Tourism Studies Academic and Research Discipline in Higher Education Institutions of Assam

Tourism Studies Academic and Research Discipline in Higher Education Institutions of Assam

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we are live now we can start the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page good evening everyone I AKA Bora will be your host for today's session on tourist studies as an academic and research discipline in higher education institution of Asam and it's professional proect first of all I would like to welcome our special guest and today's speaker Dr sat welcome sir I would like to start uh I would like to start the session with a brief description about enery enery means an invisible Bond of love it signifies un unconditional love it is a nonprofit organization which was formed in 2018 which was founded in 2018 by milinda enery engages and promotes various initiatives that are striving for social change owning leadership skills and building entrepreneurship capabilities in the northeastern region of India enery is in is involved in field activities like education gender and uh sexuality art and craft Animal Welfare environment and many more now I would like to give a brief descrip description about our today's speaker Dr sat D serve as an international panelist come speaker in the international world to his conference at changai City Thailand in 2019 organized by wct wtaa Korean academic Society for culture and tourism he was awarded with research Excellence by Institute of Scholars Ben India for his internationally recognized and certified high quality research in the field of FL gr and cultural heritage tourism Dr Tas acted as a panelist in various talk shows in electronic media and TV channels including da news plus dy365 and as speaker on issues of society culture environment and educational at all radio all Indian radio India radio GUI Dr Das is also a well-known writer of various memor memorable and colorful travel laws recently he has been serving as an assistant teaching faculty in the Department of Tourism and travel management pad University baji balasan he also served as an academic counselor for the diploma in Elementary education course under krishnaa hend State open University guti in its study center at pasim guati mahavi from 2012 to 2016 now I would like to uh uh now over to St hello sir yeah sure you can C oh yeah yeah okay thank you thank you very much I uh could I audible to all of you could I audible yes sir yeah yeah yeah uh then uh first of all uh thank you so much for your nice invitation uh from your organization that is called amazu and a social cult cultural organization I think and of guti a renowned social cultural organization uh basically G SMA had called to me for inviting and delivering a talk uh through online mode and thank you very much G and D all of your anazur team to select me to deliver some uh topic that is very essential and very important uh from the point of view of uh higher education scenario of India and Assam uh uh at far uh I am very sorry that I am not physically very well today because I have been suffering from a throat infection for last four and five days I am taking I am taking some antibiotics and CS from my doctor's Spain and all these things because I very sorry because I am my voice voice modulation is not up to you very uh will to to lening for everyone I'm very sorry for your my voice basically I am suffering from a I have been suffering from the truth infection then uh so uh uh first of all I am going to please sharing the slides please actually you please share the slides slides okay thank you so very good even to all of you and all audiences and my dear uh colleagues students and the team of Paz uh the tourism studies as an academic and research discipline in higher educational institution of Assam and its professional perspects uh I am am I able to talk both languages some is an English or biling or only English could I could I proceed with yes you can yeah yeah yeah okay please share the slides the [Music] slides please yeah tourism studies as an academic and research discipline in higher educational institutions of Assam and its professional prospects tourism tourism and travel basically tourism and travel in a general concept is a common concept that we must have some perception we must have some ideas about that that is it is an industry where the visitors The Travelers or the tourist come from one place to the another one areas to the another areas one Nations to the another Nations one reason to the another reasons or to see visit and experiencing new things new sites new places and gather information and knowledge and go back to this is original place of residence so tourism is an industry tourism and travel is always considered as an industry so we do not have any perception we do not have any concept we do not have any issues that how the tourism is also a very high academic and research discipline in comparison to the other developed or Western countries or the our nearest South Asian Nations those countries and Nations have already far away from its academic and research point of view in comparison to this our Nations India so in India we the common people have thought that the tourism is an industry and there is no need there is no needed there is no uh there is no any essentiality to study about the tourism the tourist or the men come from the other places other regions other states other countries to see and uh GA knowledge information and back to the his original place of residence so it is also it is always related with the transportations accommodations attractions it is always related with the travel agencies which is always related with that t operators it is holistically it is also considered as a tourism management is management