Trying Traditional Spicy Goulash Soup In Budapest

Trying Traditional Spicy Goulash Soup In Budapest

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Welcome back I'm in the capital of  Hungary Budapest so I've decided today   That i'm going to get myself some traditional  Hungarian food this restaurant here  Etorem all right I'm looking forward for it  I searched up on this place on the internet   And i thought you know what it looks great  let's go so there's a seating area outside I'll go inside first All right it's how it looks inside Hello hi I'd like to have something  can i sit outside and eat please? Thank you very much Oh thank you great All right I'll sit right here Right we're here today. Hi hi at the tokoro ethereum. I'm looking forward  for this food so here's the Menu but i know I'm going for goulash have to   Why because that's where it originally comes  from Hungary so if i want to get the best   Experience and having the food where it  originates from I'm in the right place Look have a look at the front they've got the  traditional meals here there's a Hungarian plate wow And here's the menu at the front Looks really great All right I'll go for Hungarian  beer let's see what beer they have A good Hungarian beer It's i wonder what beer you're having. Do  you speak English? What beer are you having? That's a Hungarian beer huh yeah I'll  give it a try then yeah I'll go for druhe Right Hungarian beer hopefully  I'll get some good food here   Oh yeah good food you know I've been here 30  years ago and since then in the first time   Wow and nothing changed on the prices and the  management but i guess it's in the travel boost   Yes i searched it up and because it's such a retro  place all right just seemed it looks like like Inside as well looks really nice  wow interesting so i just decided   Yesterday to take my youngest son  here to show you know where i enjoy Do you enjoy the food here great Do you have like the bread or  something so the goulash is a soup If you order it as a main dish then it's a stew  do you mean sorry so the goulash traditionally   Is a soup goulash is a soup traditionally  but it's very rich and very hearty   Dish but if you order it as a main dish with  noodles or whatever then it's like a stew   So with noodles you say well or not it's similar  to nakki if you know italian yeah but if you want   The the traditional thing then that's the goulash  soup goulash soup awesome thank you for telling me   Okay yeah i will have a look yeah thank you  very much great information yeah that's what   I was looking for something traditional as  well so gular suits right yes great great Soup Because if you order it like this  as a main dish you see it's a stew   Yes i see it yes it's delicious by  the way but the goulash is the thing   The soup yeah that I'm  looking for yeah exactly yes   This is how it went down the waiter came here and asked me what i would like And i was about to tell   Him and then somebody sat next to me said what i should get Which is the traditional Hungarian   Goulash in soup and then he just mumbled something  and then he walked off for now I'm still waiting For him to come back and take my order  so I'm quite hungry and quite thirsty but   Let's see how long he will take so  far I've been waiting about 10 minutes okeydokey hey gular soup please and the  same as this gentleman here yes please Medium please Thank you very much So is it true the best goulash comes from Hungary?  Because I've had it in Czech republic before It depends on who's cooking it right? Yeah   If you've got your grandma cooking it and  she's been cooking it for the past 30 years I'm really looking forward to  trying this food and the beer   I've had Soporni beer the from  the village from the local towns Something like that yeah yeah nice beer Wow thank you very much oh wow thank you the  food has arrived right thank you very much   Right i can see has a pepper in there i can  see it has potatoes and a meat I'm not sure   What kind of meat this is do you know what kind  of meat this is beef sure is beef red meat it's let's go He's bringing the beer the  beer should come first right   You know that as well the beer should be  here first i would like to sip the beer   First before the food actually all right here's  how the the goulash soup looks like anyway wow And the bread, oh no beer that's not the beer Right i guess i would start without the beer  yes i should yeah all right let's go for it Here it goes smells really nice as well wow A little bit spicy but really nice yes it's  hot a little bit spicy yes i love spicy food   Really nice wow it's just really  let's try the meat have a look Here he goes So tender and delicious wow Goulash soup um Wow spicy for real This is where i need the beer maybe  the beer comes when i finish the soup That's why it's spicy the pepper No this is really not fair. I'm sure it  doesn't take this long to make a beer

This is where we are wow I only ordered one beer. Here he is Not too much okay So he brought me something to try with  the soup which everything should have came   At the same time but it's better late than never   So here it is not too much not too much all right  then i was warned not too much of this stuff All right what do you think  about that much yeah right right And i guess I'll just give it a mix All right let's try now Great Wow it's good oh cheers cheers to you Great Oh wow nice beer Hungary has really  nice beer I've had 3 beers   Already since I've been here and  there's no there's no complaints No complaints good beer The beer I'm having now is called Dreher. Got some bread here as well Even has a handle as well, fancy And they put a good amount of meat in here as well And potatoes Delicious Spicy can taste the spices now my neck I like spicy food I haven't had spicy food in ages because in Czechs Because in Czech the restaurants there they don't use no spices   On their food but in this soup I can taste  whole loads of seasoning and it's really spicy Wow can't come to Hungary without having goulash That's like going to England  and not having fish and chips Wow halfway through now this was a large portion Look at the meat Let's get a bit of potato  on this as well here we go Feel free to check out my  channel if you have time as well   Andre Traveler i will be there as  well sorry i will be in your channel Delicious food at this place  turquoise that's the name Okay this is where we are now Nearly finished nothing's going to  waste do you know why it tastes good Really nice Wow Nice portion as well Great food here Right so I'm being finished food was great Wow Wow Oh really spicy spicy soup spicy goulash soup Absolutely delicious really  and a really nice beer finished Do you know what I'll try  the pepper let's go for it It's not a spicy pepper it's a sweet pepper Finished wow delicious meal Time to pay I'm clearly finished Yeah I'm a vlogger yes what's your  name? Andre traveller, yeah Andre Is this one of your destinations? Yes where  are you from are you from i know she is   But um I'm Italian and Zimbabwe. Are you  British? Yes yeah. Do you like the food here? The   Great if i was i don't know i wanted  to get something else but i got nervous To order. I see yeah check out the channel  it's Andre traveller and TikTok and YouTube   As well okay work cool Right i would like to pay now please Cash or card? Card Ok I need your movie Yes you can yes, one copy for me, no problem yes I can send a email to you and you can send me Yeah fine yeah. 3675.. If you want? All right then What's your name Andre traveler oh he's so famous Thank you Okay okay interesting have a good evening  ciao all right and that's the restaurant Great place All right catch me in the next video Great food

2022-08-31 05:58

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