Tyres - Are We All Doing It Wrong? | GCN Tech Show Ep. 25

Tyres - Are We All Doing It Wrong? | GCN Tech Show Ep. 25

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Welcome. To the gcn tech chair this, week we've got folding. E-bikes confirmed, spy shots and an inflatable, bike trailer plus, tires, are, we all doing it wrong did, I probably. Find. Out why me. So. John what's, hot in tech this week well firstly, Mavic have basically revamped, their top end wheel set the cosmic Ultimates, this time. Basically. Adding the welcomed, addition of a clincher, version which is also tubeless, compatible, and that's something which Mavic have worked really really hard on in the last couple of years in fact so great to see that I see they've also updated the rear wheel yes. Especially the spokes. Which, now run from one end of the rim right, the way through to the other side yeah, as opposed to what they used to have which was the nipples down on the hub I think yes right yeah so if you did have a little bit of buckle you could just true up so presumably with this bit of new Tech's basically one bit of carbon from one side to the other why, they've done away with twice. As many spokes I suppose you know yeah, but. Also how. Would, you true it anyway. I don't know but the weight of them is an impressive, 1,300. Grams of pair language, for carbon, clinches to tell you what that is low isn't it that's about half the weight of the originals, yeah no, price as of yet but they are too out early. 2019 so, keep your eyes peeled for those ones do, you think they'll make the same noise as the originals. Now. Completely, unrelated, but well timely, relevant for for more soccer, fans out there is an, app that's just been released now Cody was a startup, company that basically produced, a mount for a smartphone that could, also pair a light as well as charging, your phone whilst, mounted onto the handlebars, and with. This new app well I think, it could be pretty handy for those sports, lovers out there yeah they've designed an app that will help you keep track of the latest scores and the World Cup whilst, riding along on your bike yeah, it's, a nice safe the idea that isn't it really it's nothing more grabbing a phone out or listening with headphones which is even, worse than that in my opinion I suppose it's safer than having to look into your bad pocket but probably. Still keep your eyes on the road yeah, keep your eyes on the road and Wow we, can't say too much football, on here can we but anyway nice idea maybe they, will have a new app which tells you things about the Tour de France as that's going on who knows that cool idea John could be dumped shortly oh geez in any, way more tech later. I've. Been thinking about tires John go. On then you're probably onto something here I think, we're all doing it wrong and I think we could you, know change. Some things and do it a little bit better all. Right go on ahead do, you remember nineteen millimeter tires fondly. A hundred, and forty psi or, or, nine, or ten bar pumped. Up rock-hard all, conditions, maybe, if it was absolute torrential on the start line you just let. A little bit out and you just kind of riding and I'm fine last-minute safety, yeah, absolutely, fine do you remember then 21. Mil tires oh yes. I certainly do actually yeah front and rear specific, sometimes yeah different tread patterns, yeah ice do you remember when they then progressed, on to the what became widely accepted 23. Mil for what 10 15 years yeah at least yeah great, tires they were and now we widely, except when t5 Mills as being here to stay that, is true actually yeah I mean at the time they, actually looked at always futuristic.

You Know when you see someone riding on these big tires I I, will admit I was one of those people who would look and just think that, must be a touring site yeah. I'll. Never remember the first time we had them it was 2013. And, just. Incredible in the corners all of a sudden you could you just felt more confident yeah go ahead where you going with this so 28, mil you. See them quite a lot these days it's. Not rare no, 32. Mil fit, almost all bikes man especially with, the era, of discs fast approaching that is very true yeah I've got a feeling, you're trying to talk me into something, which I might not be that convinced, about I kind of am I don't, think we've been playing around with our tire choice I had tire width or our tire pressures anywhere near as much as we could have mean so. You're going to suggest to me that I've got to go out and buy a load of tires and different, compounds. Do for different weathers and new, wheels and I'm going to get in so much trouble at home more than I'm in normally. Basically. That's what you're gonna put to me pretty much hmm. Although, maybe not there are a few things that we can do go, on so. High-pressure. Yeah. Tyre. Compounds summer. Winter, you. See a lot of guys that ride the same bike the same tires the same pressures no matter what the weather no matter what the season yeah. See that to me is not at, all logical, doesn't make any sense nice so how about you have a set of summer tires and a set of winter tires yeah, something. I already do maybe, size, up a little bit in the winter when the roads are wetter and slippery oh yeah, but why would people at home want to do that so, more surface area on the tire more grip lower pressure smoother, ride more. Confidence, and more comfort on your on, your rate roads yeah now that is something actually. I can totally, and, utterly recommend. Because there's nothing better than feeling confident, especially in the wet because that's when things.

Tend For many, people out there to go a little bit wrong isn't it it is and your tires are the only, contact patch with the road it's the only thing holding you up so why, rely on this tiny little thumb, print or thumb print on the, road when you could have it slightly larger which would also give you more comfort, right. Okay so I'm still. Feeling. That I've got a going through and buying more tires okay, you don't want to buy new tires how, about you play around with what you've already got that, sounds good to me actually because you know a lot of people out there including myself if I've got to get and spend I don't know how much money on some tire safe seventy pounds on a pair of tires I want. To make sure they're the right ones they like so I want to get you know button on the bike and then go ahead and be great. Okay it's, an investment it's a lot of money to buy new tires but for free you could pump up your current tires head, out to your local favorite descent or a road, with some really you, know testing corners and play. Around your tire pressures cool, start, with what you currently use and then. Let, out your last-minute safety, squirt like we talked about earlier, make. A note of the pressure so as you adjust them yeah and see how you feel but, actually somewhere, that's, actually something sorry that in. The past when someone suggested, to me a pressure gauge I would always kind of dismiss it a little bit and think more why would you need that but now. This is something which Tom laughs always laughs at it's the fact that I have a notebook that, I keep all sorts of weird bits of information with compatibility, and things like that so I guess providing. Of course it's not raining take, I know but with you a digital. Tire pressure gauge because, that's how, you need it really exactly, this is what we're looking at here these it, sounds silly and it's overused but marginal, gains so that's. Actually where I would take down these notes and figure out actually that happy. Medium isn't. It because you. Know there are if you go too much one way or too much the other way you're gonna start getting back yeah, I don't you want to avoid your bike feeling squidgy, and bouncy, when, your tires are soft you want to be a little bit above there but the same the. Same time you also don't want to have your tires rigid like wood and you don't want to feel like you're kind of skidding, across the road you. Want to be in the happy that happy middle area you, may well already be there but if you haven't experimented with it how do you know you're getting the most from your current tires yeah, now I remember actually. The. Year before I went to twenty, five-millimeter tubulars. For racing I was, on 23, and I had them pumped up 150. Psi something ridiculous, like that which you. Know we're all guilty of doing yeah and I went round a corner and I could feel, the back in there like just skipping out around this corner but then on the flip side the.

Thing Which really kind. Of cause I don't ride 28 so I know you do yeah you're happy when I ride. 25 still, I do although in the wind so I do run a 28, on the back but. It's. That whole happy, medium isn't like I mentioned earlier about where, your bike doesn't, feel that squidgy because ultimately as, soon as you put twenty eighths on you start running a lower pressure and it's do get that bouncing, feeling you can do it once you drop down below what 50 psi for four, and a half bar yeah you've, only avoid that yeah and I mean you get that on the cyclocross quite exciting you because obviously you're running such, such low pressures but you, hardly feel that bouncing because you hardly, ever ride on tarmac so, that's. A fair point and, it's gonna take a little trial and error to find the place where you want to be yes, but time, invested, in playing with your current bikes tuned. As it were is. Time well spent yeah and I reckon people can actually gain quite a lot out of that more than you know. Buying. The. Latest pair of aero gloves, or something like that because ultimately you are gonna have a smoother ride and it's gonna get you somewhere faster, isn't it and you feel more confident comfortable, it's, win-win what's. The news but anyway what I really want to know as ever is actually what the viewers did I mean are, you someone who's stuck in the dark ages or what possibly, a bit of retro you skinny, tires still 23. Or you, know dare I say even narrower. Than that I mean if if anyone they were still using nineteen millimeter, tires on their road rides please, do let us know because I would actually love to ride where you ride because the roads must be perfect, send us a picture yeah or on the flip side, have you gone beyond, 25, s which, I absolutely love have you gone 28, 32, so I understand you ride in the winter yeah 32 more tires in the winter setup, cheapness I'm, convinced, you can ride as fast downhill on a disparate bike in the middle of winter when it's wet and greasy as you can in the summer on your race wheels I think, this is gonna call for some GCN designers. At some point you might need to wear some motorbike leathers because we have to remember, maybe, a few spills involved, but in, all seriousness yet let us know exactly you know what tire pressures, you run and why you made those choices and how you found out did you find, out through, life I did you know 150, psi, and a 23 mm tubular, tyre bouncing, around the road or do. You just love not getting punctures or riding 32 I think most of us found out the hard way didn't we sadly. Yeah leave your comments down below yeah. Anything. Else new intent this week John well, firstly. British, clothing, brand Lacombe have actually just launched, a recycled. Material. Cycling, jersey which i think is absolutely fantastic a few, brands, you know recently they have touched on similar things including, Team Sky who will, be taking to the start. Presentation. At this, year's Tour de France wearing, of Jersey may not have recycled. Ocean, plastic, material, they will have a whale of a time honestly.

