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What's up everybody welcome, back, to my channel, hi, how, are ya now in today's video I have the legendary. And iconic Trixie. Mattel oh my babe thank, you for having me oh you oh yeah I actually. Do a real hug okay sure I'm, not oh there hmm, but I didn't say it early enough so we did it hahaha a lot of people have been waiting for this moment I've been waiting for this moment yeah, I can't believe you're sitting here right now this is like the number one like when I get bored and go into like the dm's that I don't normally get I'm like. Or. Whenever, I go whenever, I post myself wearing one of your products to like go to go. To his house yes like I just gotta bring it here in the night with, a to prom night like this is happening today's gonna be really crazy look at my skin I'm already like my skin is getting ready so, you guys have, highly requested this today what are we doing so tell the kids what we're doing I asked, the kitten ervice what do you guys want to see and everybody, just, wants to see you as Trixie mm-hmm. I mean what. What I was like have you seen Geoffrey in high school she was same. Thing no. Gray told her last night I said I it. Would be a dream of mine to be Trixie, so I, know, I'll never be able to fully embody you but just to have a taste, of that moment for like an hour oh yeah like, a dream, of mine I'm about to get fully transformed. We're about to dive into some hot tea a full, makeover, and my skin it's a good day to be right would you say today's a good day for your skin to be Trixie you're like put it on yeah for real now I do have a pimple I'm so sorry please don't leave I have, one pimple right here you guys I know everyone, unsubscribe I'm excited because we're gonna dive into something really magical today, we, have this gem, be brand new at sugar pillow Trixie Mattel collection. The, oh honey palette, grow you have a look with lips you have a palette you have a lot now, I'm gonna be the guilty bitch that says I've, been traveling so much I haven't even played with this yet so I can't wait well Lizzy the first time for everything here there's something in it I mean we can get to it but I mean. Look at the size of this blush we talked about it. Legendary. It's called life-size the, size of for the eyes I love, that like you're you're you're set for a while with that blush and it's the first sugar publish so yes, hi we look just an iconic, moment well I can't wait for you to smother, me, cover it like my, hash. Browns at Waffle House and ensure Jeffrey form I've got my Red Bull you know we run on this on the youtube series Oh - this is our ya fantasy maybe one day you guys will have me on there oh my. God you like green basements, we got you boo you're, an icon love, you do, you use primer on, the road I do whoo okay. Lights. Are these all kinds I've used the wet and wild one what you think is fairly fearless look I use the prep and prime skin abuse for like ten years okay yes I got some easy iconic, one yeah I want the skin to look plastic, not shiny, plastic the. Plastic no. Poor blue. And. I don't like puns did I mention that I'm sleeping look, I, hate saying this this brand knows I live for this primer it's obviously almost empty but the words, no. Problem feeling. Listen. I just want you to feel it it's it's, an ironic that the name is a problem yes literally, oh hi where, did you get this this is a new morphe sponge seven dollars honey Beauty Blender is twenty five girl but a little time for all that this was made for me I have like 20 of these downstairs I'm gonna give you some just try it amazing. This. Takes me back you know I used to do makeup I, can't tell people anymore because now that I do this for a living and a blow like or they don't you used to do because they think that I'm at someone's wedding like right so where did you do make him at so, I got my first gig I was working for a little brand called do op cosmetics oh my god yes he didn't like I got a horse face they, did like venom. Yes. Oh my god okay this is my first gig I like totally resume. Lied myself into that job sorry do I I don't know if they're round anymore and. Then I saw I was freelancing in a Sephora for holiday oh wow, and, I was like I'm 19 it's my first cosmetics, job I need to like pull my first job is, a Mac 19, oh my god so I had to like bombard. Myself with product knowledge yeah so. Then I was working I moved over to prestige, in, okay yeah bareMinerals, was there big thing okay so I was like that fucking homosexual. At 20 doing, like bare minerals consult, yes like, buff and swirl I wonder if anyone is watching this that had.

You. Sell the makeup I bet, they did I mean some and don't lie in the comment section I really need a Milwaukee. Area if you guys ever and then and then eventually I left Ulta, I've stayed for like one calendar year and then, I was part-time. At Mack and I stayed with Mack for like four years oh my god okay yeah I was at a Macy's so then I was taking makeup and advanced makeup and I was taking wigs and styling studying studying. Styling wigs and all that Wow. So I didn't know I was gonna be doing drag but then I just was it was like I was gonna school for theater and then there's working, in makeup so it's like that's, no. Idea back, all right now we're ready for some full, coverage. Yes God my favorite, is to fix fluid okay because it controls oil for coverage and fog that. Only $28. Okay, then when I'm on tour sometimes a girl I have to go to the mall and get up mm-hm, so I like to start by doing like a cloud of foundation. Around the eyes because that's what I sort of use as a primer, oh okay. Shadow. Primer I mean lay down the foundation, and the concealer its, primer house, okay so you've been touring on the road let's talk about it yes I've been touring this year we did ski out nope this year we did now, with moving parts which we did like 14 cities in the UK and. Then we did with UK we're gonna end with, 70, something. In America Wow, yeah, no cool yeah and the fact that I haven't been to a show yet oh I, can't, get me you're a businesswoman, sad. Honey, okay, in this product I feel like when people heard we were doing like Trixie palette they were like a neon yellow, I mean I wear brown eyeshadow yeah I don't really onion, Oh for you at all no like outfit yeah, yes and I like warm Browns in the eyes because, for drag I like warm oh yeah I don't know your step so you're you're about to hit the eyes right now yeah yeah I'm. Going to start with sidesaddle so, cute yeah I mean I wear a medium brown like that's a really good like good warm, brown yeah, that, way clicking they were like I like that there's none off camel. Browns like yellowy Browns no and it's cool and no one does it so, I mean that's I mean your eyelids can be floating on your forehead are you aware of that I can't wait okay, where does it shake all time everyone oh they're all throw. Me okay, roni after, the color of mira sorvino 'slow lights and rubbing Michelle yes that's. Fucking epic okay you have no eyebrows isn't. It it's easy right no no the covering up the DOE Kenny hair I am living for this remember, getting, dryer if I was you have you ever thought of shady or you yes, and I'm, afraid because, about a drag you look crazy, I'm afraid like and I'm afraid that every boyfriend I've had has been like please don't and then when I'm single I'm like well now I really can't yeah I mean there's those days and I look like Uncle Fester his son you, know what I mean but oh girl I'm Pugsley, well. I have a shaved head so I think if I do shave my brows if I work glasses, like if I got RuPaul glasses, you know so I can hire that could work I mean, look at your muddy brown eyebrow right now whoa, but. It's going to be this what you see her yes we're, going with pony boy which is this deep brown. After. The outsider Stay Gold Ponyboy Oh Mike okay these reference it's like everybody, I, know I was like well, I could have gone with like rich. Tobacco. I'm not laura geller I've. Always loved sugar pill like they're just, quality, and their shadows and, they were doing these, weird colors, that when no one was doing it yeah, yeah and now a lot of people are trying to do that so. This is kind of odd I'm used to using my own eyebrows sort of as a a, guy yeah, a little bit oh, there's. No I, mean it looks like what is this look right at the camera it doesn't look like you it. Looks like your brows are very burly, but, they. Do it almost looks like my new dog's eyebrows, you're angry, oh my god yes. Yes oh my god work, so we're gonna go in with Romi and then, we're gonna connect, the bottom of the eye so. Can you look up for me this is so fun whoa if those crazy have a brush down there do you know I got turned on your products yeah I was gonna ask you that adore, oh my god we did a gig was it a gig in San Antonio no, I was wearing st. germain for a while and I couldn't find I was like I can't find my lipstick and d'Or was like put this on I was like my lips are too big I can't really wear gloss, gloss. Yes it dries, listen liquid to matte was like really, chilling there's like what is this yeah it, doesn't come off oh my god it was like paint it, was face paint was liquid there's lip paint we're literally going, all the way up here this is so crazy, Oh oh my, god okay who else turn me on to it and then it was like laganja, was wearing the green lip for a while all.

The Queens it hit us at once and it was like have you heard about this products when you're like okay i gotta try it we have to wear it on stage yeah and for your hair to go like this and not stick was like our lives changed you don't remember this I used to order for Queen Supremes, and to drum that one yes oh. My god occasionally, a prom night and then. One day I got, my full order plus one of everything and you left a note that said you. Know welcome so the good news about this side saddle color is it's very um honey, kind of beige yeah so it's good for prowess, yeah that's really gonna warm I'm selfish, I made a product that I could get and drag with without, having a pack much. Genius. It's. It okay, so you what, colors did you do on your own brows Romy has to be in there too uh-huh, I start with this and I warm it up with the darker ones cuz at the ends of my brows I like you to get really deep hmm. A lot of drag queens they won't include people I'm well I never wanted to look like a woman it was want to look like a toy Oh. So my crease kind of connects to my eyebrows of it all do you see that oh okay, yeah I like the look of like you don't usually don't stink peak but I kind of love watching it's like and oh my god you did that brow fast. So. Then I go into Romy I mean these are my brows and this is ultimate eye shadow yeah that's our love I didn't use this as highlight oh oh yeah I can tell us probably before. The Jeffrey dart the Deaf restart is Jeffrey Dahmer. Magomayev. Aki did. You better just to be friends. Well no he was makeup art and I think he was murdered in prison before I was born okay, yeah I'm fascinated by um I love a magic trick in makeup and when someone's like this is meant for this but we use it for this yeah that's the look that's the liquid lip like full eyeliner cutting, out the crease everything, I feel, like White House drug lord for this I think you made that popular I feel like it's, the best I mean after you started, doing it there was so many Queens like like, when it was that a stock for a few months oh girl I know I couldn't hear the end of it comes use under my brows yeah I was, using it Oh, somebody's, okay laganja, puts it on for under the eye like, that's a girl just smokes a lot, Sam. Look at that brow hi. I need to me if we're gonna do makeup this big the detail is what makes people go like you're not a total idiot mm-hmm, you, care do you think I look like Kelly from Saved by the Bell on this hair better. Oh, oh. You busted out the shape shape girl yes God, so. We're gonna go in sis okay, so we're doing a little conceal first, of all you guys we've been trying to film for like a year and we're, both traveling, so much and you're about to go back on tour yeah I'm talking about yeah we run out there like bitch go see her show the first tour. The first part of the tour all fifty nine cities sold like crazy, so, we added Madison, Indianapolis. Omaha. Oh my god, Fargo Knoxville. Little Rock Nashville. Deeter, trois Chester and we end in Baltimore, so if you want to see me fully crying. Yes. I, really was gonna try to go to her, Detroit show I'm gonna be in Grand Rapids literally, two days later I'm so use, all my Michigan bitches go say hi so. For those of you who don't know what, Trixie, doesn't just do a drag show, this is like real, music real, singing, if, some people may not know that yeah I do um thank you guys that, girl yeah hi, my, show stand-up comedy, and then it's like 25% music, so I play autoharp, which no by the way this had to be the best instrument, picker Schmidt no I when. I first saw you holding one, what is it pretty it's sick it's sort of like enchanting, it makes me think of like a witch that weird trapezoid, shape I just love it I'm so many shows it's all stand up and then I play guitar and everyone laughs and at the right times oh, she's, sincerely, alive we're. Gonna do foundation, come on brows so, now we're gonna start putting this foundation you are really, fair you are even fairer in person really when you're on videos and you're like this is too dark for me I'm like she's crazy you really are fair I've got a tiny bit of tan this year but not really what's your like matte color, nw15.

Work. I have a question okay you have nice skin and, on camera you have nice skin so do you have to convince people that things work because they're like of course it looks good I do your skin's perfect I mean I, do. Get that sometimes like you're, gonna try that foundation and it's gonna look good I'm like no but when a foundation, to really flops I'm like good skinned and they know like oh girl work this is not the. One yeah, do you feel weird covering tattoos like if you I feel like do I cover it fully or just let it be faded or why faded yeah how'd you fuck with this I mean I don't I used to use these on my full face but krile and TV pain stick and TD, white is like the most oh yeah a lot of use. That on me I live for it this is the look okay, and this is like half cuz otherwise you have to paint this stuff on there she is. Yeah you are fair this is your foundation aquaria. Turned you out she's a fabulous makeup artist bitch army oh oh, my god, yeah oh yeah I love her I was very happy she won she's a great you know all this winners we talk I mean we. Have a secret Illuminati pact, yeah, you know I feel like a winner but more than anything I identify, as a loser, who won something, a man like in my heart I'm a loser and I'll never change I wonder how many followers are gonna leave because this video okay, everyone find out if there's honestly if they're still here they're not leaving. These. Sephora foundation SIG's are like 18 dollars okay I've actually never heard of this so you just came out they're very foolish no, mistake, okay, Sephora sent us a check. Bucks. They're amazing. Well I used to use Kryolan for everything, but they only have a few of the stores and, I would go to the stories they would always be on my color so I had to like okay. So, I might get foundation your hair I don't care don't be mad go for it this is a nap oh this is maybe just work for you you, know what commit to it physics, I'm so pale you're. Not pale I mean you. Just are, fair, over in the 90s and Barbie was terracotta. Yes she, had blue eye shadow this. Oh I, live for that I know it's gorgeous and it was gorgeous I love all the incarnations of Barbie real, odd to have Barbies as a kid yeah you were you know it's funny I collected, the Spice Girl dolls. As well I was like my favorite thing in sixth grade yeah they were amazing yeah and my sixth. Grade and my grandma bought me all of them I was like hey we're accepting oh this is working mm-hmm yeah I'm, an artist excuse, me okay, now this is what I'm in sure about because of the face the shape of your face cuz, I'm so gaunt I don't you mr. dark right I don't either we're gonna powder this I mean a girl when I tell you I go to powder town you go to powder town yeah we're gonna set all this with stiff exposure okay great so we go in all right and now what are we doing so we're doing the flesh color so dark, do. You think you should name your foundation, zip according to live a bullet, sticks yeah this is celebrity skin foundation uh-huh, Oh what, my god I'm, cutting underneath the cheek with a white line whoo, I, mean we're I mean we want that oh that's sick okay yeah you know the universe gave you this you know trailer-park chen we can go in here you. Better. Cut that trailer right out I think you can tell I was working and makeup when I like made up this makeup because it's sort of a parody of every, like beauty, trend like, do a three shape. Oh, that. 3/8. This. Is a lot of foundation do you feel it no okay, I can take it look after the 10th bukkake, this foundation feels like an air I'm like the most like I'm very up pro-sex but also I'm Midwestern, hmm, so I'm like everyone should fuck everyone but I don't want to I'm, a little more so like I like to date and then you know like me and my boyfriend we waited three months to fix the first time that's, so, cute, when I say that on stage people go oh.

