Tracked down by a mysterious plane! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 282

Tracked down by a mysterious plane! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 282

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Because you guys are getting circled by a plane i see. Yeah didn't you hear it go by i heard it but. There it is it's like a big a a-wax, like radar on the top sort of plane, let's wave at him. Hi guys. Can you drop some fruit. Please. A column on the radio. Your dad just forwarded, his message to us that says. So we disturbed, your peaceful, day yesterday. This, is the story of delos. A sailboat, adventurizing. Around the world for the past 10 years. And now, we embark on our greatest adventure, of all. Come join us as we take to the high seas and travel the world, with the newest member of our crew. If you enjoy delos videos, please subscribe. It's a great way to support our channel. Are you making some plans kaza. Yeah, just talking to the neighbors. Uh, about plans, today it's funny when you live in a community, like this like, you make plans, but then somebody has to organize, it and kind of get things going. But. I think today, we have a dive plan which is super exciting, scuba diving. Scuba diving. Who's gonna watch the nugget, and stephanie, is gonna watch sierra, because she's been around her quite a lot. So, um. Yeah it'll be nice, i feel comfortable, with that and i think she's comfortable, too with it so it feels good, that's awesome, yeah i know, so we're gonna go down on scuba. And uh just film there's supposed to be some sharks down there. Which is cool. And should be clear water, there's no wind, it looks, like a beautiful, day the tanks are filled. And now i'm going to put together the gear and then we're going to go breathe, underwater, while the nugget takes her nap and is watched by the, neighbor. Yeah how special, is this community, that we have created, down here. Like we've been cruising, for quite a while now like what how many years, and. I've never had the situation, because i think like people move, like we move so much as well right. So it's just never. A place, where. You're so long, with the same group of people, and everybody, is kind of in the same mindset. Um, so it's been extremely, special. And i'm so i feel so fortunate, to have been here with this group of people. Attention. Dive, crew attention, dive crew this is, delos. Uh we are all ready to go. Uh, just, come on over here i guess, and uh. Yeah, then let's go diving. What. Is honesty. Are you ready to go, i'm excited man. We've been diving in a long time i know, us either last time we did it was in saint croix like two months ago, big camera. Oh. Yeah we brought out the big toys today, have fun guys, good luck. Oh look we got it thank you. You too. Oh nice, babysitter, number two. She's in good hands. Have fun girls. Good luck to you, you kids have fun now. I feel, so stoked, about this. Not often we get to go diving. Together. Ah i'm so excited. Are you guys excited. It's like a whole dive tree i know we got a whole dive throughout. Here. So. So. So. This camera is fun. It's a lot of fun isn't it yeah. Just you can just zoom in on the fish and they look so cool like close up yeah, i love it, hopefully i got any something, in focus i don't know. So the sharks came out when we stopped scuba, diving yeah i think they're really skittish, when we're. On scuba but i took my tank off and went in. And i was able to free dive down with him a little bit. Hi sierra. Oh cool look at that plane. It's totally. Circling. Maybe she thinks that i'm kaz. Like radar on the top sort of plane. Whoa. It's a pretty big plane hey guys. Can you drop some fruit. Please. It is kind of strange though because he has n has been circling. Just this area probably using us for radar, practice. All right maybe they actually just want to say hi to you guys, because. Yeah. It's a cool plane though yeah it's really cool. What are you googling, jarrah. I'm googling if there's a hurricane, approaching. That i don't know about. Good. Morning. It's quite an exciting morning today because, i can see the mailboat. Hey, the mailboat's, here today nugget, we're getting food. That's awesome, wild one you are a little wild one, are you just gonna take the thingy down there, yeah i'm just gonna. Run down on the dinghy i'm trying to put together my little kit i've got, a snack. I've got money. I've got. Oh, i need a vhf, radio. I'll leave home without that. I've got water got the cooler bag, i need to fill the dinghy up with fuel. And um. There we, go. I, think. That is home. Yeah. That is back. That's a thing of beauty, casa, i know. Can you believe that. I feel in some ways like we won the lottery and it's christmas, all night.

