Tourism businesses - Enhancing your social media

Tourism businesses - Enhancing your social media

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Good afternoon and welcome to this sixth in a  series of webinars delivered by VisitScotland   in conjunction with business gateway's digital  boost program and the part of a recovery   package of webinars aimed at supporting tourism  businesses as they look to reopen when feasible   today we'll be looking at the subject of enhancing  your social media and what you do in social media   platforms and I’m delighted to see it we're  joined by Steven Whitelaw from uh targeting   innovation hello Stephen good morning good  afternoon just a quick reminder before we begin   all attendees you're all in uh microphone webcam  off mode and which means that you can't ask verbal   questions but you can ask written questions  and if you look at your control go to webinar   control panel you'll see a little questions option  and you can post any questions to Stephen or I   during the presentation in that little box and  we'll see them and we'll have 50 minutes at   the end you know there abouts to answer any  questions that you pose to us we'll also be   distributing a link uh to the a pdf version of  steven's presentation at the end of the webinar   um as well as asking for your feedback via a link  to a feedback page on business gateway's website   and we'll send that I’ll send that  out later on via the messaging   function and go to webinar and so as I say  any queries about enhancing your social media   profiles or general questions related to social  media please ask them via the questions tab and   go to webinar control panel and we'll spend 10 to  15 minutes at the end going over those questions   another quick background little screenshot here of  the digital boost home page digital brewis program   delivers free services including render that  includes up to 21 hours of one to one specialist   digital support and that's subject to your  application being authorized by a business gateway   advice advisor and you can apply either online or  by calling your local business gateway office the   contacts are on the website digital  boost as you see at the bottom of the screen there   and all the webinars at the moment and workshops  are online just book your place on the website   and uh online guides to 21 digital topics and  video tutorials to further nine digital topics   can also be found on that b gateway  dot com slash digital boost website   so without further ado I’ll now pass things  over to Stephen Whitelaw who's here representing   targeting innovation today and he's going  to lead to today's session so Stephen I’ll   just make sure that I’m sharing allowing you to  share your screen I’ll pass things over to you   there we go that should be you know  and I’ll switch straight come off and   you will come off as well take it away good  thank you very much Andrew that's wonderful   and thank you for ending this afternoon lots  of material to get through and this is a kind   of overview of what we're going to try and  achieve first of all we're going to look at um   online digital landscape and then onto content  marketing and then we're going to go through in   a bit of detail the various platforms we've got  some live demos as well and some videos to show   we'll look at Facebook twitter Instagram  Pinterest snapchat YouTube and tick tock   time and we'll talk about social media marketing  although tomorrow there's another webinar Andrew   talk about at the end you'll give you all the  webinars coming up and there's a bit more detail   about um reputation but we will look at social  media margin and of course measuring things I   think just before we start it would be a good idea  to take a poll I’m just going to take a poll and   a couple of polls here and we'll be able  to see the results immediately I hope   you're all able to vote so I’m going to pass  you over to just now just before we start Thanks, here's the first of the polls for today   you can tick all the options that apply  to your business which of the following   social media platforms do you currently use  for your business pick all those applied I hope everybody's seen that I’m not seeing  that now again obviously not voting so   give you now a few seconds to vote okay do you see those responses did  you see sort of the results Stephen   I don't unfortunately know I’m not able  to see them that's okay we've got them 96   of the businesses that are attending use  Facebook, 81 use Instagram, 53 use twitter,   14 use Pinterest and 30 use YouTube what  was the percentage on Pinterest was 14 okay   and then the second series of  questions same question as last time oops sorry I’ve done the  wrong poll there close that.  Stephen I think that's us done the other poll  doesn't seem to be oh that's okay less important   platforms I think yeah yeah sorry it doesn't  seem to be working properly so that's okay   I guess I’ve got control back again so thank  you um as I unfortunately see the figures but   surprise Facebook is the most important one that's  not unexpected followed by Instagram again the   second largest social media platform in the world  um twitter slightly over half of you using twitter   in business and Pinterest was rather low so just a  kind of overview we'll come back to these because   we're going to look at the platforms this is the  reason that today's statistics of where we are the   seven point seven point nine billion people  just now and quite excitingly more than half   of them are online so a big addressable market  they're not obviously all travellers and truth   but they all have access to the internet and  the web they're online trading online living   and so it's a very big market and the next  billion to come online are very interesting   a lot of them are unbanked and they have addresses  and different mark all the technologies there to   cope with that and people are spending voluminous  amounts of time online so this is the average   amount that human being spends online daily in  country of the Philippines is about nine hours   these statistics come from we are social you  might want to download that pdf it's a free pdf   with all the latest trends and latest stuff on  digital ecommerce social um very interesting stats   so just taking screenshots from there um but again  the average person spending most of their living   day online and this is a reasonable up-to-date  start again but this has been down dramatically   obviously because of provide I think this was  at 1.3 trillion last year was the figure so it's   pretty much half and it but it's still the second  largest stand on the internet just knows travel   tourism travel accommodation and those attractions  is still half but it was at one point and 1.2   and so it's just behind fashion and beauty but  people are buying everything on and people said   well people will never buy this  online they'll never buy people   everything products services can be  consumed online and the figure is even   growing I want to talk just before I go into the  e-commerce about journey visitor here is kind of   the visitor I said in the tourists but  also the visitor to your website so the   horrible word traffic but people find your website  normally through google it's a big search engine   and it's number one in every country in the world  except china and Russia and south Korea but it's   um I do Yandex and Navarre but apart from that  Google’s number one countries they get discovered   the discovery is very