Travel to Yogyakarta & Borobudur - Most Beautiful of Indonesia (Largest Temple in the World)

Travel to Yogyakarta & Borobudur - Most Beautiful of Indonesia (Largest Temple in the World)

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[Music] [Music] so guys right now it's gonna be part three of the yogyakarta video series so right now we're kicking off this is a little bit our road trip set up it's actually the first time we're having like a bigger motorbike like this i think you call it handmax something like that never ridden one before and right now we're gonna go to i think they say it's the largest buddhist temple in the whole world kind of excited so for the last five days we stayed at this kind of palace type of thing you can check it out in the last video let's hit the road let's see what we can find and it's gonna be around the two-hour drive hi there my name is danny and for the past few years i've been documenting my life here around perpetual travel and living around the world and as of now you're watching country number 51 indonesia we're gonna be traveling all throughout java island the known places bali and maybe also some hidden gems indonesia so guys that has been a little bit over one and a half hour drive overall some nice villages nothing nothing crazy the weather is also just like right now not the best and the best part the best let's say part in terms of nature and views starts right next to the place we're gonna be spending tonight should be behind the bush there so let's see i always have my navigation here all right we just made it to our destination i think the guy told me he speaks french so let's see bonjour yes so guys we're having fun here in a little house so it's really cool there's a construction behind it still this place is supposed to open in six months grand opening in three months soft opening i'll link them down below these guys invited us for a night just to check it out there's the two houses and it's already operating it looks like people are just coming in for a little coffee just to give you a quick idea of this room downstairs i just got a shot here's like a nice little table and i mean this view is just absolutely epic i'm sure tomorrow i'm gonna get a drone shot or something like that nice little detail is i really appreciate these things recall swiss herbal candy so the owners here are from switzerland it's also a pretty big thing in germany a little bit expensive like everything in switzerland i'm sure this place is also not cheap that's cool it's a cool concept come on we have a bit of a movie night it's kind of like right next to the bed that's awesome let's go down so this is downstairs actually if you're really spacious here a little bit sitting here on shower toilet so guys that is pretty much the idea i think we're gonna have a little bit of a tea maybe dinner over there so this is the second one and when we just checked in i told us it's inspired by the borobudur temple and that's pretty much the largest buddhist temple in the world and we already saw a little bit driving by tomorrow morning we're going to try to get a glimpse maybe around sunrise most seats actually i don't know 20 minute walk 30 minute walk from here definitely very very close so there's going to be a like a nice buddha statue fish we have some chinese people who just called me a lawyer which means foreigner which is like i guess i am more of a foreigner than they are i guess they're a little bit closer than i am but i don't know i got some fish here this one's my favorite it's like a what's up man look at him oh yeah nice so we're gonna have a little bit of tea here [Music] next morning guys we're kicking off the little road trip around the area here i have to tell you weather is really not playing into our cards this morning i actually drove out to get like a sunrise shot all we had is a little bit of haze but we're actually right next right now to the biggest buddhist temple in the world with this car this is like a lot of like old timers in this area and i have to honestly tell you it's a super busy touristy area around here like at the entrance there's like guys like fighting to like take you on the tour and things like that but around it we have uh farmers farming here's a nice little cafe i think i'm gonna get the bird up we're gonna get a bit of a view because this day for me is a little bit more about just discovering going a little bit of adventure there's a place that's called the nepal of indonesia which is nothing crazy whenever it's called like whatever the maldives of this you know uh always want to see so you want to see nepal at some point as well but i'm sure it's going to be a really cool village [Applause] [Music] should we at least pay for a coffee here or should we go full on savage nothing let's just steal their music yeah let's go to latin america after that when people ask you're half mexican you'll be like come from here so guys got some breakfast gonna be checking out in a second continuing our road trip adventure and the owner is a swiss guy cool nice project right next to the building another 14 or even 16 of these houses and they told me actually that i built it in the style of the temple that i just showed you earlier in the drone shot so the borobudur temple the largest buddhist temple in the world on top it has these thai columns and he told me actually that the proportions of the houses little villas itself match exactly the proportions of the columns of the temple so on top very unique place let's head out come [Music] guys look the lady is feeding the chickens alrighty guys so we're driving right now for super local villages that is just always the best we have a little good room yeah yeah the locals indonesia are probably some of the best they're fairly they're really calm they're not like crazy excited to see you but they're always just very smiley very cool we're just stopping by clothing store because it's raining and this clothing shop 35k idr forever guys that's the local drip you're uh you're a local here do you have a lot of collections yes oh my god those were my absolute favorites wow that was one asia okay guys this is like a super random village everybody's looking at we made it off the main road because it was blocked and we got some like super crazy nice rice fields my god [Music] we're in some village on our way we have a golden farmer here that's the real life that's the real one i was just saying this is an insane experience so this is known as the nepal of indonesia and honestly how's my hair oh my god i think i'm not going to talk much let me just show you [Music] 2000 for the viewpoint guys this is the beautiful view of nepal of indonesia i want to kind of come click the money with this guys this is literally the most hazy place i've ever been in my life you know many times i was driving maybe on the highway whatever just in a random country and you barely see like five meters in front of you happened before but here honestly like this is five meters and you don't see nothing it's absolutely crazy actually i'm gonna show you the photo right now usually it's kind of like a colorful village that is lined up on the mountain we are at the highest point in the car the malang is it where is it well yeah and the other city is by the temple so this is the highest point and it's also honestly freezing i feel like right now it's maybe like nine degrees or something went down from 30 to nine well it's an experience we're not getting a nice view i'm like let's go up for the drone shot yeah drone shot is