Like. I can like I just told him a scary story you drove her to be honest like me, and me waited. Eight. Minutes, two. Hours. Well. Didn't you guys meet like a sort. Of just when you're starting yeah it just started my brand. Alright. The nose is coming together I feel it I just I feel it happening yeah I'm feeling the fantasy I want the nose snatch to be so good that as I painted on you can't breathe less and less. As. My triggered inhaler. Fenelon. My. God you, look like. You. Look like Trixie, Mattel on juice. Like a juice cleanse okay. Mm-hmm, how do you see dragging powder before um, well, everyone's different you know I've had I've had a few queens on this channel and you never know what you're gonna get is it coming in IKEA tub no, but it's already iconic, 365. Is. This a bunch of powders mix yes, my, god I created this this is Ben Nye fair with, you guessed it oh. Yeah. There's one there Arizona, and I think there's also some pretty pink in here by Ben 9 means. Get it like kind, of weight and. Then since this is dragon oh you do the people anything we're gonna I'm. Gonna biscuit fully biscuit, me hmm, you can cover me and powder I don't want to ruin your robe Oh Versace, we, don't know her, don't. Okay don't breathe because you know about clown mom um. People. You see a clown lung which is when you would yes use talk based powder go in sis I do this oh yeah, that's an old-school Mac brushing thank God no one even knows look at the clear box no one even knows what that is, oh my god I should create my own version his next door only or post door first, or only oh my god, I mean you have so much powder on right now I love. It I don't like when a foundation, is like stays. Creamy like I want it to be. Over. I was, on Larry King he was like tell me about talking, no. Yes. It's like gentleman I was like well and he was like isn't that I was like yeah you what, is it tell us what it is straight male celebrity you'd. Most like to see do drag Oh, God. Oh someone. Big, like Shaq. Like. Someone big and masculine. It'll ya he also he yeah he was very sweet I'm so jealous he was very sweet and he called me in to talk to me I was like you know I'm a drag queen so I'm like if he's by the way I'm just putting washout on okay I'm like if he talks to me how, many queens are going I'm assuming I'm queen number five like, I thought it would be like a Maureen, the back in the 90s like is it he or she oh my god, yes. My, debut super, oh my god you. Gotta start honey hi, whoa, it's coming together honey, okay so I used to fix powders and they to me are not clearly marked yes, of me with nail polish on the road you, still I wasn't sure no and nine bloom. A didn't have a nine, yeah. Girl I love, Studio Fix me to a Dave & Buster's power, card with his money on here too but I. Going to be okay yeah she wouldn't let me use my black card to cut the cheeks just it now trash you know what I use for your cheeks for my cheeks I used the jeffree star oh, my. God yeah we love a good mailer yeah, if, I wasn't Trixie I always wanted to be um barb. Rod is. This Barbie's real name oh. And. I like that like great drag show at the club and ladies and gentlemen up next Barbara. Just, a woman named ha, ha just like give it up for Carole or, I was so close when I first started anyway they wanted to be Trixie, or I wanted to be a cupcake. Oh and. I was gonna have my things to the Barbie. Took the lane girl I know the. Thing I was gonna do was do like you, know a lot. Of looks that were like pastels, and frosting. But. I'm so but Barbie was the choice for fully I have a product here that I know that you fuckwit that a lot of people don't fuck with shivering, white yeah. Shivering, why shivering, white when I first used this a few years ago people were like I don't get it what are you saying shimmering, white and I'm like shivering River, it's a maze only. One of the best 28, bucks for, the biggest pan of white eyeshadow you've ever yes I mean literally I got to be honest I've never seen another person, busted. Out blessed I know and it said great projects, that made my day yeah it's a great product hi we're, doing blush this is oh it's time life-size. Life-size. I, can't wait this is a good what kind of blush, brush, do you want to use come. On me like it was old school ones a Sharon. Didn't have that no is that too big or no that's fine okay this is a huge blush I like blush I love it uh do, you ever do when you're doing these makeup videos do you ever feel like you're making fun of the idea of beauty oh, I.

Live. For it like for like the culture, of like you. Know when you're talking about like how to use a product mm-hmm. Top off the excise look for it cuz I'm already picturing you in slow-mo in my head is that sick yeah well I always think I'm GG gorgeous and I like him like hey guys it's me so I'm in a fitting know why I'll just want to update you on my journey like I love to go, in I love her me too so, I'm obsessed with this okay, we literally have a box of brand new ones cuz I use I you go through a lot of white eyeliner huh, NYX, this, white gel island okay is the whitest most, affordable, it's, amazing, do you know what affordable is no, I honestly can I wear it oh because. I usually wait gimme druglord let me talk about su. Drug lord I don't have one because tech we sold out oh okay. So this is what I use and I don't have drug lord okay. Okay. So can we be real Canadians on your right oh my god yes please, and say okay if you're gonna gag that this is how I do this alright, stick. On the I yeah, and it's vegan its I safe. It's. Magic. Oh my, god it's like really coming together. Wow. I know how I always think what I do so let's make up how long into this are they gonna think this is a fucking, disaster. Did. You know that this is gonna be a faint white, lipstick. I. Wanted. I I really don't know how I made it I made it because I wanted to lighten. Other, color manipulate, other things, and then it became this phenomenon, of like hey I'll never forget the first email of someone going are your liquid lips I save I want to use your purple as eyeliner I've never, been able to find out a liquid line of that color buddy's like I. Actually, don't know I called her IMS at the lab I'm like hi and she was like your, formula is fully I say vegan, everything, and I was like oh my. God this is crazy so Purple's are hard because red red, dyes are hard yes so. This is Studio Fix powder I'm serving white again your fuck with this set. You, know how smooth your eye makeup is because you have no brows I know you'll, be able to relate soon I look like an I look, like a bowl oatmeal painted, up and dragged for the first time, okay. So now we got to do eyeliner I mean that's really what's keeping you from looking like me yes I'm kind of like what, is this look sort of like. Clumped. Ghost I don't know do. You like doing graphic eyeliner I don't mind it like calms me down it's like it's like bob ross i, love, it i've been called the bob ross at makeup sometimes Oh totally, because of your hair texture. I'm. Not looking at the black liner, is a donor no it's done okay I'm not looking okay, so, I'm going back in with Ponyboy because I like the black to sort of marry to this dark brown okay, we're, that a good blend, okay now I'm looking at the oh honey moment, uh-huh is it limited edition, like were not, admitted Edition we were close. To say like we've we. Were close to sellout like days ago so, I want, you guys to promote this but don't be mad if it's gone so like go get it or harass. Amy. From sugarpill until she brings it back yeah, totally. Well it was hard to wink I'd love to take any angle brush and then cut this crease you know okay I'm not super, smart I went to college whatever okay, I was like yeah you pump it before you fully take it out and it all goes up I didn't. Know that until now I know well I probably, yeah yeah, you, have to pump it some. People didn't know that's okay I didn't know now there's gonna be a lot that comes out I do. This do you don't want on the face to you what, you don't go right on the face do you you, can I don't do that but. Did, you push this oh, my. God, tell. Me you didn't you really know I didn't. Like. Oh, my. God is, that good show you how little you have to do to impress me as a consumer, I'll make sure it's packaging that doesn't work but I live for it first of all learning on camera, okay I love that yeah I like like an all matte face but then when I want metallic, I want, parting, it out yeah yeah that's it, this is just, from. From stage, it just makes it look like I have a mirror, on your cheeks yeah yes. Hey. That's. What I like about your highlighters, what I want highlight I want a party, yes do, you want to put a powder highlight over yes so a lot of people don't talk about this okay, my, products are very easy to understand so, they're very versatile.

Yeah So this is all honey which has gold in it so Oh 24. Karat. Look. I don't even want to really look at like I was looking in the beginning now I'm just like I gotta be honest I think I'm gorgeous but, do this on you I am so gorgeous, you. Really realize negative, is fun reven was like her makeup everything, is hard and sharp where it's supposed to be and it's buffed, in Bundaberg. Purposeful. Yeah and I thought that was like from Raven she. Could have called me garbage everyone, like Raven, please say it again I'm feeling like we're closer and we need more blush okay do you just like put more blush yeah sometimes, it's blush me up, I mean go in. You. Get sugar pill that make a blush cuz, they don't have those skews well, have you used their products Suburbia, yeah, it's like a PITA I use it as blood okay and I was like yeah I love your Suburbia can we make it but more bubblegum. Watermelon yeah like sure that's cool okay so I've, been waiting for this moment these are like five pairs of 301 lashes, stocked okay um and I wear like eight, if. Someone doesn't know what a 301 lashes, it's the drag lash school BAM they're like two bucks since an ele yeah I need you to sort of like follow this fantasy okay, okay open your eye that's kind of where they'll go and you have to let me sort of dry that way does, that feel so weird oh no. Not really I've like someone didn't lashes. In that area once I'm, not hating, how does it look it's, cold as fuck she's. Creepy yes, look at the liner now I mean that's. Whoa. It feels really cool it, feels dirty but gluon yeah no yeah that I'm set for a couple seconds shut that this was like already done I thought, you were just placing it to see how it love oh no oh wow. We're talking okay, doing the side-eye is so, fun, oh yeah. Oh okay. So what do you do for bottom we're gonna do a little skinny little warm up okay, I don't really know what these came from look when I'm looking down you can't see where I'm looking at all anymore on bottom lashes who. Could write who would win in a fight those five little dogs are named six, little dogs 600. We're. Not used to the new one, um in, a fight depends what it's about no I'm just kidding not an argument obviously, say, that an advantage, cuz he can talk yeah. Okay. My lips welcome. Back to, my lips I. Enter. Here I'm gonna do put this in this sharpener. I made way too much for that wasn't it great do you over drawed you fuck with that I mean yeah yeah you. Better really over draw me okay, these are little for me these, lips okay this is nothing okay yeah, give me a little moment oh. Yes. Do. We make a distressful. How did I ever do this it's just like so precision. Like too much, can, we stop yeah, weird I'm okay, I mean it's, on it's not perfect that's, what's yeah we liquid lips you paint, queens. Supreme me you, have to be a bad bitch to pick up this color it's borderline purple, yeah it's not for everyone huh I like when you put on these swatch videos of you trying colors on even though you made the color mhm and you're like let's see what it looks like a mine you know whore.

The. Brush the. Brush is a sugar pill one yeah sugar, Phillip brush this is the end of the makeup oh my god dude, you setting spray on stage or ever I don't. Okay, you do can you know, this is your canvas, I don't believe in it should, I be a believer no I, mean you don't really have to it's, just a fact of like does. Something like urban decay have cute like, I remember 24/7. Allegedly, keeps your face ten degrees cooler but I'm like that seems like witchcraft it can be real I just. Like a kid help but also just the feel, of like something just spraying you in your face is so romantic the, drama. Mmm. I just said don't do it that I just did he's pretty mean yeah. Right. Off none of it. Yes. It's. Never coming off great, perfect. Right so let's go put on here and close yes I want the full chance, the, Trixie brand is nice nice hair but cheap clothes let's give it up we'll be right back Oh. How. Does it feel to. Look at yourself, looks, so good. I'm dying, I was just looking in the mirror and I was like is this. Like, I feel, like this is what people wanted, and I'm happy it turned out like I hoped I can't believe it I feel like if. You ever need a stunt double or you ever tired to you for your rich attire to perform just call me if you're playing like Trixie Mattel but like a little malnourished like a very fish yeah yeah. Yeah, I'm like you fresh out of like rehab. Yeah, yeah how do you feel like you have so much makeup on honestly. Besides, the lashes, no okay like I feel good the hair is, oh the, hair is massive. I've never had hair this big it's great G feeling the only bit oh I feel like I'm the only person on the planet and everyone's just lucky to be here. Every. Single. Man. IV. This, is a lot this is the line yeah. Yeah. We're smashing. Its snatching, we did this look with a couple my favorite products where's the cream supreme cuz yes I, mean the oh come on fella plug it down queen sopran this is my shit you look so good I can't get over it oh my god it's again what are you guys at home thing let, me know, this. Like, it's, my famous looking, in the monitor I'm like huh. My, favorite thing about the tricks to makeup is it always looks like you have bedroom like you're, looking down. Yes. Like ready to roll I'm so happy of. Course is thank you for coming over I can't say I'm like I can't, stop looking at myself you guys I'm like it looks really good I'm sorry I, want, me to come see me and see. If he'll like he, might take me in the back right now this wig I might have to borrow from you Courtney, act calls it a root and wig the, wig you have sex then oh it's, a root it's, a root wig oh my god well yeehaw. I live, for this Thank You queen, of tasing so the fact that you, have this with you is just genius well, thank you for not teasing me oh you should taste me that's a video subscribe. Or else, okay. I feel for joining fucking amazing - I love you look really very much you're like Barbie, on your like nut evening gown I, don't, know it look like we're. Different eras of Barbie right now I feel like I'm the Barbie that is on the new season, of snapped shoe. Huh. You. Look really good oh my god I'm living but I hope at home you guys are as gagged as I am cuz I am what I can't believe I can't get over it I don't no one's seen me like this before first of all thank you so much for coming over today or, as a dream come true if you guys are not already please, subscribe to, Trix these channel there is so much music everywhere, of course this bitch has Instagram snapchat everything, everything, same name it we're just gonna. Be linked down below so thank you for you make a really good product oh my god they really, do thank, you I got a cute person who's 60 you.

Are Yes this. Is what I'm good at and then I'm like yeah say, man I really, liked you so and I love that well thank you for loving my products, like that's how we bonded I was like who is this person ordering, so many queens a premium for it once you're like is this a pink person like. It's a mannequin or my sister, Angelina, tricks it yes either oh I. Fucking, love though I love them both okay we love you so much thank you for watching mwah bye.

2018-09-28 00:40

Show Video


jeffree lowkey looks like willam in trixie's drag

10:09 "Laganja puts it on for under her eyes sometimes." "....Laganja smokes a lot." I'm fucking dead at Trixie's savagery

24:45 is it just me or could jefree immediatly go into a fucking opera and play at swansea


I bet those eyelashes really weigh down the lids...

I have been travelling and I only got to watch right now!! YESSSSSS!!!! Made my night. The setting spray ~~~ made me literally LOL!!

I like your channel so very much. Cause you always come up with something new. So, i had this idea. What if you also do some video reaction about k-pop music video. Such as black pink du duddu du. Cause you are basically, a musician, you also like make up and fashion. That would be intresting to look at pro doing a reaction. It's also to add something new on your channel. And again its just suggest

trixie lookin like a dragged up avril lavigne we STAN

Girl your too beautiful ❤️ like your my idol❤️❤️


Love it

So freakin fun!!!


I want to be jeffrees friend so badly

For one good video 2nd I watch I am not a vampire by Falling in Reverse and I swear to god your in it with you beautiful pink hair!!

omg "Milwaukee area" I friction live there

"it's only 28 dollars" bitch, that's not cheap I use a 4$ foundation... I hate rich people fr

Jeffree looks to good. I can't even...


I saw Trixie in BOS this year and it was literally and actually life changing. I haven't laughed that hard since 2008.

I absolutely love watching you videos. My boys are 11 and 13 and they have been watching your videos for a while. I’ve always been a huge fan of yours mostly cause I love your spirt and positive energy. I love that my boys also love watching you as well. I just felt I needed to share.

OMFG!!!!!!!!! I looks amazing!!!

Are you gay

this is like legendary

*this is probably the most chill collab on his channel and I'm living for it*

honestly id just watch you two screaming for like 2 hours


I want to see a video collab with Jeffree and Willam Belli

the setting spray moment omg, i'm dying ^^

You both look Sensational! But damn that hair looks sooo heavy !

can we hang out sometime :)..... please

Halloween is approaching, and someone commented that you must do a video turning Nate into The Joker with his green hair. Sir I will be so upset if this doesn’t happen

ok but seriously the quick wit banter?? where's my racket girl? we playin' tennis. i love seeing dark fast twisted minds play. it does a body right. this was EVERYTHING. and i love their mutual reverence and appreciation for one another. 10 of 10. i literally had to rewind several moments cuz the laughter was too much. i love the dark orchid blossom of Jeffree's channel!! and Trixie is never anything but a cynical Barbie delight. LIVING. xoxo

Im not laura geller



jeffree just starts spraying himself

“I think he was murdered in prison before I was born.” Okay but same bitch

Jeffree looks like a drag Dolly Parton

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JEFFREE ! I wish you, Nate & your babies

Hye jeffree. Please do a collab with SFX makeup artist. Would love to see that.

Trixie wearing Tamagotchis as earrings. I am deceased.

Jeffree give the world mukbangs please

My apartment is SHAKING!!!!!!!!!!

this made my heart SO happy

I am LIVING for this

Trixie: “Can you spray me?” Jeffree: **sprays himself** Trixie: “Felt none of it.” *ICONIC*

Man i remember the days of wearing crazy amounts of make out for dance shows, basically full on stage make up... cant imagine how drags deal with it O_o beauty really does hurt xD

we love a good mailer! - jeffree we love a good sister! - james damn

Jeffree looks like the martian girl from Mars Attacks.

What kind of foundation was that???

Why did I hate this , I feel bad for hating it but i didnt like trixie....oops

Would you do a get ready with me with Alaska thunderfuck or her do her makeup on you?

the way he applied the foundation is cringe. but i love jeffreye he's such a supportive friend. he can be real, bitchy and confident but he totally gives other people the spot light when the time calls for it

Are those tomagotchi earrings?! Either way those are so cute!

Jeffree was not feeling that makeup for majority of the video

im gagged



two true skinnies


Please bring back Laganja

Please do another collab with Garrett. You two are my favorite

jeffery literally snatched that look from her XD


This is adorable and I'm loving this video!!

Honestly from london i am sending so much love right now .. i have been up most of the night with my disabled baby and literally thank you for making me smile

give it up for carol

Jeffree’s wig gives me Dolly Parton vibes

*omg QUEENS*

Jeffree you look fucking amazing in drag makeup! I love it!! You should do a photo shoot in like full dramatic drag makeup with like a crazy big electric blue wig! Yaaaaaaaaaaas! Killin in!! I love you!!

Jeffree.. Do you feel closer to Jesus with that hair??

The pink one terrify


You look amazing Jeffree! But you always do :)

Work queen❤

Coming up next, Carol.

I’m obsessed with this video!!! I was in Grand Rapids a couple of months ago for training!

Wow!!! Jeff amazing. Trixie great job!!! Wow wow

Looool living for that Bloodhound Gang reference

Dolly Parton who ? Lol love this video

You should do trixie’s makeup next!!!