Who Brought, you in here puns. Like that sticking, with clothing for a minute John if you will the, Mavic, cosmic. Ultimate. GTX. Rain cape very nice look at that it's got shape dry fabric that isn't it as well it has indeed and, for. Those of us in the UK that have to use these things pretty, much every ride we go on only. 95. Grams. Why that's very, packable, isn't it that's the sort of actually I always, carry something like that in my Jersey pocket, most. Of the rides of the year in fact because well we never know what's going to happen do we it was almost guaranteed to rain on every, ride, you get on the price though it does come in three, ten pounds which, is on, the upper end really the native cycle clothing it's quite a lot of that for a jacket and the price per gram is quite, high but I once, heard someone say you can pay a price and good kit you can't indeed you know what if I could find the ultimate thing, to keep me dry, and warm in the winter I would pay for it because when, I passed it well yeah exactly yeah the amount of times I've been stuck, out there feeling, absolutely, miserable and soaked through to the skin, yeah I'm looking forward to those days no longer being a thing no maybe they have been extremely, busy because. Spy, shots confirmed, that helmet, spotted, on the head of Vuitton concept back, there the cry tubes donate, yeah that has been released too so it's gonna be cool to comet, ultimate, and I think that looks like a great, looking helmet actually it does is it's a vast improvement over some of their previous offerings isn't it John yeah there was one out there which I wasn't a big fan of really nice lookin they straps around the ears as well how do you think do you think they slide you think they adjust I don't know really intrigued actually it looks cool I've never seen a helmet like that it looks like shoelaces, that, then have the middle bits pulled through it so I just like to helmets, the way the front and the back er kind, of separated, there as well it's something for ventilation, or is it error don't, know but anyway 210. Grams, or 215, grams and, 225. Pounds, so nice, looking helmet coming. Soon fasting. Now, onto a little bit of protech, so the Tour de Suisse was recently, finished for a couple of stages at least the whole squad, of Trek Sega Fredo took to the start line using. Wait for it this, breaks finally. This. A bad time who's, finally happening me now, the weather, right there it was pretty wet so I can imagine that that probably. Helped influence, their decision because not all pros are that easily, convinced, it's not why different things are like but more consistent, breaking in the wet conditions, you know rim brakes on carbon wheels, have never been that great are they know despite people's. Claims release, it's still, not, as good as normal, and also it, would have been a lot easier for the mechanics only having to look for one type of weird on the roof imagine, that in the rain getting out is. That is that a rim reason, thumb exactly axle are already being carnage, yeah you can magic the riders giving mechanics as well quite a hard time you know if there with fingers and thumbs trying to sort it yeah, I think it's a good move yeah I wonder, though because say a couple of years ago if, someone had said to us guys. In the world tour they were using disk brakes yeah. We I don't think we would believe it would we we've know I know, we. Go back five years when Aero bikes were first becoming a real viable, option in all races you. Never would have considered paying discs on, I guess it's quite hard isn't it because you know these pros basically, it is their.

Job Isn't it so it's kind of like saying to them okay we, know it's your job but actually you've got to change your ways of working isn't. It you know you're gonna have to learn, to break it up with later yeah, for instance right kind of thing so yeah, I can understand that you know the slow ingress, into the peloton but then the world also those that were big fans of discs and they really wanted to push forward and you know have them in place yeah I guess some people are open to new ideas whereas, others perhaps, on now for something completely different. But, I think a really nifty little idea, this so this is the e turtle. Which, basically is a, how, along, caravan. Which is nice later ball for your bicycles, so apparent you can attach any bike out there and then once you hitch. Up to your place where you want to stay the night you can simply inflate it with a two way hand pump or an electric motor so I reckon you've got an e bike which I guess it could be compatible with you probably hack the motor and use that motor, to to, pump it up and charge you fainting yeah and have a nice it was sleeper in the world now it's cool I'd spend a weekend in that brilliant, yeah you'd be on your own like towed, to on, it behind a tandem ebike, tandem yeah - camping trainers face them against, each other I think maybe like truly like the top and tail you just being sort of foot and foot with you negates it, works for me John here. We are you want to give it a go yeah fair lady maybe sighs you two taking something like this to Morocco for extra sleep oh yeah, that's right yeah you don't fancy divvying just get one of those turtles, next, yes I yeah, use that now, another, nifty, little invention, is this from Peugeot who aren't really the force they once were within cycling, but this the, ef-0. One, I'm buzzing about this it's. An 18 kilo bike a folding, bike of that yeah with a 30 kilometer range up, to 20 kilometers an hour I think, it's pretty cool yeah and they also got what looks like a lefty, style for, so we've just got one for peg it does, look pretty tricked and it looks really neat and compact when, you fold that up okay. Question yes would, you ride it to work. I'd. Have to charge it ten times as it's a 300 kilometer trip but potentially. Yeah. That's a fair share actually you'd have didn't you'd have to learn when you to conserve. The battery and. Only unleash, it to 20k an hour when really needed small, wheels - John yeah it's true yeah it may take a while to pedal that wouldn't just use my rear bike yeah, yeah, you, know I don't think I would why not I would actually because my rides 35. Kilometers. So yeah just 5k you, know spit, soup bless their pedaling along maybe you're pretty cool yes it's a cool looking body that it's a talking point at the pump and it's unusual pony, show car manufacturer, you know they stopped making bikes but anyway I guess. Where they see there's a sale they're gonna yeah, we're gonna try and go through another iconic, bite from Persia is there many years yeah. Yeah. Well give, it time John yeah I will. Anyway. More tech for you next week. Last. Week Chris, since I decided to induct. To the Wall of Fame, the Cinelli integral to handlebars, something, which I am gutted, I wasn't here for last week they were pretty cool sadly we didn't have a parent to play with but now I like them yeah everything you probably would have said, yeah. Anyway. This sweet then we're, gonna take it back the same era actually isn't it the yard in fact I had, one of these on those chilly integral, t-bars and guess, what it is Shimano, flight, deck remember. That John yeah I do yeah I never actually owned one and you had one I did the little tiny gray computer, that boasted boasted. A large screen size yeah no buttons but. You would control them from the hoods yeah you had to neatly whine these little cables underneath your bar tape take your bar tape off pop, them into the levers screw. Them in actually you have to take rotary, you, have to take STI leavers apart yeah never knew there's, a pretty cool piece of kit and then you'd have these little buttons and you'd. Scroll through the settings it would tell you your cadence based on what gear you're in yes, remember, that inside the leaver pretty clever that it, would tell your speed but. To get your speed you'd have to neatly whined the little do you remember doing that was on your table, a fitting. Bike computer, it wasn't.

Art Wasn't it you know before wireless, ones came along that was an app to art you have to get. That sensor, and you'd wrap it around your gear or your brake cable out of cable or wrap it around there down onto the fork you just wouldn't want it bad, would you know if you make 40 it was easy to make it look bad day really easy normally, if it looked bad it was held together Stella T bizarre yeah. That's. How bad it could end up now. These. Didn't. Last really that long did they you know they weren't around actually that, long from memory I think Shamala did a few versions afterwards, right but they were not, very long after taken, over by the dawn, of the GPS computer not true yes but you can't really, compete, with that can you know nowadays. We have a nt+, Wi-Fi. Bluetooth. Yeah. And. I mean you're feeding it your football results these days I even, get your text messages yeah your phone calls it. All comes on home, but, essentially, if it wasn't, for the flight deck who knows maybe we. Wouldn't have GPS. Devices now on our handle bar oh that's my thinking behind this it was quite a forward forward, thinking design at the time and if, they hadn't pioneered, and pushed. On with this maybe. These. Lots of technology. Items wouldn't, have advanced, no, pros. Were using these as well weren't they I'm sure I'm, sure I'm never going into a bike shop and seeing yeah giant poster if it. Was maybe Museo or someone like that maybe happened on his bike but I don't know if it was just on there for a bit of advertising but it was a cool bit of kit I never bought myself aspirational. Piece of kit you still got it lying about I reckon. If I stir dig around I could probably find it dig. Around what do you think at home viewers should be dig around or not, because I really want this to go in literally. Into. The wall of fame here anyway. Leave your nominations, as ever, for, the gcn tech wall of fame where hopefully, we will induct your nomination, let, us know down there. So. Last week put. Head-to-head with two new cyclocross, bikes so is the canyon in flight, al the aluminium one versus, the BMC road, machine X and, ice was our closest vote yet John I understand, it was gone right first of all I look a little drumroll what I want to know percentage. But, don't win it just yet so. Fifty-one. Percent goes. To gone. The, canyon wow, that, is unbeliev. To. Bikes - look this is a lot of love flow to you but actually, because like cited last week the in-flight first it did get a few comments about that. Actually. Shows that people, must like it earlier which i think is great innovation. Standing. The test of time isn't it a year on yeah yeah right, in this pointing at time does fly but. This week then let's. Put to race winning bikes heads ahead more this a garden yeah so first up is sort. Of Swiss winner Richie Porte and that says BMC. I like the red mmm, red, bikes are fast that apparently tan tables yeah very. True I think, I know you're gonna vote for anyway, that's up against, the, live, bike of the ovo women's, Tour winner, coragem era of team somewhere yeah I think logos and colors black. And white so, alright and this one's gonna be close to I think so as ever, you know what to do votes up there for your favorite, and next week we reveal the real winner and we'll have two more heads ahead. Right. It's time for the bite fault the place where we rate your bike either nice or super. Nice yeah and we use this, dreaded, thing that's who her name's the super nice is anyway. Right what we got for me this weekend Chris right then coming up we have Jake. Whitakers Trek, look at that trip Madonn project won their, full Ortega group set and that, picture was taken apparently.

In, Belfast, in Emmy which is I think that's mainly isn't it it's a state of Maine in the US I'm sorry if I'm wrong there my job isn't quite up to date well. I don't, think it's change the date I said but anyways not they're really that good oh what's that on the back missile, there John that. Is. Basically. A brakes nope that's a big, race number, that isn't possibly, a big number, and I don't mean the number just, the size of the placard it's on yeah that's. That is a big name, I mean. It's a nice-looking bike, that I do like it you know I like the sea level, the lake but. Personally. I mean. It's. Tough this is really easier than a hundred and eighty miles to take that picture yeah I know I know and apparently, valve stems and crank position and I also, I can't see the stick holding, the bike up however, the. One thing that is not doing for me is that really, really large number, Oh back, sorry Jake it's not yours this week yeah it's a nice bike no Jake really nice right, what's up next then next up we have Tom, Charleston's, rebel CGR, with Shimano 105. Continental. Grand Prix forties and tires but, what I like about this bike is it's, taken in the Glencoe valley on day seven of a nine-day. Lands. End to John O'Groats those, of you that don't know what I is that's riding from one tip of the UK to the other yeah, something, which is no, no. Easy thing to accomplish is it I'm certainly not if it's like some of the weather which we get no yeah rain every day yeah it, rain jacket yeah. No, Tom he's rocks within the UK and that do. You know what I think that's really well shot I think it's cool yeah the colors stand that yeah and it almost looks, like like. It's really hilly there as well doesn't it doesn't look genuinely. Hit yeah not the sort place I'd like to go riding my Jack and John so I'm personally I think super super high swing them hours. First I've ever ran them bail right. Go on who's next up up next we have our friend Rami from last week, oh yes. Cyanide, cyanide, highlights, a few issues with the picture that we're comparing, CMEA oh so, Ramy good on him he's he sent in. Another. Picture now I did watch the tech show last week despite not being around and. Well. I. Think. Romney, I'm afraid you could have done better again, it's, not very well lit is it Oh. Romy's. Trying hard I know I know poor Oh ramming I mean the the, mountains. In the background there really well they aren't other peaks of them but the bike itself, is, a bit silhouette, II for me oh, it's. A bit silhouette II you, know and, those yeah. It's just a bit of silhouette see you, know what John I love the colors I love the fat he's got purple decals on the wheels and he, submitted two weeks in a row I'm giving it do. You know what that is dedication, a knife. From my understanding Grammy left. Quite a detailed, email, as well so I come. On ring, the bell Gordon. Yeah. Ramy. Right, next up there we have got a bike, from, poor, right, Oh what. Why that is that's a was it a colossi, yeah. Is it's a classy trap bite that looks cool secondhand, from Hong Kong Oh formal. Callosity team member nonetheless nice, nice, bike isn't it I know I'm a big fan of track bikes being from a tracks like in background, and. Yeah, it looks spot-on doesn't, it now there's only one thing which. I would change on this and, that. Would be let's, change the chain to a half link BMX. One then you can get that rear wheel in, nice, and tight against the danger gets the see tube but in all seriousness that, is an absolute beauty that's cool you know what I love most is those deep drop handlebars yes, you. Don't know they really are they're the angle down from the top already, don't know you know there's no flat section whatsoever, looks, like a mesh supertype, seat post anyway I digress. Nice. For me I'm gonna call you up on one thing Paul oh no please don't turn it into a single, speed city bike leave, it as a chat bike she's losing, it don't. Let it get wet and dirty just. Keep it on the velodrome in Hong Kong so, you can ice super. Nice for me. Oh John, look at this right. That Bell might as well be thrown away of me the Bell right go on then what whose is it this, is. From. Rich, Richard King from Osaka, in Japan it's. A BMC, TM. R01. Custom, painted white. Can pack super record EPS and lightweight, then, Beth wheels why. SRM. Parameter, I. Mean. That I have. To say, if. It was in black and white I'd. Be all over that, I'd be giving that super, nice all day, long but you can tell your issue here John my issue is the. Celeste handlebar, tape the hoods the, saddle and it looks even like he's speed play pedals are also celeste but do you know what that's. Custom painted, I know.