so but it is up to us how we have dealt in this connotation in this word that is called tourism so for being a tourism academics for being a student or for being a researcher of Tourism we must have some concept about the for building up a tourism industry of a nation of a state the educational or the education of or the education of or the learning of some aspects and issues related with it is very essential so tourism studies is very essential for a nation to build up a tourism industry because tourism industry is a very low investment High profit with industry smokeless industry so it touched all it touched all of the people all of the classes of the society we do not see the different issues and different aspects of Tourism rather than tourism is an industry it is only related with or only associated with the travel Transportation accommodation Hospitality etc etc and beyond that some other issues and aspects are always related with it that is uh that is called the tourism academics and that is called the tourism study and why the tourism study is very essential for a citizen of a country so in this topic as an academic and research decision higher educational institution of Assam and its professional Prospect uh first on slide please next slide please yeah introduction importance of tourism in India as we know all of you know the importance of Tourism why or how the tourism can be a very uh Big Industry and very lucrative and very attractive industry for India because in case of India we we know that we all of you know that the India is a multi- religious multi-racial multi linguistic countries so there are different peoples of their religious or different religious background different raal backgrounds are in are living or are residing in the different places of the countries some may be in Hills some maybe in mountains some maybe in Terin some maybe in Plains some may be in coastal areas some maybe in uh desert areas some mountaineous areas or plate areas the geographical diversity has been created the linguistic diversity and all this diversity has been created a eological or geographical diversity or eological diversity have been created a cultural diversity the cultural diversity is a very essential and core aspect of our India that is called unity in diversity there are a lot of cultural heritage and traditions art forms artifacts of the different communities different races different tribes non- tribes have been seen in the very long path to the present days and it is it it this type of characteristics this type of pattern of cultural Trend have been reflected that India is a very Multicultural country so in India the geographical diversity or geographical eological diversity nature and also it's as I have said to you that the cultural heritage tradition the cultural diversities the fure the ethnic [Music] diversities the religious diversities and its uh components and resources have been evolved as a good resources for attraction of Tourism attraction of tourists from the different parts of the world so tourism is a very largest revenue earner of India for India so through the tourism we can what through the tourism we can economically socioeconomically socio culturally and also the soop politically developed or Afflicted because the we we we must know in basic forms that tourism is also we just call this called the employment generator the generation of employment in different different aspects of the tourism Industries like travel agencies to operators hotels Hotel accommodation facilities loges etc etc transportations maybe is Airlines maybe Railways maybe IND just all is called buses taxis and also cars and also all these things that is called Cruise River Cru or and also the accommodations speci hotels different types of hotels Heritage hotels or is called five star Seven Star General hotels lodges guest houses etc etc uh there Cottages all these things in different places different parts of India and also the uh is called this accum attraction site s facilities are there travel guides are there there are lot of opportunities to get employment and also the sources of uh earning must be initiated by the promotion and evaluation of tourism in India so tourism studies and introduction so why tourism studies is essential for India why tourism stud because tourism in in in Center or in central government and state government uh tourism have some departments like the ministry of Tourism the Assam sorry India tourism development corporations on different states like different corporations different uh like in Assam Assam tourism development GM the directorate of Tourism Ministry of tourism in public sectors in sorry in public sectors in private sectors there are a lot of agencies ngos tra agencies accommodation agencies Transportation agencies have uh exercise their tourism activities so if we do not have any knowledge on if we do not have any basic knowledge about the tourism why tourism is initiative and how the tourism is uh is a is a part of every aspects of every aspect means Society social cultural economic politics and all as this aspect all these aspects are associated and related and all these aspects are heartly touched by this all the classes of the people in our society in our nation so how it it has related or Associated so in this case uh one thing is that that India one of the developing economies India is one of the developing economies in the Assam can I can I audible to all of you is there any disturbing or disturbances is there any disturbances can I AUD hello can I audible to all of you yes sir oh is there any disturbances no no sir okay okay okay please first SL first SL okay then India one of the developing economies uh in Asian Nations or Asian continent is emerging as a major Hub and making its presence in all sorts of Developmental