Tune Into Our CHCA Info Session- Learn About All Of Our Programs

Tune Into Our CHCA Info Session- Learn About All Of Our Programs

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Just a quick note to let you know that we are recording, this session, and we can certainly send it out afterwards, if anybody would require, it. Uh my name is christine, walker, and i am the director, of the chef school. And today will also be also be supporting, the school of hospitality. In this wonderful, presentation. Thank you for taking the time this morning to be with us we appreciate, it we know everybody's time is very valuable, and especially, on this beautiful. Sunny day i'm sure lots of people are looking forward to getting out and enjoying, it. We're going to go through a wonderful presentation. For you today, we'll go through all of the programs. Um feel free to ask any questions that you like if you, have never used this platform, before, on the very right hand side at the bottom. You'll see a little pink, area with some arrows, if you click on those arrows. You'll be able to, see that there are some bubbles at the bottom and the very left hand bubble is a chat bubble. So if you have any questions, during the presentation. Feel free to enter them in the chat. Section. And. Either. One of our amazing. Staff from the, learning support services, area, the student sorry the student support services, area, will answer the question, immediately. And if we can't answer the question immediately, then at the end when we do a question, answer period. We will get back to that question and answer it live. So feel free to, plot in as many questions as you want in that section, and, we'll make sure by the end of this presentation, we've answered them for you. So, as i said today we're going to go this is the center for hospitality. And culinary, arts. And in this division, we actually have two separate, uh divisions, one is the chef school and one is the school for hospitality. And tourism. Together, one under one umbrella. But they're actually two different, areas. So we're going to go through, the hospitality. Program we have amazing faculty, member here that's going to give you an overview of all the courses. And then we have a sh the chef school programs, and myself, and one of our amazing, uh, baking and pastry faculty, will go through the programs, there, we'll also talk about some of the other. Services, that we have and. Fantastic, events that we do. And of course what i'm sure you really want to understand, is what the fall will look like so we'll make sure we go through that as well. So you can go to the next slide. Please. So, today we have, uh, several people with us and i think today i'll just allow everybody to introduce themselves, when we get to. Uh that slide, but as you can see besides, myself we have some great people from the support. Learning services, department, and with some faculty. And today we're even, uh blessed with somebody from the international, business development, and officer, nadalia. Next slide. Please. So this is a photo, of the front of the building of 300, adelaide, street on the left hand side and the one on the right is our 250. 215, king. Location where the chef's house is in our amazing wine labs, and uh some other areas which we'll go through shortly. The building is a little quiet at the moment we aren't offering any classes, but it is busy with faculty, as they are working on videos, in both the chef school and hospitality. In order to provide a great experience, in the fall. We are one of the leading culinary, and hospitality. Schools in canada in fact the largest. And often compared to some of the really big universities, in the united states. We offer. General. Historically, we have lots of amazing, chefs and sommeliers. And people from hospitality. Come and visit and speak to our students we are planning on still having those opportunities. In the fall, but they'll be online. Uh we have over 21, 000 alumni, i'm sure it's quite higher than that by this uh time. And, we often get our alumni to come in and speak to our students, so they can speak about their past experiences, and give advice. On how to move forward for with your careers. Next slide. Please. So we have two buildings, uh we have three food outlets which is our chefs on the run that's where student. Students and the public can purchase. Uh, ready-made, items that have been made by our culinary, students, the cafe, which is in our 300, adelaide, building. And the chef's house restaurant which is at 215. 215, king. We have over, 27. Labs and interactive, spaces. Including, auditoriums. Butchery, classes, bake labs and as you can see a whole list there, we have an incredible, wine labs, and simulation, theaters, and mixology. Lab as well. And as i mentioned, that, this is located, at 300, adelaide, if you're at the college though you actually can have your classes in one of four or five different buildings, so it gets a little complicated, but the schedules are quite clear as to which room you would need to go to.

If You would like to use social media you'll see our hashtags, there so feel free to take a picture of those so that in the future. You'll be able to share some of the work that you're doing, or if you even want to follow them now. Because all of our classes are online. I think you'll find especially, on instagram. A lot of our students are sharing their experiences, online so be able to see what they're doing now. Next slide please. These are just some photos they don't do the building justice i assure you because in person they look even more spectacular. Uh in the chef school here the top left one this is a hospitality. Does lots of programming, in this space. And when it's not being used for programs, we have lots of tables set up for students to be able to enjoy. Their lunches, there or interactive, spaces so that they can enjoy quality time with their fellow classmates. On the top right is our large quantity, kitchen, and. Uh, that has been set up to, be able to do demonstrations. But also for students to cook, and a variety of international. As well we have, tandoori, evans and walks and all sorts of international, equipment. To be able to offer a wide variety, of curriculum. The, uh bottom right there is our cafe which is run entirely, by students. In that are in their. Second year. Okay next slide. Well one of the advantages, of george brown college is that we're right downtown. And the chef's house which is our student-run. Restaurant, both hospitality. Students and culinary, students have, spent some time in this restaurant. And one of the advantages, being right downtown is we're in competition, with the community, around us and. I guarantee you that what we are able to provide, in that restaurant, is equal to the restaurants, that are around us. Up on the second, floor you can see this where all the lights are that's our simulation. Lab. And so, we can have regular classes in there but we can also host a variety of events. Uh student run events and also. Events for the industry. And then on the fourth, third floor is the wine lab which is the bottom right picture that you can see right now. And the wine theater, was just built a couple of years ago it's state of the art. Uh it can be divided, into smaller, intimate classrooms, or a classroom up for 48, students. On the top right that is our, food and innovation, research, studio and that's uh first. And, in that space, students who are interested, in product development, and recipe, testing. Are able to do their externship, there but we also. Work with industry. And, a lot of the times industry comes to us when they have a problem whether it's being, making their product shelf stable. Or being able to preserve their products, and so we work a lot with industry. To, solve some of their common issues that allows them to scale up and and to make their businesses, better. And i'm sorry these pictures don't really do our building justice, but uh, really. I've been to all the chef schools and i can tell you that. Ours is really really state of the art, this picture here on the left is actually the patio, on the second floor. At 200. King street and it's actually the rooftop, garden for the chef's school. And even this year even though we're closed we still opened it um, and planted. 57, boxes, of vegetables. Which we will be donating, they're just starting to come and season all of it now. We are also an oceanwise, community partner and that simply means that we're committed, to buying food that's the, seafood. That is sustainable. And, uh, in all of our programs, we do have sustainability. Outcomes, so, when you're in the college, you will make sure we will make sure that you understand sustainability, by the time you. Graduate. We have lots of guests, that come to the college these are just a four shots, but, uh, one of our prides, is because of the amount of alumni, and the size of our colleges that we have connections, worldwide. And so we're able to provide students with numerous, opportunities. To meet. People, that can give them the opportunity, to provide connections. And. Hopefully job opportunities, for the. Future. So the biggest question we're always asked, in our discovery days is why would you choose george brown, um over other colleges, and i'm sure everybody on this call is doing their due diligence, and visit the colleges. Even if it is on an online capacity, at the moment. And i think you know i've been at george brown college for 15, years, uh in both the professor, capacity.

