actually Tombabuvan or something !? yeah it is, now no wonder we didn't find it! Okay let's try again, round two ! let go down, let's go down and we will ask them, I'm pretty sure it's must be.... it must be one of these is it?

it is, that's what the pictures look like, isn't it? okay this looks more like the place we're staying, but let's check it out, let's just make sure we're in the right place. Hi we did a booking with Sidi, is that here? Yes! They'd recently changed their name but hadn't updated any of the signage, we're in the right place ! Here we go! Here's our little room for the night all the airons on it's lovely it's lovely and cool in here, oh I love it we've even got Union Jack pillows! Air con, there's WiFi, tea and coffee making facilities, and a little bathroom shower. I't's perfect because we've got to do YouTube work we're just setting up the starlink, so there's an outside socket here, and because it must see the sky, it must be flat love, yeah perfect. Perfect! So we got settled in our room done a couple of hours of editing, and we've come in  they got a cute little restaurant here, where they do a few local dishes and I got a lovely delicious looking mee goreng, here with some chicken and some nice chilli sauce, a squeeze of some lime over it, it's good it's all good and we hopefully we wake up tomorrow morning and it will be a  beautiful blue sky, and we'll go for a walk on the beach, that would be nice.... lovely wouldn't it?!

The tip of Borneo, we're excited to see you in the sunshine! yeah tomorrow, The tip of Borneo is only probably a five minute drive, 5 -10 minute drive down the road but it was raining so much today, we thought we would come stay here and then tomorrow morning we'll go up there before we head on. Wow look at that oh that is smashing,   chicken rice with some vegetables chopped in   just as you requested, exactly what I wanted ! The rains have started again, that smells so good, I love this because this is all onions and garlic, and it just is delicious it just totally makes it Good morning we woken up and it's looking bright out there, so we're going to go and check it out, let's go and have a look at this beach, in nice light wow what a difference, and I know as soon as I open this door from the aircon My Lens will probably steam up, what a difference this morning look at that! That is absolutely lovely, one of the noisiest nights ever, but it was the best night because of the Waves, you could here them, they were just crashing in, through the night! My glasses have steamed up, I know it's all steaming up let me just wipe the lens there a little bit. Every once in a while, you find those magical spots, and this is definitely one of them. Look at this! And how how different does it look, when you got a little bit of sunshine, it makes all the difference! This is what you expect to see when you come to Borneo, Oh yes! And it is so quiet, you know being at the end of rainy season, how amazing is that ?! hey that's stunning.... that's absolutely stunning! there you go it's quite wavy this morning I'm not sure whether it's always wavy because we're near the tip of Borneo? Or whether it's because of the storms we've had over the last few days.

There are a few people surfing right down at the end, but apart from that, there's only dogs and dog prints on the beach, from these local guys who guarded us last night! good morning how are you doing oh wow, wow. It's moments and mornings  like this which is why we chose this lifestyle. I think we should go and dunk our feet and see how warm this water is, actually the  sun's intense, it is very very hot! Oh it's warm, the sea is very warm isn't it ? yeah this is lovely....

how blue is that blue? I just can't get over how clean and ... you know on the beach there's no rubbish, it's white beaches, lovely water, Nice right? We should come back here! Morning guys, how are we doing? This is what it's about love isn't it? These are the moments that I always say to Chris, can we press pause? ah that would be nice, I could actually stay here for a week or so, but although we have a long long time in Borneo, we got lots to go and see and do! and ..... but this is the place that we put on the revisit list, Oh yeah, and I just spotted a crab running along the sand! So I think they do breakfast here, so we'll see  if we can get a little light breakfast, and a coffee. You have a very beautiful office, it's really beautiful, really beautiful! Nice he just put the big fan on for us, because although it's early in the morning it's still it doesn't take long to warm up does  it? No it is warm and just that movement of air really helps, I was so hungry I started eating  it before I filmed it, but there you go, fried eggs on toast, a nice white coffee! How yellow are those yolks? The bread is slightly sweet, the bread over here is sweet, I think they put sugar in it, it's a little bit sweet, Look at that, well that's a plate of fruit! Yeah  when I said I'd love some fruit, that is a real display of beautiful fruit, look at the pineapple, papaya Aunt Julia's favourite, and watermelon, and a lime to squeeze over it! That is delicious, that's going to be lovely look at that! sweet right? perfect! I'm sad to say that the time has come that we have to leave this little magical spot. Let's just say goodbye to the guys! Goodbye you thank you, I left the key in the door, thank you very much, thank You, you have a beautiful place. Bye - we're coming  back! it's beautiful!