It's Like yay. Well now it really inspires, me to want to make bread because i want like now that we have turkey i want like a turkey, and cheese or a ham and cheese sandwich. Yeah. All right, we have a. Turkey. With cheddar. On freshly, toasted, sourdough. Bon appetit. Okay. So. You just told me we got this, freaking, cool message. And yesterday. Just after we got back from scuba diving, there was, like a plane. Flying around us like a turbo crop plane, with a giant. Radar antenna on the top. Ah, cool. Cow's a column on the radio. Brian's, out there filming, and we're like, are they circling, us like what are they doing, like why is this plane out here. And your dad just forwarded, his message to us that says. So we disturbed, your peaceful. Day yesterday. I've been following your travels, around the world for years now and looking forward to every, video. I've often wondered. If i'd ever see you guys, transitioning. To some place. Oh. And then yesterday, i saw you on ais, and had to do a flyby. And get some pictures. Just wanted to say hello, and congrats, on the new crew member, oh, and. There's, pictures, of us. Like. Look here. That's us. You can see me you can see me on deck taking pictures of the plane, there. Look there. There's you like right here. That's awesome. I don't know that's so cool. I don't know why i think that's so cool yeah, people is really nice it's really really nice huh well thank you. Thank you for. Brightening, our afternoon, that was very cool. Hi guys thank you so much for watching this video. And i just wanted to, give everybody. That supported, our project, over the years. A huge shout out. You guys are the ones that make it possible, for us to continue. Making the videos, without. The influence, and bias. Of corporate, sponsors. Which means that we can make the videos, that we like, and we hope the videos that you like as well. Yeah, so, if you want to support the videos, head to, For slash beer. And send us some beer love, that's, it. Thank you everybody, thank you hope you have an awesome day cheers. Morning beer. What did you say about a kiteboarding, mission this morning. Is the wind up, it's at 15, knots. It's pretty good yeah i wouldn't mind hanging out at the beach, all right, so maybe as soon as the nugget wakes up, yep. Oh we got us a plan it is sunday morning, the weather is beautiful the wind is blowing, it's sunny. And there is a sweet, kite boarding spot just around the corner. And um. Yeah i think that's our sunday activity. Get out there early get it done, cruise around do you want to fly the drone today. You know what i didn't like to fight at all. Feet are getting really big look at those monster, seats don't you feel like they've grown from yesterday, i'll get this monster baby, monster, baby look at that big foot, big old foot big baby foot, you can no longer just tear off to the beach at our whim and pleasure. Now it's like a preparation. I feel like it's too bad though, i mean we've got our kit here this has everything we need. Water. Cameras. Food. Food. Sun umbrella, diaper, changes. Sunscreen. And we have the. Baby. You gotta wait for it. After my shaky, takeoff. Now my nerves are shaking. Yeah, now the wind is good. Today. I love it. Man. No. Remedy. It's really, a fantastic. Place to kite. With the shallow, water. No swell. Good wind, nice. Beach. And now to cool off, as usual. We're going to go into the beach. And hang out at the yacht club. It's like our daily routine. Do you like going into the beach. You love the beach don't you. All right let's go nux. Whoa. Look it there's a couch, now, this is new. There's a couch for the fire made out of a fishing, net and a log. We also have a solar panel up there. It looks like there's been a post put in the table. With a. Light. And a power cord and then down here. There's. A battery. With an inverter. People are crazy, hon. Nugs. Yeah, we have a tube, and a bag of toys, and stuff. Awesome. Well i think the coolest thing about the yacht club, is that it's a culmination. Of different, people's, ideas, all coming together, like everybody's, pitched in, to. Build it into what it is and it's sort of evolved little by little over the last few, weeks.