These Things like that on a BMC yeah that doesn't come cheap doesn't it those wheels that mean they're like king of bling as well yes, they are is everything. About that I'm, so, torn with this because if I say super nice I'm gonna get absolutely destroyed you. Guys gave a super night last week to a being key. Thing. But in. Honesty that bike it looks, quite a big bike as well doesn't it I'm gonna rest with you for the bell here John it's in proportion I've got to say that, it's. A it's a stunning, it's a nice bike, there's no bottle, cages even, better errors, look, at the speed it just oozes speed, this bike I just, I can't not give this a super nice job I just wish yet bottle cages but in all honestly yeah that's a super I. Can't. Believe you I cannot believe that I, gave that a super nice behind, a veneer of John Kennex, no definitely not no keep, doing those Bianchi's they just don't get through no more left guys only, joking they, do get through right whoo. We got it this, is mijita jet Makita Jax yeah that's, it unusual-looking biking, it's. A real, throwback to 1982, an Oscar a day Matt Alpena you weren't even born then I wasn't born 1980, you know I was. Anyway. I sauce it got Sun saw cyclones. 600 groupset excuse, - crankset reader alien breaks it's, got a mayor Adam, 77, free will yeah they did have a Chris King style, sign on them because we, were pretty loud, it's got an exterior I. Just did that as well with a 1432. I mean they're gonna go over some serious, crimes on that yeah. It's. A really cool really, cool submission, it is yes the mountain by Vipers is, turned off for me well it's just it's, just the photo it could have been somewhere a bit more with writing. And things like that next the back wheel so it's a nice from me it's, a nice for me then it's a really cool share nice by marina cool though right final. One this week is it and then whatever high that is yeah look at that thanks a nice-looking, Ridley we do like a bit cyclocross here don't we do indeed yeah and cross is always coming yeah keep telling us crosses, boss apparently. It's. Robbie from London photos. Was that taken in Kent apparently, oh yeah. I mean that it's. RAM, red one bye it's, an absolute beauty isn't it it's cool and cross bikes always gonna look they see many orange bikes do you you turn it and I got orange is cool color yeah favourite colour when I was a kid actually orange orange and navy blue bikes always, look good rubber bank robbers. From, the bank on our game masters sorry yeah, I think maybe just cut, you steerage you yeah. I think that's the only thing there's, an accident waiting to happen that, is yeah it could be very dangerous yeah, it all honesty I think, it's it's nice but, it's not super nice because just era. Means, family this weekend way we are yeah sometimes, you've just got you know a little. Bit weird. Reckon yeah I think that sounds fair yeah nice, bike. Anyway. Now, you know what to do to leave your, submissions, for the bike volt send, them to the email address on screen right now and include, information about you the bike where you come from where it's being all that sort of stuff so we'd love to include it what, have we got coming up this week on the challenge on WoW on, Saturday. We've got down in peace Scott for bike which is another set which is a nice-looking bit a kit that was yeah, yeah on Sunday, there's an unboxing, Monday. We're, in here for the maintenance and. On Wednesday, back, in here for the tech clinic to helping, aren't soon solving. Your problems, and what's on Thursday jump back. Here again for the gcn tech show yeah. We absolutely love, it no do remember as well as a like and share this video with your friends give it a big thumbs up tell them all about it and if you all, want to check out the gcn shop head on over to shop top global cycling Network comm, where you can find a whole heap of different products. And what, video should then watch. How. About how, to change your tire yours. Mission from last week. Wherever. It is.

2018-06-25 10:50

Show Video


What tyre width and pressure do you use?

I'm 32's in the winter, and 28's in the summer. I don't like punctures and I really don't like them in winter. Nothing less than gatorskins for puncture resistance.

23mm and 120psi. I just like the "fast" feeling of smaller tires....

GCN Tech GP 4 Seasons all year round with 90psi Winter and 95psi in the summer. I’m 120kg and prefer the 28mm width for comfort and feel safer all year round

GCN Tech I have a set of narrow racing tubulars and rid 22mm at 115 psi

28mm is the narrowest I use. 78kgs and I run approx 55 f and 75 r on psi. I also run tubeless so I don't sweat if it does become a bit saggy. And yes, I come from the 19mm 150 psi days too!

I use 25mm at 80-100 psi on my Road bike and 32mm at 60psi on my Commuter (Which is a Gravel bike).

25 summer, 33 winter

GCN Tech is there a chart for what pressure for the load (weight of bike and rider) for different size tyres ?? ATM I’m just guessing what pressure to use

I run the same pressure nearly all year round, mostly dry and hot in Australia, lucky me! 100psi rear 95psi front and if its wet 95 - 90psi rear, 90 - 80psi front - 83kg rider, 25mm tyres.

I live in the Loire Valley, so pretty damn flat. Do about 10,000km a year on 23, 6,8 (98ish Psi?) Bars when its wet, 7 (101ish Psi?) when dry. Guess I'm still old school, I have never tried 25s... I have flirted with the idea, but most the guys I know who have say they don't feel that much different. However, my uncle who lives near the Apennines in Italy swears by 25s. Above 25, and a road bike looks less like a road bike and more like something else. 28 NOT SEXY!

50mm in winter to get through the Norwegian snow, weighing 1 kg each! 25mm summer road riding 23mm time trials front, 24mm time trial rear

I have been slowly wearing out my 20mm wide Tufo Elite Jet tubular clinchers. They have been surprising durable considering how light and thin they are

I'm running 32c Bontrager R3 clinchers at 80 PSI and absolutely love them. The roads in my area are pretty bumpy and gross in a lot of areas and the ride quality over the 28 GP4Ks I was running at ~ 100-110 PSI is much higher. No pinch flats yet, but I'm worried to go lower on the pressure. I get a lot of comments that they're big, and I don't see a lot of other folks running 32Cs on road bikes, but I'm happy.

In an effort to get as wide as possible on my 2012 Cervelo S5 I'm currently running Specialized turbos with a 26mm in the front and a 24mm in the rear (took a bit of asking around and googling to figure out how to get anything bigger than a 23mm tire into the aero fairing of the seat tube. I run them at about 105 in the rear and 95 in the front. (I weigh about 195 currently). On my gravel/CX bike I run mostly 33mm tubeless tires at about 35 front and 40 rear.

32 @ 80 psi, but I may try 35 in the rear

30mm tubeless at 70psi, (i live down a 2 mile dirt road so im forced to use this setup)

23mm, 105 Psi front, 100 back, I do however live in a city with really great bike infrastructure so it's quite smooth riding!

GCN Tech 23 MM at 100 PSI, regardless of conditions. I’ve run 25’s and I’ve messed with pressures. No faster, so slower, so not worth the trouble.

GCN Tech 100 psi on my 23 and 25, 80 psi on my 33 cyclocross and 60-80 psi on my classics

Assadasd Asdasda I would say that your assumptions are incorrect unless you have data to back it up and I highly doubt you do. #janheine

Psycsy if anything you would want the wider Tire on the front since your front end grip is more critical during cornering and braking

Francisco Javier Narbaiza dude a hundred PSI with 32s? That's way too much air pressure. You should be running something like 60 70 pounds

Mr. Marian too high air pressure unless you Clydesdale

I started with 1-1/8" x 27 and progressed to 1" x 27 (lighter), later I raced on 700 x 20C's pumped up to around 150# (Rock hard- but few pinch flats) The old narrow aluminum aero rims worked well with 20's similar to the way the current wide rims work with 25's! Today, I still ride on 23's inflated to 95 @ the front and 110 at the rear. If I can ever ware the rims out my Mavic's, I'll upgrade to 25's . Two good presentations on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SayyjBzXPA and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoABOk_8KH8

30mm for road 35mm for winter 38mm for gravel fun

Continental 25mm's...although I like the idea of wider tyres, esp. for stability and Winter weather. TP's is a great point actually, thanks guys.

I ride 25mm Conti GP4k clinchers on Velocity Quill's at 92 psi for the front and 102 psi for the rear. At these pressures both tires measure 28.0-28.2 mm wide. My body weight is 182 lbs.

25 clinchers around 95 PSI on the roadie, 32 mm at 85 PSI on the tourer / commuter. Never had a particular problem with flats and I can ride for hours on both.

GCN Tech Recently bought new tyres and went from 25mm Clement LGG Strada to 28mm Conti GP4000ii. I run them at 100-110psi, no real science, just what in the recommend range on the box. Downfall, hard to get wheels off, have to slightly deflate to clear calipers.

