Travel highlights

Travel highlights

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foreign [Music] [Music] so when you come to Belgium there are four Staples that you must try out and I'm not talking about the stapler when you're putting pages together but no there is Paul there is the Belgian chocolate the Belgian beer and we also have the Belgian fries and the waffles so we are on a mission to track down all four [Music] but Paul you can smell the chocolate oozing out of the shop do you think we should go in and have a little taste so we did indeed go into chocolate to Jewel and I decided to pick up these dark chocolate truffles um and also this nice and very inviting selection box I especially liked the look of this one which was the sweet caramel oh salted Carlo I think I think it's actually chocolate de Julie yes jolly good okay so that's the chocolate part of our mission accomplished well it looks as though we really locked out because we did we've come to this festival and they were giving fries out for free so and it was you who've heard all the noise in the first place and I thought what the heck is going on back there yeah so I think we should we should try this so hand one of those to me and uh try them out Paul what do you think oh wow yeah stick one of my wife do you like it without the mail one of them hmm so I don't think you can get fries or any more Belgian than these absolutely free treats free Licious [Music] and look we have fined our waffles and they are served with strawberries and chocolate sauce have a look at this I think this is going to be absolutely delicious it's a Paul why did you get stuck in certainly I'm not sure if I'm dipping in the chocolate oh wow don't smell it all over yourself look I almost oh my God this is fantastic it's so good cheers everyone cheaters waffling everyone coffee with a gingerbread round as well okay what's my my leaves off I'm going to pour a little bit of chocolate on the side I think oh let's just all about all of it yeah we'll make it um a river of chocolate I'll get my napkin ready in case of any spillages as I'm an old person now no let's try this are you gonna eat properly I always eat properly and look you get one of your five a day with the uh a bountiful amount okay so let's try this some strawberry too than chocolate mmm perfect combination I think is it dribbling Hold On Me no you're good I'm just celebrating it [Music] thank you [Music] well I guess if you want a beer you go to the pub and we've owned a pub called The Pub so let's see what they've got to offer [Music] foreign foreign [Music] the last time we came to Bruges I always remembered a beer called brooksy's art because it's got a clone of this and that's the way you feel after drinking if you feel a little bit funny right Paul so I'm having one in a restaurant Paul's having something else as well I'm sure I didn't pronounce it correctly but I've had uh really strong reports so I do apologize well of course flounders is the general area I think that we're in it also covers Lil in France where we visited recently and you will have seen that episode hopefully in the last few weeks sometimes sometimes a little bit of your holiday home with you with you as well take a look at this [Laughter] [Music] of course you don't have to go to a pub to find beer and we have found an absolute beer Emporium here the Bottle Shop [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we made a few purchases at the bottle shop and I thought I would go for a very local beer a Bruges blonde so you can't get much more local than that Paul you've got a couple of little things I bought a Belgian single malt Whiskey and a glass because it's always Chic to have it in the glass it's meant to be in it was in carulas is that correct yes single malt they do lots of alcohol in here gin rum everything whiskey beer you name it they do it so definitely worth it [Music] you can even Explore beer further at the beer Museum where you can have four types of beer for 10 euro says in the sign [Music] cover the Bruges beer experience this might be a good idea especially on a wet day well as mentioned earlier we found this lovely Brooks Resort it is a Belgian beer it is what it took about 500 mils or something it's larger than that does it say it over here um it's 75 CL so this is almost a liter um this is a this is a readily available beer and I think we just wanted something to remind us of Belgium so this is the first one and this is the lovely um whiskey that I bought from the bottle shop company I think that's what they're called so they sell a Belgian produced alcohol okay so I've I haven't seen this before this is the guten Corollas um it is I believe 46 um so this is similar to the whiskey that I will find back in the UK such as the highlands or the island whiskeys and there were other types of whiskey but I thought it would be safe to just go for their standard one they do also have the period one and the Sherry Cask ones I think that those are very in price upwards so I decided to play it safe by going with this um single mode um and I I'm sure this will bring me many a good nights and yeah so I would recommend all of you people out there to buy local whenever you are and good and Belgium so this is your big moment Paul you get to sit on the Iron Throne at last [Music] so what is it about Game of Thrones that you like Paul I think I like those dragons and what about the story yeah it's like a lot of incest and a lot of backstabbing and there's a lot of action in it as well isn't that right a lot of fight sequences a lot of fantasy a lot of scheming oh look Paul You're A Game of Thrones steps what what is this this is the Jesuit steps this is when seriously Lannister got everyone shouting at her shame shame shame because I think she was accused of a crime and then and then she basically was walking on those steps completely naked up or down down the steps ah right okay well that's good because I can stay down here and then you can go up and recreate it all right foreign [Music] Shame Shame Shame Shame shame Shame Shame well that was no I've seen this back in one of those Seasons I think it was like series seven or something so it's really weird to experience it like in real life no I'm glad we did this oh look at this this is one of your Game of Thrones people Peter Dinklage what can you tell us about him Tyrion Lannister on Game of Thrones oh look someone else from your Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke she played Daenerys Targaryen the mother of the dragons so where are we now Paul this is Dubrovnik West Harbor one of those epic Game of Thrones scenes oh wow smells absolutely lovely so what Game of Thrones scene was it that was set here I think this is when Jaime Lannister and seriously Lannister were saying goodbye to their daughter because I think she was getting married and then she never came back is like one of those scenes I remember her going with but then she never came back because she was poisons I can't believe this is where they actually did Game of Thrones like all of them wow speechless you have done a few locations on your own and now it's time to take a tour why are we doing the tour poll well I think it's because to see what's in the local area wrong side um again season two if you can see sir in front of us just a couple of props by this side and that's it even the