hi any areu it's Technicolor I thought we could do something very exciting today and we could check out a bunch of your submissions to my last shell challenge so let's head into the game so this right here is the shell challenge that I had come up with on my stream on Twitch and this is what everyone agreed upon that this was what we would end up working on and obviously with the shell challenge you cannot change the exterior walls you can't add on to it in any way but you can add fences you can add spandrels you can add platforms like stuff like that and I was very excited to see what other people came up with because it took me a while to get mine done if you remember I did a YouTube video the other week about my shell challenge submission and if you didn't see that and you would like to I'll I'll link it down below but I'll very quickly show you what I did with mine I decided to work on my shell Challenge on the hillside Haven lot in copperdale and I kind of wanted it to be this winter wonderland that's why there's these little piles of snow here so this is basically what it looked like without the snow if you want to see it in my actual snowy Wonderland you can see it on my YouTube which again I'll I'll link down below but here is basically just what I did I had a primary bedroom primary bathroom and then on the main floor everything is just like one room I have this bathroom over here yeah there's some storage underneath the stairs apparently I don't know when this didn't end up changing but that was embarrassing when I was showing this on the shelors but over here is the kitchen and then we've got the living room with the fireplace over here and I just had a ton of fun with it obviously you can see that I added a chimney in this little this little square area out here and my round wall I made into just a bunch of Windows and a door but now I want to show you what everyone else came up with this submission was from Marina sky on the gallery and this one was one of my favorites she built this in squa so you can see these fountains over here there's there's two doors to get in it's basically a renovated Spa that has become a bachelor pad and there's like this little work area and like a cover for your car back here there's a basketball court there is some whole Lounge area in the backyard with a pool and it just feels so much like a spa but also a bachelor pad I was really proud of Marina's work here Marina has been a viewer of my channel for quite some time and I have just been so inspired by her builds over the years and it's just so incredible to see how much she's grown I just noticed this I didn't realize this when I was touring the Builds on stream but she used the tool mod to lean this baseball bat up against the wall here I thought that's a really cool idea but you can see here she added in a kitchen there is kind of like a double layered area over here so you can see that there is a nice little office over here with this huge window but then up the same steps at the same height there's a little bar area so it's a really great use of the space and then up these stairs you get into a little gym and then you have the whole primary Suite over here so you have a closet you have a bathroom this was on a whole other level and everyone was just shocking me left and right with everyone's builds he is Nick NMR on the gallery and this was his submission I love that most of it is covered by trees but once you download it you come into this lot and if you see it from this side there's the driveway which is actually on like the second floor and then underneath is like the rest of the shell so you have that rounded wall up here with the windows you have this huge balcony that kind of like wraps around a bit and then underneath you have this like split balcony space so you essentially come in the front door and he tucked in a little closet over here which I thought was such a good idea he didn't put anything in the spot where I put my chimney but I thought it was a really smart idea to wall this off this way and make it into an entrance which I think a lot of people ended up doing there is the kitchen over in this space and then over here there is the rounded wool you go down downstairs of course into the rest of the house and there's kind of like this huge hallway which doesn't feel like it and it it just goes out into this balcony there's a little space for entertaining there is the primary bedroom over here and then a a fairly large bathroom which I I was just shocked that he was able to get all of this to fit I I I was very Blown Away which was a kind of common theme with everyone's builds I was just so shocked at what everyone did and you can actually see if I turn the grid line on all of this is part of the lot all of this is landscaping and Nick actually said he did all of this like during like a layover or two and he did it like within 7 hours so one of these days I'll I'll get to the the level of my viewers but I I don't know I I thought I did a good job with my terrain and then I looked at this and I was like oh we also had some people built in glimmerbrook which was very exciting for me because in my legacy challenge we had actually lived on both of the lots that these people built on so this is by mythical Maximus on the gallery and it's a cozy winter cabin it's so cute and you could have it snowing if you'd like it is decorated for the winter after all was my winter shell he did what I did and I think his chimney looks better than mine I think his roofing is so much better than what I came up with I I'm very very impressed because I struggled with my roof as you saw in in my speed build and this looks so much better it's