TOURING My Rural Japanese Inspired Island! [Elysium]

TOURING My Rural Japanese Inspired Island! [Elysium]

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hello hello hello everybody man I I feel nostalgic  being here like this it it reminds me of my very   first stream it's kind of crazy that we're we're  finally here at the end of this island guys my   name is stny if you're new here welcome back to  Animal Crossing Today We are touring my Island   elisium um I really shouldn't have got out of  that already see I'm already it is just like my   first stream I don't know what I'm doing still  um I hope you're all doing very well today what   is today Wednesday happy Wednesday um elisium is  a rural Japan kind of gibl Countryside inspired   Island I suppose um I've been working on this for  about a year now um and yeah I don't know we've   we've put a lot of hard work into this island  I really love it and yeah I guess let's just   get right into it shall we um I set the dream  address so let me go ahead and do that fancy if   it will work hello there we go so we have a dream  address for alysium now um it's set at around this   time during cherry blossom season and yeah feel  free to check it out if you like it has been so   long I like it's a little over a year now like  let's see it's the 19th I think I started like   June 15th or 16th or something so about a year  on this island pretty pretty good timing I guess   I would say I definitely didn't plan this but  um thanks for being here in nland um trying to   think of a good place to start to be honest I  guess let's go this way so here's the entrance   pretty simple I've got some train tracks I have  arrived hey datsu glad to have you here buddy   um you you didn't get here late we kind of just  started um I'm flies when you're suffering in the   South yeah I guess so you're not wrong you were  there for the bulk of the time I've been working   on this so that's kind of funny to think about  um so yeah let's just get started we got this   little bless stop right in the front of town along  the road and if you go down this road we have a   little gas station going on um I'm curious to see  whose houses I'm actually going to be able to go   into I decorated the inside of Tad's house like a  little convenience store I I'll be sorry for not   checking in look I'm just happy when you guys are  here you know like we don't worry about the other   stuff um this was one of the was this the first  build I did I think it might be I can't honestly   remember but I think this might be my very first  build so it's PR fitting that I'm showing this   one off first I don't think I actually changed  it at all I still really love this build it's   honestly still one of my favorites I love this  little I love these gacha machines have we done   these in real life Guys these are the most fun  things ever it's like serotonin we basically have   the same exact thing here in America but I don't  know they make my little brain happy so but yeah   I love this build um just below that we got this  little parking area nothing too crazy end of the   train tracks got a lot of these dirty cars around  cuz I feel like my island is just a little little   not dirty but a little dingy you know a little  old a little worn in um I guess we're going   this way first then so there's a bunch of things  you can do over here we'll start on the beach cuz   the beach is pretty simple just a little Beach  uh Little Beach Surf Shack and then we have got   little changing area vending machines Recycling  and all that it's not dingy it's rustic you're   right you're so right um played some gotcha  machines when I was in Japan oh no did you   get the same character man when the stars align  and you get the exact thing you want out of a   gacha machine it's truly The Best Day Ever um so  here back up we' got a little uh privacy Ramen   stand where you can get your order and eat your  dinner in peace and not worry about socializing   and stuff like that I saw one of these online and  I thought it was very cool cuz I think you just   fill out your order on a piece of paper and then  they just kind of pass it to you through like a   privacy booth and you just have this little booth  that you can have your Ramen in or whatever food   you're having in I assume they maybe do more than  just ramen at some of them but I don't know um I   changed that little Weir open sign above it cuz I  thought that looked cute um you could get a nice   little little picture moment here if you decid  to come visit it sounds like my luck you have   pretty good luck in those I feel like we'll go up  first um up from there which I don't think Kiki   is home either but we have a little Bakery  we have Kiki's Delivery Service if you will   our Lu now hell yeah communism but yeah Kiki has  a little Bakery set up um I really like the inside   of it I'm hoping that you will be able to see  it in the da I'm not exactly sure if you will   be um but then if you go through the bakery you  have Ye Old video shop remember when those used   to exist yeah me neither he use delivery surface  yeah yeah I have a I think I only have two gibl   references in here but um I had to put some in  you know whenever I open any Blind Bags yeah I   have way worse luck with blind bags than gacha  machines I feel like the few gacha machines I've   like most of the stuff I've gotten got a button  of my favorite character once that really made   my day better um but yeah the little video shop  kind of tucked in trees behind I did this pretty   early on too I don't even remember I think it was  when we were hunting God who are we hunting for I   don't know but Kiki kept showing up on my hunt and  then I decided that she need needed to live on my   Island because she's my favorite villager and I  simply could not resist cuz I found her like two   or three times on a hunt which was crazy cuz cats  are kind of rarer to find the one you want you   know so um next to all that going on we had this  uh construction site which I I got inspiration   for this whole kind of stairs area online I'm  going to try to link all of the references and   um like I referenced pictures on Pinterest and a  few videos so I'm going to try to link all this   and hunt them down in the description of this  VOD when that comes out but um yeah I I I like   the construction when all the new stuff came out I  really wanted to use it cuz my last Island was not   very modern Molly is still here yeah yeah we'll  get to Molly um I'm hope we'll be able to go in   her house maybe I I think you'll like what I did  with Molly's house but um yeah I wanted to use all   this uh construction Furniture I just thought it  was all so fun and I like all the scaffolding and   stuff I've kind of placed around yeah I couldn't  let Mol go um kind of this isn't really the way I   intend to walk around the island Val has arrived  everybody welcome buddy thanks for being here um   but beside the construction I have a little kind  of area where I feel like the construction workers   maybe chill out eat their eat their lunch drink  their pop stuff like that hope you're doing good   today though um yeah so let's go this way to