we'll be back definitely one Wow it's just unbelievable isn't it, it is  absolutely stunning! there you go Kit's ready for her next bit of the adventure, goodbye Beach! It's amazing the temperature difference today compared to yesterday, it's so much hotter, Luckily kitt has good aircon, and four-wheel drive and four-wheel drive, so no problem with the sand here, Okay so now we're going to do the short drive up to the most northern tip of Borneo, which I'm looking forward to which is the reason we came here in the first place, it is, I'm so pleased  that we decided to not film it yesterday in the rain, because miraculously today looks like a completely different place, it really does, this is the road we drove down yesterday but looking at the sea and everything, it just looks so different Oh that's just the perfect Beach. and there's only about three or four people on the whole Beach. The guy in the Chalet said that certain weeks of the Year, like December he said they're normally full, even though it's their rainy  season which doesn't make a lot of sense and it tends to be locals, he says really there's not a lot of tourists that come up since Covid. Yeah and there isn't a bus from Kota Kinabalu to this part of Borneo, but there is from Sandakan apparently. Okay we should be ...

oh yeah open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. it said there, so I think there's a car park? Yes there is! Perfect! The view from up here is stunning, Parking in the shade? I'm loving the shade! wow! I think we should go and have a look at this,  we've got a nice aerial view of the beach we were on this morning. Hi how are you? Hi! Good morning, I am good thank you, it's so beautiful! wow look at this! I think this is one of the best most beautiful beaches in the world? yeah and you can walk all the way down, very nice, oh yeah the Tip of Borneo is down here right? thank you! look at that, that is just incredible ! Just to put it into perspective, we were staying just down where you can see those rooves down there. that's lovely ! The tip of Borneo is actually down a  pathway down here, but this looks like a lovely little view point, I can't believe the colour of that water. It is wild isn't it? And considering yesterday, it was so grey and dark in the sky, and today it's just lit up for us! It's fantastic! And can you see the sailboat over there ... Can you imagine sailing the Seas here? When you come to places like this you think it would be lovely to travel in a boat, but then when you see the storms we've had ....

yes and how bumpy that would be whilst just trying to sleep in a boat and how scary it would be, I think it would be quite scary? I'm not sure that would be for me, I think I prefer the Land. There you go a panoramic view there... that's pretty epic isn't it? That's stunning, that sun is intense, yeah despite putting Sun tan lotion on, you don't want to be out in the sun for too long! That's why I always wear my little baseball cap here because I don't have a lot of hair left, and so it just stops my head getting frazzled.

short walk to the end of the road here, they've got lovely little sort of picnic areas where you can sit down and relax. I'm loving this, this is a very special moment. Hi, where you from England, oh good I'm I was in England before, oh where are you from? from Malaysia? Now Singapore, Singapore! I used to live Singapore, oh okay yeah come again! yeah we love Singapore, yeah live there again! yeah I was studying at Shatec, uh Nassim Hill behind the Tangling, So you know how to cook ! I used to work at the Mandarin Oriental, that's why I married him, he knows how to cook! okay! I can make the best Hainanese chicken and rice! I can see the sign! This is the tip of Borneo, So this is a special place! Right at the top of Sabah up here, and you can see it's where the South  China Sea and the Sulu sea they meet. Oh what a place so yeah, we're at the top we're driving around Sabah, going to be coming down through Sarawak here. I didn't realise that Borneo was on the equator! Everyday is a school day, the equator runs straight through Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. So there you go they got the different signs of how far all the countries are, New York, Sydney, Jakarta, Singapore, where's London?   There you go, London, Beijing, New Dehli......

Oh you can go down here look, wow Here you go guys, look at this, wow these rock formations are wild, all the way along, fantastic spot! there you go .... Danger, do not go past this line! South China Sea this side, Sulu sea this side! Absolutely stunning, but both equally beautiful ! What a fantastic spot the northernmost point of the third biggest island in the world! without your own transport it would be  difficult to get here, but if you do ever get the opportunity to come here especially on a lovely sunny day like today, it's well worth the drive! So we've hope you've enjoyed today's episode  join us next time as we head down to Pitas, and if you don't want to miss a video click the  Subscribe button below and we'll see you next time

2025-02-04 06:44

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