Travel to border villages of Iran . Amazing tourism. mostanad سفر به جلفا آذربایجان شرقی

Travel to border villages of Iran . Amazing tourism. mostanad  سفر به جلفا آذربایجان شرقی

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The first passenger cars from Tabriz to Jolfa Fossil rocks from 250 million years ago This fox is domesticated Be deaf as big as your dreams We are now in Tehran I am going on a trip with my friend Siavash To Tabriz and Julfa in East Azerbaijan The problem was fixed Yes, it is fixed and we are moving hello where is this Here near the Mianeh city What are you selling here? Local melons What are these colored mountains known for? The colored mountains of the city (mianeh) Why do you think the mountains are colored? It is God's work The colorful mountains of Zanjan that you see a lot on the way from Zanjan to Tabriz This is a place for travelers to stand and local experts of Zanjan This is also a sunflower seed Melon siavash is sweet Yes, very sweet See the color and nature of the mountains how beautiful It is like Martian mountains in Chabahar We are inside the Zanjan highway of Tabriz Tabriz metropolis We reached the historical city of Marand We are going to have lunch The city of Marand is located about 70 km from Tabriz And about 40 kilometers left to the city of Jolfa This is Tabriz Liqvan cheese You are still using this account yes You show how you are For example, say a number Hit 125 Now add this number to 200 What is the name of this old calculator? We say (Chortkeh) This is traditional Iranian food (abgousht). We are approaching the Aras commercial and industrial free zone in Jolfa Jolfa first square Jolfa is one of the commercial and industrial free zones and the border between Iran and Azerbaijan. Armenia and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic This is the main square of Jolfa city It is known as Abbas Mirza Square A statue of Abbas Mirza was installed in the square Abbas Mirza, the Qajar prince, who is well remembered in history He was very patriotic during the period of Fath Ali Shah Qajar, but they did not appreciate him There is an industrial town on the right side of the picture And the left side goes to the administrative building of Ares Free Trade Zone Jolfa is a border zero point city in East Azarbaijan province of Iran which has a beautiful and historical nature This is a tourist town It is one of the free commercial and industrial zones of Iran All this has made Jolfa a tourist area Jolfa is located in the southern part of Ares river bank It is 135 km from Tabriz and 65 km from Marand city You will never forget the experience of traveling to Jolfa And in the future, a trip to Jolfa It will be one of your most beautiful memories Julfa until before the Treaty of Turkmanchai It was completely in Iran But after the implementation of this treaty in the Qajar period in 1206 AH Half of Jolfa was placed in the Anwar River of Aras as a war compensation for the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan The same old mansion in the middle of the picture in Nakhchivan soil The place of registration of the treaty was Turkmenchai We are on the shore of Aras River in Jolfa city Here I stood, Jolfa Iran And Anwar River Aras is part of Jolfa of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Aras river is the border between us and Nakhchivan country Onur village that you see is Golestan village in Nakhchivan country A person is swimming in the river I think he is one of the Nakhchivan border soldiers This is exactly the border point between Iran and Nakhchivan Aras river full of water and on the left side of the picture is the Jolfa soil of Iran In the depth of the image, we see Jolfa industrial area And the left side is also Nakhchivan We show you the touristic and historical areas of Jolfa in two parts Stay with us We are in the streets of the border city of Jolfa And in this part, we are going to see some historical and tourist spots Jolfa is an ancient city that has gone through a turbulent history The history of living in this city goes back to the period before the fifth century AD Aras border river is one of the natural tourist attractions in Jolfa Ayat This river originates from the Anatolian highlands of Türkiye And along the way, it forms the border between the countries of Iran, Türkiye, Armenia, and Azerbaijan After traveling 1072 kilometers, it reaches the Kora River and then the Caspian Lake At the end of the main street of Jolfa, on the bank of Aras River There is an Abbasid caravanserai built during the Safavid era Khaja Nazar Caravanserai This caravanserai was built during the Safavid period Right next to Aras River Khaje Nazar Caravanserai is one of the historic tourism capacities of Jolfa city which was built by the order of Shah Abbas Safavi for the residence and rest of commercial caravans And now it has become a valuable historical work Statues of a caravan on the Jolfa trade route Beside Aras river and caravanserai We found out that one of the artists of Julfa city Mr. Nadimi took over the management of this caravanserai He is a very skilled painter, theater actor and potter We are going to meet this artist Hello Mr. Nadimi where are we now This is the caravanserai of Khwaja Nazar during the Safavid period The caravanserai is 500 years old and we are 10 meters from the Ares border river Inside an amusement park It was restored about 12 years ago.

