Travelling Jeju Day 1

Travelling Jeju Day 1

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Hey welcome back soul fam yo we got  something incredibly special for you guys   uh let me just go ahead and whip this around oh you guys may not be able to tell but hello Jeju  guys we have got a awesome set of videos going on   for the next four days I am going to be  traveling around Jeju and showing off all   of the amazing things Jeju has to offer  so we're just at the airport right now   just waiting for our city bus tour that's the  first thing we're going to be doing on day one   we're going to be taking the bus around Jeju city  stopping at some destinations and then we're going   to be going to a black pig restaurant a black boar restaurant heukdwaegi restaurant eating some   delicious black boar which is supposed to be  very famous here so without further ado let's   go ahead and get on that bus and we're back guys  look I got the bus all to myself no one is here   it's amazing uh there's like maybe a couple  people inside but I figured i'd take this time to   sit out here and record uh and show off maybe a  little bit what Jeju is like or the outside Jeju   it's kind of hard to see much because we're  still just leaving the airport we will be   taking four stops uh today on this city bus tour  i'm gonna give you guys a look around uh yeah yeah we're gonna be going to three four places  we're going to be going to four places today let me go inside a little  bit a little hard to hear yeah so first off we'll be heading over  to the shopping district where we'll   be checking out some shops cafes and just kind of  walk around see what you can buy and Jeju and then   we're going to be going to the cultural history  historical area kind of like I guess going to   but you know Jeju version I don't know what's  over there exactly but it should be pretty cool   next we'll be heading over to the traditional  market where uh the tour guide lady has mentioned   that the black pig that you can buy there is  uh way better than actually going to the uh   black pig street so we're going to check that out  should be a lot of delicious food lastly we're   going to be heading to the abortorium where we can  check out some local cool fauna so yeah that's the   uh that's the plan for the city tour bus there's  gonna be a lot of other things uh on this Jeju   tour it is still quite early in the day and uh  we got a lot to do on this uh sweet vacation so I   hope you guys enjoy the next Jeju tour content uh  on the Seoul Lovin channel welcome to Jejuuuuuuu All right guys we're going to the  folklore and natural history museum now our first stop of the city board bus  tour so we purchased a all day pass   which you can kind of see this wristband  uh this is an all-day pass uh you pay one   time and you can hop on and hop off  on the bus at any time on the tour   and they will take you to a set any destination  on a set route so uh we're just going to go here   enjoy this museum for a little while then head  back on the bus and go to our next destination   all right guys we're walking into uh the natural  history museum culture park of Jeju and uh this   place is pretty cool it's not too expensive it's  about the same price as Gyeongbukong and very nice   they gave us conveniently a little locker key to  put all our stuff in which is quite nice because   we're not gonna have the chance to go inside  or go to our hotel for quite some time uh so   having a place for free to put all of our stuff is  uh very nice and this place is really cool so far   um so why they have all these kind of little  rock statues that you can see well Jeju is the   big mountain on Jeju Hallasan is a volcano  uh so they do get a lot of volcanic rock   here and they've used the volcanic rock as  part of their infrastructure for some time   and uh just now they have on display all the  different uh styles of the lava rock I guess   but uh yeah this place was really  neat we got the museum right in there   and we'll head inside in just a little bit but  it's a nice nice little area outside and uh   pretty lucky I no one's no one's really here not  many people maybe because it's very early in the   morning or pretty cloudy and people think it's  gonna rain I hope not but uh yeah here we go   full outside view area of the museum right  so we're officially inside the museum   and you can see over here they're quite safe they  have quite a system of uh checks for virus but uh   we have our starting point here this way into this  uh little movie theater and uh yeah this place is   it's pretty pretty neat I can't wait to do some  more exploring let's go ahead and uh head inside   yeah let's go whoa yo guys look at this   it feels like we're actually inside a  cavern as I mentioned before this place   the whole island is almost one big volcano but  I did not expect to see all this they do have um   some kind of mines like this that  you can go into or lava tubes I guess   and walk around but this is really really cool obviously not a real one but maybe we'll  have time to check out some of the real ones   let's just keep going now we're going  into the history exhibition room just keep walking around we have a lot  of uh very rock heavy museum and uh I think they like to try to  explain all the geology and all the   cool kind of like minerals that you  can find throughout Jeju island um but there are more things I promise you there  are more than just rocks and here's actually uh   this big old massive dome that you see  here this is Hallasan basically and uh   this is going to be one of the future videos  sneak peek we're going to be climbing up this   uh hopefully it goes well let's go  check out the