Travel vlog | Vienna, Budapest

Travel vlog | Vienna, Budapest

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Hiii we’re headed to Vienna! Flight got delayed but we are finally boarded This will be my first time in Europe since 2014 I didn’t sleep cause I cannot sleep on planes I’m going with friends to attend a wedding in Turkey We decided to make a trip out of it by visiting Vienna too I arrived a few days later than them so I’ll be meeting them at the Airbnb Arrived at the Airbnb! It’s cute, we even have a kitchen This is one of our shared rooms No time to nap cause we have a full day planned Familiarizing myself with foreign city metro is always a must But since my friends have already been here a few days I can just follow them They’re bringing me to brunch I love how many cafes there are in Europe I got the shakshuka A lovely first meal in the city I order this like everywhere I just love egg too much It’s a rainy day but we’re going around sightseeing anyway Honestly the rain makes photos really sharp and moody I dig it Everything in this city is just so fancy It’s like. Everything is serif here while buildings back home like skyscrapers are sans serif Are you getting what I’m saying? I always dreamed of living in a place like this... A friend shaped creature is spotted Hey there little booger pal Paparazzi on the clock even on rainy days Even the interior is my thing! All white Wawa stop being silly I see people on insta do photos at this spot so I put my model to work I need to pace myself cause everything here is a photo op I would have this on my ceiling except it would be of my yaoi otp My friend is a huge Klimt fan I dig his work too I myself am more of a fan of the surrealist stuff But seeing this in person was so cool I was barely awake at this point but I could still appreciate the art Monet is my other friend’s fave At this point I was feeling a bit left out cause I don’t have a fave artist I’ll find one one day Buying souvenirs from the gift shop We’re off to dinner now! You are about to witness my friends’ clownery They accidentally booked us for a bougie vegetarian tasting menu Bruh they told me it would be $50 cause that’s the price of the bistro of the same name!!! Rose with pickled spinach and tiger nut tart Marinated kohlrabi (German turnip) Salad was good but that white shot... not for me Cucumbers with lemon, mustard, and dill, in cucumber sauce with marigold Anyway we were shook to the core Will we have to have ice water soup for the rest of the trip? Let’s find out!! I didn’t know cucumbers could taste so many different ways I mean I haven’t tasted many cucumbers (heh)... but this is up there Smoked mushrooms glazed with artichoke Artichoke rolls filled with mushroom and cream Look at the serving size!!! That’s a 200 euro serving size right there ok but in all realness I actually got so full by the end Maybe it’s helped by the fact we ate for 4 hours This tasted like a very savoury mushroom. Very umami Some very fancy butter What if this ruins me and I only want bougie meals now Nah you’re talking to someone whose favourite meal is chipotle Sourdough bread, pickled starch (Japanese potato), grilled leek, Austrian soup Steamed courgette with sweet and sour marinade On top: pumpkin seed crumbles and dehydrated and rehydrated tomato Sauce: tomato water reduced with shiso and melon Baked courgette with pumpkin seeds Austrian rice with cheese and pumpkin oil Dried tomato and shiso Ravioli stuffed with sunflower seeds, sunflower cream, porcini Sauce: essence of porcini with blackberry Inside of sunflower steamed with porcini butter Grilled porcini with potato, blackberries, sunflower seeds Very delicious fig with some fancy spruce oil compote Smoked cheesecake lollipop with pumpkin nougat and candied rose petal Blueberry mousse with pumpkin nougat Chocolate cube made with pure Peru cacao bean Top of cube: chocolate mousse Emulsion from strawberry and popcorn crumbs Baked souffle topped with citrus Pesto sorbet with different pickled berries Hard piece: pumpkin, herb, white chocolate Everything was very delicious ok you don’t need my commentary Was it worth 200 euro? Maybe for the one time experience We got here at 6:30 and finished at 10:30 pm btw I still haven’t slept at this point for 36 hours Fancy candies including salted caramel and jellies It looks cute, like what I would put on my toilet Goodnight at last Good morning we are broke now So we’re cooking our own breakfast My friend is showing me how he does his spicy omelette Chiliflocken: the one word I’ve learned This meal is also worth 200 euro if I say so myself This store is right next to us and it’s so cute They sell so many gift items and it’s kinda IKEA vibes My wallet’s mood rn Good thing window shopping is one of my favourite hobbies I don’t need to introduce this cafe it’s a famous spot We’re here to try the cake mainly I don’t know why this is so popular this cake was extremely mid Quite dry I have had much better cakes Maybe I’m missing something but all these desserts were pretty mid Maybe they make the sachertorte better in other places Now I want moist chocolate cake...

