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so good morning everyone good morning and good afternoon wherever we are in the world welcome back welcome back to my channel as a video tour I'm currently on Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge is um one of the most historic Bridge um in New York City that extend from Brooklin into Manhattan and as you see it's a lot of human traffic coming back and forth um on the Brooklyn Bridge and if you notice on the right side is the the uh the entrance to the bridge cars are coming from Brooklyn you go so as I Journey from Brooklyn to to Manhattan guys you can see all this traffic all the traffic going in and out some coming into Brooklyn from Manhattan and on this side traffic is coming from Brooklyn to uh going into Manhattan and I'll be taking a little walk so guys just stay tuned and watch this my f first time walking the Brooklyn Bridge it's nice sunny day but don't make the sun fo you it's about 42° temperature and it's very very windy so I hope you guys are are hearing me clearly take a look yes fol this is the Brooklyn Bridge there's a guy here in a sharks he's enjoying the weather yeah and if you look across the skyline over there you could see actually see the the Freedom Tower um I'm usually named the uh the World Trade Center very busy h to the morning people are just good about their merry ways to and from Brooklyn into manatt the skies are are are blue so there's no overcast I don't think there's going to be any rain today but it's very nice here and this parted from Brooklyn to uh to Manhattan downtown Manhattan and if you look straight across this building that I'm showing you guys behind this building you will see the Manhattan Bridge if you go Uptown there's FDR Drive on your right it's really windy and cold but it's a nice walk anyhow so I'm entering the um the boarded section you see the board and I'm walking all these traffic is coming from Brooklyn into Manhattan ity work and on my our left side here is the traffic that coming from Manhattan into Brooklyn r yes folks this is if you're just joining us this I'm taking a scroll across the Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn into downtown Manhattan everybody here taking pictures taking in a lovely scenery it's like a boardwalk right now I'm on a you know you know and if you look to your uh right side that's the um River and the Mana bra right across here at 12:00 it's my first experience I've Liv in New York for 35 years and I've never walked across this bridge but today my day people enjoying that little beautiful to see you New Year in brookin bridg beautiful scenery right now I'm at like U I think I'm at the center of Brooklyn Bridge little yeah still observing these cars coming over it's going to be a jam Park day in Manhattan you know today is a weekend a Saturday where everybody comes out and do their thing whe they going uptown Manhattan or downtown Manhattan everybody's walking driving I didn't expect so much people on the bridge today because it's cold but as you say in New York is a city that never sleeps people don't care what time of day it is but snow rain sleep people are still coming out to enjoy themselves Nice Bridge very well kept you know yes I am continuing this journey woo I'm still looking straight across the bridge to um on the other side man bridging I'm on Brooklyn bridging you can across man bridging The Skys scrapers across the way I don't know if you guys can see it looks straight across the aror if you could see in the distance the cature of liberty straight across 12:00 no lock 00 all righty wow beautiful Cinder down there you guys are looking straight across here Liberty Island in the distance Statue of Liberty the skyline excuse me this here some little history here don't if you guys can see it with the traffic jam going into Brooklyn thank thank you do this also NYPD present here on the bridge which is something that they were happy about and a little thing they could ready for help and the car is moving on this side good into man moving yes so I'm continuing on my journey to downtown Manhattan sh to open woo it's windy windy windy and cold guys windy and cold and I'm still amazed by that stat statue across straight across on over into Liberty Island there straight across guys you get to the Statue of Liberty you can see all those boats riding around in the Arbor unless you're delivering right straight across um 1:00 11:00 is the Freedom Tower you can see all those skyscraper to your left Freedom Tower and many other towers that you guys some people might not be familiar with and this this CER oh I know that's what I understand they used to have vendors on the Brooklyn Bridge but the city decide that they will to take them off for whatever reason so I've been walking around looking see if there's any a vendor but there's no vendors here anymore I think the city um decided to um to stop vendors from um setting stuff on the bridge for some reason I don't know I don't fall that's oh sh you're a photographer are you at a photographer yeah you take picture for a living just take oh you're alone you you're from a different country yeah where you from China huh from China from China wow so what makes you come to the bridge today it's so cold what you like it how many days are you spending here in New York um maybe two weeks 3 weeks no just just a few days few a few days yes I'm tomorrow oh you how long you've been here yeah how long here or for a meeting oh okay so I thought you were on vacation why you don't come for vacation um no I I didn't I just got some some time after meeting so I but you're enjoying the bridge though taking