If trixie painted if Katya did Jeffree they could fuck shit up

trixie queen of literature "stay gold pony boy"



One of my fav videos!!! So fun!!! LOVE IT.

Okay! Jeffree is definitely Barbara!

Where are the eyes? All I see is black eyeshadow or lashes


Can you do a video of makeup items you would recommend and how long you been using the item you recommended?

i wish you would bring Kim Chi in

Jeffree looks AMAZING!!!!! I wonder if he and Nate got frisky with that hair and makeup after filming... lol

all I’m wondering is.. *where is Trixie’s eyeballs??*

“After the tenth bukkake this foundation feels like air.” My sides went into freaking orbit oh my god XD


"That seems like witchcraft" lmfao

Soooo bomb. I would love to see Jeffree go out in full draggg

I do not understand Trixie's makeup...someone plz help me out here......

Jeffree you look like dolly parton and hillary clinton had a drag baby!


This is too funny omg

Hey jeffree, can you pwease review BTS's new make up products? I love you and I'd love to see what you think about it. Is it jeffree star approved?


At around 5:05, I need to clarify something with the comments section... Does Jeffree look like the phantom of the opera?

What's up, Hi! I'm a Michigan bitch! Would love to see you BOTH buuuut I now live on the Big Island of Hawai'i so please come here! Maybe in July 2020, around the 18th, for my wedding? Or just for a tour, the lack of traveling entertainment here is devastating, please send help!

First time I'm on this channel and heard for Jeffree so I was curious, first thing what impress me are his lips and tattoos OMG he is so different and he have so much lovely subscribers. I really don't wear makeup but something just said me "watch this video" and I just want to say that Jeffree really made me smile after 2 minutes of watching video that's the first time really , I like successful funny people :) so I just wanted to say thank you for making me laugh.

Can we have one with Sharon needles pleaseeeeee!!!

"I think he was murdered in prison before I was born". That shouldn't make me laugh so hard! Ohhhh Trixie

i love the Bloodhound Gang reference :’)

Madam president Barbie vs 80's fashion icon Barbie :P

Such a fun video. It’s like the drag version of the beauty parlor from Steel Magnolias minus the Shelby drama.

how does she see? like i can't even see her eyes lol

Its kinda freaking me out that trixie has no eyes lol but i love you both!

Jeffrey ended up looking like a southern texas mom. Living for their look. Love trixie

Oooohhh we have the same name.

You two are a riot together. I'm LIVING, I'm LOVING, I'm DYING.....laughing! Buff and swirl bitches have me in stitches.

Yessss bitch slayyyy!!!!

The '70s southern queen mean bitch look is so awesome

Oh fuck its sooo fun! Love it!!

I love it

Kelly Kapowski vibes

jeffree looks like trixies cool mom

I’m late watching this because I did not recognize you in my feed! This is bomb


You should’ve surprised Nate with this look

Oh God a pimple!! *unsubscribes*

You have a beautiful face with or without make-up

My daughter and I are fans of you Jeffree star

Damn. So amazing.

Shud change ur name to Jeffree Dahmer



If she took the bottom lip off she would make it a quarter make up off. If that makes sense...?

wait bitch i love the outsiders!

Jeffree accidentally making his products eye safe is iconic.



Can you do a miss fame beauty review

Since I'm kind of annoyed at everyone hahaha Trixie Mattel's description is an over exaggerated Barbie doll. That's why her lashes cover her eyes (she wears 6 pairs of lashes), her contour looks sharp and dark as fook, her lips are way overdrawn, and her eyeliner could fly you out of your problems. Also I use "she/her" because drag personas usually use female pronouns.

This is a dream come true! Absolute QUEENS! Jeffree looks incredible as Trixie!!

How old is Trixie though. All these years and years spent here...and there...but she listed 5000 stores. Lol

''There's those days where I look like Uncle Festers son and you know what I mean?'' ''oh gurl.. I'm Pugsley!'' LIVED FOR IT OH MY GAWD ♥


Yesss Hunny

Dolly Parton who?!!!!❤️

I love this so much omfg Lmaoo the hair

Romy and Michelle. Omg. Loved that Movie

Felt none of it

My dreams have came true!!! I’ve wanted to see this for so long!!!! ❤️❤️

The shade throughout this video has me dying tho

The tazer jajaja

Jeffree looks like a fucking queen like it looks natural

Jeffree looks like he could be a Chanel from Scream Queens lol

The moment when Mariah was applying makeup on Jeffree's porcelain face.

Trixie’s wig has taken mine


" we have a secret Illuminati pact " PFFFT ALL THOSE CONSPIRACY CHANNELS ARE QUAKING

That eye liner is OUT of this WORLD! damn girl! :D

Living for it ... love it ❤️

a dream come true... my two idols together!!!!

WAIT MILWAUKEE AREA?! Trixie I see you

i just enjoy this so much

Jeffree looks like the love child of Dolly Parton and Lana Del Ray!! I'm fucking living for this

I know jeffree just came out with new products and holiday collection is coming next month, but jeffree NEEDS to come out with brushes!

she really took it there

Jeffree's wig is so Dolly. Loveeee


That was so fun!

this is the best dynamic duo in history oml *I LOVE THIS*

“If there still here they’ll never leave “ I literally have had to make 4 YouTube’s and I’ve resubscribed to Jeffree ‘s channel every time love him so much

13:15 still here bitches. Love you two so much

“I’m not a hugger but I didn’t say it fast enough so we did it” LMFAO SAME

Jeffree the day you posted this was my birthday. I truly love you hun I know I do not know you personally but I can relate to your topics. Thank you for being you. :)

Can you do a series like "Transformations w/ James St. James" where you collab with queens and have them make you over? Please and thank you

your so talented

im obsessed. You look like Dolly Parton!

I cant see the other persons eyes and its bothering meee

Oh my God. Dead. Just loved this.

Jackie Kennedy meets Drag vibes


It's amazing that Aja is getting blasted for taking time to consider what she thinks about your actions and how you treat people, and Trixie can just do this no problem.

am I watching Jaclyn Hill do Kim Kardashian’s makeup again?


Jefree looks so pretty

“I’m Pugsly” mood. And Ponyboy, I read that book in the 8th grade.

Hi jeffree i have been wanting to know for awhile now if you could help me with some makeup tips or if you know some good makeup tutorials that i could watch? Well before i was married i use to wear not alot of makeup bit i woyld work alot on my eyes like i would hardly wear any blush, maybe some skin color lipstick or just lipgloss & then i would wear like eueshadow, mascara, & eyeliner but i would add quite a bit of details to it any ways i wear that kind of makeup now that im a mom & a wife & i think its just a bit too flashy for my age now & also being a mom & a wife i think it may draw just a bit too much attention to me. Any who i was wondering if you could give me some porters on how to do my makeup now u know i want to draw attention to my self but not too much u know like um... like look at me im beautiful family & i have a beautiful & not hey look at me im single & take me home look do u know what i mean??? Oh & sorry if im talking too much haha bad habits die hard lol

21:59 Both say ok

why does trixie somehow sound like shane dawson

Do you know what affordable means? *no*

Jeffree looks like a real housewife lol I love it

Giiirrrllll, so not down with the dig she tried to make about Laganja... Jealous much Trixie? NOT COOL QUEEN. I hate speaking up on stuff like this but, she's just got something to say about everything! Now, Jeffree, holy frick girl, yaaaassssssss!!

NW15 holla

I wanna see what Nate says

Her stabbing the highlighter eheheh I live for this LMFAO

Is it just me, or did Trixie not seem to be herself in this? I found her to be very toned down unlike in UNHHhhh or the Trixie and Katya Show

Trixie and jeffree yess ❤️

I'm glad Jeffree also doesn't like foundation to be unset. It always freaks me out when people don't their face...

"I'm like you fresh out of rehab" IM FUCKING DONE

I love ponyboy from the outsiders

All 10M subscribes are fucking gay or just fucking retarded and what the fuck do you actually think you sick fucks look beautiful? fucking biggest disgraces of humanity

Folec kyfs (:

Blonde head have man voice

"Laganja smokes a lot"... "same" hahah

I LOVE trixies teeth. Weird i know but they r so cute. Jeffrees teeth r beautiful as well girl i just love teeth. I was a dental assistant for goodness sakes. Lol!

Deviant Dev go fuck urself

yasssssssss bitch

Jeffree looks stuuuuunnniinng, Nate is such a lucky guy


It’s probably just me but it’s one of my pet peeves when people go on and on like “oh my god you’re so fair. Wow so white”. It annoys me because my heritage shouldn’t be such a shock to people. I get it enough at school, in negative ways. I’m gunna get roasted for saying this but I find that trixie is a little judgmental. Maybe not judgemental but very blatant about appearances. I don’t have such a tough skin like Jeffree. Not my fault I’m too fair and too skinny aaah ouch Trixie would hate me. I already hate myself. Hate myself too much to find humour in it.

Jeffree, you look gorgeous! Would have loved for you to have had blue contacts in for this look! You looked like you belonged on the show Madmen, a 50's girl!! I didn't like how Trixie treated you tho :) a little bitchy (I thought).

"GIVE IT UP FOR CAROL" bahahahaha



He looks like Morgan mcmichaels

look urban decay how cute loooooooollll

28:06 Looks like Willam trying out Trixie makeup

Looooove it !!!

Tbh I never seen Trixie do her makeup and thought it was a little much but watching her put it on someone else with all the steps and seeing it come together I kind of fell in love with it. It’s so like “I’m queen on top of the world and you’re nothing to me

Right around 17 or 18 mins Y'all started cheesing. Take your herbal supplements ladies :)

3rd time watching this!

OMG spice girls dolls!!! nicu!

Omg I Think I just threw up in my mouth.

Trixie! You have beautiful hands

Jeffree should do a drag collection. Like a liquid lip from aquaria or like a highlight from trixie. I think it’d be dope

**Eyes has left the chat**

“I am the queen of tasing” Jeffree, you’re the queen of everything!

hey Jeffree you should name your next eyeshadow, or bronzer "to dark", love you videos

Jeffree looks like Barbie

*"hii, welcome bACK TO MY LASHEEES"*

Jeffree is like a Lolita dolly Parton at the end, so gorgeous!! Trixie did so well.

Trixie reminds me of that thicc blonde lady from legally blonde who was trying to get her dog back from her ex and Elle made her all sexy with the bend and snap. She's also in two broke girls. Trixie is so much like her, bubbly personality, thicc and cute, and funny af

Wow I’ve never see. Jeffree actually star struck. You can tell he really looks up to Trixie!

I love it.

*You can cover me in powder* *I don't want to ruin your robe* *Ugh, Versace, we don't know her* 16:43

OMG, the lips!


JEFFREE, why don't you collab with Mykie from Glam&Gore in October for Halloween??!! She could turn you into something spooky glam!!


Jeffree looks like a beautiful gazelle before the wig :)

It reminds me of Dolly Parton for some reason

Jeffree is channeling his inner Dolly Parton with that wig

“And then I play guitar and everyone laugh”

fucking do drag omfg



Hedwig who?


Jeffery’s laugh is so adorable

OMG this was me when I found my makeup addict aunts makeup bag


I loved lip venom!!!

Best vid everrrr!!!

They both weigh 120 pounds Twenty of them pounds are makeup

When Trixie was talking about how she uses her eyeshadow for eyebrows and highlight.. I do that to so now I don’t feel so alone in the world

So beautiful

Milwaukee !!

If someone had an Iconic compilation Girrrl. All of your videos would be on it! How. Do you do it?

This look makes me think of a wood nymph...a fancy wood nymph

I fucking loveeeee this video I liveeee

damn bitch this is a whole ass LOOK

So amazing, but imma need to see the edits. I'm 1000% sure the extra 30 mins. are worth it!

Español para cuandoooo

You looked amazing

I’m q u a k I n g

This was so fun to watch!

At the end i was like "omg it's dolly parton"

I’m scared of those eyes sis

Is it just me or does Trixie remind anyone else of Shane ?

I just read the outsiders yesterday

Imagine how often trixie runs out of eyeliner

Jeffree looks like Elle Woods

I can’t even see Trixie’s eyes!

Trixie serving some Tamagotchi realness


Jeffree! My 9 yr old daughter and I watched this together and literally died a thousand deaths rewatching your screaming moment at minute 29!! Thanks for the laughs!! Love you!


Trixie Mattel is like a fusion between Jeffree Star and Trisha Paytas... a Giant Queen.

you look like one of miguel’s relatives in Coco

Girl, now we need Katya

You need to become Cher’s friend like you two would be like best friends Jeffrey

Omg Jeffree looks like my cousin


Jeffrey looks like Trixie’s southern mom in this video and I LOVE it!

but why is Jeffree the skinnier and younger version of Betty White

This video is soooo good! Omg

7:45am “i’m going to do a natural lewk” 8:30am:

Outsiders yas

The lashes tho

Oh Lord Jeffree, I'm thinking Steel Magnolias!

I saw her in Orlando!!!

I keep coming back to this video. I can't stopppp. This and the Shane collab are I C O N I C ✨❤️

Anybody else from Milwaukee?


It looks fucking incredible like I actually can’t get over how good Jeffree looks

lmao Jeffree is so high

Where are her eyes *concern*

Ha gayyyy


Those lashes

you look STUNNING. Also kinda like Willam idk why. (i love her.)

" im you .. Fresh out of rehab "

YES FOR KRYOLAN TV PAINT STICK IN WHITE. It's my go to foundation honestly.


Jeffree Dalmer lol

I just love it!!!! My two favorite people! Damn Jeffree Star looks so freaking good. I need that wig.

In the process you looked like a kabuki dancer kshxjsiwjx

Good Lord wow!

I want trixies top

I would have loved to have seen Nate's reaction to "Trixie Star"

You do not look gaunt or malnourished or fresh out of rehab. You look great!

Are u gayy

Я одна русская?!


This made my stoned little heart happy for the first time in a long time

OMG! Jeffree you look Fierce with a capital F! You are absolutely fabulous too Trixie ;)

Trixies' eyeliner and lashes are giving me problems - great art though x

Do katya too

absolutely love Trixie

Oh my two favourites together at last. Yaaaaaas!!! Totally LOVED this video x

*2 queens in 1 video*

Jeffree: "After the 10th bukkakke, this foundation feels like air." Bye.

*the pink one terrify*

she willldddddd I C O N I C

where do you even buy eyelashes that long

They look gud!!

Jeffery’s face makes a better Trixie than Trixie... there’s such thing as too much

99.99% of the time though this video, I have no idea wtf there talking about

“rayven say it again”

Tricky reminds me of those furry moths

omg!! You are Drag Dolly Parton right now!! I LIVE!!!

This is fantastic

I am not trying to be rude but I don’t like her/his makeup sorry I am not a big fan of it

Jeffree in Trixie makeup at the mall. “Why am I not getting mobbed by teen girls?!”

7:25 is the Groucho Marx reveal. She just needs a cigar, honey.

I’m in loveeeer w this makeup

Pause 25:32 lol

Michigan bitch here! Muahhh! Loveeee you!!!


Umma Michigan bitch


That yell at 29:01 lmfao i cant

I love the queens

I absolutely love it!!! Love you two soo much!!!

Jeffrey looks like Willam as Trixie I am positively confused!


The outsides reference is my life

Love!!!! ❤️

you look unreallll love u both!!!!


This is amazing! Jeffree x Trixie music video would be flabbergasting!

has anybody noticed the giant ring on his left hand? wasn't there on the video before...




I don't think I ever stopped smiling through this video. Absolutely LOVE this video!

Oh god, i love The Outsiders!!!

Jeffree still spraying setting spray on himself & Trixie is waiting like I don’t feel it.

omg did he say milwaukee area bc i live in milwaukee wow iconic

Sooooo iconic man. This is almost overwhelming

*Whispers. I may have nightmares... ;( xD

Gotta get my no porblem

Jeffree is Trixies widowed grandmother who just downloaded tinder

I fucking screamed when i saw the video and shock i didint know we was who

Jeffree pulls of the look better than-


Jeffree when will the Tiffany hand mirrors be back in stock? ya girl is dying to get her hands on one


Can u do drag make up on trixie

what is that?

That look = instant regret

he needs to work under cover at a mac store for some CONTENT HUNNNYYY!!!!!!

I love her... she’s so down to earth and talented

This is the best


i cant see him eyes

Why does Jeffrey look better

You legit look pretty!