GCN Tech I run 20mm on my steel road bike and 25mm on the carbon bike. Did 230km on the steel bike last week on gravel and road and apart from the dodgy descents on gravel those 20mm are quite comfortable.

GCN Tech best upgrade this year, moving from 21mm @120 to 25mm @90psi

I've not been in cycling as long as the presenters, but I have gone from 21mm tubulars to 22mm tubulars to 23mm clinchers to 25mm tubeless, then from there I have tweaked tire pressures as well as sealant compounds. Right now I am on Schwalbe Pro Ones 25mm at only 75# front, 80# rear, 2 ounces Finish Line sealant per tire. On CX it's Pro-X at 33mm usually at 35# but I have raced as low as 25#, 3 ounces same sealant.

25mm Continental Gatorskin tires at around 90psi.

Richard Car has it nailed. I've ridden 26, 28 and 32 (measured widths) at respectively decreasing pressures. I definitely like 32 better than 26, even for going 40km/hr on tarmac unless it's guaranteed to be high quality tarmac all the time, which it isn't. And the 32s have the advantage of being able to handle some light gravel. Getting a little heavy for uphill though ( but why not on the steel bike). My better bike can only easily take 28's though and that's probably my favorite size for real roads anyway. The 26's feel bouncier, because they're harder and bounce off the bumps, and I'm actually thinking of going to 28 and getting a stiffer seatpost, because I like abosrbing bumps but don't like spring and bounce..

I ride 28mm front and back, usually at 80 psi

21mm, 22mm and 23mm tubulars for the 50mm deep, 19mm width rim profile wheels I have. I also ride 25mm tubulars on a 24mm width rim. The 25's are for sure more comfortable and I choose to commute on these, but on the same pressure as the smaller section tyres they are almost identical in "feel" Maybe wider tyres at higher pressures are more uncomfortable. I have to lower the pressure of the 25 to get a better ride. The pressure is almost irrelevant and misleading in some ways. But for shits and giggles I run 90psi in my 25mm tubulars and 100 to 140psi in the smaller sections, depends on the tyre brand and the season, in the wet I'll run higher pressure and ride more "to the conditions". In the dry hotter days l'll run less pressure, the tyre would naturally gain pressure as it gets warmer, also there is less likelihood of punctures on a dry road. Oh I carry a 19mm tubular as a spare on long rides, just for you Jon :)

90 kilos, 70 psi in 25c .... very happy. Certainly no slower then when I ran 100+ and much more comfort etc

23mm, old skool I know but I had them laying around and they measure up close to 25 on my wheels. 70psi in the front and a fat 110 in the back wheel (I'm around 75 kilo's). I cannot stress enough how short sighted it is to run equal pressures front and rear. I reckon at least 70% of your your weight rests on your rear wheel so more pressure there is needed to keep an efficient profile (15% 'indentation'). Your front wheel can be run way, way softer for more cornering and breaking grip, as well as more comfort. When my 23's go I'll swap to 25's, but I don't see the need to go wider at this moment. I think a lot lower pressure in the front wheel goes a long way in terms of efficiency and comfort.

I went to 25mm, but want to try going back to 23mm since I'm not that heavy and never had issues with pinch flats. My experience with 23mm tires were not bad. I really feel like tire width and pressure should be relative to rider weight. If you're climber light, I think 23mm at a lower pressure might work just fine.

32 conti sportcontact on 80 psi front 85 on back. Never again go less again. Ive set ao many pb-s on strava and it is comfi as...

25 mm clinchers. Tyre pressure varies, condition dependant.

time for tyre science

23mm at7,5 bar year round

Assadasd Asdasda well said!

165lb rider. Mostly pretty standard stuff. I inflate my 25s to about 95r/85f for good roads, sometimes let a bit of air out for bumpy or wet conditions. I've got a couple road bikes with tires closer to 28mm, I use a bit less PSI in those as well. Sometimes I take my gravel bike on paved-only road rides, 53mm slicks. For good roads I'll usually use about 40r/35f. That sounds stiff, but they're supple tires, and going much very lower can just introduce some floatiness to the handling with little apparent benefit for non-gravel riding.

I use a wide inner rim Bontrager Aelous 3 which is 19 mm inner with Schwables Pro One 28 mm on a tubeless setting and switching pressures deppending on conditions. I found very helpful the "My Mavic" app pressure calculator to have a presure reference and according to the app I ride between 59 and 71psi according to my weight (I'm pretty light at 65 kgs) and to the conditions or if I look for comfort or performance. I' convinced that future is tubeless and disc brakes for road bikes!

GCN Tech rims. Stans grail tubeless. 22 mm internal width. 28mm shwalbe pro one. 60 psi front 65 psi rear.tubeless setup for a year

I use 23mm in the summer and 25mm in the winter and vary the pressure according to conditions and road quality. So don't think you've discovered something new, people have been doing that for ages. My frame won't accept anything larger than 25mm, and that too is a push as you can barely remove and install the rear wheel because it pushes against the neck of the chainstays. I sometimes had to deflate the tyre to install the wheel. I prefer the 23s at about 7 bar, because I like the precision they offer. The 25s at their correct pressure feel a bit squishy. Anything above 25 is simply out of the question. Ridiculous. It's road cycling, not MTB.

GCN Tech I ride GP 4000s II in 28mm with 70 psi front 80 psi back. Had them lower but felt this was a good compromise between comfort and speed.

Running Clement X'Plor USH 35s at 60psi rear and 55 psi front, I'm 225lbs and this seems be just about perfect for me and the crappy roads I ride.

28 tubeless front and rear 65psi rear 60 psi front

Just use the FFT calculator. Its online. Job done.

l ride 32 on my steel road bike and 25 s on carbon road bike however if 28s would fit l d put em there too since most roads suck ,bigger is better

25mm GP4000S II tires that measure 28mm wide on 24mm wide rims. Pressure (80 kg): 88 psi front, 95 psi rear.

My standard road tires these days are 32mm slicks (Hutchinson Sector 32s) on 30mm wide rims and I run them 50-60 PSI and tubeless. They basically extend straight down from the rims and are effectively pretty aero because of it. I am using a cross bike as my road bike with those tires and am very happy. I keep up with cat 2-3s on skinny tires, so I see no reason to go back to skinny hard and less comfortable to ride on tires. I also never get flats, where on my old 25mm tires on my old TCR I'd flat all the time unless I kept them at 110+ and even then I'd still pinch flat if I hit a rock or a curb. My off road/winter tires are 40mm and I'm probably going to go with 44mm ones when I have to replace them. Because I can. 40-50 PSI on those when on the road. Also tubeless. Old age has made me "radical" LOL.

Started on 23s ages ago, now mount as wide as my frame/wheels will allow. Challenge Strada Bianca 36s at the moment. Great for comfort and confidence on often poor Belgian roads and bike paths, no matter what the weather is. Pressure varies slightly according to weather and surface. 3 to 4 bar in the front tyre, 3,5 to 4,5 bar for the rear. I weigh 74kg.

25's somewhere between 85-95 psi and tubeless 28's around 70-75

I think the wider, lower psi tires are a way of compensating for super stiff CF frames and thinly padded seats. "Back in the day" you rode Reynolds 531 steel with a Brooks B-17 and had no need for cushy tires. Heck, you didnt even have padded bars 'cause you didn't need it then. The 531 flexed nicely and the Brooks saddle is legendary for its comfort. I'm not sure which approach is better, the new or the old, just my observations. I prefer 23s since today's rim widths don't seem to be keeping up with the increased tire widths, so the "light bulb effect" becomes more pronounced with 25s or 28s. Also, the stated widths of tires is very often understated by the time they're mounted on the rim. It can vary depending on the rim used. So, my 23s are often effectively at least 24s when mounted.

38mm at 45 PSI. Rolls like a dream. Come on Jon, catch up. ;-)

Me? I'm riding 700cx42 at 35 psi and I am happy as a clam. Living the supple life!

All tubeless 25 Mavics on Crit bike, 60F, 70R 28 Pro Ones on Road bike, 55F, 65R

28mm Shwalbe Pro One on Enve 3.4 wheels, tubless at 60psi. Feels super fast on my road bike.

GCN Tech I use 32 Hardshells on my Project One 2018 di2 Ultegra disc Domane SLR 6. Rocks. Doubt I'd ever want to go smaller again.

GCN Tech I recently switched to 28’s and I love them. They feel so much better on the backside. I run 80 psi on the front and 85 psi on the back.

GCN Tech I’m fit my tire to compliment the rim. So my 23 Vittoria Corsa pumped to 85-90 psi fitted to my wide profile rim comes to 25 and makes a seamless rim profile. I’m not running wide tires and ruining the aero benefit of my rims. Now if I’m running a shallow training rim than I run a wide tire because aero isn’t the name of the game.

28mm corsas at 80psi

650b x 38 Pacenti Pari-Motos on my RB-1 @ 2.5/3 bar front/rear. Makes every paved road smooth as silk and handles rural gravel roads with ease!

650b x 47 @ 35-45 psi - super supple for gravel and nasty roads :)

My Felt AR3 can only do 23. Solution.. Bought a Canyon Inflite CF SLX 9 . Was great in the winter or on the chip sealed country roads.

I love 28mm 70-80PSI Tubeless seems pretty good! Anything higher and it's too bumpy!

23mm on 19mm wheels at 85psi and I wheigh 60kg :D

25mm/92-99psi and 28-32mm in winter depending on ice vs rain

43mm Gravelkings at 30psi front and 32psi rear.

Tire pressure needs to be given as bar/kg just like W/kg! I ride 0.07 front, 0.085 back on 25 mm.

32mm (stock on my new trek domane SL6 Disc) and I can't believe how comfortable it is!

_ Try those tires at 70-80psi (depending on your weight) and you’ll probably find you go just as fast, and in more comfort with better grip

For my “good” road bike, 28mm Conti GP4000S2 65psi front / 70 rear, inflated to 31mm on my rims. Bike+rider=80kg. For commuting (on a CX bike), 32mm Vittoria Voyager Hyper 60/65 psi (c. 34mm on rims). I did extensive testing on my commuter bike (same route every day) and found the 32mm tyres to be very slightly faster (more confidence maybe?), but certainly no slower, and considerably more comfortable than the 28mm. For the road bike, I can’t see any reason to go below 28mm at my level - I doubt I’m going fast enough for aero drag to be a significant factor, but the comfort certainly is!

28c @ 95psi

32mm clinchers on my commuter - 80 PSI. 25mm on my race bike 105 PSI.

