traveling to SAINT-PETERSBURG 2020 //architecture//cool spots// parties

traveling to SAINT-PETERSBURG 2020 //architecture//cool spots// parties

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So. Okay. Hey everyone, today is. Another, travel vlog. And i'm extremely excited to announce that because i've been, dreaming about this trip for. Actually a really long time and here i am in saint petersburg, as usually. Because. I don't want to go anywhere, in russia but some petersburg, so yeah, here i am. And now i'm gonna go, visit my. Hotel, room, yeah go change. And, i'm planning. To, go and actually grab some food because. I'm really really. Hungry. And then. I'll just walk, as i usually do and party, at night so yes that's my plan for today. And for every other day out there, so. Yeah stay tuned it's gonna be fun. So yeah here is a place where i'm gonna leave. This is how i look. Yay. Um, it's really small but also, cute so here's bathroom. Yeah. Basic. But i like it, a lot. This is how i look, yeah i love this outfit, even more, it's so cute. And. It gives me some petersburg, vibes. Yeah. Um. I mean, it's absolutely, gorgeous, here. And. I, don't even have words to express, how. Amazed, i am by things like this, because. You know favorite, city. Vibes. So some things never change. Like every time i go just in petersburg, i go to this square, and every time i go to moscow go to red square, so yeah. Basically. I'm very. Busy. My phone practically, died, but i don't care, you know. I don't know what i'm gonna do because there are literally, like six percent, on it, but, i'm gonna keep vlogging, till the very, end. And, vibes, are immaculate, to be honest. Here's a square, i've been on. Just few seconds, minutes ago. And now i'm gonna go visit, really, interesting, place, it is all covered. In beautiful. Drawings. Aka, patterns, i don't know how to call them so, i'll draw the show. But it's, it's. Great. So. Okay so i'm returning to the very city center. Because. I just want to go to starbucks, in chile. And check my phone, because it's so dead it's two percent. Great. Taking, into consideration. The fact that i literally, was planning, on. Staying in the city till three am. Yeah. And then, i'll probably, listen to street musicians. Or something like that. Yay. And. That place where i went was not as impressive, as it was shown in advertisements. And other stuff. And, it's actually kind of scary that there are even tours, to that yard, like. Seriously. So you understand, it's like. Practically. 10 p.m, half past nine. And that's crazy, because, there is sun, out. And, now i'm planning on going, changing. Because, these clothes, are not really appropriate. For what i'm gonna do this night so. Yeah, it's gonna be. Fun. Oh. Yes. That. Uh. So. So. Well so it's first talking part of the day. And, here is quick update. I woke up at 10. Approximately. At, 12, i was already on my way to grab. Coffee. Okay it was icy, actually. And visit new, holland. Which was really nice. And i've already shown you, videos, from that place. And, now i'm just you know, strolling. In a part of city i've never been to. Oh. Is it. Live. Oh. Lord. Says. So. Okay, i'm. Alive. Okay guys good morning. It's not really morning, actually, it's like 100, p.m. I woke up an hour ago and realized, that i probably. Have to be going, so i decided, to go. I don't know what i'm gonna do. Let's just see, all right. I will probably. Message. People i parted. Yeah louise, yesterday. And we'll figure something out or at least i'll get recommendations. On what places to visit so yeah that's. It. Life is. Weird. Okay so quick update. I went to the place, where, now, well. Oh my god crime and justice. I think our crime and punishment, was written, so, it, was just, place, like this. Nothing special. However, on my way there i found really, really nice. Art space. I think this is a cool this way. And i bought this lemonade. So yeah. Quick updates, now i'm gonna visit the place. One of the people i parked with yesterday, recommended. That's. It. Me. Okay i'm in my hotel. Room. I decided to go back. Change. As it was getting, really. Really. Cold, and wind was cold, so i decided, why not to. Change the skirt. Yay. And my hair. An absolute, mess. Because, it was getting windy.

And My hat was not very pleased with it. So yeah here we go. And also, my feet, hurt, so, so much. I think i have like dozens. Of bloody, blisters. On my heel. It is so bad. But i don't care i'll go party anyway. So yeah, that's planned for today. I'll try to film as much as i. Can. Is. So it's good morning, this is how, morning after party looks i'm entirely, never ended so yeah here we. Go. Foreign. Okay. Hi it's first, speaking, part. Of today. And it's practically, 2 p.m, now. And i'm not sure what i'm gonna do, so one option, is, to go to subway. And go to the park. One of my acquaintances, recommended, me to visit. As weather. Is, extremely, pleasant. Probably i should give it a shot because i've never been there, and, i've been told, it's extremely gorgeous, and stuff. So, and, i can just. You know. Hang out in city center. And, get right here. My plane, is at 7 30, pm. I have five. Hours, and a half which is. More than enough, i can spend like. Three hours. I believe. Yeah and i also have to figure something out with my recommendation. Because i have no idea. I have, keys with me. And my luggage isn't there, so. Yeah it's gonna be a fun day but i'll figure something out, at least, i have, i think there are like four people who invited me to live with them. So. There is always an option to stay in some place but, i mean i don't really mind i. Think. Boy. Come. On. Okay it is four. Now approximately. I have. Let's say one hour. Of free time. And then i will have to go grab my bag and just go. Yeah, yeah. This is how things are now indeed. And, now i'm gonna go back to the city center. Good. And, then. I will walk to my apartment. I still don't know how am i supposed to return the case, but probably i'll just leave them there. As, i have no other. Choice. So. You.

2020-07-24 21:30

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