Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee -6/6/23

Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee -6/6/23

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and Tourism Committee I'm councilwoman Tracy Park chair of this committee Mr clerk Mr Espinoza is with us today would you please call the roll chair um councilmember Park present councilmember Mick Oscar council member myth Oscar is currently absent and council member I'm soda Martinez here okay Cambridge in a quorum thank you Mr clerk so that will bring us to public comment members wishing to give public comment can sign up at the kiosk in the back of the room you'll be given one minute for general public comment and up to two minutes for multiple items so if we could looks like we have two folks signed up we will go ahead and take our first commenter with the initials G N D if your initials are G and D that's right uh yes we'll we'll speak on all of the items in general comment okay you have uh three minutes go ahead and for the record we came here to trash pat mccosker but since he's not here we'll trash you later all said now number one former congresswoman Lucille Roybal Howard yeah she's had a distinguished career her father is named after the Public Works building and on this day we could have been holding this meeting downstairs in the Roy ball Public Works building wouldn't that have been fitting everybody but why are we here on the fourth floor yes it's because Pat mccosker decided to go downstairs and huddle down on his budget in his corruption downstairs and deny Lucille the chance to be ingratiated in her father's honor downstairs so we should definitely redo this meeting down there yes okay let's okay which item are you on well uh ma'am I mean isn't Lucille Roy ball Allard on the agenda yeah number one that's right number one yes and she's gonna serve on the board of the harbor commissioners yes they're having a little strike down there see if you can get those people paid so we will support this yes how come you're being so nice to her because she never treated me like an before see when you treat me right I treat you right when you treat me wrong I treat you right all right let's stick to the agenda number two Vanessa on the corrupt Board of airport corrupt commissioners the best thing to do is retain a business card from the Covington Law Firm the Covington Law Firm the largest white-collar criminal firm in the United States yeah you know in the case you need it later number three John vane yes to the city tourism Commissioners we don't even know that that exists then we get re-condo and Associates for this little tiny weeny little contract of a mere 25 million dollars Tracy you can't buy anything at the airport for a measly 25 million go puppet moves to increase this to 50 million dollars I suck it and Hugo seconds at two now we have Lulu's place a number five Lulu's place yes we go there and eat yes all the other places down there a bunch of junk food overpriced but not Lulu's place no so we want to continue with it and then the people mover this is the reason why Tracy Park came to the Council on number six to get that 43 million dollars to move people from the airport parking lot to the goddamn all right thanks goat puppet all right our next speaker is a grebner can you confirm that you've signed up to speak on item number six uh it was some three I think and general comment all right you'll have two minutes go ahead okay so three is the um is the reappointment of the of of John vane to the to City tourism commission I oppose this reappointment because he's also on the board of directors for the LA police foundation um and we shouldn't have any and that's really you know goes to show what the city's strategy is on tourism that all you want to do is just you know have people I mean this is the police foundation that recently the city just approved donating a robot dog to the LAPD um so you know it seems like maybe um not having someone from a you know way the way the LAPD gets these back door donations without you know like you know we're not even they're not even gonna they already get like you know so much of the budget every year and now they're I think it's backdoor donations and now the mayor wants to reappoint someone from that board to the city tourism you know commission or whatever you know it's it's just the same thing the same strategy the city's always doing it's just one little you know Circle um so especially Hugo please vote this down if you voted against the robot dog you should also be you voted against the robot dog which thank you for that and now please vote against this you know appointment um so yeah thank you Mr grubner next up we have Mr Denny Schneider and uh Mr Schneider I have you signed up to speak on item six I meant five five okay so you have one minute for the item that's all I need okay I'm here just to speak positively about I like the idea of Lulu's place the big concern we have of course is that uh we don't know exactly what it is and it's not promised for any length of time and it's not controlled except for by the executive director in the future uh because it the the lease says that you can't bring it back through everything the executive director will be able to make changes in the future I trust the current Administration but over the course of 50 years I have no idea what's coming and hope to see this in the neighborhood Council soon too thank you Mr Schneider okay uh looks like that was everyone who signed up for public comment so that will conclude public comment uh unless there is any objection from my colleague council member Soto Martinez I would like to move items one two and three on consent any objections okay if you would Mr clerk please call the roll thank you council member Park yes councilmember mccuskers absent and councilmember Soto Martinez yes so two yeses and these two are approved on consent thank you very much we will go ahead and move on to item number four Mr clerk if you could please read the item thank you item number four is a report from the board of airport Commissioners relative to approving um the contract with recondo and Associates covering