important in life there  is two other webinars coming up dedicated   to discovery that Janine’s doing so looking  forward to them hopefully very useful because   um if you're not found you don't have a business  you don't have reservations you need to be found   discovery is everything and then you need to be  remembered but so generally we're talking about   organic search natural search seo of course  you can buy attention nothing wrong with that   as long as you're measuring it but somebody's  found your website found your presence online   and this is non-linear it's the kind of funny  curve and this is the conversion someone becoming   a customer paying for something or arriving at  your attraction but who knows become a customer   they typically pay for things so that might be  an hour a week a month three months so they just   discovered your website they don't just suddenly  book up and buy they will probably good idea to   get them to subscribe to your YouTube channel like  you and Facebook interact with you socially you   will definitely look for validation testimonials  reviews um absolutely definitely you cannot avoid   that just johnny from Essex flights we know you  made it up it has to be some sort of independent   review system almost certainly triple advisor will  talk more and more about reputation and reviews   and then again there may be weeks away from  converting so a good idea to keep in touch with   them maybe getting to sign up for a newsletter  or something and then hopefully they become a   customer so that's the kind of journey that people  come on so the key takeaways is non-linear and it   isn't instant after discovery it hasn't instantly  become customers you've probably seen this before   it's a graphic from HubSpot at the top is visitors  to your website traffic and hopefully they're   human sometimes it's bought and they've got there  because well you've got good seo you've got a blog   on some social media they found you but the truth  is 90 of people that come to your website don't   do what you want them to do hopefully you know  what you want them to do the golden path through   your website but they don't do that and even  people that put things in baskets and carts and   you know they're intending and breaking tanning  and buying they abandoned you know 60 70 people   abandoned even though they've they put something  like that there's lots of abandonment reasons but   um you know so at the bottom this is your  spreadsheet your database your CRM these   are customers and you can see at the top  it's the traditional sales funnel and um   that's just the way things are but you need  to run software abandonment software if they   arrive at a page a landing page it better  be a beautiful page you've got to be fast   a bit of a call to action you know that'll be  nice because people expect gorgeous on the website   just by going to the platforms it's a good idea  to have a plan a strategy you know what are you   trying to achieve what you're doing here and  who are the audience and we'll talk about that   quite in quite depth who are your customers and  where are they online who are my customers where   do they engage with them these are three questions  and you're creating content for that can you   sustain that because if it's a video content you  know that's taking you days to produce this little   video clip you're gonna be able to produce that  every week or every month you have the energy and   the time and the resources to do it and of course  you may have a wider marketing strategy if you're   a large organization you may have you know plans  for tv or radio news offline perhaps and merge the   two and of course in measuring things so a lot of  people say what platform should I use there's so   many hundreds literally but you know there's five  or six or seven and the ones Andrew went through   in the polls are the main ones the Facebook  the Instagram the YouTube the Pinterest twitter   and google my business is important social media  platforms there's no interaction with the likes   comment shares but again defining what you're  trying to achieve the goals is very important   and remember it's not your website it's for your  customers and the platforms are for your customers   you really need to do the personal analysis which  we're going to come on to find out who they are   and where they hang out but finding where your  audience are is non-trivial and it might require   a bit of research but the research could be um  look at a competitive site for example or ask for   some of your existing customers what platforms use  you know telephone calls survey monkey quite basic   stuff there is a couple of sites and there's one  I’m trying to get the chat called social animal   and buzz sumo as well but social animal will tell  you what content trending so if you're a museum   and you think what should we be in Pinterest  should we be on tick tock well you can find out   if you type in museum to social animal you'll find  out uh other music content from other museums and   you find they're all using whatever they're using  Pinterest or tech talk or you know YouTube or   they're not using video so that that's one way to  find out there's another site called influence dot   you can find influencers bloggers and things and  you can also find out what your competitors are   spending money on so I think I may have this on  a screen here so hopefully this is going to work   built into Facebook something called the  ad library so if you go to  

library and there's the British museum  let's see what they're spending that's what   they're buying attention now obviously  because of the coronavirus nobody's   no hotel is open that the world has changed  and hopefully it will come back as soon as   possible but I’ve typed into Facebook ads  public information interface that I can find they're buying attention what  platforms Facebook and Instagram   and it's obviously this museum that like the  national museums it's a free museum to enter but   exhibitions they're promoting exhibitions so  here maybe we should be doing that maybe we   should be in Facebook yes instead of the two  platforms that they're on and I can find out   how much they're spending once a month and  they're successful so it's quite a useful   piece of yes its competitor research but if  you're you know wondering what platforms your   competitors do what ones you should use and but  you need to be able to resource this and we'll   talk about content plan as well so it's a good  idea to have a content calendar VisitScotland   is an amazing website more you look at more  you realize the amount of information in there   a crazy amount of information I’m talking here  about personas so customers spend money they stay   with you they visit and influencers influence them  so it might be that the teenagers you know you're   not on all these young platforms but the teenagers  who can influence where the parents come traveling   are on other platforms so it's not just  the customers are critically motivated   but the business model has broken them down and  they've just thrown three categories here customer   groups adventure seekers furious travellers tells  you how many there are what each group they are   what they're looking for fun loving culturalists  taking out relaxing holidays but not into   and it's food and drink they'll enjoy food and  drink from cultural stuff you say well we're a   cultural place maybe we should have a cafe as  well so and this is basically durian personas   that's what it looks