Trianon Mauritius from LA City to the Teal river and labour barracks

Trianon Mauritius from LA City to the Teal river and labour barracks

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hi everyone welcome to Trianon start the montage LA City that's where we are come to LA maybe it's la probably means la city   let's go check it out the parrot says put waste  in the right place what does the parrot talk put waste in the right place put waste in the  I'll stop now well it looks like LA City   does actually have a Mcdonald's and and i'll show  you in a second a winner's hyper it has everything   so there's actually parking outside for a  thousand cars you've got some great mountain views   good morning that is a winner's harper  and if you're wondering what the music   is there's a band in there so we'll  have a look at it but they actually   have a winner's hyper what on earth is that  i think it's jazz it's jazz yes it's jazz   Bryan's not a big fan of jazz okay now  you can even even better see the mountain 361 behind me but they have these gardens  in between so you have some shops and then you have some gardens that's pretty cool  uh loads of shops loads and loads of shops   sitting out here amongst the  the more conventional shops so   i suppose street food it's a snack hut on a street and this is technically a   street and it's pretty cool it is it's  kind of like a it's like a whole town have a look at this this is like a a  thing you've got to come across stuff and   walk across bridges and an obstacle course  it looks awesome i really like it spiderweb i want to film someone actually doing this me  too oh it's only for five to ten year olds   don't worry they have all the fun and all  the cool clothes tacos fried chicken kebab   this is the urban food they do tacos have a  look in here it actually looks really it's   pretty cool i think we actually saw one of these  at uh Curepipe but it didn't look as good as this one   this is artisanal coffee but i'm just going  to take you inside i mean look at how awesome   they've made this place but look at this they got  okay you can't actually see all you can see is me   this is what i was trying to show you  earlier oh that is so cute that is   so cute and the cameras and things on that  looks like an old coffee something i don't know yeah maybe oh here we go there we go that looks perfect wow wherever you look they've got these shops and  it's like there's Art World Out of Africa Bata one eye but there are tons of  these little shops all in this   and they're all looking like  they're doing really well the   business is booming let's just say let me show  you some of the the stuff that they've got here that looks like trumpets oh sorry   and this is all the band okay you actually  might actually be playing something in a second   oh that's cool this is the Winner's hyper  and they're actually just playing outside it   but i wonder what a hyper is have a look at the size of this building yeah i  don't know it's about two kilometers down that way   i'm gonna get a golf cart to see if i can  actually go shopping yeah that's how big it is it is huge yeah it is really big the bakery section but look you can actually see through the window at all the stuff that they're cooking look  at the size of the bread loaf that's how they make   those other breads i'll show you these crustless  ones yeah yeah that's where they do all the mixing   wow a lot more choice on the marinated chicken  things and on the crumb chickens and of course a   massive fresh fish section  oh and they got unicorn fish   yeah don't often see this actual fresh octopus  normally it's frozen baby octopus for salad okay octopus salad you need to boil it  okay wow so it really is a hyper Winners   even more marinated things wow you just  bring the fire just bring that look   look i i you're looking of  course you are but wow you know they actually do have fresh cows for 31 rupees  half liter that is a good veg section oh yeah have   a look down there there's tons of stuff and that's  why it's a hyper because it has loads of stuff loads and loads of checkouts this is the Winners hyper behind me i showed you inside   there but it actually used to be the Shoprite and unfortunately it burnt down in the   person who was negligent in that was actually  killed which is a bit of a shame the Shoprite   actually had the biggest single day  turnover in the history of Mauritius   the moment they got a bit of a drive for swimming school so if you want to do a swimming school   come down here okay i suppose it's a bit late  now another mapou tree welcome to food city oh man if you're hungry don't come in here this  place has everything US Philly Steak KFC Panarotis Les Petit Fresh Subway there are so  many we've got we'll go and see we'll   go and explore all of them what beautiful  birthday cakes but there's more we're at   O Gu and look at all these  pastries but wait ogu has more cool look at these cute little  creme brulees and little mini cakes adorable and little opera cakes yum yum yum US Philly Steak and look at them they look pretty   awesome and you get custom fries wow what is that  Express Thai Express Thai you got a massive wok oh Chatime US Philly Cheesesteak and Riki said no way  actually you can't actually see how small they are   maybe you're gonna have to get one  of the little samosas oh