we have updated and changed quite a bit in our collection room so you know what that means it is time for another room tour plus we are also doing a giveaway so check this out! what is going on everyone welcome back my name is Jeremy so it is time it's time for another room tour so I'm not going to chitchat too much right at the beginning here cuz I want to get into showing you all the fun stuff you know what you came here for you want to see the collection room you want to see the changes we've made so as you know we've kind of expanded to our bedroom we've recorded a few videos up there so I thought it would be fun to show you what we've changed in my little office and then also show the upstairs show the bedroom and what we've added and what we've put on display up there because we haven't done that yet and uh before we get into like the giveaway details I do want to apologize I think I'm getting sick because my kids are sick and I'm starting to feel like poo poo so if I sniffle a little bit I apologize I'm sorry we're trying to get over it but we probably have a few days because this is like the first day that everyone is sickick if you're at time of recording but yeah let's get into it I want to make the giveaway details fairly quick again so we can get into the room tour so we are doing a giveaway I want to say I'm going to say it before and after this is us only I apologize for the international viewers and the support that you guys give to us but just it's just expensive to ship overseas so at this time we have to keep it to us only so I apologize for that but I want to make that announcement ahead of time just so it is known to all of you so yeah we are going to be giving away a funko pop so we are going to be doing a choice of one out of three so if you get your name drawn once we decide to do the drawing which we'll probably do like after a week of the video being live we are going to give away either a Hot Topic uh exclusive my hero Academia bakugo a New York ComicCon shared sticker y somebody Sam as the a black knight I believe it is or the Target exclusive brand from The Goonies so you'll get to choose between those three and um we're going to have a few requirements for this so what I'm going to do I thought this Taylor actually came up with this idea this is actually really cool so there are SpongeBob mystery minis hidden throughout our room I'm not going to tell you how many there are there's not a ton of them I will say that there's not like 20 of them but they are hidden throughout the initial room of our office and in the bedroom as we do the room tour you have to find however many there are and you have to comment how many SpongeBob mystery minis there were then throughout the video randomly excuse me sorry I'm going to ask you a question about each giveaway pop so like it might be like your favorite Goonies character or your favorite my hero character something like that you have to answer those questions and comment how many SpongeBob mystery minis you found two things and then once you do that we are going to draw the winner you have to be subscribed to I'm going to ask for proof of subscription but when we draw the giveaway winner I am going to ask you where the SpongeBob mystery minis were so not only do you have to find them but you got to remember where they were because I want the giveaway to go to someone that supports and watches the channel and not just someone that goes through and copies the comments you know and like oh I copy the comments and I'm in the giveaway woohoo so yeah you're going to have to show me where you don't have to give time stamps or anything just like what they were next to or something like that so those are the rules us-based only you got to find how many SpongeBob mystery minis there are you got to answer the three questions that are in throughout the video about the three different Funko Pops that we're giving away yeah and then we will draw a winner probably a week from the day of the posting so it's going to go live on Saturday so we'll probably do the drawing the following we'll do it the following Sunday how about that so yeah I'm excited this is fun I like hiding stuff in like Little Treasures and stuff in videos it's it's going to be super exciting but let's get into it let's start with the room tour we're going to do the downstairs first I don't think I missed anything about the giveaway so yeah let's do it let's go all right everyone we are going to start in our office like I said downstairs we are going to start where you normally see so this is where the camera normally faces so you get a really good glimpse of all all this stuff but we're going to give you a little bit of a taste of what's above it too so we're going to work our way from the top work our way down and then we are going to work our way around the room and then we will cut and do the upstairs so let's get into it I'm excited to show you so a lot of this is probably the same as it was before we've got sorry for the glare for the light there nothing I can do about that I can turn the light off I guess but we've got our blue box Star Wars that large font Han Solo that I pulled out of a mystery gril box yeah that was crazy large font Darth Vader which is in terrible shape but it's still cool I'm glad I have it and then just some common sodas Scooby-Doo Emperor's New Groove we got the seral ones Mr Monopoly and coming down here we got one of our OS a Patrick from SpongeBob and then we've got the two pack Mike and Sully the Fred and Barney Chase thank you 88 hoverboard Jeff for those we appreciate them my favorite Black Clover character Captain Yumi we got the big boys the 10in big boy count chocula Captain Crunch we even have a Handmade