Traveling SOLO into the Local Side of Koh Samui

Traveling SOLO into the Local Side of Koh Samui

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here come the dogs okay i'm leaving we're gonna we are going back on the road today we're heading  up to the mountains on this beautiful island   with dreamy solo and well these guys are  coming as well we're back on the road baby   back on dreamy this time we're heading up into  the mountains we're still not on the provinces   i'm sorry but i think we're gonna be going back  on the road very soon guys i promise things are   looking better things are on the precipice of the  restrictions being lessened a little bit and there   are plenty of i'm just trying to figure out where  to go let's go this way but i don't know there   are plenty of um provinces further north north of  bangkok that um are orange and yellow whatever you   want to call it it just feels good to be back on  dreamy and back exploring new roads and new parts   of the country even though we're still on samui  i mean look if i just stop here and drive into this coconut plantation you  can see what i'm talking about oh there's a dog classic you  know just beautiful coconut trees and um oh there's a buffalo sleeping  oh here come the dog okay i'm leaving oh they're coming right behind me can you see him enjoy the video my name is paddy doyle and that  behind me is little beautiful dreamy i recently quit my job as a teacher to  travel all of the 77 provinces of thailand   and we were having the time of our lives we  spent three months in the south visiting 18   of the incredibly beautiful provinces down there however covert came back and so for safety  reasons i came back to koh samui to see out   the worst of it and to highlight more  of this incredibly beautiful island so welcome to samurai side quest where we're going  to be highlighting all of the local businesses on   the island and all of the best experiences  this place has to offer it's unbelievable   really is fantastic little temple incredible place   so subscribe and join us on  today's samui side quests let's go have you ever seen a baby buffalo because if you haven't i think i just found one you see he has kind of like a white skin tone  i don't know if that's because she's a baby   or maybe she was born in albino the more i  look at her the more i think she is an albino   just because she's got a different color skin  doesn't she look at her nose look at her ears   do they mature and turn black or do they or she  and albino either way what beautiful magnificent   animals look she's just taking a seat hello  mummy she's obviously not bothered how are you you're such a beautiful animal aren't you ah take a little rest anyway   not like we have a destination but  come on dreamy let's go on the road   so i've just seen a cool turning just just before  this buffalo hey buddy you good okay don't kill me   i'm just i'm just turning around okay jesus um i  don't think buffalos kill humans but they might do   um if you piss them off so let's not piss them off  anyway i just saw this mad like rock formation and   like mini jungle and i just thought let's go down  this little jungle path i love this area of samui   basically you go to maine now and you turn left  at 7 11. and then you quite quickly get into this   which i love this is the kind of this is  the side of samui that i personally love   the most i know i've been like doing luxury  villa stuff and nice restaurants and things   um and i've been trying to show you touristy  spots on samui trying to promote local businesses   but the real samui is in the inland you know the  countryside the muddy trails the buffaloes feeding   the random stuff and that's the stuff i love the  most try not to get my trainers away on this mud   so let's just see what's down here eh wow it's like the surface of mars yeah i just love these little random places  that i find with dreamy and this was some   sort of in-use quarry half of it was massive but  there was no machinery going on and you could see   the exposed walls and i flew the drone up and over  the jungle edge and you could see the beautiful   northern shores of samui there was a few diggers  and things but i didn't really understand what   they were digging for couldn't figure it out maybe  the clearing space for a new resort or something   anyway you guys had recommended me to go check out  a waterfall in this area and i've been putting it   off so let's get back on the road and let's see  if we can find this beautiful waterfall you guys   have recommended okay i think we're approaching  the waterfall so hold on to your butts there's a   nice drive up here by the way some lovely posh  houses and jungle roads now we're in the dark   thickness of it um but i'm not really holding  out much for this waterfall because like i   said it has been raining a bit but not a massive  amount this is gorgeous guys absolutely gorgeous the best thing about having  honda as for the honda dream   a little while dreamy is um the gears  you know you just go down to first   and you can just break on the engine  going downhill is a lot simpler there's a dusty old sign there let's go up off piste okay dreamy that wasn't your fault that was my