like you will have lots of  different customers at the moment there's none   and that's tragic but they will come back and it  may be staycation initially and it may be you know   a local and eventually I’m coming back all the  international truths but you start close your eyes   in a dark room and we've got three types of twos  just pretend was lady Ella young girl nick he's   quite different and Jennifer she's different he  says I want to travel to this nation and discover   what I do once I’m there of course that's  been so random but lots of people do that in   destination and that's why things like google my  business and local search is so important you know   there's restaurants near me they haven't planned  it whereas Jennifer she's a busy mother and wife   but she wants a detailed vacation a plan right  and it's to a budget as well she's got a family   she wants to know she can take photos she wants  it all organized before there's nothing wrong with   that that's very common but you have to know or my  customers more like nick or the more like Jennifer   or is it just brand you know you will have  different custom you might have you know   cruise tourists stick around for a half an hour  or something from a cruise ship but you need to   know that so this is just about fun and I’m going  to do an interaction here but just as an example   so and a profiling if you like so here's johnny  walker so who would if you look at their social   media platform all of their messaging is women  buy the product but it's all quite male oriented   and is it all young teenagers nope but yes 1890  knows buy that product it's older then they're   targeting with the messaging so you might say well  who are they males over 50 they probably play golf   loyal guests and they probably read the magazine  bunkered well bunkers on Facebook and twitter and   Pinterest and Instagram and YouTube maybe we  should be following him you know that platform   maybe we should be following you know bunkered  because that's for my customers that's the   touchpoint that's for the influence that's what  these guys are influenced and if you imagine this   one it's certainly again anybody as long as  you're not a minor can consume this product   but it's for young people they're not  interested in golf they don't drive   interesting fashion and they're hanging at  very different places and music and everything   and this one is the customer is the mom she's  paying for this but the influence is the kids   but the ingredients it says one  apple two bananas and no bears   and the kids can mummy there's no beers the  kids are the influencer there um here's four   I guess you know travel accommodation providers  citizens premier India they're very different   and they know who their customers are I watch  what's in his name in the early days and they   anybody can stay there he'll invite anybody if  you pay the money you can stay there but they   know who they want to attract same with premiere  in the premiere and does it have a golf course if you go to the website the front  page you actually buy the bed   right they're all obsessed it actually says if you  didn't have the best night's sleep of your life   there's no charge but well and I remember years  ago I was checking out London and the lady in   front of me said it was quite sleep sir and she  said madam there's no charge and she walked off   and I was next in line I was going to do that yeah  me too but I don't know I just paid my 25 pounds   I think it's a bit more expensive so you need to  know we figured out who our customers are where   they hang out and how you engage with them once  you've figured that out who your customers are   and it sounds even more odd you need to  tell people hello that might be through   social media advertising but by the way you're  one of our customers because they don't know   you profile them they don't know so here's set  as an m kind of odd and it's not for everybody's   name collection of luxury affordable luxury for  the people sounds wonderful by the people we   mean this is them explaining who they want their  customers to be those who cross contents levels   for example this includes actually literally  spelling out the weekenders the suits Megadeth   they have the explorers the adventure of the  dreamers those cheers they've actually said on   the home page of citizens website you want to have  an affair come to our hotel that's what it says   because it's auto checking I didn't realize that  nobody knows that your customers you have to reach   out and tell them they may not be as blatant as  that and then advertising and posting social media   but once you figure out who they are so there's  I can't check your homework it's not like school   I suppose a good model of you'll be coming back  I do want you to google customer persona download   there's just so much videos and everything  on it and just you've been in business for a   thousand years that's fine and it's still worth  doing but you've just started still working   I want to talk about content we live in a very  beautiful country there's no reason not to share   amazing beautiful contents I mean they've got  the right to share it and because it's got a huge   library of creative commons and copyleft and free  stuff and you can search one thing and google for   creative commons which is free as well this is  a famous google slide from a very old tonight   but it's still valid and how the different social  media platforms and when people were dreaming of   going somewhere that's in their brain you don't  know they're dreaming as a business you don't   know there's someone in San Francisco dreaming  of coming to Scotland and you do know because   they dream in um in Pinterest they put boards  up and they're opening up the boards there's   collaborative curation and you can join in you can  say hey we've got lots of golf courses you should   come here we've got whale watching or whatever it  is tell them where are you know they don't know   there's no idea what anything is so dreaming  you can do it I call it intervention right lost your sound a few minutes folks and we'll  try and get Stephen back We lost you just after your intervention okay yeah  okay well social media apologies about that sorry   thanks for letting me know um yeah the social  media is done through everything after you've   booked it says you want to tell your friends on  Facebook and share it when you're in destination   of course there's no concept of coming home  to share the kodak stats you're telling people   you're in this cafe and you're in this museum  and you're in this destination so the sharing   is all the way through on the social media  platforms the different content at different   times in the journey sharing so you know people  who've already been to your destination have   been to your best attraction you know it's  different content that you're going to try   and share with them maybe not such inspirational  content they know they're aware of a brand away   so you may be doing different content for them  some people say a picture is worth a thousand   words thank goodness but infographics which are  just graphics with data on them I can send you a   spreadsheet but you're not even going to open it  the infographics are amazing and there's so many   free infographics Pinterest is an infographics  wonderland if you want infographics to share   and on Pinterest you can read no copyright issues  there the prime and copyright isn't viewing   or possessing it's copying and if you're  