Wow they are both queens

I'm living for Jeffree's nail color and the yuki onna look early on in the vid with that robe color.

that hair omg i kinda LOVE ITT

The two most Gorgeous Queens EVAR!!! YAAAASSSS!!! Jeffree AND Trixie!!!! I AM IN LOVE AND DECEASED

Can’t even listen to your voice makes me sick.

Jeffree's makeup looks even better than Trixies! Wow

Girrrrrl, I got ‚stay gold‘ from the outsiders tattooed on me!!!

I have a question, how does she see?

Please do another collab with Trixie Mattell....I LOVE how you two just have the best vibe together. I have been bing watching this video non-stop.

I really love the eyebrows that Trixie did on Jeffree *.*


OMG Jeffery you look like a queen


Its like trixie has no eyes

The wig makes this look a Dolly Parton moment and I love it lol

It's a ram before the eyeliner

Can I just say Trixie looks lovely in this?

This video is life!

More Trixie!! :)

2 of my favourite people in one video!

I fucking got scared! You look horible not you jeffree

I use a prestige shadow sweep brush for highlighting! :) this is the first time I have ever heard prestige mentioned by an influencer. I've had the brush since highchool.

Im sorry trixie but this lools better on jeffree. Please next time invite binca del rio

I LOVE how you can never see Trixie’s eyes. So mysterious. She made The Perfect Star look so Amazing!


Trixie: do you know what affordable is?

No shes like the dolly parton of trixie ❤ im living for it!

Will u pleeease talk about u skin care routine?

He literally looks good in anything!!!

I’ve never related to anything more than when Tricia was talking about being midwestern and fucking everyone but not right away

Why does Jeffree look better

I love The Outsiders

Jeffree you remind of Dolly Parton with that hair. I don't know if anyone else sees it. Maybe it's just me.

Trixie and Jeffree both in makeup and outfit look like Cher and Dolly Parton if they died and they tried to resurrect them and used lots of plastic surgery and makeup to make them look "good."

Drag scares me

I LOVE this video Jeffree!!!!

*Stay Gold*

wtf hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahah is wrong with her lolololol hahahahahajajajahaahahhaahhaahhahahahaha she looks weird hahahhahahahahahahahahah

6:35 - 6:37 i fucking love The Addams family and when they mentioned it I screamed I fuckingggg loveeee them they are my childhood I still watch both movies over and over again and at 6:57 when Trixxie mentioned “Stay Golden Ponyboy’’ I screamed again I love the Outsiders so much that book and movie was so amazing i cried at the ending i love that book so much


Mad bitches

You look AMAZING. Damn.

“okay” at the same time

So when are we getting our sis Katya on here?

I am loving the Dolly Parton wig.

His make up gives me a anxiety attack in a good way

Ok gurl where’s her eyes

Trixie doesn't have eyes

*presses record* “hey sisters! today we are doing a nice natural look!!”

I love how you dont let anybody bring you down and your so nice, be what you want because your amazing! ❤️

love this video :}

Has anyone seen my wig

I flipped when he said “pony boy” the outsiders THATS MF MOVIE

Wish my hair was that voluminous

Jeffree's scream at 29:00 is KILLING me! xD

Southern bell who?!


When Jeffree came back for real thought it was Miz Cracker!


Did she say Milwaukee?? As is Milwaukee Wisconsin??? Biiiitch!

Literally demon possessed freaks. Our culture is sick

“Barbie that’s on the new season of Snapped” lmao yasss. I love this video!

Love Love !!!❤

Dear Jeffree Star, I just saw your ASMR video and loved when you and your bf worked together and kiss. There was so much love and kindness in the air. Fking adorable! And I also love how you are yourself! One of my dreams waking up for notification on my BTC wallett Jeffree Star just sent me like a million dollars.. it would be a reeeal life changing morning

LOVED this . Great work Trixie . Jeffree , you look amazing . Your wig looks like 1970's Dolly Parton hair . This video is one of my fav's . Hugs from NB , Canada

This makeup is epic!! Just amazing!!!


Is this what youtube became..

Where is her eyes

How do you rock everything you do SISTER SLAY

I fucking love you so gorgeous

I love it!!!! I wanna try this!

Tell me jeffree dont look like the Ali from Mars attack lol slay babygirl!!! Lol

hands down best video gracing us on youtube




OMG that wig that's so scary my neck hurts. Trixie is so iconic she don't even know what pain is BRUH.

You probably havent see lady bunny.

Love this. Lol I can’t see Trixie’s eyes lol

Am i the only one who doesnt see jeffree as a male or female but just as jeffree


Is he a transfestit

I live in Milwaukee , Wisconsin

Duwop is still totally around! I remember when they gave out a trial size Twilight Lip Venom when the movies came out!!

Jeffree is Barbara Millicent Roberts and Trixie is just Barbie

Trixie: spray on me Jefree: sprays on himself Trixie: felt none of it... This is a mood man


Jeffree can literally pull off any look

The ultimate killer whale fantasy

Living for everything

When is he going to Michigan because like I’m in Michigan lmao

Ok Mattel ...get on Drag Queen Trixie Barbie doll! Does it exist?

Jeffree, with that hair, your the "Dolly Parton" version of a Barbie....minus the boob jobs, so your Dolly Barbie! Loving it!

they sound exactly alike

OMG I collected all the Spice Girl dolls too! Even though everybody always got me more of Scary Spice (I guess because I'm black lol)

the more and more trixie speaks I love her. Jefree you like so cool. I hope it was so much fun

This is not good, I tell you the truth the angels in heaven are  fighting the evilness of this world and below. Repent stop sinning tune back to God.  Love God and your neighbors. Forgive and be forgiven  Except Jesus and receive the spirit.

Love the Dolly Parton hair on Jeffree


The eyes and cheeks are snatched, my wig is snatched! ❤❤❤❤

Woooowww sooo pretttyyyyy

Why don't you do collabs with African American beauty YouTubers? Not trying to start shit but I'm honestly curious, as an African American fan of yours, I wish I saw more representation in your channel since your makeup line works so well for all skintones @jeffreestar

love you both

Omg jeffree you look so good in drag!

*W H E R E A R E H E R E Y E B A L L S .*

Omg this is the creepiest thing ever lol you two look like glam martians

ive been waiting YEARS for this

Yes ma'am

Jeffree: I have one pimple here Me: I have ummmm at least 2000 pimples ( and I’m not joking ) lmao

Anyone else a huge trixie fan? Saw her on tour this year, I was sooooo happy when I saw the notif show up with her name in it. Awesome comedian AND musician

It's all great until you have to take it off like that must be annoying defently when you see you have no make up wipes anymore like :0 OH NO. Lol like if you agree to

Are you gay?

Sister shoke

honey if Beauty was killing you would win in a battle!!!!!

N 9???

"After the 10th bukkake this foundation feels like air"

Love ❤️

you look like a GOD. WORK SIS YESS

Trixie's wig here tho

I love you

Jeffree should collab with Trixie AND Katya, both of them are funny af together and it NEEDS to happen


lmao jeffrees scream!!xD




I live in the uk


You are going to HELL....... for being this cool

Jeffree PLEASE visit Eugene, OR !!!!! We got ALL THE WEED and LBGTQ's you could ask for. I know so many people here that use your products!!! We love jeffree hear please visit soon!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

“milwaukee area” MY AREA WASSSUPPP

james charles always says eyeliner going straight up doesn’t look good on anyone, i beg to differ~~~~


27:42 will you spray me lollll. Sprays himself again

I got a question. how can u see you of those eyelashes u still look amazing tho xx

.Watchn this again

is it just me or where are trixie eyes????



Yes trixie you are queen! Let everyone fuck everyone but I like to date and wait

*I feel like This is a rare specie*


make Trixie do this to nate and shane

Omg that’s madly awesome

We love two natural qweens

Dolly parton hair moment

I’m totally loving the wig! Dolly Parton circa 1976! I think you look fabulous. A stunning transformation!

Jefree Star is like So...perfect


I feel like Jeffree wore it better, what do you think guys?

Petition for jeffree to review Korean lip tints

Okay hi Jeffery looked stunning!

I cnt see here eyes

if trixie and katya had a baby.... i give you jeffree mattel

Where eyes it I can’t see them

*eyes have left the chat*

The advertisement for this video pissed me off



Dude I didn’t know that either about those damn pumps!

Oh. My. God. Her tomogotchi earrings!!!! ❤️❤️

This is so iconic


I am loving this way too much, like I am LIVING for this

The outsiders

Loving the Dolly Parton look

I was wondering if Trixie was wearing some 1% sunglasses to obscure her eyes. Nope. Turns out it's just eye shadow and lashes! Impressive on multiple levels.

i really made a sound like a monster seeing this

You need to do one with Alyssa Edwards Pleaseee!!

As a Waffle House server.... I SCREAMED!

There is so many iconic comments

So much fuxking life right now


And that Makeup probably weighs as much as a elephant

Jeffrey can I confess I've wanted to be a drag Queen for years. How do I do this?????? I am a woman, drag has facinated me for years. Is it possible?

Baby Jeffree I LIVE FOR U OKAY



This video was so much fun to watch!!!!

What lipstick is Trixie wearing ?

Ahhhhh Jeffree you are a BABE in that wig tho

Wtf I’m by-sexual and I don’t fuck with makeup cus I always look like a zombie so I always let my girlfriends do theirs so I don’t now why I’m here. This is the fucking dark side of YouTube

You look amazing just amazing


Anyone like find this video rly awkward

“honestly if they’re still here they aren’t leaving” trruuueee


You can’t see their eyes. Makes me so mad

Boshe, jak ja kocham ten makijaż *^* uczcie mnie~

gross this is so gross.


Were are trixies eyes

oof! U slay

I honestly htought I would hate it but I actually love it uhhhhh

Jeffree...that wig! YES Does it come in pink?

Nobody listen to this whore of Babylon! She speaks to snakes and humps crucifics at church every christmas

We stan a fact-spitting shishtorrrrrrr

Happy Llama I’m not hating on it

Trixie represents an overdone Barbie doll, it's meant to be that over the top. She's a performer and this is her character.

men make better females then females do

You look amazing. And Trixie is hilarious.


Omg I totally collected all the spice girls dolls and I still have them well my daughter technically has them

Is it just me or is jefree higher than a kite ?

You guys look amazing

everyone press this and listen to Jefferys laugh 28:10

the pink one so terrify


Woooo milwaukee!!!! Jeffree you should come to Milwaukee!

Yasss bitchhh

I wish we saw Nates reaction

I love you both sooooo muuuuuch❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ok y'all have to believe me for a sec but it's RARE for me to laugh almost as rare as jeferee getting a pimple but when Trixie said "lajanja smokes a lot" and jeferee said "same" I was in stitches

Jeffree your a fucking Queen ❤️

Trixie Startell

They look like what you ordered vs what has arrived


I love everything about this


This. Kind. Of. Cunt. Ent. Is. Why. I. Watch. YouTube!!!!

“I’m like. You know whore” I need that on a t-shirt.


I love anything Trixie!

Anyone get the bloodhound gang reference?

The way Trixie said rich tobacco killed me.

she’s terrifying

I’m livingggggggg for this collabbbb !

Is the hair a miz cracker hair (wavy hair)

the fact trixie is wearing tamagotchi earrings is a real throw back

How do I apply too be Jeffree Star bff.

Jeffree reminds me of Shane in this video and I have no idea why.

LOVE this video

Bruh I wear nw10

Jeffree is like the child of Tricia and Katya and Dolly Parton is his rich grandmother

Seriously, thank you for mentioning the Morphe blender. I can.not. afford BB but I CAN get a morphe. I'm a woman on a budget, so thanks for the tip.

I don’t want to be rude, I love Jeffree, but does he class himself as a female or male? I’ll still ship him either way

Trixie looks scary af

23:25 screaming at it's best

Well f.. me sideways how did nate take it?

You look more ladylike

You Bettttter Worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Bitch

will i like it " the kids" lol love ya jeffree

Dolly Parton Barbie Jeffree

my younger sister walked on me watching this and she stared at the phone for like five minuets before saying “where are his eyes” and i cant stop laughing

Trixie's hands are so delicate with her face, it's calming xD

You two are such good people. I’m so happy for you both in your successfulness. You are changing the perception of this twisted, f

13:00 duude

Yess jeffree!!! You look like dolly!!!

She has mi eyes...


Ohh my god I loved this entire thing but my favorite part was 29:00 .. That scream had me dyingg

Reminds me of Dolly Parton

You look amazing omg

I didnt know Trixie but i love her???

You look amazing I love this video

JEFFREE! You're gorgeous!

Idk how I missed seeing this right when it came out!! I can’t believe you did a video with Trixie, she’s an ICON. The craziest part is I’m actually good friends with Trixie’s brother, Dan. I honestly didn’t believe him when he told me they were brothers, but I’ve heard nothing but good things! So crazy to see how far Trixie has come and see you transform into the QUEEN SHE IS

TRIXIE MATTEL! I love her hair!!!!!!!!!!

I saw trixie this year on the now with moving parts tour and it was ICONIC


I LOVE the look Jeffree! Thank you Trixie and Jeffree ⭐️

I am absolutely dying!! Jeffree, bitch you look like evening gotten Barbie and Trixie looks like my 80s roller skating Barbie that I carried everywhere!!

i literally LOVE this video so much!!!!!

*pimples left the chat*

Remeber when trixie use to say she couldn't tongue pop look at 2:22 bitch that is a tongue pop

Awesome Tattoos and the Artist has Powder in a Tupperware OMG

LOL Everyone give it up for Carol!!! lol

I love how Jeffree is doing Shane facial expression at 3:59 lmao

Love that

I love the way the hair looked!!! The shirt was so cute too!

This collab was EVERYTHING! Please do a collab for JSC with Trixie! That collection would be the bomb! I would definitely order that palette.

Jefree was kind of high

after the 10th bukake i dont feel anything... oml

Jeffree :it's hard to wink Trixie : *ignores try to change topic


im never leaving

dose trixie have eyes

That's very good! Love the drama on the eye make up

Love this video have watched it at least 5 times, and it even lead me to watch some trixie videos


I read the outsiders for ELA and we finished yesterday

I live and breathe and die for this look

I’m concerned about Trixies eyeballs, no offnese boo

Please have Bianca del rio do your makeup. I fucking love her. She is so funny!!!

Totally getting Mars Attacks feels from the final look.

THIS IS A SURE HIT!!!! ADORE THIS! ADORE YOU BOTH!! i would love to see you jeffrey have makeup done by Miss Fame

Uhhh when two cosmic nerds meets

I loved and lived and died and resurrected

Slay queen

I wanna see Nathan's reaction too

fucking gorgeous *hearteyes****** jeffree looks like a real stepford housewife yaaaassss on snapped lmao

"do you know what affordable is?" "no" wow

Two skinny legends... ❤️

Yassssssssss!!!!! Thank y’all for this ! Just made my day! Love love love this video ❤️❤️❤️y’all were snatched!!!!!


aaaaaa i love u both

"you look like Trixie Mattel on a juice cleanse" LMFAOO

Oh lord ‘ jefree star was so cute in today’s vlog

Boże, jakie gówno...

I want jeffree in that hair 24/7


You look AWSOME jeffre

I'd never leave u jeffre your amazing

authubillah min alshaytan alrajeem

finally the islam will be good for something, for ending such things in the future.

Congrats on being a lazy bitch and not liking my comment


I love how Jeffree can own a $125,000 Birkin bag but also doesn’t want to buy a $25 beauty blender. What. An. Icon.

You two have great chemistry you should do a small collab channel

I feel like the look is totally beautiful and complete, but would love a beauty mark!

Trixie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR HAIR IN THIS! Jeffree, looking gorgeous as well!

Trixie and her 60 year old grandmother

You mentioned the outsiders and I wasn’t ready I’m still full of emotions from that book

this look should be called “neapolitan ice cream”

is it just me or did anyone notice that jeffrey isn’t using her gold straw lol

You definitely look different but gorgeous as always. I would kill for the wig you had on. I would love to see it in a champagne tone. I also love your tattoos. My son is a tattoo artist, he's been trying for years to do one on me. I'm a huge chicken. What did Nate think of your new look? Love to you both.

Wow this is amazing

lovvveeee it!!!


I love Jeffree's wig


Jeffree looks fishy afff

I just want you to know I was in the middle of watching this video today when I found out I passed the bar exam. Magic.

Am I the only one who thinks Jeffree looks like Willam?........


They look like tarantulas

I LOVE this

“After the tenth bukkake, this foundation is like air!”

U remind me of a TX housewife

Sorry Trixie but you made Jeffree look better than you

U should do a collab with sichenmakeupholic!! Love her

Where did Trixie’s eyeballs Go?