activities it is becoming a favored destination for all sectors all sectors means industry agriculture or for all sectors for the foreign investors or all these things or tourism due to the positive environment and on uning human resources the presence of successful educational institutions educating the unnecessary sorry necessary Manpower would take sufficient credit to get a claim as a most faved destination so one thing is that the UNESCO UNESCO United Nations education scientific and cultural organization UNESCO has stated on tourism or about the tourism that is called uh I just read out this statement it's called with sociological according to with sociological and cultural effects it has become a phenomenon of civilization with sociological and cultural effects it has become a phenomenon of civilization and at such Warren detailed it ographic and historical attention attention so in this statement the United Nation education and stifi and cultural organization has highlighted that the tourism have some sociocultural impact tourism have some environmental impacts tourism have some impact on man on people of a country of a region of a state of a local areas and it is the connected this this phenomenon this tourism is a phenomenon it is connected with the civilization and such oneic historical the history the ethnography or ethnographical D or ethnological diversity is always with this tourism so this is called the according to the Uno so uh according to uh unisco we have sted that with sociological and cultural effects it has become a phenomenon of civilization econom imp [Music] tourism the studies as an academic and research discipline in higher education institution of Assam and professional asically Assam the as an academic and research discipline several decades ago tourism in India is only considered as a industry it is not considered uh as a part of academic or research so it is very difficult to say about the essense of Tourism studies it is very difficult to say about the character SE of Tourism studies it is very difficult to say about the its impacts of Tourism and how it is related with the society and so social aspects socio cultural aspect sociopolitical aspects and socioeconomic aspects we just as a Layman we know that the tourism means some people come from the outside and see the all our things living in hotels and uh and eating some our local Cuisines or etc etc visiting our markets then go back to their homes so there was nothing or there is nothing to learn on there is nothing to study about the tourism as a academic disciplines in higher educational institutions not only not only as in India also but why tourism studies is or tourism Studies have been introduced as a academic discipline for providing some diploma or post post postgraduate diploma courses or certificate courses in some universities and colleges in order to attain some demand from the tourism industry or its stakeholders in India or toward three or four de decades ago uh it has started with the vocational training courses The Vocational courses and before I go to this uh uh institutional framework or institutional background we must say that tourism study or studies is a new newly emerging academic discipline in the global arena in global Arena it is a very newly emerging academic discipline and it is supported to the most important supposed to be the most important discipline for the socio cultural as well as socioeconomic development and prosperity the international political economic and cultural relations and Regional development and coop operation and as Prosperity are ached through promotion and development of what promotion and development of Tourism among the Nations so some important fees that is called the regional cooperation international relations and development Economic Development social cultural socioeconomic development Prosperity there these are the very important and very special pieces for a nation and all these have been AED through promotion and development of Tourism so actually tourism studies is a discipline which deals with a systematic and scientific study of various aspects and relation aspects of the tourism and travel and it related and parent with the travel and tourism industry management tourism management so to study the tourism courses or touris uh to attain the tourism degrees the courses and Cy of India or Indian higher educational institutions including all the states those have uh provided the tourism degrees in higher education institutions like colleges and universities so all all the syllabus have some common features and they have prepared or all the educationist or academician of academician of these countries have prepared the tourism syllabus from the point of view of management from the point of view of management or uh managerial aspects but there is another important aspect that is called tourism is a social s science tourism is a social science why it is called as a social science because every aspect of society every aspects of society are related with tourism the people cannot assume the people cannot uh people cannot taken it as a uh correct statement because the people not only the common people most of the educated or most of the academician also today's academicians have also some perception about that tourism is totally a management or man totally a management course from the point of view of management it has been studied from it has been uh studied or learned or taught but in western or in development development country or developed countries it is not assess or it is not studied or it is not learned as a only management subject it is not learned or it is not studied from the point of view of managerial aspects western or european sorry why it is called a social science because if we considered a framework