professional Consultation Services to provide environmental Technical and expert consulting services for the modernization of the cargo facilities at the Los Angeles International Airport okay thank you so much it looks like we have Mr urbachi and Ms mest is here to present on this item we're looking forward to hearing from you the floor is yours thank you council members um I apologize for the glasses I have some eye problems so I'm not not trying to give the Hollywood look here today looks good on you um we're going to have uh I'm gonna there's we have four items so I'm just going to be here and support our team but um I'll let Terry take over great good afternoon everyone I have some slides that we've prepared just to walk you through the effort so if I could point you to uh the slide after the cover slide there so a little background on our cargo facilities and the success that we've had with cargo So currently we're ranked fifth in the U.S for cargo tonnage this has been certainly an area of Revenue and opportunity for us during covid and so as a result of that and also as a result of the condition of our existing facilities so we have about 27 buildings today all are at end of life or some of these facilities were never intended to be for cargo so we have a great opportunity here to create some some facilities that are intended for cargo use and to incorporate some innovations that will make these really state of the art and and great facilities and so the modernization goals are also to consolidate the land use right now these buildings are spread over a large part of our campus there's an opportunity to consolidate that and also to improve our truck staging so uh trucks we have a lot of truck traffic that comes to pick up the cargo with some truck staging areas we could really consolidate the queuing and and have those pickups occur in a much more efficient and faster fashion so if I take you to the next slide here it gives you a site plan of where the existing cargo facilities are located today there are three areas identified on that site plan there's Century cargo East which we're calling phase one imperial cargo East is phase two and then Imperial West is an area that we're not going to be addressing in this effort we're just going to be addressing the century East and Imperial East if you look at the the next slide here that's going to give you an idea of what phases one and two look like so phase one in that upper portion of the exhibit is where the uh the cargo facility would be located the the concept that was provided by the developer who's was the highest scoring proposer in this effort identified a facility that's about 1.6 million square feet with two stories it would have a lot of innovation as far as automated systems that would help move the cargo around and it would also be a very flexible facility that would be able to address different types of cargo um the phase two is shown in green at the bottom of that exhibit that would be a future phase so as part of this effort um it would be supporting the environmental process for the entire concept phase one and phase two um and uh and then after this we would go forward and develop that phase one piece that area in blue at the top of the slide if you look to the far right of the uh the site plan that is where we are proposing some truck staging there would be a truck staging lot plus some potential amenities for truck drivers again all of this would be looked at as part of the environmental process and looking at the impacts in the surrounding and in the within the community if you go to the next slide that'll give you an idea of all the different steps that we need to take going through the environmental process so this is sequa and NEPA we're anticipating that the process will take approximately two to three years to go through this process I know that might seem like a lengthy amount of time but there are a lot of steps so if you look at the right hand side of the slide there you can see all the different items and as we go through the steps there might be areas that we need to pay additional Focus to that might take longer than anticipated and then if you go to the last slide and in all of our procurements there is a big emphasis on inclusivity and certainly that was um part of this process as well you can see there what the winning proposer uh what they committed to as far as inclusivity and their meeting all of the goals that we set out in the procurement uh in addition to that you can see that the team structure um 85 percent of their team structure falls into the SBE dbbe and lsbe lbe categories which we thought was really positive they've committed to a college internship program which is a well above and beyond the goals that we set forth in the procurement as well as stem engagement and a commitment to collaborate with some of our local educational Partners such as the laccd the local Community College District and with that that's the end of my presentation I'm happy to take any questions that you might have okay much for the presentation um you know one of one ability is not being compatible with current operating standards can you talk to us a little bit more about why they're not compatible with some of the issues are sure a lot of the buildings were built not to be cargo facilities and and they've been turned into that and trying to take advantage of the fact that they were there so um just as far as building size um the capacity of the buildings to hold the cargo the way that the car moves around the building is just not as efficient as as current day and current practices are can you talk to us a little bit more about the scope of community outreach that has occurred on this right now there hasn't been a lot of community outreach hopefully with this effort should it be approved we would go out and that would be part of this entire process engaging Community to make sure that we have the community's needs as part of this process and that could be incorporated into the sequa NEPA and I just I think I've said this before and I think you guys what you meant but that's something that continues to be really important to me as well as