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hi I'm James hype and in this week's episode of moving differently this is what I'm really excited about right now basically I'm trying to incorporate it into my live set so tonight we're doing Marquee in Vegas [Music] yo welcome to this episode of moving differently and welcome to my new studio um we're about to start the best live stream in the world and the first live stream that we've ever done from this brand new studio I'm super excited we even got new DJ equipment but we'll talk about that more later um Roshan's here and uh before we get started I've actually got a present for Roshan that he doesn't know that I'm going to give him so uh let's do this okay flipping out oh my God no oh my bro I'm actually called Goosebumps oh my these that's why oh bro [Laughter] thank you so much I know I have one for all this as well yeah bro I just wanted to give it to rush person who could film it oh me fire much so in this week's episode of moving differently we are flying back to Las Vegas playing at one of my favorite places Marquee but also we're playing at the crazy Festival Beyond Wonderland at the Gorge in Seattle and you know how hard Seattle hype Farm go so let's do this transition [Music] welcome back to Vegas I've got something very exciting with me let's go this is what I'm really excited about right now I've played on it once on the live stream the other day and um basically I'm trying to incorporate it into my live sets gonna be it's going to be a bit of a process making it work but um brought it with me to Vegas and I'm gonna try it out on Marquee tonight so if you haven't seen one of these before it's called looking for the name it's not there it's called a djs1000 oh it's there what djs1000 um and it's like it's not brand new it's kind of old but I thought about getting one for a while and lately I've been playing longer sets and like it happens every summer go to Ibiza go to it's kind of more underground clubs and um play longer sets and I like to take people on more of a journey and I feel like this is perfect for that if you want to see me using it watch the um live stream which is up on YouTube now because that was kind of the first that was the first time I'd really used it properly I've just been playing around with it in the studio before that um so I've loaded like I've loaded some samples on there like basic stuff um I've got all my different kind of banks um and obviously some stubs wrong note but yeah um so I can do all this cool [ __ ] over my set which I'm really excited about so tonight we're doing Marquee in Vegas now Vegas is an interesting place to play because people come from all over the world to come here and it's not it's not like when you play a higher beta where the crowd will want to hear a house music house music with Vegas you have such a mix of people that they're like they want to hit all types of music so what I what I try and do in my sets in Vegas is make it a house music set but with elements of music from other areas to try and appeal to those people who might not normally listen to house music and then hopefully they'll walk away thinking just kind of good that you know so I got I've got a few ideas of what I'm gonna do with the DJs 1000 tonight for the Vegas style set because if I'm doing an underground set or something it's easy with this I'm just jamming out on the snare drums and [ __ ] and stuff and that's really fun as I say Vegas is Vegas so I've got this I've got this one idea hang on here we go I am still learning this one day I'll be amazing [Music] you got it so I'm trying to find fun ways to play with this thing in Vegas and that's what I'm doing today and we're going to take it to sound check and watch the horrified look on um all the technicians faces because I've brought my own DJ equipment we'll see how that goes luckily we got Roshan with us we got Savvy and pay with us as well it's actually his first time in Vegas so yeah pretty crazy um so yeah I'm just here cutting up samples because the software for this thing is really really really bad so I've got a kind of manually make all the samples the right length in Ableton put them on here and then we're good to go um but yeah this is the new exciting addition to the setup [Music] um so yeah how's the jet lag Wallace no I'm struggling bro I can't yeah yeah feeling a bit better now but yeah it's the time right here now is three in the afternoon which means in the UK it's 1am [Music] and we only flew in like earlier so yeah we'll make it through we've got how many hours until the show seven hours no nine hours yeah something like that so yeah here we are Las Vegas we're back yo we are at Marquee we are outside right now uh we're here doing the sound check rash is it looks like it's doing all right everything seems to be working as James showed you Omnia before me and Wallace are going to show you around Marquee before the doors open James is preparingly set right now Kenny's sleeping but we don't sleep No Sleep Gang let's go wow look at that transition see this is uh Marquee it's quite intimate to be honest you can see Russia's got a different color here done it for a very good course yeah personal opinion the stage is quite high so and the ultimate higher thumb that wants to go right to the front when you be able to see James let's be like this to be found not even at all guys but yeah style check is virtually complete I'm here with the boss man Rashaan Kate hello everyone so uh tell us a bit about the hair the hair yeah um I got my head on for charity um to represent all cancers because I lost someone very very close to me and so yeah that's why I've done it you can also my Instagram thank you for everyone sponsored donated and all that give us a quick spin bro you can't really see it yeah it's not that quick sorry um yeah we're at soundcheck right now we have Marquis always good Target