re-tweeting or you're re-pinning you're not   copying you're just sharing something that's there  so um infographics there's lots of research done   one big long thin ones much more much more likes  comments shares and interactions than other ones   and I was quite sad actually counted all the words  so there's a thousand words here even if you're   at home and you're really bored you won't count  it but it doesn't matter where you come from it   doesn't matter what language you speak you know  that that's this little mallard coin taking his   first jumper you know it's just you know you're  all clever people you're in businesses if you   look inside your brains lots of data most of its  come through the visual cortex the visual imagery   is critically important so it's not google doesn't  see it as such or any images that you're sharing   your website should be tagged you know alt tagged  for visual impairment and things especially if   people can't see them but and don't have little  blurry horrible images on your website one wants   to stay there or visit they're just beautifully  high quality images I think in the seo webinar   they'll probably talk about trade-off on your  website you're okay on social media to put big   high-res images but so on your website you have  to be careful there is a trade-off with the size   of an image you don't want five megabyte images on  a website and you have to be very careful if you   have created some content on a platform a social  media platform it goes viral whatever that means   it's very successful it gets lots of engagement  and you think gosh that was wonderful I’d like to   get more bangs on books I want to share that I  want to just spread it about it so successful what   do I do well say for example it was um something  you posted and it was really successful you could   say it was a blog on your website even it doesn't  matter what it is but you want to repurpose that   content it's called you could put it into um put  it into a mail shot and then use letter google   you can't just latch it all over your website  and post it on LinkedIn because google sees   duplicate content and it gets upset google hates  duplicate content so what you can do chuck it in   the newsletter if you're doing a newsletter  once a month you send out you can put that   award winning content which is just verbatim  because google can't see inside your emails   or a case study somewhere google can't see that or  maybe a podcast on iTunes or podcasting so popular   now or maybe just read it out read out the content  on a vlog a video blog on YouTube google won't you   see it as duplicate content if you translate the  content using native translation um google will   not punish you for that it knows it says I know  it's duplicate content but you know what I’m not   going to punish you for translating that to French  so don't worry about you know will is duplicate   content punishable for language translation it's  not it said earlier on it's a good idea to have a   marketing calendar because it doesn't have to  be strict but at least you know what's coming   up and what's happening and in in the chat there  is a marketing challenge and you should be able   to download that just now if you wanted it's  a sample marketing camera and under handouts   in the in the go to webinar control panel there's  dashboards and polls and questions and there's a   little one called handouts you should be able to  see that it kind of looks like this it's a sample   content calendar so just to give you an idea just  you know this is a very very basic one it's just   the days of the week and the month they're here  January the first well that's new year we're gonna   do a new year I don't know but we're going to  do a website entry or do a blog entry collected   and uh what's next what was burning tonight I  think Chinese new year's lunar kind of floats   around but this year you know the deep fun tonight  is the 25th and we're going to do a Facebook post   and I tweet just as an idea and uh valentine's day  that's important midterm break may be important   for staycation local people um Patrick’s days  in two days’ time so hopefully you've got some   content ready for that that's in the 17 so it's  pretty soon and if you didn't know that and maybe   it's not important season Patrick’s day maybe  it's not maybe it is but even if it isn't just   happy St Patrick’s day you know that's enough or  you might want to run a competition or something   a contest so it's really important  to have a calendar just as a guide   you don't have to stick to it but sometimes  if your tongue tied you don't know what to   say and you're not sure um so you should be  able to download that little calendar there   it's in the in the control panel and  google trends is an amazing tool this tool   it's probably worth anyway it's probably the most  powerful tool that google have ever unleashed on   all of us it essentially allows you to  search what other people are searching for   it's like gosh so voyeurism yeah maybe I’ve typed  in whiskey I’ve done three such spellings the   British Irish you know and you  can see here there's a spike   every Christmas probably consumption or people  buying maybe it's gifts it doesn't say it just as   people type this in so if I went to google  trends just now did a quick demo here I could type in the really powerful thing  about this is where is the demand for what I do   where is where are people searching  for high tips and holidays in Scotland   because I’ve got a little breakfast or in our  accommodations somewhere holidays in Scotland   what country are people so this is I’ve done USA  just let's do worldwide not the last 12 months   said just the last five years for the last year  and you'll see down sometimes it's not working   so forget saint Helena just pretend that doesn't  it's a mistake but UK is the number one country   where people type holidays in Scotland in the  world I drill and it will tell me where um   again it's a bit slow but it's actually as  Scotland it's staycations it's really local   whether it is their Scotland and I could say where  it's probably population centres not quite central   but almost it's you know it's kind of expected  where that's where people in google are typing in   holidays in Scotland and so UK is the number  one full bandwidth that's expected but actually   America’s number four five according to update  so this data is rubbish actually this state is   perfect so who's wrong nobody's wrong so who  do the Americans they come in their droves   America is a different country with different  people a different language and they certainly   don't come in holidays they come on vacations if  I put vacation in there you would see America’s   probably the only country in the world let's just  see if that works so I’ve asked the wrong question   and the French by the way they are they're French  people not the you know the expats the French   go to and they type French so vacations  wow they do come in that's the only country that   would appear in the world that use that so make  sure you're asking the right question in google   trends you can go horribly wrong by asking the  wrong question but it's an immensely powerful tool   where is there seasonality and where is the demand  you know you know it'll be different in different   countries and also do keyword research there  as well this is another wonderful tool called   answer the public and essentially somebody's  analysed every question written of google I’ve got   a little gin distillery