Touring My DREAM HOME In London Hampstead

Touring My DREAM HOME In London Hampstead

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this is middle class Peak isn't it now would  you think that we were in London but look at   that why people pay millions to live here  well hello guys welcome to what I think is   the best place in all of London I'm going  to take you on a little personal mini tour   it is a Sunday afternoon and we are in hamstad  which I absolutely adore and I'll show you why   it is hard to believe that we are so near  Central London and the streets are lined   with I think I would say Georgian a little bit  of Gothic architecture but even am I showing   you lamp post already this earlier in the  Vlog guys how lucky are you but it's giving   mild Charles Dickens yeah this is the St John at  hampstead church I think this might be the same   location that I started my last hamster video  but that was a couple of years ago now and I've   been trying to make this video for some time but  every time I go out to film it's bloody raining look at that little house it's not a very  little gigantic house sure some of these   are still homes and some of them are flats  but yeah we're going to walk through this   beautiful area there are shops cake shops coffee  shops and yeah just try and enjoy a little bit   of this kind of mild is spring [Music] day I am  so vlogging what I vlogged last time 208 Church   row cute little restaurant but we're going  to head across the street oh no don't rage   honestly can someone in a warm country  watching this can you send some summer   Vibes to us pretty please quick the sun's out  per Sun's on I warned you this place is crazy   2 and a half Grand I mean it's four bedrooms  but it's still a flat we're going to head down   into perin's court now it's just a great place  to have a Wonder oh that coffee smells amazing   I don't want to get one yet cuz I feel like I  should go somewhere I've not been this is why I   love hamster there's so many little like places  to eat and enjoy o even a fine jewelry shop yes please look I'm a creature of habits I will show  you things that I still love this restaurant   Villa Bianca it's not too expensive for London  I would say but how adorable I'll show you the   menu how adorable is this on like the little  Street are you joking imagine this on like a   rainy evening oh it's giving like old Disney  vibes okay right what have we got here let's   just go straight to the pasta I'm trying to get  us this camera still guys so apologies but yeah   that's kind of pretty standard price for the  UK not horrendous I shouldn't say the UK for   London this does not represent all of the UK but  yes maybe you're staying here very adorable and   there's always a siren why do I not live here  cuz I can't afford it it is so expensive I've   looked at like two bed flats and they're just  I can't warrant the money and I don't want to   live in a Cupboard but anyway what I'm going to  do is show you some of the side roads as well   as we walk around because it's just a really  lovely place just to have a bit like a said a   bit of a mooch and the question you have to ask  when you come to hampstead where's Harry Styles   I've passed about three art shops already and  look these two little stands I feel like both   of them are usually here right and there's so  many cute doggies oh my gosh look at the queue   it's just like a happy place so there you go  if you would like to have a is it a crepe or crepe not the cheapest oh fried banana look  at the cute that's wild is that what people   do in hamstad even more of a reason to want to  move here oh I'm a bit miffed the sun has not   come out to Grace this video which is a shame  but hopefully the architecture makes up for it   I even think some of the old shop fronts  are quite nice aren't [Music] they this   is definitely flowers kitchen shops little food  shops Galore okay if we are near the end of the   video and I see some flowers you can bet then I'm  going to get some like how cute at these little   shops okay I don't think I want to go in there  I don't quite have the confidence if you watch   my last video I think it was my last video yeah  I just I don't know like I'm struggling a bit   vlogging and I keep like holding the camera down  here which gives me three chins rather than two   but anyway so this is like the main Junction area  but what I wanted to call out is like look at the   little glass window there that bay window that  is really pretty above the Ritz Pharmacy and I   will try to remember to go past Fenton house I  think everyone loved that last time but yes that   station is like Tower of Terror by the way you  get in a lift and it drops you it's absolutely   horrendous oh my God there's so many doggies  and lots and lots of cake shops and bakeries I   said this last time it's absolutely crazy let's go  across here oh it's windy you guys to flask walk   like even the tile on the wall there is busy is  so cool and you do have lots of chain things as   well like Paul and you would have seen Joe and  the juice but let's scoot down here let's see   if there's any independent and you've got the  Antiques and house clearance shop go after my   portabello Road Market Vlog I'm not quite ready to  film this kind of stuff [Music] again I feel like   this area just always has that Saturday Sunday  morning feel even during the week which I think   is something quite special guess what more food  