Tourism Ukraine | Travel Expo!

Tourism Ukraine | Travel Expo!

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good morning guys from kiev ukraine today i'm  at the travel expo so this is going to be the   international expedition center here in kiev  and i'm gonna go inside show you guys around   and this will be a surprise speaker on the panel  what do you mean let's go take a look so we need a   rapid covid test to enter says i don't  have my vaccine yet certificate please they push it like that chocolate fried chicken okay uh it's so fast the problem is they called and stamped maybe like  five or ten people that definitely came after me   during this time so naturally i started to freak  out a bit and i couldn't really understand what   they're saying they're speaking mostly ukrainian a  little bit of russian or sherzik which is actually   a combination of the two and i just kept thinking  it would be me next but it would be victoria   and igor and all these people being called that  clearly came in after me and she just kept pushing   my uh my test to the side and i was freaking  out thinking i definitely have covered   and i'm not gonna get in i'm gonna go be  put into a 14 day quarantine somewhere and   with every single one they got stabbed and given  away my fear just keeps going higher and higher   especially because i would recognize these  people who came in and mine would get pushed so for whatever reason the first  test didn't work we didn't swap   you know i guess it's kind of the balance  between something too hard it's not too low   so i'll take it again i was freaking out  for a second hopefully this sounds okay he showed us that thank god again hello again  can you give me your pen that's for two days of exhibition so guys pass the rapid cover test just took a   few minutes it's free it's pretty easy so now  that i've got my bracelet i'm gonna go inside here we go special bushwick and here we go guys created  by egypt created by one of these groups   it's bigger than i expected actually all right guys the last time i was at one of these  expos it was probably it was comic-con i guess but   before that like business ones in the u.s i just  have to go to them for work and in the u.s you get   a bag of free stuff like t-shirts pens like you  know random crap that they just give they spend   so much money on promo items in ukraine i doubt  i'm really adopting the giveaway stuff it's not   like part of the culture it's probably good it's  less wasteful but it would be nice to get some   free swag but in 10 minutes i need to prepare for  the panel talk so we go to the conference hall 17. you made it it's funny a lot of this is completely empty  except for the maldives line this one is   completely full i think every single person wants  to go to the maldives because it's sunny and hot   literally this is the only  line in the entire place or maybe it's because they're  giving away free bags or something ah it's like a book modi's book  travel book oh okay and bank okay okay so turns out everyone wants this like catalog  this beautiful catalog and bag from all movies have you been before have you been to maldives before yes yes yeah yeah no oh man so i think people just like these catalogs  and people just have this fascination all these   i'm sure in the us is the same but here it's even  more just like oh my dudes but i've actually been   in all these guys it's beautiful but it's boring  unless of course you guys go scuba diving then   it is one of the best places on earth to see  and swim with wild dolphins manta rays sharks   and millions of tropical fish so you're  gonna see the most fish you've ever seen i actually want to visit egypt i don't know what these guys sell nice books just beautiful promos oh and there's a talk going on our welcome speeches and we would like to invite  mr ahmed yusuf of egyptian tourism promotion board deputy ministry of tourism of the  republic of cyprus history bangkok from william henry ambassador  of argentina to ukraine tourism organization of ukraine represented  in of poland in ukraine mr david sitting right here mr rainco director of  formation national tourism board right yes good   thanks yeah uh how is tourism sector organized  in south africa uh management of tourism center   organized in south africa which is one of the  most famous destinations globally for overseas   tourists from europe from america from asia  thank you very much the moderator the organizers   all the stakeholders of the tourism industry of  my colleagues that i have commented on this part   we're looking at the uniqueness of the people  of south africa we have diverse focus official   languages and of course when it comes to tourism  uh more of those languages there are many more   there are even languages that could be a handful  of people who speak and of course all of them   so the diverse kitchen that goes with it is very  interesting we're talking about wines that are   very famous we have the longest wine room or  placing one route in the world so i've also   been to south africa and i really liked it not  only was there the cool animals and the safari   the culture the food there was amazing you've  ever had a braai which is a south african barbecue   delicious they really know how to make meat and  it's one of the food places in the world you can   see lions and cheetahs and you know basically all  the big animals in the wild in cape town you have   beautiful like beaches with penguins and you have  amazing wine as well so really cool place to visit   but super dangerous unfortunately so i can't  really recommend south africa to most people so there's a bit of a live stream  action and actually a really nice setup   this is really professional you have all the travel agents  posing from the maldives side feel like every single person in the egyptian  government want an excuse to come to ukraine all right so it's about 12 30 and people are  also just showing up now i wonder if   they all work in the travel industry  they just come for the conference uh justin hey guys can i ask um did anyone speak  english um can i ask you what is your impressions   what is your impressions of today's event some boring yeah but at this time we can learn something new about another countries okay  what country did you learn something new about hungary hungary oh yes yes maybe new places to  travel oh okay do you want to go to maldives yes   okay have you been yet no anybody been to  motives no not yet not yet this winter yes   okay uh where did you learn to go in  modus i don't know anywhere okay uh   and can i ask uh why did you come today is it are  you we're students okay and you're studying what   we're studying experiences ah okay and was it  for free to come or did you need to pay free   oh nice okay and tomorrow will you come again  or no maybe maybe maybe really yes okay why   for what learn something new yeah okay  interesting well hope to see you tomorrow so guys turns out i messed up it's a two-day event  and my talk is tomorrow panel it's time to come   back and the event actually ended up being way  smaller than i expected so i was so bored in there   see you guys tomorrow i'll come back so morning guys it's day two and we head  back to the convention center for my talk here's my taxi drastic to dorbadian all right guys so i am back at the  convention center and hopefully i   won't have to go through this test again  because i managed to keep my wristband let's try to go straight in and guys i am back so let's see today is a  bit more fun and the panel is going to be   worth me coming but i promise  so that's why i'm back it looks like there's something going on  already it's a lot more people's way actually all right guys so it turns out that this  main stage is for travel agents today   so we're going to be in a hall upstairs  hopefully people will know to go there between ukrainian english language yes because  we have one of the speakers who is from another   country the rest are both from ukraine so let  me i don't think we need that one that's okay um so first of all my name is horace   i'm from ukraine i visit over 120  countries around the world and i make   travel my fashion my coffee and my business yes  then we have johnny fd johnny hello hello privit is one of the most known  digital nomads in the world   digital nomad is separable it's basically  people who travel and work at the same time   and he decided to settle down in ukraine  after visiting how many countries about 50. the more it's a big honor to have you here right uh all his entire adult life in the public sector  like government local administration and so on   and finally decided to follow the dream and  make the travel company oh congratulations   and i would like to start with the  short questions to our speakers and   let's start with johnny johnny like  what made you set on the road and   like like why did you decide to combine travel  and then like your professional life okay um johnny i will speak in english  if my russian and ukrainian is   so bad but maybe he can translate here but  basically i had a very good life living in   california i had a good job and a nice car i was  living in a nice place and when i first took my   first trip um about 12 years ago in 2008 i went to  thailand has anyone here been to thailand before   and you liked it yeah it was amazing  and uh if anyone hasn't been yet i   would recommend you put it on your list  of places you will visit to the future   and when i went i realized this is amazing you  know it's uh good good weather it's always sunny   the food is really good everything is cheap and  you have all these activities that you cannot do   in your home regardless if it's the us or ukraine  scuba diving has anyone here been diving before uh in the red sea also not far you  can go diving that's really nice so   here's one of the best boxes in the world yeah so  there's all these opportunities but even growing   up in california and having a good life i never  got to experience it until i started to travel   and that's when i realized this is something  i want to do for the rest of my life and i   needed a way to be able to afford to travel  so i realized i have to award the wild job   and that's exactly what i did guys for four  years i worked as a dive guide as a dive   master and then weekly as an instructor which  ironically killed my passion for diving because   paddy is a soul-sucking corporation but as a  dive master as a guide i saw some really cool   things like sharks and turtles and i got  to dive all around the world and it really   sparked my interest for traveling  and working remotely in the world andrei why did you decide to travel   while working on a serious prestigious  job like what else did you had so by the time i finish university i have  visited around 30 countries uh only in europe   then when i finished university i uh applied for a  couple of internships in poland croatia and india   where i spent five a month so i was practicing  law in different international companies there   and when i came back to ukraine i started working  as a lawyer in the international human rights   topic but then it's only four months that i was  working there and i understood that law doesn't   have to do anything with justice and in ukraine a  good lawyer knows a law but a great lawyer knows   a judge and these are not the principles i'm  actually i would like to follow right i'm more   a clear and easygoing and transparent person so  i decided okay if i want this freedom to travel   and i cannot pursue this through my international  legal career i should find another way and another   way it was through uh blogging so i started the  first website called   which was the online travel guide in english  language around ukraine which was very lucky   in terms of timing because it was just before  the european football championship 2012.  