we've got a little tour  and we've got a little shop we're a small business   attraction so I should be blogging and as you'll  find out in seo attend the seo webinar the big   thing is blogging is where seo is content fresh  relevant that's it there's loads of other geeky   stuff but that's the killer so um this is all the  questions ever asked of gin can you freeze gin   but if you're a distillery people are asking can  you freeze gin if you write a blog called can you   freeze you'll be fine okay that's that simple  on your website or share that content on social   it's really important there's another one called  and Socrates answers Socrates answers that's   also another site amazing site um it talks about  that so choosing a social media platform so just   obviously you all voted that you're using  Facebook and by using Facebook so it's not   the ones that you like I love tick tock none of  your customers on tick tock what are you doing   I said I love it's really good it's not nothing  to do with YouTube business so but of all the   platforms you probably don't have to say are  any of my customers on Facebook because it's   so massive and so big and so huge and two-point  whatever it is billionaire active users it's the   largest there's many parts on the world bar none  that some of your customers are here so you don't   really have to ask that question it is the other  number one social media platform in the world   um and it's although if you're targeting young  teenagers and but probably not customers they're   probably influencers in Facebook if  you're producing content on Facebook   for the kids that are going to come along  on a family holiday they're not on Facebook   they abandoned Facebook on mass 24 months  ago never to return they're on Instagram   and snapchat and we'll talk about that so  it's that's the influence of the customers   are there and pretty much every country in the  world that's Facebook and with the exception   of china where it's blocked if you're looking at  inbound Chinese you have to use another platform   and if you can see here there's something that's  almost maybe not quite as extreme as this but on   your website if you look at your google analytics  most people will be consuming your website on   tablets and tablets and mobiles so here's you  know wow 90 it's almost everybody is on a mobile   platform on Facebook that's important for your  website but it's responsive and looks nice and   people aren't pinching so I still it's much rarer  now but still on my travels with travel companies   still see people using businesses under profiles  and one person I asked us for the guest company   fifty employees I said it's actually against  the terms of service oh we don't mind we want to   control who likes our who likes our page because  it's not page as a profile you can't get analytics   it's just a disaster so whatever if you're doing  this just please don't do it just you don't need   to control who likes your page you use a page not  a profile pages manager was a great product and if   you imagine multiple pages it's been replaced  by the Facebook suite so if you're managing a   Facebook page or managing multiple Facebook pages  this is platform to use just makes life easier and   through the advertising as well got a little  video for you here Facebook shops hopefully this   works hopefully the sound works we don't lose this  there's no sound in these videos so they're silent you can see here this is a Facebook shop  somebody's going to buy something adding   it to the bag or cart proceeding  to check out placing an order   thanks for your order so everything done inside  Facebook quite interesting so um so it's ecommerce   and Facebook shops and obviously Instagram shops  up to the game recently massively so you can sell   on Facebook physical products digital products you  can sell services they've integrated with shopify   e-commerce commerce WooCommerce um and many others  so a stunning platform they're also planning on   rolling out to messenger and WhatsApp so Mark  Zuckerberg from Facebook owns Facebook Instagram   WhatsApp messenger a whole bunch of other things  but so they're going to do ecommerce and mason   jar on WhatsApp as well and I’m quite excited I’ve  not really seen any good examples of it but real   time shopping which is just mind blowing and so  Instagram live and Facebook live shopping in there   so think unci if you like um so um also fakebook’s  gonna be using artificial intelligence so photos   if someone takes a photo of your destination or  something and somebody sees that it can be tagged   and then they can buy products as well so  they'll be tagged it's very very powerful   unlike the old Facebook shops I don't know if  anyone uses Facebook live I said you'll be able   to sell one here soon but it is still there it's  still massive there's a lot of abuse on Facebook   it's very hard to ignore you know you've got a  beautiful golf course you want to show people   around people love to see behind the scenes so  if you're going to do Facebook live my advice is   broadcast to itself change it to only me on  Facebook like enjoy the post even it looks   like it looks lovely and then send it to public  but plan what you're going to talk about you   know why are you doing this what's the well you  know call to action we're going to talk about the   restaurant and the new seafood we've got and then  a call to action we'll see you again next one for   next week at 3pm gmt and know what you're going  to do I mean it might be on a desktop outside   and you don't actually have to test internet  speed anymore Facebook does that for you just say   forget going live you don't have a bandwidth  and and tell people oh we're going live   your followers get a little message saying  Fred’s going live at the museum he's live   and off you go but before you do it yourself first  and you go oh my goodness the lighting's terrible   or the sound is terrible or I look terrible for  you um if you're very serious about Facebook live   there's third-party tools you can buy I believe  there's three versions of them but these two   cost money this particular one um called lively it  basically tells everybody in the world that you're   going live Facebook just tells your followers  but this this will say tell people in a group   would be a travel group or SMS people text all  your fault you know it's pretty massive even   outside um outside of um Facebook you know tweet  about all your twitter followers so if you're very   serious about Facebook live and you're doing a  big broadcast and definitely worth doing there's   another tool called be live which is great for  split screen and interview modes and the sort   of thing interview mode is very good but you can  actually do that without it but it makes it so   much nicer like a little talk show and Facebook  competitions Americans call competitions and   contests so if you google sorry if you look  inside Facebook or google and ask for help on   Facebook competition rules there isn't any this  contest you have to use contest but here's a   quick summary of the rules because I’ve seen  so many travel companies go wrong you basically   in summary you can you can ask somebody to like  write something you can't ask them to share that's   a high level something there's more subtle  things about copying it but it's fine to   say would you like Michael’s like but not to  share it with all your friends so here's some   a couple of examples sign shirt simply like this  supposed to enter nice like that it