places ice cream shop You Don't See seen many of   those in the UK well you can't quite see it but  we've got a bunch of ice cream sandwiches it's   a bit nippy for that but yeah look at this  like the little buildings oh it's literally   like something out of a book look at this it's  called Judy green garden store I will do a video   of my local Nursery very soon that might be the  next video oh look at these oh look at this one   oh these are definitely London prices as well  little floral display there the one that one oo £42 they are what a tree oh look at the window  display I love that do you see what I mean then   you just get a glass of wine at the end of the  road look at that cute little entrance with the   little bike and the flowers and if you're lucky  enough to live here you can join the health and   hamster Society it's been around since 19 or 1897  even this this is middle class Peak isn't it space   nk Jo and the juice Gails Venchi and a water  stones ole Stein definitely more of a walking area some of the nicer clothing stores  all free people I'm still waiting for   my quarter jacket to arrive just  have a quick look in here see if   they've got it yeah side note I ordered  a jacket but it's I didn't realize it was   on back order but it's now totally  out of stock so hopefully I nab the unit o those are nice jeans very nice this is  a really nice shop I don't think they have the   jacket I was wrong they have it oh gosh I'm not  sure if I love it it's cute right I don't know   does it look like a tea cozy maybe tea cozy Chic  this store is so cute right I'm going to quickly   try it on I told you it was a hamster Vlog but  also this is kind of Lifestyle still right but   with the shocking lighting can we acknowledge I  don't have a bag with me I wanted to come out and   come out for like a Sunday walk oh dear close  it door and put stuff in my pockets and it's   actually so nice to walk I love it it's actually  so cute and these trousers which I showed did I   Vlog it I think I did these were from sezane and  they're so comfy you guys they're quite stretchy   yeah really pleased I'm actually not going to  buy this one because I ordered it I don't know   I don't want to be that annoying person that  technically takes two units of stock like a   merchandiser dream actually I'm not going to risk  it I checked in the back date has gone up another   week but just passing look at this one that's so  cute oh I'm jealous everyone in America watching   this your prices are quite a bit cheaper than ours  but yeah those jeans by the way are nearly £200 so   maybe not right let's head  on to the rest of the [Music] video I know exactly what you guys are about to do  you're about to Google house prices Airbnb maybe   and some restaurants here in Hamstead but when you  do make sure that you are using the fastest VPN in   the world nordvpn I use it for things like yeah  looking up hotel prices cuz when you change your   virtual presence to another country sometimes it  can be cheaper especially when it comes to flights   now a VPN will change your virtual presence to  anywhere you want to be just with a few Taps and   by using nordvpn you're going to be able to browse  the internet safely with no worries I asked the   other day on Instagram and so many of you guys  have got some amazing summer trips planned some   of you are coming to London which makes me very  happy but when you are browsing make sure you   are using Nord VPN because they have their threat  protection which protects you for things like ads   and trackers but also for you Travellers or maybe  you are staying at home this summer you can use a   VPN to change your virtual presence and watch  different TV shows on and movies on different   streaming platforms things that you don't have in  your country so any TV and movie recommendations   that are non UK comment below I need some new  shows I think that is a bird in the background   but yes if you want to browse the internet safely  with the best VPN provider use nordvpn and use my   link hannah ricketts for a whopping  4 months for free on a 2-year deal but yes let's   carry on doing a little bit of a browse I'm  getting peckish even the coat looks like a   nicer coat than all the other ones I swear okay  what other shops have we got God I don't I should   buy any more things now that jacket was expensive  I don't remember the shops being this good still   on the hunt for a uh compact mirror and a reiss  I must say look Reiss definitely costs a lot more   than some of the other High Street retailers  but I feel like everything I've bought from   there has lasted me like literally years it's a  recommendation for you guys Russell and Bromley   they have done this bag for a few years now I  really like the design of it and it comes in a   few different colors yeah it's just constantly  got all Sunday Vibes that was a Revy car you   know you're in a posh area and there's a Planet  Organic an entire organic shop next to a wine shop   with French wine tasting and I just noticed  they've got a little wall with different pictures   of people's dogs and many many Posh kitchen Shops  look at that sausage dog he's got like a little   pink fluffy coat on I must confess I actually  have gone into a couple of different shops do   you know what it makes such a difference when  the staff are super super super nice like they   were so friendly in all those stores ooh I've  never had coffee from here let's see what