folklore exhibition room   now we can kind of see more of the people history  of Jeju oh wow this is okay this is pretty cool   actually like this kind of big huge like display  of what the traditional housing was like and   kind of what they use the tools and all that  this is actually really this is really neat   this is really really cool oh and it even  moves too look the mom's rocking her baby I think that might be the only one that  moves but still really cool nonetheless they kind of look a little  creepy though not gonna lie I feel like it's going to come  alive at any second and attack me let's go ahead and check out these boat makers   yo this part is really sick I like this actually a  lot I see what kind of uh ships they used to make   go fishing because it is an island nation so of  course they probably would have to develop some   way of fishing pretty efficiently kind of what a  small village would look like it looks really cool   homely the houses are actually quite big  they're actually decent size so I wonder if um   each household uh I wonder if they  had like big family members or   was there a reason why like the houses  look particularly large but they look   I don't know it looks very comfy like I I  would have expected maybe a smaller housing but   this housing is uh it's quite  nice for the olden times   here we have the potty so this is kind of  neat you would uh use this for was taking uh   taking care of business but also they used to  use this for a combined effort of uh the pig   manure as well to produce fertilizer for well  for their crops I think that's pretty cool it's a   nice way to kind of combine the dirty  business with the dirty business but also   have a means to get some fertilizer for your  land and have some healthy crops so that's   kind of cool we're now in the maritime museum  section of the cultural and history museum   of Jeju and uh this is pretty neat it's also not a  very terribly big section but uh it's kind of cool   to see what kind of uh basically deep sea life  they have and they have this really neat like   model where you can see what would be beyond the  corals and stuff this is really cool I like this hope you guys enjoyed the the tour of  the museum i'm going to just chill out   by this oar fish over here but uh  yeah that was the first stop of the   city bus tour we're gonna be heading to the  bus stop to head to our next destination   and uh check out some shops and cafes i'm pretty  hungry so uh see you in a little bit. All right   guys we're going to the uh Jeju dongmun market  you guys already know how much I love Korean food   and how delicious it is and how amazing it is i've  been wanting to uh show off traditional market for   a while and we'll eventually go to one in Seoul  but uh yeah i'm i'm excited to have some uh some   delicious noms chow down and eat some delicious  food so guys uh check out what the markets have   to offer uh one big thing I know that Jeju is  really famous for is uh these are not it but uh   they're very famous for their uh halabong which  was I did for a chuseok video a while back but   yeah they're very famous for the halabong or the  orange let's just see what uh see what they got here we go we got some more food over here as well   yeah this is what we want we want all the  good stuff all the foods all the fried foods I don't even know what they're frying we got some sweet potatoes some  gyoza or dumplings if you prefer I don't know what this bread  is but also looks pretty good got yes more kind of dumplings over here oh specialty black pig ramen there's not as many like food places  to buy from as I thought there would be   but uh that's okay because uh saving our  stomach space for heuk dwaegi but I did buy   a uh a spicy meat bun so hopefully that's pretty  good there's some more traditional foods again I got my uh my my bun here  wanted to find a spot to   be able to consume it without too  many people caring let's try this out that is some good stuff it's kind of like uh it almost tastes like mapo tofu in a bun with  mapo tofu is like a Chinese spicy tofu pork fish so juicy so delicious i'm gonna finish the rest  of this well next you see me   i'm gonna be at the black boar restaurant  chowing down on some delicious delicious pork   cheers see you in a little bit. Welcome back  we're at the well actually we're at the street   I didn't think we'd actually be going here but uh  we came from down that direction where the market   was and heuk dwaegi street is just chilling out  over here so it's actually I don't know if it's   the same street that the bus tour is going to take  us on or if this is a completely different street   but either way we're eating black boar black  pork today and uh we're eating at this place   I don't know seems good looks it was  uh recommended so let's go ahead and   go inside and check out some black pork I am  hungry all right we're inside the restaurant now   it's a pretty pretty cool restaurant I really  really like the uh layout but you can see the   steam slowly slowly slowly and we zoom in on the  delicious fantastic pork right there look at that   yes we're eating some black pork  it's a black boar famous in Jeju   we got some steamed black boar over here kind  of bossam version, a plethora of side dishes   and uh cannot wait to consume the delicious  noms all right I got a I think I got a pretty   sweet angle here of uh of all the stuff going  on go ahead and flip this meat for you guys   I guess he's going to do it for us which is pretty  nice you don't you guys don't get to see me cook   i'm very interested in this  um this steamed pork over here look at that let me just bring that area   in your face that looks