is a beautiful   look at the hot tub while reviews to die for the  great free competition our five-bedroom German   all you have to do is like our page and share this  post so that's legal that's illegal they've asked   you to share a post now technically Facebook can  strike you off you've broken the terms of service   but I’ve seen huge organizations asking you  to like and share so just be careful and you   can get warnings some of them are now doing  strikes and you're out the twitter are doing   that as well for abuse I talked about earlier  you know your platforms but measuring things   is critical and all of the platforms have  managed measurement tools you know twitter's   got analytics it's something good unfortunately  there's follower one he's a great product and   um but Facebook has got superb insights there's  not really any third party ones you need to do   some people ask questions not just on Facebook and so how often you post there's no answers to  all of this it's different for everybody but if   you do have a content plan it might help and if  you go into Facebook insights it actually tells   you when your customers are online most of my  customers are women and you won't actually know   they're not the men oh this is your business you  should know well most are probably young teenagers   no they're all middle-aged these are the people  that liked your age and they're all on from looks   like it's middle of the day or 6 p.m. I don't  know but it'll be different for obvious if you go   into insight it tells you what are your customers  are the males the females who've liked your page   and when they're online and it's probably a good  idea to post things when most of them are online   not necessarily you can post when they're not  online but less chance of people seeing your   so how often you should you post again there's  no answers go into insights and Facebook insights   and obviously you've got a content plan so you're  going to post about something if you try and post   for every single event in the world it's just it's  just nonsense you're just going to lose relevance   should you deal different content for  different channels well in a dream world yes   you know you've got a massive marketing department  and thousands of people fantastic he's doing   Pinterest that you don't so the reality is you  have to say Facebook these are the three platforms   my customers are on the ones that I’m going to be  obviously twitter's quite a different platform for   Facebook and YouTube is you know very visual  video platform and twitter's very texting in   general obviously you can attach content um but if  you look at says here YouTube right and Facebook   most videos are watched in silence you know  that's why you see even the BBC websites captions   most people are working in call centres or have  dinner with their family you know they're not   they're just watching videos over 80 of all videos  certainly on Facebook and watching in silence   and the captions are on by default so it's really  important that you um you add captions this is the   founder of um I think he's a bit older looking  now of um on Facebook and he found it was norm   so this is kind of bad news this sentence  for you he's basically saying that oh I’m   going to fix Facebook it's a bit of a mess  forget you know federal trade commissioner   I’m going to fix everything and you're  going to see more of the things you love   you know like cats jumping off wardrobes and  cousins and friends that's what Facebook is all   about friends not businesses all these businesses  trying to sell you stuff do you think yeah you're   all businesses this is really bad news for  you so this externally was called edge rank   right and it's very difficult to get round edge  right so hang on I used to have if I’ve got 100   friends on Facebook and I’d say who wants to  go for a curry tonight they all see it under   the old wall the timeline I’ve grown up I’ve now  got a business I’ve never got 10 000 followers   fans on my business and of course we're doing a  special Easter offer kids go free or something   come to our attraction uh who sees it 50 people  what are they all good about the old holiday or   asleep no they were all online every one of them  and they only showed it to 50 so what they're   doing they're running a thing called a track you  absolutely have to understand this because it's   now Facebook zero it's heading to zero natural  engagement now what he's saying is press boost   and yeah that's fine another four thousand people  might see it for four pounds it's cheap but   you have to measure that you're pressing that ten  times a day so one way around it well he's saying   press boost that's one way around it the other is  a difficult one and easy for me to sit here and   say create remarkable content amazing content  and that does help because more people see it   and Facebook groups are kind of immune to  this so if there's a Facebook group called   you know travel lovers in  Scotland or something or you know   castles in Scotland and Europe castle  then and there's 26 000 members   if you post something 26 000 people who are  interested in castles and Scotland will see that   they all see it in their feed it's not filtered  there's no filtering running there so groups   are certainly are currently our way around it I  mentioned measuring stuff so insights Facebook   insights has got metrics but be careful not  just to go for the high level matrix drill down   don't just oh yeah this million people watch  video gosh better tell the board a million   people great you know who are they million people  might be bots are they all from new Zealand and   they don't come who are these people they need to  know so in I remember in YouTube I used to have a   YouTube channel and um I used to post content and  it was about public key cryptography boring math   and the number of views of my you know video  was one none one two three none one and that   was the average number of views and then once I  did something backwards back it's a long story one of the videos over three million views  that I thought was famous and rich and it's   like a high-level vanity metric so I  went into the YouTube analytics and   there were real people and they were all over the  world I knew it was going to be rich and famous   nonsense it was a half hour video how  delusional remember human attention span   turn of the century 12 seconds this was a  30 minute video of me rabbiting on about   mathematics and I looked at one of the metrics  much more important than oh we've got a million   likes and we've got a million shares all this  nonsense it's called retention I didn't really   know what that meant at the time but the curve  just dropped off after five seconds of watching   my video ninety-nine percent of those three  million people have abandoned they looked I’m sure and after 10 seconds there was about four people  there only two people got to watch at the end and   I was one of them and I didn't watch out and my  mother I think my mother actually watched it maybe   nobody actually watched the video to conclusion so  if you if you're reporting metrics you know kips   just try not to go for vanity metrics like google  analytics so a number of views I know things have   changed that used to be you know bounce rate  engagement but you know you need to look at   every page and not just an average there's maybe  a hundred people in this webinar just know or more   and if a three-month-old baby came on the average  age is probably 