it's   like oh look at that they have carpet on the  wall I like the tiles avocado on toast $7.95   I'm going to get a mocker look at the machine I  feel like that's cool yeah this is cool in here oh   gosh showing my trainers never seen carpet on the  wall like that I like the sign it's cool in here just walking past water stones abroad in  Japan has anyone started reading this but   I just noticed what an offer free  watermelon match a tea when you buy   the book oh well I've got my coffee  now maybe another time I can't go in   there cuz I've got a drink the amount of  times I get asked to show bookshops I'm   really sorry it'll have to be another time  look at these oh those are pretty come on camera [Music] okay let's head on up the hill one thing obviously  guys when I move it I don't think I'd bother   having my car the traffic is horrendous now  would you think that we were in London when   you see a main High Street like this definitely  like you're in a book I'll say it again but where   is Harry Styles look at that little purple house  but before we head further up we're going to make   a left here poly Bush steps I love the tiles  are still original at least very good replicas   of all the signs here I said it in my last  video is giving Last of the Summer Wine look   at the date on that house 1745 ad feel like the  Americans will love that look how old everything is can you imagine living there is  it too Central very cute going to   head up the stairs look at that Holly Mount house love the lamp posts oh look  at this little street but it   gets better look at this Pub the Holly brush oh my gosh oh my gosh the dogs I can't I think this  little square was the reason I thought wow I dream   dream to live here and I'm going to show you  something really quite special up here I think   you're going to love it yes I am showing again  something I did a few years ago Fenton house   but today sadly it's not sunny but look at that  you can visit I'll go around and see when it's   open oh I feel like even if you came on like a  dreary rainy day you would love walking around   here like come on look at that house and where  the graffiti is of a sticker of a dog look at   this also well actually also I need to not curl  my hair all the same direction I think cuz it   keeps going a bit kind of ring litty but anyway  if you're enjoying this video could you do me a   favor you know what I'm going to ask can you give  this video a thumbs up I'd really appreciate it   if you got a second and yeah subscribe if you'd  like to see more God I'm out of breath subsscribe   if you want to see more over the next few weeks  I'm still going to try to do two videos a week   also that coffee was amazing I think that's what's  making my heartbeat fast here we go Fenton house   and Gardens here it's £12 for adults open on  Fridays Sundays and bank holidays but definitely   need to try and I keep I need to make a list  basically in my phone cuz I keep coming to places   and forgetting that I can get tickets and have  a look maybe bring you guys with me look at that [Music] street there are so many gorgeous blossom  trees I don't know if that's a cherry   blossom everywhere a lot of very nice cars  right we're going to head down the hill with   some very bright that feels like an extra  bright telephone box people always ask oh   gosh can I film this one yeah it's nothing  dodgy yes you can use them can I open this   oh gosh what am I doing I'm doing this for you  guys yep good to go often there are particular   adverts for certain Services shall we say  oh that's a little Bench got a small bum anyway maybe I didn't need the sun to  shine this is making me realize that   I need to just get out get my trainers on  and explore a little bit more as much as I   say this is like my dream place to live I don't  live that far from here so yeah I need to make   a point of coming up here and coming from  mooch and it has only cost me I think that   coffee was £4 50 I think it was and you know  it's a fancy slightly pretentious place when   there's there wasn't even a price list for me to  show you but another Pub it's got a bit out the   back as well quite like that bit of plastic cuz  it's probably going to rain cuz we're in the UK   okay is this Georgian or is it Edwardian please  correct me cuz I don't know but I do love the   amount of buildings along here that still got  quite a lot of like black paint if you know   what I mean and then the contrast oh look at this  little Street got the old white bear down here   looks like a nice a nice Pub I keep going to do  like a panning shot of like look at this how nice   is this and then there'll be literally another  cute little road look there's another one down here how gorgeous oh it's a shame it's not a bit  warmer I'm getting a bit cold my hands are a bit   bit chilly now gosh I haven't been to a pub  quiz in a long time I feel like I'm not very   good at them look at this I've changed the zoom  speed what a shot can you see that the shard in   the background the zoom is not great on this new  camera this is why people pay millions to live   here and I'm very jealous which brings us to  B house I think I'm saying that right it's a   hampstead Museum let's have a quick scoot in  here free andent tree really oh look at this   this is adorable oh look at the tree up here  I don't know if that's going to show on camera   but it's got little fairy lights as well yeah I  need to go downstairs buttery