Travel to Ukraine: Lviv. Discover DestinationUA: Episode 1, Part 2

Travel to Ukraine: Lviv. Discover DestinationUA: Episode 1, Part 2

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Ukrainian. Food is some of the best, in the world created. By people who lived on some of the most fertile land there, are many interesting, meals to discover, local. Cuisine has absorbed the finest, kind of cuisines within the austro-hungarian. Empire a lot. Of l'viv restaurants. Tell a story meaning, their unique designs, are built around a central idea and everything, inside from, table 2 employs, clothes tries, to adhere, to that idea this. Creates, the feeling that you're in the Middle Ages or even, more some, kind of fairy, world let's. Go check it out. Well. We are in a lovely City full of cafe and full of my, restaurants. Let's, start, no. But I want to see more sights a but, I want to eat yeah. Okay I need to eat as well but come. On let's split okay. L'viv. Is actually, like a Messier, when. You're leaving you're still, remaining. In, the museum and. The. Whole city center here is part of UNESCO's World Heritage. List. But. There's one gallery, for. Alicia that. I really want to see come. Let's go. I. Love. Going to hours but, ok like this absolute, true. Look. This. Is my favorite. Music. I. Love this this is my favorite song actually. Esteem. Okay. Soundtrack. From the serious Twin Peaks. And. It's like one of the best. Albums. You can listen to. It's. Due to where to find it here. So. We're outside this restaurant called. 36. Poem and I'm. Not really sure what it means but I will go in and take a look let's, see if I can figure that out come. On let's join. Take. A look at this really cool aquarium. Yeah. It's really cool inside here. I. Wonder. 36, poor. The. Name. Comes. From was, the, number of the building because obviously because, number already we're are 36, and. It. Is combined with a. Man, who was bald I use the phone in hopes it is a marshal, of the balloons army and he'll out to stay in the building and, the. Best friends won't you mr. port in his name they. Combine 36. And oh and, that's where it's. I. Want. To take a look around and, yeah. Yeah, on the third floor we have like piano was. Taken. From the London it. Was done by the students, of the University. Oxford University. And, let's. Show it okay. It's. Just me my. Coffee and. This. Wonderful new. Moonstruck, with romance communities. Let's. Move your flower yes. Okay. Yes. We do one. On. Me. You'll, be the knight of or, trans, -. Yes. So. People, will, be strange becomes and. Be so much and. Can, some five. Tomorrow. And, also can. Always, touch a big, smile is, your spouse is back from the war so, girls, and I require. Two nights. See. You. While. We're here in Ukraine specifically. Live and here, is the entrance the gate that, Middle Ages, people used, to pay. Taxes, in order to enter the castle of. The city so join me. We. Are in the restaurant meet injustice, and here, is our friend what's your name please. I'm. And. So, you don't have a name right no. Okay. My name is if it is so nice to meet you and oh, yeah. Can, I wear your clothes it up oh, you. Do like that oh it. Hurts. Are you sure I. Can. Wear your clothes too and oh. It's. Not so, light actually, yeah no. Together, nights I can understand, what you're gonna do okay so, he. Used to put. It here, yeah, and do. That and the gloves is because you, needed to make. And, they used to punish that that's way the head words like here and cut it.

Okay Thank, you so much, you. Are we need friends like him you know to save ourselves okay. Thank, you so much so join, inside. I. Have to say that the food here is amazing. You sure you have to be there and tribes. Really, large plates. And so tasteful. Bon. Appetit. We'll. Have to say that here if you're a meat. Lover, it's a kind of church for you so don't, miss out it's amazing, there if you love me. Here. We are, fat, guy invented, me the same sex and, my. Name is the restaurant behind house, what's, his name Archer, and the second, scene his portrait yeah. Something. Being, inside, it and something. Huge. Okay. So. Liquid. And that we, are the same so he's like that like that then. Be more post like. You. Look fine would. I find a pattern like this way you, think so, okay. Let's. Be, the bee inside, and check how it is. Oh. I. Hope I, have, to be you right I mean like us, the man does the to the girl yeah to, delay. That's. One to two toxin, to see how it works you know. The. Great one okay. No. It's. Okay now yeah. No. Hohoemi. Wait. Even. My cough don't want to get out with. Okay. The first one okay and I, can't touch it. Mom. Dad I'm fine. He's. A rookie now. It's, my first time here in that city actually, I have to accept that it's very vibrant and. The. Cows are amazing, it, has a really nice architecture. A mixer. Maybe of architects, and. Yeah. I have, to say that people, are quite friendly. Yeah. Wherever. I ask for information. They gave me really. And. They were really happy about that. Are. You sure I'm really, keen on. Explore. That city would be in some side seams though and. The. Taro was amazing, with. The string coffee that's from under. It and. It was for me it was the first time and it. Was funny because in the beginning I wasn't, sure if they are just. Telling. Me lies or it's a fact but each effect and a, real nice coffee go and. Let's. See let's enjoy, our our life here, yeah. To. Do that. Let's. Begin the other way. Behind. Us there, was the. Theater, opera can you see how nice is it's beautiful, pretty impressive it's, pretty impressive and actually. The architecture, is really nice it's really Baroque in a way and we can say that right yeah. You, can say that, but. Yeah, we can see, that there, is a statue there of Liberty, that it's bigger, than the Ottawa. You. That's, like. Oh it, smells nicer, yes my wife. Hello. Pinky lovely. Lady would, like to have two. Glasses of white wine right yeah. Street. Yawn sheet I won't try alkane. One seat okay. This. Is yours, lady, yes. Dr.. Joe, how. Do you say Joe, Joe, Joe Joe, Joe Joe. Doc. Ooh you, doc. Who you that, means say who you means thank you right yeah. Doc were you dr.. Joe exactitude yes. Jack, or two. Oops, Jackie, -. Cheers. Well. Actually, this. Cost only three euros, and it's, extremely, cheap in Greece you can find a glass, of white wine in, five years, so, let's, grab more. So. Are they Olivia's come to an end and it's. Been really. Interesting. And nice to be here yeah, it's a real vibrant city many. Many colors, really friendly, people and, I. Think that we.

Could Be again here. Yeah we have to come home some more time and you have to come too. Out, there. You.

2019-10-01 00:42

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LOVE IT!! congraaatss!!!

Beautiful!! Thank you for this.

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