Tourism Management - Online open days | Saxion

Tourism Management - Online open days | Saxion

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Hi my name is russia. I study tourism management, at saksion, in davide, i'm a third year student at the moment. I, live in zutfa. And i'm really happy that you're watching. Tourism, management is a really broad study. You can learn everything about the industry, itself not only about traveling, but also, what the needs and the wishes of a tourist can be. You also learn about, how to develop a destination. But also, how you can help, businesses. Develop. And how to help them to. Become better in the industry itself. What makes this study unique, is, that there are so many possibilities, out there for you in the future. Not only can you work. In the tourism, industry itself. But you can really develop, yourself, and find. Within this industry what is most important, for you to focus on. And you're able to help. Uh so many other people as well. The first year of the study, um, contains, a lot of theory, uh it's really, fun as well you learn so much about the tourism industry. A first year. Contains. Out of, four quarters. So two semesters, in total. And each quarter, is regarding, a different subject. And within the subject you work on different projects. And develop yourself within the industry but you also learn a lot of theory, which is very, good to take with you to the next years of the study. Within the years of tourism management, you have many different subjects, that you get taught. In the first year you of course have a lot of theory. Subjects, that can uh. Within that those lessons, are for example economics, business economics. You have english, you also have reflective, practitioner, which is a lesson, where you get to develop yourself or learn a lot about. Your interests, but also your talents. One very, interesting subject, was destination, marketing. Within this. Subject. We worked on a project where we were able to market the destination. With a social media project. With this we went, on a study trip to budapest. With the whole class. And, we. Went. To a lot of businesses. And clients. That we met and spoke about how we could develop, budapest. As an attractive. City, on social media. This was a very successful, project. And a lot of fun we learned a lot about the industry itself, and were able to take a look behind the scenes. And also work first hand with, the people which was very interesting.

Um. Other projects that we worked on was destination. Management. For this project, i traveled, with a group of 12 people, to. France, and germany. And we worked on the region, called the greater region which is very, unknown, at the moment however we worked, with. Our group, and the destination. Management, organisation. To. Focus, on how this project, and how this region could develop itself. For this we made a very nice, um. Poster. Where we came up with our own projects. And. Ideas. This is just. Well a little bit like this. Um. So on this i personally, made a lot of projects, and ideas, on how to develop the region. And, uh where the, um. The benefits, could lie, and. The possibilities. Within the area. So that was very interesting. The second, until the fourth year. Are very exciting, within these years, you have the opportunity. To. Work in the industry, itself. Um you are provided, by school with different cases, real life cases. Um which you can work on in groups. Um. Also. Um. Half, of, the second year because it's out of an internship. With this internship, you'll be able to choose to do it in holland, or in. A different country. I personally went to london, i worked in a four-star, hotel as a receptionist. And it was an amazing, experience, not only did i learn a lot about the industry itself. And of course how to work in a hotel and how that all functions. I also. Learned a lot about myself. On a personal, and professional, level. Um the third year. You, are back. At school. The first half year, is. A semester. Just like any other where you, are provided with different subjects, and different projects. Um my destination. Development, project, was, in that semester, where i was also. Able to go on a study trip, the second half year of the third year you will do a, triple s semester, which stands for smart solutions. Within this semester. You are combined with different studies. And you work on a project together. That also, will be used in real life. And will be. Put onto the market. At the moment i am working with different studies such as. Nursing. And fashion and textile, and then my own study tourism management. Where we will be, creating, an event, that can be used for success, itself. I'm not going to tell too much about it yet as it's all still top secret. However, it's very exciting, to learn. From different studies, and also, be able to, put my, interest, and my professional. Knowledge. Into practice. The fourth year will consist, out of. One semester, where you will be doing a minor or a management, internship. This is up to you and what. Feels best with you if you would like to study abroad. Or if you would like to study. In holland. And follow a different subject that is. Interested. Or is in your best interest. You can also choose to do a management, internship, where you can also. Again do an internship, abroad, or within. Holland itself. The second. Half year or second semester, of the fourth year, you'll be working on your thesis. And this is also something, you can choose yourself. Which interests you the most. And you will here have the possibility, to create a product. For a company. Or to work on a problem that a company might be struggling with. And here you can use your professional. Knowledge. To help. Develop this company even better. Um within the first year you will have a lot of lessons together with your classmates. This consists, out of a lot of lectures. In those big rooms with nearly 100 to 200, people. You will have a lot of guest lectures, as well from. Professionals, from the industry itself which makes it very interesting. And of course lessons with your teacher. When you come further, along in the study, in the second and third year. You will have less lessons. And this is due to, providing, you with the possibility. To really work on your project, individually.