I live literally 25 minutes from GR girl if you want a tour by the beach hmu

Jeffree Mattel looks sickening *-*

OMG! I fucking love this

Jeffery looks like the alien from Mars Attacks.

Never Thought Jefree Would Say "Its Too Big" LMFAOO

is trixie wearing lilly pulitzer??!


i love how he drags you right in front of you

"YESSS........ werk"

That make up is too far.....

Trixie: Can you spray me? Jeffree: *spritzes herself* BAHAHAHAHA!!! Yall look AMAZING!

I live for this video❤❤ that look is so powerful


Jeffree is literally me when I​ get a pimple!

WTF i hate u jefree u are boy why u look like a girl

Oh my god that is so scary

*I can't see thier eyes!!!*

Oh my god it looks AMAZING

love you gals!

Lowkey this is my brain at 3am

Um can we get a Nathan reaction video please?? lol! @jeffreestar

where are trixie's eyes

YOU WORKED THE FUCK OUT OF THAT RUNWAY!! So proud of you!! love you!

Yo where can I get those eyelashes THOOOOOO

We just fucking read 'The Outsiders'

29:01 Made my day!

I'm living for Jeffree's scream at 29:00


The definition of iconic in a video

Two of my favorite people

Why make makeup because you are hiding your personality

I love Trixie! Thanks, Jeffree

this is so random BUT .. a while ago Jeffree said that he ain't gonna use plastic straws anymore because of all the turtles dying and stuff and he even got a metal one. now he's using plastic ones again! on his snaps even on his videos .. wasssup Jeff? do you or do you not relate? luv u tho



Pinches jotos

OML, so much royalty in one shot

I can't see his eyes WTF!!

Omg I love the outsiders

27:43 is iconic.

I can’t see her eye

I luv it that looked really fun I wish I could see Nate's impression lol I would die LMAO

Jefferee! When you looked at your face/eyelashes at 25:18 my phone chimed just like your intro music. I LOVED IT!!! I was shook. ;)

Why do you look like Bella Thorn, if that’s every how you spell it, like I was saying why do you look like her twin at the beginning


i want to send jeff to a prison for few years. Female prison

Did he say milwaukee area?

"I've been called the bob ross of makeup" "is that because of your hair texture?" ahahaha im fucking dying I LOVE THIS! LONG LIVE QUEEN JEFFREE!!!!!!!!!!!

Ni Un Comentario En Español


Yes hunnnttyyy

"Holding 3 pomeranians"

How the hell do u see

I am so upset. I didnt get to get the tickets to her fargo show. But this video is amazinf and I love it

Jeffrey doner... The famous cereal killer Wait he killed my cereal!?

This actually scares me


Honey your the woman I wouldn't mind my man creeping with

DUWOP LIP VENOM! God, I saved in University for a tube of it along with a bottle of Benetint and THAT was when I realized I had sensitive skin. I applied both on the car ride home and when I got in the door it looked like I'd gotten in a fight! ..

U cant even see his eyyyyyyyyes!

سكنهم مساكنهم

If dolly was a drag queen

How curious

Jeffree looks really good with this



I have to get this palette now

I never wanted this video to end

YASSSS! IM LIVING FOR THIS!! Dragged out Dolly Parton

Gorgeous!! ❤️

Honestly, you could sell out arenas as a drag queen. You are absolutely gorgeous.

this wig. i live. she looks so good. so skinny.


"i feel like in the only person on the planet and everyone else is just lucky to here" MOOOOOD LMAOOOOOO

Trixie Mattel's eyes have left the chat.

I feel like Jeffree is bored lol

I just watched and your the best

isnt it funny that jeffree looks better than trixie

Trixie is mentally ill. Subtle jealous digs towards Jefree the whole time because women can only dislike each other because of jealousy WRONG. Trixie is a sad case and knows it and nothing can hide it.

@23:50 Best Moment

jeffree, i love you but you use straws *unsubscribes*

Jeffree looks like an 80s TV pastors wife and it’s giving me LIFE.

Now time for Alaska

You guys should walk around the a store or go order taco bell and make a muckbang

Did anyone mention how Jeffree looks like a drag Dolly Parton? If not ... I just did ... LOL ... I am living!!!

That is *SATAN*

i thought bella thorne was in the room BEFORE?? now look at her

Jeffree: I’ve been called the Bob Roos of makeup sometimes Trixie: Oh, totally. Because of your hair texture ☠️

Make a collab with Bianca del Rio

Does anyone peep the tamagotchi ear ring !?

I really want to try the fondation but I didn't get the name ?

Dolly Parton who?


I wanna see jeffree doing kpop idol or kawaii anime makeup next. Jeffree literally slays everything!


Jeffree, I just adore you so much. I love how true you are to yourself. Your personality is so authentic, natural and amazing. Most people annoy me, not you. You’re perfect. I don’t follow anyone other personalities on YouTube. You are the only one. I hope I can meet you one day. Please come to Charlotte, NC! ❤️

28:06 forever

Lol the screaming I can’t

Were are his/her eyes???


i’m scared

Love you Jeffrey

Well I’m not gonna sleep tonight

Eyes have left the chat

Trixies nose

I love her hair

Yesssss. Trixie Was How I Found You! I was Watching alot about drag queens & then eventually You Popped Up. then the series With Shane Came Out & i was Like YESSSSS BITCHHHHH

OMG u look so cool

Omg you look like a really extra Dolly Parton #loveit girl.

Am I the only one who wants a season of Drag race with youtubers and a past constant as mentor? Cause we all know we'd love to see jeffree and trixie vs aquaria and james.


So goooooooood.

I think I'm gonna puke!

“Laganja smokes a lot


Sister SNAPPED!!

I'm so fucking high i can't comment.

this is EVERYTHING!!

Slay that dragon


"Im not a hugger but i didnt say it quick enough so we did it" meee too trixie lmao

I almost naturally have that much hair if I tease it a tiny bit

The pinky one so terrify

two of my favorites ugh

Jeffree looks like a mix of Miz Cracker and Trixie Mattel Anyone agree?

I'm here for Jeffree trying not to laugh.


I really like Trixie's teeth. So cute.

Trailer Park chin.....

Before he had the eyeliner on he looked like a deer

when Trixie asked if Jeffree was a huger i heard 'hooker' and Jeffree said yea.... ...I was shook

Dang where are there eyes... Nightmares here i come

Wtf..Where the hell are your eyeballs..

JEFFREE!!!! Haha you look AMAZING!

This is horror movie I’m outta here wth is this ?

I whish you seard me im from England I just got snooty biches xxx

HUUNNNAAAYYYY !!!!! XD I lived for this.

Wow they makeup is so prettttttttttttyyyyyyy!!!!!! And I LOVE ITT!!!!

29:00 mood


Honestly, Jeffree pulls it off better than Trixie XD

I love it

Really enjoyed till I saw you with that demonic Kathy Griffith, ruined you for me.

ayo sis, alyssa busted out the shivering white too...

25:52 when raindrops fallllll

Katya next please!

Trixie Mattel: Can you spray me? Jeffree: I'm gonna spray myself cause I am you now.

This is what I would consider my walking nightmare of makeup days, and I am a woman. This is one of those dreams you have were you have no pants and or you're naked in class. This is the same thing for a woman going out looking like this as she has put her makeup on with her eyes closed. Or you just trying to be over the top with your makeup. Where everyone knows this is not how you wear makeup if you or a woman are a drag queen. This has to be a how not to do your makeup for a realistic human look.

Does anyone one else LOVE that Trixie names an eyeshadow shade after the Outsiders like she said this one is Ponyboy I immediately thought of the outsiders like I LIVE for that Sorry this is just spam of me fangirling over a shade name sorry have a good day bye

1:26 Hun, I have like 20 on my forehead.





You look like you just came from hell and went to speedway...

6:51 dead

Where’s his face......


I’m shook! Is it a boy? Or a girl?


i am sooo behind.. yall just kiki like girlfriends.. i live fucking for it.. gimme more..

Absolutely loved this!


I love this, I hope Katya next!!!

trixie kinda sounds like shane dawson

I love this look

wtf is that makeup cant even see his eyes

I wish you made a video showing what it took to get it all off!!

From Jeffree. To Jessica.



Oh , versace we dont know her


I wonder what people think about trixie maybe they think he’s crazy

Omg a Trixie commercial came on before watching this! She's come such a long way in her career. Love her!!!!!!

I love these type of videos❤️❤️❤️

Where is Trixie eyes?

I like how Jeffree's looks better then Trixie.

28:31-28:40 Shade being thrown!!


I live for this

Stay gold!!!!! Omg i luv the outsiders!!! xD

I love Trixie Mattel ❤️, what an amazing makeup artist, Jeffrey you lucky bastard !!!

Omg. Please have Katya next!

IM LIVINGGGG!!!! Jeffree looks fucking amazing!!!!

Loooove it

Omg too much makeup too big eyelashes big wig


I love love love how jeffree does shane faces and uses his jokes now ❤ I am ALL for this friendship!

What foundations dose she use ?

I love how the whites of your eyes disappear into the white liner

You should 100% do drag!!!! You look so beautiful

I love you

im dying this is my favourite video on your channel

Jeffree in Trixie drag low-key looks like if Milk and Willam had a child n Jeffree was the finished product


Two icons...we just need Katya ❤️

What brand of eyelash glue did you use because that sh*t is magical!

Lysandra Padeken we use weave bond glue

Jeffree looking like black swan ballerina

I'd love to see both of you take a soccer mom look.

Can we get a switcheroo?????

You should meet Aquaria. Option 1. You will become best friends Option 2. You will hate each other

+palemaid : Then who are what are they making fun of? Sorry I guess I just messed the joke?

Sam Ingraham lmao none of this is suppose to be realistic

Its a friday night and my friends are all waiting for me because time stopped when I played this vid, now i need a wig

wow very cool

I wish they had shown Nate’s reaction to the Trixie look!

"Do you know what affordable is?" "Ohhhh"

Damnit.... I wanted to see Nate's reaction!!!!!

You look like Dolly Parton. *Totes a compliment! I’m from TN*

can anyone else see her eyes orrrrrrr...??

At first I couldn't find her eyes



That contour could cut a bitch.


I personally am not a fan of the razor sharp edges, but it does look awesome. It looks like a lot of fun.

I wish jeffrees wig fell off i would have literally died

i stan for this

Okay but I live for "GIVE IT UP FOR Carol." Like A drag queen. "Oh just call me Carol." GIRL. Yes.

I *love* 80s Trixie

Jeffree looks like trixies mom very classy love it

I love jeffree so much but why does he look like my aunt Debbie at church

Love it! Not related to the topic of the vid, but i can't stop noticing the straws, will you change to reusable ones any time soon?

Oh putain.

Trixie!!! Come to Canada!!!!! (Specifically southwestern Ontario

That’s just to much for me like the hair or makeup to much

You too are so cute ❤️

I fucking love Trixie's Tamagachi Earrings

We want Farrah Moan too ♥♥


lol good warm browns

I just saw trixie that has not eaten in a month

The pink one is so terrifying

Wait pixie has Brest!

From the side you look like Dolly Parton.

When i looked at the thumbnail i thought they ad weird butterflies painted on their eyes! Seriously it is the weirdest make-up ive seen yet!

I love Trixie so much she is iconic just like Jeffree

15:45 .. completely dead lmao!

i am a huge huge fan and wow this is amazing! what a look for u jeffrey! great job trixie~ u both were hularious and awesome to watch deff love this

*S L A Y*

im in tears

“you look like a... you look like Trixie Mattel on a juice cleanse” LMAAOAAOAOAOAOAOAOAAOAOAOAO IM FUCKING WHEEZING

23:51 when my crush says anything to me

Wow, Jeffree's new no make-up makeup look is great


you are the scum of the earth

I love drag, but I hate how their eyes look so close together, due to their makeup process.

I wish I was Jeffree’s friend

You're having a major Stepford Wives-gone-drag moment here. I love it

*i have no words.*

trixie looks like the world's saddest clown.

i cant see his eyes....maybe thats because of the eyelashes they look like they weigh lke 20 pounds XD

ugh I can’t handle how fucking thicc trixie is


Tell me how I used drug lord when I dressed as Trixie too❄️❄️❄️

Fucking love Trixie got to see the 1st US moving parts show

Omg you never looked so gooodddd

Ok thats about to buy all jefree star makeup

Trixie's face on Jeffery looks like William

Omg, so hot

This is perfect

I... I.... Ok.

“Some days I wake up looking like uncle fester” JEFFREE FUCKIN SAME

can you do a video to help women who have not worn makeup in 8 years get back into the glam game by suggesting a simple everyday look? thanks

God love ya Jeffree

oh and trixie too obvs

This was everything!

The makeup is to creepy sorry but true :(

steel magnolias aesthetics giving me life !!

oh my godddd, i now dunno what is omg now

Lmao it’s like Mattel a little malnourished. She’s too much

Less is more honey :s

3:21 prolly a wax museum

omg there are more country's and city's in drag tour then in a concert tour.

ahhh i love aqueria

29:00 you’re welcome

If you haven't heard today, just want you to know you (JEFFREE STAR) are an absolutely incredible, generous to a fault, kind, a do or die kind of friend, sensitive, wonderful, beautiful (inside and "damn girl" especially the outside) and are admired, appreciated and loved (as much as one can when we've never met in person

You look like a 1970s country music star no joke

shrigga UwU

Holy shit thats a lot of makeup

I know you I went to the store you work in i was 18 I love you I am a big fan

Not trying to be rude but that makeup look scares me ;-; I'm gonna have wonderful nightmares R.I.P me.. lol and I can't tell if Trixie is a girl or a guy cause guys can have Trixie as a name..

Lashes have left the chat

His eyelashes is biger than his little finger'-' And his hair wooow*-*what the fuck is wrong in the world.-.

Can you do colab with Miz Cracker? Have you seen the duct tape used by Miz Craker?please please please it'll be fun!

Where is Trixies eyes

Trixie has a great personaloty but Tbh never really understood her makeup. It made alot more sense when she did it on jeffree.

am I the only one who fangirled when I heard ponyboy? lmaoo


I would murder my grandmother to use one of Jeffrey's 6 damn bathrooms!

trixie: can you spray it on me? * jeffree sprays it on himself * trixie: * eyes closed and clueless * i felt none of it


IM NOT LAURA GELLER hahahahahahah

Jeffree would play Trixie in a biopic about Trixie.

Jeffree looks sooooooo amazing! And this look on him its like Trixie had a baby with Miss Fame I CANT lol


trixe your not perfect either don't think you have never gotta a pimple BITCHHH

hi when she said "stay gold ponyboy" my heart,,, left me


Uncanny valley in nutshell

They used the same wig as miz cracker

I love pink lips

You look gorgeous!! U look like them rich lady's !!

girl come over both of you

I'm afraid...I mean is cool but....that's a lot ...I CANT SEE HER EYEBALLS....;-;

Я одна не вижу глаз у барби??!!! САТАНА ИЗЫДИ!!!

Barbie left the chat.

Trixie Mattel was 5years 3 months and 5 days old on November 28, 1994, Dahmer was beaten to death by Christopher Scarver, a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution.

You look like dolly!

You guys totally had a twinsie moment!

Aw. Trixie(?) looks so gorgeous! :0

Trixie’s eyes are just gone

That hair!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!!!! That’s a rootin wig!!!!

“You look like Trixie on a juice cleanse” *slurp noise*

I love you so much like so much like just so much your my big fan like so much sorry I love you

I keep on forgetting that Jeffree is a guy

Outsiders is my favorite book ever

Amazing!! I enjoyed this video so much!!❤️

berk horrible

Why did Jeffrey Dahmer leave a blender by his front door......... so he could greet everyone with a handshake

This is the collab I didnt know I needed until now

Whoooaaa. Them eyelashes.


I owned the all the Spice Girls dolls too! Legit took Ginger Spice everywhere. The dolls make up was so on point and shiny.

I think jefree looked like willam

What on earth makes people behave like this?!


do you think you should do a full face makeup challenge

Where the eff is hes eyes

Jeffree looks like Trixie's stuck-in-the-'80s country club mom. I love it!

Where are the eyes

For everyone wondering about trixies eyes, she probably either has dark eyes or contacts or mabey they are just rlly camaflouged

Which finishing spray do they use? please help


looks fab

Why does Trixie has this style it's just toooooooooo odd

This video was so enjoyable to watch. I've never seen Trixie before. She is cool. But I have to admit those eyelashes! Ahh!!!! I wanted to rip them off.


Yaaaaas the moment I have been waiting for!