our  most recent build I guess um our Rock Garden can   you call it that I think it came out really cute  but I don't know if it really is much of a rock   garden I tried I don't know why I thought making a  rock garden on the peninsula would be the greatest   decision just with placing and stuff um I went  in a bit over my head with this one I think we'll   we'll try to plan a bit more ahead on the next  one H good point yeah un fortunately tank I did   not get him back in time for the tour I'm afraid I  don't know I feel like I might need to have him on   my next Island to to pay back all of the all of us  who Miss tank I miss tank I'm going to be real um   but yeah this was a the last build that we did we  have a little rock garden kind of like a monument   area of sorts I'm not exactly sure I didn't even  talk about my outfit that's what I want to talk   about at the beginning I I dished my sweater  at the last second in favor of the Frog shirt   because I thought that would be fun I think this  was one of the first shirts we got in the game   actually but I thought it was cute I thought it  was springy what the [ __ ] you have Dad on your   shirt where's the Tank tank we're going to have  to we're going to have to find I'm really just   rubbing salt in your wound that CAD is on this  island and not tank poor Tad he doesn't deserve   all this you know when does beardo make appearance  honestly I'm thinking I'm going to save beardo as   the grand finale I think I think that's what I've  decided um we'll come back to this area but these   beaches are just pretty plain I just put some wave  Breakers and such and then over here they got a   little picnic yeah don't spoil it beardo is at the  end he will come don't you worry yeah we got this   little picnic area I feel like this is another  cute little like Photo area like that's pretty   Dam cute right I don't know I've outdone myself  I'm just kidding um but yeah just a little picnic   area probably could have benefited from me putting  a little blanket down but hey you live and you   learn yeah those little treats they look so good  all the food in this game looks delicious like   look at this little Sushi H I'm so sad Coco is not  home no one's home I want to show off their houses   it's going to be like the houses I decorated like  normal houses at her home um but this is Coco's   house I turned it into a conveyor belt sushi  restaurant she's she's slacking on the job gosh   Coco get back to workk it's been sitting out for a  while yeah it's just got all these cherry blossoms   sticking out of it good stuff but um I really like  the way this build came out um I guess check out   the building houses video if you want to see it  since Coco is not going to be home right now cuz   I really like that one I I like the way we use  the conveyor belts I thought that was really   cool that build was a lot of fun um and then next  to the conveyor belt Sushi we have a little Boba   food truck get your Boba there's some little  tables yeah go up to the truck get your boba   um okay we'll go back that way it's kind of  an awkward area cuz we're kind to going to   have to repeat a little bit but that's  okay um if you come up this way on the   road this is kind of like you can drive on  this road but it's like it's a known dead   end unless you take the turn that way but  um we got just have these little side shops   you know little little walkways little side  shops so you can get whatever you need from   little bikes little little fake buildings and  such let's see let's go this way this reminds me   of yeah it does remind me of my first video right  like it's kind of making me super nostalgic I'm   kind of just like what is this is this feelings  we getting Boba hell yeah we getting Boba um so   over here is kind of like tucked away that I  basically made this little faux tunnel that   like goes under this big bridge that I made out  of land so it doesn't look like a fake tunnel   but you know we pretend we pretend um nothing too  crazy over here just a little the vending machine   area look how far we come a our little girls  grown up um yeah just the road let's go this way um back here we just have a little back alley  situation kind of behind the sushi restaurant   there's some fish and boxes they're getting their  new stock in you know I remember that too you're   killing roaches left and right I was just stomping  on roaches I'm probably going to stomp on even   more roaches today um I really like I like a lot  of these backstore areas I've done though just cuz   I like I like cram and cardboard boxes all over  the place no wonder there's so many roaches on my   Island the blood bath of 23 um back in this corner  so this is a little internet slash obviously real   life reference because a YouTuber I watched named  Sophia niggard when she went to Japan once she   found this little Alleyway of vending machines  and I wanted to make this little vending machine   corner just crammed full of a bunch of vending  machines and I really love this little area I   think it came out super freaking cute I just  love all the crap I kind of stuffed back here   like I love the random shopping cart you know like  someone's just chilling reading a book chilling   in this Alleyway you know I don't know I think  this area is cute also I didn't know what to do   at this place so you know why not shove a bunch of  vending machines there um and then when you come   this way you kind of get into a more naturey part  of the island there's a few of those not too many   but um this is the campsite all right I want to  see what time we're at I need to not fly through   this too much um but this is campsite we got we  got little Maps kind of like hiking and stuff and   little campsite sign little bike obviously the  actual campsite tent um and yeah just a chill   kind of cozy little area rast marshmallows and  stuff ah nature exactly you get it you get me man   I love roasted marshmallows that's a god tier  snack okay just like anybody who doesn't like   roasting marshmallows we have beef now um but  yeah back here just another little tent little   little Shrine in case you want to uh say anything  quick on your way through I'm going then back   here behind the campsite we have a little onsan  area just a little chill place to you know soak   and Vibe and all that take care of yourself I love  all these little like hot spring items it it looks   cozy back here I do need to walk slow because  of the lag I also realize I need to get some   of my notes out because I got to accurately talk  about some parts of the island where are my notes   apparently I have misplaced them that's not good  um if I can't find them we're just going to have   to do our best also I spun my headphone jack  around before before stream started I really   pulled a classic get up from my desk and not  take my headphones off so it just yo off my   my Noggin and I didn't think people did that in  real life but here I am um I don't know where   my notes are also so we're just going to do our  best what do you mean marshmallows don't know if   I've ever had any have you not had marshmallows  before I'm like I need you to explain um but