just so wild to me that everyone will have the same shell see something different make something different roof it completely differently from everybody else and I don't know I'm just I'm just so inspired after seeing all of these builds the first floor is very spacious so he has the same entrance that I do in mine and he put the staircase over here and there's another doorway out here to go into the backyard but there is a fireplace over here which is very similar to what I did and over here is the living room I love love the way the history looks I think it looks very cozy in here and it's just I feel like it's a much better use of the space than what I came up with the kitchen is tucked in here so this was where my living room was this is where my kitchen was it's just it's just crazy the second floor he actually put two bedrooms in so the round room has this one bedroom over here and then there's another bedroom over here and it just looks so Co there's like a little reading Nook this is mostly a hallway and then a bathroom over here and it it's just like bizarre to me how like he saw something completely different than I did he also tackled terrain and I think it looks a lot better than mine did there's another person who added a little Pond I I just am so blown away also in glimmerbrook Smoky glow on the gallery created a cozy winter rental for my shell and I opened this and I was just like what it looks so Whimsical and there's like a little carport over here the entrance just up these stairs there's these like support beams with the vines and the windows just look incredible and the roof what smokey did to the roof is just mindboggling because I never would have thought to even come up with something like this and this just goes to show the creativity of so many people so basically the point of a shell challenge in my opinion is to get people inspired to build it's to get people excited about building in The Sims because it can be very scary it could it could be very scary I know so many people who say oh Tech I'm not a builder or I don't even think I could like really do well with a shell challenge they're more more of a gameplay person or they're more of a Cass person and I'm not a Cass person I could definitely learn from so many Cass creators out there but the point of doing a shell challenge is to get you excited about building it might not be your cup of tea and that's totally fine but to have something like this from this same shell that all of us were working on is just it's wild so obviously some of these earlier submission are people who have more of a grasp on building but it really doesn't matter there were so many people who this was their first shell challenge that they ever submitted to and they pulled out some amazing builds so I'll show you some of those later on and it it's just so nice like for instance this is the kitchen that smokey glow came up with and again a living room over here with a fireplace in that little chimney spot but but the front entrance is over here and I never would have thought I never would have thought to lay it out like this there's a bathroom over here and then the living room looks beautiful you have a staircase up to here and this is actually a lovely huge bedroom basically done the same way I did and then you have a bathroom over here and it just looks so different and so luxurious it's I was just like blown away I I just did not expect anyone to create something like this and plus what's always exciting about these these builds is for instance this is an item that I had never seen before and I'm going to use it all the time I'm going to use it all the time cuz it looks so good in here there's also a little balcony over here which I had as a balcony but you can see that there's also a ladder to get into it I was there's also this space over here and look at this like sunken fire pit area I there's just so much creativity that you get to see when people submit to one of your shell challenges and this was my third shell challenge ever so I was very excited that people even submitted to it and it wasn't just residential builds this person Draco Regina had actually done a spa so this is the tech winter Wellness Center and look at what they came up with I I was was just like so shocked because I I never would have seen the shell as a spa and I mean I generally gravitate towards more residential builds and definitely residential builds whenever it's a shell challenge I feel like otherwise I don't know what I'm doing but look at this I think it's so cute so you've got this whole area out here and it just looks so cozy and just so Zen and then you have this little doorway to get back out here and then if you go in the front door you have this whole Spa area which I felt so foolish when I was touring this on stream because I don't know much about Spas I've never been to a spa I've only gotten a massage once professionally and I was like this is a very spa spa I couldn't remember the name of a massage table I was just oh my gosh so there is just this whole open space here there's a room in here where you can use these pillows for some Wellness skill gains and then over here there's two separate bathrooms upstairs on the second floor there is the massage tables there's the massage chair there's also this area over here which of course leads out into this balcony which actually brings you up to the roof space and there's yoga mats and there is a hot tub over here I I just think this is a really sweet place and for somebody who it was their first shell challenge submission I I'm blown away that they did a really good job I think that this was also dark flower 7's first shell challenge