And Uh, in administration. And i've worked at other colleges, as well and the reality, is all colleges, need to meet, ministries, that, program, outcomes. So no matter which college you go to. When you graduate, you should be competent, in the credential that you received. But i think one of the things that really sets george brown apart, is the faculty. All of our faculty. Uh are really. Demonstrated. To have demonstrated, commitment, and experience, in the industry so they've all worked in the industry in which they're teaching. But also. Um, they have connections, still. And, you know whether it's our full-time, faculty or our part-time, faculty the experience, that you received, from the staff, i feel, are better. Uh than other colleges. I also think that the support team that we have at george brown college. Is, also, um. Really, important, because without that team. You aren't it, makes it so much more difficult for students to be successful. And i can tell you especially since you've been online. And, um, it's become more apparent, than ever before. That. We are so committed to students we respond to every single, issue and we resolve them very quickly. And i think that you know that's one of the advantages, to a large, school. Is that we have the team in order to support the students in a timely manner. I think also obviously our facilities, which might not be relevant for the fall but you know once you get into the college the facilities, at george brown, are phenomenal. Which you will, uh get to experience at some point we're hoping. And also. Um. Our industry connections, our size being downtown, toronto. Is, uh, important, because it gives us the opportunity, to have more connections, not just in toronto but ontario. And quite frankly all over the world so, we have students that do externships, all over the world. And that's, that's because we have those connections to make that happen we offer incredible, industry, networking, events mentorship, programs. Our residence, is just a short 15-minute. Walk away from the college. And, uh we offer lots of pathways, from program that you're in to something else that you might be interested in which we'll go through. In a little while. We will also talk about our international, study tours. A little bit later. So the big question is what is the fall going to look like. And, uh, you will see that the fall, will be online. And i think all of the programs should have been updated by now on the college, website. First semester, will be online, we don't know what january, looks like yet so we are planning, for both scenarios. Fully in class and fully online. Actually, i guess three scenarios, and, partially in class and partially online. So we're currently working on that but your first semester. Is going to be fully online. When you're going to the other colleges, make sure you ask them, uh, how they're planning on delivering their semester. And i think, two really important questions to ask other colleges. For, if you're looking at the chef school, and hospitality. As well. Is, are they still delivering, 100. Of the content. Uh, that they would have been delivering, in class. And if you're in culinary.

Are You still cooking. Because there are some colleges, that are taking, students, but will not be requiring, them to cook at all, and then there are other colleges, that are taking students but have reduced the amount of time that they're going to be cooking. So, one of the things that george brown college were proud of is that, we spent a numerous, amount of hours this summer. Developing, curriculum. And making sure that you're still going to receive, the same. Uh, education. Same level of education, same number of hours, that you would have when you were in class. We'll go through what the online, looks like with each faculty, when we get into the individual, individual, programs, but as i said before if you have questions think of right now feel free to put them in the, chat box and we'll make sure we come to them a bit. Later. So one of the things that you need to think about when you're coming to george brown is how long do you plan on spending, here. We have courses. In up sorry programs, in both the chef school and the hospitality. School that are one year of length. Which are considered certificates. And then we have two-year diplomas. We have post-graduate. Programs, in both, schools as well, and in both schools we also have a four years honors degree. So one of the. First thing you need to think about is how long do you want to spend. But also, consider. What kind of pathways, you might like to do afterwards. So there are programs, where you can do the certificate, and move straight into the second year without any additional, classes. There are programs, where you can do the two-year diploma, and then move into the honors degree. A bridge program. You can do a one-year certificate. Get some industry experience, and then do our postgraduate. Certificates. So once you're in the college. Just know that you have lots of opportunities. To, uh move into other programs. Because once you're here you're going to find, what you learn. Is going to give you the opportunity. To maybe think of different pathways, that you might want for a career. So i think that the, center for hospitality. And culinary, arts, has done a really fantastic. Job, in providing, pathways, for students. While they're here. I'm going to pass this slide over to doreen. Now. Thank you christine. Good morning. Good morning everyone, oh i'm not on camera for some reason. Can you hear me. Yeah we can okay. Uh so my name is doreen pashkoff. I'm one of the co-op, and externship. Coordinators. At center of hospitality. And culinary, arts. And our graduates, work in various, industries. These represent. A very diverse, range, of companies, and organizations. Within, the culinary. And hospitality. Field. Such as. Such as restaurants. Hotels. Resorts. Personal, chefs. Test kitchens. Food magazines. And bloggers. Brand, ambassadors. Private clubs, and golf courses. Catering, and banquet, companies. Product consulting. And development. Wine and spirits, agencies. Conference, and event, management. Nutrition. And wellness, centers. Retirement. Residences. Travel, agencies. Seasonal, food service, operations. Academia. And much more. We provide, many opportunities. For our culinary. And hospitality. Students. To connect with employers. Through, many ways through our career fair. Our networking, events. Our classroom, visits. And presentations. From many of the industries, listed, and represented.