our surrounding communities that are are impacted by a lot of this so I would really like to see ongoing engagement with our neighborhood councils and organizations like rsac and labor to the extent that they can be impacted by this as well absolutely um I think that some of these small business Enterprise goals are excellent I always love it when a contractor is exceeding some of the expectations that we have um established for them I I know they've worked with lawa and at LAX before what is their their history bet on this sure well the contractor that's part of this team is uh Hensel Phelps they have done a over condo I'm so sorry I'm mixing up my cargo procurements um is for condo and rocondo actually has done a significant amount of work for us so we have a current environmental bench which roconda was on uh in which they help us on a multitude of different things they've also supported I believe our atmp environmental process which is for c0t9 the roadways and some of our Airfield works so they are very very familiar with the work that's happening at law and with the community great good um so one of the things that you mentioned as well is some level of automation that is going to go into the system is that going to have an impact on workers or labor uh I don't believe so I I think it'll be a very positive impact as far as helping the cargo be able to be facilitated around the the new structure of the new building so I think it'll be a positive impact for labor okay so we're not looking at a potential job loss because of automation I don't believe so okay good to know all right I don't have any other questions do you have any no no questions from my colleague um great so with that then I will move that we approve item number four Mr clerk if you would please call the roll thank you council member Park yes councilmember mccosker is absent council member of Soto Martinez yes two eyes and this item is approved thank you let's move on to item number five Mr clerk if you please read that item for us thank you item number five is a report from the Los Angeles World airports relative to community outreach plan and the feasibility of creating a Lulu's Place advisory committee all right thank you uh thank you Miss Bricker for joining us as well um I am going to turn the floor over to you to give us an update in your presentation thanks great thank you um thank you for having me um it's good to be here uh we were here a few months ago to talk about Lulu's place and so we're here to give an update we sent a letter on May 17th which gave an overview of some of the activities that have taken place over the last few months so uh just to bring everyone up to speed um we have been working very closely with the Lulu's Place Representatives who have submitted information regarding um the Environmental Compliance review process as well as the specific plan and the Northside design guidelines that's very important to make sure that they whatever they're proposing is consistent with the eir that's already been approved and consistent with the specific plan and the design guidelines so they submitted a pretty hefty package to us at in April and we've been working with our consultants and our attorneys to go through all of that information and make sure it's consistent and the reason why that's important is because that addresses a lot of the issues that have been raised by the community so things like transportation and traffic things like noise things like lighting those are all things that they need to prove are consistent with the environmental report as well as consistent with the design guidelines so that information has been submitted to us we have hired an outside consultant Acom who actually did the original eir to assess what they've presented and give us information on whether or not it's in compliance what additional analysis may need to be done how it's in compliance with the design guidelines so we're in that process right now and it's a very thorough process once we get through with that it will also go to the Department of planning and we will work with them to ensure that the executive director for planning agrees that they would be in compliance so that's something that we thought was very important to do before we go back out to the community and present more information on the project because we want to make sure that what's being presented to the community is consistent with the eir and is consistent with the design guidelines and that we can answer questions on things like the noise and the traffic and the lighting and that will be part of the presentation that goes to the community so this is a very important step um it's it's not visible to the community they haven't seen this information yet but it's something that we are doing we also and I know it was very important that we reach out to the Manitoba apartments that we have been trying to do for the last several weeks and I'm happy to say that there will be a meeting with them on Thursday so we do have a meeting with that group and we will have members from the team as well as the design team there who will be presenting information to the community answering their questions we flyered the entire complex and worked with management to set that up so we're happy that that's taking place a little overdue but we've been working diligently to try to get that accomplished and then I believe the representatives are also talking to the neighborhood council tonight and giving them just a brief update as to where things are just to keep them in the loop of what's Happening assuming the Environmental Compliance review goes forward in a expeditious manner they would like to go out and have an open house with the community in July and you know again the idea would be that we would have designs we would have a detailed project description we would have information on things like trip counts and traffic we would be able to talk about operating hours and answer a lot of the concerns that have been raised by the community we would have members of the team there we would have the design team there and we really would have stations so if someone's interested in landscaping if