Or In the group. This also. Means that you have a lot of time, to work. Outside of school. And really, define, your study load. How you are wanted and what suits you best. The study. Contains, a lot of group work. This can be challenging, for some but also very exciting as you can learn a lot from each other, and you can combine each other's knowledge together to make a great, idea or product. In the second year of your study you will be doing an internship. And with this internship, you'll be able to choose if you can do it in holland. Um, and if you decide to stay in holland. You can choose between different accounts, and each account. Consists, of a different, part of the industry that you could work for and this could be event management. Something, with the sports. And. Something with marketing. There are a lot of possibilities, within, holland itself. However you can also of course choose to go abroad. And. There are a lot of choices with that, and a lot of, countries you can choose between. You could go to indonesia. Australia. South africa, you can go to america. Some have gone to ireland, or denmark. Uh, germany, is also a possibility. I personally decided to go to england. And, when i chose england i was provided, with a very big list of different companies, that i could work for and what they were able to provide, me with as a student. And i worked in a forster hotel, in the middle of london. For six months. As a receptionist. And this internship, provided, me with, a lot of information. About the tourism. And hotel, industry, itself. And what happens behind the scenes, but also, a lot about. Myself. And what i personally, and professionally. Am capable, of and. Were able to provide the tourism industry with in the future. During your studies, you'll also be provided with a lot of help from saxion. Um during your studies, and during, the all the four years, you will have your own uh sccr. Which stands, for, a mentor. Um who will, um. Have a little chat with you every couple of months just to see how you're doing, um but we'll also. Help. Look, with you, at, uh what you might be struggling, with or where you might need some extra help here and there. Also during your internships. And during some product, projects. You'll, have, a mentor, who will, guide you through. The process. And help you with any struggles that you might have. And will also provide you with feedback, every now and then. Within suction, you also have a lot of possibilities. To dive deeper into the industry. And this could be done through, something called an honest program. With this program. You will be able to choose a certain project that you'd like to work on, and this can be done outside, of your, own schoolwork, already. Also what you will be able to do in the third year, is a whole semester, of something called smart solutions. During the semester, you will work on a project. Um that is a real life case. Together, with, uh. Approximately. Five to six people. All these, students, come from different. Studies. And this is something really awesome as you'll be working, with, a lot of different people and a lot of different knowledge.