by robot Buzz lier that chase Chef Colette you'll notice uh I don't know if that's the one from kons of fun or not but I think it is we got another you's there with the Mr Kool-Aid man I don't know why I said mister but yeah just a bunch of random stuff some 3D printed things some sodas chases Mystery Minis that awesome Gengar statue I love Gengar he's my favorite Pokemon oh look at these Scott Pilgrim Marty McFly Captain Crunch awesome soda chases right there some ducks from SMY world the three pack we've got flick 3D printed sign from Eric love that and then over here we have an orig Pokémon the first movie poster that actually hung in a theater and advertised the movie way back in the day that makes me feel really old oh boy all right then we'll go over here we've got some of our Freddy's nft Freddy's uh we would love to finish all the Freddy's for the nfts it's a long journey so we're not in any rush for those and then we have uh the bberry that was gifted To Us by again by Jeff 8 hoverboard and then the Yummy Mummy that was gifted To Us by by sea so awesome stuff there and then back here we've just got I'm not going to pull them out there's random Funko Pops back there so then we're moving over you see this all the time you see Gandalf on the eagle all the Funko soda chases of Lord of the Rings that New York ComicCon bog love it just a good shelf lots of awesome Grails we'll move our way down to the rest of the lord of the rings I'm not going to pull anything out but we are almost 100% complete on Lord of the Rings there's some more upstairs in the bedroom too that I'll show you so we will get into those then we have some of our Scooby-Doo Collection with those original purple boxes I love those uh this shelf I'm not really sure what I was trying to do so it's it's a work in progress you know every every room has a shelf that you have no clue what you're doing then we got my hero Academia you you notice the Star Destroyer on the left pretty sure that was in the last room tour I just haven't had any time to put it back together from when we moved from California ignore the bubble wrap our hunter hunter I was going to say Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter collection yes all of our Hunter x Hunter Pops that sign hisoka love it yeah we would love to finish the hunter hunter line eventually we've got our Pokemon pops we got a little bit of Overstock so we got some on their side but the pearlescent ones I love the pearlescent pops they're so good we've got some of our games pops uh Sly Cooper Crash Bandicoot Spyro Horizon zero Dawn The Witcher Destiny oh can't forget Destiny and then we've got this little soda spot that you see a lot so I'm not going to go super into it but some awesome chases Commons and as pointed out we've got bubble wrap I'm actually running a little low on Bubble Wrap so I need to get some more but closet this is storage it's it's organized for me so it might not look like it but it is organized so the right side over here is like new additions so stuff that we bought like on whatnot or trades or Funko stuff like that and then over here are some mystery boxes we've got a stack of comic books that I have no idea what I'm going to do with because I don't they're all Star Wars comic books so uh we got some Pokemon cards and just a bunch of stuff uh backpack for conventions some more sodas Mystery Minis those are sealed sodas that we have to open on the channel and just a bunch of it's just storage we just store stuff in here yeah just stuff it's just stuff sealed Pokémon Monopoly love it got to figure out a way to display that that was gifted To Us by a really good friend out in California then we move over to our Gyarados with the Red Gyarados probably from the lake of rage and more sodas check these out we got Maleficent Chase Felix Ralph Carl and Russell Hercules almost all the stranger things ones we are almost 100% for the sodas we need the 11 Chase and I'm pretty sure we are done with the sodas for stranger things so that's pretty cool that was a journey we're almost done with those they're not crazy expensive but we actually hold all of those but Steve that's it and some more fun sodas Rudolph the Mickey's lucky the chili wiie they're so fun I love them I love sodas and then this is the desk this is where the magic happens oo this is where all the videos get edited and then this is like for whatnot those are mine's pockies those are cookies and cream yeah cookies and cream she loves them they're so good pockies are delicious in case you don't know we've got Kaboom what is that oh no uh back there's a bathroom not exciting you don't even want to see it all right coming over to this shelf we've got Pokemon cards we've got some three leers one of my favorite movies of all time Monty Python and the Holy Grail which we are almost 100% we need the French taunter Taylor painted that Articuno picture she's very talented I'm still waiting for mol trce and Zapdos but one day but yeah she painted that I love it it'll it'll stay with me forever obviously more Pokemon Elite Trainer boxes we've got this awesome resin of Gan uh Gandalf what am I talking about gez I'm an idiot Gengar and the Phantom Shadow there then we've got a little cereal spot with the Funko vinyl Captain Crunch Jean Le foot our tripod for recording more cereal stuff more vinyls I love the vinyls I wish they still made them and then we have a sealed Lord of the Rings Monopoly and then just some Autobox Naruto pops uh some books what the young Elite Series uh some Star Wars books The Illustrated Harry Potter books love those are so good and then there's a Mandalorian book down there too you can't see it but uh then we got a little Huckleberry Hound Shrine