Here. In fact it becomes, full circle, when many of our graduates. Become, employers, for our current, students. Next slide please. Good, good morning, everyone. Thank you very much. Doreen, my name is doris mckillin, bradley. And, i'm, a faculty, member. With the school of hospitality. Tour. Tourism. Management. And i'm here to talk to you, about. The, programs, that we offer. Uh through, the school of hospitality. The first, program. Hospitality. Certificate, program is a one-year, program. Suited, for students. That are looking for an introduction. To the industry. But haven't quite made up their mind. The beauty about this program. Is that it is, a general, overview. Including. Catering. Food and beverage management. Hotel, management. Event management. And. Students, have the opportunity. To decide, at a later date if they want to. Uh transfer, over, to, a. Diploma, program. So it's a great. Um. Entry-level. Certificate. And, it actually, gives you fantastic. Um. Foray, into. The industry. It's quite uh, a practical, course and and i have to say, it also, includes. Culinary. Skills. So, if you're. If you've never cooked before. And. You, aren't exposed, to the vocabulary. We will teach, that. Okay, next, next. Slide. Please. The, hospitality. Diploma, program, is broken, into. Um. Several segments. Uh tourism. Hospitality. Management. Which has, a focus, on the tourism. Industry. Graduates, from this program. Get placed, in. Wellness, centers, private clubs. Tourism. And travel. Companies. Government, agencies. It's a dynamic. Program, because it gives you a global, perspective. Of the. Uh tourism, and hospitality. Services, that we have. Around the world. We have a focus, on, local, there's a fantastic. Um heritage, tourism, course. That actually, takes you through, the history. And where we are today. And, really it. Opens your your mind. To, um how. The industry, really is. The, special, event, management. Program. Um, helps you build. Your skills. In delivering. Live, events. And, virtual. Events. So this program. Is also, a two-year, program. And. The dynamic. Piece in this program, is, the capstone. The capstone. Project, is actually. A live, project. That, um. An event, planner. Would execute, you execute, this in teams, the expectation. Is that it's public. And the expectation. Is that, um. You raise funds, for, either. Student bursaries. Or charity. Now. I know i said it's live. So this year, we. Shifted. And what we did, we had our students. Bid. For the ontario. Wine awards, 2021. So. One of our teams. Actually. Made, the um, the winning bid. And, they're going to, be executing. Their ideas, their, budgets. And, uh their volunteer. Management. Now i know they're going to be graduates, by 2021. But, our students are invited, back, to execute. The event. So our, partnerships. Are. That strong, that we can, actually. Place, a virtual. Event. Into motion. The food and beverage, management, program. Is. Designed, for individuals. That. Are going to go into. Marketing. Sales. Hr, management. Finance, consulting. Front of house management. Um in, uh in a food and beverage. Outlet. And. You know do you realize, toronto. Itself, has 9, 000, restaurants. And, they are, continuously. Looking, for, individuals. Um, that. Have leadership, skills, and we help, our students, develop, these leadership, skills. The capstone. Program, project, for the food beverage, management. Is, a. Takeover. But it's virtual. And it was virtual. Before, we went virtual. So we give students. Um. A budget. And. You play. A game, a virtual, game, but it's serious, it's competitive. And it is a great, piece of work. That you can. Be proud of when you graduate, and talk, about it while, when you interview. And finally the the hotel, operations. Management. Is. A diploma. Is a two-year diploma. And it is. Um, uh. Dynamic. In the fact that you're doing. Hotel. Simulation. Now that's not the only thing that you learn, hotel hotel, hotel. You also, learn about. Wines, and beers, and cocktails. Human, resource, management, liability. And risk management. Social, media. Uh marketing. So there's, a lot of components. To being, a hotel. Management. Graduate. There are over 230. Hotels, in toronto. That results, in 38, 000. Hotel, rooms. But there are also, other businesses. That are lodging, based, for example.

Airbnb. One of our graduates. Is a district, manager. For a group of air b and b properties. And, um. This person, did not, expect. That their career was going to go, this way. But, they're. Really, at the leading, edge, of. Private. Um. Lodging, so. We also give skills. Um. To develop. Your ideas, of being an entrepreneur. Or consultant. Because a lot of our students that graduate, with this. Next screen please. Now, bridging, from the diploma. Is an option so just like you can bridge from a certificate. To a diploma, you can bridge from a diploma, to a degree. In order, to consider, that, students. Need to, maintain. A, an average of, 2.7. And. Then, consider, bridging. Into, the, degree, so what will happen. Is at the end of your two-year, program. You, apply, to get into, the degree. And providing, you have a 2.7. Gpa, average. You. Bridge, into, courses. That are delivered, over 15, weeks that have. Required. To be learned. At, a higher level. And in september. You will. Bridge. Into, the stream, of. Students. Which is, uh. Year three. I think it's semester, six. So. You have a really, great, opportunity. To. Graduate. In, four years. And. One semester. With both, a. Diploma. And. A degree. Very valuable. We find a lot of students, take this pathway. Because it's important, if you're going to. Consider. Working. At a management. Or in a leadership. Role. Now some of our students, right now are currently, leading hotels. In dubai. They are owning their own. Restaurants. They are. Managing. In hr, departments. For big corporations. And, they, are. Graduates, of the. Hospitality. Degree program. This degree, program. Is, as competitive. As, a. Degree program, let's say from guelph university. Or brock university. And. You know later on in life eventually. Maybe you might consider, a masters. Which you'll need a degree, to. Bridge, into. Um. I had mentioned the 2.7. Gpa. Grade point average. If you don't, maintain. A 2.7. Gpa. There are opportunities. To, upgrade. So, um, you know keep it at top of mind, but know that, if you don't have the 2.7. It's not the end of the line, we can guide you, how to uh how to. Uh pull up your gpa, and get into. Uh then, the next, uh the next pathway, of your studies. Next slide please. Now we do have. Hospitality. Post graduate, program. Which is, the. Advanced. Wine, and beverage, business, management, program. Now this, is, a program. That is, designed, for students, that want to focus, in the multi-billion. Dollar, industry. And, want to. Work as. Potentially. An importer. Um a brand ambassador. Um a portfolio. Manager. Um. Possibly. A con a financial, consultant. In this uh in this field. The course the program, is, a year and a half. With, a, dynamic. Capstone. Abroad. Now we didn't run, the capstone. In. Other countries. But. What we did we connected, students, with industry, leaders, that you would not necessarily. Be exposed, to. If you were. An individual. Looking to get into this field. Now our students have the opportunity. To travel, to. Um, wineries. Including, bologna. And in champaign. Domain. Chancellor. Fee and burgundy. Antoniori. And tuscany, now if you don't know these names. Their benchmark. Producers. Global, benchmark, producers. And, not you wouldn't necessarily. Be exposed, to some of these producers. Now, not only do you graduate. With, our. Diploma. You will graduate, with industry. Credential. The prudent. Beer certification. Levels, one and two, is part of this, and the wine and spirit education. Trust, certification. Two and three. Is also, part of this, uh we have dynamic. Professors. That teach, the the the, um, cocktail. Industry. Um i personally, teach uh strategic. Beverage, marketing, our students. Take over products, and they rebrand. And remarket. Products, and then they present. Their business, plans, to. Companies, that have partnered, with us, so, it's, real, education. With, real, results. And, regardless. If it's, delivered. Online. Or face to face, the outcomes. Are exactly. The same. Uh that we would get if we were in the classroom. Okay. Next. Slide. Okay, over, to you, doreen. Hi so actually i'm gonna talk uh. Back to christina, again here, um, and then i will be speaking with chef, david heyman who is one of our, baking and pastry, faculty. So chef i'll just talk about the culinary, skills and then i'll pass it off to you, uh so these are our two, uh one year certificate, programs. The, um. We need to update the slide, slightly so if you could just make a note of that, the culinary, skills, program. Actually runs in september. And january, and may. But the baking and pastry, pre-employment, program, only runs, in january. Uh, so, in the culinary, skills program.