yeah   just a little hot spring on sin I like this I  think it's cute I always like to decorate the   beaches because I don't know I feel like people  skip over the beaches I think I said this in my   first stream probably but I like decorating them  I think it is fun it's also really challenging   ing which is kind of fun you're not too late hello  I was like we're going to backtrack a bit anyway   so no worries hey thanks for being here welcome to  the tour I'm back through the vending machines I   love that build so much um and then this I guess  we're wandering upon not really but kind of our   semi first sort of anime inspired build basically  skate the infinity is one of my favorite shs and   I wanted to make a skate park in a city so that's  what I did um and this one is so fun to me it's   like very out of my comfort zone just a lot  of really weird layering and stuff and I just   think it's a lot of fun um not as big of a thing  over here really interesting cuz it's just like   whipped I guess it's not always egg white but  like sugar and stuff so interesting but yeah I   really like the skate park there's a lot of stuff  tucked into into like the nooks and crannies you   know like I can't actually get over there and also  tilting down like that is highlighting the fen is   being it even but um yeah I just crammed really  as much as I physically could cuz this kind of   corner was a little bit awkward to try and line  up these inclines which I used for little ramps   that I did definitely see online and definitely  did not come up with that on my own someone else   did something else maybe it was just different  inclines I think I could have sworn people use   like a Furniture item too that was slightly  different than this but um I really like these   blue inclines I probably wouldn't use these  under barely normal circumstances and I think   the pop blue is very fun and yeah you can just do  trick shots and make my Island explode and watch   everything LIF into the backround anyway  um just just a little skate park lots of   lots of skateboards Ling all over obviously  another vending machine it's debatable whether   vending machine or this fence is my most used item  on this island probably I use entirely too many um   okay I think that is it for that little section  Shon egg game he is on X Games we'll go this way   cuz it's kind of not a ton going on so this this  is kind of like a little walk up Alleyway that   just brings us back to the convenience store Ramen  place um I just wanted to do like a little walking   Alleyway with like little buildings kind of lining  it and making it kind of narrow and like not like   claustrophobic but just you know like there's  pathing you have to go certain ways kind of stuff   love the vending machines everywhere honestly I  just I always see those vending machines I punch   my mic I always do clearly I need to work on that  but um I always see the little vending machines   all over Japan and they just have such fun things  in them and I want to try all of it got to put   those Crocs in sport mode absolutely I wish there  was Crocs in this game I feel like that'd be funny   um but yeah anyway just a little just little  Alleyway kind of situation back here is the car   of the convenience store owner I made it blue  because tank used to live there and we decided   blue would be good for tank so technically it's  probably still tanks car um I'm trying to think   directionally where we should go I think we'll  stick to down here this brings you to the square   everybody knows here we got the flag I like the  way I kind of um tied everything around like kind   of enclosed it a bit I think that's fun I don't  know I like surrounding things and like Cliffs and   stuff and making it feel kind of sunken in I guess  I think that's fun I need Crocs IRL I've never had   them oh my gosh you guys talking about Crocs um  trying to think let's go this way let's go this   way first um so speaking of Molly now we're at  Miss Molly's house and she is home M manga Molly   has a little manga SL bookstore um so some other  little anime references that I wasn't quite sure   how to like make full builds for cuz what am  I going to do with Attack on Titan on like a   relatively contemporary Island but I love Attack  on Titan so I had to include some little Attack   on Titan manga over there on the right some hor  Mia on the left we love a romance um but let's go   inside it's funny that this one is like Molly's  home because the inside of this is honestly   L not actually my most favorite buil um compared  to the other houses I made Molly does sell manga   in Molly's manga store exactly you get this beardo  is the Beast Titan clearly I should make an attack   on Titan Island and beardo should be the Boost  TI I like the way you think um but yeah just a   little cozy kind of manga shop I wanted to Crocs  are dran experience I like how the Crocs keep keep   coming um the inside of this isn't my favorite I  wanted it to like balance with like bright colors   of it like looking more like a manga section but  also because everything on this island is kind   of not retro but like you know this isn't like  this island isn't 2024 you know this island is   maybe like 80s or '90s I feel like perhaps maybe  the early 2000s I don't know but so I wanted it   to look a little bit dingier like how everything  else on the island kind of looks and I'm not sure   that it all really goes together but um you  know it's still cute you can still get you   books here get you some ultra rare Cowboy  bbot manga that goes for like a bajillion   dollars online can't say it one time fast say  that five times fast yall are a trip hi Mary   what's up bestie I forgot she calls me ESP  beans it might be I could be totally wrong love the Crocs talk should I get Crocs let me  know as beans have you heard there's going to   be a fishing Journey oh I haven't played a single  fishing diry on this file I love Molly she's so   stinking sweet um but yeah she got a little  checkout counter just a bunch of books little   Globe the choices you make in home furnishings  are based on your innermost desires but that's   not the case for me at all wow I built her house  she said I do not like that Globe jeez okay on   that note let's go we should get Crocs we need to  do that like uh buy4 sale again I forget what it   was and convince everybody to get Crocs um let's  go this way okay so it looks like micho's home so   next on the house docket I guess we're really just  going in order like this but michino has our Fancy   Sushi restaurant so there's a lot of buildings in  this area area it's kind of like this is like the   city area you know so we're we're exploring our  businesses at this moment I don't need convincing   to get cracks speaking of cooking a what was there  I think a table so she's kind of messing with the   vibe a little bit but that's okay I already that  those are butterflies I thought those were Rous   I was like wao what are they doing to I'll take  a free pair exactly we get you the free pair so   where is the Nicholas Cage Shrine you know I  never I never included Nick Cage maybe I will   on the next Island somehow because