Touring PCX 150 JAKARTA GARUT - Lewat Jalur Puncak Tembus Bandung | Bareng Istri

Touring PCX 150 JAKARTA GARUT - Lewat Jalur Puncak Tembus Bandung | Bareng Istri

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Zero Okay Guys assammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good morning guys meet again ah ya hello, friends, we're meeting again. Hello. Now we're going to Garut with my wife. Let's go to Garut, guys, with my wives at 5 am (not 6) what da....

but it was fine was okay guys ... later .... I tell our trip .... my friends from the beginning ya KM wrote a new three kilometer I We'll start from Cipayung, guys, later on, we'll go through Puncak Bandung via Nagreg okay Guys, we'll continue later, guys, let's talk on the road. Why are we going to Garut, what's going on in Garut, stay tuned ... We have arrived at GADOK see that?'s jammed already in line guys even though it's 7 AM Look Guys it's already jammed at this hour that's why we're taking time at this hour it's already jammed uh Bismillahirrahmanirrahim we're going to the Peak guys so it's a gadok, it's already busy The car is already queuing up this too beeing repaired tuh clay tuh its open artisan trade already in open oh like in Naringgul just like green hills Naringgul so if landslides her resilience friends tuh still cool ya guys by now the weather is still cool yet there's a bit of pollution during the day, it's really bad, open it (helmet glass) so that air gets into my face, the biker is steady... so far it's great to ride a motorbike, it's stiff, how about riding a bicycle, hello friends, we arrived at the peak, guys, this is it The two of us are going to Garut, stay tune, we've arrived at the top, okay (PEAK PASS) We're going to Cianjur, friends, let's go to the left, friends, I've also come back from here, I want to go to the puncak via Cipanas, I like to get lost. straight into the Cianjur market, I but i just memorized it, now, greetings to friends in Cianjur. A ride through guys, assalamualaikum, my friends, I'm just passing through, now this is chicken porridge... here it is, guys, the

chicken porridge is still in front of us. Yes, we're going to be chicken porridge. DAYANA sleeps on the street after eating rice and eating porridge, how many hours from Bandung to Garut? two hours if not jammed too right per weekend starter jammed especially soekarno hatta here we go again we continuing the ride already Bun Kemon eh Bismillahirohmanirohim lets pray before we go....bismilahi tawakaltu allallah lahaulawalakuataillabillah so where are we? we've stop at there if not wrong a lot of the selling durians ya here what thats sign ... Cianjur...we just pass Cianjur region guys.. theres the mosque uh oh yes cool haahhh first time ride with PCX (the bike type) also here .... we stop for a break Bun ride PCX also Cimahi guys we are at Cimahi friends ya records that I Bandung also previously it here neh battery runs out eh is also equally hell in economical efficient batteries stop in-chas Assalamualaikum friends for my friends in Bandung excuse me (Punten in sunda) we Coming through greeting for my friends all the news are in good health ride through friends who are from Bandung in the arms of friends know friends at work sorry for not stopping because of the trip It's still far away three hours away, my friends, so I'm sorry, I'll make a special content in Bandung later, because there are already a lot of them in Bandung, only DRONES when I go touring the Ciwidey Naringgul Jayanti area later deh if I play again.. I want to go to BANDUNG

in the Cililin area. Once I was in that area... there's a VLOGER too hahaha GREETINGS ....PUNTEN there's a vlogger too, guys. GREETINGS Braga (BANDUNG) this smell (DUCO paint) Cata DUCO kale.... the one that paints the left car is Braga gaess... oh, I miss it, I haven't played here in a long time. Bun, go through Braga guys... go straight, Oh yes that like us to boarding your first rock caves ... Gatot Subroto Cidahu

we need to move out of this city's first guys continue yes ... yes we continue continue continue continue and continue corrupted his way to boarding your first Iya through here so nice instead of passing through Soekarno, if you go through Soekarno Hatta, theres alot of trafic light There used to be only two petrol bars left, tired sir?.....Ho oh... where did you come from? from Jakarta Oh how many hours to Garut ? 6 hours Kang... from 6 o'clock I want to go to tea at 5 o'clock, eh, at 6 o'clock we ride hahaha soon, another half hour... an hour.... be sabaraha (sunda) ? (how much) 59 thousand Hatur nuhun (sunda) thank you A..... (its means bro )

59,000 thousand (full of gas) you do no need to throtle, just go with it... just walk alone guys..... theres the split honey... finnaly we go to garut guys, we finally entered GARUT oh nah tuh tuh tuh hangout place it is at above that bridge the tunnel BUN tuh above the tunnel's phenomenal ayla all neh (singing not clear .... hahaha) finnaly we arived at GARUT, Excuse my friends who are in Garut, how are you, hello, always Assalamualaikum.

Hope you are always healthy. Punten nyak, we want to take a vacation here, hopefully it's smooth , friends, Garut, don't mind greetings, always healthy, always successful..... even though it's a bit jammed my friends BEKASI SINGAPARNA, what is ASEP Strawberry, the alternative route around Leles, not so Leles, so let's turn left, guys, towards Cipanas, eh, it's already hot, the hotel is on the left eh, the route is...(still far) how come the hotel is out of the main route huh? That's great, guys, ice lolly, maakk e ceeee, it's really fast and fast.... here we go straight, the route is steady... the

map is very strange , how can it be so fast... how can it be so bad... the roads will never be good , the roads through trucks only if the roads are dredged and the stones are also hehehe, look at the hill... how do you dredge it up... from the top, getu... above, it's been a long time coming down, it's not

over yet , at the bottom, if you go down first, it will fall down... it's really long . shortcuts Bun, you've been given a shortcut, I think this the map giving us track this way, should be throught there oh my God, I just realized it's time for us to go to Garut here turn right? OK, oh, yes, this is true , yes, it's stuck. Bun, there's this right and left. Hotel Bun is stuck, it's a Cipanas bath. That's a lot. Thank God, we finnaly arrived guys. we arrive at Hotel Santika, finally we arrived, in Garut, sir. where to park the bike sir ? so just enter then turn right nuhun thank you sir thank God , look at that guys...

crowded Bun Oh .... crowded guys ... ....... we finnaly arived..... was what u say honey? (but it's quite impressive through the rock mountain) WWHHHAAAATTTT...... finally we arrived at the Santika Hotel, noh the mountain nohh....

the thunder mountain... so the total trip from Jakarta was at 6.00 a little more, now it's up to the clock.. .half one earlier yes...until yes... half one yes 7 hours....half two? seven more hours... just fill up the gas once we just have to soak Okay see you later and thanks for watching guys don't forget to subscribe like and coment Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh

2021-11-03 16:03

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