Uh This is actually the same, this is the same as the first year of our diploma, which we'll be talking about in a minute. Uh it is about 50. Practical, and 50. Um. Theoretical. In the first semester, we really focus on basic fundamental, culinary, skills so knife skills, and introduction, to ingredients, and. Basic cooking techniques, as well. You also, uh. So you'll be taking. I should say in this fall you'll be taking foundations, which is a seven week class that's the practical, class you'll be doing online. And essentials, which is a seven week class as well which will also be online. But there are two other courses which you'll see on the website, which are butchery. And, cafe, production. We have actually deferred, those two labs, until january. We would rather teach those two labs, in class, because, the butchery, techniques, are pretty hard for us to, not only teach but evaluate, online and it's expensive, for students to buy those ingredients. And then the cafe production, is large quantity cooking and so we certainly don't want students making 40 portions, of a, thai curry, when they're at home. So in the fall you'll just be doing foundations, and essentials. And then um. Depending on which course you're in you'll also be taking baking, pastry for cooks online as well. So, i see there are some questions in the in the chat box about what does online look like for culinary, and chef hammy can talk about pastry. But we have spent this entire, summer developing, individual, skills, videos. So that you're able to, see the individual, skills in a video and the classes are still taught by a faculty, member chef faculty. And so you have a demonstration. Class, in which you'll, spend with the faculty, going over the recipes, looking at the skills, videos, answering, questions. And then, you'll go on your own and you'll make the vid you'll make the recipes that are in that, um. Class. And. Uh but they'll still be an opportunity. For you to reach out to the faculty, member. And have questions, you know if you have questions of what you're doing in answers. For the most part i don't think faculty, are expecting you to bake and cook exactly. In the class, that you're that the time is at because we know that everyone's got uh competing, timetables. But you'll have a deadline, by which that actual recipe, is due. You if you go onto the website, you will see a link, uh, that will give you the total list of ingredients, uh sorry a list of equipment that you need, and we will be providing, you the list of ingredients, that you need. In culinary. We've made a lot of effort to make sure, that we're providing, you, with. Alternatives, to ingredients, this won't be such an issue for the first year, um because it's carrot celery, onion garlic you know very basic ingredients, that you can find in any grocery, store. But. In our second year which we're doing online right now. Sometimes there are more expensive, items like a rabbit for example, and so our faculty, have given alternatives. If a student can't find a rabbit or it's too expensive. We tell them how they can meet the same outcomes, using say a chicken. So we'll be doing that in the fall as well. Uh. So. In, general in your tuition. You are charged for material, fees and those material, fees are costs that we use. To, buy the food for you in the labs. But in the fall. We will be refunding. Either refunding, or depending if we can actually get it organized, on time it will be removed, from your. Um, tuition. So that you're not paying for the food, at the college, but you will be responsible, for paying for the food. Yourself. So, either it'll be refunded. Or it will be removed, from your actual, tuition, and we will communicate. The way that we've managed to organize, it for the fall, as soon as we've got that figured out. You'll also have classes like food and beverage cost control, you have your communications. Class your english your college english and your college math classes, as well. And then in the second semester. Right now the plan is that you'll be taking those classes, in, um. The college. We are in the fall. Uh, having some labs in the college there will be classes of 12, instead of our usual 24. And the classes that will be in the college in the fall are specifically. For students who will be graduating, in december. So for the chefs. Culinary, skills certificate. We're online, in the fall but the plan will be that you will be doing all of your labs in class, in the january, term, chef jamie did you want to talk about the baking pre-employment, program. Yeah absolutely, hi everybody, i'm um. Chef david heyman. So i'm a full-time professor, in the baking and pastry arts program. Um. So. Just like, christine, explained, in the uh on the culinary, side of things, in the baking and pastry, arts program.