12. there's nobody who's 12 on   this webinar they're all like adults but that's  the average age so averages just be careful about   measuring things tend to be nonsense if you  get big on Facebook this is important if you   start to decide to say you know what we're going  to create a Facebook page for our French visitors   because a lot of French visitors and a local  one for the UK that's fine because you know   over half our visitors hope the next year the  French will come back and this will get a French   page and these are called um global pages the  problem with just creating different pages is   say you end up with 10 pages you'll have 10  sets of Facebook analytics Facebook insights   imagine logging in 10 pages someone might  say what's the total and you're like well   give me an hour and hotel you have to add them all  up my calculator whereas if you use global pages   this switch region doesn't appear it's just  automatic something comes from the middle east   range you know and more importantly um one set  of analytics so that makes a lot of sense if   you're going to create lots of Facebook pages  you end up with more than about more than two   you go with go with global pages it just makes  life a lot easier and this was the in the poll   that Andrew did first thing was this was the  second highest number that you went for and it   is the second most popular social media platform  in the world also owned by mark Zuckerberg   so most people are consuming this platform on  tablets in fact mobile's essential you can go   get all sorts of to fake it make  it look real but it's not so over a billion active  

view an active user somebody logs on essentially  nobody logs out Facebook and they love that   they know what you're up to if you look at  Instagram originally Instagram was just 12 13   45 it was teenagers and if you look it's pretty  much everybody's on Instagram now of all ages   and the fastest growing populations this one  over here the 50 60 year olds but no one's really   looking at pictures anymore or videos they look at  them and they're nice a little story and a couple   hashtags that's fine it's the stories they're  looking at the stories unfortunately last 24 hours   so you have to save them in highlights at the top  and that was that section there in the previous   slides books there these are stories saved in  highlights the most common mistake I see in   travel businesses amazing stuff but they haven't  bothered doing this you put everything in here in   competitions anything so what was in the stories  about events contests competitions what we're up   to behind the scenes people love all look inside  so you're just taking people into your brand   so Instagram’s evolved it was just pictures and  they added data discovery videos those pictures   and videos you can slam together and there's now  four more e-commerce in Facebook as well this was   a hotel that decided to call itself the Instagram  Hotel in Australia it was a bit of a disaster and   it was fine they were on Instagram but they  took it extreme and what they did was they   this was the in the bedrooms um on the wall was a  massive it looked like a mirror but it was a huge   LCD panel and of course you checked and they  know who you were they've projected you and   you've done your homework up on the panel came  all your feed was amazing it's like well there's   all my travel things all very personal and fun  but apparently a lot of couples stayed husbands   and wives and a lot of wives were saying to the  husband who's she why are you kissing her that   is she I’ve never seen it and suddenly there's  quite a few divorces so that stopped very quickly   maybe you shouldn't do that Instagram reels is  kind of fun lots of young people using it but   lots of big brands using it as well I think  I’ve got a little short video here of wheels   it's very easy to do this this looks like you need  you know expensive you don't it's just incredibly   easy to put all these effects together you're not  hearing any music there's funky fun music in there   but very very easy literally just clicks of  your finger to create all these effects and   that's why everybody's doing it these  people don't have um amazing studios so everybody's copying snapchats in  case stories came from snapchat   reels came from snapchat everything's done  from snapchat you think snapchat would sue   over all this sort of stuff and this was  an example on Instagram who's like Siri attractions and destinations all over the  world and yet he is yes actually charges   hundreds of thousands of pounds to DMO’s  to say I can come to you yes if you're on   national geographic you've made it um I think this  is the final video checking out an Instagram is um   is matured as well so just quickly let you see this is a slightly old video now that I see it  which is the checkout here again you can buy um   physical product digital products  services you can integrate the shopify   and this what you're seeing here someone's  ordering something booking something   check out on Instagram placing the order on  Instagram done there's no we're not shelling out   and going to a website as it used to be used to  send you to a website so really straight forward um okay final video live rooms actually I’ll skip  the video because probably best to see something   essentially live rooms just again it's a copy  of snapchat it's just launched on Instagram   it allows you up to four people on a chat  you can have a four-way chat you and three   um so it's quite impressive and a smaller number  of you were on YouTube in the poll which was quite   surprised because it's an it's owned by google  the second was search site in the world so people   who are planning a holiday or a vacation or they  are on YouTube being inspired on YouTube looking   at YouTube videos of everything you'd humanly  imagine so and YouTube channels are free and   we've all got really expensive campuses but you  know there's your iPhone and your android's are   very expensive so amazing statistics about the  growth of video next year 90 of all traffic will   just be video and that's not just YouTube I  mean there's video and tech thought there's   video an instance video everywhere Facebook is  the second largest video repository in the world   Facebook want you to upload the videos today  in fact it's a bit nasty it's part of the edge   rank algorithm remember I said amazing content um  one of them is if you put a link into YouTube say   hi everybody on Facebook here's an amazing video  check out you'll be able to see this when you come   and that's fine they'll play it with the show  to less people because they'll be showing it   on Facebook they might leave and go to  Facebook fakebook’s a wall garden they   might even go to YouTube so they want you  to if you upload the content to Facebook a bit naughty but YouTube I said  second was search site in the world   everybody goes there for everything  you know my son's at university now but   he studied in YouTube he learned about stuff  on YouTube and followed people on YouTube to   learn that's how they learn but the impact is  more important it's not just like it's fun and   it's interesting so this is reach per post a  Facebook there's a video it's like josh double   just with a link or an image same with twitter you  go to tweets nobody's just going hello Sunnydale   they're adding images adding videos but if it's a  video supposed an image or a link the engagement   rate the reach is much higher um so just videos  are just so important to do but