Only in cycling, those noodles are considered "guns", haha :-)

GRoad -- Clement X'Plor USH 35mm 700c w/ tubes. Tires say 55 to 90psi. Running 45psi/3 bars. The tires feel very firm but not hard. How low can I go without high risk of flat? Mostly poor pavement on 16mi daily commute.

28mm are faster than 25mm if you compare apples to apples. > 28mm all year FTW.

GCN Tech 23s at 100 and 105 psi, but switching to more comfy soon.

I heard you list several things to consider when determining tyre pressure and think you got all of them except two: (1) weight of the rider and (2) road compliance of the bike. Not all riders are lightweights like the pros. I weigh 86 kg. On one bike with good compliance I have 25 mm at 125 psi and on my other bike with terrible compliance I run 32 mm at 80 psi. As you said, try different pressures and choose what feels best to you.

I pump the skinnies up til they feel firm :D

I'm 62kg, 25mm wide tyres, tubs 125 front + 130 rear, clinchers 105f + 110r - that's what the spanish do...

28mm set-up tubeless, 65psi in the rear 60psi in the front. 106kg Rider weight. I'll never go back to 25mm or tubes.

28mm tires on a 25mm internal width rim inflated to 70 psi.

Spec Turbo 26mm 103psi Rear / 100 front (200lb rider)

32’s....at around 65psi. I’m 84kg. Love them, been on them for two months. Faster than the 25 Cora’s G+ that I was on before.

25 mm GP4000II (real size 26,5 mm) 60-70 psi; 28 mm GP4000II (real size 30 mm) 50-55 psi; 32 mm Vittoria Zaffiro Pro, for winter (real size 30 mm) 45-50 psi. I am 73 kg.

GCN Tech please Soundproof your studios - I keep hearing seagulls & thinking they’re outside my house. *Tears hair out*

Tim Lever I've been running G-One 35mm tyres for a couple of weeks. Love them. Fitted inside my sks longboard mudguards on my Whyte Suffolk. Done lots of riding on trails in Cornwall, UK and no punctures :-)

28mm 110 psi. bodged my cyclocross bike into a road and it rolls really nice

for me it's 25mm and 6 bar front and rear in the winter (conti gp 4 season) summer training rides are 23mm 6.5 bar on the front and 25mm rear 6.5 bar (conti gp4000sII) open road races are 23mm with 6.8 bar front and 23mm xith 7 bar on the rear (michelin power competition, latex tubes) sharp turning crits are 23mm 6.8 bar on the front and 25mm with 6.8 bar on the rear (michelin power competition, latex tubes) for CX I just decide after the warm up and test laps, thread and pressure

still have old pair of zipps with 23mm tubular . purely for 1.5hr climbs and not best for downhill but hay its just old pair and going down is just transit back to car and better braking confidence

25mm 90psi - would go larger but not sure my bike has the clearance for 28mms

I run Conti sprinter 22's on both wheels, usually at about 110 psi. They have been the best feeling tires yet. Recently at a race, my floor pump broke, but my tires were at about 90, so that's what I ran. I noticed immediately how much more comfortable they were. They didn't feel any slower (idk if they were or not). Now I run about 100. I got a new Vittoria Corsa 25 for the rear for a little extra grip and less rolling resistance (still need to install and try it out). I'd do the same for the front, but my wheel (a relatively old bontrager aeolus) is at 22mm wide, so I'd lose the aerodynamics.

I run Schwalbe one, 28mm tubeless at around 70psi. They feel faster than my older conti 4 seasons 25mm at 100psi, much more comfortable and you can corner with your knee skimming the ground!

23mm Virroria corsa tubeless running 80psi

28’s on my disk bike! Love the added comfort and traction.

You should do a session on tyre pressure gauge accuracy as 99% of gauges are widely inaccurate by as much as 30%.

25 mm at 95 is the front and 100 psi in the back for warm dry weather. Tend to lower the pressures by 5 psi when the temp drops or the conditions warrant.

I still run 23..in Adelaide south australia

Trust a Cornish guy to like a black and white bike! #SaintPiran Great addition to the channel, Chris seems like a natural

I'm sick of black rain kits, it's just stupid. Make it red, reflective or any other noticable colour.

and they say they choose the nice/super nice bike submitions randomly...that guy Rami came up two weeks in a row...miss Dan, Si and Steve...oh well, nothing lasts forever.

3:17 Pun intended?

For GCN to explore: can the trendy MIPS liner cause deep lacerations? Scroll down in the article to this comment: MIPS is not safe for a large number of situation where the helmet get impacted normal to its surface and near the edge if the mips layer. my junior girl crashed at 25 mph hitting the ground on her front left part of her head. the mips layer edge cut her forehead skin down to the bone, needing 8 stitches on site by EMS personnel due to the deep bleeding. Giro refused to received the helmet, which didnt cracked, to be performed some forensic research and they deny that the mips layer was the cause of the injury. after a month or backs and forths, they offered me a couple of non mips helmets to settle the issue. No MiPS helmets for me and I strongly advise not to waste money in such unreliable technology https://www.bikeradar.com/us/road/gear/article/best-aero-road-helmets-tunnel-and-road-tested-44719/

Moved up from 23mm at 100 psi to 25mm at 75 psi, so much more comfort and control

Your studios need better cooling.. the shows are TOO HOT!

28mm Conti GP4000S between 75-80 psi on my road set up CX bike...in summer; in winter 33mm Challenge Baby Limus anything between 45-65 psi. No 1 Road bike 27mm Vittoria Corsa 85-95 psi.

Hey guys if you could space the two pictures of the bikes 5 seconds apart (like in this vid) it makes it very easy to to use the arrow keys to flick back and forward on youtube to see the bikes :P

No brakes on that track bike Is there a velodrome in HK........

Felt seat was pointing down the mountain.....

Still have 19mm tyres, optimum size for old HED trispokes, used for triathlon on smooth closed racing circuit like Dorsey lake (now about once every 10 years...). Even so will be putting 23s on soon Other extreme is 35mm gravel tyres for winter training rides And every thing In between..... Pressure from 22psi for cross up to 120 for road.

Hey Jon, is that you in the Colgate advert?

I can’t believe you gentlemen discussed the Flightdeck computers without (a) actually showing one, and (b) mentioning the two most interesting or unique features, which were: 1) the programmability of your cassette ratios, which allowed the computer to display what gear you were in (e.g. 53-15, 53-17), and therefore... 2) the calculated cadence based on current speed, wheel circumference and gear ratio — all without a cadence sensor or magnet. All very unique for the time. I still have a Flightdeck in the basement, so if you want me to dig it out and send to you so you can take a mulligan on this segment, let me know.

Maybe I missed it but whens the new guy going to do some sprinting videos? Stoked!

20kmph on a folder with a battery for only 30km? Loads of brompton riders manage faster over longer distance.

How does tire pressure affect tire wear? Will moving from 100PSI to 80PSI see a significant reduction in tire mileage? #askgcntech

Chris Hoy Absolutely, higher pressures makes the tire work harder, especially in corners and you will expect to see more thread cuts with high pressures. However, I wouldn't worry about tire pressures on that note... you should base it on rider weight not wear! If you want more life out of your tires, rotate them front to back every hundred miles and get an endurance tire like the Michelin Pro 4 endurance

25 summer 100 psi, 33 winter 80 psi

Seagulls at https://youtu.be/hn-en6QI1Pk?t=18m46s ?

Hey all, measure the diameter of the tire after install and you might be disappointed with the manufacturer. I ripped a 23 and replaced it with the same make and model tire in a 25. The newer 25 measures the same width and height as the older 23 at the same pressure, even after being mounted for a month.

3:25 That Conti 4000IIs is mounted backwards. Those are directional tires

Racier for me is Halo Vapour 35 tubeless rim (30mm inner rim width) with Hutchinson Sector 32 and pressure at 40psi front, 42-45psi rear. Phenomenal grip and speed. Touring I have Schwalbe Marathon Supreme Evolution tubeless 40c on the same rims and pressure. Have used up to 60c tyres at 30 psi. It's been awesome.

The rear Continental GP4000 IIs on the Orbea is actually mounted against rotating direction.

Who remember Vittoria 18mm? Green one :) That was narrow :D

I use 28mm tyres @ 50psi, they're amazing...

Very very interesting

What digital cycling tyre pressure gage do you recommend?

28mm at 70psi for road bike and 23mm at 100psi on my old commuter bike

do not drive on wet-it distroys bike( chain, bearings-hub, bb, head set, brakes) clothes get dirt, it is cheaper to go by car when is wet

please never use that cowbell again. it is annoying

28mm tyres with celeste skin walls! I'd like to see a GCN t-shirt in celeste too!

All I ever use is 23mm. Never used any bigger than that.

25mm 100psi

The BMC “Celeste” was photo shopped!!!!! It’s obvious. Save Johns Celeste pride!!!!!!

Jaw dropped on that track bike. So sexy! Also, you guys forgot the thick slick tires by WTB...MTB size slicks...I love them. Why not hit a flight of stairs, and do some power slides on the dirt on my usual commute, and still be able to get some serious speed on the pavement?! Lovin the new hybrid world of bikes. I’m still a speed demon rodie at heart though.

Anyone notice that the Continental GP 4000s was mounted backwards at 3:22v

aren't the roads in England wet all year?

@4:57 If I remember my robotics/physic classes correctly, surface area does not directly translate to more grip. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure there are much more scientifically minded people out here. Force of Friction = coefficient of friction * Normal Force, where Normal force = mass * acceleration or Gravity. As surface area increases, the normal force doesn't increase, neither do coefficient of friction (that is determined by the compound and road surface). In fact, because of the larger contact patch, you actually have less force of friction per unit area.... which is where we see the "indirect" "increase" in grip. When rolling over a rough section or a small rock, a small area of the tire might slip... and because larger contact surface means that each unit area now contributed to less of the overall grip, the same unit area ends up making less impact on the overall grip than a smaller tire would.... therefore in a sense... better grip. Your sum total force of friction is still the same. So there is a point where there's a diminishing return on the "less overall grip lost per unit area",

Jay Kan And there surface area of wider tires does not increase in size, it only changes shape, which means better cornering, less straight line grip

pace was too slow guys. Good information poor presentation

I still have and use a Shimano Flightdeck on my 15 year old Titanium 9 speed road bike that I rode 6,000 miles last year. 51 miles yesterday. I'll never give it up.

Does that last bike vault bike have no bar tape? Cross bike without tape sounds bonkers!

I use my Shimano Flight Deck every ride, state of the art for 2000, 9-speed! It deserves the Wall of Fame.