Kind Of like our community came together and built this awesome thing out of nothing but trash and recycled, goods we just kind of kept adding things to it and everybody, had something to contribute, thankfully we have a whole bunch of uh well outfitted, boats with spare parts we've, scrounged, together a. Spare solar panel we grabbed our, spare, solar charge controller, we had a little battery. We had a spare inverter, we wired it all up there and i think it's really cool that it can power ice makers. Someone likes gin and tonics around here the lights were our old christmas, lights, and. Andy's. On. Avalon, has got uh coolers, and ice makers, that he brought, and the fact that it took a lot of work for all of us to, manually, move to dead trees and replant them, sarah look what daddy's. Doing. What's going to happen with this tree. It's going to be the ringtone. Yeah, but you're going to move it to the club. Yeah yeah and roll into the pub. As soon as connor, stops fiddling. Around. You guys all taking. Turns. What are they doing baby nugs, they're planting, a tree look at that. Why do you think they're doing that, there's no reason. Looks good. Man. Let's build a tree fort on this thing, oh my god, that'd be so much fun. Build a drip board, up to a crow's nest. Andy's, not allowed to touch that toy. This is crazy, kazza. We're not anchored next to crazy, people. I really, really have enjoyed, the time out here, and, like as always it's been the people. Uh, that have made the place so special. What animal would you be and why, and or i will also accept, what would be your spirit animal if you have one. Can i say what connors, is yeah you can do each other. Uh a labrador. A labrador, like uh. No sorry a golden retriever, because there's always running around like. Oh, my spirit, animal. Hmm. Probably, a hyena, because. Ryan's, always making fun of my cackle, but i love laughing, so, i'd have to go on all spray. An osprey. Wow, cool. I always look while they're having a good time, i'm gonna say a lion. Lion. Steph, is a peacock. Because. She is. Uh, really beautiful. But she also can be a real, um. She can be also really annoying. So i actually found out lions sleep like 19 hours a day and they only wake up for food and sex, so. The spirit of my life is going to be led by anything to be a lion. Everybody's, like, together, everybody's, uh, moving along the same path and like doing all these fun things and spending time together and going out and having parties and going to the beach and sailing and, all the stuff going on and then. One day. It's all over and everybody, sort of. Sails their own separate ways. Um, so that's the part that i'm not looking forward to but. Uh, i feel very fortunate, that, we've had this time, and um. Yeah, it's, it's really quite unlike anything i've ever experienced. Talk about the man of the hour. What's it like to have your, birthday, party. In the center of uh where we are, incredible, it's pretty good huh awesome isn't it nice it's so good. I think we got it we got it figured out humbling. Yeah let's go. Well happy birthday buddy thank you you're gonna have a hell of a night, uh everybody's, getting ready to sail away as the sailors, do. Uh, what what are you going to miss the most, everybody parts ways, you get to know people well enough that you can just sort of like, make up a plan on the spot, and that happens faster here for sure but this group we've really gotten into that someone. Hasn't made dinner yet and somebody has something extra and they say oh i'll just bring this over and i have that and we'll make it happen and just turns into. It can turn into just quick dinner or it can turn into a whole party. Definitely still looks juicy look at this guy. I don't know what i wasn't gonna film tonight and then, i wasn't either like and then i was like i should go back and get the camera because, whatever, yeah. When new people come and they're like wait you guys, created all this. And you realize you just got used to it, it's the, it's the knowing, that, this, magic, that we have stumbled, upon that we've. You know we we've created, it, we've worked at creating, it but it's also, by accident, i look like pocahontas, with your hair, and like, this, oh you should you should go capture what ryan's wearing. Oh yeah that's cute. But he put his shorts on. I'm just gonna miss everybody, here because we have such a good group. Yeah, and baby nugs. Because she had four teeth when she got here and now she has six and i'm really upset about it, oh yeah yeah yeah so you're gonna gotta get charlie.

What Are you wearing cousin. I found this nice. On the beach down there. Well these are the the water bags, that we found on the beach, that they give up for the hurricane. Yes yes and uh in a haitian, handmade, haitian, shirt that i found down there. It's very creative. Very. So for me it's the opportunity, to build things. Totally for fun. With limited resources, and to be creative and see where that outlet goes. I'll just let this explain, my mood right now we're on a beach, in the bahamas. In a barn. He has a reason to be proud. Yeah i think there's been no drama for such a big group like everyone's gotten along it's been like super relaxed, really, yeah like no fighting, no like no, he said she said it's been like really chill amongst all of us yeah that was without really, like it feels kind of effortless too i think i'm gonna miss that too like we just all naturally get along really well. Stupid youtubers. Sorry, like just fit and enjoy life gotta have a camera in my damn face all the time. The. Camaraderie. And the jokes, and the. Laughter. Mr. Andy, boy, his highness. Thanks. That was one of those, you know, lightning in the bottle moments the the magic, of um. Just sharing. With people that we've. Just recently, met, but now we've, come that much. Closer and more intimate. With with one another, and yeah it was. Um. Up, there. Oh this little guy. I wouldn't worry about this little guy. Looking pretty cool there dude. Did you have oatmeal. Was it good ah. Did you like it. Oh it's so typical. What, you're just, dragging, on and on. And on. Now. Steph all right. What did i tell you. The little, terror. Destroyer. Oh, god, it's disturbing. It's. Terrible.

2020-08-26 10:35

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