here love the Huckleberry Hound he's so fun and if we zoom out a little bit we've got all these plushies I love Pokemon okay I do and then we've got the Nero from Black Clover just chilling there hiding yeah I love Pokémon these are some great lots of squishmallows I just like plushies I think they're fun and then coming over here we've got some ad icons I love the Skeleton Jack the Jack in the Box ones are some of my favorite ad icons yeah Chester Cheetah some fun stuff there over here we've we got another Lego set that was probably there in the last video we did and the lightsaber picture is probably in the same spot our Pokémon Converse I love Converse and then this shelf we kind of switched up a little bit we it's kind of random right now cuz I don't know what I'm going to put here but we've got some like Grails I guess you could say like Clone Commander Cody aloy the Fred is signed by Freddy Prince Jr and then V and then just some other random stuff we've got our Naruto line love these ones pain the glow on pain is amazing or delicious yeah all right moving up we've got some Star Wars we've got the Troopers we've got Anakin what order 66 Anakin love the Troopers they're so fun then tandro my first resin statue the moon actually lights up I just don't have a battery in it and then pain pay is one of my favorite akatski member is one of my favorite Naruto characters ignore the scratching in the shelves these shelves have seen the world and then we've got aaty we've got kame we've got saucer jariah signed by David Lodge fatgum signed by Kyle herar I think is how you say his name and then a rochim Maru Itachi kurarama just some fun Naruto pops we love anime then I work from home this is my desk this is where I work that's yes that is my pumpkin candle I love fall I love pumpkin scent I love pumpkin flavor we've got some broken Funko Pop pieces yeah we got to fix those and then just some random this is fine dog the OG Turtles those are just the commons the jawbreaker Chomp I think is what it is my brother got me that from sdcc last year our Gyarados mat that you can't see Gyarados really we've got Itachi which is another one of my favorite Naruto characters might Todoroki up here we've got my favorite DC character Batman and then Spider-Man and then this awesome Power Rangers picture love it going down around the chair we've got the blueberry which I believe was last year's standing a ComicCon as well it does glow in- the darkk it's actually really cool and then down here if you can see I should have pulled the chair out but I didn't oh well we've got the Turtle van from Ninja Turtles and then two uh Zords from Power Rangers the dragon Zord and then just the mega Zord and then I've got to find a spot to hang this on the wall but we've got a a poster from the theater for Ragnarok my brother actually asked if he could have it when we saw it in the theater so he gave it to me and I had it on the wall over where the sodas are now so we got to find a new spot for that and then pins we love pins so yeah those are that's our pin board we got to find a spot to hang those and just some Funday boxes like different Funko stuff oo and then this is it holds salt and you use it to destroy spiders that you can't reach with your hands it actually works really well it's really cool this is not trash this is paper so paper for packaging whatnot orders uh we've got our soft protectors and small boxes this is the not exciting stuff probably the stuff that you don't really you know you would expect someone to like clean it up and move it out of the room no I'm showing you my collection room this is part of it shipping boxes for whatnot all different sizes all different pops these are all for whatnot this is all stuff that we will have for sale eventually and though this is not a Spiel to go follow me on whatnot just showing you this is where most of it sits until Friday when we get on whatnot one of my favorite displays Star Wars Rebels and more amazing sodas we've got a lot of Freddy's lots of Freddy's we've got the bow tie Freddy we've got the Halloween Freddy with the chase vampire Freddy Chase skeleton Freddy The Mummy nft pirate Freddy well you can see them I don't have to tell you each one of them do I pow sorry that was weird and then just more fun so do we've got the chernabog chase I really like that I I Trash Talk metallic a lot but I think that the metallic chernabog is actually really good one that Todd from Scott Pilgrim is the chase glows in the dark and then that Michelangelo is also the chase also the Mojo Jojo has made its appearance I feel terrible the only 3 lit soda that we've pulled the evil queen from Snow White and then these are more of our autograph pops um all of these but one we've gotten done in person so we've got Killer B which was um cero ah he has a very hard name to say so I apologize Molly flanakin Yuri lenthal for Sasuke um oh shoot what's up Wally Winger for renji Johnny Young BOS and then this Johnny Young BOS we did not get done in person I bought this one off of whatnot so that one was not in person uh David from for Todoroki and then Christopher way camp for isawa and then um ah I feel bad his name is Chris I'm pretty sure but for the voice actor for Hedon so very cool and then the last thing for our downstairs room is the 25th anniversary Pikachu board if you tried to get this board you know the struggle this is the first release this board was incredibly hard to get and I'm so glad I have it because it's awesome I don't skate or anything like that but I'm a hugee Pokémon fan and when I saw that they were doing the 25th anniversary one it's so good it's got all the pokeballs on it the master ball the Ultra Ball what the great ball I think too