they're interested in programmatic activities all of that would be available to the community so right now we're targeting July but again it will depend on this compliance review and I know the other thing that was very important to this group was an advisory committee and so so we have worked very closely with the representatives for LuLu's place they are in the process of forming an advisory committee they've agreed to do that I've told them that it's very important that we have members from the community there as well as members who will be interested in their programmatic activities so we are waiting for the final disposition of that committee which I believe they're trying to form this summer and so that is in the works as well and they have committed to do that once the open house takes place we will go back out to all of the community groups that we briefed beforehand and give individual briefings and answer any questions that they have again waiting on this first step of compliance review in order to pull the trigger on those next steps so that's where we are we've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes we've been working with City departments getting questions answered on you know utilities and sanitation and the Argo complex which is right next to it they've been working on their design incorporating many of the comments that we received from the community and they've also been reaching out programmatically to start looking at their operating agreement who will actually be operating on that site so those are things that are again happening behind the scenes but we're hoping to Target July to go back out to the community with information I'm happy to answer any questions thank you Miss Brooker so it sounds I just want to make sure I heard you right so what you have back or is documentation demonstrating compliance with the eir the north side specific plan and the design guidelines you have that back yet but you're still in your review process working with your outside consultant so um when you go to Neighborhood Council this evening or to the Manitoba neighbors later this week what exactly are you going to be presenting them doesn't sound like so I think um for tonight I think it will be to lay out a lot of what we laid out to you in the letter so what are projected next steps might be where we are in the process what we're hoping to do just really kind of a quick update to the neighborhood Council on where things stand in terms of Manitoba you know we hadn't briefed them before the process started and so I think it's one introducing them to what the project is what some of the background of the project is understanding where we are in the design process now so we do know some elements of design which have been presented in previous meetings so presenting that information to that community and then really I think taking stock of what their concerns are we know that they've mentioned issues spillover from light so the designers will be there to talk about how they're handling that that's something that they were well aware of they worked on the North side design guidelines so I think they want to address those type of issues things about traffic and Transportation as well as things about noise which has come up from those communities so I think they want to listen specifically to the concerns present what they have now with the idea that when we go back to the community hopefully we'll have been able to stamp that it's in compliance that what they're proposing fits within that umbrella and they can give more information at that time great and I really appreciate the Outreach that you've done to that particular community and there may be other residents and and folks there that need to be engaged as well and it sounds like this is going to need to be a process that continues over time as the picture comes together an additional information is acquired and mitigating measures to address some of the current concerns that we anticipate may come up um are rolled out so I want to thank you for what you've done so far we're making progress but looks like we still have a little bit of a ways to go on that so thank you for that I might also just ask of you that as you are planning your community meetings if you would let my staff know when those are we would like to help you publicize them and make sure that we're getting this is deeply saturated into the community as we can for the most robust engagement as possible right we would welcome that all right fantastic I don't have any other questions at this time do you just a comment yeah yeah thanks everyone thank you so much for coming here and presenting sounds like you all are doing a lot of Outreach and engaging folks council member I'm sure be very helpful in in making that even more robust so just want to say thank you for that and as chair of the committee that is something that I think I speak for all of us when we say that this is is really important that these are communities that need to have a voice and their input needs to be received and Incorporated to the extent that it can be so I commend you for your efforts on that um okay so with that um I will move that we note and file this report uh Mr clerk if you would please call the roll thank you councilmember park yes council member mccusker's absent councilmember soda Martinez yes so two yeses and this item is noted and filed great thank you Mr clerk that brings us to item number six item number six is a report from the board of airport Commissioners relative to approving the third amendment to a contract with Austin commercial for a contract uh covering the the terminal cores and automatic people mover interface project at the Los Angeles International Airport and related matters okay well thank you for for being here can you tell us your name sure yeah thank you for having uh us uh my name is Hans telenius I'm a deputy executive um over the terminal development program uh at LAX all right Mr telenius yes thank you for being here uh the floor is yours wonderful so um I wanted to bring before you a report on this Third Amendment which is really to resolve uh open change requests and a