of social science the social science all the social science disciplines like what like geography geography is a natural science also a social science or Human Geography social geography ET geography is always related with just tourism and history or Heritage and Heritage studies is always related with the tourism historical TR historical incidents historical events of the different eras are very essential for the tourism studies culture cultural aspects cultural patterns cultural resources are very essential for tourism folklore ethnic groups sorry ethnic groups and also the various religions purposes religions spiritual organizations and also the economics Commerce Finance anthropology ethnology sociology environment management Commerce this all subjects are related with this to tourism so these all subject are associated with tourism and tourism are also made some relationships with this all subject the social aspects of all these subjects are The Core theme of the tourism and tourism have been studied from the different aspects from not only the management as from the geographical aspects from the historical aspects cultural aspects folklore aspects and the Heritage aspects then the anthropological sociological and economics Finance Commerce every aspect so all these aspects are associated with the S and development of a society of a country of a reion so it is called as a social science so and in academics tourism studies must be studied as a social science then it will be go to a very good product and very good resources for the tourism industry so next slide please next slide please so some of the statements of the United Nations World tourism organization United Nation World tourism organization the C out of this United Nations World tourism organization is in uh Madrid Spain and the present Secretary General of United Nations World tourism organization is jur poas b a Georgian citizens he is now uh serving as a United Nations World tourism organization Secretary General and another Isa Mr Antonio GES uh he is all all of you know that he is now serving as a United Nations Secretary General so both of this uh big leader I say this big leader of the world or or national uh leader or International leader or International Supreme organizations or maybe United Nations World tourism organization is under organization of United Nations so Zur po has stated a very good quote uh recently he stated this around the world in countries at all development levels many millions of jobs and businesses are dependent on a strong and thriving tourism sector tourism has also been a driving force in protecting natural and cultural heritage preserving them for future Generations uh future Generations to Generations to uh generations to uh preserving them for future gener generations to uh entertain or something else so in this or in his statement he said that around the world in all in countries at all development levels many millions of jobs and businesses on the strong and tring tourism sector many millions many millions of jobs and businesses many millions of jobs and businesses are dependent in this tourism sector driving tourism sector and nextly he has stated a very important quote that is called has been a driving force a driving force in protecting naal and cultural heritage preserving them for future generations to come so there is no time to waste let us rethink and reinvent tourism and together deliver a more sustainable PR res for all by this called pmic so uh in this context uh Antonio G has state that us reink and reinvent tourism and together deliver more sustainable prosperous more sustainable prosperous and resilient future for all so both of this uh worldly leader of the Supreme organizations like United Nations organizations and United Nations World tourism organization have totally emphasized that tourism is becoming a prime and pivotal industry for the world and the tourism is or tourism has some responsibilities those people who are related with in this tourism industry as a businessman as a uh uh as a worker as a employer or as a rearer they have some important responsibilities and duties to preserve to protect this natural cultural heritage for the future generations to come and it should be according to Antonio Karan in sustainable Manner and in should be built as a sustainable prosperous and resilient future for all those future that will be very sustainable so we have must or we have utilize the resources in a sustainable manner through the practices of tourism in this world today then according to him the future generation will never be regreted for their shortages of resources that is called sustainable velopment and in this context or from the point of view of sustainable development anonio G have say and also both these statment have connected or Associated or touched the every aspects of this social every aspects of our Nations uh that is called as social cultural and economic all these aspects have touched so they have emphasized very importantly about the what about the holistic aspects or Hol holistic approaches of Tourism okay thank you thise next slide so academic and research importance of tourism in India so academic importance in India for some so University Grand commission ugc and this our recently the initiated recently introduced that is called The New National Education policy 2020 has recently patronized the introduction of what interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary applied as well as professional subjects appli interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary applied as well as professional subjects in the higher educational institutions of like universities and colleges because of the reason that such subjects would have contributed that to the student Community to become self-reliant through it