vampires could  potentially be relevant and it wasn't he recently   in that terrible vampire movie I forgot about  the Nick CAG on this island I really really   did um anyway let me get off shino's dialogue  called multitasking Sunny have you heard of it   already know that recipe apparently says maybe but  means no way in hell I got to give you guys hope   you know um but yeah this is the sushi restaurant  just a little cozy fancy place you know I got a   nice little bar little Sushi want sushi I haven't  had sushi in a minute um but I like this place it   reminds me of um hobo which is a place that we  used to go to when we were in college and it's   still probably my favorite Sushi plat ever which  is insane because it's in the mountains so tell   me how that makes sense look at youo thinking but  yeah Shino is the owner of the sushi restaurant I   love the red wallpaper I just love The Vibes  in here you know let's keep reminding her of   this the cage requires tribute Jesus Christ I'll  include vampires on the next Island and we'll say   that's a Nick Cage reference that's about as  good as I can do you um speaking of the next   Island stay tuned till to the end and we're going  to do our next Island reveal oo Stay Stay excited   um but yeah Sushi sush um and then we have another  building that we're immediately going to go into   cuz we haven't watched National Treasure 2  yet oh my God stop trying to make National   Treasure 2 happen um this is a little outdoor  seating area in case you take your sushi to   go I suppose um and then right next door to  the fancy sush is a bar not is any bar this   is Lupin bar this is a bar that exists in real  life and also makes a special guest appearance   in another one of my favorite anime bungo stray  dogs and I just love the way this came out I   think it's so fun um basically it's just not a  Speak Easy but kind of like a very small quaint   place like there's only a few seats and it's  like this long bar like this and basically the   you come into it like you go downstairs and it's  just like this narrow little room like basically   cut off the other half of the room kind of kind  of experience but I wanted to make it based off   that cuz one I would love to go there one day two  I wanted to include bungo St dogs because I love   bngo St dogs and three it's a beautiful place in  real life so I like the way this came out so much   I don't know what else to say I just like it all  the jars up there I think is fun I downloaded that   plate and cup pattern specifically for this  I never changed the exterior of this building   before I put up the dream address whoops that's  my bad oopsie um but yeah cozy little pool table   um I I wanted to include some writing references  because the characters in bungo are based off the   real life authors of the same name so I wanted to  include just a bunch of books writing areas you   know this is where the the authors are come and  chill even though that was I guess a variety of   times depending on which characters SL real life  people you're referring to but um got to catch   Willie watch Wily's Wonderland the cage plays a  silent protag Tilly but fun discount FNAF that's   insane the hell is Willy's Wonderland and why  does it sound like Willy Wonka but horror cuz I   guess that's exactly what it is that's freaking  ridiculous I love that wow um yeah not much   else to say about this room I tried to mimic the  lighting um as best as I could to kind of resemble   how it looks in real life to as much as you can  in Animal Crossing you know but I think it came   out okay I like that staining glass light a lot oh  I just our first victim of the night rest in peace sir rest in peace it's not too far off actually I  got to go what has happened you come back for one   stream and now we're talking about Nick Cage  again I did not sign up for this anyway let's   continue roach kills do they put the kids into the  candy I hope it is like horror Willy Wonka um so   through this kind of little Alleyway Behind these  buildings we have a bunch of things we've got a   post office kind of nestled in here kind of kind  of shoved in here a little bit but um honestly I   just missed the post office in the original Animal  Crossing so much so I was like you know what I'm   making a post office and there's nothing anybody  can do to stop me so that is the main reason of   this build because boy do I miss Pete in the  post office um but yeah just little packages   overflowing everywhere it's kind of like a array  of buildings here like the post office takes up   quite a bit of space but then there's like maybe a  little Mom and Pop onstop Shop there's some homes   up top kind of apartments that we will look into  as we go around um that's why I'm back to talk   about the glory of the cage my gosh you guys are  something else um just a little rest area over   here probably for the postal workers to come eat  their lunch outside if they want or something have   a little picnic by the cliff side um and then when  you come back here yeah you get not only a view of   all these little upstairs Apartments you know the  little kind of overhead view but also the big ass   Lake because apparently I can't make an island  without a big ass Lake um it's hard to get a view   of all of it to be honest cuz it's a pretty pretty  big damn Lake um this was fun this took me way too   long probably I like all the petals floating over  it though that's really cute more like they eat   the kids what um sorry what is the abbreviation I  IC mean again I feel like a grandpa I'm like what   does that mean that like one of those lol's God  get me off the internet what she doing go back to   bed grandpa um it does sound like a movie you  and nylon should watch for horror movie night   you're honestly completely right um I made a lot  of these little like upstairs apartments in a lot   of my fake buildings though and I'm a big fan I  feel like I really came into it throughout the   building process you know um speaking of fake  buildings over here we got a school I really   do like how this came out um this really this one  really took some trial and error me writing that   down cuz I was too scared to ask oh my God I love  it oh if I remember correctly I'm thinking that   you're talking about something else no that makes  sense okay I know I've like looked it up before   it's one of those things it's like that one and  there's another one I never remember but this is   the school just your your really run-of-the-mill  school with those classic kind of Windows love   her got I put this little basketball out here  last minute I don't remember if I did that on   stream or not I feel like I didn't though I ran  by this little water fountain um yeah there's   really not a ton to say about this besides that I  like it little multi story moment no it's fine you   don't have to clarify I just had to get caught  up um by the School obviously there's a little   bus stop got to love a little bus stop I love  these little retro Transportation stops I think   they're so sweet I am a big fan um but yeah kind  of a similar situation on this side to the other   if you come all the way over here this