so i started receiving many orders from tourists  and was earning money as a regular travel services   then when the war started in 2014 all the  tourists stopped coming to ukraine so i had   to switch to other topics and since i know since  i knew then how to develop an online project   i made the ukrainian language blog about the  world about traveling about some self-help topic   some practical psychology and i started  selling pdf do online training courses and   writing materials for other online platforms and  eventually step by step i build up expertise in   online promotions and became developed myself as  an expert in digital nomad topic and uh promoting   products and services online which uh like moved  my career into business consulting online and   that's basically the main area i'm doing at the  moment on a much larger scale that in the very   beginning and this enabled me to travel and at  the moment i've been to exactly 128 countries   around the world so that's that's that's a long  story short so i don't earn on traveling itself   but traveling is the way that helps me in the  self-promotion and this that which gives me energy   to do the real work that that's kind  of the balance work like this okay i'm married but without children yet you  i am without children and without marriage um foreign all right guys i just finished my talk on the  panel these are the other speakers that were   there and overall actually i think i think they're  pretty good i think they've been pretty good right   people were pretty happy my speak absolutely it  was confusing though because it was instructive   some people were speaking some  people were speaking russian some   people were speaking ukrainian and then  switching to russian and then back to   ukrainians i was so confused but  overall i think everybody's good all right and that was it what do you  think of the event i think it went   better than we expected in the very  beginning yeah yeah when they first   i first found out they moved us to the small  room i was like this is gonna be nobody there   but it was a pretty good crowd there's like  20 something people absolutely yeah because   there was a like special guest and a superstar  which attracted people probably yeah who knows   yeah i wonder how many of them understood me but  anyways see you guys next year hope you enjoyed it active social life like many friends with whom you  think something can so on here yeah maybe too much

2021-10-17 22:06

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