We Also have. A one year certificate. Program which is, our h108. And um, not not dissimilar, from the culinary, program in the one year program, um, the very beginning. We're focusing. On. Kind of all the core, skills, the basics. Um. We start with doing a seven week bread program, so we learn the ins and the outs of bread, and, it's at a really good pace i feel so that also, um. Equally important as we start introducing, kind of professionalism. In the kitchen, and. All the other aspects, of. Kind of how to work in our industry, the language. Things like that. After the breads we work we move into, i'm kind of a broader. General, pastry. Skill so we look at. We do cookies, we introduce pies and tarts, and things like that, and it's really really hands-on, and skills, based. Second semester we move more into. Um, cakes, we do introduction, to, vinwozzeri, which is like laminated, pastries. Uh we do an introduction, to chocolate so really the way i often explain the h108, program, is. It's kind of a broad. Stroke, overview. Of all kind of the core disciplines, in the pastry, arts so, as. Anyone who's probably interested, in joining us and the pastries, program. Knows, is we have we have a couple very specific, disciplines. And in, the h1081, year program what we're really looking at is, is kind of a little gentle introduction, to all of them. And usually, what we find, is by the end of second semester, most of our students. Tend to start to take a leaning towards, you know this discipline, or that discipline. And, um and then we kind of exploit. Um. Your, uh. The. The disciplines, that you're most interested, in when we move into the two-year, program. Um. I guess, also, like christine mentioned, uh in our culinary. Program. Um. We, spent. A lot of time and really really poured our hearts, into. Understanding. How to best deliver. Content, like this online, for the practical, aspects of creating. Creating, material. To be then, kind of. Judged, and commented, on and with with the students. Um so we were extremely. Flexible. I would say that um. A huge amount of our time actually, was, was spent on kind of. Trying, to visualize. And work through the logistics. Of. What equipment, students are going to have. On hand at home. Uh, what are realities, of sourcing, specific, ingredients. Um, as christine, mentioned in the second year of the culinary, program there's some, speciality. Ingredients, that aren't so hard to find. Um it's probably, not hard for most of you to imagine, that within the realm of the pastry, arts we have a lot of kind of professional. Grade. Specific, ingredients. Um. So we did the absolute, best we could to offer. Flexibility. Um, in the actual course material, itself. And our goal, really. In the pastry side was, our whole thing was to maximize. Inclusion. So. We always have a great number of students coming from all over the world whether it's india, china, korea. Vietnam. Um, and we wanted to. To really make, sure, that. We weren't shortchanging. Anybody. So. Um, we spent a lot of time also on the front end. Uh, preparing. Options, and shopping, options, for all the for. All the different labs. And really the ingredient, sourcing, so, if you happen to live in canada, or america, and you have access, to. Amazon. It's not actually difficult to source a lot of the. The more speciality, ingredients, and things like that, whereas. Uh maybe in some other countries you know it's it's difficult to find things we all just everywhere has different things. So we did our best to kind of have tiered. Options. So that everyone can be included. Um. Otherwise, apart from the practical, we also do. Theoretical. Studies that go, hand in hand actually on the pastry, side of things, generally, speaking whenever we're. Studying, practically, in our lab environments. We're also, studying, uh simultaneously. At a theoretical. Level, um so the theory, and the practical. Kind of, flow, in and out of the classroom, together. And, as one of the professors that actually teaches both the practical, and the theory. It's a really, really, good way to learn because, you're kind of obviously, um. Exercising. And practicing, on the one hand physically. And then at the same time we're we're complementing, that with like um. Comes into our keeper knowledge and theoretical, understanding, of the principles, that we're applying. Um. Other than that we also do job preparations. So even if you do come into the one year program. Uh we do do, a course of the second semester. That really helps, um. I think. Give the students, the confidence. To go out and apply for good jobs. Um, in the field. Directly, coming out of the h108. Program. Um. It, we work closely we don't do an externship. But the student. The school has a vast amount of resources. To assist, all of our students. Um international, and domestic. In seeking employment. Uh post-graduation. And if i'm not. I don't think i'm incorrect, you actually get to use those services, for life after you finished uh, graduating, at george brown or at least for several years.

So, Um in that sense the h108. Program's good, i often recommend it for people who. Are, perhaps. Um. Not a hundred percent, sure whether this is the industry they want to go in they want to have a little bit of a feel for it. And or. People who, specifically. Know. What they want to get out of this industry. And maybe it's second job or career, change, and they just want to come in do the basics, get a feel for it understand, the language. Uh, understand, the feel of a professional, kitchen, and then get right to whatever their ambition, may be. Um. Chef did you want to go straight into the two-year diploma, as well since this year yeah. Absolutely, it's kind of a, a simple, uh, simple. Roll over, so, um, after h108, we do we move into h113. So actually the first year for both. Um. Both programs, is essentially, the same so you did the h108, material, there's a few little differences, there. Um and then we move into h113. So. Is really a um. Kind of like a more, in-depth. Study. Into, all the various, disciplines, again, so. The first, um. First semester, of the second year so in third semester. The students, um. Study with me actually in my program in skills, three and we do um, it's cafe production, so, we start to introduce a lot more of the artisanal. Side of things the aspects so, we start to study sourdough, bread techniques, high hydration. Bread techniques. And we start to actually, simulate, preparing. Foods. Um. In the workplace, so we actually create a buffet, lunch, we have guests come in. Um. They purchase, things we get feedback, from our clients, et cetera. And we modify, accordingly. Um, we go much deeper also into. Laminated, pastries, breakfast pastries, all of those kinds of things, and we introduce a little bit of. Kind of more savory, or culinary. Aspects, as well. Um, and then in the fourth semester. We. Delve right into. Kind of the really really, um. Higher, end. Cake finishing. Confection. Making. We get, do a few weeks of wedding cake production. And what's really unique again not to similar to the hospitality. Program. I think it's the capstone. Project, in the fourth semester, that really sells the course on a lot of people. Because what we introduce, in second year is, we start to look at the business, side of things. The branding. Aspect. Um, and food design, so, at the end of third semester, the students actually design their own menus they work with a partner. Um, they create a menu and then they execute, it and then again we present it to the public, and it's almost like um, a warm-up for the end of fourth semester. So at the end of four semester, the students spend the essentially, the entire, semester, in a small group. And they design, a complete, product, line, so based around a theme, whatever that may be, and they do everything, from budgeting. Ordering, creation. Menu, design. Branding, development. Table display. Kind of all, all aspects. And then we do um, generally, speaking, in times, of uh. These extraordinary, times when we're not at the college i'm not exactly sure how we're going to roll out in the, fall semester, but likelihood, is um, for anyone on this call will likely be in the college by the time four semester comes around. Um we usually do a kind of a grand. End-of-year, display. Again there's guests that come in the students have booths essentially, set up and they're selling their wares, and um, and it's always, it's outstanding. Um. Again and really i think the hard sell for me on the pastry program for george brown college. Just like christine. I was touching on is, really it's our it's our interconnectedness. To the industry, here in the city and, canada at large and really the international, community. At large. Um. Our, all of us in the faculty, we're still very, very deeply, ingrained, with what's going on out there in the world. Um, we still. Have. You know all our friends in the industry working, our peers, our colleagues. That we came up with, um. And. It might sound crazy but like the reality for us in the pastry, program, is, we. Can almost, land you anywhere you need to land so, if you've got the ambition, and you've got the skill.

