Touring NYC | RIVERFRONT Campground | Manhattan SKYLINE VIEW!

Touring NYC | RIVERFRONT Campground | Manhattan SKYLINE VIEW!

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our next destination takes us to New York City  where we stay at an extremely unique Campground   right along the East River with a beautiful  Skyline View of the city that never sleeps however when we arrived at  the campground entrance we   were feeling a little reluctant and  wondering if we made a bad decision we found this on a website called hip camp and  they have an app also hip Camp just like it sounds   and when we got our site we didn't think they had  hookups thought at all it said no hookups but they   do they have electric and water and it looks like  all new pedestals at first we were a little leery   but a lot of RVs here and look what else they  have a big movie screen here they play movies   these are all chairs that they provide  these are not from the rvers and then they   have two other movies that go on tonight  they got Bose speakers that are mounted   all over they're even back here behind  the RVs there is a place over here that   has a shower and restroom a dump station over  here at night you have this beautiful Skyline   it'll be all lit up this would be a cool place  to come for Fourth of July or the New Year's   New Year's that's too cold yeah that's right he  said people still come here during New Year's   the concession stands so that'll probably  be open for the movies four blocks down so   you'd go up to this First Street go down where  that building is right there it's called India   Street I believe he said and that's where you  get on the ferry I think it's a green Point Ferry   and that'll take you over into the City and  then you can do whatever from there or you   can take the Subway or or Uber of course so we  were a little bit nervous about this area and   wondering if we asked the Campos Dennis  if it's like safe in this area he goes   because we were wondering if we're going to  be walking back in the dark he said there's   always people on the streets here he said he was  a little nervous when he first came here and I   thought the same thing but apparently there's so  many people always along these streets here where   we're going to be walking coming back that we said  there's nothing to worry about knock on wood huh oh that's cute did you say you thought you read  this was a little Art District umm yeah looks like it I don't know if we told you earlier but  we're getting going over to get on the ferry  okay Green Point ferry. we are? this is the street  we turn on there's that building India Street there's where we're parked see us over there they have a New York City Ferry app that you can  use the app or that little machine right over   there you can get your tickets we just did it from  the machine but we just downloaded the app also   but it's uh four dollars for was that I forgot we  did we just did a one-way yeah yeah that was the   only option one way or that's right yeah so four  dollars each one way so this must be our options   where to go we're winging it we don't even know  where we're going yet we're gonna figure it out some say they don't like the busy streets of the  city or they hate to see the homeless roaming the   streets or other negative things but we can all  find negative and unpleasant things everywhere we   go especially if that's all we choose to  focus on you can also find the beauty in   these same places if you change your mindset  and just look around New York City has some   very old buildings with beautiful architectural  designs that will leave you wondering how they   did such an amazing job back then as well as  some more modern designs but the buildings are   just a very small part of what there is to see  and do in New York City we were here visiting   the Big Apple over 10 years ago and seen much  of the city including Central Park now we are   back to see some things that we didn't get  a chance to see the last time we were here   since it was late in the day on our first day  we decided to just take the ferry over to pier   11 and walk up Wall Street and over to the 911  memorial before finding somewhere to have dinner there's a line lined up on way out here so they  can only take so many on the ferries going back   or you have to wait for the next one the last one  here is going back to where we need to go is at 9   35. if they're full then you're gonna have to  take the Subway or we're going to have to take   you're not or the Uber so we're probably going  to try to take it back a little earlier and make   sure we get the ferry back tomorrow's going  to be a big day we're going to get up early   and uh have a lot of things to see tomorrow but  we're gonna go to the World Trade Center I think   right now aren't we that's our plan that's our  plan we're gonna walk about a 24 minute walk want some nookie I mean gnocchi, gnocchi [church bells ringing] in 1696 Governor Benjamin Fletcher approved  the purchase of land in lower Manhattan   by the church of England Community for  construction of a new church the parish   received its Charter from King William III  on May 6 1697. its land grant specified an   annual rent of 60 bushels of wheat that  church was destroyed in the great New   York City fire of 1776 which started  in the fighting Cox Tavern destroying   between 400 and 500 buildings and houses and  leaving thousands of New Yorkers homeless   construction of the second Trinity Church began  in 1788 and was consecrated in 1790 that church   was torn down after being weakened by severe snows  during the winter of 1838-39 the third and current   Trinity Church began Construction in 1839 and  was finished in 1846. what a beautiful Church   it's called a trinity church and they do allow  you to take pictures and videos just no flash I don't think we can get out this way oh, alright we need to figure out how to get out of here I don't want  to stay in here that's for sure 1760 wow 1767 wow on the top of our list was to stop  at the 911 memorial site to pay our   respects and honor the nearly 3 000  lives that were lost during 9 11. foreign the focal points of the memorial  are two pools each nearly an acre in   size that sit in the footprints of  the former North and South Towers the pools contain the largest  man-made waterfalls in North   America each descending 30 feet into a  square Basin from there the water in each   pool drops another 20 feet and disappears  into a smaller Central void surrounding   the pools are the list of names of  the victims of the 9 11 attacks oh I'm amazed at these robes where people  line up at one time to see the museum wow we made it back and here is the drive-in part of the campgrounds here so there is  a ton of cars here and they've got three   different movies going on here they're  actually putting up more RV sites over   by these those other screens off  to the right pretty cool concept Michelle's getting ready in here this morning so  I went over and I used the restroom it doesn't   look like much that little orangish building  there with the gray door that's actually a   stall it has a bathroom shower and it's better  than a lot of the RV resorts we've stayed in a bit yeah so let's see do we lock the  door I don't know yeah so we were trying   to decide where how we're going to  get to the Statue of Liberty today   and Ellis Island and there was two different ways  there's the subway and the ferry the ferry will   actually take us closer because either way you got  to walk from there to the cruise where we're going   to take to get over to the island so we're going  to take the ferry over there and walk over there   okay so when you come up to this machine if you're  not using the app it's going to ask for English or   Spanish and this is a one-way ticket it's four  dollars you can get 10 ticket pack for 27.50