submission and they only use base game my first pet stuff backyard stuff and romantic garden stuff and look at what they came up with this is just like so incredible to see so it looks like a cute little Suburban House it's got a nice backyard and it's got space for entertaining there's there's the rooftop balcony and there's just this little balcony out here on the first floor once you come in through the front door you have this nice little living room you have a kitchen over here there's an office there's even a little space for a bar over here there is of course a bathroom and then up the stairs there's another quite luxurious bathroom and then there's the primary bedroom and I don't know I was just like blown away for this to be somebody's first shell challenge submission these people have done incredible tiny snub on the gallery actually made a museum of tiny and you might recognize that name from previous videos tiny snub is a friend of mine and she actually contributed a Sim self who is a celebrity to my legacy challenge which I play every Tuesday and Thursday over on my twitch Channel this is a full Museum that she made to her celebrity version of herself and I think it looks so cool for instance this item over here is a debug Street Decor moral and I I'm going to be using that like it's it's just in insane to see what everyone came up with I love the landscaping and this tree and like these little potted plants they're in fountains oh my gosh and you you go in the front doors and of course there's this whole Space here they put in a a peacock over here I love this item look at this there's piranhas there's piranhas like how cool is that we've got we've got a little area out here that is like a photo op space there's a bar there's a place to sit and hang out over here there you can sip and paint with tiny and of course there's some of her stuff maybe she has acted in things maybe these are some things from her travels or maybe she's made them you don't know upstairs of course there is some of her outfits I don't actually have this kit so this one didn't show up don't don't look too much at that these are some movies that she has apparently starred in she was in Jurassic Park I didn't know that and there even a gift shop I I just thought that this was incredible like such a cute and fun idea and just like the ideas that people came up with they looked at this and said this is a nice shell this is what I'm going to do with it and I I'm just blown away like look at the the Garden on top with this the dome roof and while I would love to show you every single submission that I received to my shell challenge I would be in the dogghouse if I didn't include this one in this video this was actually by my boyfriend cinnamon Andy who is a actual architect which comes in handy when you are trying to build in The Sims let me tell you he used base game backyard stuff romantic garden stuff and blooming rooms kit so that's literally just two stuff packs a kit and the base game and this is what he came up with look at this is this not insane he did actually look for Lots because he doesn't actually have this expansion pack life and death and he was looking at lots and he's like can you place it on this one I want to see how it looks so there's a wishing ball over here look at all of the Landscaping all of the colorful flowers and these walls these are all windows that are just stacked together are you for real and he did that in multiple spots like these windows are stacked together I I I was just like look at the roofing even [Laughter] he had the same entrance that I did and some others had this is his living room over here there's a piano over here a little like Library looking space maybe the kitchen is tucked into this spot over here and then we've got a little dining area and then on the second floor there is the primary bedroom which has space for an office and then a little seating area and then in here here is the primary bathroom I mean come on like let's look at the windows again there's this wall over here and then there's this side over here I just thought it was like wild wild I cannot believe that all of this stemmed from this shell challenge which really goes to show you the creativity that people have and we are going to be doing more shell challenges like this in the future I hope to post them on YouTube but I'll definitely I'll definitely be doing them over on my twitch Channel which I will again plug down below no pressure If that is not your thing but I do play a lot of the Sims 4 over on Twitch and I'm also playing other games like we are going to be doing some Lego brick building this Saturday and I've also been playing through Epic Mickey rebrush which has been a lot of fun but one more thing before I go I do have to let you know that right now now there is a sale using my EA Creator code normally it just helps by giving me a commission for any EA app sale that you do whether that's f124 or fc25 Dragon Age titles or of course any The Sims 4 content but right now any The Sims 4 DLC that you purchase using my code technical you'll also get a 5% discount and that unfort Ely excludes kits and make your own bundles but the others are all fair games so if you would like to use my code thank you so much there are other lovely creators codes that you can use as well be sure to support your favorite creators but just something I thought I would mention but thank you all so much for watching this video if you would like to see more Sims content be sure to follow And subscribe hit that notification Bell for future videos you don't miss anything and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye [Music]
2025-01-15 10:02