And You've got the determination. Um i would you know my experience, is nine times out of ten we can really get you where you want to go, um. We're really that uh that kind of interconnected. Um. I think i'm gonna stick, stay away from a little bit of how we're going to deliver, the content. Because i have a feeling when we get to the q a session, that i'll be the one fielding the kind of, the overview, of what the, delivery, is going to look like, probably i think it's very similar for pastry and culinary so i can go over that in the q and a portion. Um and if there are any other further questions pop them on the side and then i'll happy to get, uh be happy to get a little bit more specific. Uh, when we get into the q a thanks christine. Thanks chef. So i'll just briefly go over the other three that you see there the first is the culinary, management, then the managed, culinary, management integrated. And then culinary management, nutrition. So what's important to know is that when you graduate from any of these three programs, they are all a two-year, culinary, management, diploma. They're all built on the same, outcomes. So in the end you should have the same skills. What you need to think about it is what you're looking. For, in these programs, when you decide which one to apply for. In, uh. The culinary, management nutrition. The first year is heavily focused, on culinary, skills, and the same course is actually many of them in as the culinary, management. Program. Uh, but then there's also some introduction, to nutrition. And in the second semester, the culinary, labs start to focus more on from a nutrition, perspective. Whether it's, a. Vegan vegetarian. Dietary, restrictions, cooking, for, specific, populations. Cultures, and how different cultures, vary, in their nutrition, perspective. And then in the second year you'll have courses like the food science. And you'll do an industry research, project, where you have the opportunity. To develop a product for example. That program, has a seven week externship, in the second year. And, um. We take a small enrollment, in that program, generally, about 50 students.

So It's quite, competitive. That program again so t please remind me we need to update this slide as well. H119. Only runs, in fall. Uh. So this september. I think we have a few seats, left uh, for the fall. Um but, it is still culinary. It is still chefs that are looking to do this program, and, the focus is still on chef's skills. But from a nutrition, perspective. Now culinary, management, and culinary mansion, management, integrated. The first year is exactly the same and it is the same as the one-year skills program which we discussed, already. When you're thinking about these two programs. Consider. Your best way to learn. The culinary, management, integrated, program, in the second, year. Your third semester, is spent, partly, in our chef's house restaurant. And the other part in our cafe, two completely, different cooking, styles. And so, much different learning experience. But they you are working in live, restaurants. Therefore. The, the experiences. You're getting ready for service you're delivering, service you're cleaning up after service you have lots of, staff there, that are to help you with your skills, and your time management. But it is a live environment. In the culinary, management, h 100, program, in your third semester. Your labs, are in class, in the same. Style, as the first year. With the exception, as they're more interactive. When they're in class, and so the. Professor, the chef professor, does demonstrations. At the beginning, and throughout the class and then you recreate your dishes. And the focus on the demonstrations. Are on skills that you have not learned before so if there are skills that you've learned several times in the first year, you shouldn't expect the chef to. Demonstrate, that again in the second year but they will demonstrate. New techniques. So that is a more controlled, environment. Uh using manuals, and recipes. And, faculty. Um. So it just depends on the style of learning that you're looking for. In the fourth semester in both 100, and 116. There is an externship, a 14-week. Week externship. Uh and you have an opportunity, to work in all sorts of. Industries. Whether. It's a fine dining restaurant. Food service. Quick style food service. Product testing, recipe, development. Um. Basically. You tell us what you're looking for. And, uh we have a great team that can help um. Help. Place you or get you to apply for positions, that meet with what you're expecting, to learn. Okay you can go to the next slide. And sorry just as a note in the culinary management, in h116. We have also deferred, in those programs, the butchery, and the cafe production, classes. To the following semester, so you will not be doing either of those online. And just like the hospitality. School. You are able to bridge from the diploma, to the to a degree. Uh, we have courses that run every summer, so, we have a group of students right now that are taking their online. Theoretical, courses only through three courses when you're doing the bridge. And, you take i think it's six courses, three courses in may june and three courses. In july and august. And that is and they are very intense courses, it's accounting, and macroeconomics. And so it's, it is intense. But we have great faculty, that spend a lot of time and a lot of um. Resources, to help you get through those courses. And then in the third year you join the culinary. Degree students that started in the first year and you do the last two years, the same as the culinary, degree the rest of the culinary, degree students. And so this is the degree from the very beginning. It is four years long there are two externships. During, uh this. Uh program, and they're both done during the summer not during the school, years. Uh. It is the first, and still, only the four-year culinary management, honors degree in canada. Uh, so, what we are very careful, about in this degree is to make sure. That, the first two years, have the same number of culinary, hours. As, our. Culinary, band diploma, and certificate, programs, they have the same type of classes. The, difference, would be that in those practical, classes, it's not just cooking and skill development. There's also theoretical, components, in those classes. To work on your critical, thinking, and your critical writing skills. So on on top of that in the first two years you have other courses as well that are degree, level. And then you also will be taking courses as it mentions on the slide there macro economics, restaurant, risk management, strategic, revenue management, courses, as well. But all the courses, are, focused from a culinary. Perspective.

So. It's a really intense four-year degree we actually have our first group of students that are just graduated. This year, so that's very exciting, for us uh, our enrollment, has, increased, uh tremendously. Every single year so it is becoming a high demand, program. Um. But, you know it does have a higher. Uh, entry level requirement, if you're entering from the first year, so if you don't meet that not to worry as we said before you could start in the diploma, program. And then as long as you have the right um. Gpa, then you're able to move into the um. Third the bridge and then the third year of the degree program. And so we also have three postgraduates. In the culinary, school in the chef school uh chef hayman will talk about the french patissier, and i can chip in the face, not clear at anything and i'll talk about the other two. The food and nutrition, management, program. Is a program, that only runs against sochi story we have to update this slide as well, the food nutrition, management, program, only runs, in september. Uh, that program is specifically. For students, who have some culinary, experience, you do need to have a culinary, credential, before you can apply to this program. Uh it is accredited, by the canadian, society, nutrition, management. And it is for students who are interested. In going into a career. That supports. Whether it's long-term, care, or retirement. Hospitals. Um, from a culinary, perspective, so, you do two, placements, there. Uh in your second semester, and the first one is from the kitchen perspective. So you work with a dietician, and you learn how, how, food service works in those environments. And then your second, uh. Experience. Is from a management, perspective. It runs in september. It goes just a little bit longer. Than the end of april it goes i think two or three weeks longer into the semester, to. Facilitate, your two, um. Externships. And then the next one is the culinary, arts italian, program. This one only runs in may. Uh we unfortunately, had to delay it last may so it's not it hasn't run since uh may before, and it will be running hopefully next may. And, um, that program. Is, one semester, at george brown college. And you'll be with our, italian, chef faculty. And you learn both italian, culinary, skills, and italian pastry. Uh skills.