schedule extension really because of these open change requests so on the second page is a little bit of a map of of LAX to kind of Orient you on what this project or contract really is there are three main areas going from left to right there was a small core and a core is the term we use where the people mover bridges come into the terminal so the importance of this project is as the train was getting built and the bridges were installed they had to go somewhere and you needed to create a building where these Bridges can land and then from there you can distribute the the passengers around so that's what made this you know a key part of the infrastructure uh so there was one of Terminal 7 on the left and then in the middle and the yellow is one at uh 5.5 so that's between five and six uh that's been completed and then over at Tibbett which is really the heavy lift and and the most complicated building to build was done in in three steps so it's the green and the blue which is complete and then the orange and all this is to be done at the end of this year and what you'll see on the next Slide the the problem with that building is the only way to get to it to build it whether it's Lumber or people or equipment is literally through the front door it's like renovating your kitchen and the only way in is through the front door and there's other things that go in the front door besides you know the appliances to the kitchen you know your life has to continue um so the next page is a couple pictures of where we are um in the left is the completed part of Tibet upper right is the 5.5 and then in the lower right is what's still under construction so um the next few pages really what the issue is there's the site and operational issues and like Ed mentioned earlier the only way to get to this site is through the front door and because there's so much volume with the international traffic most of the work is done at night the hours tend to be more like 11 P.M to 5 or 6 p.m and every time there is a flight delay because passengers are coming in or the the planes leaving we cannot start work um it's I mean it like I said there's only one way to get to this place and the passengers take preference and so decisions had to be made over a two-year period you know what comes first and the passengers you know do tend to come first um there's office also the vehicle traffic that keeps changing because of other utility things we do on the road so it's a constant moving Target and it's really hard to get to the job site so there's an impact for this and that impact does cost money um the next is more scope issues that that we so we bought the job at 60 percent and of course we go to a hundred and the two main things is that the outside facade needed to be more of a crown jewel this is the you know this is the international terminal This is the End station uh we wanted better glass it was better Energy savings uh more uh natural light and things of that nature and then the um other page of the floor plan we actually added a fifth floor to the project because we found that real estate is in such high demand to rent it Now's the Time to add a fifth floor not after the buildings finish so that's the main thing besides rearranging uh bathrooms and elevators so the floors are much more rentable space instead of cut off and then just to provide an update on the inclusivity on how Austin commercial is doing they are doing quite quite well um the second last page has the requirements for example local business requirement is seven and they're doing 39 so there's there's a lot of emphasis from our organization to the contractors about how important you know the local in the community is which has been a common theme that you know we all we all Embrace um 29 of the workforce has been local and seven of those people have come out of the higher LAX program which is a really good program uh and with that I welcome any questions well thank you for that and you know I just I you know I love our higher LAX program I think that that is just a fantastic opportunity for Workforce Development it makes me really glad to see that that program is being utilized yeah it's it's good for both sides yeah our contractors are really leaning into that thank you um so can you kind of just give us a quick ballpark picture of what kind of work is remaining and are we confident that this 12 million dollar contingency is enough yes so um the way we looked at the remaining contingency is really about the amount of work we still had to spend um you know origin of the Contra was 300 plus million so 12 million would be relatively small most of that works in place we have about 75 million dollars worth of work left so 12 million is you know is a good you know it's it's more than 10 percent of that number of left to do the other big thing is we are out of the ground so a lot of the risk happens when you're in the ground we did find a few things that we didn't know about elevator pits to be one of them but we're past that so and we do on a monthly basis I get with the team we review the cost reports we review our risk registers to see where we are so at the moment I feel very comfortable with it okay okay um another question for you different subject but how often does project scope change after 60 design is this so no okay glad it wasn't just me so this is this was a while ago that this was this was done we've implemented a lot more policies and and controls so we we want to make sure that we're adhering as much as possible now there is there there are things that happen that you come across a particular situation and you realize that if you spend a little bit more money right now you actually gain greater benefits but that's a cost benefit analysis we have to make sure that there's a cost value justification from that but the the ideas is that we are we have to be very strict with our Capital spend right now because we're spending so much and we're pushing you know pretty high from our our ability to leverage and so we have to make sure that all of our jobs come in uh based upon you know what what we expect them to so these these types of changes are not something that we