and they would be able to play special role for the economic cultural and Social Development of a region of a Nation so in NEP or in recently the UCC have given some importance on introduction of the multidisiplinary in subject in higher educational institution of India and maybe in Assam so in colleges and universities uh there will be some or already have some interdisciplinary or multidisiplinary sub sixs so they have also both NEP 2020 and ugc University grants commission have also emphasized time to time that applied and professional subject applied uh and uh sorry professional subjects should be introduced in the colleges and universities so [Music] so professional subject should be introduced in the colleges and universities of India and in order to a or in order to attainment of of the self relent and uh self- dependent dependency in uh in uh job Orient in in in uh sustaining the life then then it would be able to play a special role for economic cultural and Social Development the responsibility for the society for the soci cultural aspects socionomic aspects and Social Development should be learned through this type of Tourism courses maybe the interdisciplinary or multi-is courses applied coures or professional courses as present all over the globe tourism studies is an applied and professional subject it's important is much more and highly relevant uh I have already mentioned about the the subjects why it is called the social science there are different subjects related with this like I have already mentioned and almost all these disciplines belong to social science and have made their interation with tourism in recent period tourism has been transformed and extended in the service sector uh in uh and eligibility criteria I have mentioned very little about the eligibility criteria to get admission in product tourism courses in Indian colleges and universities uh for the higher educational entries in India at U Level under graduate level ba bcom BC is uh only the qualification is only the higher secondary or 12th class pass and there are undergraduate level PG level diploma level and certificate courses uh for travel and tourism available to pursu in this discipline in the different universities and colleges in our country uh there are many universities and colleges and institutions in India offering the certificate diploma post postgraduate diploma and postgraduate courses including Master degrees courses in universities are available and in Assam also uh we have seen in last two or one and half decades some tourism and travel courses are introduced or were introduced in the different colleges and universities uh in a very uh in a vocational or in a basically in a vocational manner but it has been transformed into some general courses under the different universities degrees and undergraduate and postgraduate levels but the TR travel and tourism studies has not been taken seriously in as a academic field in India before two or three decades ago and Assam also it is the same condition full Department of D and tourism studies uh under the under the uh directorate of higher education government of Assam and also P level in universities before the before I go to the Assam I have let us tell about the some courses that has been offered to the students for uh attaining some higher degrees like undergraduate degrees and postgraduate degrees like zamu and zamu and Kashmir universities master of Tourism and travel management courses in two years iitm Indian Institute of Tourism and travel management Dali or Delhi bues pondish University puser Master tourism and travel management Northeastern Hill University silong master of Tourism management and tesur Central University our tesur this master of Tourism and man previously it was postgraduate diploma in tourism and travel another business administration department uh DEA University uh has introduced the master tourism management courses now it is available or not I don't know about this indani National op university has been offered very successfully the different uh courses like certificate diploma and master of Tourism and travel management courses in distance mode open and distance mod uh so Assam Women's University of Jad has been offered maybe the most diplom tourism and travel University in public sectors and in uh private sector Royal Global University and downtown university has been uh continuing these courses like master of Tourism management courses and downtown universities also and also the imal Pradesh University of Simla Minas Hindu University Kasi Minas aligar Muslim University aligar Punjab University Kerala Institute of Tourism and travel studies National Institute of tourism and hotel management Hyderabad Hospitality management and Center for management studies D University also and the Assam in of management instit of management science under university of LNO prades Institute of Management studies gaziabad Regional College of Management uham baneswar urisa so all these institutions have of the country there are there are many more other colleges and universities but we have just taken as an example for here so all these institutions all these uh universities and colleges have offered the master degree courses PG diploma courses and diploma courses igno have offered the DI courses certificate diploma and master degree courses P courses and also the national skill qualification fror under university grants commission have uh been offered some uh certificate or diploma courses based under the financial support of the of your UC directly and uh so far as I know these type of Institutions or these all these institutions has successfully offer these courses and in basically in uh Assam basically it is introduced in decades ago or the two decades ago maybe this is called different colleges and