fault how am i going to get you up  i'm in a bit of a pickle here you see how she's slanted i think i'll be able to get her up here come on the ground is so slippy okay dreamy this this is what's gonna happen  we're gonna point you downhill which is stupid and we're going to push you down carefully and we're going to park you we're gonna whoa we're gonna park him over here next to this jesus christ i'm out  of practice driving dreamy off piste   on these dodgy roads i haven't done that for  a long time and i just don't have the skill   to get up there unfortunately anyway look  where look at this thing this is just like   this is not part of the waterfall this is  just where i kind of noticed as i was um figuring out where to park  dreamy oh there's massive ants wow they're huge and i wonder if this  is some sort of uh jungle experience   that people used to have to pay money to  come and do like a zip line or a canopy walk   that's been long overgrown and forgotten about   should we go have a look because i want to have  a look oh the jungle is climbing this one back   please no spiders okay oh look there's like a little staircase and  they've got potted plants and it leads up to some sheds i don't know what was that what's  up here oh look you see that's what   i was afraid of when i was on that bridge  the rotten wood there's a motorbike here i don't know what this place  used to be there's like a noose a bit worrying but you can see behind  me there's a coffee sign you see that   so i think this place used to be a coffee shop  you know back in the day and then can you see the   cool coconut things above me like christmas tinsel  but made out of coconut shells stitched together   and here's the instagram spot you know  the swing and there is a bit of a view   out there but it's obstructed now by these  plants and look at these little fellas hello it's quite beautiful i mean look the archways  and then there seems to be fruit growing off   these like they look like raspberries but they're  a little bit they're a little bit squished and   different than a raspberry that we would know  and again look a seat where people used to sit   and take instagram shots in the distance and it  seems to me that this area is now used for growing veggies the only thing i can see sign of human  life now is some tarps thrown over bushes that   they're trying to grow and farm some sort  of fruit sauce food source i don't know   keep going past all these beautiful colors and  down there's main am the north shore facing   copenhagen in the distance oh look at that  there's a tree house cafe kind of thing whoa wow oh it's got a name it's got a sign trees  tree bridge coffee wow maybe this will lead   around to that cafe wow that's beautiful anyway  let's see if we can go find that waterfall the trail to the waterfall   is kind of like there's like a tree it's  overgrown and then i went up a little bit   more there was like a million mosquitoes  all over me and i've got spray on big ones so i just don't think i'll be able to get to  have a look at it plus as you can see this is   what you can't see but this is all overgrown  but there's a stream or a bed of a stream   along this path behind me here and alongside  there's absolutely no water whatsoever   can't even hear a drop so i could keep  pushing get through the aussies and get   through the jungle and stuff but there ain't  anything here look at the size of these guys   this is kind of a wild part of samui look at  those things they're like blue color yeah they're   shining blue in the sky in the sunlight i should  say and uh just massive mozzies everywhere so i'm not gonna be able to make that waterfall well we're on the top of samui now that  was a steep road up from the waterfall   this is kind of the roof of samui i just want  to stop here look at the size of these things   look at these huge things i think they're  little yellow and fuzzy stamens and   beautiful and uh we've got durian growing here i  think they've harvested the durian this time of   year i think the season's finished big bunch  of bananas all of the roof of samui is quite   a pristine tranquil well-maintained  farming area basically if you come up here   apart from the odd like atv tours and the odd  mystical garden stone wall whatever attractions   they're they're sprinkled on the mountains but  basically it's mainly just roads just like this   that just drive through private property and  private farm yards and these beautiful trees and   there's something interesting growing  on those bushes on that big tree i   should say i don't know what the hell  that is i've never seen that before   like a big pod of peas or  something but they're ginormous this is actually a viewpoint there's  a sign that says the viewpoint   but um yeah not anymore nothing here it's very quiet very peaceful it's nice  to come up here and get the cool breeze   and just kind of relax you know   and have a drive and get lost and find cool  things and the good thing about being up the   top of here is there is no mozzies a bit further  down in that jungle it was like a swamp infested   but up here nice cool mountain breeze just a  few dragonflies flying around as you can see beautiful so wow this is a