connects  to the bridge and then there's just cars driving   on through we have a little truck delivering stuff  not not delivering to any of these buildings but   like you know know just how you see trucks on  the road by the way how much time did all this   take to build um do you mean like a specific build  or just like the whole island in general whole L   whole island in general basically about a year cuz  basically like a few days ago was like my kind of   oneyear stream aniversary I probably should have  done something like celebrated or something but   um I did not do that um but yeah about a year on  all this especially since we kind of added some   other games in there in the meantime so a little  bit under SL over a year this was supposed to be   done like weeks ago I've just had stuff coming up  cuz you know sometimes life comes up but pretty   happy with it overall um so if we come back down  from the school we got another little boba shop   because I had the sign and clearly I had to make  more than one Boba place because I love Boba um   Boba boba's life Bobo is everything yeah we have  this little little place tucked in how did that   feel been streaming for a year now oh God it's  crazy cuz it feels like longer but also not that   long I recently not recently maybe like a bit ago  was kind of just like checking the quality of the   vods I upload and I like peaked at my like very  first stream for like a few minutes and like I   feel like I don't sound as nervous as I was when  I first started started you know I also can't   believe it was year cuz yeah just last summer  that's when I was started it's crazy though but   I I think I definitely did not sound as nervous  as I actually felt um and yeah now it's I don't   know I felt I guess weirdly nervous today just  because like I felt really nostalgic but um it's   just funny how like night and day it feels you  know cuz I'm kind of just like Yep this is what   we've been doing versus last time I was like oh  my God I hope I hope everybody likes it and stuff   like that but yeah I can't believe it's been a  year um I put these little trash cans on the side   of the road just cuz I thought it was cute City  you know whatever um but yeah I don't know I'm   just happy to be here man um okay let's go this  way we're kind of backtracking a bit we're going   to we're going to backtrack a little bit on this  island it's okay I don't think I got the pathing   down fully cuz you can't really loop as much as  I would like um but if you come this way this is   another one are super early builds it's the the  nuke shop never thought you sounded nervous at   all wow honestly that's that's so funny that you  don't think I sounded nervous I don't know I feel   like really by like I don't know it's it's weird  because like doing the streams themselves after   just a few I was like yeah okay like I'm just  playing Animal Crossing you know yeah I like   the way I I rearranged it slightly did you just  hear me completely lose train of thought in the   middle of me talking that's so funny I really  like the front of the store but um but yeah I   just like I don't know I definitely would always  be nervous on my stream days but um actually doing   it was like so different than like waiting to do  it I guess that's kind of a thing I'm a person who   like when I have to wait is when I get nervous  versus actually doing the thing like you know   going to the doctor doing whatever it ends up fine  when you do it you know but um just waiting I get   nervous but um definitely definitely probably am  not anymore I feel like I've really gotten into it   CU we just kind of all chill together and do the  thing I guess I don't know um but yeah this is a   Nook store anyway every time I hear the shooting  star sound my brain is like Star oh that's right   I don't have my my game on so I don't even hear it  that's so funny um let's go this way first because   this is kind of like the back side of the store  we got obviously more vending machines and ABD   love her you get a lot of more time to convince  yourself that'll be scarier yeah that's kind of   the thing well I mean gosh before that I had been  ready to stream like I don't even know at least a   year but then I kept chickening out and getting  nervous just cuz I don't know I was like what if   people who were mean to me when I was in high  school find it and make fun of me and you know   just dumb stuff like that just get in my own head  but then I was like you know what like I want to   play Animal Crossing again so I'm going to stream  and use that as an excuse so that is exactly what   I did um I don't know I'm not like a super  successful streamer or anything but I guess my   my hype of the day if you want to stream just do  it cuz it's fun um yeah I don't know that's that's   the best tip I have I don't know about analytics  and all that I'm just here to have a good time   was so hyped to start and then you got so nervous  when you actually started yeah I don't know again   it was kind of like that thing where it's just  like the day of stream I was like oh my gosh I'm   streaming again today and then I'd start I'd  be like yeah okay we're playing um but anyway   behind the store we have a little seating area for  the nooks to take their breaks eat their little   snackies um and yeah just Just Trucks unloading I  I got that designed to make an actual Nook truck I   like that a lot I think that's fun just do it Shia  would be proud of you oh Shia as in Shia little   buff never mind I was like who's Shia I was like  she sounds nice oh my God I'm such a middle-aged   mother SLG grandfather maybe it's grandfather  I hope I give more Grandpa Vibes than than Gen   X your Vibes um but yeah we got a little garbage  I feel like I should have put more trash here to   be honest it just feels a little lonely he running  with a knife um but yeah that's the nooks that's   one of the other earlier builds we do I feel like  I'm all over the place trying to tour this um but   yeah then we have their little bike parking  obviously I feel like everyone always does   little tricycles or two bikes to symbolize the  nooks and their parking situation and I simply   could not resist I also had to do that I love  that little bike sign I think that thing is   the cutest I don't know something about it it  really just it makes my brain go bur you know   a lot of the design codes I really love I really  I want to on the next Island I want to actually   write down all the codes I use and have them  somewhere in case people actually want them   because this island I simply just did not write  them down um where do I want to be sorry I want   to be here actually I thought I needed to go  around for whatever reason um this is another   early little fa building we did I love the red  Transportation stop I think that one's a lot of   fun I like how oblong it kind of is on the right  side but yeah this is just a little cafe kind of   area outside of nooks and all that little table  little chilling I made these little like buildings   I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to be  but just just to fill in space add structure   and stuff um so this way you