take lightly or they have to go through a rigorous process with our entire organization our executive team now and I understand you have very very challenging site conditions a lot of unknowns as a project of this size and scale uh unfolds over time so I I do understand that um are there steps that lawa can take to ensure that changes are covered by existing contingencies moving forward so as as we build a project and you know in through its Project Life Cycle we take a bit of time to really review and create a risk register we it's not just a formula it should be 10 because it feels like 10 percent we will go through this step because some projects just are riskier than others uh you take a green field or a Brownfield site your probability of running into problems you know when you go vertical or very small but when you do a renovation inside a building you don't know what you're going to uncover so depending on the project type will determine really how much contingency you need to make sure you have the right amount and so you plan up front that's okay all right well I love the I love the glass thank you yeah we're all looking forward to when it's really done it's really going to be beautiful it'd be a lot better than looking at barricade so indeed uh I don't have any other questions council member Soto Martinez I just make a comment that you know I used to work at the airport as a union organizer and I I went there a few months ago I could not recognize it yeah oh my God like even the parking lots and where the People Movers going and it's I'm looking forward to completion or maybe it'll never be complete but uh at least at least this uh the two bonds that we that we've put out yeah I was looking forward to it yeah thank you likewise all right um well I would move that we prove approve item number six and if you would Mr clerk please call the roll thank you councilmember park yes council member Oscar is absent council member Soto Martinez yes two yeses and this item is approved thank you so much and I believe this brings us to our final item number seven if you would Mr clerk please read that item for us thank you and number seven is a report from the board of airport Commissioners relative to approving a five-year Progressive design build contract with Hensel Phelps Construction Company covering phase one of the Landscaping Improvement project program at Los Angeles International Airport okay well thank you for that and I will turn it back over to you for our final presentation thank you council members um the this last item is a very important item for us um you know we're doing all this construction and it's beautiful and we're building state-of-the-art facilities and we'll be providing a phenomenal customer experience as a result but this this initiative is a little bit different in the sense that um we're building we're building a house but we have to build the front lawn in the backyard and the landscaping around the house as well and that's what this project is you see many of the areas right now that are being used for construction laid down and for um you know other materials and whatnot and when when we're finished with this next phase um which most of it should be done by the end of next year we're going to have these areas now that are going to be empty spaces and so we wanted to take a little different approach rather than just put concrete and Co and more parking down there we wanted to create more green space for the for the airport and we think that this green space is important for many reasons not just the the um the the beautification of the of the area to to make it seem like it's not just a concrete jungle but also to provide a space for passengers when they have time in between their flights somewhere to go and enjoy the beautiful Los Angeles weather and for our employees our employees need to have a place to go they don't have really a place where they can go in between at lunch time and between their shifts or whatever and just relax and have lunch or sit outside and meditate or whatever they want to do and so these areas that we're planning to build here are going to provide the those open space and there's green space we're also going to be able to use it for some concessions so we have some some concessions out there where we can offer food and drink and things for for the people who want to to hang out there and it'll help us from a revenue perspective and we're also taking the the ability for this to do some nice things to the parking lots in order to make it so that there's some green and some nice things to look at instead of just the concrete that's there today and we'll also be in implementing some digital some huge digital signage where we can put art and other types of digital displays on on there for people to see as they go around the Central Terminal area so I probably still most of Terry's Thunder but it's important to me and I also want to give commissioner shagin who's since retired from Deborah resigned from the board he was instrumental in working with us to get to get this all right thank you for that lead in um so this is Phase One of a design build so this would be for Design Services for this project if you look at the second slide there in the deck that gives you a good site plan of the potential different areas that um could be used for this Plaza space um it's and you see it on there these green areas West Plaza the theme Plaza and the East Plaza and there's some great pictures on the next slide but the theme Plaza would be an area that could potentially really build up a great experience where you could get to the theme building and really enjoy that space so all in all there's about 13 potential Acres of of area that we could use for this project and then there's also a little over a hundred thousand square feet of facade area of the parking garages that we would look to beautify and this would be enjoyed not only for the pedestrian but also for vehicular traffic and those arriving on the automated people mover could look down and really see these these beautiful spaces you go to the next slide that gives you some of the images that were submitted with the winning