delicious let's give  it a little dip into the sauce dippy dipped hmm wow I don't know how to really describe that  flavor it does have a lot of fat it does have   a lot of fat to it as you guys can clearly  see but the flavor has got like um I don't   know if that's from the sauce or from the  meat let me try the different sauce here oh my god the amount of like seasoning that comes from   from this piece of meat right here this  is this is beyond amazing this thing is   it's so good I wish they gave me more of this this  meat over here this is so good you might have to   get another one but we do have more of this pork  over here so you guys enjoy this kind of mukbang   even though i'm not really it's kind of hard to  get myself in the video and eating the pork but   you guys can see it and hear it and hopefully  that's enough but let's eat some kimchi too kimchi is so nice i'm just  i'm chowing down on everything   trying everything some green  onion covered in sauce too The food is I haven't even tried  the main meat yet all right i'm   waiting i'm waiting for this to cook  so bad but just all the basic side   dishes too is all really good you  can see over here keran jim as well you guys know I love my keran yeah look at that nice fluffiness  right there golden fluffiness oh it's so good it is so so fantastic it has a  lot of juice to it too which makes it even better I everything so far has been really good   i'm gonna wait on this uh this meat here wait  till that uh cooks cook something try that the uh the grill master do his thing too i'm normally fine with cooking and cutting  my own food but sometimes it's really   nice to have somebody cook  and cut the food for you nice all right guys we can finally finally dig into  this so i'm going to do two versions i'm going to   try this just by itself I don't want too much fat  I want an equal portion of fat and meat i'm going   to take this piece right here and we're going  to just try this pork straight up dripping with   fat and uh just get a taste of it right I just  want a quick taste see what uh the flavor it has guys just by itself this fork far beats most pork I  mean I say that like the the fat and meat content   it's like there's just it's just packed with  flavor you can't you can't beat like pork in   Korea it is amazing like I know some people are  gonna be like oh but pork in other countries is so   good like ribs and stuff this this black boar i'm  going to do the ssamjang way too this black boar   oh it's so good it doesn't even need anything  with it but of course I am going to put stuff   with it because it makes it even better  we're gonna get a nice full ssam going get some extra just a little bit of uh no  let's get some bean sprouts in there yeah   yeah yeah yeah and wrap it up wrap it up remember  guys wrap it up like it's a burrito and enjoy it's so good it's incredibly fantastic I can't I can't stress enough how good this barbecue  pork is right i'm absolutely fawning over just dipped it in a little bit of I  think it's sesame oil and salt as well this   is so amazing let's get a sesame leaf this time just give me more of this black pig please get some of that ssamjang hell yeah I like raw garlic as opposed to cooked garlic  cooked garlic is also nice but uh raw garlic   has a unique flavor as well there we go  this time we're going to get some kimchi kind of drip that on there nice nice green onion  too we assembled our delicious little burrito this   is going to be very hot because of the kimchi  and everything so let me give this a little so hot down it goes this  food oh my god coming to Jeju   not only is it gonna be a very fun trip it's gonna  be a very delicious trip now as much as i'd like   to eat this every day that's a bit unrealistic  but I do would like I would like to eat this again   uh soon because this stuff is phenomenal so  we're i'm going to finish the rest of this   and we'll go ahead head down to uh the next  location after we're done so I hope you guys   enjoyed it's a black baor and uh hope you guys be  jealous of all the delicious food that i'm eating   now and in the future see you in a little bit.  Welcome back everybody it's been a little bit   of time it's night time out but we're uh we're  at another market we're at another market and uh   yo check this out we're getting some uh  delicious food we got one lady burning   some lobster over here and then this is what  we're having it is uh meats wrapped in meat   and uh this one's got uh egg inside but this guy  the way he's cooking it uh he's just served up   some other customers but I want to show you guys  as he's cooking it it's also just got fire all   around it it's really wicked yo look at that guys  holy crap that thing looks like it's gonna burn oh my god yo that's insane they have to deal with this every day this  amount of heat i've never seen this kind of   cooking before it's really cool again we're just  getting meat an egg wrapped in meat and more meat the fire's still going all right we just just got the food check  that out hell yeah look at that it looks   so good they even cut it up for us  i'm gonna take a nice nice fat bite it it's kind of hard to get the meat and the egg   look at that that nice delicious kind  of hard-boiled egg mixed with the meat   guys this is fantastic the sauce that  the spicy sauce that covers around it I think they put a little  bit of mayonnaise as well I only ordered one this is so amazing this is  like I mean I think it's only like three bucks   three bucks for a meatball just an egg wrapped  in some gup saw like pork meat oh my god this stuff is so good so far on the dinner night tour in seogwipo  it is amazing this is a great start I love it   wow