and then if you want more than one ticket  there's two of you just hit this more tickets   button see it shows it as two keep adding  if you need more tickets and then I hit pay   and then you just uh insert your money or your  card and it'll spit out the tickets down here Pier 11 we stopped here at the Starbucks and got a couple  egg bites and a coffee and shells he's in the   ladies room right now so we're getting ready  to head on over we're really close to where   we're going to get on to the uh the ferry that's  going to take us over to the Statue of Liberty it's only 10 o'clock but we're in line for our 11 o'clock. they say you should get here. 30 minute before at least. thank you. well because you have to get through security and also have to make sure there's room on the ferry. yeah

the time that you buy the ticket for, that's not the ferry time. okay got it? it's not the ferry time you have a little friend on your shoulder. I have a friend on my shoulder? not my friend there she is [music: "this bridge is made of hope" hey yeah a plaster ear you know sometimes I think you have a plaster ear mm hmm America beautiful I love it already pass through rooms and corridors haunted  with a special Stillness which remain   s only in places once noisy with human life we didn't realize that this building  originally burnt in 1897 and which   when this the building looks exact same a lot  of the tile in here it was intact they reused   it and some of the chandeliers for this thing the  stairway used to be in the middle back then but   they rebuilt this the exact same again using some  of the same tiles and chandeliers and it opened in   December of 1900. my grandpa came here in 1906 so  he actually did come through this exact building  

and the lady told me he would have went right  up those stairs and just like we went earlier   so that's kind of exciting and your Grandpa  would have came in at the old place I think   mine came in at Battery Park um Garden what  was used prior to LSI London yeah I know it's   exciting for us not so much for you sorry but  you're sharing it with you we didn't get near   as much done as we thought we were today yes and  we got to get up early tomorrow because we have   a time set to go on The Today Show so  hopefully we're gonna get to go there well   you should explain what the not on the today oh  no just out in the plaza the plaza for the Today   Show you know you got to go online you gotta  put your name in and register basically yeah so we're gonna go eat get cleaned up go there  and then we're going to stay a little bit longer   tomorrow so that we can do some other  things tomorrow we're going to finish   up what we didn't do today tomorrow  and then we're gonna go heading to   Hershey goodbye I'm gonna eat at a  place called poorly geez anyway yeah   holy geez it's good stuff 4.5 kind of like  I don't know thousands of people oh poor oh geez so fancy but two stinky sweaty people yeah On My Own Strength oh my goodness Place big salad s Wally geez we're no winner chicken didn't  no we have pizza dude no you have pizza I had   a really good salad okay we'll quickly like  that we're sorry we'll see you in the morning it's early we're heading down to the  Rockefeller Center we had to get up early   we decided that we're gonna take Uber  this morning so that we can make sure   we get there in time because you have to  be at the uh the plaza between 6 and 6 15.   and we didn't want to take the Subway because it  goes one location and you have to get off walk   and go to another location and we weren't  sure we would be able to make it in time made it we're supposed to go is 35 West 48th  Street so people line up early because it's   the first time first serve basis after you  sign up even though you sign up and you're   accepted you still have to wait in line and  they only let something hit and here it is   where they do their Today Show yay we made it! we made it! we're here! and a front row after the show we decided to take a tour  to the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center they say that no trip to New York  City is complete without a visit to the   ultimate observation deck the top of the  Rocks three levels of indoor and outdoor   observation decks deliver spectacular  unobstructed views of the city skyline we're on Top of the Rock. wooo

you can clearly tell you can't see  even a drop in a bucket of all the   tall buildings that there are in New York City but it's it's it's kind of  it's kind of expensive for   what you get to do right yeah but what  it is an item for a lot of people yeah next we walk down to the Empire  State Building to take in some   more spectacular views and check  off one more bucket list item it's   about 15 blocks away from Rockefeller  Center which took us 20 minutes to walk we are here it was about  double the price to come here this guy back here Stephen Wiltshire 2017 took a   45-minute helicopter ride and then took  five days to draw this all from memory this morning if you remember now  we're going to take the subway and um we're gonna call it a day we gotta get driving  we've been here at New York City a few years   back I didn't have a video on it but we've seen  a lot of stuff but we don't have time to see   anything else all right we need to get the F train  this is a lot cheaper than Uber by the way too you guys ready to go to Hershey time to  get on the road and we're ret-ta-go! don't forget to subscribe to our Channel  click that little Bell and hit that thumbs up see you next week

2023-10-12 19:36

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