gonna be like just like this it's gonna be the drone shot basically super local villages super undiscovered places and this is kind of like a bit of a more known place we even see in a few tourists but just to drive here i would say that is already super worth it you see rice fields that can compete with bali [Music] [Music] guys as all right now what is up it is right now a different day it is already 4 p.m and so far the whole day we spent driving on a bike in a very different direction i'll mention the name of this absolutely super epic spot in a second but basically what just happened is you see this nice rock down there this one when we came here the tide was like very low the water was much calmer we're getting on there so we got completely covered in salt water the past half now we've spent drying the camera actually it was just bianca's camera i had a feeling today i had a hunch like basically my camera luckily was in the bag dried the bags everything fine but today was a real exploration day maybe but honestly driving around everybody knows that no matter what country you're in just driving and kind of like slows you down it gets you present and just like a nice time just to think and disconnect and drive while you know being focused on the road so just for driving absolutely beautiful scenery similar to what i showed today but this video is definitely in many ways a bit of an indonesia adventure in java so really really cool overall make sure to not be covered by way if it's the first time for me but yeah that is today a little bit the adventures and actually in two days we're gonna be leaving we'll see maybe i'm kind of got to cut to a little bit of a bike this day was a little bit more for me and whenever you shoot a lot of adventures whenever you also like when i talk a lot about using the opportunity of youtube using the opportunity of the internet to document your life to document your story very often just like if you don't feel like creating just documents for yourself or other people share what you're doing share what's working for you i'm here out right now on a cliff but it's just like about to blow me out here but at the same time it's kind of like easy to just keep going keep going keep going and you never really do things for yourself so today was really a day for myself i didn't even plan on taking out the camera just getting maybe some drone shots but i wanted to capture a little bit today's experience but just being again by the ocean by this sea i haven't been i mean since we got to indonesia definitely not and this tropical is just you feel just so this beach for everybody who wants to check it out the name of it is c young beach as always i'll drop some info on the description where we stayed where we are right now but honestly so far the impression that i keep making in all of southeast asia for the most part is if the dot is on the map and it has a lot of reviews and it's famous go around it because the places around that we saw just random cliffs no matter where it is philippines thailand the main places are always cool but there is always going to be also somebody like you know like approaching you all the time somebody but guys as always it's about finding a little bit your own adventure but this spot is super cool i'm going to put it on the map here yeah and this guy's so busy out there not sure what he's doing though i guess he's like look for crabs or something mm-hmm hmm [Music] [Music] so here we got a pool we have a lot of guest rooms on both sides and also behind here and uh now let's see where danny is what's up welcome to my indonesian grand grandma's house kind of dark knew you would be here so guys good morning right now we're at a very different base this video is maybe a little bit choppy but this is kind of like the real raw life experience i'm gonna be leaving at the city soon we moved into a local guest house and actually we walked by here before and i got sold like they have like a little gym they have a little pool did you show them yes and it's like 11 or 12 year old it's crazy and like you know it's like it's a little bit old but it's always like really cool to get like a real experience especially when they maintain it here they do a great job of cleaning the name guest house and one of the main like whatever foreign backpacker street i think they call it and here seriously what a vibe like this is a little bit broken but they pull down the leg damn freaking leg press in the lobby like seriously and like here you have all the pictures from the family so that's really a thing that i love about traveling you know i love it a nice place a nice hotel a nice hotel gym have everything clean have a nice morning routine that's nice but then add into that just something unique something of character i'm like who came up with buying this probably just one of the people living and working here was like hey i want to set up a gym let's set up in like in the middle of a hotel why not if this is the first thing you see like after you walk into this right behind the lobby and uh yeah i actually i built myself through some of these dumbbells that were full of dust so whoever set up this gym you have to get back into working out like this was full of full on dusty so and actually right now we're going to be leaving to jakarta we have to get a second vaccine shot that was the only way to travel around indonesia so it was kind of like hard had to jump through a few loops to organize it here a little bit but so we're gonna get that done and then we're gonna visit the sickest volcano like really um maybe being a little bit dramatic but probably in the whole world is probably in the top five from what i can see from what i hear like i have never heard anybody going there and be like ah it's not like on instagram you know like you hear it all the time every time i hear somebody goes or does it i've never seen some of that in my life so i'm excited for that and after that we're going to be hitting some of the most best islands here kamoda island lombok bali it's gonna be big so i would say this is the official starting point right now we're gonna be catching another train back to jakarta maybe on our way back then to the volcano maybe we're gonna try also like the nicer trains they have like luxury trains whatever for like 30 40 we'll see maybe we'll hop on one of those and uh yeah guys that's a little bit delight here what was it two weeks in job jakarta i think it is a three part series so definitely go ahead and check out the two previous ones i mean as always everything will be in the description also where we got the scooter from was really good you have this like nice stable motorbike for the ride and actually i haven't documented too much on your channel there's like more content about the road trip right yeah we stopped in little villages we had like food for like 50 cents and it was really really good like like the most remote villages where people were like you know yelling and running after us but that day was a little bit more for me like it's also important sometimes to like not always have the camera out then i tell her bianca it's your time you know it's gonna be your vlog and um you can join me on the instagram here if you want to keep in touch usually when you watch my videos it's already a few weeks after the fact so they see what i'm doing right now it's also the best way to reach me and um yeah on that note see you very soon all right we're getting into curling

2021-11-03 12:35

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