definitely   it's so cute so this is a samosas so if  you're on diet you can just eat one of those wait it's so small it's so cute but  little things just make you so happy   okay finish your samosa no don't finish it  wait so there's a kfc but it's not like  it's bigger than any of the other shops we haven't even been to the other side where they have Curry Express no we haven't been to the other side unboxing our cheesy fries the biggest ever box and look at that they are heavy look at those hot and   they're really hot they're really really  hot oh there's a lot of cheese on there good wow those fries were surprisingly good  fries cheese sauce is nice as well but the   fries are really good US Philly Cheese  Steak get them here crispy hot lick your bowl okay they've got everything in this place Panarotis  the kfc was there dim sun and sushi   but wow say that three times fast Curry Express  aren't Pablo's we don't mess with the rooster have a look at all of these hi i'm just getting some video of it wow  they look so great eh this is the sushi this is actually Curry Express and look  they've got all the curries out here and the sides wow this is so pretty you can buy rooster or they  don't mess with their rooster so therefore   they're cooking the chicken maybe it's actually  Doner Kebab and i suppose you can get all the   look at that look at the size  of those kebabs i suppose okay good look at this lemon taste Mauritian and Indian  cuisine and they actually serve things normally   when you can sit down like a thali or seven  curries and you can get it on a banana leaf   and everything amazing so before i forget  the guy from the lemon and lime place said   when things open and you're allowed to sit  down obviously only on Fridays they do their   traditional seven curries i think he said it was  250 rupees or 220 rupees or something like that   whole full banana leaf experience got to do  that Fridays it is a little tricky to see   because of the sun being bad on it but this  is crushed metal it's kind of trendy area   at normal times there will be great chairs  and things here it's a pity it's a pity   oh they actually we went across the yellow  tape this looks like they set up for the boulette true words to taste something new sidewalks check so far i've been well impressed by LA City i mean look  great sidewalks i mean it's really easy to walk   around so far no buses have tried to run me over  uh they've got great street food there and here   and uh well the only the only thing is you know  the the jazz not a big jazz fan unfortunately but   other than that this has been a great village  LA City it's a city it's actually a city   it's been quite a nice city i'll probably not  get another chance have a look at this chain   it's there it's attached to the ground there  now you can see there quite a few along here   of these chains and what they do is they  hold the roof down so it doesn't float away   i don't know even pedestrian crossings Winners hyper walking away from it for the montage but check it out LA City i could live here   yeah i think i could live here  me too great city great city this is what LA City needs  more hi really stylized people supermodels stop it this says goodwill mission it's concrete so this is the Trianon Koval  which not exactly sure when it was built   but the sugar estate if you could just  see the chimney behind it's from 1803   so it must be pretty old getting  b-roll of Riki getting a-roll in the building pretty great i just love that  tree that is such a fantastic tree across the way there there used to be a bridge  it used to be a pedestrian bridge and a tram   bridge i'll see if i can't get a better view  from from the other angle but over here is the   actual weir but you can actually go down these  stones a little bit they're quite big they're   actually quite big we can see they're quite big  so that can show you the stone structure over here   rivers do tend to just keep going in fact i  think this one goes all the way past Camp de Masque   across the way here is the sugar there's a  margarine uh factory and they're actually   looking after the Trianon chimney so if i'd done  what i was supposed to do and get permission to   go and have a look we'd have been allowed  in but right now we're not because i forgot   so it looks like there's going to be a spiritual  park down here they're just busy building it at   the moment that's something to look forward to on  the beautiful Teal river okay this is the Trianon tower i'm going to zoom you guys in four times and  there we are it's a pity about the nice sun on it   and it's a little yakka plantation you  can see there quite a few of them actually   yeah oh man i'm gonna go back maybe you can  mention why the river's so important so the the   main barracks and where everyone would have stayed  is just behind me and then there's the Koval and   then there's the sugar mill so everyone would have  had to cross this river to get to work every day wow it's not all the time you can  get flowers and a sugar chimney   it's gonna have to remove that thing Trianon this is a fantastic little area as you can  see they're growing i think they're called yakas  i can't actually remember but they're growing  those plants and they made these beautiful   little ponds for it and they actually have  a piece of irrigation running through