under guati university and dor University as uh these courses tourism courses are running as a professional courses on in arts science and commerce streams and also PG courses like master of Tourism management has been introduced in pragi college guati under guati university and D College under guati university but unfortunately no College just have the full plet Departments of travel and tourism studies under the director of higher education government of Assam and also the PC level in universities so all these courses are not uh considered as a full-fledged courses and this is uh these courses are only uh initiated and also the uh in uh exercise uh exercise as a some uh for some basic learning or or some UCC support based financial support based conditions all these things so it is very unfortunate uh unfortunate for us that there is no any full treasure Department of Tourism and travel in the public sector universities and colleges in Hassam maybe private sector but uh in teser Central University has been introduced the full pleas departments and Northeastern Hill University in Northeast so uh they have very successfully running or successfully run these courses the rim studies which is a two or two twoe full-time program approved by the ministry of government of India proficiency is at least one foreign language foreign language or Russian France Chinese Spanish these are the foreign languages the proficiency of at least one foreign languages is an added qualification or Advantage apart a diploma in public relations in advertising maybe quite for is job for the tourism there are also many correspondent courses available in a field to pursue these tourism courses officers in directorate and Departments of Tourism are recruited from among the inds who have done the civil services drawn from the Civil Administration services in the state and Central governments a degree in tourism and travel required for what operational jobs in government organizations so two things are left that is called cevy of tourism in India and scope of research scope of research in tourism India and ab these are the most very very important and essential and very good aspects uh one thing is that that is uh yeah so Sy of Tourism studies in India I have mentioned the I have uh gone through the many syllabuses of the different universities and colleges all the syllabus the core part the core issues of the all the syllabus have have seen as or the based on the managerial or management aspects so if we compare the syllabus of other foreign universities like European countries they have lot of universities of United States of America have lot of universities they have also uh but they are also running different courses of tourism in in in in higher educational institutions of their countries and their focused area of syllabus for the tourism and travel are what and our countries have what if we go to compare both countries or our India's tourism courses syllabus with the other countries tourism versus suas we have highlighted or we have found some differences in on the basis of with respect to its contents and perspectives and aspects like in foreign universities the basic framework of syllabus the content is like that in foreign universities strategic management for tourism and Hospitality Enterprises in Indian universities the basic tourism Concepts and theories in Indian universities tourism resources in foreign universities it is thought as cultural heritage tourism or cultural tourism in Indian universities basic contents of a syllabus like for the diopa courses for uh uh General courses undergraduate courses or certificate courses like in India organizational behavior but in foreign universities it is called indigenous tourism issues Travel Agency in Indian University and Tool operations but in foreign University it is the tourism policy and planning Indian ecotourism but in foreign univers festivals environment event management sustainable tourism managing and in India in in foreign Urban tourism International tourism in Indian universities in Behavioral Studies in tourism in foreign universities principles of management in Indian universities in foreign universities tourism psychology marketing for tourism indan universities but in foreign universities it is anthropology and tourism destination Management in Indian universities sociology of Tourism so meeting incentives analysis of Tourism resources conferences and exhibitions and entrepreneur tourism are in foreign universities tourism research analysis ticketing special event management in foreign univers event management tourism geography Recreation and in foreign University tour tourism planning and foreign languages in tourism and foreign University professionally in tourism computer application in tourism in foreign universities Global issues and Multicultural Community Management just like business communication in India in foreign conference and convention management and Recreation and park management human resource special interest tourism in airports and Airlines Management in foreign University sports tourism so in this comparison we have thoroughly gone if we have thoroughly gone through this contents or there are are other also very lot of uh contents subject and aspects we have only focused some basic contents who have or those have offered the basic courses in tourism and travel the contents are always emphasized in India that is called a managerial aspect it is based on Manager Management aspect but in foreign universities it is based on not only the management but also the socio cultural and socioeconomic aspects and this is the big differences of our universities tourism C and other foreign countries uh universities tourism C basic basic contents and uh tourism education is being considered as a forerunner in developing