I literally am so in love with you

You look fucking amazing

i love how small jeffree looks like what beautiful child

I think tht Jeffree's face is so femenin that doesn't fit with this Trixie look.

biiiitttccccchhhh yaaassss

I threw up a little I’m not okay

What the heck is that a new species

Jeffree you should search up on you tube CJ so cool

That makeup though, so much eYELASH


When you don't know how make up works

Man i love drag

I m on the weird side of YT


After watching Shane documentary on Jeffery! I have respect for this guy! Think how does he have time to make these videos with all the busy life he has!! Make since why he has personal assistant!!! ❤️

i tought she was a alien


It's so *HARD* when u make up your self like that

Trixie were is your eye's


Where are those eye

Love them. ❤

Omfg im fucking in love with jeffre ( sorry if i spelt your name wrong) Im a real big fan a u and i am inspired by u. Love everything u does

Jeffree looks like willam in drag and even laughed like him at the end there. I can't tell if it's a compliment or not....

Looking cartoon


Two very likable, talented and beautiful people. :)


pareces una cosa mala pareces una rabo apalastadooooo no importan tus videsos gasssssssssssssssss

GURRRRLLLL! THAT WIG SET THE LOOK OFF!!! You look like a First Lady but even better!

I can't see Trixie's eye balls.

He makes me feel poor

Omg please get shangela on next

“Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!”

Jeffere is so cute i love her

Fuckin freaks lmao

Ебануться просто


I see Roger from American Dad dressed in DRAG!!! lmao

Jeffree looks like a televangelist’s wife.

Please Jeffree don't ever invite him AGAIN

Trixie mattel is hell. Don't be like him, jeffree! DON'T. His make up is dreadful. Make me and my cat cringe

7:00 "I could've gone with rich tobacco, I'm not Laura Geller"

Is she a man or a women or transgender

Two of my faves. Love this.

Am I the only one who think Jeffree looks like Dolly Parton???


still living for this collab

So Trish have she balls

6:52 omg Jeffree

honestly for some reason my brain always registers jeffree as a woman bc uh SHE SLAYS but then I remember. oh wait

Omg the makeup i was scared omfg WHERE FUCKING ARE YOUR EYESSSS I DONT SEE UR EYES


I’m dead. Fucking beautiful bitch!!!!!!


katya next?!?????

Omg jeffree on Unhh yes



why am i watching this

They both have qualified for a role in the Musical "The Lion King"

Jeffrees hair looks like ramen noodles

I cant even see trixes eyes

i've watched this in 1080p with a giant curved tv and jeffree star's skin looks like ivory , flat , smooth and flawless. i previously watched kimora black get ready with me in the same quality and her skin looked like a fucking spongy batter pudding.

I imagine Katya would look very similar...

I feel like the gay men at ULTA always seem to be the best makeup artists. Like if you agree

What the hell is this? Yak

ok not a big Trixie fan but i am living for the hair wig gurl that is the shit love it

Can you see from your big eyebrows

Theres only 2 peoples reviews i trust. And that Jeffree and Tati.

I didn't realize it was possible to fit so much legendary energy into one shot.

OMG!! I am living for the WIG!!! It's MASSIVE!!!!

you guys are so cute and funny together. wow jeffery looked amazing

I used to want to really have Jeffree do my makeup some day, but now I just really wanna get stoned with him

Literally Trixie sold me Bare Minerals when I was 19 too! Yasss for the Milwaukee shout out!!

I loovvee it

My MAC shade is NW13


Omg wow that’s insane makeup!!!!! I swear Jeff ur so good at makeup and stuff!

I need more videos with trixie

I went to the site with the Oh Honey pallet but it was sold out... Why comment? So others know its sold out and dont go everywhere looking for it!

Omg!Romee and Michelle is like my favourite movie!Omg yaaaasss queen! Sorry just fangirling over my two favourite people

What will happen if it rain?


u need to go DRAG

pOny BoY cUrTiS


Wheres her eyeball

jeffreeeeeeeeee you look soooo gorgggggg

One pimple...subscribed!

Tammy Faye Baker, take me away! I fucking LOVE your hair, and you looking like Trixie its like... Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 goes to church. Literally.

Where are her eyes though?

I looooove trixie’s earrings

I mean why would a man Drees up like that

What kind of boy would dress up like that

Give it up for Carol.

100% yess ! !~~

That’s my nightmare

I'm going to kill you soon

Bro where the hell are your eyes

Jeffree looks so delicate and small next to Trixie

So freaking GORGEOUS Jeffree



What the fuck?


"I feel like I'm the only person on the Planet and everyone else is just lucky to be here"..................YES!

99% woman 1% men *THEY CHOPPED OF THIER D**K*

I spent half the video trying to find Trixie's eyeballs. I just gave up after that.

I absolutely LOVE Trixie Mattel!

I love uuuuuy

What would Trixie look like WITHOUT ALL OF THAT MAKEUP!!!!!!!!

I LOVE this!!

Love this video

When you find out you're more tan than Jeffree Star

I feel like the finished look is like Trixie the rebellious daughter, and Star her rich mom who would rather be her bestfriend. This video made me smile though

I trixie forgot to blend her makeup

Absolutely beautiful Jeffree!

Why does jeffree look like a jewish grandmother lmao i love this ❤

I don’t even do make up but I still watch both of y’all every time u post

Anyone else wanted them to go out and about just stunting everyone everywhere, like a bitchy music video or something lol I guess I'm picturing when Shane did a little Trisha Paytas moment of her song Freaky

what’s trixie’s eye color i cant seem to see her eyeballs

The Adams family references

i can’t figure out where her eyes are...

Incredible who. Obviously you star. You look

Those arent eyelashes, those are curtains @@ can she even SEE?

Omg he doesn’t look like Jeffree

Speaking of big hair... Would love to see Jeffree in full Alaska drag


Trixie on a juice cleanse. I’m crying rn

I really love you you are really funny and cool I am a big fan. I have depression and seeing you happy make me feel I like I don’t have it anymore. Love @tavopetersen you are the change I wish to see in this world.

dose anyone else think they look like a Thundercat or a character from Jem and the Holograms

Sebastian Escobar-Gonzalez YEEEESSSS!!!!

I mean this in a good way, but jeffree in Trixie drags looks like she could be trixie's mother, either way, they both look amazing


hi HoNey

Trixie is so fucking cute, I love her sm ❤

I can't see Trixies eye balls

I'm still here looking Love yoo Trixy and love you Jeffree y'all are awesome and my helpers in life I'm cloe and I am a fan of you and a fan of all drag queens.

Sous titre français ?

Jeffree looks like a dear in the beginning

Literally can't see there eyes at all

My fav video on youtube..ever. TWO FUCKING QUEENS.

Make a video with Miz Cracker!!

OMG! I love you Jeffree but i LIVE for Trixie ❤

Parece um et

You should get all the drag queens to do your makeup

Girl $13 for a pallet dang that’s a good deal

Why was their no makeover Challenge on all stars 3!? The producers made a Fucking mistake!!

Jeffree turned Lana del Rey

its fucking insane how good he looks and how this doesn't look totally insane, literally just looks like a great look for him????

Were are her eyes

dolly parton

This is adorable omg

Twins.....looks amazing.

This gives me life

Can they see? XD

Omg ponyboy

Jeffree looks like a more dragged up version of Blair St Clair......and I'm living for it

my brain can't compute trixies eyes all throughout this video, like, i just can't fucking see them and its so wild idk

Trixie is the Pokémon Jynx

Housewife Barbie


Sexy!!!!!! Love u both!!!!!!

Nope! Like Dolly Parton gone Walking Dead. I like you better as regular Jeffree

Trixie's face looks like Neapolitan ice cream

I didn't realize just how much I want a campy, Drag version of The Stepford Wives, until I saw the result of this amazing makeover!!

Please never stop!! More videos together!

I think jefree is not a legal female

Tf is on her face

I love u bought !❤️

Reminds me of a fabulous Rhonda up all night and Joan Rivers!

Omg I was in the same area Trixi came to on tour but I was busy omg I wish I was there

my wig has been done gone

23:49 my new ringtone

Why is Jeffree so ICONIC!

oh look another "someone does my make up video"... this is literally 99% of this guys channel. him sitting there while someone puts make up on him.

Best thing ever!

Omg u need to have gg gorgeous in ur Chanel ASAP

I love you jeffree

How does she see

Trixie: LaGanja smokes a lot Jefree: Ugh, same

This is sooo scary!!!

I liked it

so where is kimchi?


jeffree star interrupting trixie mattel for 30 mins straighT omg love it tho

Tracy spoiling the return of UNHNnnn since September.

I am sorry no offense but jeffree you look better in it yesss gurl sister shook

You should do a coolab with Bianca del rio

Jeffree you look so sexy like that girl

Yasssss i love

I am a female, but after watching this I wan to get in drag too lol

*jeffrees eyebrows have enter the chat*


Omg im LIVING for this energy between them! Absolutely loving this combination ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You’re so pretttttyy!!!!

Omg i dare u to do full face of essense products

Hi I love your channel.

Are those fucking tamagotchis hanging from trixies ears??? I'm in love

OMG you look sooooo goood!!!

I'm living!!!!!

Do it with Shane.

Trixie how big are those lashes whoa where did you get them I need them I need the volume

I love love you

You are amazing!!!!!

Jeffree is one of the best Youtube collab hosts. Notice how he keeps the focus on the guest, he's genuinely curious about Trixie's life and wants the audience to know more about them. Jeffree never hogs the screen and he knows how to keep it professional. I really respect that!

You HAVE to get Katya onto your channel!

Jefree looks like deer!!!!! One of the beautiful wild animals

Work Frieda collow

What lip is Trixie wearing?

Eyelashes bigger than my social life

it scares me that i can barely see their eyes are the most breathtaking transvestite Ive ever laid eyes on. So exquisitely gorgeous.

Okay so Trixie’s lipstick is ON POINT GIRL

Omg I was dying through this whole dang video

Trixie Mattel you are my role model as a WWE sister hates me for doing this but I am just saying the truth.

If you get ASMR turn the volume down to barely there and just watch Trixies hands. Oh sweet Jesus tingles for days!! Gurl...why are you so fucking awesome? I friggin obsessed!!

wow just found out you were men odd flex but ok.

Jeffree Parton lives!

She’s from Milwaukee?! Girl I didn’t think any queens were from Wisconsin. Love it we need more queens here.

imp kid?

Forrest Hensley ew no

where his eyes has gone?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss bitch wooorrrrkkkk

When Jeffree tries to edit like Antonio Garza

Jeffree looks like Trixie and Mizz Cracker had a baby

Yaas Girls

hey you guys how is life being a drag ehh (stupid!!!)

*T-T I wanna know how trixy sees* Edit: *im pretty sure we all wanna* *know but WHAT EVER*

"Fully, because of your hair texture"

Maddy’s Life

I need more of this moment ❤️

Girl can you buy some t*t*s i want to see you do drag yasss queen

The glamour aside for real they look like a deep sea fish

I really really really need a Alaska thunder and Jeffree star colab because that, would, be EVERYTHING

Those lashes tho

One pimple? Thats nuthin

Where’s the persons eyes at the start?

i just came to see trixie

Trixxie is so iconic

Can she even see?

Just beautiful... both of you.

U can’t even see her eyes

I live for the lip color

eugh you lot are so freaky i wouldnt have a problem with you if u didnt say racist things

Trixie is so rude i cant even

dying lolol

Jeffree needs to be a drag queen is what i think because he is what? sickening

ooo girl get it I LOVE that look on you Jeffree wig for days!!

why is 23:27 me

you look like a grandma but a cute grandma

Metropolitan ice cream anyone?

Omg I loved that book The Outsiders! So cool there's an eyeshadow called Ponyboy

I REALLY wanna see Sharon Needles, Alaska or Detox on Jeffree's channel!

A wig was found on planet Jupiter. Scientists say it had been snatched at the speed of light


Omg collaboration with Katya and Trixie!!!!!

Don’t knw why but I really like Jeffre

Jefree was born to drag

I still till this day use bare minerals. It’s the only foundation that works well with my oily skin and I have tried tons

"it's only $28"

Kentucky fried homicide!


i thought you were trixie and trixie was you in the thumbnail

Sweety Jeffree u look n snatched


I pissed myself

Give dolly her wig back, lol!

"What do you guys want to see?" :>

The most gagged I've ever been

Amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️

When I saw a pictures I couldn't figure out who was who

I love when he says “what’s your MAC color? Oh, work..” xD

The library is open. Officially

Shantay you stay

Yas bich

I literally had a breakdown right before I watched this and I was sobbing so bad, but this made me laugh and smile and feel so much better- ohmygosh

Everytime I hear Romy I think of "I'm the Mary you're the rhoda"

I lived for that Shane moment mouth pop 2:03

Mentally ill


My dad walked behind me as I was watching this and just stared lmaoooo

The outsiders reference was so good

Trixie! You waited 3 months?! How did you know if you even liked him?!?


What do you both think of women doing drag queen acts and makeup?

Yaass Qweeennnnn!!!!!!!!

Jeffree star and Bella Thorne look alike.

You look amazing!!!

I could watch this forever 29:00

I LOVED watching this.. thank you for just being you Jeffree, having your friends over and hanging out with me this afternoon. I am shook at how different you look with BIG hair and lashes.. .. WOW!


5:32 was so funny

how can you see

I feel like I'm looking at two different 80s versions of trixie. We have the california beach babe rave trixie, and the Dynasty running errands in Texas trixie.

Omg those eyelashes SLAYY

This is my 5th time clicking on this video. Love it! ❤

How do i have the same setting spray as Jeffree?

Living for this!! Just amazing!!

I have to wear browns myself. Always been so scared to wear other colors. Seems to always be a disaster. After all the health problems I have had lately, I don't feel good about me anymore, so I rarely wear makeup but, LOVE your videos. Hugs, and be well.

Why did Jeffree leave the video near the end but Trixie doubled... CONSPIRACY THEORY HEY WHATS UP YOU GUYS!

*Jesus fucking Christ what is that*

Dus trixie have eyes



I JUST LOVE IT, Trixxie is who i wanna be as a person that fucked up i am, LOVE THIS

You guys are kinda creepy

You are way too sassy James has a better personality

You both are both sassy James Charles is way better

I can not imagine if this creatures visit my house and meet my grandma :(

Jeffree absolutely NO offence intended but just curious do you want us to call you a girl or a boy ?

jeffree looks like the evil stepmom that married my rich dad

Sound like shane

Not hate ur good at it but he made u look like a bug


Jeffree looks like Dolly Parton fucked an alien AND I AM LIVING FOR IT

Jeffree looks like a Dallas trophy wife in a dystopian Black Mirror episode... Loving it

6:55 AHH I got that reference right away work omg I’m alive again ❤️

I luv Trixie!

You should do Jeffree Thunderfuck!

U guysvare scary

I’m sorry but where was the intro ,urmmm , refund refund refund!

Oh I love it!! When Jeffree came back with that wig on I spat my drink out!!


Damn. The laugh. It's killing. Living Doll

I love this of all. Damn pretty tbh

That bad touch reference tho...

Nina Hagen meets Barbie Wynett. Fabulous

what the hell is this!!???

Love this makeup. The eye makeup is the shit.....

Is drag a way of making boys look like girls, becuz they don’t even look like girls or humans at all


This is such a treat I Liv

Are you kidding me you have ONLY one pimple well I have Acne so ya but ntbr ilysm❤️

straight to hell! Your crazy ppl go!! Damn these people are nuttier than a squirrel turds!

Yay! Indianapolis

Looovvveee this


So you! Love it honey

When are you coming to Little Rock Trixie!? I can’t find the date!

What the fuck is this? I feel like these are the people you meet in hell that torture you.

Are we really not gonna talk about how Jeffree sent Trixie one of everything? Like, he actually went out of his way to send Trixie everything.

wtf is that next to him? Why was this recommended to me? The horrors....oh wait it was halloween maybe thats why lol

Jeffrey should be a drag queen

Is this her real makeup

Who else thinks Jeffry looks like Petra from Jane the Virgin at the end

das asco pinche maricon de mierda, vas y chingas a tu mother madafaka

You need to collab with Katya you too!

Love this, agreed where trixie said they were different eras of barbie, trixie is like teen barbie and Jeffree is the Barbra they talked about loved it

Jeffree looks like an expensive Dolly Parton... I'm here for it.


OMG I laughed when Jeffreestar gagged.

I love how they are both terrible interrupters

Weres her eyes

6:52 that brow wiggle tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*Can you spray me*

How can she even see what she’s doing

I live for Trixie's personality can you please bring her back???????

Who else is a HUGE Trixie Mattel fan? I

Looks good on you!