proposers proposal and um and you can see there in the first image on the upper left there's a view of a of a coffee concession spot um that again these are just conceptual ideas at this point but there could be concessions there would be signage that would take pedestrians around the area to enjoy if you look over on the right you see an image of what that potential theme building area could look like and then on the lower left it shows you an image of what the parking facades parking garage facades could look like there's some screening material on there as well as some digital screens that promote maybe events but also provide Direction and give other information to visitors as well as some green space and then the image on the lower bottom is just a planned view of the theme building so there would be some green space it would be Plaza space to to walk around areas to sit there would be an opportunity to have art in this area too and some potentially some big pieces that could be viewed as you're going along the People Mover and and then potentially some new Lane areas for drop off and pickup of passengers if you go to the next line This slide just gives you a quick summary of the approach to inclusivity from this team they have agreed to meet all of our goals our goals are listed on the far left and they've also committed of course to our 30 local worker higher our local worker participation which is dictated by our pla this particular team they have done a great job in the past of Hiring Our LAX graduates and have made a commitment to do so on this project I'm also a commitment to hire 27 local workers per month and nine local apprentices per month during the course of this project which is really exciting and then lastly that chart there that you see on the upper right shows you some of the team members which make up that inclusivity participation and I just wanted to note that some of those are women-owned small minority women-owned businesses as well so with that I'm happy to answer any questions that you have I love it especially the women in minority-owned businesses and continuing to see lawa Contracting with businesses that are committed to this is I think I speak for all of us on this committee something that is critically important so this is great great to see um and I just wanted to comment generally that this open space finishing flare to this massive Capital Improvement project that has been ongoing for years now is really just the cherry on top of of the the cake here I think that the concept is really it's Visionary it's beautiful it is absolutely going to change and finish the passenger experience coming through LAX I love what you're doing with the theme Plaza and making that space accessible we see it all the time as Angelina's it's iconic to Travelers and yet it's something that's always barricaded and nobody ever knows how to get to it it hasn't had programming in so long and so I'm so thrilled that you are incorporating that and just general really the focus on sustainability and green space I think this is a great finish and so I just want to commend you for it I did have a question the report talks a little bit about Target value design I don't I don't know a lot about it what that is can you just educate me a little bit sure well all of our projects do have a budget and so when we set off and embark on with these teams especially on the design build side we do give them a value that there are supposed to design to and that we monitor along the way that will help maybe mitigate some from the previous report mitigate those situations from happening happening so that's the target value we provide them with the number we monitor it we make sure that the scope that we that we delineate that's required is all going to fit into that and so that's really what that's what that's intended to be some challenges that we have had with interagency things that have happened like on the ATM atmp and on Con on conrack um is there anything we're doing to prevent some of that from happening here are there ways that we can mitigate against that yes we have been working hard on that uh we're actually meeting with all of our third party Partners to um to revisit our mou um and uh and actually we're crafting an amendment right now of our mou that will support these projects and um and really support us working better together we also have formal partnering with a lot of these agencies we also provide them with physical office Provisions spots cubes for them to come and sit and actually work with us so there's a lot going on to a strength in that for all of these new projects learned absolutely I like to see that yes all right thank you I don't have any other questions council member Soto Martinez thank you so much care uh yeah I was like uh as soon as I saw the rendering I was like oh my God this is beautiful I do have one question I I noticed that I didn't know this but last time I traveled to LAX there's like a little dog park by terminal eight like I don't know if that's used for the passengers or just for the LAPD but I I was like is there a demand for that maybe incorporating some of that into here there's a huge demand that we have we have pet facilities in most of our terminals so it's a little area where people who do travel with pets can bring them uh you know for them to run around and other things so yeah so we we incorporate and we're I think we're incorporating pet uh pet space in there yeah yes absolutely that's part of the scope of work we want to be able to support pets as well as they come to LAX you know pets are the new children so we're gonna we gotta keep up with the demand I guess they're less expensive that's true all right well I really appreciate you being here um and I would move to approve item number seven if you would Mr clerk please call the roll thank you councilmember park yes councilman Oscar is absent councilman Soto Martinez yes and this item is approved all right Mr cook do we have anything else in front of the committee no the desk is clear all right this meeting is adjourned thank you very much

2023-06-13 06:17

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