if you before   you start again have a little plan what's the goal  why are we doing this is it to entertain people is   it educate people to inform them to help them does  it make them laugh I don't know why are you doing   this what's it for and it's fine once you know  it's the only words it's fun a little bit edgy   we're getting a bit naughty about rude that's fine  that's your brand we know we're really helpful   telling people when they arrive we've got  accessible thing for all the people you know   that's great that's fine as well so who's it  for what's for the visitors that are hiring   mainly for the older people because it's all  about accessibility perhaps I don't know but   have a plan and what platforms is it very much  like to be watched on YouTube it tends to be   the other way on YouTube and you can share it  elsewhere you can share that link on twitter on   Facebook and Pinterest it tends to be tick-tock's  the one that's making it easy you'll see tech talk   everywhere you see it didn't even ever it just  makes it so easy to go that was amazing that   you know 15 second clip and it's shared on  Facebook and everywhere and what actions   do you want your audience to take at the end so  thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it and uh you   know click here to make a booking on click here to  make sure you subscribe to our monthly newsletter   that's the call to action at the end of the video  so it's important and remember they might not   reach the end so if you've done a video and it's  like me the idiotic Steve and it's a 30 minute   video and the call to action was at the end nobody  saw it so click here to subscriber our YouTube   newsletter now you might want to put that at the  beginning um this is just basic stuff keep the   video short remember the human attention span not  maybe not six seconds but I would have the video   way under a minute way under a minute really good  if it's deep down inside a blog maybe someone's   expectation might spend a few minutes they're  not going to spend 15 minutes watching a video   if you can afford Spielberg and you've got  one hour video you've wasted a lot of money   no one has the attention to watch that so it's  under a minute is my take on it um and don't do   you know little SD videos make from higher ed  you've got 4k cameras on your phones and pick   something that's interesting and they title  the videos setting up your channel most people   don't set up the channel properly you put your  logo there put channel art group channel links   so somebody stumbles across your YouTube channel  on the top right hand side is channel links well   that's their twitter Facebook Pinterest Facebook  you their website I can find that from your   YouTube channel and so I should because once they  watch the video they'll leave or they'll watch   some music video or something so but you can get  them to follow so there's channel art that's nice   the channel links the logo that's the setup of  the channel and have a plan about the content   you're going to share what you're going to share  all the videos have to have closed action and   there's nobody's doing a video with the context  it doesn't have to be a sales thing might just be   see you all next week we've got another video  order our next video where we're in the we're   doing adventure tourism or we're going out on  that bike you can annotate your video with cards   and you'll see if you're watching a little eye  up the top right hand side people click on it   might show you a playlist or it might take you to  our website or it might actually do a oh you can   pose on there like android at the beginning which  one would you prefer you know the presidential   suite you know just ask people questions and  they feedback people love to give you the topics   again when people see videos by default YouTube  just shows some random remember a video is just   an illusion of motion and it's just a  series of pictures that create that illusion   it's very clever it throws the brain into things  watching something real it's just a whole bunch   of pictures so the thumbnail is the first picture  you need to edit it because this looks weird edit   it to something nice choose one from the video or  you could put a customer at the beginning okay so   make sure your thumbnails look nice subtitles  I’ve said they're important so a whole bunch of   videos in the world are watched in silence people  in call centres people and travelling and buses   they just watched in silence and make sure you've  got subtitles on what you should really do rather   than rely on google to work out what you're  saying and working subtitles is actually typing   it's called transcription transcribed with  it say hello good morning you're typing in   welcome to the you know type in those words and  google will read out those words as opposed to   sort of half pacing and you can sometimes get  rude stuff in there so if you're going to do that   I mentioned earlier YouTube analytics very  important platform and tons of reports in there   called analytics reports and that  when I get caught in one retention   I got all excited about the number of views in the  millions I was excited and but the vast majority   watched it for under two seconds we were probably  used to watching cats jumping off wardrobes I was rather saddened to hear very low numbers   it was a very low number 14 or something  of you um are using Pinterest and I’m going   to try to sell Pinterest to you and  tend to have shares and punches so um   here's the good news about Pinterest you're  probably thinking gosh Steve we have only so many   hours in the day with a small visitor attraction  breakfast we do not have a mark in japan we're not   the national museums you know we're tiny so I  there's no way I’m barely coping with Facebook   you're saying use Pinterest I am  saying lots of reasons are just   about Pinterest so of all the apart from Facebook  so just ignore it it's people spend more time and   pinterest than any other social media platform in  the world the people are spending a lot of time   here and what are they doing it's beautiful  stuff it's inspirational stuff like gorgeous   people go I want to decorate a bathroom we  go to pinterest I want to go on a holiday   go to pinterest I want to build a barbecue  go to pinterest or recipe and get ideas here   so and but the beauty of it is for you is the  wonderful news hope you don't forget this is   once you've set it up just leave it there's  no wall or timeline here there's no posting   there's no like there is engagement you do get  likes comments but in fact you've got an awful lot   of weapons it's phenomenal it's quite addictive  once you get into pinterest but once you've set up   your boards right and if it's just there but  I’ve never seen a platform like this before   so the mix of male and female my this is a women's  platform but women travel and women make decisions   about travel and I don't mean independent women  that are traveling ahead of a household women   have got disposable income and they just they're  making decisions so this is inspirational content   this is you know beautiful gorgeous content about  all ages in the us it's something like 90 percent   women they've done their personal remember  you're going to do personal homework sit in   the dark room and close your eyes they've done  it they know 90 the users in the us in the uk is   quite a bit lower it's about 65 percent right 

2021-03-24 08:16

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