can kind of cut  go through to the nooks um let's go this way   and then here we have another little Beach area  pretty simple just some surf boards and of course   more little references so I couldn't simply make  a whole island without referencing haq because we   all know I love haq it's just a little volleyball  boys doing their thing um and Gulliver apparently   he he's just resting he can stay there but yeah um  ever since they added the new volleyball net I was   like I got to do beach volleyball you know like  I I just got to so I added a little volleyball   cart the little score sheet and yeah just a little  Jersey be like hey volleyball bro did get knocked   out by the ball he's just like Canada for real  anyway have a good nap golier see you next time   take care buddy yeah I like that little beach I  think that one's one of my favorites just cuz it's   pretty pretty simple um but yeah little little  area little vending machine little capsule machine   not sure why one would just be on the street the  train tracks continue over the bridge and so do   he's face down in the water kind of he's just he's  just water boarding himself at this point um okay   when you come I like how I just moved on I'm like  he's just waterboarding himself anyway he's on the   beach he's just taking a nap he wanted the sand  kept him warm he just want to take a nap um so   right over the bridge we have the train station  I like this one I think it's cute this one I also   was inspired by I can't remember who but but  um I found that little sign and just thought   it was darling you know so had to use it I think  I saw that and I was like I have to make a train   station literally because of this but I like the  like old like Town kind of I'm the train tracks   feel you know like I love these little piles  where's the balloon at I didn't even see it which   way is it oh there it is go if it was like right  here I would understand it's like so out of the   way you guys always want me to go get balloons  how to Traverse I have to go back over so I think   we'll go like in a circle let's go clockwise is  that clockwise no that's counterclockwise we're   going counterclockwise the island looks absolutely  amazing thank you I really put my heart and soul   into it I I I really just wasn't familiar with  City stuff at all so I'm very pleased at how   it came out I can't take complete credit I got a  lot of inspiration which is why like I said I'm   going to try and give credit to everything that  I could physically find because a lot of this I   did not come up with on my own because I don't  think I physically could for City Island to be   honest hopefully my next one will have a few  more original designs but and I gave my own   twist to pretty much everything but I definitely  had some help along the way the Animal Crossing   girlies on Pinterest truly are a lifesaver um  here on this beach is just kind of a little   you know little shower station kind of get sand  off you type thing why does that look like Boomer   bile it kind of does actually I make a left 4  dead themed Island it's my next city island is   going to be a zombie infected Island that would be  kind of cool actually I don't know how you would   incorporate houses into that Boomer but that would  be kind of funny actually so maybe if every single   Island doesn't take me an entire year to complete  cuz if that that's the case we're talking like 5   years ahead of time at this point cuz I have like  another idea after the next one I don't know if   I'll actually do that though get to the boat um  Lion tone great so coming from that area when   you get over here you have a liman in his little  fish shop the Lyman is a fisherman I made him it   will take us a year to beat do not say that almost  there gosh I don't know if any of you play left or   dead it's it's like a old school zombie shooter  not is it is it it feels crazy to call it old   school it came out in like 2008 but we we've been  stuck on a level for I don't even know how long   too long um but anyway this is lyman's fish shop  I really inspired it by Willies um from starter   Valley and I think that really comes through maybe  not in the colors but in this kind of front setup   I really like how that turned out CLA is so cute  I'm glad we got her I should say hi to them well   this isn't a coincidence what a pleasant Pleasent  Pleasant surprised to see you here nlet you're so   cute I love her I didn't know you were friendly  with lman I'm friends with everybody on this   island what do you mean we should all sit down  with a nice mug of heral tea and have a chat I   can't see L and drinking herbal tea I'm going  to be honest um but yeah I love this little   fish shop I love can I get through I don't think  so they're kind of in the way I wanted to scoot   behind the counter and talk to Lyman I love Lyman  I'm really glad we got him too cuz I think it was   like between him and Gonzo for me for koalas but  I really I'm happy with lman h oops I completely   forgot I left my fish container out I guess now  you know the big secret to my aerobics routine oh   I forgot Lyman is a jock and not lazy Chester  is lazy I don't know why I got them mixed up   in my head that's funny let's keep this between  you and me okay I remember being like please get   him yeah I'm really happy that we decided on him  maybe I can actually get through now oh yeah there   we go but yeah just a little fish shop I do think  it really looks like Willies which makes me happy   I would also kind of love to make a stardy valley  Island actually like make Pelican Town kind of one   for one that would be really fun this is just  becoming a stard dud Channel I guess apparently   but yeah super simple I really like this house  his is one of them I think I say most of them   are one of my favorites to be honest but I really  love the way the inside of that came out and I   especially love the exterior because not only  does he have his little shop but he also has a   little fish market and I love this build so much  H I love it so much I love the way everything's   crammed in here I love the lights we've got his  little fishing boat I love it I I love it I love   this one so much I think this is still maybe my  favorite build because it's just like I love all   the fish items you know I love these containers  and the outdoor air conditioning we all know how   much I love the outdoor air conditioning um I  love these like drying racks the barrels like   this is just a bunch of my favorite items combined  into one build and I love that little that little   design cat on the stall too just like the little  net I just think it's all so much fun I love this   build oh my gosh and these these fish trays look  at that Big Tuna the Tank's way too small for him   um I love these little fish trays though I think  those are so much fun too and yeah I just I love   this build I love all the the fish in their in  their little uh what are those called tanks I was   going to say jars I was like that's not right  I love this whole area it's it's definitely   still one of my favorites and I love the way I  incorporate the dock into it too this I think   I just came