it   they also have their pumpkins but i'm just gonna  carefully walk through because you don't damage   their their stuff but we are right at the weir as  you can see oh look at how beautiful the wearer is   i didn't even see it before huh hopefully we  can get it a little bit lighter in there wow that is a beautifully  built weir okay back to me they've got these channels and they're actually  growing plants here and it's helping to irrigate   these ones as well what a fantastic little  piece of let's just say homemade engineering   that's great that's really great this is quite pretty actually at the right angle  with the sky it does look teal did you see me from down there  another view of the stone work here   wow what a great weir look up there  it's Riki through the greenery   let's see if we can get the yellow  flower like she always goes to to us   we got some yellow flowers we got a Riki let's  see if we can't get a yellow flower Riki moment   a little bit yeah that's it that's it a little  bit closer to the flowers who do i focus on let   me focus on Riki there we go how beautiful  is that this is actually a new piece of wall actually being made out of the stone and it's  right next to where the old bridge used to be   that's the skilled artisan getting the rocks in  exactly the right place so they fit perfectly   so this is the Trianon labourers barracks actually  a national heritage site you can't see it great   from this view but unfortunately the gate is  locked it is a pity that we actually can't get   in because this is actually quite a fascinating  structure it uh oh there's a guy so as you enter   there's a really informative sign that tells you  everything you could possibly want to know about   the labourers quarters and it's even got an old  map of how the whole sugar mill area used to be what a stroke of luck the guys just let  us in so we can actually come and see   have a look at this look at this you can actually see inside oh i don't know this  was probably a window and the door is probably   on maybe it's got two doors through flow i'll  show you in better detail i'm just so excited   wow wow this is the original labourers quarters  quarters and a lot of the laborers didn't actually   like the stone ones just look how many they are  there are loads of them and it has been very   beautifully restored and it is protected by law  it's a national monument as you can see so they   do have the national monument plaque there so it is  protected by law now on the other side i believe   they made a kitchen a modern kitchen but this was  still in use in 1960 they were still using this   but wow how lucky did we get that he actually  let us in okay now i'm going to show you inside   we're going inside look at this look it's  actually a lot cooler in here i can see why   people would worry about the damp because it  is a lot cooler that is really nice actually wow and the domed roof okay they they've  replaced it because it was dangerous   so now it has been replasted  there's a little puppy outside there   barking but we'll come around from the  other side and how awesome they actually   just see people they actually lived in here  there would have been a separate area where   there was cooking done and they ate so this is  mostly for sleeping outside the back i'll show   you that side in a minute wow how awesome  is this is this for one person is it for   family were there lots of people in here for  a family the whole family could live in here is this for cooking for cooking okay there you go so this was like the kitchen the back the  back compartments had kitchens i assumed the   guys in the front shared but these are  all the kitchens you can see this is   where he would come out and this is his kitchen wow wow that's a really impressive building behind wow and these places were very  very damp particularly in winter   and cold because look at the  thickness of the wall that wall is it's really thick so you can  imagine it got quite cold   see the guy who's here just pointed out  that these things actually have natural air   conditioners in them because of the top the air  can flow out and then the stone is nice and cool   wow so it would have kept cold in winter so  cold in winter but but in summer at least   you kept cool so they've put the numbers on so  that they can put them back in the same place   that's great so they were lived people lived  here and all over this area because like nearly   1500 people lived here not just here so you can  see inside this one that and there was probably   a divide here they probably had some sort of  divider what do you think yes yes look they   actually get a divider and of course our good  friend the yellow wasp let's stay clear of him   did they have a divider here maybe it looks like  maybe something between so that's one and this   is another one maybe like if there were bachelors  bed and living room and it's actually quite pretty   How awesome is that there we go look at that out that window that  is picture perfect now see if we can't get to   okay you're gonna have to come out because i can't  actually see you because there's no light on you   but there look at how short it is Riki can't  even stand fully up in it i just can't so she   can just stand in the doorway so these were  designed for Riki welcome to your home  this is the only one