really fantastic view  wow this is incredible i can see   everything i can see sail rock in the distance  where we went fishing i went fishing like last   week here's some drone footage of it actually we  didn't take our cameras we just went fishing again and we spent all day i thought i  caught a massive eel it was amazing   but yeah we were out by that that rock and they're  super super super far distance and then that   little sticky outy part that's the north east of  the island and kind of where where i'm living at   the moment and then obviously copenhagen and the  northern beaches of maine oh look there's a moth hello hello hello hello hello moth hello  little moth oh oh oh he's on the green beans anyway my belly is rumbling dreamy let's go unfortunately it is closed it's closed um  i just spoke to the owners they said i can   have a little look around they said it's  a nice garden and because of covered and   there's no customers and nobody gets up here  that you know it was a two hour bumpy road   an adventure to get here so they mustn't  get many foot traffic so what's this zucchini thai zucchini look at the size  of it a big thing and they're all just   thank you they're all just hanging hanging  underneath these vines underneath this thing   and uh there's a massive little cat here  hello is it bubble why are you such a bubble you like any bone scratch yeah she's  like don't stop please don't stop oh geez okay cat be careful i'm i'm  trying to make a video are you okay hey living with all these noisy dogs she loves it but uh this one's a  bit rotten look i don't think i'll   be eating that one but massive oh you got  to be careful i'm going to stand on you um look what happens i walk in front   you want to come with me hmm you want  to come vlog with me make a video for me and um okay you're oh okay fine we want your  belly run fine but then will you leave me alone   she's big isn't she look at the size of her oh i don't understand cats you do weird things okay okay i have to go i have to go i have to go i have to go oh don't bite me i've been giving you  scratches it is beautiful i must say   i can see why you guys recommended me to  come down here or up here i should say ah i'm just kidding i'm not gonna  drink look at these massive leaves oh oh i'm sorry you scared the crap out  of me i didn't see you there hello hmm god i don't know what that was i thought it  was a massive cat again look at these furry   little testicle things what are you furry  little thingies oh these ones are orange   very cool i have no idea what they are i  have no idea what most things are if you've   probably watched most of these videos  on this channel oh my god look at this   don't know what it is but you guys always  let me know in the comments like last time   i'm from england yeah so this used to  be a restaurant uh yeah restaurant and   our cooking class yeah so we used to smoke fish  here why oh the dog's in there let's smoke the dog oh wow everywhere you look there's berries   and flowers and all sorts of  goodies thanks mate you're welcome this is cool so he just was like look we're  not open have a look around so obviously we got   harassed by the cat and then with a little look  around but he um he's given me a red banana this   is a special species of banana that he's growing  here and um he also gave me some passion fruits   look at these passion fruits they look  incredible don't they um and he's peeled one   of these bananas for me look at the fatness  look at it it's like a big chode isn't it and i'm starving so that was going to be well  received and it tastes delicious it's such a   shame isn't it that these people up here in the  mountains used to have a decent business and   you know behind me he's got pizza oven he's  got fire pit smoker another kind of grill   outdoors lots of little tables like this you  know dotted around all the beautiful flowers and   amongst the trees in the forest  you know got three dogs three cats   and he's still kind enough to give me free  fruit you've got to love thai people haven't you   we're so resilient so patient you know what i  think i'm going to end the video here because   i'm going to finish this banana and then i'm  going to drive back home i've got muay thai   i hope you enjoyed our little  adventure day up the mountain   into the highlands of koh samui back on dreamy  and um stay tuned next week we have the fight   the live stream of the charity boxing thank  you to everyone who's donated we've raised   over 10 000 us dollars which is insane  so thank you so much if you've donated   if you haven't or you can't don't worry just watch  the fight if you're around next sunday no sorry   saturday saturday the 4th of september and then  after after the fight i'm gonna have a strong   sit down and debate and talk to you guys talk  to my patreons and my channel members and debate   whether or not we should get back on the road  um if things kind of seem to look like they're   getting better i think i want to get back on  the road but yeah we'll have a meeting about   that soon anyway rambling as usual thanks for  watching red banana and patty say goodbye bye you

2021-09-05 18:12

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