Bit of context: we all have a biomedical science bg so this next location is up our alley It’s time to nerd out here Originals from some of the masters!!! These are anatomical wax models Of course we sketched immediately The detail, the artistry... I’m crying I wish I had access to this museum during anatomy Room after room of accurate models I didn’t want to leave Found myself a skull to sketch This was so cool I had to sketch it A miniature model of the place! Adorable We have decided to sketch all four views of this heart in a circle Very cool camera work 10/10 me The weather is so beautiful today This place is white AND has floor to ceiling windows Vienna ticking my boxes for real This was the hearty lunch I needed We’re off to find a nice spot to chill Sketching in the park next to a beautiful building It was super relaxing I’ll never not be in awe walking down these streets Look, aesthetics aren’t everything but... sometimes they are Now I never said I was an aesthetic vlogger But I am a motivational one because who isn’t motivated by butt Doing some grocery shopping for dinner Stopped by this cute stationery store I wish I could shop more but our schedule is pretty packed We made dinner! Added waaay too much chili powder They must make chili powder differently here cause it was SPICY We’re so healthy :’) We’re taking the train to Budapest today! But first coffee I’m loving Anker the chain here and wish we had it at home I guess it’s like if a tourist came to Canada and liked Tim Hortons Although... Costco croissants are pretty damn good “We have Anker at home” - me, making myself a Costco croissant sandwich It’s so cool how you can travel to another country in a short amount of time In Canada it takes 4 days by train from Toronto to Vancouver This train ride was around 3 hours The vibe here is totally different from Vienna My friends said it was more like Toronto... We found this cool looking church But let’s be real it’s Europe there are so many of these This is my offering He seems high maintenance but I swear he’s not I like drawing buildings This would have been a perfect candidate if I had time We literally just sat here and vibed cause it was so quiet and peaceful We came with no real plan but we have a reservation for this cafe later It’s advertised as “the most beautiful cafe in the world” So of course I begged to go and not cancel our reservation Markets are all pretty similar in vibe It’s cool to window shop but I usually don’t buy stuff We’re looking for a place to eat but it’s so busy There are dolls but no clothes Wataru’s size, unfortunately And, well, these aren’t his size either...

These are so cute But I resist buying more plushes cause I have so many Also I only bring my nuis out so favouritism is at play We decide to have an on*hole break- jk It’s stuffed full of cream They were really messing it up I had goulash soup for lunch It was good, especially if you soak the bread I don’t know what they all got but it looked good This was duck This was some... starchy thing with meat Tastes like a homecooked meal We’re finally being proper tourists I see this in every city but it’s my first time trying the hop on hop off bus Finding boba overseas is always a must Finally a break from walking! Tried to listen to the audio guide but it wasn’t working properly It’s fine, I’m happy to just vibe in the city Hopped off for a coffee break And then again for some live music This was really cool! They played some classics I’ve studied music history before but it’s almost all gone from my brain... I’m sure all these buildings are real important But today is not the day I learn about them It’s finally time for our New York Cafe reservation I am so excited It’s already not disappointing I’m honestly not here for food lol For good reason, cause the prices give me heart failure More ceiling inspo for my future commissioned yaoi masterpieces This is everything I wanted in a mansion as a kid Now... I mean I would take it but I’d make it all white Even the bathrooms are fancy!! You would think I’m entering some club and not the toilet Our overpriced drinks have arrived Trying our best to split our overpriced sweets Taste was average but I excpected as much This looks pretty cute I guess It was dummy thicc tho The amount I like going to cafes exceeds the amount of sweets I should eat We know better than to leave a single morsel cause that’s $$ I think I spent more time taking photos than eating Wataru photos were more important than photos of me, of course Ok now we’re heading to our final destination of the night The ruin bar! I didn’t know this place existed Very different vibes from the cafe Super cool though I can see this being a video game setting Not quite my precious kowloon aesthetic, but similar So many rooms to explore It was a fun detour to Budapest but we gotta run now to catch the train We got veggie burgers for the ride home I’m not a fan of visiting too many churches, mosques, shrines, etc. A few are okay though, especially since I don’t travel often Just came out from the catacombs Super different from the ones in Paris! I might prefer the ones in Paris though just cause the bones are more visible No matter how many places of worship you visit, Wataru It’s not going to absolve you of your sins Unexpected Falun Dafa demonstration outside Okay after this I’m all church’d out of the day Very pretty but it’s not a cafe so I can’t vibe as hard We couldn’t take pictures of the real specimens But it was one of my favourite museums ever visited I could spend all day here learning about different pathologies Getting to see the historical specimens so perfectly preserved was incredible I’m such a nerd about this stuff but it’s also my job lol If I could go to museums like this all day I’d take it over churches any day I’d probably even choose it over cafes... But not over merch shopping :D After walking in the rain for an absurd amount of time We found this Indian restaurant after having no luck with falafel It was really delicious after the long day Ending the day with a grocery run We’re actually heading to Turkey next But that’s a separate vlog to come We’re headed back to Vienna for the final day of the trip though We interrupt this program with some pulls Cause this stuff does not stop on vacation oh... <3

love u mayo yayyyy After a whole week in Turkey we’re back I really wish I could stay here longer but we only have a day before flying home The bunk bed situation Wataru delegated to top bunk Nah he’s too tall so my taller friend had to take it With my clumsiness, it can’t be me up there We missed Asian food I missed this so much I can’t go this long without this stuff Not us getting excited over real chili oil and sriracha It was so good and you know it’s authentic cause they denied me wifi We went to many schnitzel places but they were all closed This was such a fun trip!! Check out the Turkey vlog too to see the other half Thanks for watching!

2024-02-02 15:44

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