up with um and it's pretty simple  but I just shove some stuff here you know and   I just think it's real cute you know how much I  love the outdoors thought you were going to say   you know how much I love the outdoors I do love  the outdoors what do you mean look I love the   outdoors but it just needs to be a specific type  of outdoors I don't like Concrete in the middle of   summer I do love the mountains in any relatively  cool month um let's see let's go this way even   though again not really the way I have planned  to walk through here um but yeah this is kind   of the area lead I could have just walked back  that's what I should have done that would have   been better and more organic cuz basically you can  take this path back up from lyman's house I like   I just added this random little cone to the train  tracks but I really like it I don't know why I'm   very happy with this whole little area yeah cross  back over the train checks you kind of are back in   this not really Park but kind of parksh area with  the pretty little Fountain speaking of what time   is it okay we might not get to see that go off I'm  afraid um but yeah just a little seating area back   by the train station you can sit and VI look at  the look at the fountain I added that light which   I think is nice in the area um and then if you  come through here they have a little market that's   all kinds of stuff little games little treats  um I I made this build kind of around New Year's   so I guess it kind of gives like a New Year's  Festival kind of vibe but um obviously it's not   New Year's anymore it's cherry blossom season  but I know they do festivals kind of all year   round so what Festival this is specifically I do  not know but I think it's cute and I really liked   being able to use this game I think that's a lot  of fun and I haven't used those items yet really   either but yeah there's just a bunch of shops  you know there's a bunch of food bunch of boxes   I kind of wanted to make it so it was like a bit  like a maze and kind of tucked in here and you   have to go through all of it I Like This Little  Light walkway thought that was a lot of fun and   yeah just wanted to add there's more more fish  market stuff probably lime stock there's like   games and toys and ice cream and dessert and  stuff and I think the festival Vibe is a lot   of fun um going up these beaches pretty simple  I made a random little lavender farm just to   fill space just to chill and then back here  we have a little tea house nice little tea   house I honestly I guess you I was going to say I  wish I put a cushion here but you can't actually   put a cushion like underneath these but um yeah  just a little tea house let me do one of these   hard to show it because the Palm Tre is in the  way a little bit I just want to make a little   tea house building kind of situation overlooking  the water and stuff I don't even remember when I   did this wasn't that long ago but I say now  like build wise like it's probably been like   quite a few months since I've done this but build  wise it was probably like 3 or four ago maybe I   don't honestly know um but yeah just just a simple  little area I wanted to make the little tea house   and I like it overlooking the water I thought  that was nice another little Shrine I wish I   put moss on that but that's okay and yeah just  just very simple little beach um the rocks are   always interesting to build with cuz it's kind of  like what can you put on them you know um but yeah   let us go and I know I said the fish market was my  favorite build but but this might be my favorite   build cuz this is a build you know like this is  this is a big boy um so this I based on let me   hang on I can't access my computer that's a weird  thing to say but I basically base this on um can't   remember if it's shinjo or Shinto now off the top  of my head I did a bunch of research basically I   wanted to make this respectfully accurate to like  real life shrines that you find in Japan and such   but um yeah you walk you walk through the Tor you  bow perhaps not through everyone I don't think but   yeah I just made this Shrine area and I really I  think it came out really beautiful I really like   how Serene it is up here compared to the rest  of the island you know I like the stairs kind   of leading up to it just feels like secluded you  know um and I really enjoy that but yeah I did   a lot of research in this video and now I can't  remember everything I looked up but this is kind   of the area where you like Ladle and clean your  hands um before you go to like give your blessings   and offerings to the the Cami they're called um  which are not really like Gods but kind of like   deities of sorts if I if I misspeak definitely  correct me but um it's kind of like that sort of   thing and then you can go and leave donation  offerings at The Shrine there's like a belly   ring which is kind of symbolized on that pattern  back there I couldn't exactly um recreate that an   animal crossing cuz it's kind of like a big I'm  moving my hands if you guys can see me but like   a big like Bell that you kind of like pull it's  like a rope kind of thing um don't be sorry for   being late though vashy thanks for being here  you got here just in time for the shrine that's   what matters I do think this is my favorite build  um I don't know I just like how quiet it feels up   here it just feels very peaceful um but then over  here is where you get the little Omar um and these   aren't the exact I think one of these is Korean  and maybe the other is like uh red envelopes   Chinese New Year perhaps I believe cuz they don't  have everything in this game but I thought those   looked kind of similar you know to the best of my  ability to recreate an animal crossing but these   are the little offerings that you tend to see  people get for different occasions you know like   get well soon and hope your pets feel okay kind of  stuff like that like um a lot of people come for   like good exam grades type stuff yeah they came  out it's again it's like New Year's items so a   lot of this is very like New Year's feeling but I  do love it with the cherry blossoms though I think   it really is pretty with them again that's a good  angle of it um um but yeah I don't know I I love   it I don't want to toot my own horn or anything  obviously it's not super accurate and I don't know   everything but I I really enjoyed researching for  this it just was a lot of fun to like you know at   least to an extent educate myself on something new  and like try to be respectful and like just learn   about something new so I I really enjoy doing  that for this island and I want to learn more   cuz you know I want to go to Japan one day and I  want to be respectful and see all the really cool   things but um yeah I'm really happy with this  build it's definitely probably my favorite but   I like a lot and I just I just love it I just  think it's so nice I love the cherry blossoms   up here I love the little shrines I love the Tor  kind of guiding you through it I just think it's neat um but yeah there's a lot of little items  like that for like the like the seasonal stuff   and Animal