yeah it's awesome and it's Pikachu so that's it that's the downstairs now let's head up to the bedroom and do the room tour up there I'll see you up there all right we are upstairs in our bedroom now this is the part of our collection that you've seen in a few videos but we haven't really sh it off entirely so you're looking at the Lord of the Rings right now what I'm going to do real quick is I realized I never asked any questions about the giveaway Funko Pops downstairs so we're going to start this one off with the first question in regards to the ybody Sam I want you to comment what your favorite Looney Tunes character is so that'll be the first question for yosity Sam favorite Looney tun character now let's get started on the upstairs collection room so as you see more Lord of the Rings in these uh beautiful voled vinyl display uh display Vault air is what they're called these look really nice like if you're looking for a really good shelf and you can get these on sale like we did amazing and then we have some Space Jam nfts Love Space Jam super nostalgic movie for me super happy that they did Space Jam line they look really good like the bugs how can you not love that so yeah these are fantastic and then moving up here we've got another light look at that wow we've got uh some sodas another baseball bat display in case you don't know Hobby Lobby or any other hobby store um these baseball bat displays work great for displaying sodas and some outof boox pops so in case you're wondering where we got those we got them from Hobby Lobby but you can get them from Michaels Hobby Lobby any craft store like that we've got the witch King on foul Beast amazing looking pop Pride there some of Taylor's fairy tale Pops that awesome Ichigo picture and then moving down we've got more Lord of the Rings we've got some Dark Souls some books amazing balog statue love love love statues resin statues are incredible Taylor is more of a reader than I am I pretend to try to read but most of these are Taylor's books so yeah some uh slay the Spire that's a you's uh figure I think it's a fantastic looking little figure more books more books and more books and um a little deu isuku pop there and then just kind of some random stuff down there Taylor's makeup she actually wants to start a makeup Channel on YouTube so and then some writing books Taylor loves to write and then moving up here we've got let me get better positioned here some Disney Pop tops and a little uh Rock Le what is that a q pocket or q q something like that but yeah that Bell and Beast is signed by the voice actors of Bell & Beast we traded that uh with a slapshot member a Community member so super cool pop that we're glad we have in our collection we love it it's awesome moving up we've got our Emperor's New Groove pops there's some in the back too but we're just going to show the front ones I'm not going to pull everything off again then that Funko sign which my mother-in-law actually made for me it actually lights up but I don't I didn't turn the lights on for it obviously so yeah moving up we've got more Disney we've got Winnie the Pooh we've got some uh probably our only other rewind that we own of Belle some mystery minis Taylor loves Yona of the dawn so those those are some of her mango for that I actually really enjoy the anime it's a great show more Funko Pops ah bleach yes love bleach so we've got the OG Rukia we've got ukora the chase Ichigo so good love the bleach pops they do an amazing job with those and then moving up we've got more anime Taylor has somehow started collecting uh deu figures like just not intentionally but so we've just kind of rolled with it so we've got some sodas Minis uh not Funko Pop related some Tokyo Ghoul just a lot of cool cool anime stuff and then we'll move over here that amazing Dragonite statue I love love love that statue we've got more Shrek Mystery Minis almost all of them we got really lucky with our case and we only need two minis we were gifted one so we only need two Mystery Minis to complete that line uh Taylor put together the up housee that we were gifted from Jeff 88 hoverboard this thing is amazing I love this Lego set it's fantastic all right moving down to nightmare before Christmas so sorry for the glare guys goodness before we get into The Nightmare Before Christmas I'm going to ask the second question in regards to The Goonies Pop I want to know if you think that the rumors about The Goonies 2 if you think that it's necessary if we if you think we need a Goonies too let me know I want to hear your opinion but yeah we got night remember Before Christmas Oogie Boogie 3 l that is just the common we have terrible 3 l luck and then some some other Pops from Kingdom Hearts so those are the Halloween ones for the Halloween Town um in the game I haven't played much of Kingdom Hearts so it's not my area of expertise it's more Taylor but yeah the moment awesome moment love that one we got zero hiding back there fantastic pop yeah yeah these are awesome more Nightmare Before Christmas we love Nightmare Before Christmas meline is obsessed with it too like it's hilarious we've got sodas we actually have the other Barrel as well but meline has been really into barrel for some reason like she really likes him so we had to take it down so she can play with it and then moving down we've got some Star Wars The Princess Bride book in the back is an amazing book it's super cool Taylor and I actually got that like the second week we were dating so that's an old book and then one of my favorite book series of all time is The Inheritance cycle uh Christopher Pini love that series it's such a good book well series and then moving down we got calcus Power Rangers kind of an kind of