And for about 30 months, I took over the management here And you also used several arts here Yes. At this time, art is the only one that can be a salve for human pain And I try to bring this art to the people of Iran wherever I go give as a gift By presenting a writing to the children with a drawing or a verse of poetry to the adults I try to remind everyone that Iran is integrated with art Tell us about Jolfa and its culture and history Julfa has been a strategic region in history Jolfa means "weaver". Because it was by the river and had many mulberry trees Silkworm breeding has flourished here They came here from all over the world to trade silk And the silk trade has made the art of weaving flourish here Jolfa has existed in history as much as Aras River There have been various periods of prosperity This region has experienced various wars such as Abbas Mirza's wars between Iran and Russia Jolfa is a holy and historical city that must be seen closely This photo panel is related to the Iran-Russia war yes 3rd Shahrivar 1320 AH The war machine of the Soviet army in Jolfa Tell us the story of the resistance of three Iranian soldiers against the Soviet army yes These three soldiers are heroes for all of us.

In 1320 AH, the Russian army camped on the other side of Aras River for several months The Russians and the allies have said many times that we will enter Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi told the border guards not to resist But Corporal Mohammadi and the soldiers decide to resist Because the soil is our homeland and we will resist Even though they knew that the enemy was strong and they would definitely be killed But some people resisted the Soviet army so that the people had the opportunity to vacate the city and the village Apart from these three soldiers We went and researched on the banks of the Ares River in the Siehroud area A woman was also killed in front of the Soviet army The wife of this lady was a gendarme of the border village of Siehroud The woman was filling a gun magazine for her husband and when her husband was killed, she herself went to the roof of the shooting station and this woman was also killed. A six-month-old child was left from this couple After the war, the child was handed over to their family in Tabriz This child was alive until a few years ago And there was a person named Mirza Ali on the border of Khoi region Because the Soviet army was divided into two groups and one battalion was going to Tabriz and the other battalion was going to Shahr Khoi This man, Mirza Ali, is shooting at the Soviet army from several directions alone The Russian military thinks the outpost is full of soldiers They have to travel a four-speed road behind the mountain and into the checkpoint And they see that there was only one person who was shooting And they kill him. Yes, this soil has had the lives of devotees And this is the famous iron bridge of the border between us and the former Soviet Union and now Nakhchivan which is past the railway track method The famous iron bridge Railway border between Iran and Nakhchivan It was built in 1913 by Tabriz Jolfa Railway Company Here is the place of conflict and resistance of three Iranian soldiers It was inside Iran in 1320 when the Soviet army entered This bridge was the best way for the Allies to penetrate into Iran And although Reza Shah Pahlavi had not ordered the army to resist according to the agreements But these three soldiers could for two days to stop the advance of the Soviet army The burial place of these brave soldiers and their statue were placed at the foot of this bridge This photo is one of those three soldiers This is the same lonely man Mirza Ali This is all the wreckage of a Russian tank This is one of the first passenger cars from Jolfa to Tabriz in the Qajar period The photo is of a passenger boat on the Ares River The shape of the passengers is typical of some European tourists are also inside the boat Onor River of Aras was also part of the territory of Iran before Qajar Of course, it is not correct to say that Qajar gave our land In fact, it was a war between Russia and Azerbaijan, not a war between Iran and Russia Rather, it was Abbas Mirza's war with the Russians and it was only human and environmental damage for Azerbaijan Unfortunately, there was no support and Abbas Mirza was defeated We compensated for the defeat here But Prince Abbas Mirza is remembered well Abbas Mirza was the first prince in the Qajar period formed an alliance. He brought the printing house to Tabriz

He sent students abroad to study and built foundries Unfortunately, he had a stroke and died at the age of 48 Yes, he saw these adversities and the lack of support from the inside and could not bear it and died This map of Iran is the time of the attack of the Allies who entered the country from all sides And in this fierce war situation, these three soldiers stood in front of the enemy You can see several historical places on the side of Aras On a very beautiful mountain road We are in the direction of the historical church of Saint Stephen The right side of the image is the Ares River And we are still on the Iranian border with Nakhchivan This railway station is on the border in Nakhchivan And Inver is the guard towers of Iran's border base We have to park here and walk ten minutes to the church Save some water for walking It is a short walk to the church, but it has a steep slope St. Stephen's Church is one of the historical and architectural attractions of Jolfa which has a unique architecture There is no exact date of construction of this church But in some historical texts, the construction of this building was mentioned in 649 AD This church was built in the border mountains between Jolfa and Nakhchivan This church takes its name from the apostles of Christ. Saint Stephen The church has been restored in different periods A combination of Urartu, Parthian and Roman architecture can be seen in this church This church is built in a unique nature And it attracts many tourists every year And also the Armenian population of Iran once a year They gather in this church and do their religious ceremonies Along the same route, we will go to another church called Shepherd's Church A small church at the foot of the mountain next to Aras River, one kilometer from Jolfa city Shepherd's Church Related to the 16th century A small church located on the way to Stepanos Cathedral The Shepherd's Church in the pasture area of the region (Dare sham) Two small churches It was built by two shepherd brothers One church as you can see and the other one is right in front of Ares River that there are no remains of the second church of Onor Rood Ares According to history Shepherds of the region They spent a long time here because of migration They built this church to perform their religious ceremonies last year Aras and Julfa region It was recognized and registered as a global geopark site This area is due to being mountainous and the presence of igneous rocks and fossils and the variety of dry and cold weather It has a unique geo-tourist position The rocks of the mountains go back millions of years These rock formations were formed over millions of years The geography of this region follows The southern part of the Caucasus Mountains is considered small with Alborz and Zagros mountain ranges The middle part of the orogeny system is the Himalayan Alps Stretching from Europe to East Asia And like a natural wall Caused by climates and cultures on both sides I would like you to record this article The camera is the record We have a famous word in literature called "nothing".