always good with the equipment the only issue we had was uh deck one the select button mine on minor issue very very minor issue the only reason why we did that I switched it out because how quick James licks and mixes so it's just make it easier to flow apart from that everything's great are we going to change deck one for something else without the wait and see we already know we are by the way you good save it last time uh Russia is busy now as always yeah there's one minute of free time a day um yeah this is all for Sanchez to be honest everything assorted I'm gonna hit you with a transition always wanna give it to me [Music] [Music] thank you this is the river [Music] thank you [Music] I got a lot of pretty friends and they all like me that's why you own party while you ain't invited as we all can see is it you or is it me got a lot of that's why you we see we see the whole party why you ain't invited as we all can see is it or is it me I got a life everybody loves [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'd like to introduce you to a man who've seen a lot of [ __ ] this guy buff is the head of artists relations right here at tile Group which means he knows literally every DJ what's up guys and he's got his own mic and he's joining us for the debrief today hi I'm James hype I'm in today's debrief I where do I begin um I'm actually right I feel really bad doing this but I'm going to give the show a seven and it's purely because of me um I haven't played in Vegas since before EDC and I felt out of touch um I've been doing High Ibiza I've been doing live streams I've been playing all these underground shows and like I just got on there and I was like oh [ __ ] this feels a bit unfamiliar like when I do Vegas every week I get really [ __ ] into it and I become Vegas James at the moment I'm like I'm like underground James or something so like stepping up there I had to like remind myself what I was doing a little bit and that also comes down to the fact that I prepped my set when I was really [ __ ] tired because I'm jet lagged so I didn't actually prepare the set very well either however after about an hour and a half I got really into it and then it was good um so yeah it just comes down to time zones and bad preparation the crowd was fire the club was fired or it was really hot tonight it's not normally hot in there um but that's because it's summer in Vegas and it gets really hot in the summer in Vegas I was like being told and I met some High films as well which was sick um it was Sean uh I have to give it a seven as well because I was kicking people off the stage dude I never have to here you got a shoes right now bro yeah yeah on the right hand side the amount of people on that oh my face it's just yeah well apart from that it was a fire show I I went into fan mode because when I saw James using this what's in this box what's it called SP one pound no djs1000. I knew you'd forgotten it yeah it was um the craziest thing ever I literally just zoned I was like that is mud so actually let me bump it to eight let me bump into eight but there's game smashed it on that one still thank you yeah actually that was an eight the way you were pressing that stuff that last 1000 yeah works so hopefully we can have that thing again at all our other venues working on them let's try it again boys we will see let's do this all right performance was a 10. champagne 10. crowd 8.5 whole team effort ten I give it it I give it a nine I know these guys are talking about nine it was five off top it was sick Sin City baby Sabian page I would give the show an eight crowd was lit Club sick my first time in Vegas um yeah everything was just lit but my energy was quite low because I haven't had sleep unlike you you and you but me and James we stay up one time because I'm a bad man exactly so yeah eight out of ten Bosh Wallace in the mirror I'll give the show a 7.5 um lighting was sick tonight yeah yeah it looked really good um yeah that's what I've got to say what would make it better AC I'm very swear okay no apart from that fire all right so in the morning we are going to Seattle Beyond Wonderland it's a big festival and I'm headlining the house music stage so yeah we went there last year and had a bit of a crazy disaster because we we had a driver who took us to Canada instead of Seattle um but that's another story so yeah transition to the morning um needs to go see James now um Something's Happened with one of our shows in Seattle um quite serious so let's go have a conversation we're going to see what an experience yeah so we just found out some bad bad news and it's never happened before with any show that we've ever done but we're supposed to be flying to Seattle right now to play at this crazy venue called the gore jumper theater for Beyond Wonderland and my agent my manager just called me and they've had to cancel the festival because outside in the camping area they had an active shooter so they had the person with a gun just like shooting people and I kind of like I can't even imagine what the [ __ ] that's like imagine you go to a music festival to have a good time with your mates and whatever and then that [ __ ] happens it's like I don't even know mine but two people have been killed and there's more people injured as well and so they've had to they've had to cancel the event so we're not going anymore we're not going to Seattle Joe he's already there in Seattle highlighting and video guy um so we'll check in with him see if he knows anything more about what's going on there but right now we're just stuck in Vegas so to be honest with you I think that's going to be the end of the episode um I don't really know what much to say it's it's a very sad situation and yeah that's all we got but thank you for watching moving differently and we'll see you next week transition

2023-06-27 23:13

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