Turismo Aventura Deportes Extremos Baños Agua Santa Ecuador

Turismo Aventura Deportes Extremos Baños Agua Santa Ecuador

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Guys I'm super nervous! God God God what nerves! Spooky! Let's go guys! Let's go guys! Wonderful! Wonderful! Boys! I'm flying! Waaao! Waaao! We have overcome the fear of heights! Look at the Agoyán waterfall below! Marvelous! I made it ... Guys! Subscribe! Like! To this video: Adventurer Rutero! Wooo! Wooo! Wao God! How about Rueros Aventureros I am "Jota Jota" welcome to a new video! Today you have a spectacular adventure because we are discovering, navigating and exploring the city considered the cradle of extreme sports in South America, of course we mean the city: "Holy Water Bath". Atenti "Adventurer Rutero" that in this video I will be sharing all the tourist activities, the most visited places and feeling all the adrenaline of extreme sports, that you can practice in this magical canton of the province of "Mama Tungurahua ". You find this adventure interesting , because I invite you to join me: Welcome Avanti! Ruta Social Y Aventura Tv Located in the center of the inter-Andean region of Ecuador on the slopes of the Tungurahua volcano at 1820 meters above sea level and with a tropical rainy climate that oscillates 19 degrees Celsius is the tourist city of Baños de Agua Santa A traditional Ecuadorian encebollado would be our powerful breakfast to start such an adventure. With a population of more than 12,995 inhabitants dedicated to commercial, artisan and tourist activities; Baños offers an infinite range of possibilities: from typical dishes at reasonable prices in the market to exotic dishes such as the famous one: roast guinea pig with potatoes and vegetables.

Adventurer Routers I am already touring the city of Baños, it is worth mentioning that the climate is varied, it is sunny but at the same time it rains, this is part of the adventure that will allow us to visit and know some very special places in this beautiful canton of the Province of Tungurahua. Avanti! Bathrooms without sweets would not be Bathrooms: popsicles, jellies, cocadas, nougat, guava candy, canned peanuts, alfandoques, marshmallows; all delicious treats to sweeten your sweet tooth! Well of the adventurers, I am on this path that has been recovered that leads to the old San Francisco Bridge now rehabilitated and that is a new option for you to come and meet with your family or friends, Avanti! Pictures, images, crucifixes, denarii, pendants, candles, scapulars, are part of the religious folklore exhibited for sale in the central square of the city of "Baños", keeping alive, latent and perennial the faith of all its inhabitants and visitors. In the middle of the populated center, the Basilica or Sanctuary of the Virgen del Rosario de Agua Santa de Baños rises up imposing and monumental ; which began its construction in 1904 and ended 40 years later in 1944. The story tells that in past centuries the town of "Baños" was always afflicted by many tremors, by many earthquakes, product of the volcanic activity of the "Mama Tungurahua" is by This is why many of the parishioners asked the Virgin with devotion that all this type of natural catastrophe would stop. Legend has it that the Virgin appeared accompanied by two angels along with a stream of water, requesting the parish priest of the time to build a temple of worship to her image in that town, in exchange the "Mother of Jesus" would grant protection to the city and greetings to all those parishioners and believers who with faith placed their requests and prayers in her.

At the foot of the waterfall "Cabellera de la Virgen" is one of the many spas of thermal and mineral waters of the city of Baños, its medicinal properties attract countless tourists all convinced that those waters that range from 22 to 54 degrees Celsius will provide miracle cures to bathers' health. At 10 minutes from the town of Baños and crossing the Bridge over the Pastaza River that feeds the Agoyán Hydroelectric Dam, we arrive at the place not suitable for the faint of heart; where the adrenaline of extreme sports makes itself felt. It was very exciting it seems scary but not scary! Are you afraid of heights? Yes a little but with this I already overcame it! Where did you fear the most? To which I came out. From there I opened my eyes and it seemed pretty to me. Oh no! Nerd! Don't look at me! Well adventurous riders we meet here with Mr. "Manuel Barriga" the owner

of the tarabitas. It is one of the largest tarabitas that we have here in the Baños canton, it is a double cable. How long does a cable resist? A 5/8 cable is for three tons. How far is it from one end to the other end? On one side we have 700 meters and on the other side, Back we have 900 meters.

You can do lying down that we call "superman style" ok, or you can do the "bat style" that go upside down or you can also do "sitting" I mean there is no problem you have to practice to see that [__] to me They are telling me to become "Adventure Routers" I am heart in hand! Finally make an invitation "Don Manuel" and tell me about the prices and costs of this external tourist attraction! I invite you, then, foreign national tourists will always be welcome. Here I am talking to you as the owner of the "Tarabita Agoyán" we have a company: "Aventura Ecoturismo Agoyán" the costs of the tarabita costs: $ 2 for adults, $ 1 for children, one way canopy we charge $ 10 and they return between tarabita and canopy - round trip canopy costs $ 15 dollars. Nothing else to come with all the desire to do it, nothing else! Well Adventurer Routers I am already equipped, I am ready, here in the Cascadas del Río Pastaza that forms precisely the Cascada de Agoyán they have already put the helmet on me, they have put the harness on me, it's like that ... but I'm going to risk it. I'm going to do it for you: Adventure Riders. I'm going to tell you