And. Providing you the opportunity. To. Create. A great product. That can be placed into the market, and hopefully, help. A business. Or help other people. In the future. After studying for four years at suction. The story doesn't end you can choose a lot of possibilities. After that. At suction. If you decide, that you. Wish to proceed, your study you can always do a masters. Suction, has a lot of possibilities, within that, and that gives you the opportunity. To. Develop yourself even more on the professional, level, however this can of course be done. In the industry itself. After your thesis and when you've graduated. You have. A huge, amount of possibilities. Where you could work. This could be at a travel organization. You can become a manager from a company, you can set up your own business, because, during your studies you'll also learn how to set up a business, and how you can support businesses. And, how all those building blocks work together. In the second year i was provided with a lesson, called or with a subject. Called entrepreneurship. Where i worked on a project. To create, a technological, device. That could be used in the tourism industry. And i then learned, how to set up my own business. The little secrets, that someone might not know about. When developing, a product and having improvements on the market. I also learned, the marketing, part of, of the creation. And during your study you also have a lot of lectures. Where our professionals. From the industry themselves, come to sakshion. And teach you, how. You can set up your business, and, little tips and tricks, about. What you might not know, when creating. A, product, and when having to put this on the market. And. This, will help you. Sharing knowledge with each other and really. Knowing how all those building blocks work and how to set up, your business in the future, when finishing your study at saxion. As sustainability. Is such an important thing worldwide, at the moment, this is also something that we learn within the tourism industry. How we can make the world a better place, and how we can help the tourists. To also. Travel. And explore, the world in a sustainable, manner, thank you so much for watching, i wish you the best of luck with choosing the study that is, most suitable, for you. I of course hope to see you around in sectional, soon, and remember, to choose. What feels best for yourself. My name is esther boss and i'm a lecturer for communicative, skills, at tourism management, of saksion, hospitality, business school. If you love, creating, an experience, for people, if you love to make a difference. In a person's, life. Then you should, study tourism management, tourism management, is all about learning more about tourism, in the world that is the fastest growing industry, at the moment. What makes tourism, management, unique, is that we use the industry, itself, from already, day one of the studies. That means that you are going to learn tourism industry, by, using. Real life cases, from clients. Out of the tourism, industry. And work on those so it makes our education. Very practical. We actually believe, in, learning, by doing. So, when you have such a management case from a client, and you already, work with that, you know how the business, is going to be like what we also, do a lot is we make use, of these people from the industry. In our studies, so that means we have a lot of guest lecturers, you go on excursions. Of course we have study trips, it all makes it very alive. And exciting. And one other feature that makes us very unique, is our personal, approach. You are not a number, in our school, you are a person and we know you by name, we know who you are and what you like to do, and we also know what your talents, are, at least when you study with us for a couple of months. I'm sure you want to know, what year one for example, entails. So as i said earlier, the year is divided, up into four quarters. The first quarter, has a theme, called, changing world of tourism. In this, some in this quarter you learn a lot about. The trends and developments. And the changes, and the challenges. In the world of tourism. In the second quarter. The theme is understanding, the tourists. And in this quarter you learn more about the demands, and the wishes, of the tourists you learn how to. You learn to understand, them, a bit better. In the third quarter. The theme is destination, marketing. And in this quarter you learn more about, how to brand. How to market, a certain destination. Online, as well as offline. And in this quarter we also have a study trip which makes it of course very interesting. For you as well. Uh in this study trip we visit, a, certain city in europe. And you learn, how does this city, brand itself. Through online and offline marketing. In the fourth, fourth quarter, you learn more about value creation. Not just about making a profits, in the tourism industry, but also. How can we. Serve people, and how can we serve the planet. Besides, these four major, themes, you also learn a lot about certain.