In my opinion, "nothing is no rule" That's why I wrote the word "nothing" backwards A world of irrelevant words, an answer of nothing is enough Be deaf as big as your dreams Mr. Mousavi, we made this place an artistic cafe, restaurant and hangout for artists See these 8 mm cameras My father brought this with his camera from Saudi Arabia in 1348 As a family, we were always looking for artistic works I love Shiraz because of "Khwaja Hafez". I planned to travel to Shiraz several times, but it was canceled at the last minute One of these last minutes was last week But this poem came to my mind last week I sang at two o'clock at night By the twist of your hair Those eyes full of your secret take me away from me and won't let go From the fire that you put on my heart, the burning of your love Like the air of January, it remains against the heat of the date ripening in Ahvaz A troubled ivy heart, a stone mind wall Look at me because of your love, I am proud like a cypress tree When I remember you, I sing poetry and ghazal with a shout From Shahriar of Tabriz in the alleys of Shiraz Who is the accountant who will take care of me? (I referred to the poem of Mrs. Parveen Etisami, who was from Tabriz) Who is the judge who will arrest me? If I tell you about your love, it will resonate with me too I am in love with the scandal of the world O John, make me a beggar a little sweeter for God's sake, make me a little sweeter Among the historical villages near the city of Jalfa is the village of Gulfarj Among the historical villages near the city of Jalfa is the village of Gulfarj The fossils in this village are 250 million years old We will meet with Mr. Abdali, the director of Eco Museum hello Special fire tea for this village This is Golfarj village in Jolfa city of East Azerbaijan The village is inhabited by someone Let's go inside the village There is a beautiful silence in the village Because the village has a small population It has become a bit famous here because of the launch of your eco-museum To show our contacts where we are, let's go around the village a bit The village is located about 20 kilometers west of Jolfa Most of the residents have livestock farming jobs and there is good livestock farming here There is also limited agriculture Water problem has always existed in this village Although we are 5 km away from Aras River, the water problem here has never been solved 5 km to Aras river channel and 10 km to Nakhchivan border by mountain road These houses belonged to residents who had been migrating to the city since the early 1970s. The customs office is opened in Jolfa city and the residents understand that the income of working in the customs office is higher The income of one month working in customs was equal to one year of agricultural work in this village For this reason, they migrated widely from 1350 to 1380 But few people stayed and continued to produce in the village When we started the Eco Museum, the government had to give some facilities to the village Like this asphalt road. Because the path is the path of development

If the village is deserted because the people went to pasture in the desert? yes They are in the desert from morning until noon and again until evening The passing of a flock of sheep indicates that the inhabitants are returning So what did you do? We decided to preserve a part of the history of the village and pass it on to future generations These stone rams are a symbol of courage in our culture Our native heroes have their names prefixed with ram. It is a symbol of courage and fertility These stone rams were found on the tombs of Seljuk and Ilkhanid heroes The light is a little weak here We collected agricultural and defense tools in the yard low light But we can film These stone balls were used to defend the village The villages here were mostly located on the slopes of the mountains When the village was attacked, this stone ball was sent towards them These are the old masters of the village Old authentic writings and documents This document is about 200 years old These are the fossils of our village They are about 250 million years old When there was a sea here Geological phenomena exist in few places For this reason, UNESCO has registered this place as the Aras Geopark These fossils were animals that lived about 250 million years ago Except for the mollusk family These are examples of fossils that exist only at this point and have been found What kind of creature were they? Yes, from the family of cephalopods or today's snails These are the means of life of our ancestors Agricultural tools. homemade book Old bills and coins and... This scythe is about 200 years old These wooden column heads belong to the village's old mosque Style of six leaves on wood These wooden column heads belong to the Safavid period what is this book The book of Ruza al-Safa is Naseri He wrote about the history of Iran and Islam

2024-10-11 22:51

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