Cafe I love that   what have we got here they got some concerts  going on God that handwriting is as bad as mine oh my God this is so cute they're over  there just having their coffee and a cake oh   it's currently closed I guess cuz it's maybe  Sunday yeah I have to come back another time   it's weird how so much is still closed on  Sundays I really want to have a look at the   cafe but I've just had that coffee I will  definitely go back for a little toasty of   some form I feel like there's a pub in every  street corner around here right let's try and   see a little bit of hamster Heath we'll go down  here I feel like I'm trying to get my vitamin D   as I can because I just check the weather and  this time would have already passed for you   guys it's meant to rain every day for like the  next 2 and 1 half weeks but I hope it's wrong   there often wrong when it said it's going to  be sunny is there is there ever going to be a   video where I don't complain about the weather I  don't know subscribing you might find out anyway   we are kind of at the bottom of the heath now  oh I love those trees they're so pretty I'm   actually not going to explore the heath feel like  I could do that in another video but I'm going to   head down here to Hampstead Heath station oh I  just Checked the rain radar I think it's going   to rain in about an hour so yes hampstead Heath  is kind of a little area to the east of it look   at this watch house I keep hearing about them  that seems to be the new kind of gails 2.0 and   lots of little shops again including if you  watch any of my Marylebone Vlogs Marylebone   whatever it's called daunt books I think it's the  main shop is on marabon High Street but yeah it's   oh I need to go here as well Redemption coffee  that seems to be like a cool place to get some   caffeine but yeah can we go in there or it's  a little quiet in there guys let me have a look look at this place look at these little cards   stop I feel like I don't have any reason to  buy these right now but I love all the moon   ones I'm going to make a note cuz anytime I need  little card I can never find anywhere look at   this wrapping paper are you joking they have so  many cute little treats I need to go to bookshops   to buy cards cuz they just have such a better  selection don't they oh look at that spell binding   birthday so many cool cool books especially  for kids I love that everywhere has dogs and   dog wrapping paper it's a little bit difficult  to Vlog a bookstore I'm sure you can appreciate   but yeah what a cute Vibe I love it more bakeries  more patisseries we are by the station oh gosh the   orange line is known as the completely useless  overground yeah 10 to 5 on a Sunday Kind of is   everyone winding down everyone's in heading to  the pub or heading home oh I haven't been there   in a while the garden gate they have a really good  outside area even if it's chucking it down down a   really nice Pub right are there any more shops to  show you oh my batter's running out guys yes I'm   too late I will have to buy some flowers another  time I'll survive I've never noticed that this   gals has got completely different branding look  at that and I just noticed here maybe this is why   maybe because it's like a listed or some place of  important storage or well lived and worked in a   Bookshop on this site that's pretty cool well  there you go that is a tour of my dream home   I feel like that probably was the title I hope  people didn't think I was going to show actual   houses actually you know what I will overshare  I get quite a lot of emails from like estate   agent companies or estate agents that what they're  called got that pigeon and they are always I think   they want me to do like home tours which I don't  think is what I want to do but it's tempting isn't   it anyway that was me walking around Hampstead  and then we went over to hampstead Heath which   is where we are now I didn't actually show you the  heath maybe I should have but I must confess guys   I'm actually getting a little bit cold I'm so  excited that I got this jacket and this bag came   free well I did pay okay that jacket was quite  a lot of money I'm not going to lie but anyway   I'm glad I picked it up I do think that maybe my  pre-order is just not going to happen I was going   to say I was going to go and do something really  exciting I'm actually going to go into M&S food   buy some dinner cuz you know you know when you  have food in the fridge and it's all ingredients   and I kind of want to just get something that's  almost ready to be done done and just cook it   anyway I'm waffling on as per usual I hope you  enjoyed this video I feel like I quite like this   camera I think I do I also need to brush my hair  comment below what am I saying comment below do   you like this camera if you don't I paid like £800  for it so I really hope that you do like it it's   one of those things you don't have to buy a Micro  SD and this and this and this that comes with it   um so hopefully it makes the Vlogs more enjoyable  doesn't make the content any better because that's   my problem anyway like this video subscribe and I  will attempt to do two videos a week do subscribe   because I think towards the end of May I might  struggle to do the Tuesday video but Fridays   is my always on always on at 600 p.m. anyway bye  guys take care and make sure you check out nordvpn

2024-05-09 16:51

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