we got some more food over here whoa wow guys this is uh normally ganjang is a with chicken but they used  uh I guess pork yo I really want to try that but   let's go ahead walk take a walk  around first I want to see all the   all the delicious food there is first and then  kind of make a meal plan so hard to choose guys I can't describe how much like or how  happy I am to see all this delicious food that's   you know in the area we got delicious fruit we  got delicious chicken and beef and pork and just   everything smells so good and wonderful in this  market and I want to eat it all look at this again more heuk dwaegi black boar meat yeah there's so many people  waiting in line for certain stuff   everything here is hopefully yo get some  Mexican food check this out it nice nice   hell yeah there's so many delicious  foods it's so hard to choose one thing even like even like big restaurants  are in here too oh my god oh welcome back Seoul fam we uh went to the market  and uh we're inside the hotel actually and i'll   give you guys a kind of look around with the hotel  that we got we got but uh yeah we didn't want to   eat outside in the market and so we decided to  bring everything all the food all the delicious   things packed up right at the hotel and this hotel  is pretty sick actually we got a balcony out here   but it is so humid outside so decided to bring  the table inside it's also a little dark makes   it hard for uh some filming i'm crouched down  but hopefully you guys can see me well enough   so let's take a look at what we got first off  let me go through the uh alcohols we got the uh   gobro gobrew heuk dwaegi brown ale now i've  mentioned this probably so many times already   is the black boar that you can get it's  everywhere in Jeju it's their most famous   type of food I guess and they have a they have  a beer that is uh appropriately named after it   and then we have uh two different kinds of juices  here now this is like the famous halabong juice   that they have going on in Jeju again this is  something you can find at every shop gift shop   restaurant almost every place sells these halabang  juices and they have a couple different flavors   too halabong combined with mango or combined  with like lemon they have a bunch of different   flavors I opted to get just the kind of normal uh  halabong next up we got the other alcohol we have now you guys remember makgeolli right i've had  in a few in a few videos but this one is the uh   Jeju special halabong version so i'm pretty pretty  psyched to see if this actually tastes pretty good   makgeolli is already pretty sweet and i'm  interested in what kind of citrus flavor is   going to have halabong is very strong in the  citrus department now let's go over the food   right so we got we passed this place earlier we  got the dakganjang but again this is normally   made with dak or chicken but this one is made  with the heuk dwaegi so this is pork ganjang and uh since I felt in the mood to  eat some Mexican food look at this   now again it's maybe not probably the best thing  for Korean food but this is a quesadilla that I   got I don't want to chips to fall out but  this is heuk dwaegi quesadilla basically   quesadilla so again this is with the  specialty pork of Jeju combined with the uh   awesomeness that is uh Mexican quesadilla  they gave us some uh cheese fries as well   with it I don't think I ordered the cheese fries  particularly but but I guess i'll take it why not   and then uh my little dessert secret dessert that  i'll show at the end of the video so I hope you   guys stick with that uh this this scrumptious  little dessert it's pretty cool gonna unravel   it at the end of the video let's kind of dig  in and see what everything tastes like so   first let's try this uh it's got a little bit of  I think parmesan cheese on there let's try it out why is street food so good I think I like this better than normal ganjang  that was really good that was super good time to wash it down with a little bit of a  halabong juice see what that tastes like they   give me this uh it's already in a cup here but  they gave me this a nifty little straw so why not oh god that hits the spot on a hot day I  can understand why literally every place   in Jeju sells these these are oh god that is  third thirst quenching oh god the amount of   citrus flavor that comes out of there so good now  then let's go ahead and move on to this quesadilla   I don't really have any kind of chopsticks so i'm  going to use these toothpicks that came with the   conjunct trying to pick up the quesadilla  here all right let's try this quesadilla this this is honestly better  than I expected it to be but actually they did a pretty good job I think  of like nailing some of that Mexican flavor and   whatever they marinated the the pork in but  the pork is so tender and so soft it's not the   same as the lunch that we had earlier we can't  beat that it honestly can't beat that but the   the pork is so good in this quesadilla  and it's got a lot of good flavor to it   not the same obviously to real Mexican food but  still pretty good i'm pretty happy with it i'm   glad we got that the French fries I imagine  they just kind of taste like French fries but   go ahead and give it a try of course  just some cheese fries and sauce normal chili cheese fries actually  um nothing too special about it but   still good nonetheless all right um i'll try  this beer here this is the one I wanna this is   the one i i'm really interested in other than  the uh makgeolli other than the uh makgeolli cheers everybody to uh heuk dwaegi pork beer oh that's pretty nice actually I don't  know that i've ever had a brown ale   now I think about it