28mm on my summer bike, 32 on my wet and winter bike

Wow, that was awkward.

is it possible to make alloy wheels with over 35 mm rim profile??

Game score should be opposite...... Lol

How I hate disc brakes..

I remember when i started racing at the age of 16 back in 2006 and being baffled by people using 11-21 cassettes and 19mm tyres whist i was using 11-25t and 23c tyres and more recently 11-30t and 25/28c tyres. I've always been a fan of slacker head angles and mtb has finally moved to where it should be, but i'd still like to see is a slacker head angle ala 71/72 deg on an aggressive race bike for 80kph+ decending. Is there any reason they only offer 72.5 -73.5 on tour ready bikes? cheers guys

No half-link BMX chain on a track bike. NE-VER !!! :-D (Because it is streeching much faster)

I am surprised that with all the viewers not everyone complains about the same irritating habit GCN has about flashing images and video clips for milliseconds. They are so short of flashes that it is even hard to rewind and pause on the right fraction of the second. Some of them even have text with arrows on, on this one, that nobody on earth could possibly read and comprehend. What is the rush, to return and show two faces talking. What is the cost of the video editor to prolong those slides and video clips a bit longer?

I ride 30 mm tubeless all year round. But, when this pair is through, I’m going back to 28. Because you can feel the difference in speed. 28s are faster.

32mm are so 2018, 40mm is the future.

18:49 the seagulls are tnere again, just listern.

Cut the scripted shit

Why at 12:01 onwards can I hear seagulls in tne backgroud??

Well definitely spelling tires wrong...

Pardon - Sorry to be a contrarian, but my favourite road bike is my Genesis Vagabond with Clement LXV 29 x 2.1" tyres at 65psi !!! Rides beautifully over the appalling roads where I live and climbs like a dream ... In the future I will be interested to try Maxxis Torch 29 x 2.1" The skinniest tyres I've got are Vittoria Randonneur 700 x 32c which I run at 75psi on my Jamis Aurora. These are just about tolerable ... FWiiW - I had a Specialized Alibi Sport with Nimbus Airless 700x38mm but the ride was too much for yours truly - It could have been the aluminium frame too ?! (Steel only for me now on) ... I'm only throwing in my comments because I watched one of your other videos which extolled the virtues of fatter tyres! At one stage I was contemplating a Genesis Equilibrium 20 with Clement Strada LGG 700 x 25c but I fear the ride would be unbearable even with a Reynolds 725 frame?! Obviously ride comfort is more important to me than outright speed ... I try to ride every day of the year unless the weather is atrocious.

Lol wut????? Watch your phone while riding your bike. Ok Good luck with that. Better live next to john Hopkins and have deep pockets.

Dislike for "Soccer"

Just put a new batrey in my flightdeck this month.

Beavis and Butthead

I'm up to 25's after 14 years away, but I still go to 140psi and cant break the habit. I'm over 200lbs. What do I do?

What is "soccer" Mr Cannings?

Yesterday my friend use mine tubeless wheel to have a go. Only in 15 minutes he realized corning is soooo better than his tublars, and after another 15 minute he end up in crashed himself due to pedal touched the road, he got too much confidence in corning and he forgot he never do such corning while pedalling...

You guys still use tyres?

I actually have 42mm tires currently fitted.

You guys should stop the bike evaluations. Aside from the absolute lack of relevance that a nice background has on bike tech, there is no value to this segment and the owners of bikes that don’t get a super nice are likely taking it personally.

I ride 26mm Turbos 85 PSI.

I've given up on expensive wet weather gear that still allows moisture to find it's way though. instead have gone to cheap $30 jackets that get me through one season. Yes they eventually fail as water proofing material flakes off but I can buy enough for 10 seasons for the price of the one advertised here.

We are obsessing on tire width when that isn't by it's self the determining factor. Tire Volume is at least as important. Volume is affected by sidewall height & internal rim width. The bad news is changing these take money. The good news is it's much easier to conceal from a significant other than a new bike & can make the old bike feel new.

Anyone remember the Clement Campionato del Mundo tubular? That was a WIDE tire known for its great ride.

The places I ride I couldn't imagine going under 28mm anymore. I also run 32mms on my bikes that mostly go one our city streets or crushed limestone trails. I couldn't imagine running 120 psi anymore - I don't think I ever even put in 100.

What's the point of tracking sport scores while riding? Just ride your bike and ditch your phone

Honestly, i use 41mm Surly Knard and I love them. I am as fast as anyone else and the ride is so much more comfortable

I weigh 80k have continental 4000 GP S 2 at the moment I have 80 psi on back 75 on the front at the moment works for me 700-25

Weight distribution! You have more weight on the rear than the front! You can see that by the fact that the rear wear out faster. I have 63% on the rear. C`dale synapse, Conti GP4000. 28mm. 4 bar in the front, 6 in the rear. Pure magic, comfort and grip are in another dimention.

The idea of John Cannings having a last minute safety squirt ...

Christ this makes for a painful watch

Is the studio in a zoo?

Innovation now apparently = marketing gimmicks. smh.

25mm at 80psi is just right for me at 87kg, but it's taken me a while to get down from the 1990s 100-120psi.

23mm on front for aero, 25mm on back for rolling resistance

I live in Taiwan and commute all year round. Was an old fashioned believer of 23mm. My new bike came with Giant AC 28mm, soft compound and good grip, wet or dry. I'll never go smaller again.

GCN is getting to be too much like Top Gear for Cyclists. Perhaps that is the intention, after all there is nothing wrong with a bit of entertainment, but that helmet @12:03 is nonsense. That is just an advert for some more junk kit that we can all ignore, all the 'tech' on it is also on my old BTwin hat I got at Decathlon 4 years ago. Surely there is something techie really worth talking about this week, and if there isn't then just fill with some nice pics of cycling. How about a proper techie look at how cycle helmets perform in an accident? Working for the emergency services in London I saw many cyclist incidents and always thought the helemts seemed to dislodge too easily execpt in a head-down head-on collision.

Different width front & back? different pressures front & back? I've only been riding seriously a year but I must have watched most GCN videos (and more) out there, and I feel this is literally the first time I hear about it. This raises so many questions: can we have a video just on this topic, please ? Thanks for the show and information as always!

Adrien Lantieri You should typically run your front tire pressures a few psi less 2-5 psi to improve braking (given you use the front brake as your main brake) and cornering performance.

A great podcast from 2016: https://cyclingtips.com/2016/08/cyclingtips-podcast-episode-9-rethinking-road-bike-tire-sizes-and-pressures/ When I first started riding I was doing 100psi, but it was just too harsh, so for last 5 years have been doing 80-90 rear and

Hi Jon! Absolutely love the content you guys and colleagues at GTN are putting out. I wanted to touch base on the subject of using earphones during training solo. I understand that this is something you disapprove. I, on the other hand, find that it depends on the volume of your earphones and common sense used to adjust it. I have been on and off my bike for close approximately 15 years now and never have I missed a signal from a car or other loud noises like ones made by a car starting to pass while listening to my favourite tracks or podcasts for good vibes during long hours. In my opinion earphones are a real issue for pedestrians on foot these days but cycling as an activity keeps you more alert and aware of your surroundings. Don't have any statistics about this (writing from Estonia) so this is just my opinion based on how things seem. Definitely worth a discussion I think and perhaps worth even a separate episode with a scientific approach (in case you have done an episode on this already I must have unfortunately missed it).

Great episode. New guy Chris is great, and John as usual is great. Good dynamic between you two as well! I have been riding 28's at 70 psi and they are great. I rode years ago on 23's at 100 psi when that was considered a large tire and low psi. The 28's at 70 are much better and I don't think I'd ever go smaller, maybe I'll try some 32's at some point!

thanks Len, Chris and I appreciate the love!

I commute on 32s around 60-70 PSI... Any lower and the front doesn’t feel great in a turn... even 60psi holds up and is super comfy

Thanks to you (guys from GCN) i've found a perfect tyre pressure of 95psi for my 23mm tyres being 60kg rider... BUT now (again thanks to you i've switched to 25mm tyres for less punctures and faster rolling) I can't find perfect pressure on these bad boys =( can you help me out?

300 pounds for a light rain jacket. I buy a bicycle for that money. Ridicolous


I run 23c tires still at about 100-120 psi

I run 25's which are the largest I can fit on my Tarmac, 90psi rear 80psi front and I'm 73kg's.

I am 77 kg and ride my conti 4000's 25's at 70/74 and my 28's even lower. I have been running low pressures for years now.

Frame only takes 23mm 95kg 95psi

My weight is only 54 kg. I don't feel any difference between 23 and 25. so I went on 23 because it is lighter. for pressure I only use my hand...maybe around 95 - 110...

32mm continental tires for me. I ride year round and on all surfaces and all weather including large gravel and it works on all of them. Have yet to find a more all round solution.

I’ve been riding 25 mm clinchers for the past 8 years. Started out with 115-120 psi, just like the 23s before them, but over the past couple of years dropped it to 90 front and 100 rear. The ride is way smoother, even on good roads . I’m over 100 kg so that’s as low as I dare with the roads around Boston, at least until going bigger or going tubeless.

25C, 7bar front, 7,5 bar rear. Skipped 23C years ago. Waaay to uncomfortable for my taste.

I'm curious. I saw on the trek disc brake section that they were running either the dura ace rotors or the XTR 9000 rotors, and in one case they use both (12:38) with a dura ace on the front and an xt-99 on the back. Anybody know why they would go with one type or the other or in one case both? They always use 140s so size isn't the thing but are there advantages and disadvantages to each style of rotor? Or is it just whatever the tech had in his tool box at the time and they just throw them on without a second thought? Say I'm setting up a new disc brake road bike, would I want to go with dura ace/ultegra style rotors or use the XTR 9000 rotors?

"You can't put a price on good kit" ... Well Mavic are certainly trying to!

How about a nice/super nice segment - just with Jon's bikes.

The new guy has potential (obviously a little nervous but who wouldn’t be) but why put him with the weakest GCN presenter? This episode, especially the dire tyre segmant has to be the worst ever on GCN. I blame the producer. I can only imagine how crap the outtakes were although the rambling and tripping over words suggest it’s just a one take shoot. We are not all 12 year olds so why the childish “gags”? Stop trying so hard to be “one of the lads” and just tell us the facts.