And Then at the end of august, uh we take you to italy, and you spend three weeks at elma which is a beautiful castle. Um. And you take classes, five days a week while you're at elma for those three weeks and you do externships, on the weekend so you get, the chef will take you to, um. Whether it's where the prosciutto, is made or the balsamic vinegar, i mean it's it's a dream, obviously this program. And then after, the three weeks in elm in italy you then spend the next 12 weeks doing a placement. And the placements are all throughout italy. Uh the chef works with elma, and you, to find. What kind of experience to understand what kind of experience, you're looking for. And, it could be everything from a large hotel in milan, to a small. Nona. In you know on the hill somewhere in italy, where, you're. You know slaughtering, your meat in the morning for the afternoon. Uh service, so you really, work with the faculty, carefully to make sure that you're finding the experience, that works for you. And then in january. The students come back and, they showcase what they've learned in our restaurant at the chef's house, they create, menus, uh which they have to do their recipe testing and ordering and everything. And they're based on a region, in which they lived in when they were in italy. And for one week uh. Through instagram, and social media it's their responsibility. To sell, sell out the restaurant. And, uh they serve their, menu that they've presented, it's really exciting to see some of the food that these students um, are creating in their third semester. So chef did you want to talk about the advanced french patisserie, now. Yeah absolutely, christine sounds good um. So, not unlike. Christine explained about the italian, program. We offer, also offer another, dream, program. Which is our, advanced, french patissier. Program. So that's a certificate, program. Usually, geared towards. Students that have graduated, from the diploma, program with us h113. Sometimes, though we do do. Direct, acceptance, from the one-year. Certificate. Program. Provided, the professors. From the first year from the h108, program. Um can kind of certify, that the students are at at a level and advanced level enough. Um, to really participate. And. How the french participate, program, uh works it so it's may to may. And. Like the italian, program the students spend the summer the first semester. With us at george brown. Specifically, with chef maya song. Who is our. French patissier, expert at the college. For the first semester, it's really an introduction, to all things, so a little bit of basic language, french. You're in the lab three days a week studying. Really advanced. Skills, in all disciplines. Again so actually. Um there's a chocolate, team each week there's a bread team each week there's a vanissary, team each week. And a cakes and pastries, team each week, and the teams rotate, and, chef maeson, works, very very closely, it's a very very intimate. Environment, in that class, and he works very very closely. Um, with all the students. To really really try and, start to tease. Their expertise. Out of them, and at the same time obviously, managing. And, teaching new techniques. And then in september. At the end of august rather the students are off to. Esnp. Which is a. Globally. Famous if not arguably, the most famous. Pastry, school in the world which is in france. It's run by, alan dukas, who's the world's most you know decorated, michelin, star chef. Um. And the students spend, four weeks at esmp. Again studying, kind of very very high level. Advanced, french pastry, technique. From there. The students, are sent off onto, their. Internships, or their co-op placements. Which have been predetermined. Before the students leave of course. And, the co-op, placements. Um not dissimilar, to, um. The, in, externship, placements. Uh in the h113. Program in toronto. Because the students are coming from a program, affiliated, with esnp. And because of our deep relationship, now having run this program for a number of years. The options, are virtually. Limitless. Um in terms of where our pastry, students get to end up, so they spend a great deal of time with, chef maya saul, and the first few weeks of the program. Really trying to determine, what they're after, because of course some people want to go work in a, a small, rustic, mom-and-pop. Potentially. Uh. Bakery, you know in a rural town in france and then other people, are, um, really desperate to try and get in with, cedric rollet, you know at the la mere hotel. In paris, so, chef maya saul and the team at george brown, and esmp.

Are So well connected. They really, really do generally get the students. Virtually anywhere they want to get. Um. And then actually, almost more interesting, is after that you spend six weeks at your um placement. The students return back and then once we've returned back to the college. We spend another semester. Uh the end of the first second semester and then into the third semester. Um. Back in the lab with chef maya saul. But, now what the students do is each student has the opportunity. To really, delve, into. Their own, menu design, menu development. And how the program kind of operates, is, each student is designated. A week. Which is kind of their week where they will. The entire, class. Will focus, their energies, on delivering, the products. Um. And kind of the vision. Of the students who's leading or guiding that week. So under the guidance, of chef maya saul. Uh the students have the opportunity. To really, really. Macro, manage, the entire, class. And. Really start to understand, everything from the budgeting, aspect, the marketing, aspect. The labor, management. Aspect. Which is very unique. And i think something that opens a lot of people's eyes the first time they are in charge of kind of dealing with other people, and. Um all around, personally, i would say that the, the level of expertise. In terms of technique. That is taught in this course, is. Is unparalleled. In my experience, anyway. And, um. And the depth of understanding. From sort of all, angles. Of the professional, realm of pastry. Is really, really. Solidified. Um, in this postgraduate. Program, um. I i have nothing but the highest regard. And, to be honest having now been at the college for several years. And, working with several of my students that have um. Worked through the h113. Diploma, program with me, and then i watched their, their growth, through the third year when they enter into the advanced. French patissier. Program. Uh a. Three-year. A three-year, student of george brown college in our baking and pastry arts program. Uh, is. Is a is an asset to this industry, that uh like i said unparalleled. In my experience. Um. Yeah so, let me know if anyone has further questions again, we can uh i can answer those in the q a thanks again christine. Hey chef, so we have two other programs at the chef school just quickly we have two apprenticeships. A cook and a baker pastry. Uh. So what you need to know for these programs. Is that they are. Uh controlled by the ministry. So if you're interested in doing an apprenticeship, you actually, have to get an apprenticeship, in industry, first so you have to find a job. Uh, in the industry. That will hire you on as an apprenticeship. And then that job, has to contact, the ministry, and register, you as an apprentice. And then from there, the ministry, contacts. Us to set you up to take the culinary, or the pastry, program. So it's a great option for someone who's already in industry. And who. Has an employer that offers an apprenticeship. Program. Um. It, runs they it depends, on the enrollment, when they run i believe this fall we're running a baker, and a culinary, program. Um, but, uh, you can't apply for it through the george brown college website you actually have to apply through it, through the ministry, once you become an apprenticeship. Apprentice. Next slide please thanks. So hi everyone, i'm just going to briefly explain, the assessment, testing, that some of our applicants. Are required to complete. There's, two different kinds, of assessments. The first is an admissions, assessment. And this one is for applicants, who don't meet the minimum, eligibility. Requirements, for their program. So this assessment, will measure if you have the academic, skills you need to start the program, and very importantly. The results of this assessment, determine, if you're actually, eligible for the program.