something: I have vertigo, the truth is I suffer from vertigo but I have a desire to do it! I think the most difficult thing is to get out of there from that part over there, because you stand on the edge and see all the immensity in front of you and you know that you are going to throw yourself and it is only suspended on these cables! You look! Very long going 700 meters and returning 900 meters! Do I or do I not do? Yes? Cheer me up? Pray for me please pray for me! Subscribe and like it !!! I'm going up guys, I'm going up the truth that nerves! The heart beats I feel too excited! Look , we are already in the upper part! Wao! Look, a girl is going to accompany me, what is your name? Scarlett! Are you afraid of heights? No! Are you excited to do this to yourself? Yes! Look, she also has her little action camera, it's going to be recorded! Oh God! Boy am I super nervous! God God God what nerves! Spooky! Let's go guys! Let's go guys! Wonderful! Wonderful! Boys! I'm flying! We have overcome the fear of heights! Look at the Agoyán Waterfall below! Marvelous! Huuu! Huuu! How exiting! I made it! Boys subscribe and like this video: Adventurer Ruter! Woo! Woo! God what a barbarian! What an incredible feeling! Even the tears go away a little but how exciting! Believe me, I overcame the fear of heights. I feel really excited! Believe me I didn't think I was going to make it! But what is most scary is the departure but from then on the fear goes away and you enjoy the landscape! Thanks really guys! The shots that I have presented are incredible, so it is recommended that you come here to the Agoyán Waterfalls, the affordable prices and the experience that you are going to take you will never forget in your life! So totally recommended! Visit it! Hi! What is your name? Scarlett! And you? Danna! Scarleth, how do you feel when you do the tarabita? At first it scares the last no longer! Your daddy told me that you go alone, you go up there and put on the pulley and jump? Yessss! How old are you? 8! And you? 6! When the weekends come, what did you do the most? To fly! Fly literal! Subscribe! Beautiful Experience here in Ecuador! I can not believe it! Sirs! I'm re-crazy! They became boys! Yes this is beautiful! Brother God! Beautiful Beautiful is the first time I experience it! There is Brother! Live life! How did you feel about this experience? How did they live it? Very cute! Greetings from Portoviejo! Luck! Equally! The beginnings are always stronger. Look at such a waterfall. Cataract size that you can see! The excited boys greet the camera, over here also the fans! We are in the middle! Wao! Young and old can do this! How wonderful! What a beautiful experience here in Baños de Agua Santa! Extreme sports! Visit them! What a bacán, what a bacán! We arrived safely, tremendous adventure adventurers, so you already know visit the cradle of Extreme Sports in South America which is: "Baños de Agua Santa" Wao! Wonderful experience! Is beautiful. The experience is beautiful! The baby "Adventure Traveler" You already know subscribe to "Social Route and Adventure Tv" How is your name? Jandry Gutierrez! Yandry from Portoviejo, he saw me that I got "superman style" to the other side! I said why don't you also do superman style? He told me I'm going to do it! And I'm going to subscribe! And I'm going to like this video! Certain? Yessss! There is! So let's record your departure! Good energy is truly transmitted ! Yessss! Highly strung? No! sure? Not 1%! All good Yandry? Everything's fine! Ready! Like and subscription! Okay! A new Adventurer Router! Luck. Luck. Good luck to the adventurous road boys! Ready Yandry Jr. Ready Yandry father! Ready your name? Jordan! Discovery Baños would be our next stop because with its mechanical games we would feel more fun and adrenaline on the surface Ok! Adventurer Routers I find myself here on the bumper cart track, which is another option you have here at Discovery Baños Adventurer Routers I find myself in another space that offers you the opportunity to have fun to the fullest. This place is called: "Discovery Baños" We have a lot

of rides for your fun in "Discovery Baños" Avanti! How wonderful! How wonderful! So much adrenaline whetted my appetite and to satisfy my hunger there is nothing better than: "NatoS Bistró" Adventurous travelers meet in a beautiful restaurant located here in the Salcedo sector in "NatoS Bistró" here with "Tony Kessler" right? Correct! He is the owner of this restaurant and the one who prepares these delicious dishes that are already tasting here too "Tony and Lolita" delicious Tony, tell us a little about the restaurant. How is it that you know how to make these culinary wonders? I am from Mar del Plata in Argentina as a young man I went to Buenos Aires to study and work gastronomy. I traveled to this beautiful country Ecuador and I started working in Argentine gastronomy here in Ecuador. We start with Baños de Agua Santa. I met my wife! Naty! She is Ecuadorian! We brought the "Parrilla Argentina" project here to this beautiful city that is Salcedo! How is it going? Travelers from Latacunga, Baños, and Quito are coming very well. Many thanks to all of them we can go open despite this pandemic! I want to tell you that the prices are very accessible, the variety of dishes they offer is extensive, it is delicious! For example, what am I going to serve myself? You are going to taste a bite of Argentine barbecue sausage , it consists of barbecue sausage, French fries and some toasts to accompany it.