I have never watched your videos before. I love Trixie. Now you have a new subscriber. I really enjoyed your authenticity. I am looking forward to seeing more of your content. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.

your gay


“can you spray me?” “yeah” *proceeds to spray himself*

why are those eyelashes literally a thicc ass caterpillar

what is that

that scream on 29:00 lmao

Thats too much lol

Love Love Love this

I feel jeffree pulls off this a lot better than the og don't hate on me plz

Jeffree is basically Trixie Mattel as Dolly Parton.

No offence Tricia but where r your eyes dont take this offensive but I love your make up

Yes bitch yes

woc?!the cover picture I mean ILOVEU so so much but when i saw the picture i could even not find another man’s eyes

Fuck yeah, i love air spun ♡♡♡

yo last year in seventh grade we watched the outsiders and I was in love with ponyboy and so when she said the name I was like THE OUTSIDERS ( i said it innlike this weird deep voice that I think every fan girl does when her celeb is mentioned) and then she said it was named after him and I did a little dance * cough i cough screamed cough or squealed cough* ( sorry really bad allergies) in my room for a whole 30 minutes

1520 I told them a SCARY STORY

This was soo iconic. Two of my most favourite people. Such a stunning transformation.

I want armies of Trixies.

27:42 LMFAO

2 icons im living

Que porra é essa kakaka?

Jeffree looks like Trixie's southern mom XD


Bitch!! Stunning

Nw15 is my color too Jeffrey you aren't alone doll

You guys are so pretty like if you agree

all I can say is wow

I cant see there eyes

ugh yassssssssssssss!

Ok so no shade no tea but I need to see her eyeballs like I am scared

I love these videos! Please keep the queens coming!!

27:44 I can’t stop laughing at that part

Those oh my gods sounds so funny. XD lol

Awesome obviously new UNICORN aging

Jeffree kinda looks like willam

Amazingggggg ..... :)

This turns me on so much lol sexy I love it ugh

looks like trixie mattel and her grandma whos a chain smoker since she was like 7

Love, love, love Trixie❤️❤️❤️

Omg the outsiders is my favvvvvvourite book!

22:55 is where he shows you how to use the highlighter

trixie is fucking hilarious

OMG Jeffree looks like Willam!!! LoooooooooooL

Do this with Alaska and I'd be deceased, sent to hell, rise back up and like the video from the future.

omg this is game of twins? nice make up ♥

Ahahaha yaaaas ! Jeffree looks like a Texan housewife! Work!

I’ve watched this 300 times!! I loovveee



Jeffree! I saw you on a poster in Amsterdam, You are so, so, so, so Popular! i love your YouTube channel. You are a great nice funny YouTuber! ❤️

Speaking of lonanga (however you spell her name ) where the hell as she been lmao. You two together crack me up

"Because of your hair texture?"

Omg !!!! I live for it

I have to add in . Morgan Fairchild vibes early eighties all day .

you look amazing !

I have watched this 3 times! Soooooo so entertaining! I absolutely love u both!!!!

My dad literally was a makeup boi, and he's from milwaukee. Ik trixie probably sold him smthing

Where the hell can I get Tracy's WIG?! :O

Seriously though, anyone know what that thing could be?

This is so stunning. Jeffree, you are GORGEOUS, I love drag.

thats transformation to Dolly Parton?

Who else had a drag queen ad?

That looks like Miz Crackers wig.

28:06 *Dolly Parton has entered the room*

I love the "Remember when..." statements. They're just two old women sitting on a southern porch with their sweet tea

Michigan bitches!!!!

Jeffree Star you look amazing

Y'all are beautiful I love it


Jeffree please hire me as your stylist. We need to get you into the Met.


This was A MAZ ING

I love that finished look! I'm getting a Dolly Parton does Black Swan vibe with that hair

Plot twist. Shane Dawson is actually trixy!

Jeffrey Dar you should do a video on pooie Vuitton it's a new poopsie slime surprise Loui Vuitton thing

Trixie:do you whats affordable Jeffree:no I died did he rlly dont know whats affordable that the cutest mistake rich ppl will ever make (no shade not hate comment )

Can’t wait to go see trixie next year!!

Its drag what do you expect

Sister shook Weave snatched Hotel trivago

I am LIVING for this look

Jeffree is debutant barbie and Trixie is spring break barbie

Best guest ever Jeffree! Love Trixie

Gucci Gang



I love it


I woul d love to see a true color gold and silver lipstick true matalic


With the wig, from the side, I thought it was Miz Cracker

Lovely bbe

How to use the pump 22:55 - 23:25


Jeffree looks like the mom of Trixie in that makeup omg

22:21 to 22:22

What was the name of the full coverage foundation they used?

Holy. Hell. Trixie is wearing Tamagotchis as earrings. How did I miss this?!? Dead. Dead. Dead.

“Can you spray me?” “ *yes* “ * sprays self *

Fast forward to 29:00, her scream had me gagging lol

The only bitch!!!! Yessssss

The scream that Jeffree lets out is honestly me any time I snatch my eyeliner

Girl! Spice girls dolls! I had them all! Man right in the feels

I remember having to write a five paragraph essay about "The Outsiders" lol... book was amazing :D

The pink one is so terrify

Love it!

Wish I could go watch her TBH been wanting to ❤❤❤❤

Yaaaas lol you look like a version of Couhtney Act lol


I’ve been watching Jeffree’s channel for years and THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY FAVORITE video ever posted on this channel. I can honestly say I was so captivated as an audience member and I it was AWESOME to see Jeffree and Trixie’s reaction to the final product. Best ever.

I literally love it!!!

So scrumptious Jeffree, I just totally gagged... better look over your shoulder Nate!

Lol watching from Milwaukee area



J looks WAY cooler than T. i suppose its about the jawline.

Wow Trixie just turnt it out. Jeffree looks sickening. Work it mama, work it

i just finished reading “The Outsiders” as a novel study and i couldn’t be happier.

I love these videos because i feel like im actually watching an artist create a new masterpiece


Before the lipstick and wig this looked like a deer Halloween makeup look

23:16 could be me. I use ALL the products wrong. Also; Are they called Three-O-Lashes because there are up to threehundert lashes attached? Could imagine it.

Love love love this

Что за...!?

Take a shot everytime jefree says Ok

I'm LIVING for Trixies look in this video! From the obviously amazing face to the GAG worthy hair! I love everything about her look!

ive watched this video beginning to end five times since it came out

MDS isso saiu do inferno?

Super fun!

i just saw Trixie's earrings... *ITS A FREAKIN TAMAGOTCHI!!!!*

You look amazing! I love you both!!

You need more, i have a horse face. Lmfao I died

I would love to see you walk around the house after you lady’s leave this room lol I bet she’s walking around like I’m the bitch bye lol I love it

You look amazing darling

Yessssss I was in 6 grade to when I I collected the spice girl barbies!!!! I had double ginger spice dolls of coarse!

And the movies duh lol

okay I am a chick by birth and I wanna go drag, can chicks go drag? Can someone come and make me up?

I love Trixie Mattel, but..I can’t see her eyes.. Ya know what? She doesn’t need eyes to know how much she shines.

Omg b**ch u look amazing

The way Trixie Mattel looks reminds me of totally hair Barbie...

You look like a stepford wife version of Trixie hahaha

I need Jeffree to go out in public like this!

Natures first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold, Say gold ponyboy, stay gold We can see the sunset from both sides of town Things are ruff all over

But can Sister see?

YOU ARE A DREAM IN DRAG ♡♡ Girl, can you have more queen's make overs? WE NEED IT. Your face is perfect, it is perfect!!!!! And your personality calls to me in a spiritual level, BECAUSE I'M A YOU IN A GIRL BODY, everyone hates me for that xD I love you.

When Trixie has no eyes

Trixie: *"Do you know what affordable is?"* Jeffree: *no*

Jeffree, you are perfect!

hłopaki ?????

I fucking love this video so much lmao Jeffree looks like a 50’s mom at a parent teacher conference.

anyone exept me thinking that all nighter smells like bic mac lettuce? xD i cant describe it better but thats what it smells like to me xD

jeffree looks like the cracked out Version of trixie but i live for it


I had a drag queen add before this....I love that❤️❤️❤️

Y’all match each other’s character. Fun to watch.

I have trixies hair style

In all honesty, I've been smiling naturally throughout this entire video.

OMG!! Even at 14:29 I am LOVING this look on you!! Not even halfway done and it’s amazing!!

I can't see trixies eyes

My heart cannot take this Collab! The both off you in Drag are Everything!!

Trixie Mattel on a juice blend??? Im Done!! LMAO

“the detail makes you think okay she’s not an idiot”

This is the BEST!!! I

Where’s my inhaler

Jimin Dangerous ураааа, русич)

Absolutely love this!!!!!

Trixies eyebrows on jeffree is high school jefferees normal eyebrows

Hi I’m watching this for like the eighth time. Thank you for blessing my life with this collab.

Trixies makeup is a little different than I remember, I was surprised

Trixie is the funniest person ever!!!!

My heart

My world

I hope you love me as much as I love u

I’m coming to meet you

Dw hun

your mine and nobody else’s


Your mine

I love u

Omg my idol

I saw the thumbnail and I could literally hear the comments

I love that he referenced the outsiders

Jeffree looks like William doing Trixie lol

Trixie: can you spray me Jeffree: yes *sprays himself* Trixie: I felt none of that

Didn’t know I needed this now I need more

The bigger the hair... Closer to the sky

*_тоже ищешь русские комменты?_*

Loving this!!!

werrrkkk bitch

It’s hard to see her eye

Channel number 6

" I mean, we have a secret illuminati pact..." Human trash.


Unintentional ASMR ❤️❤️❤️

Barbee hair

Jeffree looks AMAZING!!!!! Love that wig! Giving me Dolly vibes!

Jeffree’s wig looks a little like Dolly and I’m SO about it

Donatella Versace looks just like this without sny Make-up

Can you please don't use plastic straws to show the exemple honey ? Thank you


I saw trixie in Kansas City, and it was absolutely the best experience I've had at a drag show. She was so funny and so talented. I love her so much

Jeffree reminds me of such a Disney villain type of character. Almost like scar from lion king


Trixie: "Can you spray me?" Jeffrey: *sprays on himself*

Did no one notice "enter here"? Long live the kween.

Slaying me to heaven...❤️

Both Trixe and Jeffere look fabulous!!!!❤️

I have to admit, Jeffree wears it better


Jeffree looks like Willam, in the Trixie makeup!!


At first I was skeptical about this but the finished look had me dead

Bitchhhhhhh slayed it

yo I mean the poyboy thing had me shook I love the book and the movie

i love you

2:09 that Bloodhound Gang reference thooo

is that to men

-now katya-

Its stunt

Lmao when jeffree forgot to spray her. Haha

Lol he didn't forget. That was on purpose and hysterical

Have you seen his Voldemort transformation? That was magic. Pun intended

Because her eye makeup is so heavy she usually wears bright blue contacts. But since colored costume contracts sometimes makes it hard to see I think she skipped them to do Jeffrees makeup

1:31 to 28:29

those times trixie is looking up strictly because of vision issues from those giant batwings

Too bad Trixie has more talent in that one pimple on Jeffree’s face than he could ever have.

I love Tracey Martel

26:15 Jeffree: Enter here Me: hUn

Jefrre do a video of using family dollar makeup or Walmart makeup with shawn

I love the outsiders ponyboy

WOW! Jeffree looks like Trixie's rich evil cousin from the city.

also they both need their own channel with Katya as a trio and lolll litterealy they could just stare into the camera saying oh honey and doing nothing for like an hour and id still watch. i love trixie so muchhhhh

omg i love the outsiders reference

Geometry at it's finest

Was Jeffree lowkey refrencing The Bloodhound gang's song "The Bad Touch" when he was on about waffle house bc I live HAHA

6:52 omg this part is killing me

When the clone looks better than the original

Willam belli please!!!

I would live for an episode of UNHhhh featuring Jeffree

Boy honey you look SO GOOD IN HER DRAG

Had free i love you but to could not compete with James when it comes to bring called bob Ross honeyyyyyy

Honestly Jeffree ended up looking better that Trixie

I love the outsiders

You look effing fabulous Jeffree xx

this is so fucking iconic and will ALWAYS be iconic

ahhhhhh i love this


Jeffree Parton

This outfit is giving me Miz Cracker vibes...

me to trixie: "You can do so much better, Sweetie!"

Jeffree looks like a mid-30s mom who drinks mimosas in the morning and Trixie is the teen daughter on crack, I love it

My two favorite people!

"what's your like, Mac color?" "NW 15" "oh work"

trixie looks like trixie but jeffree looks like little pound cake and i love it love you.

I wanna go trixie too

Living for the Outsiders reference

Living for Jeffree's reaction at 9:20, "Omg, you did that brow fast!"

why is ,,,,, why is jeffere so tiny compared to trixie

lily !!!! Trixie is huge. She has to store that talent somewhere

what is a calandar year?

You girls arrr HAIRLARIOUS!!!

Girl, I regretted that I didn’t watch this last 2 months.

Who else can’t stop looking at her eyes

Trixie: can you spray me? Jeffrey: yeah Jeffrey: *sprays himself instead of Trixie for a second* Trixie: I didn't feel any of that Jeffrey: *laughs and actually sprays Trixie this time*

Looooooooooove it ❤️

OMG this video is so legendary

Please welcome to the stage... Ficklumed Ghooosssttt

“I’m you fresh out of rehab” I died This video is one of my favourite things ever ❤️ But girl I wanna know what highlighter you used, it’s stunning! I can’t quite catch it from the video, someone tell me please


I love Trixie's look; I'm getting Jem and the Holograms meets 90's nostalgia print, these colours are great on her!

I love the Outsiders and I love Trixie and Jeffree

NW 15 IS TOO DARK FOR ME THE HECK!!! I GENUINELY thought Jeffree was my shade but he's not...


now all that we need are katya and bianca ♡

Oh my god yesssss

love the outsider

Morgan Fairchild in an alternate universe on lots of drugs.

Trixies makeup is disgustingly perfect in every way

I love this look!


I was not born when u got your first job

Such drag queens ❤️

I can't stop looking at the monitor it's like uh huh uh huh.. it's like I'm sorry huh.. LMAO!!

So fun!

Trixie a shit to her fans.

This video is 1900 seconds long

Jefferee honey you need to start dressing up like this cuz god knows I am shook and is living for this look sweetie

Do One With KATYA

Omg how do you get that hair volume!!! I am so jealous my hair is F.L.A.T

Omg I absolutely loved this video Jeffree you look great the hair is so bomb and Trixie you’re amazing

What is that no kidding but she kinda looks like an alien

This video totally helped me relax and feel good.

Love these gals


Help me I love this

I thought he said are you a hooker?

i love how calm this is

Woah i like how they don’t blend their make up... like.. AT ALL

If you dont walk out the house like this everyday from now on, you're dead to me.

I swear like i am confused,i didnt know what was wrong with her at the begginning but what happened to her lips? They got THINN

can i say that trixie its a barbie BUUUUUUUT i love barbies like this

It's fabulous and side view

Jeffree is gorgeous


Out Trixixing Trxie! Like Trixie crossed w/ 1970s Dolly

You can tell jeffree is enjoying having someone else do his make up and I feel like he deserves this pampering.

I really wish YouTube would put a love icon not just a thumbs up cause omg I fucking loved and lived for this video @Jeffreystar and I'm really bad at spelling so if I spell your name wrong please please don't hate me trixie cause oh my fucking God the way you do make up is fabulous I would so let you do mine even though I don't wear any ever but I would love to look like you and live a day in your life because you are fucking queen. Please Jeffrey show this to her cause it would make me so happy and you guys are twin like for real you could look like you guys came out of the womb at the same time fucking amazing. Love you both so much and I till watch all stars season three I have it recorded and you slayed the whole show you knocked the house down. Again I love you both so so so much you should both go on tour together some time.


Does trixie have eyes

Shane Dawson’s next series: inside the wig of Trixie Mattel

I just loved this it is sooo snatched!!!!

omg im living for this look..

still heeerrreee

LOVE this!! Jeffree, I have become obsessed, lol, and I barely wear make-up!

Trixes hair can not even fit in the camera

You look straight outta Dynasty, buy way cooler.


Jeffree looks SO beautiful in this video, I literally have no words

OMG TRIXIE LIKES THE OUTSIDERS I'M SHOOK!!! Should I be surprised though because those boys were beautiful.

Woof, Creepy shit wtf!