bucket one of the locals he lives around the corner he just filled up the bucket with the concrete this is the view from the top of the wall so I am loving this the Game of Thrones story right now um exploring the city walls and we're just seeing so much of the background and having the Old Town um City walls um no it's just been fascinating and fabulous I think yeah so how are you enjoying your tour so far quite informative and I think it's good to put name to face about the locations because there's various areas at the Fort we didn't really know about no not really now we're not going to look from Ireland on this particular tour this is just a walking tour in the city but we are going to head to the island ourselves theater yeah and that's where you will sit on the Iron Throne hopefully so Paul you're now doing the Walk of Shame and we're trying to avoid the cat Shane do the war barely [Music] there you go we did it it was very shameful and the cat survived yay are you liking the tour Marcus yeah I know I don't even watch the show but it's all very interesting it's like sort of hear all the guys up from you next time when you hear the bell ringing just recorded and said I Surrender and [Music] I was surprised when I saw the gate on because normally they don't allow to do something like that but that time all the Game of Thrones was huge money was coming to town and we became it was a bit flexible yeah but everything was again done in a couple of minutes so she started exactly from here is this still the shame yeah I mean she's naked [Music] yeah again you can see that they didn't close okay they sent a couple of Securities over there and that's it but very simple so a couple of times that's it but of course like I said that was off season we'd have so many people so it was much easier for them but that was the first long time ago for example the Hilton it's a Cersei or Lena she was staying in the Hilton thank you [Applause] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] isn't this absolutely spectacular we have come to Harbor Hill in Port Stuart and it offers an absolutely magnificent view of the harbor of course and the Promenade Beyond oh and my earpiece has just fallen out let's take a look [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] do you know what all that is over there Paul Islands well you've got Port Stuart Strand and then it connects on to Castle Rock Beach and if you go the whole way around you can see land in the distance way over there and that's Donnie goal Marcus has taken me up here many times before and I love this place because it gives you a stunning view of the town of Port Stuart hey weren't we just up there we so we've now come down to Harbor and look it's absolutely spectacular [Music] this is a really great guide to Port Stuart now earlier we were up on the hillside the Harbor Hill what's your point it says it's called that's Harbor Hill what's your point I don't really knew what that was called and we are now down at the harbor but if you go down further to here reporting a household as one of the little places where people would go nut fishing way back in the day but the Promenade that is the main feature of Port Stuart look look we're back in Port Stuart and isn't this amazing the whole way along the Promenade decorated by all this stuff yeah so it starts off like with little knitted hats along here almost looks like bunting it looks like um those winter hats yeah it does and I think there are other things to see as we go along [Music] talk about getting your ducks in a rope hole look at this oh they are really rather cute these ones look as though they're all knitted but I think I see some rubber duckies as well let's take a look foreign look at these ones they are wearing a beanies or something they're all very expressive little faces they're all very different I thought these were rubber duckies from the distance but no they're all knitted so it must have taken whoever did this absolutely hours and hours and hours because they run the whole way along the Promenade here at Port Stuart we have the little flags up there earlier and the whole way along here too maybe there will be some sort of description of what they are but if you know what they are leave us a comment below because I think there's been so much work has gone into this and it's absolutely incredible I've never seen anything like this before it's magnificent [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I've suddenly become like a little bit emotional at seeing this bridge and I've never seen it before and I've got this like real feeling has come over me of I don't know is it relief what is it but I didn't think I was going to have any feelings about this whatsoever and I do this is really strange I haven't even I haven't even set foot on it yet I've just seen the Peace Bridge and I live in a part of Northern Ireland that thankfully wasn't really affected by the troubles but it means something the Peace Bridge opened in 2011. and it's curvature signifies the path to peace which has had many wines along the way the bridge spans the River foil and it's rather poignant because it connects both sides of the river linking the two communities together [Music] the bells are ringing out that's quite poignant too because we have just started our walk across the Peace Bridge and what an absolutely glorious day that we have got to do this Clear Blue Sunshine everyone it certainly is and you can see the curvature here as you walk along it waves um there's not many waves down below today because the water on the foil is calm now behind us is the Guild Hall and that is the the bells that you just heard ringing out just now and it's the first time that I have ever walked across the river foil no doctor is for you too Paul unless there's something you're not telling me take the weight off your feet well that was a nice little sit down so we're now continuing to walk across and we will be arriving at the Waterside on the other side of the foil look how Majestic and green it is on this side yes and we've just passed the central point and you can see the entire spans of the the bridge behind us really nice breeze today yes now that we've sort of passed the central point I think the I don't know is it are we going uphill is it getting higher I think it's going up I think we're going up and then we're going down ah it must be something to do with the curvature but it is an absolutely phenomenal structure because we've almost reached the other side and there's something to point out down below you can catch a train to Derry and it will arrive at the station just down here and we will be taking a look the train tracks go underneath the bridge and from this point you can see the structure in another light well as we leave the train tracks behind us we are almost at the other end of the bridge what an absolutely fabulous bridge and if you come to Derry you must walk across it just to add we're heading back now and from this view of the bridge you can see that it is actually slipping down and it's obvious if you think about us because we are on a higher level on this Bank of the river want to see how it's Paul and Marcus hit the Subscribe button to get all the latest news and content [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

2024-01-04 16:12

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