in indust and developing the industry tourism education is the forner for developing the industry or devel as a developed tourism industry of a nation and it should be well planned and to meet the demand of accordingly and thus end up with good experience the situation of India is not satisfactory as discuss is one of the preceding part of the paper so in India tourism is always taught or eism is always learned in universities and colleges as a some professional or some man professional aspects or some management aspects they have or the T the courses the contents of the courses have not properly based on sociocultural aspects so it is very uh uh difficult to say about the holistic approach and the interdisciplinary or multidis approach or the tourism and the social science have been or have been taught or studied or learned in colleges and universities in India so scope of research in tourism in India and abro there are lot of resources there are lot of resources when I had traveled to Turkey in 2012 for participating in second interdis tourism Research Conference so I had delivered a paper on the cultural tourism in Assam especially the its Performing Arts there a lot of countries a lot of Nations have joined on that conferences I have specifically observed their perception their research ethics and their research orientations philosoph that type of thinking that type of thoughts that type of uh for sideness that type of philosophy the environment that have been created to initiate some higher academic research in the different aspects of Tourism tourism not only tourism is always based on this marketing and also management but also this type of concept or aspect that is called tourism marketing management as have been totally what totally exercised or totally executed for the sociocultural development of a particular area or Nation so they have taught in their universities as a too much Social cultural aspects and they have given the research orientations from the very beginning of the higher educational level for offering the tourism courses research orientation is very essential aspects for tourism in our country India in our state Assam also but it is very unfortunate to say about that the research orientation is tourism is not so at part at it would be at recent times the it is it is very athetic that so many academician and so many uh social scientists have do not have any research orientations they do not but they have not thought about the tourism is a subject and uh how or how the research can be practi or research can be uh exercise in that in this type of subject but the tourism research is a very essential subject that is practi that is exercised in the different countries of the world specifically developed Nation European nations and more recently the Southeast Asian Nations they have very well uh practised and exercised their research in various specifically cultural heritage tourism FK tourism food tourism etc etc so when I had invited the speaker and panelist in sangai Thailand in 2019 for World tourism conference so I have admired I have appreciate by all the delegates because I have presented the paper on the B metal craft industry of ptiv of Assam on how it can be utilized as a cultural heritage tourism resources for Assam and they have very agly ask me the questions that the different types of our so many heritages this cultural heritages or the uh naal heritages are exist in these regions of our country India and why it it all these have not utilized for the promotional development tourism and why it is not taken as a serious taken as a taken as a serious or taken as a very measor subjects in higher educational institutions of our country India and our states so these are the aspects so we have I have visited both of these countries and I had particularly seen that their research orientation their thoughts their philosophy regarding the tourism studies are very different and very higher in comparison to the our point of view of study in India so next SL sorry sorry professional prospects professional prospects is already you have known about this called professional prospects so through tourism it might be marked as a uh flavor casting number 41 in the top countries visited worldwide but it is sought to get better in years to come so tourism sector in India has seen a slump in the last few years but it has managed to cool its weight and so an annual growth rate of 4.3% till June 2013 so growth trate is not very higher in comparison to the other nations other countries uh in our countries like in our neighboring countries Bhutan Nepal China and also Sri Lanka they have uh performed better than our country India regarding the tourism aspects so according to ba ponm ponme was a very social scientist of the world he has also he he has also he has been also famed as a tourism expert in the world according to him ba Pon M travel and tourism is one of the largest foreign exchange earners providing employment directly and indirectly to millions of people worldwide through many service area the many service areas the main service areas those the uh tourist or sorry the who those who have a to associated with with the tourism industry those who have always have a dream to get employment in the tourism industry in a state or central government under state or central government or private uh Enterprises some uh career options are like that the professional prospects like that the tourism Department employ under the ministry of Tourism under directorate of Tourism different corporations State Corporations as some tourism development India tourism development cooperation Center the airlines staff Airlines Air Aviation civil aviation staffs tour operators travel agents tourist guides is very essential pie very essential aspect for tourism industry