Modules, For example, business economics, which is very important, module, in our studies. But you get languages. You learn more about research. You learn of course. More about your personal, development. And you learn more about project management, for example. So i already, told you, that. In these quarters, there are four topics, that are central, kind of like themes. So the first theme that we have, is, changing the world of tourism, in this module, in this theme in this quarter. You learn more about the trends and developments. Of the tourism, industry. The second quarter, is about understanding, the tourists. Understanding, the needs of tourists. What do they, want, what do they need, why do they travel. In this, quarter, we take the chinese tourists for example. And see. What they want to, do during their holiday. And try if businesses. Can already, adapt, to the wishes, and demands, of the clients. In the third quarter, we discuss, destination. Marketing. How can you market how can you brand a certain destination. In this, quarter we also take us to take you on a study trip. And we go to a city, in europe. And there you also learn, how does this particular, city brand itself. Online, as well as offline. And in the fourth quarter, our theme, is called value, creation. And value creation, is all about. Not just tourism. And profits. But also, what does it do to people, and planets. Our lessons, mostly consist, out of practical. Issues, so you work, most of the times, in groups. On these practical, issues, from the industry, itself. You have around. 20 contact, hours, per week, and the rest of the 20 hours because it's a full-time, study so 40 hours a week. The rest of the 20 hours you're supposed to study. Yourself. At home, or, work with your group on these issues i was talking about earlier. We have classes, as well of course at school. And what we try to do is, make them in smaller groups, so that a lot of. Interaction, is possible. And you can also work with your group in these classes. So, for you to get an idea, on, what it actually entails. Uh and getting. Cases from the real life. Industry. I give you an example. In the module, understanding, the tourists. We have a museum. From a place called winterswag. And this museum. Is looking, for, a different type of tourist. So for example, they want to attract, the chinese, tourists. And then they have this question, they ask our students, and our students are going to do research. On, first of all, what is, the travel behavior, of these chinese tourists. And how can we make sure that the hospitality. And the services, that this museum, this museum, offers. Is adapted, to the wishes and the needs, of this, chinese. Guest, this chinese traveler. So we have plenty of possibilities. For you to study abroad, and we have a wide. Network, of companies, and countries, in which you can do, your internship. We have a system called account management, and that means that we have teachers. Available. As account manager for a certain area in the world. And they, maintain, a lot of relationship, with companies, and therefore, can offer you, a very, nice and good and interesting, internship. So think for example. About an internship, at a hostel, in australia. Or at a five-star, hotel, in bangkok. Or perhaps you want to go to spain. And do an internship, at a language, school there. Everything, is possible. Not just internships, are possible, abroad you can also study abroad. We have a lot of partnerships, with. Universities. Of applied, sciences, in europe, and also outside. Of europe, i think for example south korea. And you can follow, a, semester. At their university. You can also do, your thesis, the end project, of your work, abroad, and that is also with a company, i was talking about earlier. When i was talking about internships. There are many options for you to get more knowledge, also outside, of the world of tourism. For example, we have a smart solution, semester. And this is a semester. In which you work together, with, students from other studies.

We Call it an interdisciplinary. Semester. You work again on a case, that a client, outside of saxion. Presents, you. And together with for example a student physiotherapy. And a student, of compute, applied. Applied computer, science, you are going to work on that particular, question, of the company. How interesting, is it to not just learn more about the world outside of tourism. But also to learn more of yours. Your fellow students. Um besides, that we also have for example an international. Week, this is a week. For you in year one. In which you. Encounter, a lot of guest lecturers, from universities. Inside, of europe and outside of europe. And you get a more broad perspective. On things. So i'm pretty sure that you are wondering, what can i become, when i. Finished. Tourism management. There are lots of chances, lots of opportunities. As i said it's one of the fastest growing industries, in the world. So for example, think about, becoming, a product manager. For a tool operator. Or perhaps you want to become. A manager, for a travel agency. You can also become, a marketeer. Or maybe an events, manager. Perhaps you want to become, a manager, at a holiday, resort. Many of our students are likely to get a job after their studies. First of all because, again this is the fastest growing industry in the world but secondly, also. Because. They have come in contact, with the industry, multiple, times during their studies. So they have, a very broad network, of relationships. Not just that, a lot of our students. Actually, end up in a company, where they did their internship, or perhaps, their thesis. And they do a good job and then the company wants them to stay a little bit longer, this is of course, great opportunity. For our students. Besides, that there is also a number of students that decide to do a master, after they graduated. At the bachelorette, studies. And this is of course also possible. Inside of suction, as well as outside the suction. Inside of suction one of the possibilities. Is for example. Our mba master of business administration. We offer that also at the hospitality. Business school, but you can also think about, a master, in destination. Development. I became a teacher to make the world a little bit better, i love to work with students, and i love the industry in which i work, especially, because it's such a dynamic, industry. And the students that we also get at the hospitality. Business school in particular also in terms of management. Are also dynamic. And this makes, my job, as super, interesting. And exciting. Every day again. I teach you, but you also teach me, and this is what life is all about, thank you very much for watching. And i hope to see you in september. Of this. Year. You.

2020-04-17 22:42

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