The Other type of assessment. Is the one that, more of our students have to take this is a placement, test. Some applicants, have to take an english, and or a math placement, test, after they've accepted, an offer for their program. This is because our certificate, and diploma, students need to complete, college-level. English, math courses. And the results of a placement test determine, if you're ready for the college level courses, or if you need to take the foundation, level course first to help develop your skills. The results of this test don't, matter, in terms of your program eligibility. They're really just, for your english, and math placement. If you have any questions. Please visit the website, that's currently up on the screen which is george, brown dot ca, slash. Assessment. Thanks for ali for that uh i'm just going to quickly talk about, uh the study tour opportunities. And, uh. Chef heyman i know we didn't get to do japan but maybe you'd like to pitch in and talk about japan, what we were supposed to do. And doris, as well so. We have, historically, been offering. Uh numerous, amount of study tours at george brown college and we're hoping to be able to start that up again maybe next year we don't know obviously, yet. Um, and we're spending a bit of time right now looking, at, how we can actually offer some study tours right in ontario. And, uh. Maybe even across canada, while we can't do international. Because right in our own province here there's a lot to see and a lot to learn about. Everything from wine to agriculture. To food. So we are going to be doing some planning around that this fall. In the past though we've been able to offer some fantastic, study tours, and you see four examples, up here. Um, and so in the culinary, and the chef school we've managed to take students to peru. To costa rica, montreal. And thailand. Uh france happens with the, french patissier, program. We've uh, the, tours are anywhere, from, one week to two weeks.

It Depends, on, um. The time of year that we're offering, it we aim to do our study tours during intersession, periods. And so that you don't miss classes, and sometimes, uh they run a little bit longer but we work with the faculty, for you to make sure that you don't miss anything. Many of our study tours are offered as uh you can get a course, credit for it, so it depends on the study tour. Uh, when we did the india, and, uh, thailand, trip that was a two-week, trip. Uh and we worked with schools, uh culinary, schools in both countries, to offer culinary, practical, classes, as well as. Lots of, day trips throughout the, regions that we were in. Uh the spain was actually for credit for the nutrition, course if you were interested, in that, the british columbia, trip you could do your sustainability. For cook's. Credits in that course there, chef amy did you want to talk about what you were planning on doing for the japan trip and we hope that we'll be able to do in the next year or so. Yeah definitely. Um. So. Uh myself, and uh. My colleague, uh jennifer lacan d'souza. This was the first year actually, that um. We were supposed to run a study tour that we sold out really quickly we were happy for, uh to take the students on a 10-day. Trip to japan. Um and what what, the way our angle was was, chef de souza and i are both, faculty, in the baking and pastry arts program. And, while the study tour was geared towards, culinary, and baking and pastry, program. Um. Students, as well as hospitality, for that matter. You can imagine, that with. Two pastry, chefs designing, the curriculum. That. There was definitely, a, pastry, esque, leaning, to many aspects, of it, um, unfortunately. We were supposed to leave in may of this year, or sorry april of this year, um so as you can well imagine we did not get on a plane and go to, fly into tokyo narita. But um but yeah we were looking at um. We looked at it from a lot of angles so having you know i'm fresh from kind of spending a year developing, this. Um and it's it's a lot of work but um. Really we looked at it from a number of angles so, our kind of our two goals were to, um, to really, you know introduce. Um. Japanese. Kind of food aesthetic. And knowledge, and understanding, to the students. That's kind of a, deeper. Understanding. Of the. History, and the tradition. Um, we also included, as much as possible. Multiple, hands-on. Um. Hands-on. Uh. Workshops, and things like that, with um, with professionals. Uh obviously, in japan. Um. And then we also. Tried to take a really holistic, approach to it as well so rather than. You know, this is a directly, a pastry, trip or this is a culinary, only tour. We really really wanted to include. All aspects, of the food so we were looking at, food production. Systems. Whether they were super hyper modern so we were going to see. The largest. Vertical, farm on a skyscraper. Roof in tokyo. We were going to visit, super small-scale. Miso. And sake, producers, in the countryside. And then we were also interested, in opening the students eyes up to. Um, japanese, art we had a pottery, class lined up and kind of, that whole aspect, of the aesthetic, as well so, um unfortunately, like christine said obviously we did not run it uh in 2020. Um. Fingers, crossed, then i'm flying to japan may 2021. Um obviously. Based on whatever the heck happens, in the next little while. Anyway, uh any further questions like always we'll talk about it in the q a there thanks. Thanks jeff and doris did you want to talk about some of the hospitality, study tours. Sure thank you christine, thank you chef, um. Through the school of hospitality. Tourism management, we've taken students. To, europe, but. Uh several european, countries, switzerland. Spain. France, italy. Germany. And, we had the pleasure, of visiting. Attractions. But, back of house so. In switzerland. In lucerne, we visited, one of europe's, most prestigious. Music, houses. And. We were able to do a tour, of uh the back of house which was tremendous. We visited. Uh. La gala. Let me try that again galileo. Delhi. In firenze. In florence. Where we were. We spent a full day. Walking, through. History. Through. Botticelli. And leonardo, da vinci, pieces. And, we also. Visited, some of. Europe's, oldest, markets, where students, were able to. Buy fresh, ingredients. And we picnic, in some of the most beautiful, parks.

So, It's a cost-effective. Trip, and, you, get to visit. Attractions. But from, a different, perspective. While you're making, connections. One of the most memorable, connections, that our students, made, was, um, uh, on a trip, in belgium. Where, students, actually, went to visit the craft, brewers. And, uh, find out about, the wheat, and the hops, that are grown, in that part of belgium. So. The trips, are. Very hands-on. And as chef mentioned. Um you're getting the perspective. From, uh. Individuals. Um. Faculty. That have expertise. In this area, and have the connections. In the area. Um and yes, you get to experience. Um, europe. In in ways that you would never, be able to if you were a pedestrian.

2020-08-22 07:14

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