23mm @ 100psi for about the same number of years. While it's true that hard, narrow tyres don't necessarily make for a faster ride, there are many things to think about when considering tyre widths and pressures these include: The crucial issue of rider and bike weight (of which there was no mention). Higher pressures combined with low rider/bike weight can produce a bike that bounces around a lot. For example, a good light road bike, combined with a strong light rider tends to lose grip on the rear wheel when applying power out of the saddle. A heavy rider on a heavy bike with soft tyres is a puncture waiting to happen. Road surface. If you hit a sharp edge like a pothole or raised drain cover you can blow your tyres out and possibly damage your rims if pressures are too low. Harder tyres protect your wheels. What determines 'hard' and 'soft' tyres though is largely down to rider/bike weight (see above). Manufacturers want nothing more than to promote the idea that ever more kit will lead to ever more happiness. Bear this in mind.

That BMC was a nice bike, even with the green imo, however you need to be consistent. The cranks were at an odd angle and the valve stems were at different places on each wheel. In past weeks that has stopped bikes from receiving a 'Super Nice' and I believe it should have this week too!

I have two sets of wheels, one carbon, one aluminium. On carbon I ride in dry conditions with slick tires (7 bar front, 7.5 rear). For more tricky conditions or weather I use the aluminium ones, which have a set of tires with patterns to have a bit more grip (6 front, 6.5 rear). All 25mm. Another reason I avoid riding in rain with the carbon ones is because I might crash relatively more easily and replacement is not cheap.

In the summer i run 26mm Speci Sworks Turbo and 25mm Conti gp4000 with 6bar front and 6.5rear. In the Winter i run 32mm conti 4season mit 4bar. An of course, rim brake racebike for the summer and mudguard equiped disc brake bike in the winter ;-)

That was pretty rubbish ! Come on GCN step it up

I guess Si found his replacement to be picked on with the sweaty episode;)

my commuter/gravel bike has 35 mm tires. 40 psi feels too hard in them.

I still like 23mm

I use a set of ~10 USD (each) 23mm Kenda Concept at 110psi in the dry, as recommended in the tyre sidewalls and 85-90psi in the wet , I'm a 70kg 1,70m rider... Bike vault: Where's the standards??? That last bike is in the wrong cog, cranks not horizontal! omg eyes open Jon Cheers love the show and the nerdy things

bring back Matt, this is dull as dish water

No one noted that the Orange Ridley had no bar tape at all? On a Ciclocross bike?

Black & white doesn't mix well with celeste :(

I find it funny that I can run 60 PSI on 25 mm without an issue

he guy's wasn't that bmc in the bike vault photoshopt

Still using 23s and saving money. Now that everyone wants 25s or bigger, bought a bunch of 23s with a big discount. I live in San Diego so riding in the rain is very rare.

Jay Kan Yes, the contact patch does not change size meaning getting bigger, it only changes shape to a wider profile the wider the tire, the tire contact patch becomes longer and narrower with a skinnier tire which gives you better straight line traction and it also wicks away water better, which is not as important with bike tires. In regards to your comment on the tire profile, Michelin Pro 4 Endurance series has a "pointed" profile which is supposed to improve your cornering traction if you think about the leaning affect we use as cyclists when cornering the tire falls onto the side tread, however there is a downside to this as the tire flat spots as it wears. You can see this with Moto GP tires they have pointed tires.

Interesting, I did not think about that either. Are you saying that because the force compressing on the tires are unchanged, therefore the compressed tire would still yield the same actual contact area? (Assuming all else remains equal, and that tire compress amount is same ~15%?) The shape of a tire is definitely a good point as well. I know MTB tires can get pretty specific as to where the corner knobs are placed for the exact reason of the shape of the tire. Speaking of shape, we also have to factor in the rim size, sidewall structure, etc since they all affect the shape of the tire. I've seen some pretty ridiculously narrow rims paired with much wider tires... not good. But yeah I think it would make sense if the curvature of the tire is less steep, it would in theory allow a smoother transition into a lean/turn, thus better control.

Gp 4000 S II 23mm with 104psi in the rear and 98 in the front. In wet conditions 3 psi less. Will probably nevee change to 25mm since even the widest rims don't work best aeoredynamically. 95% of the outer rimwidth should be the width of the tire for best airflow attachment

35 mm 95 PSI

28mm / 130 PSI / +F&R Conti Gator, crap roads and gravel

Conti 4Season 25mm with 95psi at the front and 100psi at the back. I’ve run as low as 80psi for extra comfort, but started risking pinch punctures!

I'm 80kg ish Victoria rubino pro g 25s latex tubes at 121psi in the dry ... still pinch flatted! tonight even.... Scott foil very comfy. Good road surfaces here. I thought high psi reduced pinch flats.

I was just working on my neighbors bike and it had the Flight Deck setup. He just bought the bike from a locate shop that was selling all there old second hand stock. It was a nice looking second hand Cannondale CAAD 4. I had no idea what the buttons on the break leavers were for. I figured it out when I saw the extra wires running to the computer mount. Problem was no computer. He wanted the bike ready for a bike on the weekend and I had no choice but to remove the wires and put in another computer. Now I know what they are and I an gutted that I had to take them out.

Would it be possible to build a disc brake wheel using a clincher rim and a disc brake specific hub? #AskGCN

Until recently i used some 19mm tyres on my Stevens TT bike because the frame wouldn’t take my Easton wheels with 23 my tyres. It was a bit scary racing it on wet cobblestone climbs (the bike shop owner was quite happy to get rid of them for a couple of €€€). Meanwhile, I saved up money for some wider rims.

Ok so.. 18 kg folder --> Too heavy, with 13 km range --> Way too short and goes 30 km/h --> too high to be legal (or needs to be registered). Well done peugeot. Just keep making rubbish cars.

this has become unwatchable

The price I saw for the Mavic Ultimate wheel set was around 4k.

Great chemistry btwn Jon & Chris!

Stop with that bell, please!

Rammy (or Remmy, whatever his name is) gets in the bike vault segment two weeks in a row and I can't even get one. I don't even know how many times I've submitted my bike... C'mon GCN.

can you use a shimano cassette on a full campag groupset?(campag chain,derailleurs,etc)

I moved to 28c from 23c following advice by GCN, and couldn't be any happier, I inflate them from 65 up to 90 psi depending on the ride type, I weight 58kg

Question maybe for your next episode. Given the propensity to go with slightly wider tires AND tubeless, if you have a 175lb rider on the same bike (Trek Emonda 6 Disc) with the same wheelset (Reynolds Assault with 25mm outer width) and the same tires (Schwalbe Pro One) to keep most variables the same, in terms of comfort and rolling resistance, would it be more beneficial to go tubeless on 700x25 OR tubes with 700x28. Thoughts? Thank you.

Makes sense. Been a fun discussion! Cheers mate

28mm Conti GP4 Tires Rear Pressure 75-78psi Front Pressure 68-70psi Wheelset Mavic Ksyrium Pro Rider Weight 170lbs Bike Weight 18lbs

vittoria corsa g+ 25mm: 95 psi front and 100 psi back.

I use 28mm Panaracer Gravel Kings, 65-68 psi front and rear, down from 80ish I was running until I saw another of your episodes. The ride quality has increased dramatically as has the rolling speed.

i ride 4,5 bar in winter (comfort) and 5 bar in summer (to go fast) for 28mm tubeless road tyres - slightly bit more pressure on the rear wheel. My weight is 80Kg..

Usually go with 23-25mm 95-100psi front/rear for the 23s and 90/95 for 25s. Tubeless I even go lower. I live in sunny Florida no winter here, I only play around with tires just to try new tires rather than weather. I do run tubeless in the rain cause I can run lower pressures and usually see lots of debris and trash on the road in the rain and higher chance of punctures.

23s at 85 on the front and 90 at the back. Roads are rough round these parts.

dig around man!!!

"Some people are open to new ideas, whereas, others, perhaps aren't." Well, some people aren't consumer tools who've been trained to salivate over constant innovations in product design.

Sorry i am not yet used to your name (new pesenter) - i disagree descending "in winter as fast as in summer" is a matter of wider tyres. It is a matter of temperature mangement of the most importent (exterior;-) organs.

I've been doing 21mm tubulars at 90psi on my old '86 Miyata and it has been quite nice! I acquired the 21mm tires with some used rims and initially fitted them to be able to clear my fenders, but I've kept them on because they ride really very smoothly and they haven't worn out yet, so why not?!

I use tubeless 28s with 75psi(5.1Bar) rear/70psi (4.8Bar) front on rims where the tires mount up at 31mm. I’m no pixie, I am the same height and weight as my role model Fabian Cancellara: 6ft. (1.8m) / 178lb. (81kg) My setup is fast, smooth, and grippy in corners.

GCN Tech 28-90

Summer Front: GP4000 II 25mm - 100psi Rear: GP4000 II 25mm - 110psi Winter Front GP4000 II 25mm - 80psi Rear GP4000 II 25mm - 90psi

Who installed that tire at 3:22 backwards?!?!

Fuck sake

No!! Ramy’s bike was awful. Bottles different, valve stem not at 180, race number, cranks not flat, sun flare!!!! It’s an example of what not to do!!

Still running 22mm at 7.5-8bar.

Oh no... my OCD has spotted the Conti's on the Orbea at 3:22 are on the wrong way round

All about low maintenance: 28mm inflated to 80psi, then re-inflate when noticeably squishy which is usually around 40psi

Did I miss the announcement of the Oakley giveaway's winners?

What bike is Chris riding in the winter to be able to fit 32mm tires? A CX?

@chris what's your tattoo say ?

I use 25s, I've tried different pressures 80,90,100,110, I don't notice any difference

tyres size/pressure directly related to weight of bik3 +r1der, compromise between rolling resistance and number of lattes

28c Conti @ 80psi

I use between 23 and 32 depending on a number of factors, i've taken to not riding any tire above 90 PSI though. More than anything though I've found tire compound and construction to be more important. Some of my best rides have been done on a pair of gum wall 23s at 80 PSI.

Hutchinson Verde 35mm at 65 PSI on my cyclocross - riding mixed on and off road.

2.8 inches and 60psi

I'm 162lbs. GP4000II 25mm front and rear. I vary the pressure depending on the quality of road I expect to be riding on but for good road I go 88psi front, 93psi rear. I'll be trying a 28mm in the back at some point because I've been riding on some really bad roads lately. Don't think 28 will fit on the front or I'd try 28mm all around.

Since moving to 28mm tyres for Ultra Endurance racing, I haven't looked back and now use them on all my bikes! 80psi front, 85 psi rear.