Crossing um in this category yeah so  there's like right now I guess it's prom season   in America that's what America has um and then  there's like that cool Plant I'm curious what   that symbolizes I like that in this I know old  Animal Crossings have done it as well but I   really enjoy in this the cage Shrine oh my gosh  um I like in this Animal Crossing how there's a   lot of really different cultural things from like  all over the world I know the old Animal Crossings   kind of did that too but I like the store where  stuff is from and I think a lot of them say the   holiday typically too yeah like I don't know what  that is how to pronounce it what that means but I   like that it like says where it's from and then  what the occasion is I think that's really cool   I just think it's a cool way to expose people to  new stuff that they might not know about even if   it's obviously not the most informational but I  digress I'm yapping um when you come down from the   shrine and past the market um Festival you have  the Able Sisters which I definitely was inspired   by a video because I had Able Sisters in another  spot and I really liked it but excuse me not me   burping um but I I don't know I just felt kind of  uninspired and then I was like you know what this   is my Island I can move it if I want to and I saw  this video and it reminded me of the Able Sisters   in New Leaf and how it used to to be like the hair  stylist on top in two stories so that just made me   feel super inspired to do this and I don't know I  really like how it came out I love the multistory   I think it's a lot of fun um like the clothes  hanging out out front it was really hard to   build up here actually and like have room like I  still feel like I should be able to put something   there because like I can walk here um but I  don't know anyway I guess I can't walk there   so maybe it doesn't make sense that nothing  fits um but yeah I really like the twostory   yeah I do love this side of the island honestly as  much as I just got done talking about how much I   love the other side I love this side too I don't  know I I really I would hope I would love my own   Island but I do really enjoy how most of this  came out I just I'm very pleased a lot of really   talented people on the internet inspired me for  this island and it was just so much fun doing   something super different than what I typically  do so I don't know this this little island is like   my love letter to like Animal Crossing people who  are creative on the internet Japan and the things   I want to learn and obviously anime even though I  don't know that makes me sound like one of those   people that's like anime but anime I don't know  anime's done a lot for me over the past few years   and I won't get too sappy cuz that's like okay  whatever but I found some of my favorite shows   through anime and you know past couple years have  been something so it's it's just nice been able   to confide in fiction that way sort of thing but  anyway like I said I'm yapping so now we're going   to move on up I believe we have I I should I  always mean to show my map at the beginning   and then I don't oh my god um I think we've gone  through everything on that bottom half though I   want to say so we're we're wrapping up here I  just kicked something under my desk I hope you   guys didn't hear that but if you did it's okay  uh inspiration can come from anywhere honestly   there's so much beautiful stuff portrait I think  I've just enjoyed consuming something that's not   explicitly Western fiction because it's so  different in so many ways and obviously every   piece of media has its quals that's definitely  not what I'm saying but like just seeing different   perspectives in certain aspects has really been  nice because certain Western fiction tropes kind   of drive me nuts um so it's just nice to see  things portrayed differently and again just   gaining New Perspectives I do like the map though  um I like that I decided against covering the   whole map in pathing for my roads because it used  to just be like a big black uh not black brown I   was like do I know colors big brown slab and it  just looked kind of Muddy and sad so I'm kind of   glad I decided to change that even though I think  it maybe doesn't look as good physically just cuz   I feel like the path kind of makes the like codes  look a bit softer on the ground but um I like how   the map turned out I think it turned out okay for  me um so we're back in the Square kind of back in   the front if you don't want to go look at all  the rest of the city you can instead come up on   the big bridge and there's little businesses on  this bridge honestly I don't know if these were   the vibe for this Bridge overall I still like it  but I'm just like is this like a weird thing to   include I don't actually know um but yeah just a  little little cafe kind of small food truck type   things not food truck um street food type vendors  I need to drink you guys all should do that too sorry that's why I'm like like in your ear  it's cuz I need to drink water because I won't   stop yapping even though I guess that's  what I'm supposed to do um but yeah you   come up those stairs there's two on both sides  there's scaffolding and buildings surrounding   the community center whatever that building is  called I don't even remember anymore but then you   can take this big long land bridge to the back of  the latter half of the island um Chester is also   not home but Chester has a plant shop and I'm  sad that he's not home um but if you come this   way you have a little little street food corner  all kinds of food um I changed up this little   building recently very happy about that I like it  much better yeah just little drinks fried food um   I always think street food in people's videos and  blogs look delicious um so I I just wanted to pay   a little homage to stuff like that cuz you know I  don't know as much as I don't eat fried food that   much like I feel like you find the most beautiful  fried food in other countries and I just I had to   include it I simply had to it all just looks so  Divine um yeah I made this little building I'm   really happy with how this little one came out  I don't particularly know why but I just I enjoy   her what can I say I just do um but yeah little  drinks little phone booth just like classic filler   type stuff little buildings and stuff thank you  for saying my island is beautiful like I already   said I got so much inspiration from people online  so I'm not about to take credit for some of this   stuff but um I do really love the way it all came  together so thank you I appreciate that about a   year in and this is what we did feels pretty good  to me um let's go this way high Wolf Gang there's   like hardly anybody home I feel like um but if  you come across this bridge this was one of my   later whole areas to be honest like we just kind  of worked on this whole area over the span of a   couple weeks and I really love this corner of the  island too um so we have this little park right   here I included some soccer not really because of 

2024-07-08 16:54

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