actually surviving that  they were built in 1810 they started building   these and they actually stopped building them  in 1850 because they were unhygienic but this   one it was actually used till 1960 1960. wow  and it is it is quite amazing and everyone who   actually stayed in here actually preferred the  thatch houses the thatch wood and mud houses   but the sugarcane owners kept  building these until about 1850   and this one remains so this looks more like  the orig let me get you in there this looks   more like the original floor it's been dug up a  bit but you can actually see here where it would   have been stone it wouldn't have been that nice  concrete that we saw in the other ones but you   can see the stones they are not they're not very  even and they're not well cut so you've had to   have a nice straw bed or maybe they put straw and  maybe that is the the threshold where they stop   the thresh from going up wow and that's a much  narrower window so some news just in thank you   this the army came in and maybe that's why those  windows were increased because while soldiers   like a bit more air than what uh sugarcane farmers  thought they needed so the army came in and they   fixed it up a bit made the windows slightly better  and those rooms are they actually feel a lot   better than these rooms here 1960 people had to  come back and stay here because of cyclone carol this was used as temporary housing They put the artillery so they put their guns and things like a store it was called a magazine okay so it was actually  a magazine where they would have kept their their   bombs and guns and things yeah but yeah there's  the barracks and the Koval yes because there were   1500 workers here yeah so there were lots of these  i think there was one there and one there or one   somewhere and even more people who just lived in  the thatch yeah this is like this stuff all this   whole system so this whole field would have been  full of barracks what's really really good news   is that they're preserving it and that's  fantastic and it's going to last here forever but as i was walking i just noticed  this is actually a stone road that people   would have walked to work so they would have  walked along this this road from from their   their uh their house and gone out there to the  sugarcane or or gone to pray at the Koval wow   walking away from it for the montage walking away  from the awesome labourers camp for the montage Riki walking to work at the margarine  factory i mean i mean the sugar mill wow   how lucky did we get with those barracks  awesome anyway Trianon wow he knew such history   such interesting things and all that food wow  and if well we're going from here back to the   food court go get something more to eat so anyway  everyone thanks for watching see you next time   wow look at this awesome building  with its dog and then across there   it's the Olympic park it's got to  be the Olympic park with noisy dogs maybe we're getting the Olympics  maybe we're getting the Olympics say it again you were blurry maybe we're getting the Olympics looks  like it what else could it be must be this sugar tower sugar mill tower  is actually Bagatelle the actual   Bagatelle sugar mill we know we're near Bagatelle we're actually at the Bagatelle dam so this is the   real Bagatelle tower don't let the guys at Bagatelle mall tell you different this guy was built in 1840   seven 1847 1847 and it actually there was a  fire here in 1940 and it was never annexed so   unannexed sugar mill how awesome is that and  according to my google translate Bagatelle means   trifle trifle so i don't know if that's the  pudding or it's a truifle it's a triffle or a   pudding you know no not a it's a it's a triffle  small it's a you know all right there we are   it looks like it was quite a nice sugar estate  it does look quite nice i mean look at the sugar   cane next to it if that's any indicator and great  stone walls and well a nice enough chimney yeah   i'm like cautiously approaching because there's  a little security office and i don't want someone   to come now you can't take back this but there's  not actually anyone here it's completely abandoned   yeah short little detour now we see if we can  go find Cote d'Or gold coast just down the road   yeah like dung from a goat or something oh  okay like goat pellets yeah but it's fruit   Cote d'Or gold golden coast gold coast   yeah treasure buried somewhere that's Cote d'Or wow we know we're near a coast no we really aren't   we we're literally almost in the middle of the  island but 1850 that guy was built i actually   wish i could get closer because it is a round one  it does look like the stone has been cut round   it does look in quick pretty good condition  as well looks in really good condition   i'm gonna walk down a little bit see if there  isn't another way through anyway it was annexed   but we don't know when because  Riki didn't bother to go look it up no because it's a bonus in 600 meters at the roundabout take the  third exit and stay on Terre Rouge Verdun Trianon link road Terre Rouge Verdun Trianon link road in 600 meters at the roundabout take the  Terre Rouge Verdun Trianon link road exit the roundabout and continue on Terre Rouge Verdun Trianon link road she does it better than I do

2021-07-05 16:00

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