front office manager transport officier information assistant so the tourist information officier assistant tourist information officer tour guides etc etc uh all these have have uh scope all these have scope for a new newcomer or who have early joined in the tourism industry for these are the scope for getting a job and the person opting for a career in travel and tourism must be outgoing and friendly and the persons who have the persons who have some special characteristics they have they should have some soft skills they should be outgoing and mly with good communication and presentation skills ability to manage or handle people carbal fluency up toate knowledge about the available facilities organizing skills and aptitude for languages organizing skills and aptitude for language these are the qualities these are the characteristic of a job seeker of a tourism industry professional prospects of tourism in Assam professional prospects of tourism in Assam are same as I have said or I have mentioned in for India as also but professional aspects in touris of tourism in Assam is not so uh uh not so very large in comparison to the other states because the tourism industry is very confined to only our the in in in case of public sectors conct only the national parks Wildlife centuries and some like this called hi haar and also the some maulis and etc etc but the Assam tourism in in case of government level Assam tourism has been initiated different tourism policies tourism policies during the different times of the last two or three decades but implementation or execution of the policies are not not so well because we have always concentrated or we have always attend attentive we are always attentive regarding the tourism perspective in Assam in case of Assam that we have only the Kaza National Park we have only the seven national parks or lot of wildlife sensories and lot of resorts lots of cages and lot of travel agencies tour operators they have connected with theism government Department Public Enterprises and also the NGS but why the tourism industry is not developed it is not developed at par as compar other states of India in meala is far better than Assam because our resources are not specifically utiliz for theism purpose we do not have any Vision we do not have any knowledge about how it can be built because professional proes are open widely open when or while the resources are utilized for the tourism purposes our various Heritage sites are even not developed as a tourism s like this of M of this districts these are the archeological or historical Heritage sites it is very unfortunate that yet it is not developed for the purposes basically some works are done by the Assam but not so far would be so there should be some proper orientations there should be some proper our uh planning and strategy and action plan that has been initiated that has been uh exercise that has been executed implemented by the Assan tourism with the help of this called private agencies and this is called a private public partnership mode PPP mode only opening some some resorts only opening some this called sound and light SS and only some organizing some festivals it is not at do right so cultural ethnic tourism s festival or a lot of festivals are held in the winter seasons in Assam but proper orientation from the point of view of Tourism is not there so this is so only the only the only the natur tourism Wildlife tourism is very popular but in compar the Heritage tourism cultural heritage tourism folklore ethnic tourism religious tourism that type of Tourism or the rural tourism in the policy they have mentioned but in the river tourism but in the T tourism T tourism in aaram is also very beautifully existed but not proper orientation is there so for proper orientation that should be some planning that should be some action plan that should be some strategies like infrastructural development like publicities like awareness among the common people so performing arts or the all this folklore or the there are different tribal communities living in the hills and plains of Assam they have gener various pokor components like the z m z m never be initiated or promoted as a cultural tourism uh even for from the point of view of Tourism so professional prospects will be larger while it should be or the tourism industry would be properly planned managed and also the systematic circuit development is very essential like the cultural heritage tourism C the cultural heritage tourism there lot of is called fkl Heritage tourism religious Heritage tourism the ethn car tourism these all are the come out so all these orientations are very NE in these regards so next slide please hello uh so sorry to interrupt you sir but we are far exceeding the time limit actually okay okay okay so we are already okay so thank to you already all of the aspects are mentioned all of are delivered so I am very grateful to all of you to given me this opportunity to deliver something new insights and uh new knowledge I don't know whatever what how many types of what type of knowledge I have given I I am able to give you but the orientation but the point of view is different and another point is lastly this is called the ethnic this identity that is the preservation of cultural heritage or natural heritage the proper development of the uh socio economic social cultural aspects are must be exercised through the promotional development tourism education is very essential in this thank you thank you so much okay hello thank you so much sir for joining us today uh since of we don't have any more time with you uh I would like to um end the session and uh uh we would love to have you again with us thank you so much thank you thank you so much thank you h

2023-11-11 15:41

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