"You're playing like Trixie Mattel but like a little malnourished" AAAAaaaccckkk OOHHHHHH GIRL ~ BUT I MUST SAY ... THAT TRIXIE MATTEL ICONIC DRAG LOOK FITS ON YOU JEFFREE ;) Like bitch you could actually enter into RPDR and snatch Jasmine Master's wig -_- AHAHAHA ♥

Ik im young dont judge. In school we are reading The Outsiders and we just finished chapter 3 lol. We have been working on this crap for like 2 monthssssss,

They look like the alien off American dad


Im a kid so I guess...No?


Why is Jeffrees finale look giving me like southern house wives vibes

Dragqueen rule no 1, never make up a queen that looks better than you.

I love this.

Snatched waist n booty workout- 10 squats everytime someone say oh my god 15 crunches everytime Jeffree

29:00 Jeffree's scream killed me

You honestly look good asf in drag though so who's mad??

As a straight person, I can say, I love the drag queen styles. I love how exaggerated the makeup is, how beautiful the hair looks, how amazing the outfits look, everything. You SLAY that look, Jeffree.

Jefree brush set plz


Good to know!

*are you sister snatched?*

Bitchhhhhh I'm loving this

Before you add the liner I totally get lion fish. Totally predatory and fierce!

FUCKING Gorgeous!!!

if I had a billionaire grandma... that's what I want her to look like!

No. No. No. tooooooo much.

Hopefully you get to be on uhhhhhhhh


this is my 7th time watching this video. Never gets old! Will be back again and again!

Do you know what affordable is? HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHHA

is it me or does jefree as trixie lowkey look like willam as trixie?

Jeffree looks really good hahaha

Well no, I think he was murdered in prison before I was born. well OK

Omg I am loving this.

boze sacuvaj isus marija

Обожаю трансов Но макияж того парня напугал меня

I love the transformation Trixie Mattel is one of my fav drag and the combination with Jeffreestar is really Iconic. I think you guys should have more of these Double Banger transformation.

I thought the Trixie Mattel brand was big ass hair and pink everywhere

Yaaaaasss I am literally living for this vid omg

I can’t even see trixi’s eyes

“ you know whore” IM ROLLING ON THE FUCKING FLOOR !!!!!

Can you please become a drag queen

Omg I absolutely love this!!!

Is this Shane?

Its beach barbie and buisness barbie (90s Edition)

Omg omg omg I love it!! You both look so good! I wish I could pull that look off!

22:46 you can see the eyeballs!!

*Good makeup skills never enter the chat*

wth happens at 5:03 that she turns her head annoyed... did jeffree spit or what? XD

That eye makeup is legendary!!


Please do korean make up / asian make up on one of ur videos

let the cock fuck

Frankly, I find Jeff to be utterly repulsive and offensive. However, this particular (make-up) transformation is absolutely ravishing!

Amazing talent and screen presence. Love you both.


Does Jeffree look like Trixie impersonating Dolly Parton or is it just me?

Does Trixie know how to blend?!?

Literally god and jesus of the gays


TM's makeup looks absurd.

I am hereeee for this! Been a fan of Jeffree’s since the MySpace days (really showing my age here, haha) Jeffree looks like Dolly Parton coming for Jolene


I love it so much

all hail the queens

Are you telling me he wasn't already wearing foundation, skin too flawless

What was the $28 foundation he used? I couldn't make out what he said other than fix fluid, and my super oily skin needs something like that.

I’m about to jump off a bridge rn I was tryna watch this in class with a quiet ass room with no volume and all the sudden I hear “WHATS UP EVERYBODY WELCOME BA” I’m literally crying rn

1:37 I want someone to look at me they way Trixie looks at Jefree talking about her palette...

Y’all look like the aunts that live together and judge people from the front porch while smoking pot and never get invited to family gatherings. Fucking goals

Oh my gosh Jeffree looks like a hybrid designer baby of Trixie Mattel,Miz cracker and Kim chi and it's the future


To be honest Jeffree is looks beautiful than Trixie...peace!

Real drag queen

*”do you know what affordable is?”* OMF.

Omg that queen did a consultation for me and my Mom lol she was so nice and she up sold it us she had us buy the whole damn kit that was like foundation, warmth, angel dust and a eye shadow free ❤️love them

Yeeesss bitch

How tf did I miss this until now

Tu est très laid


" I felt none of it"

Do a series

With multiple drag icons




Trixie DID tht yes girl

Of course she knows. That doesn't mean she has to.


trixie is super bad at makeup!!!!!!11

So like, can you guys start a channel together? Thanks

jeffree star, you should really put in mind that you have young children watching these disturbing videos. People of earth do not want to see you dress up as a drag queen. I personally believe that it is unprofessional and you should make more sports videos for boys, not drag queens and only ladies. Sincerely, ur mum love ya lots babe unsub bye

that bloodhound gang reference

23:51 Im DyINg

Try Alaska Thunderfuck next!

what i am doing here ..

what foundation was that???

*this is what they are thinking* Jeffry ughhh this bitch Jeffry it’s for the money

Is Trixie wearing Tamagotchis as earrings?? Im living

Ugghhhhhhhh.... Jeffree looks SOOOOO GOOD!!!


I've watched this twice! Love you two together. Trixie has such a calming way of speaking. She did such an awesome job with your makeup!!! Love this vid

I love it!!


Thats the New makeup on Royale high in Roblox... Lol im the only kid that only watches Jeffree Star im too young...

3:59 it was at this moment i realised trixie mattel is gay im heart broken

Girllllllllll ❤️

OH MY GOD her makuep is so exagerated! I ❤ IT!

bish, im choked- please do more of this drag snatch-ness.

living breathing gagging.

Soldaki görebiliyo mu ?

Jesus fucking Christ

I'm sad i missed the Indianapolis show of trixies


Too much makeup for me personally drag i know but

Like for James - reply for Jeffrey

Thumbs up for the pimple


no goed !!!

Jeffree looks like a fucking stepford wife

I want him to make a video with Shangela, Alissa Edwards, or miz cracker.

This is one fucked up world we live in.

Did I just witness 2 new creatures

I loved this so much and it should happen again

Jeffree You Look Prettier ❤️

6:51 that lil eyebrow thing jeffree does got me rollin

Sensed the shade at 18:59 lol look at Jeffree's face when he mentions Cupcake

Why does Jefferee star look like roger from American dad


Absolutely looooovvvvvveeeee

20:40 You look like a piece of art I mean I would want that to...……. But meh face to small Lol

oh my god what is that

This made my day. Seriously I love you both, I love the banter.

Sorry but your YouTube profile pic for this video look like the Royal High makeup that looks hideous and bad but I love your videos but sorry but sorry but nevermind

*The haters will say it's fake*

I can’t see your eyes that’s scary


what the shit is this cancer? I don't care, burn it no wait that's bad for the environment dump it deep under the ocean! please

are them shemale ???

real tea the studio fix fluid is legendary and i stg would not be living without it thanks

White lipstick was a thing in the 60s as well

This is my first time seeing Mattel... I’m not a hater but... I got scared

Enter here

"packaging that doesn't work but I live for it." I'M DYINNNNNGGGGGG.

Loved Trixie. Please, do another video with her!!

I think this is one of my favorite wigs on Trixie of all time

Oh my god, two fucking legends.

I can’t breathe

Where is the EYE

Jeffree u should do drag cuz u r funny and the look suits u!

Are we not gonna talk about that beautiful ring on his finger ???? Baby is married ?

This is legit the best YouTube video. Omg the yell you do with the wig

What is that thing

That scream at 29:00

Milwaukee born and raised and I seriously need trixie to come back to Milwaukee for me PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Jeffree looks like trixies mom, like mean girls style

*I C O N I C*



this is the ugliest make up that i saw in my life...

Where is trixies eyes

Love iiitttt

fucking so cringe what is he doing?

Jeffree looks like Lana del Rey as Trixie

28:12 Jeffree voice

2:03 I’m dying

Господи, шизанутые люди...

AcroLoverDIY BOTH!!!!!

this looks fuckin gross wtf


Jeffrey looks like Trixie's drag mom hahahah

Okay but how can she see from under those lashes?

Jeffree looks like Trixie's cousin from L.A who was a former dancer but found herself a sugar daddy

she really gagged the children, this is her Holi-Slay lewk! I knew I recognized that wig.

Jeffery star sashey you stay

I have watched the outsiders

I love the book and the movie the outsiders. I had to read it and watch it for a school project.

Que porraaaaaaaa é isso, da até vontade de vomintar


Jeffree is Qeen Bitch of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm from the midwest. so I believe everyone should fuck everyone but I don't want to." that made me smile :) I know what you mean girl! (I moved to Iowa from California)

Umm. Trixie does not eyeballs oh my God

really good drag makeup

jefree got draggggggggg

I'm not even trying to be mean and if I am I am so sorry, where is Trixie's eyes?

U know i do not like trixie and allso why be a drag qeen from jade

Jeffrey star was a little of a drag queen Trixie came and did his makeup and now he is a real drag queen

Searched her up cause she was in rewind 2018 now i cant sleep

He said “stay good, ponyboy” I’m gonna cry

*Eye Balls Have Left The Chat*

Kabuki Polly Pocket.

Who’s who?


Wanna be a girl lol you suck

They should have went around the city and see what happened


this is why i fkin love TRIXIE - some people are shady and will make your make up look less than or not as good as themselves but here is Trixie making Jeffree even more insanely awesome!!! amazing!

Do a vid with Gigi gorgeous

Good to see you all are going to be the 40% The 40% of trannys that kill themselves

Video ideas: Come to Lithuania. Do I makeup for me, because I have never wore makeup.


Im back here seeing the holi slay special

I cant look at this because my eyes hurt from her not having eyeballs

*Am I the only one who doesn't like make up like that at all ? I'm not criticizing I'm just curious ?*

“You don’t need eyeshadow primer” James charles x Morphe palette was found dead

No offense bt feels gay gay... Does gay mean offense??

I love them together! Best collaboration ever!

trixie: "can you spray me" jeffrey: *sprays his self*

I love how Trixie can’t say “Unnhhh” without doing the hand motion.

I hated every second of this crap

Ohhh my god how can trixy see!!

Trixie referencing the outsiders is all I need in life lmao

bruh.....irl that took like 3 hours probobly

Is it just me or does Trixie look like Frankie Doom. Its all in the wig

29:00 thats what I think about this look

What the fuck is this

who's this gay retard and why is he allowed to have a channel

Jeffree, you're my favorite person.

what the fuck are those

Jeffree plz do my makeup! My face needs help lol

No offence to Jeffree but the makeup looks better on Trixie but that might just be because her skin is darker than his? And its also probably because I dont think I have ever seen Jeffree in drag makeup .3.

Это пиздец

Fantastic wigs!!!!


at the end 29:11 from what brand is the dress?! is so beautiful!!

trixie sitting next to jeffree, makes jeffree look normal. lol


Trixie would have won the "drag a man into a drag family member" challenge

Omg looking drag QUEEENN as fuck! Looking cute as fuck. Get your rooten out

I love it!! you look soooo good and the two of you together is a blast!! Yesss

I wasn't going to watch this because of Jeffree's past but I saw the apology video he made and I think he is sincere. Everyone makes mistakes and we all have the power to change so I decided to give this video a chance. They are both BRILLIANT!! This was such an entertaining clip. I love drag.

Ur a guy tho

No way ITS TRIXIE ❤️❤️❤️❤️ AHHH

bruh.... i’m obsessed.


U both are going to burn in hell I'm sorry but its going to happen


U look gooood

I just want to see you in Trixie makeup in every video from now on.

wtf did Trixie get out of the Holi Slay Spectacular to film this video ?

Fucking Cancer Everywhere!

Oh honey palette link is coming up as 404 page not found. Is it gone? Are they not selling it anymore??



нех*ёвые чиксы для чпоканья

do a video gigi pls it would be iconic!!!!

That moment when you realize that’s the wig trixie wore in the holi-slay disaster

she looks like trash

PONYBOY SODAPOP JOHNNY (I don't remember the rest but I watched the movie, read the book and did the play

they are both men right?

Why am I watching this again?! For the fourth time!!! Lol

Omg!!! Please have Katya!!!!

Fucking gays


Why am I so in love with this??




Jeffree in his eliminate

Fuck you

O girl I’m pugsley SAMEEEEE

Dang! That looks incredible! loving the look!

What the fuck is this?

OMG I'm too high .. I can't even babygirls eyes are a trip but I really love the look you guys..Love you Jeffrey..

و ييعع الله يقرفكم وش ذا الميك اب فوق هذا كله انهم رجال الله المستعان

+Rove 2222 مادري شفته قدامي دخلته

هاجر احمد. اعرف ان الميكب مو حلو بس خلاص اذا انتي ماتعجبك هالاشكال ليش تدخلين الفديو اساسا

+Yourwith Kitty I am smart, and I know they are males.

Joker_ them smart one? I don’t think you’re smart either.

+καndγ- βοi I never said they couldn't live them smart one

Bruh that's what they want LET THEM LIVE THEIR LIVES

ok listen here bitch.. i am sick of it! I AM SICK! OF! IT!!!

καndγ- βοi tbh



I'm not a girl punks this channel is worse than pooop

Leave, no one likes a hateful sister

leave bitch

This was amazing

Is the human on the right man or woman

Wtf are these abominations. I have more testosterone in my left testicle thoses two combined.

Makes me want to do my face the same. Love it

Trixie filmed the Rupaul Christmas Special and then came here lmao.

Jeffree looks like Bella Thorne with drag on from the side


don't use plastic straws SAVE THE TURTLES XX

I like the idea that you do not want to reproduct

Honestly I think Jeffree just needs to do drag more often

That’s scary af (I mean he always is, but now even more)


Jeffree you look like Michelle Pfeiffer! Lol

eww its weird

Thats actually stanky

No joke my mom had sister Mattel give out the makeup

I never know where her eyes are And y’all look fabulous

You're dum

Best Jeffree Star video. Im so happy i love the both of them.

Wtf is this

Do it again pleeeaaassseee

I never said that

I dont want to become a monster. But jeff your beautiful compared to the other one.

did jefrree shade cupcakke? pffft sit down

Is this gay



Joker_ I meant your grammar, sorry. I am aware that you know they are males.

George Tsino who hurt u? fuck off lmao

J AND A GAMING Jacob carranza go play some fortnite little boie

Boo Jeffery D died in 1994 you were alive xx

Jeez... Whats wrong with being NORMAL for fu%&s sake.

Is it me or does Jeffrey looking like Katya

Die in a fuking fire

Give it up for carol

Looks like a monkey.

Jeffree fr looks like a young Dolly Parton on acid. Extremely matches his mansion/80's epic drama lifestyle. Flawless art by Trixie.

Question - In the beginning where are his eyes???

@Jeffreestar, if only you could have ANGELYNE do your makeup, or you do HERS. Oh girl.....a dream come true for me as well as everyone else.


No tea, shade, or pink lemonade. But why is Trixies makeup look like me trying to do a sharp wing?

What the fuck am I watching. I came here to investigate who the fuck the two weird looking people from rewind are and this shit is weirder than I thought.

How does it feel to be EITHER of you? I'm so jealous...seriously I wish I were dead....because I can't be either of you! XOXO

Jeffree looks like she died 3 years ago and Trixie... well I don't know what Trixie looks like... like a recalled Barbie that was stuck in the blender before being sent back to Hasbro.


You look like a Dolly Parton Barbie! I love it!!!

Khi asco :v


wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i love you

Jeffrey as trixie is legit very beautiful she looks like dolly


omg bianca del rio next ;)


Estoy de acuerdo contigo que asco :b

I absolutely fucking love this.

what's fun is that Trixie filmed this after the Christmas special. it's the same outfit from the 70s dance challenge

*_eyeballs have left the chat_*

drags are naturally shady. the way he gagged when he saw jeffrees pimple lmao

Trixie u need to get ur nails done girl



This is literally the dumbest thing I have seen since YouTube rewind 2018

Jeffrey I love love love itttttttt


26:41 me most of the time

I would love for both of yous to queen me up ^.^ Love both yah styles..

i’m a simple woman. i see trixie, i see jeffrey, i click

Why is this the best video ever

he looks like fucking alaska

just noticed trixie is wearing a tamagotchi earring omg

Jeffree looks like Dolly Parton

Que desgraça é essa vey

No hate... but this look is horrifying. I was scared shitless the first time I ever saw it. It just me?

I think you look like a clown

Where is her eyebrows haha you are the best!

I am getting mad Dolly Parton vibes with the finished look xD

Where are its eyes?

Jeffree is so cute in the video


this is fucking bomb, jeffree looks like a well aged house wife who could run the fucking world


Where is your eyes

this collab but Katya does the voiceover

I love everything about this video

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