We are going to do the tasting, we are going to give the go-ahead and the good luck kick, everything goes very well for you! Yes of course! What a rich brother! Delicious! Shoemaker to your shoe, they say! What a talent Tony! If we Argentines do not really marinate the meat, we only put grain salt on it. It gives it that special flavor. You already know adventurous travelers when they are here in Salcedo passing through the city of Latacunga de Baños de Agua Santa visiting "NatoS Bistro" the delicious guequita of my dear friend Tony. Remember "NatoS Bistró" in Salcedo. The night has arrived and with it an aura of illusion, mystery and magic embraces everything in Baños de Agua Santa. I find myself in La Aldea Mágica a charming place is surrounded, covered, full of gnomes, goblins, and fairies; let's discover everything that this beautiful place offers for all those who believe in magic! Avanti! Adventurous road trippers I meet "Fito". Did you tell me that at the beginning it was only

half of what it is now? If we expand, we take advantage of the pandemic time to grow a little! Now I want to highlight something that draws my attention a lot and it is the flora that exists here. Let's comment a little bit about it? Well actually here there are plants from different places: there are plants that we have gone to look for on the slopes of the volcano, from Tungurahua itself, yes! My ear fell off !!! Do you remember which was the first plant that you put here? is here! You look! What a good hand to create! We only had mandarin trees that remain. People can come and we combine tangerines and then we start to assemble, to turn the space into a village, the idea is that people mimic here, become villagers, the idea that the place looks like it eats you then one is small we are little. In a little corner of the Magic Village you will find the "House of the Duende" full of essences, souvenirs, handicrafts, incenses and memories that you can acquire as a magic amulet of your visit to this wonderful place. I meet here with Katita and with Fito they are husband and woman! Do you believe in magic? Yes in a certain way yes! In the magic of life let's say! And in the magic of love? Do you think that magic of love can be built? Obviously love is always under construction, it never ends! Do you think of Fito, that having found "Katita" was part of the magic of your life? The magic obviously starts from magnetism, it is perhaps also from vibration. Your little daughter, what is her name? Violet! What message would you give as a couple to all those young couples who also have new ventures like yours? Let them travel, let them run out of money, let them be in ruins to make it the most solid way! Although today we have an undertaking that is good that people like it, it was not easy, it is not easy either! It takes a lot of determination and to know that the end is not money, but in short, the gain of this is that people enjoy it and one cannot survive, after all that more than that is to live as a gift. (And I'm a baby)

Obviously the important thing is the trip, the road, learning, falling too! I want to thank you very much for this opportunity now we have shared in an atypical way nothing has been written and I thank you a lot for your openness for the message that you are giving to all those young couples of entrepreneurs. Well Thanks Thank you "Jota" for visiting us, eeh! Okay!!! I am Neri Guachisaca artisan from here in the Rio Verde parish. Greetings to Ruta Social and Aventura Tv, come to Río Verde, make the expense and subscribe to the channel! Adventurer Routers I find myself traveling the path that leads to Pailón del Diablo. We are already in a new day and with positive energy we are going to make the most of it Avanti! Where do the "Chontacuros" come from? De la palma. How long do you have to leave them on the charcoal

for them to be ready? About 4 minutes! And how long do they go? Three! Adventurer Routers at the moment I am going through a cavern that leads me to the highest viewpoint located here in the "Pailón del Diablo" This incredible natural experience, I am soaked wet there are some guys who are following. Say hello guys say hello! Incredible this experience that we are living here in the city of Baños de Agua Santa in the famous "Pailón del Diablo" Avanti! Adventurer Routers I am under the Pailón del Diablo, I am totally soaked, and here we can see this waterfall. Hi! Hi! Well ruteros adventurous I'm decendiendo here, these cavernous routes located here in the Pailón of the Devil, amazing experience, wonderful all an adventure that I invite you to live Ruteros adventurers at the moment I find myself heading towards the house of the tree will enjoy this world-famous tourist attraction and much visited by both national and foreign tourists: Avanti Energía Positiva We are already in the tree house and they welcome me with this delicious aperitif; thank you very much! Salud Thank you, Adventurers, I am here at the "Swing at the End of the World" located in the magical city of "Agua Sana de Baños" invited you to visit it. This is the first of the swings that gave rise to all that exist here. Look, even my glasses have dropped; I invite you to visit: Avanti! Brilliant! Okay! Okay! Very Good Hand! Hello, subscribe! From here "adventurous ruters" from the magical and wonderful city of Baños I say goodbye to all of you, hoping that this video has been to your complete liking. If

so, give me a giant like, leave me your comment and of course subscribe to my channel "Ruta Social and Aventura Tv "you find me on YouTube and Instagram and on my TikTok account. I am Jota Jota López and as always I send you: lots of light, good luck, positive energy and see you soon

2021-10-02 13:44

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