Using Continental GP4SEASON'S 25mm winter (85psi front/90psi rear). After some time away from any compative road race club events restarted again - these events/summer run GP4000 MK2 23mm (95psi front/100psi rear) I'm 73kg. Raced mountain bikes XC 1991-2003 then long time away from any compative cycling restarted mountain bike XC racing in 2015....not convinced on tubeless on road purely if you did get stuck impossible to take off & remount with the Continental tyres I like on Mavic Ksyruim UST rims. Run some 2017 pre UST Ksyruim elites (winter/training) then 2017 Ksyruim Pro's for summer/racing.

28mm 40psi on my fixed gear urban every-day ride. The "training" bike still has 23mm, but plan to change them to 28 as soon as they ware out

32mm Schwalbe Marathon Supreme at about 60 PSI. Love them on the road and they are also fine on gravel

Le Col might want to work on their Jersey being UV resistant before recycling them...https://youtu.be/u2JFBIHuWsU?t=7m15s

Hutchinson Fusion Galactiks 25mm @ between 95-105psi, I leave it at that pressure for the rolling resistance and once I’m up to speed they fly. I don’t use 28’s because the tires would have trouble clearing my brake pads and I have a fairly narrow alloy rim.

Shite, shite, shite.

This is a load of shit for gays.

for anyone that's just interested in the tyre pressure segment, it starts at 2:31

25c 112 PSI front and back on most pavement. 28c 85 PSI front and back for rough pavement or poor cheap seal - might go as low as 70 PSI if it's really rough until my tires don't bounce up and send shock waves through my frame and body. I'm 175 LBS. Crushed stone and chipseal or small gravel and I will run 32c tires at about 60-75PSI. Gravel or crushed stone over an unstable soft layer I will use minimum 35c upto 45c with wide range of pressures between 40-65PSI. So you see, the rougher the surface, the wider the tire and the lower the pressure.

why do you EVER use carbon clinchers? a little over heat your whole side wall is blown regardless what manufacturer what so ever.

25 mm tires 63 kg 95 psi

25 mm 7 bar

Want to ride 28 but Cervelo seemed to hated tire width until just recently.

Jon Cannings... Celeste is BEST! Just admit it and life will be easier for you.

So the question is, is this the end for the "15% rule"? I do hope so - the maximum quoted pressures may be overkill for most cyclist, but at almost 150 kg between bike and rider in theory I should be riding pressures on my 25Cs that would make a track rider cringe.

I'm running 17mm rims with 25c tyres with tubes on a Giant Defy, I'm 71Kg, what pressure would you be running with setup? I currently run at 90psi, tried 85 on the front but am sure it felt squidgy. People seem to be running much lower pressures and I want my bike to be more comfortable without causing too much rolling resistance.

Yeah, we should all be riding penny farthings. I said exactly that. Successful communication is in fact possible.

Yeah, who wants any innovation, huh? We should all be riding penny farthings.

Hi guys, I know this episode is a few weeks old. Could please address the elephant in the room? I am talking about solid tyres. Would it be possible to have a small segment that takes on solid tyres such as Tannus? I have been seriously thinking in getting a set of solid airless tyres so I can leave tubes, hand pump, etc. at home while training (and maybe for some grand fondos). I would like to have an unbias review and the option to go for. In a different note, I am currently riding on Continental Ultra Sport II - 23mm at the front and 25 mm (500 miles ridden with this setup, and I cannot tell the difference for 23mms) at the rear (95psi-100psi, summer & 90psi-95psi, winter) I am 70kg, most of the time ;-) #askgcnanything #askgcn Kind regards, Jo



I still run 25mm on the back wheel and 23mm on the front. But I live in the Netherlands, and basically all roads are buttersmooth out here. But my front tire its just about worn out so I'll probably by a 25mm next

25mm tyres are the fastest, but 20mm are the coolest.

No...but you are spelling it wrong.

I remember before 700c when road bikes had a choice of 27" x... and the widths were from 1 inch upwards in increments of 1/8 inch. 1 3/8 was general use, 1 1/4 was quite sporty, 1 1/8 was very sporty and 1" (25 mm) was for real headbangers. Now we're talking about 25mm as if they are the wide ones! I still have 23mm on my Pearson fixie which I ride on and off road (but not in mud, because that would be silly). I tried a 20mm tyre on my 700c unicycle and ran it at approx 130 psi. I gave up on that because the tube literally exploded when I hit a bump. (On a unicycle, all the rider's weight and the shock of a bump go through just the one tyre, of course!) I'm now trying to choose between 25 mm or 28 mm for summer tyres for my Giant Anyroad gravel bike.

Did try 25mm but now back to Conti gp4000sii 23mm - 100 to 110 psi. Currently in the alps and they corner like a dream (ksyrium clinchers). Am not convinced wider is better and would love to try some of the 19s i had in the 80s (maybe nostalgia).

100% with Chris here. 28mm tubeless measuring 30mm on the disc braked rim. Around 80psi R, 70psi F. Sometimes less. Third year on this set up. So plush, smooth and decently quick on the downhill. Bye bye 25

Yes, Maine (ME) where we have as many seagulls as it seems you have circling the studio there.

Since friction is independant of area

Remember guys and gals, sizing up doesn't give more surface area on the road. Air pressure determines contact patch. Load / air pressure = contact area

I love 28. I'm a bigger guy, and I pump mine up to 100 and it's perfect for me. I have played around with going down to 90 or 95.

35mm 50lbs max

Hey guy's, love the show... I ride 26mm Bontrager tubeless R3 tires on Aeolus Pro 3

I know and appreciate this is all about recreational racing of bicycles... but I always try to inject some measure of utilitarianism in everything I do, or at least anything I try to do “in earnest”. Bicycle racing has completely *not* captured my imagination, so I only pursue so-called marginal gains if they have some sort of real-world utility some how. And no matter what, every time I imagine someone rushing around on a bike (or racing a bike) it always occurs to me how preposterous that is. Like, if you’re really in a rush, you’d be better off taking a scooter than a bike. One example I heard of: a guy rode a plane all the way from America to Australia so that he could spend a few seconds driving at 200 mph. It’s like, here, you just flew 12 hours straight at nearly 600 mph, and you slept through a good chunk of it. Now you want to drive at 200 mph, for just a few seconds... seems like a bit of a let down. Anyway - racing bicycles - I just don’t get the point. I know we all have our own viewpoints and mine is the exception, on the other hand, seriously, nobody in an actual hurry chooses the bike. It just doesn’t work.

I still use the 19mm on my 2 road bikes. 65psi on one bike, 75-80psi on the other.

I use tubular 22mm 97psi (I have to put all my weight on the pump to reach higher), at Durrington Community Cycle Project on 22/08/2018 there was a female that came in with a bike that got 19mm tyres, never asked tyre pressures

Why use only psi. And not bar also

23C/ 90 psi front 95 psi rear

GCN Tech I have 25mm Mavic Prolink and Griplink tyres. Rear is 6.7bar and front 7.0 bar.

What is that background noise I keep hearing? Great show guys

Conti 28cm Gp4000s2 85psi at all times

My Cannondale CADD10, Custom Stan Johnson, and the Pinareallo Montello SLX, all three bicycle will not except and thing over a 25mm tire.. I am a tall/ Big bike rider. I am always some place between 115 to 120 psi. If I am getting ready to do a long twisty descent that will require lots of braking I may stop and PSSSST about 10 psi out of my tires.. Old School I guess, plus I can not justify another bike in the stable.( Truth be told, it is the, Wife's OK)

I experiment by airing up my tires, then riding twice a day, several miles(to work and back). I take note of how it feels, and how my traction is. Then when it gets squishy, I take not of the tire pressure before airing it up. Quickly, I discover the ideal pressure for the time of year organically as the seasons change. It does also depend on the roads you have of course. Sometimes I sacrifice rough road comfort, for extra speed on the smooth parts (in regard to tire pressure).

have been riding 28mm for a year on a Trek Domane SL8 and will never go back to anything narrower. Same speed, more comfortable on century rides, record times after stagnant couple of years.

I have an old 83 Panasonic 12 Speed which I ride primary for commuting around town, though do enjoy the occasional longer distance ride as well. After much trouble in collleg I decided to run Continental 32mm puncture resistant tires. I’ve been running these exclusively for over 3 years now and have only ever had one flat since (but even that was an installation error, not actually while riding). I would enjoy trying out some 28s again or maybe even 25s in the summer, though it’s hard to find much for 27” rims.

25....1 pair….winter and summer....end of...

724x225mm at 30psi front and rear. Smooth ride, and it tows well!

35c Michelin pilot sport, 5 bar

Thanks for your chat about tyres. I bought 28's for my Specialized Rubai. I have used them all summer too. The difference in rolling along just feels good. I am running at 95 psi. My cycling is average road.

32mm folding Continental Gatorskins on my cyclocross when commuting year round. Had been running them 100psi but been playing with running them as low as 60psi. Seems that lower pressures are more comfortable without much penalty.

23c on my vintage 80’s Japanese lugged frame

I still have flight deck on a tandem I own. Love it!!! The captain on a tandem now can see exactly which gear he/she is in. Not sure what I'd do without it.

I have a Shimano Flight Deck on my 2003 Specialized Allez. I absolutely love it. It's as accurate as a GPS unit, its just a little finicky if you're wheel is not true.

Tubeless Schwalbe One 28mm at 60psi (run 31mm inflated on my wheels)

I am a long-time fan of wider tires at lower pressure - but very surprised no mention of rim width. IMHO rims (which can influence 'real-world' installed width of tire, I find that accuracy of nominal width is quite limited) need also to be wider to really bring the best out of wide tires, both: (i) aerodynamic considerations and (ii) support of sidewalls to avoid 'squishy' handling that some cyclists complain about when riding wider tires As disk-brakes become the standard for new bikes over coming years, I honestly think we will look back at: ~ 23mm with same attitude we currently look at 19mm (ie practically no-one using them) ~ even 25mm will be regarded as 'narrow' It will be interesting to see if 32mm get a wide acceptance - for me (age >70) they likely will for comfort purposes; but more younger/aggressive riders (and those with older/narrow rims) are likely to focus on aerodynamics where rims unlikely wide enough to go up to 32mm.

I feel the 23mm is the fastest for me, guys, but i also think that it depends on the cyclist's weight...

Big logos makes us go faster, tested by research.

I have a time trial bike that is 20 years old and only accommodates 20-21mm rear tire. I run 23mm on the front and carry 120psi. I am still on 23’s on my road bike but thinking I will try 25-28 with a lower pressure next spring. I am in Canada so only ride a trainer in the winter.

Other news