it's got a very um it's  got a very mellow tone to it i'm not a beer   connoisseur okay uh I just drink it passingly but  it's not harsh it doesn't have any hops at least   not any I can taste um but it's  actually quite easy to drink I thought it'd be a bit a bit more bitter I  guess but uh no it goes down pretty smooth   all right last one i'm going to get through these  pretty quickly but it's not a mukbang so I can   take I don't have to take my time remember always  shake your makgeolli very important but of course   you don't want it exploding on you slow release  all right let's get us some in that cup there all right I have it in a very nice vintage mug here  that the hotel has provided us but let's see smell is much to be desired but oh oh makgeolli was already very  smooth before but this has almost   zero alcohol taste to it it almost almost quite  just tastes like i'm drinking juice but very   quite strong juice actually but wow I didn't  think that it would mix so well or go down so well   my guess my only comment on it is that it doesn't   quite taste as much as halabong that I would have  imagined it to but absolutely fine it tastes great very smooth flavor and it I think you could  just drink this like on a hot day and down it   and you probably would not feel it right away  but it'd be a very bad decision anyways gonna   finish the rest of this meal gonna pound it  out eat it down enjoy it and when we're done   get to this cookie. All right we uh finished  the lovely meal we had in front of us the drinks  

food everything was amazing before we get into  this uh this lovely little snack here I kind of   want to wrap up the day uh so we um we started  off in Jeju we did the city bus tour and I know   we were going to go to the abortorium and the  shopping district and the market we ended up   going to the market and well we were gonna go  to the abortorium but there was a sudden huge   downpour of rain like everything was just soaked  in water from like just the the amount of rain   that came in suddenly was uh was intense so we  ended up not being able to go to the abortorium   or the shopping area so we just kind  of rode the city bus a while to kind of   uh see the city and uh after kind of hitting up  the city bus and going around we decided to move   on to Seogwipo which uh if I can remember we'll  put a map somewhere around in this convenient   location that is a the white spot behind me uh but  Jeju is on one side and then Seogwipo is on the   other side directly opposite with uh Hallasan in  the middle and this just because our hotel is in   the Seogwipo area so that's why we're stopping  here but so far Seogwipo's been pretty good   uh the night market was really cool some a lot  of places are closed uh mostly due to virus and   it's also vacation time so not too many places are  open but still enough places are open to enjoy and   kind of see all the different things going to be  a lot of food though that's that's for sure but uh   overall the first day in Jeju has been pretty  great the rain was not so great so hopefully   tomorrow the weather's better and we can get a  lot more activities done uh I have planned a lot   of things going to see the Osulloc tea fields  maybe do some ocean activities like paragliding   i'd like to do some zip lining karting horseback  riding there's a lot of things to do on Jeju   and so I hope the weather even though it won't  be sunny i'll take that over then rather than a   downpour so we'll see how it goes on Monday  we have uh hiking up Hallasan rain or shine   we're going up that mountain now then to kind of  wrap up the day wrap up the video first day first   Jeju day video I saw this uh snack as we were  getting the halabong juice basically and uh I   thought it was one of the most interesting kind of  like snacks so I mentioned this before the judges   is all volcanic territory you can buy volcanic  rocks you can see volcanic rocks everywhere   and they have a cookie not really cookie  but a bread that looks like a volcanic rock   although i'll admit though the picture  that they showed uh looked more like a   rock than I guess what I have here but it's  still pretty cool nonetheless and it's um   filled with halabong cream I guess so try this it  smells quite nice hmm I don't see any cream yet but the flavor is very good I really like this it's kind of like um buying the chocolate   there are many gifts you can buy here but one of  the things that most people buy when they come   leave Jeju to go back and bring gifts is the  chocolate halabong chocolate it's just orange   chocolate but instead of orange it's halabong  and it's a great gift to bring anybody but   kind of kind of tastes very similar to that but  very soft a little moist a little moist quite nice there's supposed to be like a I don't know  like a white cream in here but I got nothing   I got jipped maybe the the pastry they gave  me they forgot to put the cream in there but   it's still good it's still very good not like it's  very soft very nice it has a lot of good flavor to   it you got a nice rich chocolate flavor and that  just little little citrus uh halabong flavor in   there is pretty good uh i'll finish that up in a  bit but I hope you guys enjoyed the first day of   Jeju sorry we couldn't really show off too much  the Jeju city area uh but on the last day before   I go back to Seoul there is one last thing I  will be doing in Jeju city uh before we depart   but most of the things that we're doing the  last two days are within the Seogwipo area so   hope you guys enjoy and uh look forward to the  next episode so uh see you in a little bit bye!

2021-08-16 22:38

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