Tourism Talk

Tourism Talk

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foreign foreign education because Thailand banglades um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] director foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on for this circuit the diamond sector of future tourism in India friends today of life and is facing a serious threat of the very survival due to the feeling of insecurity mistrust suspicious on one side and issues like War nuclear prolification environmental degradation and inter-religious Discord and such due to corrupt mental level during the last couple of years the crisis of public pandemic created an environment of constant feared further travel restrictions throughout the world and the world's hit was the tourism sector but still abto with its like-minded Partners utilize the time promote according to the sector in one way or the other doing online virtual workshops webinars meetings thereby generating awareness and promoting to this circuits and the good wishes of all of you we are once again here all together in this wonderful Gathering and I would like to thank you and congratulate you at this occasion friends what Buddha taught in the sixth Century BC was not only relevant at that time but is a Timeless in party we say bring the teaching as well and many more centuries and billionaires to come Buddhism has a special role to play in the modern world um foreign oh um when it comes to the various Buddhists monuments and temples and the different destinations that we have so it's very good to be here and see that you know different delegates and the tour operates us and and those interested in uh now we all know that India has you know very very old strong God endings with different countries of East Asia southeast Asia and the countries where Buddhism has spread and you know and the kind of bond that we share the kind of you know linkages I think we need to nurture and nourish that very strongly and when the tourists from different parts of the world and definitely from the different countries of Eastern Asia and Southeast Asia they come to India and definitely I am from Bihar so I know the nalanda and rajki being something you know very important destination for um Regional director India tourism evening on the days ladies and gentlemen I feel privileged to be part of this fifth International for this travel part and the second International bunkers put this circuits organized by the Association of potential operators active autism originated in ancient India more than 2 600 years ago and spread through much of Asia will close to 500 million followers but this represents seven percent of the world's population to the followers all over the world the philosophy of Lord Buddha continues to guide many Indians even as they pursue other relations the Buddhism the important Earth and Society is currently receive approximately six percent of our nation by Foreign tourist arrivals with sarnath and both they are needing the pack the tourism Ministry is working with various Ministries and organizations our aim being to improve the heart and to improve of all these sites the ministry of Tourism has been appointed as the nodal Ministry to work on Reviving India's [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ambassador Vikram parody members um they and also lumini and shared communist Palace of Gautam Buddha and birthplace of mother Maya Devi we should not forget the mother we I have sanctioned here people always talk about their son how about the mother who gave such a beautiful son who gave a solution to the world how to be happy and compassionate and how to uphold the human values and ship life not alternation so what we are doing here now okay the spiritualism everybody is talking about Buddhism means everybody is talking about but my job and what I'm trying to do here will be very interesting for India side also age usually this spiritual knowledge for a little bit of economic activities okay why to uplift people leaving the Buddhism and these sides are all over between Nepal and India above looking in and um ancient Palace of coming bus to in Nepal Nepal side and then birthplace of mother Maya Devi is in Nepal side and there are other two Buddhas this particular area is also known as why is Paramount but economics is secondary but it's still economic economics is necessary so now I would like to you know bring one uh preaching quest uh incidence uh which is most of them operation questions from the disciples once in Solomon or somewhere minor disciples that oh Lord opened up use ask us you tell us that we should not make any art or that message of you we should not write any literature we should not write any book about you then how we the pupils or followers one day are so this is what all the ishalers are talking about and after listening this pressing questions from his own disciples then Buddha after some you know contemplation a sweet answer to Ananda is principal secretary or Ananda after my death people people who follow us are all people who our faith will visit this is a way of life and those who follow our way of life will reject the both important steps of my life that is looking whatever in life where I give the first I will I will take a hit from this song so this beautiful answer to his disciple is the birth of Tourism for today because Buddha has never said that it is a religion has said the followers the people who have a faith in us in our way of life will begin this poor important places of my issue and the steps of my life so that is the birth of Tourism okay so all his life which you all agree all Hindus before they die they want to go to mountains in the similar way all Buddhists do you want to visit these four places of Buddha's great steps of life okay to experience what Buddha had been saying about in all his sermons especially candidates us and that is the worth of Tourism and that is what exactly I am doing both here so in lumini we are doing a number of things why we are going to uplift the local people there to operate them local people there by tourism economy I think man you are a tourism Professor so this is all practicable I do not believe in theories and top readers I believe in it anyway that is happening so in luminity government Innovative tourism that's my passion because you know I am not a businessman I am yes businessman and more of a person to this I explore I discover then I make a product for tourism for the country and for everybody so what I am doing to uplift uh the economy no condition of the people local people you know living around here 2000 617 years ago when Crown Prince siddhant Gautam wrote on his horse and he renounced the Palestinian luxury life in charge of the truth that I have you know now brought to life from the history about beauty okay so after I became the gorilla master so I have built it I have a tourism product [Music] they can take any international flight so this particular Corridor is an emerging future economy by tourism okay what I'm doing now I will just finish it in a minute so between in uh illuminated one very important product we have made that we have also given a birth house espritious course now we must be very you know Supply what is this spiritually suppose I have also the government of Greece in the past I am a control general of Peace in Nepal and as you all know so I had to create something to sensitize the world to visit Romania after that they go to Burger okay so then I created for the first time in the world to be a fact the spiritual exposed that means running around the life of Buddha running around his Palace his childhood days the river he was taking you know bar at the workplace you know like this now same spiritually Sports I am taken to go there okay for 2024 but in 2023 every year so it's very easy to remember the day every year okay from 2024. in 2020 he went to his own trials so that way I'm going to attract hundreds of thousands of people in course of time is right now so that's one program and uh uh then we have a you know then I have created one more program in Lumia remember whatever we do is connected with good because we follow without advice after the issue [Music] so MP3 foreign [Music] [Music] politics is difficult to understand but the real why why relationship we are doing from the media Okay so what happened when in those days there was no matter so 2700 years ago mother might be left from Palace to go to her maternal home for delivering the baby but on the in the halfway at a place called Padilla at that time and pigeon bloominis he gave Award of Buddha then after that he returned to the Palace she didn't go to the Metro after cleaning the baby and you know and uh giving away um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] um important [Music] money City Center Salt Lake Salt Lake yeah foreign [Music] uh foreign let's say foreign [Music] um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and I asked netaji and come to visit that in our school [Music] we are doing everything what we we will be called us say okay I will let you know so at least we got the name name what about this a video so tell us something about HTC and the conference which are having here today foreign [Music] myself City General upon Association like a Secretary General of United Nations [Music] this successful travel fare this time in Calcutta and it's great honor to be here you know in front of the house of subhashi we used to learn so much about him in our school life okay and today is even later you have someone from Nepalese and that is also cannot be you know so but in those days look at the enthusiasm look at the Spirit and everybody even you know starting their life to be an adult let's say in the modern language art of toward being an so I would like to have this honor today in front of all these agents with our beginners are also that what a what a great honor we have this morning house that we have a sinner balakshina and I being a Goodwill Ambassador Buddha who is also respected around the world as the Apostle of peace I have a place called you know honor for him you know from Cena to Santi how do you like that [Applause] so I would like to offer this little crocodile blog from the meaning this is not gown or anything this is the Prasad to Shanti that's nice very good sir it's a great honor from Cena to Sandhu [Applause] from Warrior to a poster of peace foreign I have no idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] um foreign foreign if you think what happened [Music] um thank you matters probably foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] University [Music] results [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign thank you

2022-12-21 00:54

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