an empty shelf don't really know what else to put on here but we've got the sodas we're missing the Pink Ranger because we we got the cooler and our Chase was the Pink Ranger and I can't stand the chases for the cooler so we sold the Pink Ranger and eventually I'm going to buy the Pink Ranger common I just haven't done it yet and then just some more random uh Naruto and then that glow Godzilla really cool actually that's going to be part of a mystery box run at some point on whatnot really excited for that but yeah some some super fun Naruto pops some awesome Chase is Nei my favorite Naruto character love him and then moving over here it's kind of a nothing like blah don't really know what we're doing here ignore the dust please but yeah we're still working on these little shelves here but you know what it's a collection room you've got to see all the highlights and the lows too more Kingdom Hearts pops then we get into some of my favorites the Cal ad icons so we've got almost all theun shop ones I think I know we're missing the flocked tricks we're missing the regular lucky not the glow and then um there might be one or two more but yeah we've got crunchberry I really like the crunchberry Beast I think it's an underrated pop that's really cool and then we've got oh the fruit brute amazing sorry for the glare of that two can Sam oh we are missing the other two can Sam as well for the Funko shop so yeah we have Yummy Mummy it's downstairs cuz I love that one a lot and then kind of finishing it up because next to this is a closet which you don't want to see cuz it's really messy inside but we've got some more sodas just some Commons oh there's our other Chase uh Chef Colette this Kon and easma love this moment it's such a really I just love the detail on that one and then the Stitch the big Tony the Tiger these awesome some prints that we got at a ComicCon so this is like uh the Clone Wars ERA with Anakin and Obi-Wan Captain Rex Clone Commander Cody uh it's kind of hard to tell who else is in there and then I love Pokemon so we have a Pokemon one too with another light glare cool we got Blastoise Charizard Snorlax Venusaur Pikachu Lapras Espeon I I like the detail like the design of them very very cool and before I show you our stickers like so we have like a sticker door I'm going to show you that we have our last question which is in regards to the bakugo pop so an anime question so I want to I just want to know what your favorite anime is comment down below what your favorite anime if you don't watch anime just what your favorite cartoon is that will qualify as well favorite cartoon or favorite anime yeah now the last thing we're going to show you is our sticker door so we've been as we get stickers from different people we add them to the store so we've got wasat we got raly cross save Brian uh we've got Jeff at 8 hoverboard Jess and Leanne key tons of fun what else Funko 411 we've got Slap Shot pops up here subscription fix so yeah if you have stickers Amusement archive awesome if you have stickers send them to to us we'll put them on the door so that's oh we got Po and Duo too I almost forgot goodness so yeah sorry guys I was I was like trying to look with my eyes and not the camera and I kind of got off and then these are just our stickers that we have made since we started the channel I actually have one more that I accidentally gave all of them away so I don't have any more to put on our wall which I'm a little bummed about but that's okay so yeah those are it that is our upstairs collection room so it's pretty cool I love how we have like the corn it's like in a corner I just love what to be honest most of this has been done by Taylor she arranged it all she set it all up it looks amazing I really love it I really hope you guys enjoyed watching this part of our room tour too so make sure you do all the questions answer everything you know we'll we'll discuss it again here soon we will see you downstairs again to end the video and that's it that's the room tour downstairs and upstairs I really hope you enjoyed the new stuff that we've done to the downstairs room and then just seeing our little collection that we have upstairs as well it's grown quite a bit we have probably doubled our collection size since the last room tour I would guess so yeah it's it's a growing expanding collection and I love it Taylor loves it we just love doing it and we love showing all of you guys and girls so make sure if if you want to get in that giveaway you follow all the previous rules so real quick I can run through them again uh you had to find all the SpongeBob mystery minis answer the three questions about the Funko Pops that we're giving away and then as soon as we do the drawing I will reach out to you or you'll reach out to me however it works and you'll have to show proof that you're subscribed to the channel and then you will have to provide where those SpongeBob minis were so not super difficult but I think it's pretty thorough to make sure that you're you've been actively engaged in the channel even if you're new a new subscriber and you're still actively engaged that's awesome but I just want to make sure that it goes to someone that supports us and deserves it I guess if that makes sense so yeah that was a lot of fun I can't wait to do another one we're probably going to wait a little while until we grow The Collection a little more maybe move to our garage I don't know whatever but yeah thank you for watching the video make sure to like it uh subscribe to the channel if you're not already if you are I appreciate it um we love the support we appreciate each one of you remember to be kind to each other remember to smile and just have a good day
2024-09-30 20:04