a pictures take back home all right you know where I want to visit when I come to China I want always I'm I'm always thinking about coming to visit is it the Great Wall of China oh yes where in China is that it's King Beijing King what Beijing Beijing yes oh I always see it on TV and I fall in love I see people walking across and all that take care spee spee what is that some kind of souvenir that you guys put up or the lock oh you have to take it off I was play open oh you open it oh wow n he yep so if you look across straight down you will see uh the SDR drive and then across you can also see um the Brookland bridge and if you go behind the beyond the Brooklyn Bridge there's a bridge called a Williamsburg Bridge the see from here this a nice walk folks if you're if you're not a um New Yorker and you're from some other state or some other country this is um if you good walk for you from Brooklyn to um to downtown you'll experience some good scenery you'll experience um Skyline as far and also the UN River the FD Drive as you can see oh wait don't look that under still moving along folks still moving along on the Brooklyn Bridge for those of us that join us I'm currently walking from um it's 40 something degrees it's not freezingly cold it's um you know it's not a bad walk not a bad day and you can as you can see for yourself everybody came out have a good time because it's it's um a nice amount of people that's walk in the spot today and it's also a weekend so um I think it's expected that people will uh walk during the weekend especially people that lives in New York and I it look there's more tourists here from my observation that helicopter roaring in the background here guys want the camera too much in the Sun that a lovely day to walk get some fresh a um beautiful scenery I've never been in this Boardwalk section when I fact I I've never been on the Brooklyn Bridge before until today so it was a very nice experience people are taking shots there's professional cameras out uh photographers out here taking pictures and do their little video work cars are going back and forth take huh what's that take some photos of it I can take some composure if you like profession all right I think I'm on the final stretch into my n you see we're going down slope yeah there's this photographer guy take a picture and said he could take some picture of me because he wants to make a I can understand he's aing he wants to make some money we all want to make money but not today all these cars are coming from Brooklyn into man Island over here is parkrow south Center and Chamber Street and if you go into the FDR Drive you can see signs like that room yeah here so this is the traffic coming from Manhattan into uh going into Brooklyn the guy speeding here woo we at P University this building here like I'm showing you guys that's where the building to your left Building C a Bridge folks Brook C Bridge almost coming to the end of the the trail from Brooklyn to downtown Manhattan this a lovely walk was a lovely day I don't regret it at all yeah do not regret this walk at all it was lovely cool but lovely got all walks of life walking this this bridge here everybody race religion Creed foreigners Explorer photographers you name it they're all here and over here is the uh cycle track there is a cycle track here at a cyclist run there's one coming right now there you go and also a running tra but those people want to run but it's not easy to run so many people are walking back and forth not easy at all so see what happens right out so this is case University see folks we're coming to the end of the bridge to the walk here this building here this P University for to much 30,000 door St so folks um I am actually going down to the final stretch on brooken whoop whoop who who all righty yes right see this walk was so refreshing guys to be out here on a winter winter day sunny and this is something going on down there I'm not going down there just ENT fromont the the bridge if you're entering the bridge from man this is where you you actually enter from all righty I don't know which building is this one but so if you guys are just joining us or joining me I was walking from Brook to downtown across the Brooklyn Bridge this is the final stretch going into downtown um was the bad walk was school was refreshing it was eye popping a good experience for me and and you guys some you guys were walking along with me you can see I see you know so let's see exactly which street I'm approaching here over there said immigrant industrial saving B exactly so I actually paused the the um the camera just now because of copyright so I'm just going to head across this building here and then turn around for a second here we go so this is Little Italy see the sign Chinatown Little Italy $5 $5 for all our stuff you guys come on down and support this lady come on down ladies and gentlemen come on down and support this lady it's only $5 right only $5 for everything for hat look she has everything here five and she's running away from the camera that's okay she's running from the camera but she said everything is for $5 $5 take here the China Town oops hold did yes folks so I've come to the end of this video and I hope you guys like what are you seeing so please guys like share subscribe and leave a comment in the comment section um turn your notification bell bell on if you need to see more of this type of contents here on Brooklyn Bridge please tell your friends family to subscribe so until you I see you guys again in the next one peace respect love and unity to everyone peace n a

2024-03-05 12:08

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