Touring the Philippines Oldest SLUM

Touring the Philippines Oldest SLUM

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welcome to SIU city in the Philippines it's a loud chaotic dirty City and most people pass it up whenever they come to the Philippines they get here they go right out to an island to Resort and uh I understand that but historically I find this place incredibly fascinating so right here seu city is where mellan landed in 1521 kicking off over 300 years of Spanish colonization and rule this is the oldest city in all of the Philippines this street right here cologne Street the oldest street in all of the Philippines and uh yeah let's go check this out it's also where Christianity was introduced into Asia and from here it Spread spread far and wide across the lands and to this day it's still considered the cradle of Christianity in Asia it's also known as the cebuano street food Hub the center it's uh pretty much everything you everything you could want hey you hey you how are you yeah I don't even know long Kong not like any City we have to exercise some common sense this looks really good actually we will try some food at some point cooked over an open fire that's some type of fish stew wow look at all these dishes Marsh soup's going it's like some type of pork belly in there hello it's right about it's right at noon so it's lunchtime everyone's just eating like a deep fried pepper hello sir looks good like dite is it very hot no no not very hot yeah I'm going to have one Dynamite I'm going to go for the deep fried pepper it's called Dynamite Dynamite Dynamite all right [Music] one Dynamite one dynamite and lumpia and two lumpia right here thank you three pieces three pieces drink three perfect okay so put the sauce on the plate grab some chilies my fingers are going to burn aren't they okay all right here we go we're going to try a piece of the lumpia good really good I like the spice can add more so taste I think it's uh mixed with uh coconut wine so it's likeon a soy and coconut I'm going for the dynamite oh there's there's some type of meat in the dynamite you guys should have told me about the eating bags now my hand D sorry sorry about that yeah next no now I know next time thank you very very much yeah it's nice to meet you guys thank you very much thank you thank you sir thank you oh look at this nonsense down here let's go so we go deeper and deeper into the old city of SAU City this different clothes like almost looks like costumes I guess they traditional outfits I don't know I don't we're back in the open grapes grapes we got these these Hustlers right here shot [Music] glasses umbrellas seems to be a lot of construction in the area really want to be careful coming home at the end of the night down a street like this we know my luck there we have it 100 M turn right for melan's cross looks uh I don't know looks woo smells a little pungent always make the worthwhile landmarks and sites difficult to get to the good ones you have you have to earn it you can't just roll up on all the good stuff hello how are youo mellon's cross this way straight thank you left right here thank you guys all right I just got some direction from these working men and uh we're on course Ferdinand mellin was the leader of the Spanish Expedition that completed the first circum navigation of the world quite an accomplishment I don't know the exact dates but I do know in April of 1521 they were here and this cross that we're about to see is the cross they planted on this Shore in the name of Christianity [Music] as you can see up top it's very beautiful mural on the ceiling and I'm assuming it's obviously depicting the planting of this Cross by the Spanish conquistadors this is where it all began Christianity in the Asian world this very spot now there is a basilica right here but I'm noticing a lot of AD a lot of signage about proper attire let's go see if I qualify I doubt it I might qualify let's go there's only one way to find out good so no shorts okay be honest at this point I'd really really like to find a beer see if we can do that also I noticed uh if you go left up here it's starting to look like quite the shanty Tower and uh yeah I think we should go explore that hello are you playing with matches you're not supposed to play with matches I saw that I'm going to tell little kid with wet matches huh all right we have more street food we have all over the street watch my stuff yeah this is come here don't tell any other kids run run run run all right before they I get a swarm on me she's she's literally screaming to her friends right now uh yeah this is crazy looking let's go that's a the way through now watch your step watch your step St in this neighborhood people working people selling food delivering packages just relaxing enjoying their day lots of traffic hello sir more street food up here hello yeah everyone's just enjoying their lunches there's different different Alleyways little rundown more rund down than your normal City but you know there's got to be a beer around here somewhere is there a beer where can I buy a beer a beer this way this way Hi friend we got a little insight into the beer here this way hey you know this might be the place to find uh my Filipino bride classic love story two people different side of the tracks never meant to be together yet can't help falling in love this could be it this could be my destiny right here got dogs my fruits what's up brother how you guys doing where can I buy a beer around here beer yeah go there right there I see thank you very much okay this beer time it's in the sight in my sights so I guess we're right on the water maybe we can grab that beer and work our way over here oh I don't know man Doran durian yeah I like I like durian it's good fruit you never tried it you need to it's uh one of those fruits that tastes different to different people some people delicious normal fruit that's my case other people it tastes like Rotting Flesh and this is going to be a tough one to get I'm going to just go local style and just go for it all right hello I'm trying to find a beer is there a beer someone selling beer around here a [Music] beer yeah this way okay this way for the beer let's keep going washing dishes frying fish oh that looks delicious it's like a parrot fish people enjoying their meals let's continue oh yeah this looks nuts in here let's go the big red horses no small beer just [Music] big all right little lady don't tell anybody run and we have copyrighted music yeah so Sabu City has been a very successful shipping Port even before the Ral the Spanish they traded all over Asia and uh it was already thriving by the time the Spanish arrived but they of course took everything to another level let's go down this way and see if we can't find the water hello hello water and a beer uan all kinds of different fruits this dark little Alleyway pineapples some fruits I recognize some I do not and we're in the light yeah we have to be close to the port I mean this all looks very very fresh being unboxed like it's just been shipped here over here we have some very very very cool hey dude hey hi we have some crazy crazy looking homes and yeah it looks like people are living in there there's laundry being hung it looks like they could just collapse collapse at any minute I don't know how well I would sleep in there hello sir maybe this guy does anyone sell a beer sell a beer beer a beer no beer beer in the restaurant beer beer oh wait you have beer try no I would like a over there thank you here close close oh man this is just not going to happen hello [Music] hello yeah naked children that's how you know you're traveling you know you're far from home by the quantity of naked children running around hello you sell they sell any beer a beer do you have a beer yeah oh great I'll have can I have one beer bin red horse red horse do you have any small yeah yeah we have a small oh good I'll have a small beer looks like a and then these are the rice packets so they pack the rice and dry and then cook it we have some fish heads we thank you so much this is great you're welcome I've been asking everywhere no one had any beer all right cheers this is a good beer red horses change thank you you have a great day let's go cheers all right watch watch my step so red horse is the strongest of the beers you can buy here in the Philippines in fact uh when usually if a Filipino asks you like oh what's your favorite beer and if you say red horse you get the oh oh because it is it is a strong beer I don't know what the percentage is oh it's only it's 6.9 well that's that's a strong beer and let's continue looks nuts over here let's go how are you man ah yeah that just run you straight over here oh it's the ocean you can see see the ocean over here yeah okay so let's go this way so see if we can see the ocean that's Jesus dude it's because I'm a foreigner in this neighborhood doesn't mean I'm lost there you can kind of get an overview it's got a crazy crazy look to it lot of trash there's some people just living right out here in the fields you got people just taking care of uh themselves in the puddles and working hello how are you today hi yeah and I don't think we're going to be able to cross cross this road to look at the ocean but it's right there that's it there's the [Music] bridge and there's our tour a Old Town SIU City the oldest city in the Philippines the oldest street in the Philippines the birthplace of Christianity here in Asia it has a lot to offer and I'd recommend checking it out before skipping off to your tropical island vacation which I will be doing soon cheers moving [Music] up you moving up [Music]

2024-10-27 16:54

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